tv News RT October 11, 2021 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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love with vassals makes dreams come true that every one who falls in love with luke like mm. without a soul headlines here with our teeth and claims that priest shouldn't report sex crimes against children or if they are revealed during confession cease or friendship. bishop, someone by the interior minister, we speak to a victim of child sex abuse by the clergy who says simply admitting guilt. not enough to come home builders pull that this child who trauma is engraved in my memory. very precise details. one cannot commit crimes and simply say, i am ashamed of the crime to have committed domestic terror. some american parents of slime for questioning critical race theory which teaches children about
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inequality and discrimination over here from one mother who's under an investigation of po confronting the controversial study program. they now want communicate and the styling by putting out there's nano naturally saying that we might be federally investigated. we advocate hard for our campus also in the program here. what are you showing a shakespeare plastic to students who sees an american college lecturer lose his teaching job. office students were outraged over the lead actor wearing black face to portray the main character of the 1960 s film. all the other fellow, ah who it is monday morning here at moscow now just after 8 a. m. a full program of your stories today on out to you international welcome to. so francis, top, a bishop is in water after claims that priests should not report sex crimes against
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miners. if the offense is revealed during confession he's due to me, the country's interior minister who's against the idea of church rules taking precedence over french law. and we spoke to the founder of a victim's association who himself suffered sexual abuse at the hands of the clergy during his childhood. danelle hill false. when we came to france, i was 8 and 9 years old, my parents wanted me to join this scout group. so i spent almost 2 years there until i was sexually assaulted by bernard. pray not. i found myself alone with him and the door was closed. he hugged me. it lasted around 15 minutes and he was saying something i couldn't understand because i didn't understand what was happening. and i remember having my head completely crushed. i was completely crushed against his belly and i remembered the fiber of the fabric and the collar he shut his smell is, is this childhood trauma is engraved in my memory, full of very precise details. he kissed me on the mouth, me after that,
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i went home and i told my parents immediately, but i said it more because of pride. i thought i could benefit from the interest of a very important man and get admiration and recognition from my parents. the statement by the bishop comes off the release of a church, ordered report on sexual abuse by the clergy and the silencing of victims. according to the findings, therapy, nearly 3000 perpetrators among church workers since the 19 fifties and over 300000 minus had been abused by the clergy with boys aged 10 to 13, making up 80 percent of the victims of the majority of the crimes mentioned the report have passed the statute of limitations and now cannot be prosecuted. a francois devoe again claims as the policy of the french catholic church to conceal atrocities against children or shortish and was just, i told my parents about the incident. they took me out of discount groups wither, but then they were harassed by the whole local community. now,
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a catholic neighbourhood who accused my parents of harming the church. they protected me from this. they tried to get the priest to leave and they succeeded. after 8 months of fighting, but i had to live with the reality that this had happened to she. i couldn't hide it from my family. i couldn't wall myself in. when i understood the magnitude of it, i told myself that the day would come when i could confront this evil force and kill it. and that i would not miss the opportunity i should. because i'm certain that these atrocious crime someone, their organization and concealment of it are evil, is a little bit we have in front of us. the vatican with all its power was to my strength, is that my opponents of understood that nothing. oh, stop me sir. i have nothing to lose. the investigating commission i must fulfill is responsibilities is required. in the meantime, a po francis expressed his great sorrow for the victims and called the report,
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a moment of shame for the whole catholic church on for him personally. but francois devote once more in search that the pope should have done more for the thousands of victims. plow onto this hidden bus excuses what is shameful is not apologizing for an atrocity committed in catholic institutions on hundreds of children. the pope has never ever sent a single message. never tried to contact us, but it's his responsibility we're talking about. it's not about his shame. we don't care about his shame. one cannot commit crimes and simply say, i am ashamed for the crimes. i have committed. it doesn't work like that. the pope received cardello barbarian, but he did not receive the victims. he did not receive the victim's associations despite the media coverage. divine justice is based on the statue of limitations for sex crimes against minors. is that your religion? is that what you are explaining to us? you are a shipwreck of spirituality and
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a source of shameful humanity. pope frances, that's what i say to you. domestic terrorists, that's how some american parents have been described for questioning the critical race. their reprogram which teaches children about inequality and discrimination. a one mother claims that she was bullied by her daughter's school for even requesting information on the course. a dimitri power has details. if you think you should have a say in your child's education, then congratulations. you now might be investigated by the f, b i and labeled a domestic terrorist or just get a lawsuit like this mother from rhode island. i just wanted to re enroll my daughter in kindergarten and know what she was learning. and i asked the principal whether they were going to learn critical race theory, engender theory, and it turns out they would be, they said that they don't call kids boys and girls. they don't use gender terminology than the 1st thanksgiving. they asked kids what could have been done
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differently on thanksgiving, and they teach kids a certain line of thinking about history and every grade. and when i ask more questions about, what does this mean, why don't you call kids or think girls and how exactly are you teaching american history? they told me to use that met public records requests. and when i did submit public records request, my school been threatened to sue me because they thought that i submitted too many requests re i had too many were too many questions. so my school bullied and harassed me in a public meeting. they treated me like i was having a show trial, but the law sued could soon become the lease of her worries. a lobbying group called the national school board association, sent a letter to the biden and administration, asking to prosecute dissenting parents, which it says are essentially threatening violence against teachers and education board members. and literally equating these parents to domestic extremists, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to
