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tv   Dennis Miller One  RT  October 15, 2021 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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howard, i've met both these guys individually over our adult lives, but i don't think i've ever talked to them together and they've come together for the most appropriate purposes. they've written the memoir and the stars of it are not ron and clint. it's their mother and father gene and rand shower, who raised them right and also to 2 of the more creative guys i know, ron and clint howard. and the boys is the name of the why not memoir, right? after this on dennis miller plus one the ne bugs welcome to dennis miller plus juan, you know, i don't obviously did not meet rants in gene howard, but i'm fascinated by them because they raise to very good men. i've met these cats both that are cursory sense that i find them to be admirable individuals. i'm fascinated by their parents, keeping them in the master,
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and they can be hollywood and keeping them. so normal kind and interesting runs successful actor director, producer, known for blockbuster films, like apollo 13 and the, the pre shooting on the vomit comet. also a beautiful mind of the crow, got rob for that issue. the throne, the phone, and the da vinci code, clint character actor who's appeared over 200 tv shows and films including water. boy paula 13. my name is earl, and together the brothers howard have written a book about their remarkable lives called the boy's love, the title, a memoir of hollywood family, currently available in bookstores and online. this is clinton, ron howard. how are you, boys? we're well dennis, it's good to talk to you. yeah, it's a wonderful talk to you again dennis. well, listen i, you know, i want you to just talk on your parents for a 2nd because g is you're both. i've met both is adults and
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a nice guy normal just like human beings want to meet. and i always think back to ransom jean i go, i never met them, but they must have been cracker. jack parents tell me a little bottom that, you know, they were remarkable, were unbelievably blessed to have been their, their boys. and by the way, that the title of the book is, is also a nod to our mom because that's what she, that's what you call all of us were her boys, the boys. so there, so there you go, you know, without, they didn't come from highly dysfunctional, tragic families. but they were the exception to the family rule. they had the vision, they had big dreams. they had no right to believe they could possibly make it in show business. and yet they changed the course of the family history and this, and the story by following that dream kind of pell mell, helter skelter,
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never shared, worked out. lo and behold, the did so were the beneficiaries of all that. but the one thing that i looked at in going delving into the book were these crossroads and for some reason they really make good decisions. you know, i'm sure the parents were scared to death when they ran off together to go to new york to try to be in the show business. but i'm, i'm sure they mortified them. in fact, i know it did, but they were even right about that. it turns out, and i think when they're batting average, is that good? you gotta say sure there's an element of lock, but there's also some innate sense of what is going to be right for them and, and, and we benefited from that. yeah. let's just say that one, rance and jane reached the fork in the road. they were able to discern the subtle notes coming off the time in the work, and take the right the take the right junction. it certainly can be tricky,
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but i also a karma believer, i think their hearts are in the right place. so i'm just. busy i don't know, it's a great story, you know of heartbreak stories and i always look and think, wow, god bless took their kids, let an exciting like let a normal life and they're grounded so it's a win on all counts. you boys are so demure in some way. i don't see anybody chest, something all that much. everybody has an in a humility that probably comes from hanson jane. but why the book now? did you feel in some way clinton was in march to them. we yeah, listen it, we landed on the idea that it was a love letter, mom and dad. and we really, we came up with the idea actually ron initially kind of had the idea to write a book because he's been approached by, by publishers to write a book. and we, why we wanted to really dive deep into our story and you know, mom and dad story, we had heard about it,
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but we hadn't really ever gone deep. and boy, i wish i would have known them when they were in the early twenty's. that's my one take away from working on the book is, is, you know, 1st of all they had no business doing what they did, and yet they did it without fear. they did it with dignity and, and on top of that they raised us which, you know, i am, i'm ultimately so grateful to be the kids of ranting g howard, you know, they knew how to dust themselves off when they got knocked down by this business over and over again, ah, and i think we learned by example, i know at, as i began to have more and more success, i could recognize that my dad wasn't guilt tripping me. over that he was supportive of that he was enabling it, making all of it possible. and yet he never gave up on his dream, his career, which was going out there a couple of times a week, sitting around in or audition room, taken your best shot. and about one out of 10 time landing a gig and you know, you,
