tv News RT October 12, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT
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dumb shoot, i took the spy obscene. these people up nor sold a ah, a british tabloids claim that russian spies it stole you. k vaccine secrets gets a rival. newspapers digging deeper, calling out the story as inaccurate and opaque. but the sun is yet to clarify or apologize. for the case of double standards, one of germany's most read newspapers build leaps to the defense of a cobra discussion panel, whose content was removed by youtube. but it is the same newspaper that mercilessly lashed ortiz, german new service during a similar struggle with the video sharing site. for instance, top bishop backs down after being summoned by the government to explain his
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comments. that confessional secrecy prevents priests from reporting child sex abuse . in the wake of a damning report. and the british parliamentary inquiry says the government botched its coven pandemic response, leading to thousands of preventable deaths. but a top cabinet member refuses to apologize. came to scotland apology that i would have so well know we followed the scientific advice from technology. we focus on 7 goodbyes. we put 2 dna chess ah, choir broadcasting lab, direct from studios and monica. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. an britain's popular press is taking aim at a tabloid, which claims russian spies stole the formula from moscow's sputnik v vaccine from the u. k. the sons of story was widely picked up by other outlets as well. but now,
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at least one rival newspaper has retracted its article and apologized. but the sun has not, the gremlins spokesperson responded to it all by describing the sun as a newspaper, famous for anti scientific publications or to the goods john of has more deed over the weekend, the sun publish this report, the branded it as their exclusive. and it was based on anonymous sources, that was the main well discrepancy on the floor that others pointed out saying that it was openly sourced. and basically they claimed that somebody, some russian spy in a bond like move, you know, came in probably, snuck into into, into the lab and well, hacked the vault the information vaults and snatched the vital information on the astrazeneca as oxford vaccine. and so, but right now the russians are, they have stepped forward saying that it is completely false the release, the statement so another tabloid of the daily express. they were happy to pick up
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the story and republish the story based on the sons article. now they have well retracted whatever, whatever they had to say, and swapped the story. the original story for basically a statement from the russians. his something that they had to re publish have a listen. it's has come to our attention that this was false as the information about the inventor of the sputnik v. vaccine gambling national research center for epidemiology and microbiology is publicly known. the article also contained false information. as an apology. we are happy to set the record straight and publish the following statement from the russian direct investment fund. while the technology behind the vaccines, the astrazeneca, sputnik, we are indeed similar. astrazeneca is based on world tissues and will are both something that they got from chimpanzees while sputnik v is based on the human platform. so they are using very different materials from 2 very different biological species to well,
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to base their vaccine on. also on top of that was put in agree was the 1st vaccine to be registered in the world and came well before astrazeneca. and its efficacy was proven to be higher than astrazeneca by the land said, one of the, one of the world's leading scientific journals. so burst wouldn't he was actually well in the top 3, only surpassed by of the pipe visor and the madonna jumps. so one would assume that while the original, which is as the sun, is claiming at the present as vaccine, that the original should will be superior to clone and to a rip off. but, well, the facts show that it isn't, it isn't like that. and even on top of that, sputnik re, developers are right now, lab rating with astrazeneca to make their vaccine more efficient. well, the daily expresses so far, one just one outlet to well to confront it if i may say. so the son with this information and to will openly step forward and say,
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well actually that report that we were published was not true. so now the ball is the sun's cord, which is the so far sticking to its guns as well. probably you would, if it's your exclusive, probably there, you know, well, reaching out to their sources to get some information to back their journalism. but the british or security minister, minister of security when confronted when asked whether or not this report was true, he hesitated to back the sons claims have, listen, i'm can't comment, won't comment on the specific case, but it would be fair to say correct to say that we face threats of this type that are different, they're more sophisticated, they're more extensive than they ever have been before. well, so essentially everything that he has had to say here is, well, in plain human words, not political tool that well, the british government is facing cyber threats. and so that's it and nothing about something being stolen. so we'll see if the sun reacts to the new revelations in any way given that other well other,
