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tv   News  RT  October 15, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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hey, british m p is stub to death while meeting his constituents, that 25 year old man has been arrested on suspicion. so ahead are you freeze this hour a us marine officer plead guilty to criticizing the military leadership for they? chaotic withdrawal from afghanistan remains defiant. however, that senior leaders need to be held to account as disturbing images of the latest terror attack. this friday, emerges from the country a blast of a mosque, leaving dozens of people dead. it is the latest in a space of lethal attack. since the u. s. exit, while the former us national security advisor john bolton, us taken aim a president biden, claiming he disregarded all advice about the outcome. poland. you can hear those
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remarks. flesh dogs in the interview on ortiz going underground airing on top of making some mistakes for the u. s. make a mistake for vocal stability certainly isn't stake or the people draft amazon. oh, wow! on st. clashes blocked for it, sun strike action resistance to the italian government's introduction of mandatory coven passes for all workers steps all ah! live for moscow! this is our t, my name's unit o'neill on 30 minutes of news and views start not british politics is in shock now after a conservative mp was stopped to death to day while meeting with his constituents
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in the south east county of essex. david amos was 69, a suspect has been arrested on suspicion of murder ortiz, shania, edward dash g earlier reported from where the tragedy took place or conservative. and he said, david amos has died following a multiple stopping there this afternoon during a constituency. surgery meeting out the methodist church are directly behind me here in south. and what exactly that is. it's an opportunity the members of the public to meet with that local m p face to face and discuss local political issues . but around midday this afternoon, a young man ran into the building wielding a knife before attacking the veteran politician and killing him at the time and came to the scene, paramedics, treating him out the sea while he was fighting for his life. but he tragically passed away the sea. now essex, please have released a statement saying that they were cool to the scene at 12 o 5,
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but confirming his death just after 3 pm. now, what they do know about the suspect is that he's 25 years of age. he was arrested and a knife was recovered here at the scene, he is now in custody. now the police say that they're not looking for anybody else in relation to this incident. now we don't know much about the suspect, nul. his motivation behind the attack, but what we are seeing now is tributes and statements are pouring in throughout the day across the political spectrum. we've also heard from forest johnson at the prime minister who is now in downing street and he says, i think all our hearts are full of shock and sadness today. and above all, to david amos was a kind and decent politician. he was one of the kindest, nicest, those gentle people in politics. and he also had an outstanding record of passing laws to help the most vulnerable david with a man who believe passionately in this country and in its
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future or people in the local community are absolutely heartbroken and have held a vidual to remember his life. they say he stood up for the rights of local people and use his parliamentary platform to advocate for them to well of course david amos was 69. he spent 4 decades in politics. he currently held his seats since 997, but was a serving m p since 1983, making him one of the longest standing m p. 's in government. now he was a big voice in many campaigns, not least, the breck that campaign, and also a huge animal rights advocate as well. sadly, he leaves behind a wife and 5 children. now as the nation is in an absolute state of shock, many also are now calling for more security unsafe for protocols. for members of parliament in britain,
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especially considering the really chilling similarities to the murder of joe cox who was stopped on shot to death back in 2016 again. that was just before her very own constituency surgery meeting. it's also really sad to know that said david, a mrs. last tweet was actually talking about this constituency surgery invitation, saying to the local community to com and chat to him face to face for for many m p . 's. this is a really pastor. no tragedy for them, and a terrible reminder of the very real risks that they face in the jobs of a normal friday today turns very hiring and very violent indeed. and a much investigation is now underway with david amos has been a frequent guest. your honor a t where he shared his opinions and his views on politics and the you. joining me now for more on this is conservative m p for south and west said david amos hobbs
