tv Redacted Tonight RT October 9, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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allen, terry and state. i think the 1st step in that direction was when they started charging for luggage on the airplanes. then they started telling us we can't bring 6 ounces of moisturizer through security. what. how, how am i going to keep my exquisite shine as you think this is natural? so when they told me i couldn't bring my moisturizer through, i said both. i can bring it through. i just have to apply it. so i covered myself and gobs of a be nose column and relaxing act of natural daily lotion slid straight through the x ray machine. the part that holds the baggage and then scraped it off my body and put it back in the jar. boom lea camp one dystopian ser ballad state 0. anyway, 2 big things happen proving we are already halfway down the path to fascism. first, we found out the cia and the trump administration had actually plotted to kidnap or assassinate julian assad. they had actually gone through the discussions about how
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they were going to merge her journalist who never published anything false. you know, the guy who won all kinds of awards before the entire ruling elite turned against him and decided to act like he was al capone. and when i say we just found this out, i mean, we did not just find this out. we actually knew this from reporting by the gray zone over a year ago. but the mainstream media just found this out. and we need to treat them like toddlers. you know, don't, don't, don't criticize them when they finally get something right. just tell them good job and pack them on their head and maybe they'll do better next. done their job. goodwill literature is you are, you are, you are joe good will literature movie will be with anyway, here's what we know. some senior officials inside the cia and the trump
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administration discussed killing assange going so far as to request sketches or options for how to assassinate him. discussions over kidnapping or killing us times occurred at the highest levels of the trump administration. said a former senior counterintelligence official. there seemed to be no boundaries. president trump's newly installed cia director mike, palm pale, was seeking revenge on wiki leagues, and his arms. ah, it was pompei. oh, who really wanted to kill a journalist? you know, this guy, i was the see i director, we live. we cheated with sticker thought we had entire inter training courses. i don't know which is worse. the fact that he openly admits he's proudly been trained in establishing and cheating with the fact that he clearly almost said we lied. we cheated. we steeled. unfortunately, he didn't read the dictionary that he steeled. it was beyond comical,
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said the former official. it got to the point where every human being in a 3 block radius of the embassy was working for one of the intelligence services, whether they were street sweepers or police officers or security guards. but as jo loria, consortium news reported to ya, news article that revealed all this also got a ton wrong. they included totally made up tales of russia trying to extract us on from the ecuadorian embassy. because getting a shoot out in the middle of london with a nuclear armed britain would help russia a whole ton. yahoo! also falsely acts like the obama administration. hardly did anything to us on won't trump, or just loony tunes. but in fact, under obama, the app we are random stay operation against just on where they fabricated ridiculous nice lynn and fabricated re charges against him in sweden. and in fact,
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their star witness has admitted he made up the allegations. so at the end of the day, yahoo news is shown to be yahoo was reporting news. so i guess you can accuse him of false advertising. but we've had, we were yahoo from the job. what do you want from us? should we have name the publication? oh, not balls. there's some bad news. we felt like yahoo news kind of got the point across. however, despite all this dis information, the cia is planned, kidnapping, and assassination or assassination has been verified by more legitimate outlets like the gray zone and consortium news. so that part we know is true on top of that horror show. we also learned last week that human rights lawyer, steven danziger, was sentenced to 6 months in prison after already serving 2 years on house arrest for the crime of winning a $10000000000.00 judgment. against chevron,
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even the un piped up about the lunacy of dawn's occurs persecution. just before satin thing, the un high commissioner for human rights rule, the danziger is 2 years of house arrest with the legal under international law. and that he had been denied the right to a fair trial, denied the right to a very child. you can judge prescott who has connections to chevron, gave him a fair trial. as she read the news favor. it could have been worse. she could have presided over the trial ice fishing or writing a pubic hair or a wrestling rhinoceros. those things would have certainly distracted her much more than just reading a newspaper. i mean, in the scope of possible activities in the world, reading the newspaper, make sure a good judge. steven danziger is appealing this decision,
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but who knows if the appeals court will be any less corrupt? so in one week we learned danziger would be imprisoned for the crime of actually holding big oil accountable for their crimes. and we learned our government had planned to kidnap or kill a journalist for the crime of revealing us war crimes. huh. i think when you take those 2 things together it's pretty telling i think it sounds a lot like fashion. this is fashion of the highest order, fascism, fascism. this is fascism of that they just, they was close. you got it mythic. i was close. think i think about adult, the actual criminals, big oil, big war property, property, big farm, a big ag and the politicians who work for them. they can't be prosecuted. they can't even hardly be reported on. and if you dare do it your mother in our