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other outlets have already cooled their reporting opaque leave suicide. so we'll see, or if they just decide to let the whole thing slide it, german court has ruled youtube was wrong to remove content from a covert discussion panel accused of spreading distant from ation. the court decided that the video sharing site had no right to stifle such public debate about the pandemic and related vaccination issues or cheese. peter oliver explains more about this case as well as similar ones. and how much the media's reaction has varied door revolves around the youtube discussion pro gram alice off then tissue. everything's on the table, all is on the table in english. now, a german court has ruled that videos by this channel should not have been removed from youtube. these were videos in which they challenged at the german government's handling of the cove at 19 pandemic. now, this show takes the form of, of
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a panel discussion program in which artists and actors as well as academics and scientists ask difficult questions about covey. 19 about the government's handling of it, and about all of the different scenarios surrounding the pandemic. now what we've add seen is the german tabloid build. well leap to support of alice out. then tish, accusing the you tube platform of censorship. will now talk about sensor so by you chew yet with thing an overly narrow opinion corridor with respect to certain topics during the pandemic were found elders opinions that are not mainstream. the don't echo what the government would like to hear. these opinions were quickly confined to a color branded as extreme with the removal. we now see how something is selectively targeted, dangerous assaults on freedom of discussion took place and the judge rightly decided against you to help. the big question is, can you to possess 2 who sit there and says, what is right or wrong from
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a medical standpoint? well, build presented a very different message. last month when arte deutsch, arte internationals, german language sits, the channel had its youtube channel permanently removed. for what was claimed, it was the, the publishing of covered disinformation. now artie deutsch at the time said, and they maintain that what they were doing was giving air to different opinions. and asking though, similar, difficult questions about the coven 19 pandemic. and about the german balance handling of it. basically, both sets of videos were removed from youtube for the same reason, but archie deutsch, his videos being removed, prompted a very different reaction from germany's most red tabloid newspaper. as a reason for the measure youtube site, severe breaches of the platforms guidelines more precisely, artie deutsch had received a warning from the platform because the broadcaster was purposefully spreading
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disinformation about the corona virus pandemic. with this removal putin's power structure loses a central brick in his disinformation campaign. whatever way you slice it, this is a pretty big hypocrisy from billed. but what's really interesting is what will happen next. since the court has ruled that alice off den tissues videos shouldn't have been removed, will youtube put them back on their platform? and if they do that, what does that mean for the future of artie deutsch on youtube. youtube has a long list of topics about the pandemic that it deems misinformation and are subject to removal. the platform argues the spreading such material poses, quote, a serious risk of egregious harm, and runs counter to advice by the world health organization. a german professor from the discussion panel youtube removed, told us that it's a matter of freedom of speech. thus, either of them seemed idle. if something has been stamped with the word disinformation fake news. in other words than youtube has the rights even should
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remove it. the only question is, who makes the decision? what is disinformation than the next question? who are they and above all, are they independent? almost always not. these are all very dangerous developments and say that we have freedom of the press and freedom of speech. i'm very sorry, but it's not that simple. you need to understand the freedom of the press, even in our country, is in great danger. because of course, any press depends on whether it can and how it can distribute is publication through platforms such as youtube and twitter m. francis top catholic bishop has been reprimanded by the interior minister for saying that priests can't report child sex abuse if it's revealed during confession. his remarks followed revelations that since the 1950s, more than 300002 children, have been sexually abused by french catholic clergy and other individuals associated with the church. the bishop backtrack after being summoned by the government as are too shallow. davinsky reports now from pears. well,
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we know that france's top bishop is now recanting the words that he said earlier this week. this is eric do number 4, who following the controversial exclusive report into sex abuse that was carried out by those linked to the catholic church. here in france continued to state that the idea of the right of confession, this is the idea of going to a priest and saying terrible things that you might have done would remain secret, even if that confession included someone saying that they had abused a child. now, as a result of those comments, the french government was furious and aside a summons. frank says talk bishop in to add the offices to have a chat to discuss that. and to basically as stamped down the opinion that france's laws are above that of the church. now eric de milan before has since said his words were clumsy and as a result,
