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tv   News  RT  October 21, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the country into, into the territory. i never put them in a difficult situation and look at ward, sir. listening. don't ye katerina this the catherine the 2nd wrote, for example, she wrote that you should respect sierra, the peoples that practice islam on that leave in the territory of the russian empire. for no, we versus exit. i've included those traditions into the body of rush and root planing or so in the but in the soviet union you, it was the same thing. the only problem was that they were using ideology logically, to process all that official sort of a button will come in all neuron listeners and applaud night re tim. let's not go back to this topic. i think we, we also talked about that a lot of leadership as for myself, redeemable, because like most people of my generation re stock of this problem, we face it with many problems during that period. stim,
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simplicity room. that there were also really positive things. she wasn't much and you should not forget sort of those things on your i myself, but she graduated from yearbook as university. but i came from a family over in workers and a factory. i actually graduated from a very prestigious university in st. petersburg area. necessarily a brand at that time that was an actual social lift. it was a great thing to have. immanuel again was shimmering and the ferry. many people at the time of the film. moreover, heat in the principal when the principal of fur from general some circle. he call eyes ingles. everyone in the soviet union was active when people of near to include shameed face this sir mechanism, paul, that machine is actually colliding everything. the negative sense. quizlet ha,
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when they will seem to have things taken away from them from the family. some of some people were ever actually able to use these mechanisms as socialists to achieve greater things. but more bitter roster nath lydia really okay, i think it's a legacy chest. it could be a legacy of a fast, and maybe it was a self haven't cultivated in the soviet union. you know, i, i recall my family and they were papa simple people. my, my dad will gladly my mom. they didn't speak that using slogans do, but i remember very well he while at home actually i did in the brown one as we discussed kids, some issues, some problems, i remember them, they were always sexually imagine, always assume upon our use know maybe simple words, but through as you think they would see, discuss later and speak with yet that you catch up with a book respect for creative when they spoke with of their constraint. and that
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wasn't sasha just for show nashik him yearbook, they looked intimately believed that they soon was or what they believe, what our family believed. don't wish to me, but i was college. and i think that i have the right to say pretty near catch, that these positive quality is lukea rowley or being cultivated asian. but in the vast majority of con, our author, it, russian families was actually found in the families of other peoples of the soviet union. you are, in fact, the penitent list was why over 70 percent voted to preserve the soviet union, not long before is the solution. many of the former soviet republics regretted the decision as well, but but he is now we have to accept what's happened until we accepted the existing reality of the world. as for the soviet individual, the soviet human i know requirements it in the old man of
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a news social formation. i think i've spoken at length about black school was a should any well this we should this year our meter in special for the 1st time we have a noble prize winner praise lord middle murat and sir mister murat of the 4 is yours. do this wish you a good day. thank you mister president. cooper further gather to schedule change, but i would like to say that the we've split the money for sheba formed crew cobra . and i would like to thank them a circle of a good foundation. and i hope that you have our participation. if not, oh, will raise awareness of problems of children. leadership and the homeless people over eating is off and turn. this foundation is really to help people. it's a hospice them,
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it won't, but there is reason a lighthouse on if you can pay it. sir. veronica hospice and the some other foundations and items. and that's what i wanted to say. now you're going to premier and i think that i knew this was one prize in russia. well, i hope it will be useful to us. could you answer a question? if in mind, which in you might music you gotta do, i've firm asking if the teachers get familiarized with your answer, they're russian energy week about the foreign agents. and it wasn't, asshole possible, it took this long, it was the u. s. she been a whom, you know, i said that in 1st, but i still have this question here,
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or where not just her coping american laws. it was a she, these law isn't her only about the switches, journalists, and activists or who i in the register. but it's also concerns millions of people who read this, what we should journalists, we leave your city at lynn, and you've mentioned her, the university graduated from russia. right. and that just was your education or will allow us to understand each other. families produce these. oh, lord doesn't urge you to provide an opportunity to design is to get the court to stop in because that is there is no procedure of form of be prosecuting you to push it for judging you merely it if through. if you just get brandon, we've got the idea to wonder get bullock. just on that liken demoss book. yet we go when, which is some that character was so executed as she was genie
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judged the 1st and was not that we are not judged on august 3rd. oh, which has yet not, not this letter stand from tomorrow. you becomes a foreign agent. and for many of us, this means so the enemy of the nation's not your left, you several heal and pretty via in her patrol codecs a 1st you have told me to pretty urge should in the air conway, like and the, it's only when you go to jail guards. oh we can a sure direct little and the 1st time until we need to sort this out. there are some really vague. ah, those in the formulas teachers go lavion quite nice, good provision of what legal aid. you know, so if i ask some other person here, you know, some foreigner here and this makes me a for an agent to minute w, you question