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you, you develop calluses. but he didn't that never, he, that never led to cynicism. you know, to further answer your question dennis neutral pow tom hanks once answered a question of mine. he's a good writer and people have been coming me about doing, you know, and autobiography more and i said, what do you think you think that's something i really ought to do, tom? and he said probably one day. yeah. but if i were you, i would focus entirely on your childhood because that's the thing we're all curious about. you know, how the hell did you navigate it? why did you land on your feet and what was it like? and so during our dad when we were preparing for dads memorial, putting it that together, that's why i really broached the idea to clint, because i said, while their story is fresh, why don't we tell it and why don't we tell it through this lynn's that so many
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people are curious about which is what you know, what our journey was all about. and so we have the last alger, the fun of those stories, the insights in terms of all the social change and that we witnessed but, but at the end of the day, the answer to the question is, we were lucky to be these people kit. that's how we did it. i think one of the nice things that you can obviously bleed over into your children's life. everybody talks incessantly about sibling rivalry. i think on the flip side of the coin, there is sibling chivalry, where at some point you lock antlers over the course of your life. but it's your beloved brother. you take care of them, your family, and you to have always seen. i don't know that fondness i find to be intoxicating, and i know it's not all up here people, but hedge cries, that's life. but i'm saying by and large at the end of the day, i can always imagine our boys as dean would say, having their brothers back. well, i tell you why. i was in no better position in life than to be his little brother.
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and you know, again, i talked about this in a voice. my very 1st memory that i, that i really can hold on to is, is waking up in the morning with ron being all 5 years older than me. obviously that has never changed, but he would read the l a times for section and read the box scores. and with me on his back laying in the hallway in front of the wall heater, you would tell me about the dodger games. and it developed a lifelong love for baseball and a lifelong love for my brother. and i got to say that i, you know, my, my parent i was born one of my dad was in the air force mediately, after, you know, they started, it went back into, into show business. he had been working prior to, to going into the air force. and when he got out went right back into making the rounds and scratching out a living which involved travelling round a different theatre companies in summer stock and this fat in the other. so when i
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was in a situation where i was going to have a younger brother, i was delighted by it, you know. and it turned out that clint was born with a twinkle in his eye, a raised eyebrow, a smirk on his face, and a sense of humor. and with you, i've always found him very entertaining. and he was really, he was really good company and it was easy to love them. now that's what i know. clint was crowning. he had a rejoinder, ready for the doctor already as he, as he hit the ground. right? yeah. in the room. room posts, as he 1st came out into this room, were talking to the bank, the back thank you very much. there you go. we're talking to the, our was their delight. as i said, i've met clint and ron over the years singularly, i don't think i've ever talked on together. i've always found to be hail fellows
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well met. and i can't wait to read this book, the boys, a memoir of hollywood and family. i'm trying to think, ronnie, you're a little younger than me, but i'm trying to think it was a willy, tommy david, sweet lu johnson, who are you read? who is in the box scores when you are reading the young clip? it well, yeah, i know it was that group in co co faction wells and, you know, i love drysdale, tommy davis. yeah. sweet lou, when he came up as a 31 or 32 year old rookie and lit up jim brewer throwing, throwing the screwball and ron parent ascii, the dodgers had a great team back then. they didn't hit many home runs. they won. they wanted a couple of world series. i always envied the giants, but we managed to get there. you didn't want to dig in on the big double day, my man could throw the, he could throw the appellate drysdale that you did not. oh man, you know what, you know, it's funny to me. course for a 2nd, but i just have to say,
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i was recently reading a book about the doris day and i had no idea her maury were para moore's for a while. more. yeah, i didn't know that either. i love that every now and i go, when was when? wal hey, i wonder i in this in this year i wonder if i wonder, a big deal would have been a 2 way player. you know, he led the dodgers one year with a $3.00 oh $1.00 batting average and 7 homers. they used to pinch hit him every chance they got. yeah. yeah, he could hear that folks. i'm talking ball and i've been on a bit of a baseball trip with ronnie for a few days. it was so funny to me, run it because i don't. i obviously know you it. well, we'll talk about the open stuff like that after. but i remember the 1st time we're on the bus, we're dr. and hanks, and he and i and a couple great writers law was a bob lou man down law gans a you know, just great group of people and jim ags, we're talking ball radi, drop the f bomb, just talking about something. and i saw jesus idea who was header,