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elected on the same day. 1983 as his gentlemen. we need to have a government who know what they're doing. i don't mind hard work and in fact the army is it would go back to the size of constituents i had when i used to represent basil hamlin. i don't think is anything to do with party politics and the number of seats to david, thanks for speaking to us. well, for me, you can counter terrorism intelligence officer charles shoot bridge believes the public are unlikely to have such direct access and peace in the future. following not attack the constituency surgery. i think it's not an understatement. sets of very sad day for british democracy itself fund. i'm sure gods are actually changes will be made in terms of the security aspects of this kind of work where the m p. if he's going to be, or she is going to be a tree representative of people local level, this kind of work where they are open to meeting with constituents. it's absolutely
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essential, it is continues. and so what we've got is the situation, i think, where in terms of going forward that my, the balance between the security needs of employees and the accessibility needs help. constituents clearly as a balance and i suspect to day got balance as probably shifted. and we'll see a consequences of that, i think in the future. we've another headline story today. a u. s. marine has been sentenced after pleading guilty to disobeying his superiors. he had criticized that military leadership for the way they handled the exit from afghanistan. stewart shell remains element though that the top brass need to be held to a code or senior correspondent, erotic sd of picks up the story. there is the opinion that he got off very light. all things considered the scandal that he caused winter when right up to congress
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and the united states military, we will know it doesn't like scandals. it does, it's best to deter for those who would start scandals and it, it squashes scandals out sometimes in a very harsh way. so it was surprising that instead of a pads jail time, perhaps a dishonorable discharge, all he was sentenced to was a $5000.00 fund, which will be dogged from his wages next month, as well as a letter of reprimand. there's told off basically. so he gets an honorable or less than honorable discharge, as well as gets the keep all of his or all the pension that he has worked up on the 17 years of service before he went into the court. ah, he said that ultimately he had to bear responsibility for his actions. just as those above him had to bear responsibility for their actions as including the chaotic withdrawal from canisters. i did what i did because i thought it was in the best long term interest of the marine corps going forward. i'm still demanding
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accountability. there were those who supported him. have said that, yes, these evacuation was completely humiliating. it was insulting to all the americans that sacrificed their lives who owe their health in order to fight that born of canister and for america to leave in such a manner that was absolutely tragic. there were also those that said that we should have done this because the united states military has a different code of conduct. and so they're not allowed to criticize those above them of senior rank. but ultimately, over the course of all these videos that we saw released by him in the build up to this trial, he was making one point and 11 point only that somebody must be held accountable for the disaster. as many americans he, it that we saw at the end of august at the airport and cobbled people are upset because they're senior leaders, let them down. and none of them are raising their hands and accepting
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accountability are saying we messed this up. i'm not saying we've got to be in the in afghanistan forever, but i am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate bob graham airfield, the strategic air berries before we evacuate everyone. i am submitting charges against general mackenzie for his batt assumptions, not because i've been did, but because the senior leader, he to be held accountable to the same standard as us the terrorist attack the on the input of gobble and the 26th of august. it was a, it was a mess. there were almost 200 people killed. everybody has admitted that yes, mistakes were made. but to date, nobody has decided to bear responsibility for what happened there and cobbled. and the telephone's returned to power. following the us action has failed. to improve the country security situation, according to local officials, more than 40 people were killed in an attack on a mosque earlier today, friday,
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scores more injured, inverting a raise as well. a warning you may find the following images disturbing. what is known that the explosion happened to us a shia mosque in the city of kandahar during friday. prayers as always, during friday prayers, a large crowd had gathered. therefore, at the highlight of the week, for most them followers the taliban government sees it's, has launched an investigation. today's blast as well. it comes just a week after, on the explosion tore through another she a mosque in the north of the country. 50 people were killed. i says, kate claim responsibility for they attack our tea contributor. richard met her st. luke's back of what happened then? i'm asked why islam ec state is intensifying its deadly activities in the last week, a tragic terrorist attack in afghanistan. the explosion occurred during friday prayers at a mosque in conduce, in northern part of the country. at least