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a bullet and her coquette. or they announce additions to the register on fridays and tomorrow either friday. and i would like you to react speech with this situation, the premier's pretty today. and her, i hope that the you together with them back to the terminal of the state duma on your next host during your next meeting with media. and you will give us a chance to discuss these issues. thank you very much. yep. your had your was, was my 1st of all. let me congratulate you on getting the job to surprise you forgot to let me and say that sir muscular diet who spoke about it was depart deported to buy the bolsheviks on the roadway in 1922 dollars. and on many occasions she on was i actually are being proposed to be laurie. it's of the novelty, surprise, but i never received it
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a little too. well, what about sir? no nobel prize for literature? well, federal, who cares, that's literature but novel peace prize. ah, is something that says casa, the 1st 2 president of the soviet union president gorbachev received and talk about my also received the nobel peace prize. so you're in good company. ah, nor did decision about, i mean it suits miss lamb. it's a good thing. i'm glad you spoke about the hospice. i would give you the novelties rise just for that for doing this noble work with this much really novel work right on the circle of guilds, your organization cetera brush, which is probably in august. i, as for your concerns about the foreign agents, lonnie, do not snow this look of the premium. let's just get straight to the point and know what you know when you make this decision. so let's go back to the american long,
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should we just copy everything from the american snow? we don't have to copy everything, not everything, but i see many in washer blood, many people of liberal of shoes. coal, yes i'm, it's on the lawmakers to co everything. i do agree that we shouldn't copy everything and you said that the, there are no course deciding that, but in this, the u. s. is the same thing. they just are they, they invite them to the ministry of justice and so they make them to this. ok ask are t v see they're actually here with us were actually they were just invited there and they had no choice in the matter that was just from us when climate deal annually. it's not about the physician a held by a specific medium of the law does not preclude you from holding a certain point of view. the law is a, by itself, you receiving financial, you
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a from a broad east water as part of a domestic political activity here depreciate and in that law he does not forsake again than you shall from organizing or engaging in this political activity. the annals match, it's just that the russian government and the russian people fatten up, should know where this money comes from. you for him. the money should be, should be, see, should be visible and transparent. that's the right of the human source of the, of the, of the russian society to see where that money comes from it. there are no other restrictions by tomorrow. there was coverage to it. so when he said that there is no sentence, sir, no one's being sentenced a little. like he spoke about about the character of from the 3 musketeers. the lady had settled the packet, had 2 heads cut off of her. nobody's cutting hands because of the foreign agent.
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lord. genuinely, i'm sure. are you sure of her? yes. be sure him, but more to be sure us. so it isn't with the well look into that. just that he spoke about are these criteria being modeled and not very transparent? are only often my personal acquaintances and the people i know spoke above their philanthropic activities and how they, how people that there been, you know, they being branded as foreign agents. and during my failed sessions and the human rights council, i share people complaining about that as well. and so i shouldn't that own our lawmakers or officials to guild, back and back to discussing this luminous but so that it is not on that so that this law is not being used for bad, but only for good issues. so we will look into that once again. thank you. lexis loan. you are not afraid of summit through 7, so we are afraid weeks,
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but earlier it is it the executive excesses, not one of your colleagues from the security agencies. you know them, but when i don't know every one, when i was a director hold electric in the of the service country. i actually invited people or what, what specific files and i read the files, but i haven't been working there for many years now. imagine us, so this ticket agents are always so act to color excessively against when isn't your question already, or are we going to have a good one of some of your senior saying that we're doing this on mass? no, we're not doing this are mass. we're not just, sir, but taking our dozens and dozens of people, organizations and branding them as foreign agents. no, i think the threat of that is vastly overestimated. really those are going to happen on the touch, the us and like i think i have a good a provide
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a very good reasons for having this lot. i guess we'll have a for an agent in our whole please, margarita seminar and share your experience with us. thank you very much. no, we've been my a foreign agents for many years and her i've been invited 3rd year before my year miss martinez was to finish the least 2. 04 in integration for knocked her must have been registered and her there with her. i'm with took him, that goes to left the more i thought about it. when i see myself in relation solidity, ernest bryson and terms these symbol act, her musical calling me see, isn't applied to us because where media and so there is an exemption there. but when the hour on board the answer, but bigger, you feel, oh we, they still decided to register our c a, some or booth us to jail. and double. i was invited for interrogation the for no
