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tv   The Alex Salmond Show  RT  October 14, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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it was the constant intimidation and billing by buying coffer sauce that led them to the spring obscene. these people up north shore. ah, mm. welcome to the alex salmon. sure. where we look again at the feature of the world's pre eminent power, the united states of america, last year anthropologist we davis caused an online sensation and the ruling source magazine when he predicted the end of the american either of dominance. that the trump episode was a symptom of a much deeper emily's. now,
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9 months into the biden had his presidency. we ask, we did ask whether the new room at the white house is sweeping out the garbage or as your present, lurking impatiently in the wings and by the local, awaiting the recall to arms. so as a matter of consent, she being replaced by chinese preeminence or well then you presidency signal revival. alex speaks to professor, we'd davis the fest away davis. welcome back to the alex ivan. chill. thanks very much, alex. wonderful to be with you again. oh, it went there last year, a very famous ruling stolen article. you looked at the trump ascendancy and unsettled corona virus, a signaling the, the end of the americans savagely have had cause to revise that opinion. well yes, yes, and no, alex is, you know, you write something like that and very much i think that came out in august of 2020 . when you know, all of us were trying to answer this question, you know,
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what is this coded thing? what does it mean? what does it imply? you know, since and i have very much to revise some of my thoughts in that piece and at the time i with no, i'm happy anticipation, you know, protected the ascendancy of china and in the wake of the passing of the american century. but as a wonderful t shirt going on, a going around over here, that sort of reads on it. you know, china gave us cove in america, gave us vaccines, or the west gave us vaccines. and there's some real real truth to that, you know, whatever the actual genesis of the pathogen was, did it come from an animal market? did it as some people increasingly believe it slipped out of the biology center in the city of origin. whatever the case may be, american and european and western scientific ingenuity, the legacy of allopathic medicine, perhaps our greatest gift to the world really came to the for just think about it until this event of cove. it just the faster development of any
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vaccine in the history of medicine had been for years for mumps and that was the data that i had at the time. i wrote that piece. well, you can imagine alex if these various variants header arrive with their increased levels of transmission and infection. and we had not had any vaccines up until now and we still didn't have them looking at. and 2 more years. you can only imagine the levels of mortality, so i think we should all be extraordinarily proud and grateful of the scientific community for having come to the for as it did. that's certainly something that i did not anticipate when i, when i wrote that piece. but that said, i think the underline issues in that piece and the polarization of american society, the, the ascendancy of a kind of a social world. where if i believe that it's true, the kind of democratization of opinion we really haven't seen,
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even in the wake of biden's, very narrow electoral victory. any really signs of that that's going away in america. let's always remember those of us who may be breathing more easily in the wake of joe biden's presidency. because no matter what you think about him, everybody knows he's a decent guy. he's an honest guy, he's, he's a man who's gone through pain. he's an, he's someone who really does feel the pain of others because he's, he's been in that place himself. but that said, no. trump selection, there was only 44000 votes, 44000 swing votes, and 3 states would have given us back donald trump. and remember that he campaigned directly pandering to his base at all times. in other words, his advisors were telling him, you know, people like your policies, they hate you back off, you'll, when the suburban women's vote, you'll go back to white house. had he done that? it's not inconceivable that that would have been true. but in fact,
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he stubbornly continued to feed red meat to his base cuz that's what he liked to do . that's what he was in, you know, his inclination was to do. and even having done that and having alienated so many people by his rhetoric, his behavior is vulgarity. his mug, his from paucity, he still very narrowly was a defeated. that's a little bit haunting, and we've seen the residue of that polarization and what i can only consider to be the insane vaccine wars of the last 12 months or so in the united states. you know, i alex, when i was a little boy, i don't know if you remember this. do you remember those photographs of the iron, lungs and hospitals, you know, in life magazine over here in america. but you know, i think i'm claustrophobic to this day because those images of those are wards and hospitals of the iron lung of polio victims in the 1950s. and i just find it
