tv News RT October 15, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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for a british emp is stabbed to death by a member of the public while meeting his constituents disturbing images from afghanistan where a blast out of mosque during prayers kill 37 and injures more than 70. it is the latest in a state of terror attacks in the country since the u. s. exit a u. s. marine officer please guilty to criticizing the military leadership for the k out of afghan, withdraw the marine demands of senior leaders take accountability. oh, wow. st. clashes blocks ports and strike action. that's all in response to the italian government's introduction of mandatory coven passes for all workers in the country. with
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broadcasting live direct my studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. right now in the u. k, a conservative m p has been killed after he was stabbed multiple times, while meeting with his constituents, a suspect has been arrested. our chief shot edward staci report. david m a n g died off to being stopped earlier this afternoon during a constituency surgery meeting, which is essentially a weekly meeting that politicians have whereby members of the public can attend and discuss local political issues with that member of parliament. of course that happened some hours ago was being held at the methodist church in south and which is just outside of central london. when a young man we'll take a knife run into the methodist church attacks the veteran politician. at that point,
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an ambulance attended to the c, a power medics treated him to see where he was fighting for his life. tragically, he passed away just being confirmed at around 3 p. m. the incident, as i say, happened some hours before that and the police have released a statement about this incident saying that a suspect to 25 year old man has now being arrested. they are saying that they are not looking for anybody else in relation to this incident, suggesting that the suspect was acting alone. and this is not a live incident, but it's certainly a closed matter. we don't know anything about the suspect, other than the fact that he is a 25 years of age. we don't know his motivation or his thinking behind this incident since the news of his passing just an hour ago. so we've seen tributes and statements pouring in across the political spectrum
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a bit about. so david amos then as he's 69, he was a husband and father to 5 children. he spent 4 decades, at least in politics in the united kingdom, holding his seats in since 1997. now people in the local community have been flocking to social media saying that absolutely heart broken. they felt that he really was a member of parliament that put that positionings in thoughts and passion really at the full front of his own politics. they say that he use his parliamentary platform to advocate for them. now many people are also calling for more security and safety procedures and policies and measures for members of parliament. of course, this is not the 1st time that such a tragic incident has taken place. this is a 2nd m p that has lost their lives in just 5 years. of course, we call someone back to another very doc moment in british history, whereby jo cox,
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member of parliament was stopped and shot to death back in 2069 just to incident in 5 years. so many, many questions moving forward. how to protect members of parliament. obviously it is a very high rowing incident, violent infant today assembly shot the nation as now the investigation is underway . the mosque attack enough gamma stand has reportedly killed 37 with more than 70 injured in the blast. not a bit of a warning you may find the following. images disturbing explosion happened at a sheer mosque in the city of kandahar during the weekly friday prayer, a large crowd had gathered there. the telephone says it has launched an investigation of today's last comes a week after an explosion tore through another she a mosque in the north of the country. 50 people were killed back then and even more injured lama state course. han has claimed responsibility for that attack. archie contributor richard met hurst looks back at what happened
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a week ago asking why islamic state is intensifying its activities in the country. last week, a tragic terrorist attack in the galveston. the explosion occurred during friday. prayers that a musk include dues in northern part of the country. at least a 100 people were killed or wounded. most of the victims has ar, she is, and i think minority i this k quickly stepped up claim responsibility for the attack. but with one intriguing detail, turns out the suicide bomber was a, you grew muslim from china's changing province. this is very interesting because you girls are indeed a minority muslim population in china. and usually the only thing you hear about them is that the chinese government is committing genocide against them. blue something the media haven't told you. there are indeed many ogres in gas, them militants, who are members of various jihadist groups like al qaeda arises there actually. so many of them, the united nations, put out
