tv Redacted Tonight RT October 16, 2021 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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ah welcome welcome to redacted in night. this is a show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents . over the past couple weeks, we've seen the annual debt limit freak out going on in our federal government. and it's lovely and fast. if here's a sample, ah, i believe that was the senate chambers. basically the democrats say raise the data limit, and the republicans go where i raise it. i got, i got a lot of look, republicans are shining a spotlight on the reckless chalk from spendings for either washington durham grow to writing on closed doors, the radical elfish pushing on all their trips. oh,
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but i had a weird dream. there was a fact turtle mumbling into his chest for her man, mitch mcconnell, that guy just who's in korea as well. i think it's crazy, but it may be a mucus. the defense mechanism secreted out of his neck pouch point being the democrats and republicans yell back and forth and each other about the debt limit, like a sad puppet show until either they raise the debt ceiling or the government shuts down. at which point we all breathed a sigh of relief. thank the lord. the government is shut down this time around. they finally decided to extend the dead limit until early december, when they'll start popping their pants all over again. and i'm robbing it across our mainstream media. but here's what they won't tell you. it's all, it's all ridiculous. the deadly image is an arbitrary, meaningless,
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arbitrary, stupid, arbitrary, limit to record arbitrary. and yet the threat to not raise it, you would to go over everybody who not rich. here are some fun things to know about . the debt limit that our leader is won't tell you. number one, the death limit measures no coherent economic value. and congress just randomly raises it whenever it needs to. they can do that so easily because it means nothing to begin with. it's pretty easy to alter something. that means nothing. don't you think? number 2, the debt limit has no relationship to any economics dresser facing the country over the past 25 years. as the nominal federal debt rose from $5000000.00 to $22.00 trillion dollars, debt service payments required interest payments on the dead. frank,
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almost in half from 3 percent of g d, p to 1.8 percent. people suffer for a slew of all the regions, such as the fact that wall street, but god damn ponzi scheme, or we live in a corrupt oligarchy or paying taxes for the poor while the rich avoid them, etc, etc, etc. but the reason someone cant afford the somali bus ride home from a job where they hardly get paid minimum wage and then half of that is stolen from them by a massive multi $1000000000.00 corporation. the reason for all that has nothing to do. we did that limit number 3. the limit has been use time and time again to enforce misguided austerity policies. it's used as an excuse to cut government services. and even though there is no reason the debt limit should even exist, much like dental care of coal pays or jordan peterson. the gross debt also
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excludes the roughly 2 trillion dollars in financial assets, mostly student loans, held by the federal government. any measure that aims to measure the balance sheet health of an entity probably shouldn't ignore trillions of dollars in assets. the only reason the debt number doesn't include that is because the g o. p is a pocket of a factor. franco and the democrats are easily overpowered by wrinkles and oh, yes, through loan, that shouldn't exist either. the 4th thing to know about that limits or debt feelings, is that the vast majority of rich countries around the world don't have a debt ceiling. it's kind of like cash bail or locking someone up for 20 years for stealing a candy bar or the pledge of allegiance or jerrod course,
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nor it's just one of those things we have here in the us. that when you mention it, when you say it, when you tell someone about it in another country they go what the why, why, why, why, why, why, why would you. 6 ever do that, that's so stupid. and here's the most important secret. you need to know about the dead limit. there is no risk. the u. s. will actually default on obligations to other countries because we can always just print more money. we own the most, see where you all the god damn money. pretty much said we are there are we have on here job or body. even the guy who is the chairman of the federal reserve for 19 years. even he took the time to write up out of whatever crypt he was in to tell us . so the united states can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. so there is 0 probability of the fall on top of all that congress
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could act to get rid of the debt limit. and even if that didn't happen, even if the house said, get rid of it, and the senate said don't. there is plenty of support for citing the fact that congress has given the executive branch conflicting instructions, and hence the administration and the binding ministration is free to choose which path it follows, meaning biden could get rid of the damn. that's haley as easily as someone cleans the poop out of his diapers. but there's even a more fund solution. one that highlights the stupidity of the debt ceiling, minting the trillion dollar platinum coin. yes, this is a real thing that people have proposed. the us treasury could meant a one trillion dollar coin and deposit it in the federal reserve,
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and then no more debt problem gone. they cannot and policy institute said it's true that the idea of mentoring a trillion dollar platinum coin is indeed a pony accounting solution. but that's because what it resolves is a pony accounting problem. the debt limit is ball. but beyond that, the idea the united states can just print however much money we need for anything. there's also mo, you see, there's more than a goal to go around. we print nora, we print our own, we have, we have unlimited supply and both. because we all of the both machines we have with them here to review. but we watch this song and dance do where the republicans will raise a den. i'm in the democrat, had to give away everything they've ever claimed they were going to do, say goodbye to better schools or fix your infrastructure, green energy solution, etc, etc. it can happen because the republicans won't raise the debt limit. it's all theater
