tv News RT October 8, 2021 8:00pm-8:30pm EDT
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well, 115 call question and from inside question, do just completely concentrated on west coast with you as politicians call for new sanctions against russia over the north stream, to pipeline accusing mosca of manipulating the natural gas markets. just days after the legend person pledged to boot supplies to europe, dozens of people i reported the code in an apparent suicide bomb attack on a sham mosque in northern afghanistan. it comes just 5 days after. and now that talk that also targeted at most with the european parliament ponce's and known binding resolution seeking to farm police use a facial recognition software and public places with m. p. 's having it as a major victory. our gas base b is good museum in criminals. and cherish,
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that'll be abused like crazy. there's a great saying and law enforcement goods. when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. ah, this is been using all seen to national with me you national follow the thanks for joining cause a growing in the u. s. to slap new sanctions on russia over the new stream to pipeline in light of europe's enterprises. it comes just days after vladimir putin splish to ramp up natural gas supplies to europe, as prizes hate record highs. aussies donal court. i took my colleague unit o'neill through the details. they're basically being accused of trying to artificially keep the price of natural gas as high as possible. but that actually announcement by the russian president vladimir putin to boost europe's natural gas supplies, caused
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a price decrease of 20 percent right after that, amid this energy crisis. and just 2 days after that, we heard from us congressman michael mccall, who said that the u. s. should resume sanctions against russia in connection to the north stream to pipeline. and why he says that russia's somehow weapon ising, it president biden and chancellor merkel committed to taking action. should russia attempt to use energy as a weapon? yet both of tend to blind eye to the puts in regimes deliberate efforts to pressure europe into accelerating the russian node stream to pipelines, certification process by manipulating europe's gas markets and leveraging a severe energy crisis on the continent. and mccall says anglo merkel is turning a blind eye to some apparent malign, influenced by russia, but anglo merkel herself has said that russia fulfills all of its obligations in these contracts that are voluntarily made between russia and the european union. the fog, it is a gift. this, if you ask me whether there have been orders that russia has taken and then fail to
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fulfill as it stands. now, that is not the case. that is, there are no orders that russia has said no will not deliver those to you and we're not pumping gas through the ukrainian pipeline. rather, russia can only fulfill orders that have been contract it out. so the question is really, isn't being ordered. the international gas union, also crazed russia as the power that can bring energy security to europe, and that the north stream to pipeline would actually play a crucial role in that. so it doesn't exactly seem like the reasoning behind mccall statement to resume sanctions against russia has a leg to stand on. and yet the allegations from the u. s. keep coming. how is moscow responded? we heard from russia's foreign minister survey leverage. he said, basically the u. s is trying to pick rushes, european partner is against moscow. let's take a listen to what he said, said your lister. 3rd, you put in regards to the u. s. openly say that cooperation with russia is contrary to europe's energy security interests. they want to directly embroiled in this area and reduce our independence. now it's also important to note that russian president
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vladimir putin even urged to russia state gas company, gas prom, to continue pumping fuel through crane even once north stream 2 is fully operational. and that move would show europe that russia wants to act in good faith that they're ready to fulfill their contractual obligations. even though if they made this move entirely to a pumping gas to the north stream to pipeline, this would save the company, billions of dollars. and for my austrian foreign minister, karen, nice all things that acute zation of using natural resources as political tools are outdated, given the deep integration of today's global economy, induced eagles and she weapon a lot of people even. so those who have been a born here then 73 will always think of all what, for instance, opec e era actress. she was staying the night in seventy's. we had several instances non supply and non export of oil. this what we can call it something like an an a 2
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weapon. if you want to use that metaphor. but in the current context of the many contracts, long term delivery castillo contracts that exist between the russian federation and various you can present beyond that. it simply doesn't make sense to use it. on the other hand, if i just may, adds up by using this very dangerous notion of anna to weapon. i'm living in france now and 2 days ago for one french minister warned against the british into context of to fishing dispute. that france my to use electricity supplied to be cut for instance, to the island of jersey in the, in the channel. so that is quite a hot topic because we would then see something like one european country using something like an energy weapon against another european country. but it simply