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a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes. as such, national school boards association who west to join to expedited reviewed by the u . s. department of justice, education and homeland security. additionally, it's asking the u. s. government to use against parents all tools at his disposal. even the patriot act intended to prevent international terrorism by, you know, actual terrorists now, so my thing that all this is a bit over the top, you know, considering most of the lobby groups, complaints are about parents, quote, threats of harassment. it's in other words, just mothers and fathers disagreeing. however, it seems the justice department didn't have to think twice in just 5 days after the letter was sent to us attorney general merritt garland ordered the f b. i to investigate the parents and seek ways to prosecute them and stop this quote, disturbing trend. the department takes these incident seriously, and it's committed to using it so thought a tune resources to discourage these threats, identify them when they occur,
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and prosecute them when appropriate. i'm direct them. yes, be i work with each us attorney to convene meetings with federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial leaders in each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. right? because apparently who cares about organized crime, drug trafficking, skyrocketing murder rates, and so on the f b, i needs to focus on the stuff that really poses a threat to society, school board meetings, and complaining parents. needless to say, the parents trying to exercise their right to free speech shows, sorry, the domestic terrorists have been appalled by this move. they now want to intimidate us into silence. by putting out this memo nationally saying that we might be federally investigated. we advocate you hard for our can the attorney general merrick garland, he is a lying propagandist. he should resign. this is in a courageous abuse of power. he is attacking parents where the pillars of society.
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we are waiving our children to be the next american. and now the department of justice use us as an enemy. this is part of a larger colonial purge of ideological county. and the outrage over the attorney general's decision doesn't stop with the parents. many are already seeing this move as basically confirmation that the biden administration is ready to go to extreme lengths to silence descent. even if it means putting people on a black list, i have a feeling and a fear that the left has become more authoritarian than we can really even imagine, be afraid of your government. and that's a sad thing from someone in the government to say, is it domestic extremism for a parent advocate for their child's best interests every day brings new reports about this administration, weaponized the federal bureaucracy to go after political opponents. frankly, i don't think we've ever seen anything like it in american history may for those of
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us who missed the mccarthy era, i guess this president is intent on bringing it to us, but with new force and new power and new urgency. unlike anything we've ever seen, debates and protests are supposed to be the cornerstone of american democracy. however, lately, it seems that simply shutting up the other side is becoming the preferred method, especially for those who feel threatened by dissenting opinions. we spoke with christopher harris of the rights group on hyphenated america, who says teaching is now turned into indoctrination. it's almost laughable if it weren't so tragic. this is something that is definitely an oversight of a massive overstep by the, by the administration to get involved in something that is purely a local school matter. that is not the purview in any way. stretcher form of the federal government. i call it the educational industrial complex. they do not want the kid, the parents seeing what they're teaching their kids. that's the problem. and you
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should be very concerned about school teachers, administrators who don't want you as a parent to know what your teet, what was being taught to your kids 6 to 8 hours a day. the teachers to day are indoctrinated. they're not educators. i was educated to work, educate means they helped draw from with in these are indoctrinated. they're trying to tell kids what to think. instead of trying to help kids learn how to think of music, professor in the u. s. has been alfred from his teaching post for showing the 1965 oscar winning movie a fellow as offer some students express outrage over the lead actor wearing black face to portray the main character. lauren chen has the story. whoa! culture has gotten so out of control on university campuses that now even professors who themselves are statistically speaking, unlikely to be conservative or being targeted by students for failing to be politically correct enough. right. shane was
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a professor of composition at the university of michigan school of music, theater, and dance. and he had been with the university for over 26 years. that is until he dared to offend the sensibilities of one freshman class. shank show his class, the 1965 film, a fellow starring lawrence olivia as delete now that film a fellow did receive 8 different oscar nominations at the time that it was released . so i'm sure that most of us wouldn't think twice about seeing included as part of a university class. but the problem you see, at least according to some of shanks former students, is that as the morse king lawrence, olivia actually dons black face throughout the entire film. now of course, black face is rightfully considered taboo, especially in the year 2021. but remember, shang was showing this film was specifically to focus on the musical aspects, but it wasn't long after the screening ended that some students took it upon themselves to file complaints against shane. i was stunned in a school that precious diversity that make sure students understand the history of people of color in america. i was shocked. sion will show something like this in
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what is supposed to be a safe place. the issue here i think though, is the assumption that university classes are supposed to be saved spaces to begin with. the classical interpretation of university and academia as a whole. used to be a place where you would go to have your ideas challenged and probed. and to be introduced to other opinions, some of which yes, you might even find distasteful. and frankly, it does seem like a sad state of affairs that now students are seemingly so fragile that they can't even watch a film that offends them even without being asked to engage directly with the offensive material in question without breaking down. but in any case, as is often the story, when someone offends the outrage mall professor shang did eventually come forth and apologize for showing the phil. however, after that some student still felt that shank had not done enough to make retribution. and so one week later he issued another apology and a classroom, i'm a teacher representing the university and i should have thought of this whole diligently and fundamentally,