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. it's all collective insanity like y 2 k or the atkins diet or russia, gay or her banners to in drug or the personalized ring tone fad. but the difference is, a ruling lead. don't tell us. they need to institute austerity and tear apart the social safety net to deal with ring town. comedy from wash and dca the belly. the beast is redacted tonight. ah ah. well come on li cam. now take the news from behind. terrible news fox. this is terrible news, a pilot program in portland, oregon is called portland. st response has been effective at resolving nonviolent
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911. cause it turns out that these non police respondents have had nearly a 100 percent success rate and resolving the issue without arresting or killing anybody. and this is, this is horrible for the job security of our police. before you know it, cities won't be hiring as many men and women and below bulging out of their flesh with an edgy trigger finger and an i q slightly north of a walnut. and if we aren't hiring them as cops, that means hell. just be wandering. this race and civilian terrifying if they've been, they've been there they, if they bought on a uniform of some sort and least i can a boy them, you know, i don't, we didn't understand it. okay. i understand it in our society that we were going to take every mag maniacal insecure. we're go and make them a police officer. so we could keep track of on this whole send to
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caring people without guns to non violent 9. 11 cause spits in the face of our carefully crafted into care where program the rule is every day. the most common result for a portland st response call was that the subject couldn't be found or refused help . the 2nd most common outcome was a subject over call was evaluated by the team and didn't require any further treatment. none of the calls result in a person being placed under arrest. look, if you don't arrest and kill a large percentage of people who get the cards called on them, then those people will continue on with their villain. is activities, activities like sitting somewhere or sleeping somewhere? or in some extreme cases, i hesitate to even say it. taking
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a dump somewhere, these people need to be arrested or killed and the portland police were happy to do that. there's whole, keep them alive and well, program sounds pretty damn suspicious if you ask me if found on american probably created by the anti oh my god. anti plural is anti buzz. i know it. in other news, there is a brand new drug being held as the answer to trading cove and 190 my god, when we did it, we did it. they did it. we did it. they did it. they found the drug is going to save us. all right, let's just pass that down like pass and then we go back to normal and by normal, i mean getting our tongues period to try and fell for a couple of bucks without having to worry about it. and by the way, how did pens get started? candies and taste like toothpaste, shooting out of the tracking,
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of your favorite cartoon characters, movies make as much sense as jelly beans coming out. the gall bladder are your favorite reality show. starz. hey, i got him in the street from the hernia of charlotte freeze from real housewives of orange county, and it tasted good as a down. by the way, i made up the name char trees because i would sooner stick rusty bobby pin straight from barbara walters wig into my eyeballs, and watch the real housewives of anywhere. so i don't, i don't know the names. i'm sorry. i don't anyone what they're talking about. oh, so they have a new drug that is supposed to help treat call that it's called mall. not peer very much, mo, mo, i'm for your mo, model up here, rear. what, what app or does it matter? it doesn't matter. to you for asking point being here and how do we develop it? well, we developed that with your tax dollars through our federal government in coordination
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with mark the big pharma company. that sounds like when you accidently swallow a fly when you're in the middle of the story. yeah. he says to me, oh it, i can feel like crawling it's growling. you know. so, i mean that's, that was probably the meeting where they were coming up with the name. well, how about that? okay, sounds good. so after the government helps create this medication. now we find out of pills between over $19.00 cost. $17.00 to produce merc is charging the u. s. government 700. $12.00 for the same amount of medicine. i haven't seen an upcharge like that since i brought back the rental car with the dead delivery guy in the trunk. they charge extra for that, even though it's not a rental agreement. i checked, i just got in there, it says the car 10. you can return it dirty, it says you can return to the dirty. i don't know what you're going to call them clean the guy's head to corks. as dirty. anyway,
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point being the drug is expected to bring in $7000000000.00. profit for merck, by the end of the year. it's totally utterly repulsive. they are letting people guy so that they can make 40 times the cost on every goddamn person who is able to pay for it. and here's the thing. many people will indeed run around going on, my god that are crazy. they're horrible. they're terrible. they're there. they're like pointing to make my gone up on an already infected wart on the tip of your genitalia and those people are right. they're totally, totally right. the dues bags at the top of merck, in other words, human beings on the planet. but also that system that that's how we were that this is no surprise. we have a system that rewards profit over all else rewards the most cut throat the most do