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the church must now reflect on the future. the extent of violence and sexual aggression against mine, as revealed by the report, obliges the church to re read as practices in the lights of this reality work is therefore needed to reconcile the nature of confession with the need to protect children. while the interior minister reminding acton long before to day, that the laws of france are certainly in his opinion, superior to those laws of the church, general would assume no law superior to law of the republic. and the question of the secrecy of confession is amended by the survey report. it is a professional secrecy, and it has exception such as crimes against children under 15. so the survey report, which was released last week was an independent investigation into atrocities. abuse is carried out by those are linked to the catholic church. it was an explosive report finding that at least $330000.00 children over 70 year
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period had been abused by those linked to the catholic church in france. that 2 thirds of the predators had been the priests. the clergy themselves, that 80 percent of victims had been boys aged $10.00 to $13.00 and that the church had not only shielded these abuses, it had failed to report this abuse. this report sent shock waves through france last week, and actually led to cools in the last few days, were all bishops in france to resign their posts victim saying that the church in france is simply out of control rubles, casella led him. or i think that this is the demonstration, once again, the in comprehension and the out of touch, dimension of these men of the church, they have cut themselves off from society and the realities of life. and this has led them to be out of control. and when one is capable of committing so many crimes,
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when one is capable of carrying out such a work of death than its concealment, it does indeed leave an aroma of crime against humanity. which raises questions which raises serious questions him. victims are now waiting for the church in france to make a decision over how it will compensate them for that abuse that they suffered as children sometimes are ripping their entire lives apart. and of course, particularly is that included the fact that, as we know, know that the church was shielding abuses from the authorities for many, many decades. a leading member of the british government has repeatedly refused to apologize when challenged over a damning parliamentary inquiry that accused the government of gravely mas handling the coven pandemic. to the extent that thousands of deaths could have been prevented, reporting from westminster. here is archie's shadier. edward dusty well as an
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incredibly traumatic and triggering day for many, for instance, my best friend who lost her mother during the pandemic to cove it. and she's incredibly furious at the government for its handling of the pandemic. but she certainly are not alone there. thousands of bereaved families up and down the country who are finding this report. a very difficult read indeed. so it's cold corona, virus lessons learned to date and it finds that number 10, delaying the lockdown back in march of the 23rd in 20. 20 was one of the most important public failures in the history of the united kingdom was still, the government's handling of the pandemic actually led to 20000 unnecessary deaths . but a cabinet minister unfortunately, was unable to refuse or even try and apologize for those claims. came to stop an apology that i would have thought, what will know we followed the scientific advice? because ology, we followed the scientific advice. we protected the natures. we took the decisions
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based on the evidence reformers. but of course we've always heard we've something so unprecedented as the public there will be lessons to learn. so it's still a very gracious look there from stephen box here, cabinet office minister, who actually in that very into the refuse to apologize some 11 times. but looking deeper into this reporting question, it's quite hefty. it's a 150 pages long and almost a year ago to date was when it was 1st establish. and when this inquiry really began, now they looked at many key areas, including the preparedness for a pandemic. social distancing, social care and the impact on certain communities. plus, of course, the vaccines as well. now, a whole barrage of the criticisms really came out in this report, noting very quite big concerns including access to p. he has the government's much
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held track and tre, system, which fundamentally was lord, also suggesting, at the thought of the pandemic, lawrence johnson says that the care homes would not be affected. now, we know, in hindsight, they were actually the was effected. plus, of course, numerous criticisms about the travel concerns. whether or not boris johnson should have shut the borders much sooner than he actually did. but the key finding really dates back to some 20 months ago that keith date of march the 23rd. when the united kingdom ended its 1st lockdown, while this report says, scientists were talking some 2 months prior to that about how ready at the u. k. was in terms of dealing with a pandemic of this scale and actually argue so the government acted far too slow. it is now clear that this was the wrong policy and that it led to a higher initial death told them would have resulted from a more emphatic early policy in appendix, spreading rapidly and exponentially every week counted well. bar. as johnson,
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the prime minister and his government have always maintained throughout this pandemic, the policy is guided by the data on the science and always maintains that it just simply put policy into place by the evidence that was presented to it. it also says it's sticking by its promise of allowing a public inquiry into the pandemic. i'm the government's handling of it as well, but that won't come until at least and next spring. just to say that this a very report, it's a may, is not to point the thing, this of blame, that is a quote within this report. but some already say there's only one direction of blame to point that finger and that is squarely at the government. the inquiry conclusions are no surprise to the found of the coven victims campaign. group names, not numbers who outlined to us why he thinks the fatality level is solely the government's fault. i've been assigned to the last. 1 couple of years with my group members that the government has done an absolutely terrible job. and this is what