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inconceivable that the level of sort of misinformation, the level of frankly pure selfishness of those who don't understand anything that could be me. ology and of no appreciation that their decision to not take a vaccine is no different than their decision to ignore a red light at a traffic stop. amazon often even more than fasting, perhaps as the fact that president trump, when stricken himself, was quite willing to embrace novel therapeutic techniques was i use the same technology as the vaccine. and of course, which at the time are not available to the ordinary american family who was suffering. but when davidson preston biden, i, as you say, a general acknowledged as a, a thoroughly decent human being, but also a great, thick southern times of american politics. but even with has change of direction. and the deference in america from coven, despite all of the scientific breakthrough, is still running over $10000.00
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a week. so bias, president biden been unable to do what they've done in china was just to get love deferent down to virtually nothing. well, i mean obviously the difference between democratic society in or tarion totalitarian society, i mean in china where the surveillance state where individuals have a social capital that is measured by their obedience to the state. and if you don't meet the grade, you cannot get on a train, you cannot take a flight, you can, in some cases, even own a pet. and so you're talking about a totalitarian state, which doesn't, doesn't a blush before the world is puts over a 1000000 acres and concentration camps. so you know, of course biden's had to struggle, but he's struggling with the residue of the polarization of trump. you know, you still have a situation the haunting thing. as you mentioned, alex biden had a reputation in the senate for concilium. it's for partnership for working across
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the aisle and, and in the o'bonham administration. and before he had worked in the clinton administration with mcconnell very, very effectively on number of pieces of legislation. the connell's put up the signal that the republican party will remain recalcitrant as they did under obama. they will simply focus their attention on, on limit any, any achievements of the biden administration. you know that the republicans in congress have not mellowed all look, consider the fact that lynn cheney, of all people, has been utterly ostracized from the party. simply for having the audacity to suggest that the electoral counts were actually accurate, that american democracy worked, as we know absolutely, that it did. but this hasn't in any way mollified the trump majority, which can he, you know, it's quite shocking. you would have thought that with the criminal investigations, with the light of distance in the, in the wake of the new presidency, with
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a new hope from the world, the approbation of the world, the election of joe biden, that somehow trump might have just lost his grip on the republican party in some slight way, the shocking thing alex is. he has not all the polls suggest the opposite. every single person running for office or in office in the congress, remains completely intimidated by spector of trump, turning on them. this is unprecedented american history. where a president voted out of office, would be able to maintain such control over his party. consider by contrast, the fate of jimmy carter in the wake of the reagan victory in 1980. i mean, carter was gone with the wind. as i say, you know, i think that the danger for america in the world is that joe biden is an old man, and whether he will even be able to run again in 2024 and then who will be in
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his place if he does not and it's not clear, the democrats have anyone lined up, and we're only talking, you know, how quickly is american electoral cycles roll over? you know, they'll be running for the primaries before you know it. i thomas perpetual campaigning, perpetual fundraising, the american political system. and it's not clear to me that on the democrats have anyone in the wings who can take on what appears to be this ongoing trump juggernaut. and that is a very haunting thing. you know, you know, it's a funny thing alex, i, i, you know, i married an american woman, i'm canadian and her father was a senator and almost u. s. president. at one point, as i sort of dropped as an adult in the world of washington power, you know i, i used to play tennis with robert mcnamara, the architect of vietnam when he was still physically fit. but obviously, emotionally and mentally, a crushed man in the wake of his disappointments used to sit around with dick
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cheney him and talk about the civil war at cocktail parties. my point is not to drop names, but, but when i went into that scene, i thought there must be some kind of center of power in washington. and the more i learned, the more i realize that, that there really is no, they're there. and that, that the power structure is just these individuals who sort of fall into it in some kind of serendipitous, ambitious way. and their decisions can have such profound consequences for the rest of us. i mean, think about 911 for example. you know, the most successful, a symmetrical episode of warfare since the trojan poorest, you know, for the cost of less than $1.00 scanning machine in one airport in anywhere in the u. k. that handful of, of, of, of fanatics. and you know, brought death to 2800 americans. and let's always remember who we are. we lost 6000 boys at at normandy beaches. you know, we, we lost 23000 bed and one afternoon at