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inverted moral universe, the villains lock up the truth tellers. you see, you see how that works. remember, everything the nazis did was the legal look under german law. because if it wasn't legal, then they made it legal. well, we're seeing that sweet, sweet nazi game plan again. now, everything our government and the corporations that own our government do is consider legal. because if it's not them they'll make it legal. as a corrupt judge, who sentenced danziger said in her remarks, it seems that only the proverbial 2 by 4 between the eyes will instill and danziger any respect for the law. respect for the law. you see in our backwards world, the villains run the courts and the human rights lawyers. are the convicts. come to
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you from wash and dc, the belly to be says the redacted deny, ah, with moon. welcome, i'm leave camp now. take the news from behind. the pandora papers were revealed this week, a leak of hundreds of thousands of documents that display the inner workings of offshore havens tax havens and hidden riches of world leaders and billionaires. as common dreams notes, the global implications are huge. and many politicians have already been embarrassed to say the least. these include oligarchy from latin america, russia, jordan and britain, including former prime minister and guy who just swallowed something weird at a dinner party. tony blair, on top of the individuals exposed to papers,
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also show that the us is a global tax haven. and that very sketchy millionaire from around the globe are going to south dakota. well, they sure aren't going there themselves, but their money is their money is going there. there's not a lot for a billionaire to do in south dakota unless they enjoy hitting on a 22 year old waffle waitress with 4 kids. however, while there are major allegations in the pandora papers, i can't help or feel like something's missing here. maybe i have that feeling because this story has been covered heavily by the mainstream media went. 6 6 6 6 what you would do to her job for the 1st time ever? well, well as independent outlet, venezuela analysis points out the pandora investigation was funded by the ford foundation, among others, and led by the washington post among others. and the washington post didn't happen
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to be home journalism. if you put the washington post and real journalism in a room together, it would be like 2 alpha male of cats. just say that as we'll analysis, rides fun like wiki leagues revelations, where wrong doing by the world's most powerful actors was laid bare for all to see the pandora papers reach us after going through the digestive tract of the corporate media. so don't expect a status quo to be challenged at all. if this were wiki leagues, they would have easily searchable online database. you could go and see all the documents, but you can search to pandora papers at all. instead, they just tell us, trust, trust, the corporate media. clowns is going to be find it, feel coincidence this investigation is just looking for someone who can be tied to potent or other evil actors. a few sacrificial lambs are thrown in to make it look
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credible and rigorous, like the legendary buffoon who is the king of jordan. so it's that, that the revelations aren't real. it seems they are. but we're left to wonder what's been covered up. furthermore, there's a focus on individual rich bags stealing money from the public wealth by not paying taxes rather than the reality the situation which is that capitalism as jo. oh, is a system meant to allow rich mags to steal money from the public wealth? yes. close the tax havens. yes. have the rich pay of ton more in taxes, but those are just the ban days on our system that's destroying the planet, destroying the future, destroying community theatre. why? i haven't seen a solid production a little abner, a well over a decade and without jubilation, t corn point. i mean what, what is the point?
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what is the point? moving on a new report has come out and i, you know, and i'll let you guess. i'll let you guess how many kids it says have been sexually abused by the catholic church. god, god, i don't guess. guess. well, the report only measured the country of france. so it's a mere $216000.00 children. and that's just by the clergy. if you included other workers, what the church, the number rises to 330000 children. oh, i know just how can something like this go on if it were, if it weren't to church, if it were any other, any other organization or group it there was comma book stores that were doing that or swim teams, or chucky cheeses. how many sexual assault of children do you think we'd allow
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before we shut the entire thing down. 33 assaults maybe would wait until double digits if it were chucky cheese, because we all assumed he was up to something pretty gross. to begin with. this study was only in france, they found another 1000 children had been assaulted in just pennsylvania by the catholic church. and that's only the victims who came forward. if you were to add it up the world over, it would definitely be in the millions. this is repulsive and if you're not going to get rid of the institution, can we at least get rid of the vow of celibacy? let's tell all these horrible human beings that are doing this. go go. 7 to like the wind hump, everything you can, except people and children pressure go your junk against the lamp post and dump trucks and, and shopping carts and public pounds and national, monumental and drive through fast food menu boards get all the shotgun down