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sir, registering gucci. most of us beforehand. and i'm not though, according to the u. s. o, because i'm afraid of been jailed. well, you should always be ready to prison and to have a problem. so you could face 5 years in prison. and i, we know people who went to jail yawning, shortly after, because of this law and this law, this is part of sanctions against russia and nicholas, sometimes they invited to the congress and you cannot get to the congress. and so without this, he cannot go anywhere. you're on the ground there and we've been in this position for 6 years and settled. we will continue our work. mister putting thank you for a conservatism issue. i'm a mother of 3 children and her. i'm a really scared heart awfully. she's fully. i thought that my 7
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year a child girl that asked so choose agenda she choice and her in future should have even more in human to him and that features are appointed to her. and i hope this won't be allowed in russia, despite our openness, you've talk about korea gonzales and to and when we talk fastenal, the so called her human is take on your condition of the western idea of this and to talk her medicine a was a freedom of speech didn't know it was the manager presented door room for bath. so we're thing that the res, freedom of speech somewhere and there won't be any for an edge. and that can only enter this freedom of speech has just thumb. i killed,
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i were you tube channels just a lot and so you understand her very well of that. this isn't an our own private venture. this project away created for our national good fatherland or. and so we have no chance to return this project leading natalie and daughter. well, i mean, he was behind us in many a ratings. boston lake can broadcast in russia and we cannot broadcast. i wouldn't be there just which and turn his actual crashed or we had to, you know, deny her there yesterday and her wave wound lynn. yes. can you believe my line, you st. resolution of our project and we are without any core text. mr. more out of her clarinet, i would ask you to protect us obviously because the you are the only one who can do this like of my and we had the congress of firm competitors abroad. i
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participated thermally, are there, and i asked to the audiences, and these are the people who protector, russia, russian language in for ear lands williams. and they have yet to sacrifice their own life for this month. and i asked them to race hands. oh, for those who cannot get on the rush and then get another assistance ship and a half, he will pull genius of their holes, you know, couldn't get russian. susan shouldn't, there are some skill, but you know, developments in this area, but it's kind of using why can we provide citizenship for all russians, jews this and griggs need this and i, well i shy to do this. thank you. took a while nikia speaking about her on the counter measures or reciprocal measures. i think we should tread lightly if someone makes mistakes of that kind. and i think
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that is a mistake when they basically shut down your channel and you'll click request more than the newer create conditions under which luxury dish operation is basically impossible. i know about the accounts, the closed accounts, et cetera. i've read about all those instruments that they is there, that the 2nd up, they basically attacked you on all fronts. to prevent you from working with shimmered, some will slow, i know that they are attacking freedom of speech and that's my thing. but if i'm not a problem with the machine, we all need to think about it. here's how we could cover this, this process of being attacked and people will be interested in seeing that not, not a problem. i think we need to think about more platforms where we could show that and show the people what's happening. sure. as for reciprocal measures and kind of
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see any approach as for counter measures, i don't think, i don't want them to be counter productive. i speaking about russian citizenship, so i think you are correct. my position is nerve solutions. we need to improve our instruments, our toolbox nixon to speak. i mean, there are social and economic components to this problem. the clinics, sir. kindergarten sir. jobs. all of that should be available you to, to those people housing as well. so the candidate is still, there is no deductible on the law. it's on it to set to go to it on and nationality on madeline on citizenship should be improved and we are working on that. a colleague on us by me, marcio and colleague a 2nd. this'll present
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a small to to net holes. mother, you will have some discipline, say in line, who couldn't the kind of a personal linwood class. alan died coverage. robert notional, say, in the most little bit, his with one v o, professor from the columbia university, as well to take the floor book. thank you very much. sure. it's kildere for, for me it's shown it's a disappointment. had i not been able to be in, we're all, all of our church and share my conference. but i'm particularly pleased to have the part of this session. the topic of all i was sure as well, very transcendent and fundamental questions. my admire of all i for doing that i am mister president, putin has certainly listen to the challenge of better gender address that an
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extremely engaging and revealing passion. i question, however, is narrower, what's more specific and i apologize for descending to their smell, but it's a question which are important to my country. i think it's important in your question, although neither your government nor the biden administration believe a reset of the us russian relationship is possible at this juncture, oriental evaluate, be, or how you would assess being of aleutian on the u. s. russia relationship. since you're meeting with president, which browser biting in june and not areas? has there been progress? if any, and walk in your view are the obstacles to further progress? thank you very much. you have to renew well the to chill new up with my sink,