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a report in june about foreign fighters in of janice. then the report estimates that there are between 8010000 foreign terrorist fighters, comprised mainly of individuals from central asia, the north caucasus region of the russian federation, pakistan and the shin, january autonomy region of china, among others. although the majority are affiliated foremost with the taliban, many also support al qaeda. others are allied with iso or have iso sympathies. another one of these groups is e t i m, which stands for the east torcous don islamic movement. this huger extremist group used to be on the united states list of terrorist organization. but for some reason, in 2020, the united states, remove them from the list us cozying up to terrorist groups, using them as proxies for regime change in countries. they don't like where we seen that before. latin america of ghana, stan syria, speaking of syria,
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there are 5000 uga terrorists over there, fighting alongside other jaundice. but just going back to afghanistan for the last 20 years, the u. s. has had an enormous military footprint on china's doorstep. now the most of its truth of withdrawn in the united states is shifting its focus from them, at least to china. the u. s. wants to keep china's border with janice, n as unsafe as possible, and a constant worry by tacitly endorsing for at the very least turning a blind to i, the terrorist groups. and the us in the u. k. m. it's supporting separatist movements in china going back decades. this is all part of america strategy to mess with china, create chaos, divide and conquer. but these added states is making a huge mistake once again, just like they back the magazine in the 1980s to fight soviet. now they're implicitly backing you the terrorists in order to fight the chinese. and you know, there comes
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a point where you really have to understand that backing jihadists is not a good idea. there is nothing beneficial about someone's blowing themselves up and committing a terrorist attack. i mean, this is incredible. how many times is it gonna take for the united states to realize that backing which i, dean and of gannon, stan or anywhere for that matter is a really bad idea. they did it in the 1980s. they back been loudon. it came back to bite them. it always does, and this is no exception. earlier we asked political analyst, chris bemberry and anti war activist brian becker, what the american anti terror operation achieved for afghanistan to decades, american leg occupation has increased the number of to harvest groups, increased energy high despite us on the growing now canister. as a reaction seemed what americans did to could industry killing of civilians by drawing the bombing at sides. therefore, i don't think we should whole lot the american presence as be forced to stability in afghanistan. it actually destabilize the country across the board. and it
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rebuilt support the tower, but the mystic point on makers is that the americans are not part of a solution in afghanistan. they were part of the problem. let's remember the big picture, the context. when the united states invaded afghanistan on october 7th, 2001, there was no isis. the whole war. i'm terror by the united states, which is included the death of 250000 afghans during the past 20 years. and that has created that has created, that has been the trigger or the catalyst for the further expansion of isis or isis like formations. so from a on its face, the war on terror has been a complete and utter failure because rather than containing or stopping this kind of extremism or terrorism, it has accelerated and expanded it as a phenomenon. and staying with the fall out of the us withdrawal from afghanistan,
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a u. s. marine has been sentenced after pleading guilty to disobeying his superiors by criticizing the military leadership for the way they handled the exit. he remains adamant, though, that the top brass are held to account or his broad garcia has the story. there is the opinion that he got off very light. all things considered the scandal that he caused winter went right up to congress and the united states military. we will know it doesn't like scandal of that does. it's best to deter for those who would start scandals and it, it's squashes scandals out sometimes the very hard way. so it was surprising that instead of a paths, jail time, perhaps a dishonorable discharge, all he was sentenced to was a $5000.00 fund, which will be dogged from his wages next month, as well as a letter of reprimand. there's told off basically. so he gets an honorable or less than honorable discharge, as well as gets to keep all of his or of the pension that he has worked up up to 17
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years of service before he went into the court. ah, he said that ultimately he had to bear responsibility for his actions. just as those above him had to bear responsibility for their actions as including the chaotic withdrawal from the canister. i did what i did because i thought it was in the best long term interest of the marine corps going forward. i'm still demanding accountability. there were those who supported him. who said that, yes, these evacuation was completely humiliating. it was insulting to all the americans that sacrificed their lives who owe their health in order to fight that born of canister. and for america to leave in such a manner was absolutely tragic. there were also those that said that we should have done this because the united states military has a different code of conduct. and so they're not allowed to criticize those above them of senior rank. but ultimately, over the course of all these videos that we saw,
