tv News RT October 7, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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nancy oh la, the mirror ponies pledge to boost the girl's flow to europe. take so of the heat. finally, out of the market. net kelloms after record breaking cry searches this week, which i've seen some e u members question brussels energy policies. also ahead in the program hi says near parents as domestics harry just reflects just how home death, school board and school in the history become american parents face and f. b. i cracked on for speaking all. it's against pupils being forced to wear masks on the teaching of the controversial critical race theory concept. and it
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is exactly 20 years since the u. s. coalition invaded afghanistan, but the country now in melton families are having to resort to on thinkable measures. when your stomach is empty, you can't think about the dark side of the cell. i'm forced to sell a few of my kids to feed others. there is no option left with one minute past 5 in the evening here in moscow. thanks for choosing r t for your global news update this thursday. let's get to our top story. boiling gas prices have been reduced to more of a simmer after intervention from vladimir putin. we said russia will rump up exports to europe addressing the continents energy crisis. on wednesday, the president added that moscow would continue its commitment to ukraine in regards
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to gas transit. as boom as ship h. yes. prom believes that it would be more profitable for it to pay a fine to ukraine and increase the gas volume pumping through the new systems. there's more pressure in the pipe, less c o 2 emissions into the atmosphere. everything turns out cheaper under $3000000000.00 a year, but there's no need for that. it is necessary to fully comply with the contractual obligations for the transitive gas through ukraine, although it is more profitable to sell it on the exchange. but there is no need to bought anyone in a difficult position, including ukraine, despite the difficulties in relations. second has no need to undermine gas pumps. confidence is an absolute reliable pond that in all respects. vladimir putin also puts a current crisis in the european gas market. done to the e use rushed push for a green transition, coupled with brussels decision to switch from long term gas contracts to immediate spot trading. the current volatility can be traced back to april this year,
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but it all came to had this week. meaning ever going bills for european citizens to pay. ah, ah ah oh, president putin also said in that address that much of europe's current energy will . this could be used with north stream to a major project designed to deliver gas under the baltic sea from russia to germany
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. it's not complete on the project operator house already started filling one section with gauss, but the pipeline is awaiting the final green light from germany on several countries still opposed the project, claiming it's a threat to europe's energy security. moscow rejects those allocation, saying rushes proven in previous deals has always been a reliable partner. while maintaining a trusted energy partnership between russia and europe is a key focus of an international gas forum taking place in saint petersburg. it's day 3 of the gathering thunder correspondent ilia tranquil is there for us. oh, look at all these complicated tubes, valves taps gas industry equipment. this has literally become a nightmare for energy officials. lately. natural gas prices in europe have been astonishing. governments across the region for a while now the previous st. petersburg, international gas form mostly grabbed the attention of the most important business
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figures and experts and the field this year. many more eyes are on the gas form and st. petersburg, as the understanding of the crucial role of natural gas in heating and industrial manufacturing in europe has had many decision makers, where in the midst of the worst energy crisis and decades, some of the world's richest countries are struggling. and winter is coming. perhaps a cold winter as the forecasts are saying, just ahead of this form the russian president vladimir putin shared his views on what he called mistakes in the european energy policies of the recent years. usually, you can just forget about the stable development of the oil, gas and cold industries. you can see what's happening in europe, this hysteria and confusion, the markets. why is because they don't take it seriously. soma, speculating about climate change while there's underestimates in things. and
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they're those reducing investments and nick starts of industries. there should be a smooth transition in st. petersburg rushes top energy officials and the most senior management ad gas from russia's energy giant will be joined by the ceo's of the likes of unit her and winters hall. germany's energy behemoths and also the heads of the international gas union. and also the world energy council, it will be up to them inevitably to tame the market. now, one of the solutions many in europe are currently counting on is the launching of nord stream to the project as real hope for many major players in the industry. but you may also remember that it used to have and actually still has many enemies, both in the region and also across the atlantic in america. it's a, has the potential to undermine the interests of ukraine, poland, a number of other close partners or allies. they know i have issued
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a fine against gas problem and 5 companies involved in the building of the north stream to gas pipeline. it was because one voice with bonds, the nostromo to pipeline is unacceptable and represents the danger for the whole of europe. european countries may not be so keen to continue to be dependent on natural gas imports from russia, but many here in saint petersburg understands that keeping russia as a trustworthy partner is very important to make sure that the crisis doesn't come back any time soon. on the sidelines of the forum in st. petersburg r t spoke to dr. joe kung head of the international gas union. he told this writing off gas as a major source of global energy is both premature and short sighted. that we are not already that, that accept the renewable energy in the crew are scale that this is an anal tubal. believe i think this a guest has an important role. can i go eyes and that in bottom with weiss,
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the balance between a supply and demand is up destroyed. that's why and the gas prices are going off at that to the main reason you got that electricity and the candidate by the natural gas into coal. but to somebody have to pay it and the, the complement the by subsidy on the customers. so that he said, if we cannot accept the price over the electricity, this is a kind of a catastrophe. done those stream and the sal streaming really for why the security that the euro and his eyes and the warm. okay, well let's get into the situation currently playing it in europe and speak to geo political unlist reiner rough 1st great the have you in the program reiner vladimir putin's intervention, seemingly cooled off the gas market a little, at least, russia ols. also point out, it's always been a reliable energy partner with the continent. has the president's move allied? some of the concerns in europe, do you think?