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eyes and such questions of this study to kinds before i could say that again actually, but actually there are new things to say to police and regarding what's happening. stitcher. junior blue, the meeting in geneva, he was a productive one over all of the golden only me. we believe when i, when say we, i mean myself and mike and colleagues, we believe that the administrative, the american administration aims to rebuild relations, at least along the lines of some critical or aspect of security should say, for example, strategic stability, which comes with literally monitor we have started consultations on strategic stability and i did the modeling of it and also our cyber security without having expert contacts on cyber security pro. so for so
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the issues medically little, nobody should know should be the issues that we have agreed upon as are the number of those issues is not very high. but mr. it's still a positive step because we certainly and, oh, i see as little wooster in there and america on one side and rush on the other side . i have been name with a signal signal and i have been implementing their part of their, of the work. but the overall progress is a good signal. let me present a little feller, but you see we had had an increase of trade in of 23 percent in various spheres in various sectors. that some indirect legislature result of our meeting in geneva aluminum problem put you heard so little overall we're on the right track, but of course there are certain unfortunate things happening in the worlds or
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something. some processes are equitable regressing, but geeks is one step forward to step backwards or maybe 2 steps forward wants to backwards. but on the basic things we are moving forwards, the ballasa was going to be on our strategic thank you. and you have world war to spend from china, from university in bridging. so please mister president. it's really my great honor to ask you this question. first of all, let me thank you for this opportunity. i will ask you something about it. can you stand off scanning, stan, last scene, the heart of the shanghai corporation organization. so if it's
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time a has a problem, then the shanghai corporation organization has a problem. now the united states has withdrawn from off can, is that so how can show higher corporation organization which she led to by china and russia, united with other countries to help off can stan to achieve political stability and economic development. thank you bruce. i do some well, and that's one of the most urgent issues today. the developments and have gone on. and as you know, we've had the meeting, not long ago, the silicon legion to address the answer. we've had a meeting with representatives of the taliban movement taken over from the grant,
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a representative from china that rolling awards also working at are also working. lynn has left on this track which he, he uses to all of us. it's of critical importance. i booked for shine own lightly for russia, her needs immensely at all times to have on our board. and so at least close to our borders a who i situation that stable is firm and have ghana sons. that's developing yet neil and have gone as town. that's not a source of predict terrorism of radical threats. shahim's pretty sweet and extremism. turner, them clearly when we look at what's happening in afghanistan with unfortunately, you are still there are terrorist groups there. i says among them deliver control
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and there have been people from taliban who were affected or i could have died of kids because of terrorist attacks. and the taliban is working hard to get rid of those service elements. and it is very important for us. sure. and for china, for this to happen, and to achieve that, we need to help of denison to risk tour and rebuild of its economy. and other important problem is of course drugs, drug trafficking, 90 percent of opiates comes from of canister people to the global market. but if they will chill, i should have no money by them, or how are they going to finance, social support and social issues with either despite all of our concerns, members of the you and russia and china is still a tourist and we will, despite all that, to lead to them, we do
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a bulk of the responsibility lies with those who have invaded this country for 20 years. and the 1st thing we should do is, of course, to help again is turn the tackle the many economic and social political issues that they still have really sued on russia's pores. there are certain any projects that we could launch us and there a certain how for could provide with establishing domestic security. we have special services, cooperating liliana's town. and as part of the, a ceo within the shanghai corporation organization is very important for us to, to conduct such work. because tajikistan was becky's time who are on the very border with of galveston for his neighbors or projects. townhouses, sir, a russian military base by tomorrow, and you have lost our own machine by laterally analyst quality with china. and we
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will continue this work is to humiliate with that we still, she missed look to them and will continue to cooperate with her feel relevant. international organizations, including the s c o c, will earmark resources to create conditions so that our nationals, russian, nationals feel at ease and feel safe regardless of what's happening in afghanistan . mcwilliams. thank you. mico buggerminski was, it was just explicit. well, thank you further, as she thank you, mr. put in the put those that that were browser and got dory. i'd like to ask you a question heating and her. i ensure that her thousands of people who are waiting for this response for the answer this question and turn youth tabs her. it's increased bad to live for in time. just.


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