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released by him in the build up to this trial, he was making 1.11 point only that somebody must be held accountable for the disaster. as many americans see it that we should at the end of august at the airport and couple people are upset because they're senior leaders, let them down. and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability are saying we messed lisa. i'm not saying we've got to be in in afghanistan forever, but i am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table? say, hey, it's a bad idea to that play bargain airfield strategic air berries. before we evacuate everyone, i am submitting charges against general mckenzie for his batt assumptions. not because i'm vindictive, but because the senior leaders need to be held accountable to the same standard as us. the terrorist attack the on the input of gobble and the 26th of august. it was a, it was a mess. there were almost 200 people killed. everybody has admitted that yes
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mistakes were made. but to date, nobody has decided to bear responsibility for what happened there and cobble transport workers in italy are threatening strike action over new coven, green pass system. starting today, all workers have to show proof of vaccination or negative coverage test or go without pay. no good. now the government's decision comes despite a relatively low nation wide infection rate of $3000.00 per day with around 40 daily deaths among those who are unhappy about the green pass system. our workers at one of europe's major ports entree asked a few 1000 protesters have gathered outside the port, threatening to disrupt its operation. the vaccination rate among the port workers is presently at 40 percent, and those still not inoculated are said to be against coercive policy. for support based on the phone, we're here to protest against the green fast food workers would think that the
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green pass is an unlawful tool and improve one that should not be forced to form the workers because it is discriminatory. so we had demonstrating against the government degree. oh, today, constitution is being trampled on. what is happening today is like back in 1938, i say no to this discrimination to that. but i don't care steven and close to vite . we're not looking for confrontation, both openness and opportunity for reasoning. here we are talking about economic recovery, but whose economic recovery have families left even more in crisis for those who previously could not make it until the end of the month. now find themselves ridge, 200 or 300 years less from its place. i testimonies and happening right now, a demonstration in the italian capital, thousands have gathered to voice their anger at the obligatory passes. a similar rally in rome last weekend saw violent clashes with police. this one, those seems to be going peacefully. now, despite the public outcry, the italian government is refusing to back down, it has already met the national 80 percent target for vaccination,
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meaning heard immunity has been achieved, but the government wants to go further. ortiz, charlie pinsky has more on the public resistance to covet measures across europe. when italy's government last month sworn that it would bring in the new green card, no pay decree, it expected the announcement to trigger an enormous acceleration of vaccinations. however, that has not materialized while job rates didn't initially increase. there has since been a steep decline. italians are not the only ones who have been taking to the streets to express their anger. hearing france weekly protests against health passes and mandatory vaccination of health workers are continuing. there's a concern that those protests could be about to get a boost to after francis government announced that it wants to extend the use of
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health policies up until possibly the summer of 2022 already voices of discontent. arising faculty to pakistan and they're not going to have a carte blanche until the 31st of july 2020 to parliament must decide it's an attack on freedom's individual and collective freedoms in a parliamentary democracy, it can only be done through parliament of those plans by the french government also seem to be in contrast to advice that was recently given by the countries own scientific council. it suggested that it to covey situation remains under control. health passes could p dumped far sooner. in this scenario. the cobra past system could be canceled between november the 15th and the end of the year. if there are low case levels nationally. it's a waiting phase in order to prepare to cancel the pass system, which would allow us to limit the risk and scale of a possible new wave in december, january. adding fuel to the fire form friday in france,
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tests to show that your coven negative will no longer be free for those who are unvaccinated. another carrot and stick measure, perhaps. but the issue isn't specifically about the cova jab. the cosy pandemic is seeing government across europe flip flopping on policy, ignoring advice, it's come from their own scientific advisors. and all of these says perhaps deepened divisions. enact many in europe, wondering if they governments are really working in their best interests. charlotte, even sky, i'll see paris. we spoke with conservative commentator friend chesko job. really you thinks that italy's mandatory green passes will sever society and crash the economy. we are the only country, not only europe, but the only country all over the world where you must have the so called green
