tv News RT October 13, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT
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every one who falls in love with people threatening. luc with both parties. headline news, president putin says europe's own miscalculations resulted in its current energy crises confronting head on the narrative. the russia is weapon, isaac, or intentionally withholding gas. federal judges, americans, 2nd largest airline to hold off on its mandatory koby. backseat ordered off the legal action from some of its 67000 workers and several people are injured. as classes are up to insert majority areas of kosovo with fears that the violence may grow into a wider regional conflict. ah
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. hello life from moscow, this is our to internationals. world news at 11. my name's colleen brace, now, tempe, i'm in norway. that's where we're starting to update you on a story we brought you an hour ago, a man armed with a bow and arrow has killed several people and injured several others before being detained. this happened southwest of the norwegian, capital oslo. it was at around 6 p. m local time, which is around 4 hours ago now that the police reported the suspect was shooting at people with the weapon inside a grocery store, a co op, extra in the town of combs berg. as i say about 80 kilometers southwest from all slope, the area was immediately cordoned off. a lot of emergency services deployed to the area, including dozens of police vehicles, a helicopter, and city hospitals were put on stand by the or it is. i've ordered offices
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nationwide to be armed as a precautionary measure. this is an extremely rare order to because in norway of course, incidence of killings and murder ah, extremely rare, but in this instance, it still yet to be ascertained. while the motive for this attack was police also being very sparse with the details on the numbers of people who have lost their lives in this incident, this wednesday. and also the number of injured no details either on the motive or the nature of the suspect. either we're expecting police to give another statement, perhaps in the next few minutes. and when that happens, we'll update you of course, because that will dictate the nature of not only the investigation, but also the police response to what happened in kong were in no way to night. will keep you posted somewhere. headline news now then under speaking at the russian entity week international forum president putin has weighed in on the gas price hike in europe and filled the tough questions to dispelling what he called
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false narratives over moscow strategy on the global energy market. because this is sheila, but as far as north stream to is concerned, what opponents of the project have claimed that this is not a commercially viable product and rushes if pursuing geopolitical motivations in week. well, you know, this is yet another believe, nonsense. is that what i just please pay closer attention to what i'm saying on this root is did with 1000 kilometers shorter and quicker to our main consumers in europe that and via you crank these, he 2000 kilometers more efficient. it's cheaper because the transit is cheaper to do, and it's also cheaper for common to virtue because the transit fee has to be included in the and the price in particular for european customers. we are doing this. it isn't white, our political differences this year. we have increased supply by 10 percent, again, very much like them to be grateful. instead of only criticizing us marginal soon on healey tankers, armina russian energy way can is across all the days, major stevens for us. first, a quick look into the context of latimer pollutants. latest remarks during the
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russian energy week. the global post coven power demand has been on the up. and that led to major changes in the supply chains to major disturbances and even shortages. now the, the prices for natural gas futures in europe have absolutely skyrocketed. they went down a bit. but in the meantime, russia was being accused of politicizing the matter. and for years this country has been under fire for its infrastructure project in the field, like the nord stream to however, this crisis led to reassessment i. this is while the russian leader has been talking about for a while. and he also brought up what he called mistakes in the european energy policies that lead to the crisis austin nuggets. myer prices on gas in europe are a consequence of a deficit of energy and not vice versa. and that's why you should not shift the blind newsline over the last 10 years. step by step,
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systematic flaws were introduced into the european energy system, russia and they led to a of energy, chrysler the way ceased for any marketing stability. unpredictability are important . when russia flawlessly fulfills its contractual obligations to our partners, including our partners in europe, but we, in short guaranteed uninterrupted gas deliveries to your and we have every reason to believe that this year. but we will reach record levels of gas deliveries on the global market. when prices are volatile, when they're going through the roof, what can help with that extra supplies? president putin said that there was not a single occasion when russia entered, he joined gas from refused a request from europe for additional natural gas exports. and when mister bruce was asked a straightforward question, whether moscow has ever used the energy sector as a political weapon, his answer was straightforward. no, want to ask you about it directly. has russia been using energy as a weapon?