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was she up in the rock to step on me? i can't believe i will talk more with the howard brothers once again. the book is the boys, and it is a memoir of hollywood and family indeed, clint ron howard right after this one, dennis miller plus one and the surgeon's tactile perception as well as his or her. i saw it helps a lot because you need to make sure you don't break the thread well, placing the switches and robotic hands can't do that. not now. and i believe not ever. you can write software to the machine, but you cannot give it a human tactile perception. ah, it's what i took on my facebook, but i still believe we did. who bought. i bought the dial tomorrow. either way,
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but i know from politicians to athletes and movies. dentist musicals does it seems every big name in the world has been here this year. hope of miss you can pick up. this goes to school. ah i wish them wasn't when you get the call, but i need to remove it doesn't give me a glove. would you spoke with them? said basil makes dreams come true. the every one who falls in love with luc wide. mm. join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. and i'll be speaking to guess from the world of politics. sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. ah
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hey folks. welcome back to dennis miller plus one. we're talking to ron, clint howard, have written a memoir called the boys, a memoir of hollywood and family. obviously the 1st time i see ronnie is on a andy show and i think she, clint, they're the 1st time to ever lose a little boy walking or hunt. i don't walk here 3 of like 5 times the one that was like, it's also the 1st time i ever saw jack nicholson, who francis bobby a's on jury duty and they want to send somebody up the river. it's at the end young jed liens in a go, thank you with me for old out. it's like playing henry pond and 12 angry may very i, it's in the ha, it's the 1st that you see a lot of things the vibe of the show, though man, i rance and gene must have been so happy because it's such as maybe berries than i
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d fix in my head. it's such a beautiful place to begin to get your kid into a gig least these not in a scream or i know what you did last summer, fill me in a nice place. i know it was good, gay was great, good fortune. and now you know, there is a story there that we, that i write about in the boys, which is that very early on. my dad had the temerity to say to andy griffith, look, i see how they're writing or the andy opi relationship. it's your basic sit. com, where the kids, the white. and he's somehow kind of smarter than the dad. what if he did something different? you know what, it would be actually respected his father. you think you could? i think you could still find some comedy there and people might find it refreshing . and andy appreciated dad they, they had a lot in common. had seen him sort of parenting me and nodded and went to the writers and said, let's, let's model this relationship after ransom ronnie. and,
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and it really changed the course of the show and the tone of what that relationship was like, but it was a blast. dennis, i'll tell you, i was allowed to be involved in a creative process that was lead in large part by andy with great cooperation with the, with the head writer and producer, aaron ruben. but after a read through, all the actors would get to throw in their $0.02, raise a raise, a raise, a flag around a line or a behavior and attitude, a joke. and i got to witness this. and even in that 1st year when i was only 6 and my dad was having to read my part for me because i couldn't the site re i once in a while tried to make a point, tried to, tried to offer a note. i was a little chagrined, they never, they never accepted any of my ideas. but in the 2nd episode of the 2nd season, we were rehearsing in the courthouse. and my job is to walk in and say, hey paul,
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something i can't remember the line was, but i stopped and the director, bob sweeney said, well, why he's stopping ronnie? and i said why, i don't think a kid would say it that way. he why do you think a kid would say it? and i said well, like this, and i pitched my little rewrite and he said good say, say the line that way let's, let's rehearse it again. let's go. and i remember feeling this wave of appreciation of engagement, you know, and, and, and excitement creative excitement. and i was standing there and from across from across the sheriff's office at andy said, what do you grinning at young? and i said, well that's the 1st idea of mine you've taken. and he gave it the proper timing and said, well, it was the 1st one that was any damn good. now let's rehearse the theme. and i was so blessed. so bless, to be in that environment and you know, it's informed everything that i've done since then. and the way i like to work the