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doesn't make sense. i, i would reject the notion of an at your weapon when it comes to lot stream. not how gunnison were dozens of people have reportedly been killed in an explosion at a sham mosque in the countries and all that say to have conduce just a warning. you may find the falling image is disturbing, said the blast happened during friday. pres, with a pact congregation inside dozens are reported to have been killed and injured. assigned bomber was said to be behind that time, the tongue about blame the isis. kate terry's group, which carried out the cobble apple bloss in august were so schools of people killed . this latest incident follows a deadly explosion on sunday, at another mosque in the country's capital. and it all comes just 2 months since the town swept back to power. fitting the void left by the us led withdrawal and local journalists visited the site of the last and sent us this report. today
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at 1 pm this afternoon during prayers here at i. e. she eyed mosque and couldn't duz. at bomb exploded and i witnessed the said least 100 people were killed. the explosion was so powerful, according to some officials, the new taliban government had warned a tax like this one were possible. earlier taliban security personnel visited this place and they gave the opinion that it might be a suicide blast. after examining some evidence, we've seen such a blast in the past hitting mosques and killing worshippers. assembly state we're targeting here and there are, there were targeting chia in syria. they were targeting chia everywhere in the middle east. so that i wouldn't be surprised that this. this is the, as i said, you know, this is actually the work of them expired because nicholas said that she or is there any, is there another would believe are over there. so this is, this is the execute. but i mean, the major aim is to these that belies afghanistan tool actually needs to believe
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that taliban rule and of been is that so this is mrs. the beginning and i wouldn't be surprised actually, more of the bitterly at that slide. this will take place and that fuel we send them among sir, ahead your the lawmakers are pushing for a barn on facial recognition systems used by police. the he parliament has passed and known binding resolution against biometrics, surveillance, which some and a piece compared to cold or snooping. that's an important step in fighting against mass surveillance. the central and eastern europeans used to live under the eye of the big brother. and we don't want to come back the resolution calls for a bond on funding all deploying programs that could result in indiscriminate my surveillance. the document also emphasizes the importance of human supervision. any final decision making and urgent authorities to be more transparent by using open source software. so he's not the 1st move against excessive surveillance in 2019
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san francisco became the fascinating the you was to enact a complete ban on police bomb at true surveillance of the american cities. then followed that lead and were discuss the pros and cons of facial recognition. with terrorism and secure to expert david lower and former u. s. police officer, dominic isa. there's a great saying in law enforcement that when you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. and all this does, it may have the great grand scheme idea of you're going after some very serious offences like child sex trafficking. i'm missing persons or terrorist activity, but i don't care who says what, it'll always be used down to your lowest common denominator, which is your citizen. and it will be abused like crazy. you're then actively putting a tool in the police's hands to look for crimes proactively. in the wrong way, i think this is just, this is a door that's going to be open for some very abuse of authority. i don't think it's
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a good idea. and if you can put police in the mindset of that, everybody is a criminal. good news. we are in criminals and terrorists and i think our terrorist threat both in europe and north america since we'll have enough dummy. so if you did look out, i mean i'm talking about dealing with serious organized crime. talk trafficking him, lots of dealing with cs, trafficking, those talk to friends in terrorism. and i think the point that was made, but you know, it's only allowing, like counter terrorism agencies. policing agencies in the u. k. will be like the national con, one you know, a, we agency those things you wouldn't give it to have a police force. it was like when we were in the european union, michigan information system, which was a database that wasn't available. so the police force in the u. k, it was only to send an offices and the pounds i just happens and all of them in the united states were, were abuse we just to be with. so if it was, if it was utilized and executed for what it was written up more than a 100 percent,