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i apologize of this auction was offensive and has made you angry. it also has made me lose your trust shank then, when as far to actually mentioned specific times in his career where he had collaborated with people of color despite the fact that he himself is a person of color just to illustrate that he bears no ill will to people of different races at the well premier, my offer of the silver river in south carolina in 2000 i, cassandra african american actress and the leading ro, an asian female dancer, on the white baritone for the 3 main characters. i never thought of myself as being discriminatory against any race, but you guessed it. this grovelling was still not enough to appease these social justice activists who had apparently been so hurt by the showing of this film. in fact, 40 different students and staff from the university band together to write a formal note addressing the department asking for shame to be removed from his position. professor shang responded to the events by crossing an inflammatory apology letter to the department. students in which he chose to defend himself by
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listing all of the by poke individuals who he has helped obee friend to throughout his career. the less implies that it is thanks to him that many of them have achieved success in their careers. and so for the moment, at least she has in fact, stepped down from his teaching role. and as frustrating as the story is, the sad truth is that this is far from the 1st time that students have been bullying their professors for failing to be woke enough for their standards. for example, recently a u. c l a professor came under fire for refusing to grade black students more lenient leave than white students in the wake of george floyd staff. and just last month dr. peter bergen, of portland state university publicly resigned, criticizing his former university's failure to accept any ideas that go against social justice. passionate students may be a good thing, but at a certain point, universities are going to need to enforce the fact that students ultimately are there to learn, not to teach themselves, and certainly not to bully love. shakespeare plays have been the center of race
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related controversies before including being dropped from the u. s. curriculum on allegations of promoting racism and muscle jeanie. meanwhile, the globe theatre in london has lost a project to d, colonized shakespeare plays with academics finding a midsummer night's dream, problematic for linking whiteness to beauty. i still to come in the program here on odds. he internal at this hour, a new antique coke with bill should be good news, but the price tag has just gone through the roof. that story animal way back in about the 60s. with join me every thursday on the alex simon shows. i'll be speaking to guess when the world politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. oh,
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is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed? what will make you feel safer? isolation for community. are you going the right way, or are you being led to somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend, have join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. oh approaching 20 minutes past
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the hour here in moscow, russia is reporting a spike and covert cases, a halifax by warning, it could be the start of a 4th wave. well, let's learn more about this now. here on the program crossing live to off correspondence. ilia, for strength of good morning, ellia. what do you know so far? can you bring us up to speed, please? rory. good morning. well, indeed, it does look like the 4th wave of the kobe it pandemic, sadly has reached russia. russian authorities have recorded a daily growth of more than 28000 new cases, which isn't a pandemic record just yet. but it's very close to quite a scary number, plus $29935.00 cases. this was something that was recorded during the 2nd wave, and that was the worst day of the pandemic in russia. but when it comes to the deaths on one single day, russia has been said thing one record after another every day. and this is the most
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dangerous issue. the number is very close to 1000 a day. and this is of course, something that indicates extra pressure on hospitals and all medical organizations . and this is what the russian health minister has been talking about. sure. your students for the virginia more than 967000 patients. so being supervised by medical staff, this is a very large amounts of patients requiring treatments at the same time, on average of to 30 new patient suffering from corona virus are admitted to medical sites countrywide, each day. this is a colossal amount and a colossal load on the system. the government is reminding everyone that they believe the only successful wave that, sorry you all you successful wait to deal with. the 4th wave is a mass vaccination. and according to the russian officials,
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russia is very close to having a 3rd of its facts and they are of its population vax so far, 47000000 russians have received at least one dose and death 42000000 that have been fully vaccinated. now, when it comes to um, the russian of prime minister again, and he saying that there are enough capabilities in this country to have the remainder of the population vaccinated. so the countries ready and with us for vaccines registered there are enough stock pauls. so ah, this is indeed the 4th wave, but it looks like the government is ready and there are enough capabilities to deal with it. ortiz ilia katrinka. thank you. we'll see you sir. when the mean time produces of a new antiviral pill to fight cove, it facing
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a bit of a backlash now with people pointing to its hefty price tag of the pill is called a mono pit of iron. it's trials of shown, it reduces or covert hospitalizations. and deaths by 50 percent. and unlike most vaccines against the virus, it can be stored at room temperature. a treatment course costs around $700.00, which is leslie intravenous drugs currently being used. but a lena mangan from doc is our border says that price is still way too high. just highlighted a number of things that struck it, getting out of the band to make it something that pharmaceutical corporations need to refrain from. and you can look at the genetic rice, which is ranges from $15.00 to $20.00 a treatment. the $700.00 price is absolutely outrageous. if you watch what's going on and vaccines find them or do not have made billions of dollars of profit. why depriving the developing countries of these vaccines?