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way, you know, the respect for, you know, realizing the potential of a scene. whatever the tone, whether it's playful and it's for the grinch stole christmas or, or something, you know, apollo, 13 or beautiful mind or rush or, or frost next. no, that's late in their deep band. people can talk about carmen. all they want. i understand. he'll knock down a per diem as well, but that's a great directors know, getting late in the even earlier age where you thought, oh, i got listen to i'm sure throughout your life when young hanks or somebody says something you thing i have to listen to this we're all pulling this both together. i had to listen to this. now can you come in and you, you learn the ways of the set there and you must ho, this is a pretty group. he said, i'm wondering then you go over. and clint, by the way, one of the pre eminent character actors of our time over 200 roles. but i think the 1st time i remember him on the small tube is with the big bear over on gentle ben. and i'm wondering, i was the set is convivial was the set is. busy the. busy what are you,
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what are you remembrances of that, clint? well, you know, and it was a different kind of set than the andy griffith show. we worked our tails off are doing half hour television in 3 days. wow. so we didn't have the time to sit around and chit chat, it was just shoot one scene after the other. and pulling that bear around by his chain was no easy task. they were outside all the time. when or i would go to visit, you know, people get eaten up with mosquitoes. it was, it was hotter than hell. and yet, and, but they were, you know, they were getting it done. it was, it was the work ethic. i mean, because we had to, we were grinders general been we were working at a really fast pace and i was, i was in heaven because i was there with dad. dad was working on the show. he played henry boom, how're dennis weaver side kick, who by the way, dennis weaver, who played my dad in general, ben was the fellow that introduced mom and dad to each other at the university of
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oklahoma 25 years before. so it, you know, that is sort of a remarkable erie thing, but i loved working on general ben and i also got to watch dad. dad was in his prime. he was, he was writing, he was acting with dennis. and he was standing up for what he believed in. for instance, early in the 1st season of general been script started going down the pipe here where been had dialogue. i'm talking about scripted frigging dialogue like the bear who were that were and that was a non starter for us howards. you know and, and dad, dad put down his foot. those paw and dennis of course, who had been chester. it was an emmy winning actor in a big star. he darted, you know, the dual. it was about what they were actually a dual came right after. yeah. but, but he had enough, he believed in dad. they worked, put their heads together and,
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and dennis had the juice to sort of nip things in the bud light, talking bears he, i'll tell you why dennis. one thing about dad. he was fearless without being blustery, without being a flamboyant or a grand or a bully. about it, dad would look people in the eye and get his point across and it wasn't necessarily what he said. it was the way said it, dad was so effective at communicating. isn't that funny that that's such one of the great tenets of acting as grab your space, though your lives and then don't brianna, the behalf vienna to max out what your characters saying and listening to and then saying again in any given moment. so when you say he stood his ground and that that, that, that is one of the core tenants, i believe, of a great actor, make the choice, get it right. you go with it at that point and, and, and as kids, the really remarkable thing is, you know, he was, he wasn't into this because he thought we should be child stars and, and, and, and,
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you know, and put the bank away. he, he, he felt like it was a learning opportunity and later in life, when i said to him, once clinton, i were grown at, you know, i said, dad, everybody in the business knows how much you factored into. you know, our effectiveness as kid actors. why don't you open a school? why don't you do like ever want to know. great, you know? and he said, i'm, i'm actor. i don't, i said i didn't, i don't want to be, i don't want to teach kids how to act. i taught you guys because i'm your father and i had something to offer in and i and i saw that you know, that you had aptitude. yeah. and whether you stayed in the business or not, i felt like you had a chance to learn how to succeed and take that with you into whatever walk a life you would choose to. to take, you know, ronnie, i just read a great book about the making of sunday in the park with george and the, the great, the musical about george. sure. at the point,
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listen. and so many of the actors in this oral history did not plant the flag, not everybody's hanks, not everybody's russell crowe. there's, there's working actors. and as they talked about their craft, i had goosebumps, they, whatever part they'd given in this book. they wanted to make it great, and they found the negative truth in it. it's like hemingway say, right? one true line. and, you know, they found their one true line and they followed it through. and i thought, you know, that's why people are intoxicated by acting people, sleep, walk, and half through life. when these people get in it, they don't have to be up at the somebody's got to boil water at the 5th base camp for the people to strike the summit. and they were also joyous about, i said, no wonder people had toxic, hated. it's the magic kingdom, isn't it? yeah, yeah. well my parents loved it and of course they didn't reach that sort of their, the dreams that probably fueled them to leave