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if it oversight was proper on it, then i think would be a great tool. i think that, but we just, we always take something that's, that's meant to be some way and we just, we water it down and we abuse it. it's about giving who has access as a data store and also destroying data with collins and making sure those safeguards in place. and that's why i said, you need judicial scrutiny. what's to make it to say that it doesn't go all the way down to again, the lowest common denominator, which is the citizen and detective, or a street cop, shriek up as a bad day, and he wants to go through all the backlog of your activity for last 6 months and charge you for a crime that you committed 34 months ago. poland is in a collision course for the brussels. a sort of also top court ruled that some european union laws clash with the countries consultation. and the timing is making the sure even more heat as poland currently seeking billions of year in you
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recovery funds. these are all of a fix of this story. there are shots fired in that confrontation between warsaw and brussels and the constitutional tribunal. poland talk court is basically said that the polish constitution has precedence over you law in the country. the primacy of constitutional law over other sources of law, results directly from the constitution of the republic of poland. this has been clearly confirmed by the constitutional tribunal. it's very important to point out the polish prime minister material more eventually says this isn't a sign that poland is about to try and leave the european union. in fact, he says his country has no intention of doing just that, but we are hearing again things that sound like breaks at room briggs at cost to do . it hasn't gone anywhere yet. well, now we're hearing about polk sits. doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, but it is what it is. in fact, here in germany, the press is full. this morning of talk about this being
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a legal polk said that poland has essentially, by making this ruling did try to pull itself out of the legal frameworks of the european union and france deeply unhappy as well. we've heard a condemnation from paris. the european commission has said that they have serious concerns about this ruling from the courts, while other e. u officials are clearly far from happy at this move. the verdict in poland cannot remain without consequences. the primacy of you law must be undisputed violating it means challenging. one of the founding principles of our union ease states must not stand by idly, when the rule of law continues to be dismantled by the polish government. neither can the european commission or money can't finance governments which mock and the gates are jointly agreed rules or this. it could be a go a different way though, could be because these rulings from the courts only become law when they're published by the polish government. now, what could happen is the could take this ruling from the constitutional tribunal
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and go, we'll put that in a drawer for now, and maybe we'll look at it a little later because what you have at the moment is a situation whereby poland isn't getting tens of billions from the european union in coves recovery money. poland can look at other member states, have already received their cash. you're already spending their cash and wondering well what, how we going to make sure we get ours? so we may well see this ruling from the court used as some type of bargaining chip to try and find a rapprochement between warsaw and brussels. but it certainly doesn't look good at the moment. and some of the concern that's been shown from the european side certainly justified, as poland says, essentially the rules and its country supercede. those of the european union. and feller and they hamburg ensued for advanced stacy palo bernardine, believes in brussels, and will so don't start talking. poland could follow the u. k. out of the eas exit doors constitutional. another single state is always super. seizes that the
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european laws because europe was un, unable to give or to solve the constitution over 50 years. we owe the mass respect to the state constitution. so and also the european union should find their way. but i say, 1st of all, on the illegal term by dialogue, by setting up an committees of legal experts on the error kiosks. if dears does not happen, i will say, i'm afraid we should to think about a polish referendum on the same way. and that the, the for, and the was that was done in the britain in january of this year. because otherwise we are just in a deadlock. we are, we are just unable to move for wars. and the cries is so will, to my understanding the only increase over the next months,
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because we have seen so many quizes now. but anyway, and so many intentions between the european union and the poland. over the last year, one of the business rares and britain was brought to a grinding halt yet again to day in the latest approach, as by climate acts of his group insulate britain it station, a number of similar stance over the past couple of weeks. and it's better to force the government to think more green, but it's causing many matter is to see red ashanda edwards dash to report. jackie behind me is in see late britain, as you can see, they are located in the road here in central london that project their aim, their mission is environmental action. they want the government to heed that open message that cause he has much disruption as possible trying to back up the roads of central london. what they want is the government to pledge to retrofit and insulate all times properly and to make them more energy efficient by 2030. it's