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well, i think we have to admit that russia is like the backbone of our gas supply in europe . and so round about 40 percent of the gas supplies originate from russia. and of course it's a strong cycle, a signal that now and not stream to pipeline has been finished and there is hope for a good and stable. and also it cannot mix supply of natural gas for the european union. and i'm proud that germany was able also to stay firm in this project and not to give up a because of the resistance. also, the european union was getting greater and greater, not only on behalf of the united states to complete this project. we need that project. we see it now with the soaring gas prices. and i hope that we will find
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a solution soon to fill up the gas reset wars again because they are only at 30 percent, which is quite low before the winter is beginning. and as we've spoken about on occasion before, liner at the north stream to pipeline has been bug done with sanctions delays over the years. do you think that the current crisis will prompt european nations to get behind the project? now? i think that the some nations will see the common interest in the gas pipeline, but i am totally against a european the highest association that the european commission should now make the deals of purchasing gas from russia for, for the 27 and member states. because i think this is also in the hands, or it's a safer in the hands of those countries who are also responsible for the
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infrastructure to transport the gas. and this is above all a germany, if we talk about the e u member states. and i think that european commission should not take over the deal making now because it's germany's interest it's germany's also. busy merit that this project has been jointly with russia been completed successfully. yeah, interesting point. we'll see what actually comes from that. who is doing the deals just another word on this had the pipeline being put into operation say a year ago. could it have prevented some of the current crisis we're seeing? yeah, definitely, because the supply capacity would have been much greater before already. and now yeah, we are in a difficult situation and therefore it's also up to the you now to speak of the
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last certification process to allow gas are really flowing into the european union. and i just want to finally touch on. busy another aspect, hungarian prime minister, victor, or bon blame, the current gas prices in part on the e use own green policies that pushed towards them. do you see a connection there at all? of course, in germany there is a direct connection to it. and above all, we have to see bad blaming fossil fuel. so for climate change also a somehow brings a bad reputation upon all these fossil fuel sources. and therefore investments may also be halted because these are long term investments into power plant as structures, for example. and in germany, we know that our cold will not be used for after over 2038. and this of course, puts
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a lot of pressure also on the demand of gas in the medium and long term, because it's the only stable fossil fuel or yeah, and it, she sores which can be easily regulated, also to a buffer out, a lack of renewable and it she, when the wind stops flowing, when there is no sunshiny, and this may well have an impact also on the gas prices. all was great inside from reiner roth, 1st geo political analyst live from germany. this our thank you. thank you. education authorities in the u. s, are asking the government to use empty terror laws uninvolved, ordered to wear in the classroom. namely, face must. the national school boards association has sent an open letter to the biden administration, claiming the abuse its members have received is tantamount to domestic terrorism. the claim has caused outrage among parents. these acts of malice, violence,
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and threats against public school officials have increased. the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes for you to dare to try to sneer parents as domestics. harris just reflects just how tone death, school boards and school administrators become about the please of parents on behalf of their children. it comes after the u. s. attorney general wrote to the f . b, i on criminal attorneys to announce plans to combat what he called a disturbing spike and harassment, intimidation on threats of violence against school personnel. my colleague niel harvey spoke with our tea contributor lauren chin, who says the accusations have been blown out of proportion. the board's letter does site some specific incidents, but if you actually look at the video footage from those incidents, most of the quote violence that they cite is actually things like parents refusing
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to wear masks. oh, people come no, no, no, you need to pay for the critical race theory, which is pretty much will be picking him how to hate each other, out of his life at these meetings. a lot of what they side as actually being domestic terrorism or violence actually is just tantamount to some harsh words being said in terms of actual violence. though i believe there's only one or 2 specific incidents that were actually led to an arrest that were mentioned in that letter. i think trying to get the f b i involved at all, frankly, just reeks of political activism. instead of actually trying to put students 1st and i think parents are completely justified in seeing this as an attack on their rights as parents, the parents aren't showing up for now though, the saying the attorney general is going to conflict of interest in this case. what do they mean by the, the reason why the age is taking this letter from the school board association. so seriously is specifically because his daughter through marriage has ties to