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see the most bag human being if it weren't mark, it would have been another group of that. so acting surprise that this is lying, setting up a you have see bite and then acting, surprised someone got hurt. oh my morning fellow moleed, now to head out we left all my heart. i thought it was going to be a nice neighborly bout of trying to break the other gentleman skeleton at various places, but i didn't know that someone might get hurt. now, this is what capitalism looks like. is the worst of us? it is a system based on the worst to us and many other countries. if they get supplies of this new drug, they will give them to people for free. one day maybe we americans will be better than this. maybe we'll notice that actual success is providing
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for all your people, your community, your citizens, maybe one day, every one of us will get a free dose of mol, up our rears. go to a quick break, but if you want, exclusive redacted tonight, extra content for free every day. grab portable dot tv, the grab the app over. there is a portable tv slash download. we have extra content every single day. you can also watch my new interview with julian sanchez father on portable. anyway, i brought back a lot more. ah, ah, that also for eric room identify 2 types of freedom, freedom froman, freedom to. and while we all idealize the lesser achieving the former, the freedom from use and abuse is no small feat in this day and age. this is especially true for africa, which, for centuries has been exploited under all sorts of pretext. what needs to happen
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on the continent a truly take its deserve place in the world, its been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime. but old wound still haven't hailed your and you can go into a gun. them is hurting tennis because only coming out to a michel free to market. give me sup. oh, said, calling me on the bus at the station. we notice that i understand, i think ultimately now thousands of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption that donnelly bought about. are you still for fiesta? my old role is a fellow elements it to this day. mothers still search for grown children, while adults look in hope for their birth parents. with
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welcome, ma'am philly gab. as virtual learning becomes an unavoidable part of our new reality, the government should be aiming to create public infrastructure for digital classrooms . instead, we're seeing big corporations are coming in and privatizing this necessity for more on this we turn to former teacher, mr. con. i'm in jennifer con. that's mr. kind to you, lee. this is great news. thank you. corporations for so selflessly providing us this service at a massive profit grade for that i was just grade. personal learning is a new necessity and it shouldn't be driven by the profit motive. i'll answer your question, the question of my own lee. why do you want to kill our children?
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what? why do you want to abandon virtual learning and send our kids to school where they will die of cove id or mass shootings, or cafeteria, taco lung or tardiness? kids are dying of tardiness by iran. a tough ship, like i'm not saying i want to abandon virtual learning. i'm just saying that may be the way we're currently doing virtual learning. and you, you know, this, you know, that there's only 2 sides to this issue. you're either a good, safe, liberal who is happy that corporations are providing us with the virtual learning, or you're a racist republican anti backs or who hates virtual learning and is still trying to stop this feel the election is overly the other race. if sky one, i stumbled on 2 sides both and it's more than just coded kids, the virtual learning now because of climate catastrophes as well. also, you know, handicap bullies all sorts of reasons. we shouldn't allow corporations to
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completely take over this responsibility. oh, you got a problem with stride and pearson. you don't like overpriced textbooks and digital labs now. well, these companies are here to stay, and they're the ones providing virtual learning academies. it doesn't matter that their dog to buy reports of fraud, waste corruption, and poor quality since the early days of e learning entrepreneurship. it's about the student experience. and what is the student experience like? well, there's the grossly inadequate special education services, inflated class sizes, burnt out, and underpaid teachers lifeless cookie cutter curriculum, and poor learning outcomes and future academic prospects. that sounds like a pretty awful student, hence, well the public sector is and providing virtual learning. so these corporations have to come in and do their duty as responsible, selfless,
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bloodthirsty money machines. and they have every incentive to overfill classes and spend their revenue on lobbying and advertising rather than instruction. and these ads attract vulnerable families who have been failed by the public sector. for the terrible it's, it's exploitation, i think you mean capitalism. disaster capitalism, the newest kind. these pioneering vultures are capitalists, are scooping up those who have been left behind and taking their money. in fact, stride went so far as to offer their support for a price to families disrupted by hurricane ida. jesus christ, hey, there's no place for jesus in the classroom unless you can afford it. look, every one knows kids need a physical space to learn. social skills, have access to meals and technology, and enjoy the community that's there to provide. but sometimes we're gonna need a lock them up in their homes with virtual learning while the world literally burns around them. exactly,
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but it shouldn't be for profit corporations providing that. so you believe the state should provide a public free non profit option for virtual education? yeah, and you have faith, our government is going to invest more in education. wow. now damn this. it's more than it's american education. thanks for the party driver. thankfully. next up, can you make money on wall street and still do good things for the world? judging by the popularity of ethical investments, lots of people seem to think self for more on this trend. we go to naomi care avante for the raging controversy. ah, the house 2 years brought panoramic devastation and a ground swell of activism. so multi national corporations wanted us to know that