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a 100 people were killed or wounded. most of the victims has ara, she has an ethnic minority. isaac k quickly stepped up to claim responsibility for the attack. but with one intriguing detail, turns out the suicide bomber was a, you grew muslim from china's changing province. this is very interesting because you girls are indeed a minority muslim population in china. and usually the only thing you hear about them is that the chinese government is committing genocide against them. believe something the media haven't told you. there are indeed many ogres in afghanistan, militants, who are members of various jihadist groups like al qaeda or rises there actually. so many of them, the united nations, put out a report in june about foreign fighters in afghanistan. the report estimates that there are between 8010000 foreign terrorist fighters, comprised mainly of individuals from central asia, the north caucasus region of the russian federation. pakistan and the shin,
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january autonomy region of china, among others. although the majority are affiliated foremost with the taliban, many also support al qaeda. others are allied with iso or have iso sympathies. another one of these groups is e t i m, which stands for the east torcous don islamic movement. this huger extremist group used to be on the united states list of terrorist organizations. but for some reason, in 2020, the united states remove them from the list us cozying up to terrorist groups, using them as proxies for regime change in countries. they don't like where we seen that before. latin america of gannons, dan, syria, speaking of syria, there are 5000 uga terrorists over there, fighting alongside other jonas, but just going back to afghanistan for the last 20 years, the u. s. has had an enormous military footprint on china's doorstep. now that most
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of its truth of withdrawn and the united states is shifting its focus from them, at least to china. us wants to keep china's border with janice, then as unsafe as possible, and a constant worry by tacitly endorsing. but the very least turning a blind to i, the terrorist groups, and the u. s. and the u. k. m is supporting separatist movements in china going back decade. this is all part of america strategy to mess with china. create chaos, divide and conquer with the united states is making a huge mistake once again. just like they back the majority, dean and the 1980s to fight to soviet. now there implicitly backing you the terrorists in order to fight the chinese. and you know, there comes a point where you really have to understand that backing jihad is, is not a good idea. there is nothing beneficial about someone's blowing themselves up and committing a terrorist attack. i mean, this is incredible. how many times is it gonna take for the united states to realize that backing which i, dean in afghanistan or anywhere for that matter is
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a really bad idea. they did it in the 1980s. they back when loudon, it came back to bite them. it always does, and this is no exception. and earlier we ask political commentary, chris bomb re, an anti war activists. brian packer want the 20 year long american anti terror operation actually achieve for afghanistan to decades. american leg occupation has increased the number of charges groups increase the average a higher despite us on the growing up canister. as a reaction soon, what the american sticker industry showing us to billions by drawing the bombing at science. therefore, i don't think we should hold off the american presence as be forced to stability in afghanistan. it actually de, stabilize the country across the board. and it rebuilt support the tower. but the main point i make is, is that the americans are not part of a solution in afghanistan. they were part of a problem. let's remember the big picture, the context. when the united states invaded afghanistan on october 7th, 2001,
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there was no isis. the whole war. i'm terror by the united states, which is included the death of 250000 afghans during the past 20 years. and that has created that has created, that has been the trigger or the catalyst for the further expansion of isis or isis like formations. so from a on its face, the war on terror has been a complete and utter failure because rather than containing or stopping this kind of extremism or terrorism, it has accelerated and expanded it as a phenomenon. on the former us national security advisor, john bolton will be sharing his thoughts on the u. s. bullets along with other foreign policy issues. when he sits valid with ortiz going underground show, you'll be able to watch the full interview tomorrow. so did you say in your book the room where it happened?