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a firm that actually specializes in critical race theory, training or something akin to that. his family potentially might benefit financially from c r t actually being implemented in more and more schools throughout the country. how politicized a school life? because these days seems like it's increasingly political. and there have been viral videos that have been leaked of students filming their teacher is going on tirades against trump systemic racism, america in general. we've even had teachers themselves posting to their social media accounts. i think a lot of parents have started to wake up that no, you cannot simply take for granted that an education the public school system is the same as what was happening when we were younger. the views of lauren chan, when recently, dozens of parents launch campaigns against coven restrictions on the teaching of critical race theory, which places racism the center of public life. the protesters of a q school board officials are violating their children's rights or april. chapman
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is a mother to 4 children in the state of georgia. these many parents have simply had enough. in today's culture, it's the government think that they, they, they believe what is proper and right and what should your children should be taught? and so parents are experiencing a very difficult time trying to, in that change and their local communities as it relates to what's being taught in the government school. people are starting to wake up and they're starting to recognize that wait a minute. this is not the public education system that i am familiar with or that i grew up in. and it's time for me to take my head of the fan and kinda pay attention to what's going on. because they don't like what's being propagated and pushed and down frankly, it's downright indoctrination to what their children are experiencing when they go to school and they're supposed to be learning. violence is never acceptable. so if there are instances where parents are crossing the line and threat to turn into
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physical violence, then absolutely those incidences should be handled on the basis of their own individual merit. but that's not what we see happening here. they're taking one or 2 isolated in some instances and trying to make it seem as if parents who are be humanly opposed to what's being caught to their children in a government school. today marked 20 years since the us and its allies invaded afghanistan, toppling the taliban regime. and now in the wake of the western polite many questions are still being asked not least why the tele pounds offered to hand over some have been loudon was rejected by the bush administration. that led to 2 decades of war. countless life lost at the end of it all the militants back in charge. our senior correspond miraculously, of reports from couple of the conflict visited the afghan war and it's just shy
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of it's it's 20th anniversary, the. the war, a vengeance that was launched by the united states, as revenge for 911, and quickly morphed into something else. one of the most protracted conflicts in modern history, an exercise, and a nation building before losing all lame and tylenol towards the end. neither the united states nor any of its allies still knew what it is that they hoped to achieve. here. the end result is, is that it was unanimously considered an abject failure. but taliban is, is back in control and more absolutely than it was before the united states invaded afghanistan. and the question that we're hearing now in the halls of congress, in parliament's, in europe and the press and he, there on television, internationally is he is who the we lame. we need to consider some uncomfortable truth that we did not fully comprehend the depth of corruption and poor leadership
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and nursing ranks. that we do not grass a damaging effect of frequent and unexplained rotations by president ghani of his commanders. and that we fail to fully grasp why there was only so much for which and for home. many of the afghan forces would fight. this has been a 10 year malt, i, administration, drawdown. not a 19 month or 19 day neo, these scandal is no n yet over the americans calling it been ghazi on steroids, the republicans as well as ordinary americans that she, the end of the war is humiliating. for america, they want someone held responsible, the biden and miss administration, as well as the pentagon. so far they have done their best to absolve themselves of all accountability for what many americans again see as the catastrophe. they argue that the fault is with many american administrations that,
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we are the wealthiest country in the history of the world, and yet we have the highest child poverty rates of almost any country on earth. from the perspective of a civilian, there is scott evidence here on the ground in afghanistan of any of that money other making its way here. aside from half finished clinics, him and broken roots, testament to record breaking levels of corruption that, that so brilliant siphoned off into the bank accounts of corrupt officials into the pockets of private contractors. though the evidence of these billions being here is in the hands of the taliban, the guns that they wield, stamped with made in america, the vehicles military vehicles left behind it. industrial quantities, the town about her, of course jubilant. they have dismantled everything that the united states built