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russia's not using any weapon. if you've been paying attention as for the economy, where are we using weapons in what conflicts are we taking part and for the economy? this is not something we tend to use. this is what i call the politically motivated to talent. though there's nothing to support it when it comes to saying that we use energy as some kind of weapon at the end of the day. i guess the question is, how can you expect europe to believe you're a reliable energy partner when you're not supplying that energy via the pipeline with our civilization here. a beautiful woman with her. but i'm saying one thing to you, and you're saying a different thing to me as if you haven't heard what i said, well mister president with what was the same point was you and you said that you are not supplying gas through pipelines to europe, but actually you are mistaken, you are mistaken. and all of those who feed on the information they receive, we are actually increasing our suppliers to europe. dicaspran increase the supplies by 10 percent leak. you and overall russia increase them by 15 percent that we have increased gas supply through pipelines by 10 percent up to you and increased l n. g
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supply by 13 percent. we are in increase but not increasing our gas supply to europe. the number one ingredient in mr. perkins recipe for the volatility in prices. not to come back anytime soon. that is a long term contracts when gas prices aren't fixed, but they depend on the current market situation and the oil prices. by the way, what's the major cause for concern for some very important european politicians is the transit of russian natural gas through ukraine beyond 2024. well, water, i said that russia is ready to keep that in place, as long as it knows how much gas europe is willing to buy and the future i. e, he ones, these long term contracts, again, what russia ones is stability and predictability. united states 2nd biggest airlines attempts to force all staff to vaccinate against covert
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has had turbulence in texas, where united airlines stuff has convinced a judge to suspend putting people on leave. if they don't get jabbed, that's kind of open report. well, a judge in texas has put a stop temporarily to the policy of united airlines that would have put their unvaccinated employees on, on, paid leave. now this gives the judge time to rule the hearings begin on wednesday, and the policy is on hold until october 26 that will give the judge the the time to reach his decision. now at this point, the lawsuit was brought because 6 employees of the united airlines said that the vaccine mandate was a violation of their rights and filed in court. this is a class action brought to remedy united patton of discrimination against employees who requested religious or medical accommodations from united mandate that its employees receive the cove at 900 vaccine. now,
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other airlines have had similar policies requiring employees to be vaccinated by december, american airlines and southwest airlines. and after southwest airlines filed in court about possibly, you know, trying to get these restrictions overturned, arguing they're not inconsistent with us labor laws. there were thousands of flights that were cancelled around the country, causing a little bit of panic at the airport. now, after that, the union made clear it was not their decision. this was not a strike or anything like that. this it was not to them would cancel these flights, it was southwest airlines themselves, and southwest airlines said it was bad weather that had caused these unplanned flight cancellations. we experienced weather challenges in our florida airports at the beginning of the weekend challenges that were compounded by unexpected air traffic control issues in the same region, triggering delays and prompting significant cancellations. now another workplace
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that has apparently been affected by this is the white house. however, the white house denies rumors that some staff were not coming to work in protest of the vaccine mandate. this is what the white house spokesperson said when confronted with these rumors, implementing these mandates create certainty. it reduces the number of people who are out of work sick and worse, and that is good ultimately for businesses, it's good for the economy. i know there was a little hubbub over the course of the last few days about southwest airlines. we now know that some of those claims were absolutely false and actually the issues were up completely unrelated to vaccine mandates. now boeing, which is a major aerospace corporation in the united states, has moved to comply with biden's orders regarding federally contracted corporations and their vaccination policies. however, there's been quite a bit of resistance throughout the united states, texas has gone as far as banning vaccine a requirement sob. so at this point,
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these vaccine mandates we're seeing from the biden administration and for major companies, airlines, et cetera, are causing quite a bit of division in the country. americans don't see eye to eye on this question. and the report suggest joe biden's, key demographic groups are now turning away in large numbers from the presidents in the wake of the raft of unpopular policies, the president ratings are already sunk will and 10 percentage points from july to september with a particular worry. now, in the decline and backing among key democratic party constituencies like women, the young and people of color. a speaking specifically about black people, you know, the day that it was determined that he indeed did when the presidency and he came out to speak to his supporters in delaware. it was a big, it was big hoopla, there were fireworks on president biden. and then president elect biden looked into the camera and said to the world, black people have always had my back and i will always have yours. i don't think