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the afghanistan deal that's trumps one time will prove who is right and the full extent of the deal may not become apparent until after trump leaves office. what is your assessment as a former national security adviser of fee by the administration foreign policy, especially on afghanistan? well, i think this is one of those few instances where biden and trump agree on policy both wanted to get out of afghanistan and both ignored the consequences. i think many people thought were foreseeable, what biden did was take trump's deal, which was flawed in many, many respects, and essentially adopted it as his own policy disregarded the advice of senior advisers and the pentagon state department, the white house, and i think the consequences have been playing to save it, returned to afghanistan to control by the taliban, and everything that's flowing from that, including the likelihood of foreign terrorist returning and again,
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using afghanistan is a base plan terrorist operations around the world. so this is a retreat by the united states from the international stage. something been believed then since at least 2009, se, se, ironically trapped the wave dana to, i think it's a mistake for the u. s. make, it's a mistake for global stability. certainly, it's a mistake for the people of afghanistan still ahead, ceiling in to a storm moscow's milton backing down after stopping a u. s. warship for the apparently attempting to violate russian territory of waters. and more coming up with,
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ah ah, when europe is mentioned, what do you think a place an idea, a commonplace with diverging ideas? maybe you think of the european union, think what you wish, but europe is in crisis. it must choose between being an ideological construct or a place with real people. and real me
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ah, 20 minutes into the program. welcome back. transport workers in italy are threatening strike action over a new coven health path system. with raleigh's, held in several major cities across the country. people are protesting against new rules which require all workers to either show proof of vaccination or a negative cobit test. or else go without pay or europe correspondent peter oliver saw one such march take place in rome. he sent us this report afterwards. it's lee has become the latest country to see it. citizens upset about the introduction of coven 19 vaccine passports, the the e. u. green pass, a digital certificate that allows you to show that you've received a vaccination to is commonplace across the whole of the european union. however, in italy, they're looking to use it to
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a stronger degree than it is being used elsewhere. and that's why on friday we saw demonstrations in 9 different cities across italy, the largest of those demonstrations was interested in the northeast of the country . we can have a look at what was going on there right now. for fiesta phone, we're here to protest against the green pass for workers. would think that the green pass is an unlawful tool, an improper one that should not be forced to from the workers because it is discriminatory. so we are demonstrating against the government agreed on. i'll talk to dell constitution as being trampled on what is happening today, like back in 1938 awkward. i say no to this discrimination anteriano the normal stiffening cluster voice. we're not looking for confrontation, both openness and opportunity for reasoning. here we are talking about economic recovery, but whose economic recovery her family's lesson more in crisis. those who previously could not make it until the end of the month now find themselves in an average of $200.00 or 300 years less from having to pay for the testimony. well,
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the reason people have been upset with this move by the italian gulf because they've gone farther than most of the european countries. people are going to have to show this in order to go to any job already. you are having to show it to, to get into restaurants, to eat, endorse also to go to, to more leisure activities, but for everybody to have to show want to go to work. that's a different issue entirely, especially when it comes with the prospect of a 1500 year old fine for those that can't produce a cove at green pass. now we've heard from a union leaders, particularly those involved with the ports in which shipping saying it potentially cause huge problems with the supply chain in italy. because many of the workers who are employed as things like ports, they come from eastern europe and have been vaccinated with russia's sputnik vaccine. now, the sputnik job is not approved by the european medicines agency. and therefore, if you've been vaccinated with sputnik, you can't get a european green pass,
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so therefore you would be be falling, fall of the rules yet. now those demonstrations took place on friday. we are expecting demonstrations on saturday of a different kind. now these are going to be organized by the left party here in italy as well as the, the oldest union in the country. it's after the headquarters were ransacked to last week during a demonstration by fall, right, ellamin. so the anti covered pos, movement. now they've organized this protest to say no to fascism across a italy that would be keeping an eye on not protesting as it develops throughout saturday. with u. s. consumers and the grip of an energy price storage republicans of cold on president biden to rethink has push for green energy in a joint letter. more than a 100 lawmakers argue his plans are anti american and absurd. and i've called on the biden administration to increased domestic energy production. instead,