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something that they're asking. the government to act on immediately is led to the whole into the u. k. is, is walk along the fruit really to the government. it's one of the 1st and easy things should be doing. so we're in a serious, desperate, desperate situation. so the government needs to act and now we got very high fuel prices. so maybe we're going to have more than $2400000.00 households and fewer probably. within a couple of months, i do have more than a and a half 1000 pension is going in our country this winter. i don't know. i totally understand people's anger. i can't sit by while pension is a dying that i have enough money. certainly. all the other methods petitions, march is appealing letters into m. p. m isn't bill. all of these things. nothing, no action. and we outdoor chicken today. nobody was hitting the road to disrupt good people getting on there a way. nobody wants to do that with doing it because it's a fit to attempt to actually do some tickets. total con it already,
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and they've already just been here for a few minutes. it comes despite the government taking a fresh injunction just last week. banning, insulate members from obstructing the roads, obstructing the traffic, particularly on the motor ways and a roads in and around london as well. and people in and around this round about are incredibly angry. you're not letting bosses cause is wanting bus it sit, he's only function with public transport. you call block public crowd. i love to take it with no, right. i understand what he's doing it, but he's going to be late. you know, to say, i'm angry. i'm just going to deal with, well, it seems as though insulate personally, don't have the public on slide. they also don't have the politicians on side either boris johnson just a few days ago at labeled these protesters as irresponsible and impossible cross.
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these are the tensions right here are quite high. and d, there's a huge please your presence. they haven't yet arrested anybody, but that's only a matter of time until they change their minds. ah, with what we've been here for around an hour or so. and there's been at least a dozen arrests, but they're still around a dozen protests is that have literally glued themselves to the rose. i've spoken to a few people that have now being arrested one woman who was arrested 9 times. so she's prepared to go to prison for this cause. and so she's doing this simply for a better world in the future. i've already been arrested for and i'll keep doing it till either the government starts taking notice and insulated houses,
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as it should be doing very simple as a start date, just to use the money to start into making houses. walker carrying on with building find your bill to accommodate that killing the economy that you currently it's about time they started being on it so under these and you measures these protesters could be child up to 6 months and receive hefty fines as well. which campaign is there's a complete denial of their rights to peacefully protest. and as annoying as this group may be, would anybody be talking about them if they want so disruptive? this groove at least say it's up to the government and the government had stopped this whole in a moment. it of course, may conceive to that demands tacky, has joined algeria in lashing out at the french president after manuel macro suggestive. there was no algerian nation before french colonial rule, encore, a bonded macros, woods, a populous move ahead of next year's presidential election and france tacky. and
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algeria are now part of an expanding a list of nations currently at loggerheads with paris. as charlotte davinsky reports, france isn't having the easiest of times, it seems to be rattling on multiple fronts internationally. and was that it's waging offer some foibles take. i'll g uria francis form a colony. it resisting president mack ones attempts to draw the line and it has an axe to grind that didn't go down well and then to add insult to injury. my home blamed hatred towards france. young algerians on the political military system which had rewritten, history based on lies even questioned. what is how interior was there an algerian
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ation before french colonization? that's the question. i'll jury a post 1900. 62 is built on a memorial rent that declares france is the whole problem. hugh erico dumbass a debt, while algeria also plays it as space to see the french military notes. colonial presses are naught to welcome the country. essentially set this amnesia which pushes process official relations with some of our countries into unfortunate crisis situation should result through unconditional mutual respect. that's not the only trouble facing france in africa. marley has a summons the french ambassador for split nations. it's furious that fraud seeks to withdraw its troops. he can still think that he can hold the fort by saber
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rattling. but if you go near the left hand to button, the situation arising from the end of operation back on puts molly in a fe accompli abundance of those mid flight to assist next. and it forces us takes full alternatives and means to better insure a security on the mostly or with other partners. and then there is this whole mike, the tester feel, there was no why that we could have taken this decision without it having and causing disappointment. and hood to, to france this, this, there's no way we could have avoided that if it wasn't bad enough, that a straight country which ranks a few more than several runs below france and military strength shocked it all for a rendezvous with the u. s. it also invited the briggs buck and he is alone for the