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black people are doing right now. but biden's team on the president himself of play down the importance of the polls and blame the sliding support on the pandemic. well, look, i would say that this is a really tough time in our country. we're still battling cove it and a lot of people thought we'd be through it again or was it include my should i this is a process and it's going to be up and down. that's why i don't look at the polls. not a joke. well, as any rogers right, again, believe that the real problem is biden's failure to tackle issues that a key to america. we have seen a disproportionate amount of cold deaths attributed to black people. an assault on voting rights, the voting rights that are allowed, our president bite him to get into power and we're not seeing enough from the president or, nor his our justice department. i just don't think that black people are going to
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accept that, that, that paradigm anymore. and they are expressing their chagrin with his president, with this administration for on it's lack of action on the issues that are really impacting black people to this day, including lack of economic opportunity, lack of educational opportunities, being disproportionately exposed to the climate crisis, police violence. so, so many other education and wealth gap, so many other things and they expect results vulcans in southeast europe where ethnic tensions have erupted into clashes in soviet breakaway region of kosovo. 10 protested, and 10 officers were injured off. the police fight got tear gas at a crowd of serbs protesting a series of rate. ah, with with
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ah, lee said to the radio targeted suspected smugglers in the north of constable, which is mostly populated by minority serbs who don't recognize the region south. pled independence from serbia. officials insist the operations were not directed to any particular nationality. the suspects are all kosovar, albanians of this operation was not against any nationality. this operation was against the criminals who smuggle the legal goods into kosovo territory. i've informed me that the prostate cancer of the case of serbia nationality as well as in the judge maturity on the rapid response, not from not only trav it's or or of serbian nationality. most of those arrests who have a warrant out for their arrest and families. so we can all day that this is state repression off against any one or service. or sentence broke out the use called for dialogue and an immediate end to the violence. a customer declared independence
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from serbia, or in 2008, but ties between the remain tent. thousands of international peacekeepers are still stationed in cost about to this day. well, let's talk about it now with international affairs expert marker, gathered back into the program as far as you're aware from what you know with these fairly standard rates or did something out of the ordinary take place. well, a standard re doesn't involve live firearms. going to find a way to deal with low level criminal accusation. these people are you. we've had a person wounded with a bully in the back. i which means bullets have been fired there by the so albion, police authorities have come in to this area. i mean the read the reference to serbian police being a probably a little spin lead because the fact is the sort of police were removed from the area as part of the brussels agreement, which president woodridge of survey assigned a way back if they were purely serbian police in the area, i'm sure we wouldn't have see disgusting, handled were favorable for if you had
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a survey as government office. the deal to kosovo says this incident shows of the cost of an leadership wants to escalate tensions. it's, it's that it's not realistic or just provocative. i think the aim is to continue this ongoing campaign albanian leaders of had whatever they might use. the names change for the tactics always stay the same kind of low level oppression over the people that the aim is to scare the surviving serbians into submission to force them to give up to leave if possible. so i, in their own ethnic cleansing, hands, we'll be as we've been doing this for fall longer than you and i have been on this planet. so it's really a continuing policy. and the latest obedient leadership of this man could see is simply continuing in the same direction. if you really wants to see smugglers, if he really wants to see, to catch criminals,
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he needs to go south south west to he's a fellow albanians in the states pena. which is pretty much got open book that we have cost of all and who is a leader. the president rama has recently announced how, how he intends to unite albania with cost of a well in the sense of criminal activity. those who are already united, and it's really funny that people who are criminals, themselves, the head of the elevation police authorities, are sending police suspension means to discover smaller criminals. it's quite ironic, living as you say, this is, this is something that's been going on from from millennia. but in terms of the more recent years of interest in a pressure cooker is it's not coming to a head because of local elections in the north. of course, have a good that have any bearing on why this got so agitated. well, it could do an impart hopefully, but the fact is that this is just the latest in it is in the series of low level provocations which the albanian authorities constantly directing the surviving