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here with human rights, the tolerance, the democratic institutions, and the matter of weeks. and there jubilant they have off to 20 years of and selection and rebellion. believe they won. ah, by virtually any measure. this war was a failure in some respects, it even made things worse. from a humanitarian perspective or a 3rd of afghans near enough on the verge of starvation. with no hope inside the drugs manufactured and export to that of, of galveston, kill countless youth world wide. from a geopolitical perspective, the taliban considered an international pariah since its inception is now having to
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be negotiated with it. i counted with even a, the un bob from a security perspective. yes, al qaeda eve of canister may have been degraded but, but something worse has taken its place. and that is isis, which is bound to the challenge to afghanistan, dominance by the taliban. just to follow on from roth's reports, afghanistan's bank several must run out of cash, and people are running out of food less than 2 months after they tell about takeover. added to that foreign aid is in short supply with western donors, reluctant to deal with the new government charities or warning of a major humanitarian crisis. and i know this is not easy, but that needs to be some solution to the financial flows into afghanistan to ensure that at least salaries can be paid. and that is sensual supplies, power,
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unable to being 2 of them, can be procured. the absence of that will seriously exacerbate vulnerability for older mary afghans or we spoke to an afghan man are living in dire poverty. who admitted to the unimaginable, some would say indefensible. i selling his balloon kids. he claims it was dawn to feed his other children. they go up to cambridge anxious to get, had a good business and a happy life and couldn't do smaller, but then the war began and we migrated here. my savings were exhausted formula. they did have some people got some aid here much, but the others did not. my pockets are empty now and i have no option left but to sell some of my kids and to fight for the survival of my other kids with the money i get that way. but if you could make him a patient, when your stomach is empty, you can't think about the dark side out of a g. i'm forced to sell a few of my kids to feed others and there's no option left for which on the previous government did not help me. but i hope this new one will support me. i'm not asking for support for myself alone, but for all these people living here like they are all from my tribe, what
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a miracle, all of us refugees here are one families. i asked for financial help for every one . good rushes, had its delegation to nato, nearly hugged with the alliance, appearing vague in offering reasons why. in all, 8 diplomats were barred from its brussels. h q. moscow says the move shows nato's clearly not interested in improving relations. ortiz donnell quarter as more nato made that decision to expel those 8 russian diplomats on wednesday. and so why was this diplomatic mission cut in half? well, according to nato, no reason in particular, this decision is not linked to any particular events, but we have seen only some time now an increase in russian malign activity, and therefore we need to be vigilant. another anonymous nato officials said that they had confirmation that these diplomats were actually undeclared intelligence officers, sky news said that they were suspected of espionage and even suspected of killing people. i mean, this quite a 180 from nothing. in particular, right now,
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the kremlin has responded and it spokesperson dmitri pess. gov said that basically any attempt at improving relations at this point is basically a pipe dream. these actions, of course, do not allow us to have any illusions about the possibility of normalizing relations or resuming dialogue with nato. on the contrary, these prospects are almost completely undermined. now, russia's foreign minister a sergei laugh. rob did have a talk with stolen berg about convening the nato, russia council for talks, but so far nothing's been agreed on. so we're gonna have to see how relations go from here. now when it comes to choice of investment count gold advocates ever be won over by bitch coin debo tease. the kaiser report offers some thoughts on that page next. ah,
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it's over oklahoma, facebook, but i still believe we did. who bought. i bought a dial tomorrow, a couple of reviews on your quote, but i know from politicians to athletes and movies. does the musicals, does it seem to every big maybe the world has been here? let's see. okay. miss, you can look up is a typical financing with us. let's give me a glass you spoke with said basil makes dreams come true. every one who falls in love with that people look what mm. i see on the internet the allows all the problems and much
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was ok to invite everybody's lloyd. that wasn't a glitch. that was a feature that the people who designed the internet is owned by oh, the way of life of reindeer herders leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to a parallel reality. i was the main drive. the hood, women carry the weight of the household work on their shoulders. mother, i'm with a, however, in the vast expanse of russia, there is a spot where a housewife could secure regular income and stuff. it's in the final semester with
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with hello, i'm asked kaiser. this is the guys report. hey, we're going to do a little bit of magic right here, stacy? well, to do magic a need either cards or coins. well, i've got this little tiny coin here. but you know, like the biggest forces in the universe are quite tiny, like a collapsed star being like it really dense mass which sucks and all sorts of it has very high gravity. well, this coin is going to save the day because, you know, right now in america.
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