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the criticism comes amid projections not heating bills will rocket if there is colder than normal temperatures this winter. we expect that the nearly half of the us households, that heat primarily with natural gas, will spend 30 percent more than they spent last winter on average, 50 percent more if the winter is 10 percent colder than average. or since joe biden took office in january this year, he has signed the number of executive orders aimed at moving america away from fossil fuels. construction of the keystone pipeline was halted and oil and natural gas leases on federal lands stopped filling the gap plans for massive wind farm construction projects. the white house has also reportedly reached out to american orland gas companies, asking them to help lower fuel prices on the spike back in june or the drilling leases, previously approved by donald trump and one of alaska national reserves being suspended by team biden. the president commented on that last week. flask is pretty
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big, is an awful lot we need to protect. but that's why i'm working to protect bristol bay for money. not rich. now were threatened one of the world largest salmon. that's where i'm refusing to sell off the arctic national wildlife is nurture oil and gas economists. peter, earl believes biden's energy policy is driven mostly by ideology and she was little regard for the well being of ordinary americans. when power is variable and upon locations inefficient and so of how power august is, is, is, is more expensive than coal gas or oil. and, you know, the big issue there are storage problems. i mean, even if it works, it's hard to store that amount of energy. the idea of biden, and the, my name is tracy. i'm a groups that the way to greener world requires shutting off fossil fuels overnight
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. and subsidizing specter to projects is just just absurd. the average gasoline price us was $2.00. $0.69 between january 2016 july 20. $21.00 in 10 months is risen almost 20 percent to $3.21. if what's happening now continues unabated. it'll definitely become a drug on growth and possibly refers to recovery. we saw from the corporate policies in march and april, 2020, and out of that debt across the mil class, it will increase poverty. it could bring about the stagflation area conditions that we saw in the seventy's. i mean, the policies of the by the administration are not informed or driven by economic science or historical precedent. or approach like brussels is purely ideological. which means that even if you could predict negative outcomes such as something a said was scarcity causing lodging prices, they implement them anyway. another story to bring you before we go to break rushes, defense ministry has summoned the u. s. military attack after navy forces blocked
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on a legend attend by an american worship to violate russian territorial waters. in this sea of japan, explaining more in this ortiz daniel armstrong, russia, the defense ministry, has summoned the u. s. military, a. tashay, after a u. s. war ship attempting to cross russian maritime borders in the russian far east. now that happened when the u. s. s. chafie attempted to cross the russian board is the pizza, the great fe war ship had been operating according to sources in the sea of japan. up until the attack on the sea of japan is important because right there at the moment, russian and chinese forces undertaking military training. the maritime interactions 2020 want to taking place, and that includes the use of live artillery. now the u. s. s. chafie attempted across the board is and instead of taking heed of warnings, raised is colored flags that indicates
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a helicopter taking off from its deck. he also makes it impossible to change its speed on its course. he was eventually persuaded to turn back by the russian anti submarine vessel. the admiral 3 boots. now, the russian defense ministry has called this a grave violation of international rules. whereas the white house, on the other hand, the said he still is not aware of any confrontation between us and russian warships . how that will affect the relations between the 2 countries remains yet to be seen . danny arms are wrapping up the news bulletin, the sour, indeed a deeper dive into any of those stories can always be found on our website. plenty of other content we take for you there to discover as well. i'm in an ally. bye for now. no beautiful job ocean was time on what it was a mid august. we'll start
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a new slogan, noise to year. beautiful with fresh which don't, don't love. would you think that would work? i sense, but something you would prevent them with the womb. got that's mental percentage. of your properties was for what fin the but only the filled with like you with nice seems to them of them when he's got the west. when luck with them. so we'll just show the portal. it keeps them from from the news. ok. i live with us, that's still the same ones. let me use this global. oh gosh. slate. to bring me as i will continue to one wonderful, scared little squiggly. shampoo chip it. what are one?
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why do you think that us them, i mean, on i besides in that we still live do well, the jig is a president of a latin american country armed with volcano energy is calling out wall street and the whole finance year class. with hello and welcome to cross top were.


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