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and so it's really critical that you do something different for try to be than pigment. we don't repeat. the api that is happening on vaccines for treatment is that the drug is already under genetic production in india. and it will be available once that a 2 bodies approval. i didn't see you and the price is going to be between $15.00 to $20.00 per treatment. significantly less than the $700.00. right? well, the drug must be taken within the 1st 5 days of illness to be properly effective, and can be prescribed without the patient 1st testing positive. well, alina mcdonny again says to pill, should not be considered a substitute for any vaccination. we have to wait for the quality bodies and the total tell us how these drugs have to be used. these orders have to be use how safety i and how effective they are. so i think we have to be very, very clear that the team and is not a substitute for vaccination. and then people positive day that even to feed them
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early on. so we have to wait for what the one head out organization and other regulatory bodies recommend for these bas yeah, that a for to find order bins, anti white it is under. we will be to simplify pigment and countries across the board and, and not just feeling i'm going to be across all countries. i'm in that form that genetic production would be very, very important. so why the key gets is genetic production to get the prices down and show the balcony and intellectual property and not a bad idea to supply. and that actually is an, an equally important for all countries, including new and middle income countries. and not just following gum counties, british health officials or warning that some 60000 people could die from the flu. this winter. since many of the country is suffering from common colds with
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unusually severe symptoms described by summer, i was cold ever a senior clinical lecturer. the university of exeter and the u. k. told us that situation could become even worse with coven infections on the rise. to say 800060040000 may die is just speculation. the important thing it to a destined and say is we don't know because we have not got the experience of people with dual infections. however, we know that if your lungs are battling with 2 things similar tenuously than directly, we can argue that the situation will be a lot was. and one way to prevent aid is to be immunized against source code. we 2, as well as seasonal influenza. the energies is already under pressure and it is already under pressure because we've got very low capacity. we've been reducing
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beggs for the last 20 years. so the united kingdom has been heading towards trouble for at least 20 years. meanwhile, are both the u. k and the you are so gripped by a gas crisis which is already let a soaring energy bills, meaning thousands of families might be unable to heat their homes as temperatures drop. a medical experts warm that would make people much more vulnerable to respiratory diseases. micro biologist, we spoke to says combined with cove at these infections could cause real trouble. normally the and a chest manage is to get through the, the, the flu wave that we often have. and that usually comes around in january of february. if we get to significant waves tavia and slew this year, if it happened at the same time, it could cause real problems the most vulnerable people offer the flu vaccine last year. and most of them i think will have got it. so make it the most vulnerable end
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of the spectrum. there will be a reasonably good immunity. what happens with the rest of us? we don't normally get vaccinated because we're too young with underlying health conditions is that we could be a driver spread into other at risk people. he perhaps haven't been vaccinated. the health care systems being loaded with flu, which is normal. and then cove. it will cause them real problems for the suffering of life pictures for you right now here on the program as for 3 weeks. the volcanic eruption on spain's la palmer has been certainly ongoing and disrupting the lives of locals. a lava flows an earthquake continue to shake the island. mm
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progressions that i wasn't going visit. what i should say, but also someone say thank you. oh um, what do i see a my generally typical plankton they at the national neuron. nash's daughter near the back st. bezels cathedral is always the center of attention. but of course it's seen in a special way by artists. it never looks the same with ever changing lighting and many different angles. so it offers endless creative opportunities. but it's not just the artist who are drawn to the cathedral.
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