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a little town in oklahoma called duncan, or the farm. their dad grew up on in, in oklahoma. and, and try to pursue it. i mean, hell, you know, my dad, my dad went to try to be gene autry or a roger. he thought he could be a sing and cowboy. nobody told me he couldn't carry a fricking tune to save his life. i mean, thank god but you know, buddy, you know, he had the guts to go mom had the dream. and while they didn't ever fully realize that, you know, they, they were also proud of themselves that they were making living at this. and they never depended on our salaries. you know, you know, managers fee is 15 percent. once they started taking a fee, they took 5 percent because they felt like the other 2 thirds was just in the parents job. the, you know, and we lived, we lived in the house, a dad could afford, that was very clear, our money got saved for us in a very healthy way, which, which we're very grateful for. so, you know, we just got unbelievably lucky that these people had this common sense to make,
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as i said, sort of one big decision, you know, after another, hey, one other good old thing. both of them, both of them. once my mom went back to acting and as my dad continued to age, they contain their parts, got better and better in the last 2 years of my dad's why if he had the best roles of his career. so there you go. if you keep grinding, i have seen mom, i was one of the highlights, have apollo 13. yeah. you know, mom playing grandma level in apollo 13, she lives in the large drawing and says, are you with the phase program too? i didn't even know that. so great, beautiful. so the, the rents and jean making his coffee and cameos, and all the films and listen, is there any more? is there any better gifted as you look at these 2 young men? you can tell that they're fine people. is there any greater legacy than iran?
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you can look at me and say, my dad left our money for us and we lived in our house. she could afford folks, you can talk about all the noble gestures in your life. you can talk about greatness. what is greatness? i'm saying when you have 2 sons like this, and they think back on that moment and they think back on the mother being and dominant, both calling them the boys and rallying the family. that is the greatest gift that is, that is true greatness in life. forget the movies, forget the awards, forget the followers. all that is when you can look back and go, my dad did the right thing by us. and so did my mom, folks, you've lived the greatest life you can live at that point. i'm so happy to hear that story right. you truly are bless brother and has nothing to do. although i got to save beautiful my. and i'm still the russell through the phone downtown or what the hell he was thinking he should have one back to back for that. you know, he was killer and absolutely killer. alright. our boys dead. right. the book
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is the boys a memoir and nice to see 2 cats. i hope we break bread sometimes. are good people a pleasure. yeah. good talking to you. yeah. dennis study. wow. you glad? i'm glad you're happy over there, baby. yet. the ball hard. right? yeah, yeah, no, it's beautiful and really cathartic, really cathartic to work on this book. and it really did, made me extra gratefully, really did dennis. it's the circle of life simba, good to talk to cats, and bye bye with about right. yeah, the well done is really good again. ah, a beautiful job ocean was time on what it says i middle august will still it'll cover the initial kenley's to the vehicle so i
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would still love would you think that that would because if that's something you would get them with the cool got that's 90 percent of your properties was for what fin the but only the filled with that sort of looks like you with nice seems to them of them when he's got the west. when luck with them. so we'll do some more stuff for philip keeps them from, from the muse. are kind of what those are the same ones. let me use this global logo slave to 3 years. i will continue to won wonderful, scared little school to live with john creech, if it, what are one? what do you think that us them, i mean on i, besides that we send it back
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when i see black america, i see part of my so when i was growing young, black american spoke to me when what australia did, not those who say black mulash magic is a movement we are importing from america? no, nothing of who we are. i lived in a world where wide lives mattered. and i was not wide like missing. and i wasn't known from black america. i learned how to speak back to whiteness. aboriginal people of iraq law every day. we were out loaded system. now with the police were out war with 2 states. i'm scared that more children are going to grow up in the country that think says no racism, but they're more likely to end up in the criminal justice system. then they're all
8:00 am
the fellow friends in daycare st. clashes blocked ports and a strike action. the italian government is bracing for a wave of civil unrest as it rolls out. mandatory coven, green passes for all workers. once we once use for this green possible to be revoked. if this doesn't happen, we will close the port to think that the green pass is an unlawful tool, an improper one that should not be forced upon the workers because it is discriminatory. billionaire, facebook, a boss at market zuckerberg is accused of electron meddling as researchers and for the new york post claim his donations aimed at boosting, turned out a u. s. swing states may have helped joe biden when the white house u. s. judge accuses a dc jail of violating human rights by denying medical care to a suspect in.


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