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pass to, to go to work. and it does use quite irrational without the green pass. you can enter in a restaurant without the green pass, you can enter it in a hotel without a green pass. you can think i'd be trained, for example, if you want to move from rama to me or from aroma. napoli with an i is b train. you can see keith, if you don't have a green, what is happening in our country and i think is very dangerous. also from a social point of view is that we are creating some tickets in this are the ac, didn't and other than without the vaccines. the 1000 b c. d. and he's not correcting the democracy. milanni the 2nd sci fi in italy and the 25 percent of the work inside the public transportation in atlanta. they don't have vaccine, they don't have the green pass. so probably they're going to paralyze the public transportation in milano, but we can also talk about the logistics system not only the part of to acid, but also in the south of many big bark and other logistic important industry where
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the 2015 percent of the workers that they don't have seen. so we have to decide what to do. we can stop our, our economy, and we don't understand why, how our government is pushing these music is very strongest. watching arch international. more news for you on the way after short breaks there with us. lou. ah, well the gig is up president of the land merican country armed with volcano energy is calling out wall street and the whole financier class ah
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ah . join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. i'll be st. you the guess in the world of politics, sport business, i'm show business. i'll see you then the welcome back. this is r t international. the russian defense ministry has summoned the u. s. military attache after it blocked in alleged attempt by
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u. s. worship to violate russian territorial waters in the sea of japan. now the suppose it incursion by the armored us ship came as russia and china conducted joint naval exercises. a russian military vessel warned the u. s. destroyer about the admissibility of such actions through an international radio channel. russia was at 1st met with resistance with the u. s. signaling it was in the middle of a helicopter, launched from its deck and unable to change course before eventually abiding to the command. the russian defense minister called the incident, a severe violation of international rules. facebook, c, e o. mark zuckerberg may have used his vast wealth to swing the 2020 presidential election and jo biden's favor. according to a study for the new york post, the researchers found that his donations to electoral organizations heavily favored left leaning districts in swing states that the democrats ended up pointing. the 2020 election was stolen, it was likely bought by one of the wealth,
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wealthiest and most powerful men pouring his money through legal loopholes. he funded to targeted private takeover of government election operations by nominally non partisan but the most of the ideological nonprofit organizations. now, we should stress that there is no suggestion of illegality in zocker, berg's donations. and the facebook boss himself says he only gave to non partisan organizations last month, priscilla and donated $300000000.00 to support election officials with the infrastructure they need to administer the vote. today we're committing an additional $100000000.00 to make sure that every jurisdiction that needs funding to help people vote safely can get it. the report has infuriated republicans who accused the facebook boss of election meddling. joe zocker burke, he spent over $400000000.00 through these quote, non profits to quote help with election administration. but what they would do is
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they would require certain things to be done like mass mail balloting bout harvey things. and they would focus on partisan voter turnout basically that was totally unacceptable. aro elections for sale, did mark zuckerberg purchase the wisconsin presidential election? one of the main beneficiaries of the facebook funding was the center for election innovation and research. and it has head back at the claim saying it was proud to assist both republicans and democrats in the election. journalists daniela's are thinks private funding plays a pivotal role in the outcome of american elections. this is the privatization of elections. and when you privatize elections, essentially you undermine their neutrality and their objectivity. so it's very possible that this money helps your voters as a certain direction and help determine the outcome of the election. the electoral