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children and our pets leave our pets along. instead of instead of chastity, they should have a bow of not chastity. i vow i will not let myself become so god damn horny that i assault children. instead of all kinds of inanimate objects, as the lord is my witness, the father, the son, and the horny ghost, a man seriously though, how many? hundreds of thousands of children have to be victimized before we decide it's not an accident. it's not at all. it's a systemic decision, like if there were 5 kids killing neighborhood squirrels, and then putting them in mailboxes you want to shoot. it's just a problem with those 5 kids. but if there were 200000 case gutting squirrels and male, and i'm good, thank someone's organizing us, there must be
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a central committee meeting and dry erase board and paper. they have paper clips. this is no accident. well, i think it's time. we look at the catholic church and go, i think this is systemic. you have a child abuse cult with the religion hoppey and it's time that you quit it with to go to a quick break. but if you want exclusive redacted tonight, extra content grab the portable dot tv app, portable dot tv slash download. you can go there. we have extra content every single day. you can also watch my new interview with julian sanchez father on portable. anyway, i'll be right back. well i'm more ah, on the way of life of reindeer herders leading a traditionally nomadic lifestyle in the tundra is similar to
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a parallel reality. i'm with women carry the weight of the household work on their shoulders. mother, i'm with true. north piedmont, york city of columbus. mm. thinking. however, in the vast expanse of russia, there is a spot where a housewife could secure regular employment status. it's in the font or soon escalate chemistry terminal. and usually with i look forward to talking to you on that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously is
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to great trust, rather than fear. i am very shy with artificial intelligence, real summoning the demon robot must protect its own existence with i welcome back. i'm still li camp. earlier this week, facebook and its subsidiaries, whatsapp and instagram. we're out of service for 6 whole hours. this comes just as facebook is getting some heat from a whistleblowers revelation for more weren't joined by our malfunctioning tact
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corresponded. anders les hey, enters enters li here from a world without facebook or instagram, where families are starting to talk again without arguing. kids are playing outside and the only people pulsing with rage are those of us who are still addicted to twitter. wait, but i thought everything went back to normal monday night ash. oh, don't tell people that they're doing great without knowing. friendships have been restored. eating disorders, thwarted private information, is staying private. i read a physical book like on paper while, didn't know they still had those. okay, but it wasn't great for everyone, right? there were yes, there are a lot of countries where the main source of communication is what's app and at least one where facebook is the main source of, well, everything. look under that, the, you're us, the country of it facebook, of course. where that, that i miss the last you and general body meeting what, what the way things are going by the next one. facebook will be knocking palestine
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off 1st place on the waitlist to become a nation state. facebook already has all the characteristics of a country. they own over a 1000 acres of land in hawaii. they're even creating their own block chain currency. they also have their own judiciary oversight board and they're developing a legislative branch and have 2900000000 people. more than any other country. in fact, even if you're not on facebook, you're still probably on facebook, since it is tracked individuals across the web, creating shadow profiles of people who have never registered for facebook. so a can trace their contacts. well, that's all terrifying in this week. bloomberg said that facebook should be given a seat at the u. n. g s that, that wasn't the onion. this is even more disturbing, given all the revelations from the whistleblower right. thanks to francis. how can
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we now know that facebook has been aware of problems like misinformation and harassment all along, but hasn't done anything about them because cracking down would cost them a ton of money. and when they do crack down, it usually means deleting content like this show. well, true, you are pretty hatefully, but now congress is calling for new internet regulations. oddly enough, so as facebook, they even cut an ad about it, which seems like the socially responsible thing to do until you consider the last time congress let regulated the internet that was 25 years ago with the telecommunications act, signed by bill clinton and written by telecom lobbyists, that bill enshrined media monopoly into law and we're still living with the consequences. it's pretty doubtful that whatever facebook is pushing will be much better unless they are on a writer forcing everyone to like my posts. oh great. well, it seems like any attempt and reform here is helpless. it may seem that way, but we do have one way to stop them by granting facebook full sovereignty and
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making them an actual nation state. how would that, that no get to flag off the screen? how would that help anything look right now there are for profit company and everything bad they do can be explained by the profit motive in no one cares. that's just the way capitalism is supposed to function. but if we turn them into a foreign power, we can get people to give a damn facebook corporation does something evil. for an enemy of the united states, facebook invades americans privacy, it's on, get him back with a drone strike on their servers. this is the only way we can take them down a sounds like an awful plan next. so i have nuclear weapons. anyway, thanks and next up, the u. s. might finally be forced to acknowledge a secret cia torture site. it was operating in poland, but it's not going to give into the fruit that is related. so as guards to play, such as going, that's a very bad idea. for you to ask us about that and then staring right through you.