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they to have a conscience. we here at the puppy burning factory care about diversity on our puppy burning team. and we use the most environmentally friendly puppy burning method. so we barely have a carbon pop brand. wall street was not immune from the moral money revolution. ethical investment strategies are e s g fun sort, astronomically to about $35.00 trillion dollars in st of it's called stands for environmental, social and governance. you know how you would define an entire civilizations problems in 8th grade everything. it's climate change, pollution any quality and even workers rights are considered. there's even an e s d index fund just for the. 2 lady, other yes, the funds tie themselves to a single theme. the index ticker, she tracks gender diversity by including large companies with at least one woman in
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a key leadership role. we don't just clo nazis etc kyle laboratories. we also offer a generous maternity leave. there's no shortage of e s g van jealous who appear on network television and that ted talks to sell gospel and doing good while making money. the standards for e s g compliance today very so widely. it's made the e s. g. label as meaningless as make america great again or romantic relationship, e s g is in many ways of banks marketing dream precisely because it's so loosely defined, even done badly, it can be sold easily. amazon, for instance, is also a company traded as an ethical investment, despite its notorious records on workers safety and pollution. so you would think amazon failing at o s h a and e p a would mean a failure on
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e and s and g. but they still find a way to put that green lipstick on that pig in is g fund called fossil fuel. reserved free has holdings in 23 fossil fuel companies seem like something's not right there. common criticisms of e s g say that is a way for capitalists to feel good about themselves while doing business as usual. but they're wrong. it's actually much worse than that. a new study says that this kind of investment ends up promoting companies that are more destructive underwriting. the war on global warming. also academic research shows the funds also start sectors of capital that are meant to invest in transition to cleaner energy. so while capital set out to fix these problems, it's ended up making the problem even worse. it's like the invisible hand, so it's just a little bit clumsy when it's grabbing cash. it needs
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a little more invisible hand coordination. one expert even said the greenwashing of investments is a weapon of mass destruction, which is also now and meaningless. distinction was lower who was black rocks, global chief investment officer for sustainable investing. sounded the alarm on ethical investing. the more you mislead the public into the free markets will correct themselves, and then we don't need government regulation. and that comes directly expensive the youngest in the course. and also when capital is take on what should be the objectives of public policy, things like equality and sustainability. they put themselves in charge and take the responsibility off the government. and these are the same guys name in the fund with oil and coal, the consul fuel free fund. they're either liars, are complete idiots or holes. and you know,
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we prefer the liars in idiots that we vote for to make decisions for us. reporting from wall street, this is naomi kara vonny for rejected tonight. ah, your headline from the future in december, the debate over the debt limit will raise yet again and on december 1st, you'll read sen. carrington cinema says we should not raise the death limit. thank you. for the children, i have no idea what that means and coming up next week, you'll learn mark introduces no pill that enriches their executives with just one dose and you've taken regularly eliminate the middle class. so i'm going to be using drug. and finally, you might have heard that william shatner was launched in the space this week at 90 years of age and return safely. tomorrow you'll read. william shatner says space
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has fewer hot alien women than expected and more paying down the leg of your space suit. that's our show, but get free, reject the night exclusive content every goddamn day at portable dot tv. just go there and scroll down to the redacted deny play list until next time. good night and keep buying. ah, when i see black america, my son part of my so when i was growing young, black america spoke to me. when white australia did not have those 2 side, black lives matter is a movement we are importing from america. know nothing of who we are. i lived in a world where wife lives mattered and i was not why like mission. and i wasn't known from black america. i learned how to speak back to whitefish
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aboriginal people here law every day. we are out loaded with the police were out we, she states, i'm scared that more children are going to grow up in the country that think says no racism, but they're more likely to end up in the criminal justice system. then they're all the fellow friends in daycare ah
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ah, the e you challenge is its own member states over a migrant crackdown saying violent push bikes and borders may be illegal. now, despite many saying it's immigration policies which have led to the disturbing scene to head on the program. this our, our team speaks to a former us national security advisor, john bolton shares his thoughts on the chaotic american withdrawal from afghanistan . i think this is one of the few instances where binding trump agree on policy both wanted to get out of afghanistan. the extreme cold sky, high prices shipping boom.
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