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happens when you have leaders in charge a nurse to science and it don't know what they're doing. and they didn't follow the science. they didn't listen to the experts and they didn't listen to other countries. that was a disgrace. they didn't listen also. they didn't think about that light. they full about the money they for about the business contracts, and they didn't close. the board is simply just letting out people die a 100000 people today at all. however, the government want to go around, you know, treating them. it's in the future. i think this is a big society wake up. we've got to stop lessing. these born to rule a private school, people run things, they don't understand. why is it that we allow a prime minister with absolutely no common sense to run the serious pandemic? so i lost my grandfather and his best friend of it is when the next day. so my
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family have a chance to leave this, this isn't a personal lender, you know, some kind of emotional trauma. i think someone like doris johnson prime example of what is wrong in british politics and has been wrong, a bridge on the last 200 years. and i just feel if nobody stands up to point out that this is dennis side, it's just something that someone has to stand up and say, because like i say, and i and i called to so many people will just take it on the chin, not i think that taken on the chin is not something that this, you know, unprecedented situation. does the top us airline cancelled another 350 flights on monday, adding to the thousands, a grounded over the weekend. southwest airlines largely blamed the weather, but others point to staff, shortages after implemented vaccine mandates for all 56000 employees. here's ortiz came up with more chaos in airports across the country as flights from a major
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u. s. airline. southwest airlines have been cancelled. now this comes shortly after a move by the southwest airlines pilot association, the labor union that represents over $10000.00 pilots at southwest airlines filed for a temporary block on a move to mandate a vaccinations federally mandated corona virus vaccinations. now they have filed a lawsuit against those mandatory vaccinations and they are asking for a block on the vaccinations until this lawsuit regarding us labor laws and how it applies to these vaccinations can be resolved. now the union was quick to step up and say that they were not responsible for the cancellation, these flights. this was not a strike. this is what they had to say southwest by point to their how they manage the network, how their i t also supports that network. we've been sounding this alarm for about
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4 years. southwest airlines came forward and said that it was not a bad decision from the management. as the union alleged, it was rather weather conditions that caused the cancellation of thousands of flights. now, many conservative and republican voices have spoken up and given a pretty strong view of how they see the situation, jo biden's, illegal vaccine, mandated work, suddenly was short on pilots and air traffic controllers. i stand with southwest airlines employees who are fighting against these mandates. this isn't about vaccine, this is about freedom. why is the weather only disrupting southwest? now at this point, it seems the issue as close to being resolved, that people are looking at the current flight schedules and expecting that things will return to normal. but questions remain about what caused the panic and cancellation of thousands of flights. twitter thinks it has an answer for when online conversations get rowdy or potentially offensive. it's trying out a new feature that warns users wanting to join
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a thread that things could get quite heated. although some of the content flagged in the trial run has left users a bit confused. sh. whoa. there are intense conversation about the weather bro. seriously, this is the last one, yet to return. what's intense about this conversation? come believe this is happening on it under intense conversations. did to it's a, i'm a generation x sir, is gonna take more than an intense conversation to bother me. so how does it work if twitter spots a chat thread with opposing views being thrashed out and someone wants to join in a message pops up saying heads up, conversations like this can be intense. it is still not clear whether or not twitter is scanning for contentious subject matter or the actual content of a conversation. earlier my colleague spoke to a couple of outspoken american broadcasters who aren't afraid to hold back for
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a robust but reasonable conversation about it. this sound like a noble idea that's doomed to fail because if it's moderated by humans, it's open to claims of subjectivity. if it's algorithms, what we all know, how they can't really understand the nuances of language and discussion kind of work. no, no is the very simple answer there and twitter itself has no idea how to moderate it and winds up getting the vast brunt of some of the most insane arguments that bubble up on that site. so they long ago lost control of their product. this is just another laughable way that they're yelling into the breeze for a horse that has long ago left the bard. this is no goose mistake. twitter is not fumbling the ball. they're not somehow incapable of managing their audience. it is going exactly as planned. imagine the idea when you watch television or anywhere the world, did you get a disclaimer?