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serbians in the north of a sudden province of cultural. they are, they are basically being targeted, their will to say is being targeted, their living conditions are being targeted. if they, they've been denied medicines from the rest of serbia, if they bring them in themselves and their cues smuggling them in. and so it's really a campaign, a systematic kind of plain old harassment against ordinary people, all the service people by the people in power and pleased enough. they know authorities who will simply to remove the serbians in a kind of quiet way if all possible from their own natural ancestral lands. this is ethnic cleansing by still bay. no throat is all practising here, through these constant rotations, to remove the will of the serbian to say, how is it provocation? if it's the police say all the suspects and all the people who are arrested the
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a to arrest of are all costs are based in well, the fact is they went into a serbian area, whether the assessment really were as described, whether the police really were thought to strive and they've got a very consistent record of receiving on the fax, explain the various programs in the past, but whatever the nationality of this alleged suspects, we have the fact that they've gone into a serbian ethnic area which are great sensitivity with a great deal in sensitivity, maybe as firing bullets, they've been bringing weapons heavy resolutely to deal with a minor question or the alleged smuggling that's really just to complain or forcing those people into into leave mode who live there. that's. that's really what able to see whether they have albanian suspects or not. they've gone in to someone else's area without proper behavior attached. be said, the president says,
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said he will win any battle to protect. so be here. this is going to spread beyond cost of those boulders, surely. well, the southern president has to say something and perhaps some i argue that he has to do something. because so far he has been accused by some of simply giving albanian leadership because everything they wanted in a kind of step by step way without ever having discourage them from taking measures like the ones they're doing right now and have been doing over consistent period. so the president talks very well, but i think he should be measured on actual actions in this respect. and all the actions so far have been in actions or measures which are actually given a rewarded. they'll be in leadership for its intransigence and bridge behavior. i can't see what he's on actually to stop this happening. so i'd say there's no threat from the rescue serbia at the moment. no. okay, all right, well,
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we'll keep alternate for now though international affairs expert mark i've got it's good to talk to you again. thank you. this is are they waiting on line for you? another one off, white guys headed off on a rocket towards space, but you're like this one. it's the original captain kirk from star trek, no less. he's made it into space for real. and it means that actor william shatner, whose 90 is now the oldest person to reach for the stars boldly going about 100 kilometers about the west texas desert in a blue origin spacecraft. you can read all about his beat me up on our t dot com said i had here for you though moscow's, i'm free, co be testing sites throughout the city as a response to that, drastic spike indeed cases here. what about correspondence is among those getting checked out and it's just one of our stories after the break. ah
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apart, we choose to look for common ground. oh, hello again. britain's popular press is taking aim at one of its own after claims that kremlin spies stole the formula for brushes. sputnik v vaccine from the u. k. story and the some was widely picked up by other outlets, but now at least one rival newspaper has retracted its article and apologized. has come to our attention that this was false as the information about the inventor of the sputnik v. vaccine gambling, national research center for epidemiology and microbiology is publicly known. the article also contained false information. as an apology, we are happy to set the record straight and publish the following statement from the russian direct investment fund, the sun newspaper branded it report as an exclusive,
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i'm saying that an anonymous british government source had proof the data for the russian. cobit jab was pinched by moscow's foreign agent in person, or the creditor spokesperson responded to it all by describing the papers. being famous for it's deeply unscientific articles. the developers of sputnik v say they used the same scientific method. they'd applied an earlier research to quickly make the covered vaccine the 1st to be registered in the world. now russian scientists are now working on joint clinical trials with astrazeneca on a combination of the 2 vaccines. meanwhile, the british security minister, when question on the validity of the sons report, was hesitant to back the papers claims. i'm can't comment won't comment on the specific case, but it would be fair to say correct to say that we face threats of this type that are different. they're more sophisticated, they're more extensive than they ever have been before. an independent journalist le grey says he's not surprised the british de needs are turning on each other and it's their unrelenting attacks on moscow,