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process in the u. s. is a mess. this is the only country where this takes place. election should be entirely government funded. they should be entirely neutral and objective. they should not favor any party whatsoever. and there's no reason to have an injection of private money of this magnitude. there should be reform process, but it's just not going to happen because the system is completely broken and it's totally out of control. or the u. s. judge has ruled that jail violated the rights of a suspect in the capitol hill rights by denying him medical treatment. christopher whirl is being held in a washington dc detention facility on multiple criminal charges over his role in the january 6th riots. he has a form of blood cancer and broke his wrist while in custody in may. a doctor prescribed surgery which is still not being provided. now after reviewing the case, the federal judge held prison officials in civil contempt and branded the delay and treatment,
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inexcusable. i find that the civil rights of the defendant have been abused. i don't know if it's because he's a january 6 defendant or not. but i find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the united states for a civil rights investigation into whether the dc department of corrections is violating the civil rights of january 6 defendants in this and maybe other cases. we spoke with attorney albert watkins, who is representing several suspects in the capitol hill ranch. he says the case is part of an overall disrespect shown towards the detainees. there are incidents which really is january 16 which to those who are involved in january are being treated with a relatively elements degree of disrespect by individuals who are working for facilities which hours the january 6. the problem, the problem will be taken care of showing if the problem is taken care insurance,
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i assure you in order to be taken care of and people will be compound to address the consequences of not living up to their obligations pursuant to the federal judges. for more than 650 people have been arrested and nationwide for alleged involvement in the january 6, riots back then, supporters of the outgoing president, donald trump stormed the capital building, trying to stop congress from certifying jo biden's election victory out of the original number 78 are still in jail, pending trial, most on charges of assault and police officers. after the federal ruling, the d. c. corrections department responded saying it is committed to ensuring all inmates have access to health care in a timely and efficient manner. but albert watkins again believes that the problems go far beyond a lack of medical care. and so when you have these individuals with no criminal
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history who are being confined to dc and over restrictions in place and personnel who are working on making the lives of those dependent recall or should we not taking those measures necessary to fully protect them from others? who are confined it traverses from confinement to torture. and that's the problem. or that doesn't for me this hour, but don't worry about 32 and a half minutes. my colleague union will be here with a full and fresh look at your news. you are watching our international, we know we have a choice in news and we're glad you're with us. ah
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and a surgeon's tactile perception as well as his or her eyesight helps a lot because you need to make sure you don't break the thread well, placing the switches and robotic hands can't do that. not now. and i believe not ever. you can write software for the machine, but you cannot give it human tactile perception. these people learned from their own experience, how vulnerable of business is to the bank. so you push my business over the age, pushes me right to the bankruptcy. now i realize we were good. this isn't just the back that may be involved in this is the concept. see, firms is, is the lawyers. these people have got one of their stories. ottawa can a whistle blower. tell people's marriages have broken up, lost their family homes,
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it is spectacularly devastating for people's lives. we have committed suicide, but left behind north, the explicitly state that it was the constant intimidation and billing by bank officers that led them to i took the spear, it's obscene. these people up nor saw for with this is room both the one business you can't afford to miss. i'm been swan and i'm rachel lemons in washington coming up in the wake of china's ban on bit point mining. the u. s. has now become the world leader for this guy, which states are seeing the most activity and how clean energy is playing
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a role in the industry. plus the buying and ministration says it has plans to address increasing supply chain issues. but will it be enough to save the upcoming holiday season? we'll take a look at how the latest crisis is affecting the ongoing recovery. and then more than $100000.00 union workers are threatening to strike across the country all while the us travels with the ongoing labor shortage. we're going to bring you an end up look at why workers are taking to the picket line. got a pack show today, so let's get to it. and we begin with an aspect of big coin that quite frankly, isn't getting much media attention, but it is critically important to the crypto future. the u. s. is now leaving the country and leaving the world for big coin mining. yes. in fact the u. s. has doubled it, share in the energy intensive activity in the 4 months since china began a crypto currency crack down. let's bring in boomer co host with the ice and the president of the brownstone institute jeffrey tucker to talk about this. the chris .
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