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a t t. m creek in the civil war. you know, we, we walked across the continent to settle it, you know, we're bigger than this. we're not gonna let this put us off our game. but it did. and we rushed into afghanistan. we rushed into iraq. and now, you know, 20 years later. ready you know trillions of dollars expended during years where and where china and never went to war. america never was at peace every 3 years. rather, the chinese would talk more concrete building up their infrastructure than america did in the 20th century. all that is your, all that blood utterly wasted and again, back to joe biden, whether he likes it or not, the debacle of cobble happened on his watch vessel davis. that's precisely what we're going to look at. in the 2nd half of the show, the chaotic retreat from kabul, and what that tells us about american reach, what old white and the surgeon is tactile perception as
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well as his or her eyesight helps a lot. because you need to make sure you don't break the thread well, placing the switches and robotic hands can't do that. not now. and i believe not ever. you can write software for the machine, but you cannot give it human tactile perception you ah, [000:00:00;00] ah,
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well. 6 come back, alex is in conversation with world famous anthropologist, professor wade davis on whether america is back under by way, davis, the chaotic seasons. a couple, if point a and the, the bloody ending to what has been a 20 of conflict rocked joe biden in the polls. but as that a case that taking that decision is going to put in battle estate for the, for the times to come to the session was going to have to be made. i think that's a very good point. and that's the way that the president tried to present it to the american people. and obviously somebody had to pull the plug on that on that the, that, that war couldn't go on forever. god's sake. on the other hand, you know, the famous sane by harry truman, the buck stops here and whether he likes it or not. those images from kabul. ready like the image is $975.00 in saigon, which incidentally,
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it was interesting how the administration immediately went to those images with this incredible. and, you know, methinks a man protested too much refusal to draw any kind of parallels to what happened in saigon in 1975. but any one of the eyes to see could see on the video cameras. and i mean on the, on the television monitor that it was exactly like saigon in 1975. i mean, it was utterly parallel. you know, we, we left in 1975 nixon having spent billions of dollars to arm the south vietnamese . army was called the via the victimization of the american vietnam war. whole idea that nixon's can't, you know, strategy was to get the american boys out of the coffins and back home. and, and we could, we could just use money and power and arms to equip an army that in the end had no will whatsoever to fight. and had had just rampant corruption from the level of the
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field up into the presidential palace will surely that's exactly what we saw in afghanistan. and you know, this is the, the lesson. it's a lesson that alex, that does go back to $911.00. what's the single most important strategic lesson to derive from that attack in the world towers? it's simply this, it's a power in this interconnected asymmetric world. no longer guarantees security. you can have the most powerful army in the world and then suddenly a bunch of kind of misfits with the equipment of an exacto knife, you know, as, as a most are for weapon spending less money on their entire operation. and then is the cost of one of the machines we had to put into airports to screen baggage. i mean, the whole operation cost $500000.00 to, i'll try and yet with that they, they stand and embarrassed and brought pain and death to the most powerful military force in the world. so american, they maintain
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a military apparatus that is larger than 17 other nations put together all that, that statistic is fading with the ascendancy of china, obviously. but it still doesn't translate into security. so the question is, what does and in, in a piece that came out right after $911.00, that was printed all around the world with a noted exception of anywhere in the united states. i wrote that the lesson of 911 was just that and that we had to somehow come to terms with the interconnectedness of the world. you know, we somehow had to kind of generate and it may sound naive, but some kind of global sense of interdependence. because one of the problems of 911 and this is of the circumstances, 911 and white shocked american so much why they were asking, why do they hate us? america in all of its power was so remarkably cut off from the world. i mean to the time is 91125 percent of congressmen had no passports. the president himself