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for more on this, let's go to redacted corridor responded jennifer con. ah, poet, the european country known for its per roguish potatoes and now post $911.00 secret cia torture prisons. but the u. s. still refuses to officially acknowledge their polish black site. that may change soon though, because of a man named abuse a beta. he's a palestinian man who was kidnapped by the cia and pakistan back in 2002, back when he had both his eyes. he was the 1st official victim of our post $911.00 torture program, even though he's never been charged with a single crime. in fact, it was all the way back in 2006 that the c i formerly concluded that i was a beta was not a member of al qaeda. and he still walked up to this day. man,
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that is absolutely infuriating. ironically, it's the kind of stuff that makes you wish you were a member of al qaeda. right? just me. we'll move on this wednesday. the supreme court is finally hearings who made his request that he be permitted to submit testimony from the to cia contractors who oversaw his torture d, posing these contractors would potentially force the government to admit the existence of its secret black site and poland. luckily for the government already have an argument ready, state secret privilege would shield highly of government information from being revealed in civil litigation. the obvious question here is, if we already know about this polish black site and how is it going to be revealed as a state secret? well, they contend that all those public reports and statements about the polish black
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side could be part of a cia disinformation campaign. so who knows if it's real, the lawyer site as evidence. the book and movie are ago, which chronicles had a cia rescued, americans hiding out in iran by posing as a film crew. ok, ben affleck were talking about van aflac. america is least favorite superhero, and america 2nd least favorite superhero, and america 3rd least favorite superhero. yes, our government is citing a ben affleck movie as proof that they warrant torturing people in poland. because the world that we live in is stupid. let's take a 2nd to appreciate how absurd of a precedent this could set if this works from now on any time we want to question our government about a thing that we know big and just say, sorry, that's
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a state secret, and we'd be like, but it's not a state secret. we already know about it and it'd be like, no, you don't. it could be a super sophisticated cia dis, information campaign. does you know, like the movie argo, by ben affleck? look, i saw julie. so that's at least one muslim affleck has tortured, but our government is even better at torturing muslims. america loves torturing muslims. i don't know why we use apple pie as a symbol for america. what was the last time our government, big jew in apple pie instead we should be saying stuff like baseball. 1 well, that's as american as torturing muslim. now i know what you're thinking, you're thinking and you please stop saying, torturing muslims. he can't have a tv segment where you keep saying the phrase torturing muslims. it's just too much to bear. you know, it's actually easier to talk about killing muslims than torturing them because at
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least with killing, we can try to paint some picture of us waging a noble war against evil doers. but torture. there's just no way to justify intentionally torturing innocent people because of their religion. so many victims of our torture program are seeking justice in vain because in order for justice to be achieved, this injustice has to 1st be acknowledged. and as we've seen, our government goes to absurd length to avoid doing that from undisclosed location . this is jennifer con, with redacted tonight. ah . here are your headlines from the future coming up next week. you'll read, like pompeo defends plan to murder, assigned. nothing unusual. we kill loads of innocent people. man has a point, and you probably heard about the large oil spill off the coast of southern
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california. that's destroying a nature preserve among other things. to morrow you'll learn oil company responsible for spill claims. california officials should not have put all those exotic animals there. yeah, they should totally sue the orange cheek wax bells. and finally tomorrow you'll read. jesus returns briefly to clarify policy on banging. little kids. turns out he's against, he's against it. that's our show. but if you want to watch my interview with julian sanchez, father go to portable dot tv and scroll down to redacted to night. in it, he explains why his son has been endlessly persecuted. also i have live show coming up in washington dc and new york city go to redacted tor dot com for details until next time. good night. and keep fighting. ah,
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imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century. what other chapters called gun violence school shootings, homelessness. first was my job, then it was my family feeling was my savings. i have nothing. i have nothing and it's not like i don't try. i look for resources, i look for jobs. i look for everything i can to make this pass and i end up doing is passing the road to the american dream paved with dead refugees. it's this very idealized in edge of our america, native americans look past the deaths to happen every single day. this is a modern history of the usa america on our t ah, 20 years ago the taliban were different today or more violent than ever before. 20 years ago,
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they really turned out to stick with central prince for so called to they did not have non classical at all except that they are using this principle can, has their own interest. but years ago, there was some sort of kind of dialogue with the others to see what they can do today. they are so kind of restrict, you're limited to be checked on your chicken. one cabinet, one interesting fall question and from, from inside question. don't just completely concentrated on west golf with these are the 4 people who pulled the trigger or 5 something and survive of. one of the hardest things that i had to face was not having a face. i had a low expectation, a life i accepted accept the fact that i made that we had no fears. dow
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change pre fashion 4 shots with different stories behind the bullets. a falling on his sword. the austrian chancellor, sebastian kurtz quits amid allegations of embezzlement and bribery plunged into darkness. the lights go out in lebanon after 2 of the biggest power stations in the crisis. hit country run out of fuel, causing the national grid to collect us lawmakers demand sanctions on russia. nord stream to pipeline, blaming moscow for a price surge on europe's gas market. that's despite the figures retreating from an all time record after president putin's pledge, the boot supplies in an explosive accusation, the prime minister of molly.
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