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the following contains lipstick. children be advised, do you want to watch it? yes, you do. the 2nd, they put up a warning saying whatever you do, don't touch that. dia, whatever you do, don't push the red button. i'm going to be the 1st in line along with millions of others to push the red button. this is the perfect brand new bait hook in the cheek off we go. is there a danger that there are certain people, certain company, certain subjects that can a full file be judged before any auto budgies even taking place? absolutely, they miss is already algorithmically put to the top of the queue. it's already algorithmically fed to everybody because there is at the base level, no difference between intense content and profitable content. the content that people want to engage with that stay on the site longer, and therefore give twitter more opportunity to serve ads in between everything else . it would be intellectually honest for us to remember that it is
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a free platform like facebook, a free platform. they make all the money you get to play on their front yard. they on the lawn, they can kick you off, they can put up signs, they can throw pumpkins at you, it's their law, they own it, they pay for it. we just go crazy on it. so pretending like a phone call where you have an implied, a privacy interaction is folly. the fact is we're guests there at somebody else's dinner table and they keep throwing hand grenades and the soup a know that the more engage when you get the more rancor and the more engage when you get the more ads. but also you get more of a discourse on why there shouldn't be rancor. so twitter is it is to me the most incompetent of, of the people doing it because they are the most scared of their audience. but then again, if i worked at twitter, i'd probably be the most scared of my audience duke. when the free speech advocates like this, let's face it, they can be the noisy or end of the digital conversation county because no one's
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getting bad. no one's getting thrown off the conversation is still allowed to happen. that's a good thing, isn't it? well, in my opinion, it is what's offensive to you is not offensive to me. and who's to say what is offensive. so that's why it's again, again, it's private property. so we do have these issues and problems. think of the beauty though. if you're a politician, you can do horrible things. you can stand up and say, i'm going to defend little timmy was not even born yet. for something that may offend it and i'm squelch conversation to put a warning flags and all that. meanwhile, what they physically do, or legislative leave do. ready or do it, policy is truly offensive and there's no warning for that. it just happens. and then we all get caught. my colleague collin bray, moderating that discussion. there you are watching our international. glad to have you with us. i'll be back in about 32 and a half minutes. ah,
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garage is driven by adrenal shaped banks. concur senators with airs sinks. we dare to ask oh, it's open oklahoma, so if you could, could i feel that video movie did? who bought? i bought i dialed from our company for v, then you know, quite but i know from politicians to athletes in movies does to musicals,
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does it seem to every big maybe the world has been here? let's see. okay, but you can look up this good. i see below ah, what do i see the budget when you get the go for anything with give me a global new school but she said basil makes dreams come true that every one who falls in love with people like lot. mm hm. ah, blue
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ah, were you thinking just because there was no more american troops, afghanistan, taxpayer dollars, that would no longer be available as well? well, you were wrong. and united nations is already saying the only answer to the problems in the region is more aid from other countries. we will tell you how much money america is committed and the chances are those taxpayer dollars of actually getting to the people and not straight into the hands of the town. and know a fighting chance against china. a warning coming from the a former software chief at the pentagon, we will.
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