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jolly, the french what dears. and found themselves crying out, which brings us to the u. k. my horn has often been compared to napoleon the will he get caught in the net of his very own waterloo truancies, so incense over the u. k is refusal to lactic fishermen troll they catch in british waters. it's even threatening to cut the country's electricity supply. surely it would make more sense to just pass on the increasing costs of energy to the brits, making them pay double. but no macintosh government is forcing a battle of wills. who will blink 1st. all of this comes as a friendship president is set to face his stay 1st competition to date. as the presidential election hurdles, closer,
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many at suggesting the only person whom blow a hole in makins hopes is well himself trans has lost his position for some time already i would say since the end of a shoulder go as president transit is lost, his position on the global stage of france has decided to follow the steps of the united states and nato, and we've seen the catastrophe of that in afghanistan and iraq in extreme savio. my, we seen that france is totally lost. it macro is just living on the laurels at france. just to have and i was just finding out that this power that france started had, he just doesn't have it. he's not the only one. he's just the one which is a he is the president wishes exposing this to the, to the, to the public. that france is no longer the power, it used to think it was an alliance within an alliance for the 1st time since the very creation of native 2 of its members have signed their own defense marked the greek parliament yesterday ratified. to deal with france for the 1st
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time in explicit and unequivocal military assistance coals is provided in the case of a 3rd party attack on one of the 2 states. we all know who's threatening whom were the cause for war. in the eastern mediterranean, the existing nate held vacations of grace and france all ready to make the ministry allies in the event of an attack originating from outside the block, but by the grease and tack currently at loggerheads of the territory. in the eastern mediterranean, athens has sold additional support, but speaking earlier this week, nate has chief outline his opposition to such deals. what i don't believe in its efforts to try to do something outside the native framework or compete with or duplicate nato, because nato remains the cornerstone of the bedrock for european security. and also actually for north american security welding you punks is the fast between member states. it's not the only defense deal involving nato members assigned of late only
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a few weeks ago the u. k. and you as hopped into bed with australia in a deal that we'll see nuclear power submarines patrolling the in the pacific region . and he racial center, vice president rasmussen told me earlier that we could see more intro nato defense pipes in the future. we've got issues within the nato allies to say that it's, it's not an important alliance. it it, but i think i think europe needs to look out for themselves and they should realize that other allies don't necessarily look out after the interests of european a snake to no longer fate for path is to increase and france not trust or fail. they kind of rely on that allies alliance between the u. k. u. s. a state, which basically went against alliances. basically put a, put a dagger in the trust. there were a lack of trust,
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a major part in the nato side. it is the key part of that. do you think we will see more defense punks between nato members than i do. i think we're pending how this goes. i do see that we will see additional pack internally within the nato alliance between park and as he is on us international, the san join me from nor, and iraq said to minutes off next 8 been bust. ah, look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence at the point. obviously is to
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race trust rather than fear. a very job with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence. with now in the 21st century, we have a panic buying spree and commodities. commodities have had a new all time high, higher than a 2011 higher than at any time in history. and yet what's lagging horribly, gold and silver. this commodities boom is being spurred really by oil. oil is the really, the new goal is the global goal is to global currencies to petro dollars, whether since 1971, when the u. s. white from gold to oil,
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to back its currency. and so j. gould, if you are alive today, he would be cornering the oil market to try this for a commodities panic, trying to get offload is week o the way of life. so reindeer herders leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to a parallel reality. while the men drive the hood, women carry the weight of the household work on their shoulders, rather than make sure that when she last, she now least york city police thinking. however, in the vast expanse of russia, there is a spot where a housewife could secure regular employment status. it's in the far north semester geometry.
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