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which is the real issue. wow. competition and british press is terrible. you know, so especially for, for a capital or it's like that. so no wonder that they are trying to show that the other one is not ranked, especially in this case that so a clear fake news. you know, you say the king is dead while the king is still alive. so that's a typical fight use. you know, we said tabloid for which shot the scandalous, the info. oh, scandals, cells, paper and our whole. so of course on the internet. and they don't really care about the truth still stay in use. and so even if it's so wrong, well, russia is usually bad. so why not say one more time? you know, that sort of all form stupid argument that could be in their mind in the western press. simon, john was thing in the west and in the western press. it's not one time it is repeat, lou, it's every day. it is detailed news. big news,
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always russia is wrong. it's the message. this is fake news, giving only one part of the story. and there are so good at that in new york and press which is daily corona, virus infection, and death rates hovering near all time highs right now. with numbers in some regions, almost doubling during the past month and a bit to try and curb the spread. many regions have imposed compulsory vaccination for certain categories of worth is, as well as q r code passes for venues. a moscow which is the most affected region, has now launched free testing in 20 centers, including in the city's largest shopping malls. dmitri power crew pulse from one of them. we are here in the heart of russia's capital in moscow on the red square in the gloom department store for a while. it's been a place for people to get vaccinated, but now it is also one of the 20 centers that gets out free express kelvin test. the centers are being opened up as cases in russia continue to search in just the
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last few days. the number of new daily cases across the country has climbed to almost 30000 figures as high as last winter with most of them being in moscow. however, many medical experts think that this is actually reaching the peak and that these numbers is rising numbers in cases are actually due to more tests being readily and easily available. and that's kind of why the also thing that this could be signaling an end to the search. because the more tests, the more cases are confirm, the more people are treated and less people get infected. well, this is the actual test site in the room where people have been steadily flowing in throughout the day to get their free express tests. all they need to show is their passport or a child's birth certificate. meet doctor andre lashley co. he's overseeing this test site and is responsible for making sure everything goes smoothly, and that the necessary steps are taken in case of a positive result. experienced this year, this express task allows you to discover if
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a patient has potentially infected within 15 minutes or less, it's your other guys go to sit on it so quick. how reliable is it ever so we, it's a special analysis that allows you to get results in a short time and it's reliability is very high. nobody thought of it, it's the result is positive. will another test occur here than business law of and of course, from the express test results we tentatively assume a patient is infected, therefore, all of the osi test, positive or additionally tested via the p. c. our method. and after receiving the final results, we make a decision regarding treatment or we decide to stop the self isolation which the patient at these 2 until the results are obtained. well, simon, take that, hopefully no surprise. and that's it. now just got to wait 15 minutes and the results should be in ah,
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well find, find out by test results limited with less. eva, my case are things simple. i'm healthy. i can carry on with my dear life now worrying about infecting anybody. so that's the test process, free, easy and reliable medical expert. whoa, this approach will lead to much more test being done, which will lead to earlier detection and better treatment of the virus. and eventually that should result in a death of the recent surge of cases across russia. okay, just time to tell you new details about the story were across in no way that a man armed with a bow and arrow has killed several people and injured several others before being detained. southwest of the norwegian capital, all slo media that the state broadcaster and our case as its understands that full people have been confirmed dead. however, that is not
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a number that the police have confirmed. they have given no detail on the numbers of those who've lost their lives or who have been injured. trouble broke out just after 6 p m local time, which is about 4 hours ago now. offices were called out to the city of kong berg, which is about an hour's ride south west of all. slo place is still asking residence to stay in their homes so that they can gather evidence. they say there are plenty of witnesses who they can talk to. it's understood that the a suspect moved around a large area before being arrested. a heavy police deployment, when those 1st reports came in to dozens of police vehicles and also helicopters deployed to the same city. hospitals were also put on the stand by the authorities . avoided officers also to be armed as a precautionary measure. they've not ruled out terrorism, but equally they have not yet said the motive for this particular attack. okay, that's it from us now from.
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