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had rarely left part of the country save to visit his father and beijing. when his dad was the ambassador there, you know you had a country absolutely insulated, in wealth. at the time of $911.00 american spent more money maintaining their lawns than the country of india collected in total and federal tax revenues. i went them a st. george w bush once complained to me in the white house that the american past said never been out in the country when he'd been to scotland 12 times. so pops up. well, the racing and salon tale slee american pestilence. well, i think, i think george, me, maybe it was i george w bush did it was yes. well i maybe maybe he'd travel more than i thought. but the point is the point is that america, you know, it was remarkably insular. so when reginald bible couldn't remember the, the name of the estallion prime minister, he was citing
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a defense pike with he was just being like an adventure american, an average jewel was a no, that's not fair. i mean, i mean i let me, don't get me wrong. all joking aside, i mean, you know, you have incredible intellectual capacity within, within the u. s. apparatus, of course you do and, and, you know, the fact that biden forgets the name is, is it who wouldn't, for god's sake. i mean, i mean, i me inviting that and forgetting a name and a cocktail party, we can hardly hold someone accountable for that. i, i'm amazed, they can remember what they do. remember the modem, testing feature of that. let's defend spite thing. let me get this fight that all cuss pacific asia pacific pacific basin, supp marines, at which so upset the french a. but america has low or ballistic on hunter, killer nuclear submarines than the rest of the planet combined of garbage 70 when china has sex. so it isn't an extraordinary situation where you have to have that.
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the fans packed to give security. when already america has pre eminence, satellite weaponry is not in all areas of, of life. china remains this incredible mystery. doesn't that? i mean it's, it's banking systems opaque. it's political system is opaque, its capacity for when ruthless actions is transparent, whether it's a treatment of the, of ethnicities or hostage diplomacy. and in the case of, um, you know, the only recently were these 2 canadians i brought home who had been simply, you know, snagged in what amounted to political kidnapping. simply because of the canadian threat to extradite the woman who was i forget the name of the company now, but you know, that was was what the americans wanted her for, for various charges. right. and so she's been living in a mansion in vancouver for months. while these 2 canadians, who are snagged by the chinese,
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have been in solitary confinement treated like you know, like criminals. and so china, in a china is, is capable of so much, we just don't know what's going on there. i mean, look at this, look at this claps or imminent claps of this large development company. i mean, the idea that a, that a building company, a construction company, even a construction empire would have $300000000000.00 of debt to deal with the fact the 25 percent of the apartments in china are empty simply because, you know, construction is way the economy has been greased and when a bank fails, they're not allowed to fail. there's simply absorbed by the government. so i think, i think it's one of these things when i and i'm obviously know china expert. but i think alex, any of us, we think about it, you really don't know where the china is a paper tiger or is it the ascendant power of the new era? therefore, professor davis, i'm going to push it out. this thesis,
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the end of the american site, actually the multiple problems, the setting that the country, the comp plan presidency and all the cables and suit has sir, joe biden managed, at least to arrest the decline in your eyes. it ought perhaps, can it be no vast as china really paper tiger bullets next, centrally see america remap to as indeed that has rebuffed before a. what do you think as at the end of the beginning on, is there something different about to mads accepting? of course that you deal in centuries, not moments. well, well, i mean, no one would look no one i think with, with an open heart to liberty would ever look forward to the demise or the end of the american century. if it implied the ascendancy of the century of china simply because of how we know the chinese communist party treats its own citizens. we know
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how it aggregates its promises in terms of treaties and promises to place like hong kong. when we know how it maintains a surveillance state that is unlike anything its ever been undone and, and the technology is only allowing that surveillance day to be even more ubiquitous and more controlling. and the way it's treating the various ethnicities, the ers in particular, you know, establishing shamelessly i would only be described as concentration camps as a, engaging and act beth no side against their own people. the ongoing shut down and locked down and to bet where, where people have no access to any information, save that, which is unsaid them by the communist party. and this is a truly totalitarian state. where for lots of reasons, given its history, the people i have chosen stability as opposed to personal freedom, you know,
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perhaps the freedom to acquire money, but at the expense of any kind of personal freedom in terms of politics or even the artistic expression. so if china is ascendant as presently configured with the complete control of the chinese communist party, i think that it is something that is not a world that i want to dwell on. you want to throw that in. the 2nd one was a combination of american military might and russian blood, which saved the world from darkness. where should we look for, for hope in this view century? well, i think, you know, my, my, my hope is that shine in particular. and then we'll be able to break out of the hammer hold of the chinese communist party without it inclined and
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a complete chaotic breakdown of the society. i don't know if that can happen or not, but i certainly that would be on the political scene. what you would, would, would hope for, i think the other, the other thing obviously is climate change. i mean, if you know, if, if we, if, and, you know, if and when we actually begin to understand alex the obvious, that we're, that we're living on, on a biological planet. i mean, this is one of the lessons of covey that i think kind of skip past us in a rather lamentable away. and at the same time, because it shut down the global economy, at least momentarily. we suddenly saw the resilience of the earth, a difficulty of the earth. remember those images of, of wild boar in the streets of barcelona, the canals of venice. clear rivers in columbia running like trout streams through cities like mid evening, you know, came on blackening the beaches of baja, the cities of karachi and deli,
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been able to look north and see the heights of the mountains. snow kept score in the sky. we suddenly saw 2 things, we saw the ability of the earth to rebound in a natural way. but inversely we saw by definition, the consequences of our foot print upon the earth. what we've been doing to it as we consume the ancient sunlight of the world for the last 300 years. and so this is coming right at the moment when in a way the world is speaking to us, you know, the, the, the cataclysmic hurricanes, the endless wildfires and, and again, when we, when we think of climate change, it's very poor to distinguish whether from climate you know whether is what happens to us on a daily basis, a yearly basis. perhaps climate represents a long term trends of weather events, if you will, ah,
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and if the world can get its act together and think collectively about that. if we continue, you know, our petty conflicts in the little corners of the world, while this world of ours kind of slips away, you know, a way that will be the the most desperate fate for humanity. profess away bayless fascinating. extraordinary. thank you so much for joining me once again on the alex ivan show. thanks, alex. so much wonderful to be with you again. as an anthropologist where davis deals in timescales much longer than electro cycles. he deals in eat us, the end of the american eat up will not be a rapid process, while them pass authentic centuries to decline and fall. we've davis more and the passing of the american century. for all is manifest false. it might be better for the world than his potential replacement. however, the underlying divisions and american society sought into sharp relief by the trump
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presidency are not going away any time soon. neither partly is a donald sincere of mind from fatigue. he still has that ready audience and is now odds on to seek and to win the republican nomination and stands as a 2nd favorite after biden. to be the next president of the united states, some of biden's, more enthusiastic supporters have likened him to franklin d. roosevelt his 1st time in 1933, laid the foundations for the u. s. welfare state and slate, the specter of american fascism. it's certainly hard to find a more abrupt presidential shift than from trump to biden. however, whether the president has the stamina, political, and personal to see this remains to be seen. but for now, for myself and alex and all it is sure it's good bye, stay safe, i'm hope to see you all again. next to me.
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ah ah. welcome to max hazards, financial survival guy looking forward to year as we go. yeah, this is what happens dimensions in britain. go out this app of you watch kaiser report on when i was showing the wrong one. 03. just don't move any world just to shape out is the because the attitude and engagement
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equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah police in norway say the bow and arrow ram page that killed 5 in congress berg appears to be a terrorist attack. adding that the suspect had converted to islam and was previously flagged over signs of radicalization. also ahead a lease 6 people were reported killed and dozens wounded in bay route after government open fire to protest over the investigation into last. he is deadly port explosion. damned if they do damned if they don't australian police bear the brunt of public anger at government tactics to water. the anti lockdown activists, the ty,


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