tv News RT October 21, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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isn't war and band with mr. i natural law and announcing that he will not back down announcing at the same time, but there's a 100000 fights and it says, ready to launch. and so this is a civil war in the action may be right next door to a prize accomplishment of yours. mister vladimir putin, which is in celia. i thank you. i am the deputy propulsion or shoot me a list of it there. keep the micro at him, come up with the microphone to persons. shoot, clarify him. know what kind of war you were talking about. the starting the stories warren, i'm much like a coin where i was wondering because you see the armed people are on the streets already. there are fee in you do remember the civil war in lebanon, and right now you have this in his bowl as that, not the only armed group. i'm not claiming that there are many groups armed, but right now the conflict is over. this investigator, as
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a name is thought if i'll be tar, and insistence of his blood that he needs to be dislodged at and in fact, interfering good them good. the very principal over the separation of powers and that lead at 22 confrontations on the streets and a possibility of a civil war. really happening, mister president, do not dismiss that possibility. it's a very scary one, and i'm not sued up to what it would be, you know, in the interest of the russian policy, even foresee there never mind for lebanon. and we wish that she would pay attention to lebanon, particularly after hitting hitting you to de emphasizing the issue of values them much to all right, bill, which took a social person. well, speaking of the explosion and the board of be really good. it, frankly, i think, you know, when i heard about this tragedy when i saw it, oh, let me express my condolences again to the lebanese people, so many lives lost. are such
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a great cost. i heard about it from the media that many years ago are some chemical compounds were left in the port and left was unattended in the port. and because they wanted to sell it when you were getting a part of it, because the authorities wanted to san was to sell these compounds said a better price. and they wanted actually, she missed it. and then there were some contradictions, son, some disagreement i thought was all about the tragedy all came down to someone wanting, wanting to make a profit. just look at it. and speaking of investigations, i don't know how russia could help with your investigation, whether we have some satellite images. if we do, of course i will find out and sir ed so we can help in any way we will of course, do so. i was in particular, but 1st i need to talk to my colleagues that might have such information as well.
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now, speaking of a has bala and iran and the situation in and around lebanon personally, you know, has bella and some people will be able to do differently in, depending on country and part of the world. yoyo than as belies a serious political tower. a sick little group in the region, but we have always lavano speaking of lebanon, we have been a little bit, always supported the resolution of any conflict as through dialogue. and we have always tried to do so. we are in constant contact with all political cameras. in lebanon, him and we will try to settle the situation without any blood shirt, if possible. nobody's interested in bloodshed the way we have the situation in the middle east. it's always on the brink of a crisis, almost always children. and we will, to all that in our powers,
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to convince all parties and this domestic process. i want to stay on the platform is that harmlessly stream. it's committed to re reasonable thoughts to reasonable ways to address. as chrysler putting, do you support the ultimatum given by his ballot that either the investigator thought, if luther is dislodged, order it en, downfall of the government do support that ultimatum from battleship georgia. my to law, look, i mean to do it. we can all these leakage common, some domestic issues that you have brought out there was support this ultimatum and by one side or not, there was support the position of the other side. 3. if i said that, that would mean that we take sides the take sides in a conflict of interest, that would be counter productive, was more than if it only when it comes to our efforts or to achieve or to,
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to promote peace. so let me refrain from say anything on that level of blood. the most important thing is to find a platform based on which we could have it go. she ations and achieve me a resolution i feel with i'm pushing. russia is certainly interested in that partial. please. so soft question. could think of katrinka it will show us. thanks. let's catch him go some. thank you. some people missed a soft catch. him come from all. this is peter book state university, and my question is about energy sector was a barrier in these a year. not all of that account. oh, who had you like, i mean, published and submitted it yet in commission with arctic strategy was from you document. the european union approach concerning a wide range show for the topics. i mean that with her there are 2 main is most
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interesting here. a point to the been union thing said natural resources in articulate our coil and gas, you only should stay in region shipping in the ground. i can do it. and for that, i might even need to have the band also see the expression for some time with you and tell me when you are a european union and further allies. so one, so create instruments, financial instruments, and other instruments given to me. oh, russia with mended omen can use and so we spoke, you can sort of you to use this to sort to stop her realizing asked dick resources and towards her russian stance on lisa for selina. philip bruce, i liked to try cord happening. couple of in europe for i don't always sir, i'm completely and fully aware of an awful our distance of the all the processes as
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for the european union's arctic strategy, all i can say is that raja has our own strategy of our presence in the arctic actually for that firstly, and secondly, we have always worked with others productively in the arctic council. only we are standing here to say you countries are represented. thirdly, so down we hung fit a great always sailed. and i have served ab, during my meeting in geneva, where the president biden and his administration, his team luxury, we are ready to continue to see corporation with all the interested parties in the article you normally is not least on the norm solvent, international international law. there are certain conventions on territorial c,
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o must come up or on maritime law still of 1986 if i remember correctly. it to her mission or not, but he's a little the glee, a piece lace i'll work with are i for the small these documents based on these documents, we are ready to order. so continue working with all sides. what. but if someone is trying again to go out, work outside of these legal documents and delineate their territory and claim some territory of the arctic to themselves that's, that's basically a crime. thought me a loaner. the same goes for the 400 miles zone. are only pretty much sooner than this, sir. it can, it is zone of east cradle up. it'll economic priority or economic her usual
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development. tiffany: or if we agree on all the international legal norms regulating that serial number 2, we just talk about north stream tune system said to me primarily me in a in agreement. and he will the laws that have just su switches. the spoken about we should receive and we have received the, i mean, the great green light from all the countries are poor. know who border on the territory of the see that the under which the, the, the pipeline is passing through upset uses. which in this is in prob yeah, this is what we do on the international law and the europeans that will demand and that we work that we lacked at nasty little pony yasemin with respecting this international law. but they don't want to restrict themselves how come when i showed you that they want to limit our activities,
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including in the energy sector. while that's their rights. i mean, they could try moving, which is pretty when we'll see what's happening. now europe is come in the and when you say here a p, an energy market, they continue to do so without any easiest on the right of an tale without ha, happy that they sing, but acting ground. as leon gracelessly, this will not lead to anything good. now, you know, there is a fairy tale in russia. personnel on one of the characters and the fairy tale makes the wolf assume it during the winter use his tail to catch fish in the frozen lake . and so see, he sits beside him and he tells her, did you say oh, why don't you froze? why don't you freeze? why don't she fraser? oh, sail i would l who's the wolf here? miss la. i mean, i don't think it's difficult for me to, to, to,
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to decide for this metaphor. while the wharf is the one who has lowered his tail into the frozen lake, it trying to catch fish and muddy waters and this specific scenario. and they will freeze, going into it. they will investment is being limited to when you've jumped on the investment period. 15 to 20 to 30 years, i think. and even now banks are refusing to provide loans to give out loans to cover those investments. there you, there you go. that's certainly what they're going to see in the upcoming years, and there's nothing to do with that's really feelin and we can do anything about that. the decisions are in the energy sector are made in accordance with the energy cycles. and they're not, they're all done by specialists. would these decisions?
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elegant, they're made by specialists, like a colleague of mine said those aren't engineers that make the decision. sort of those are politicians. the you who are not one particular for his director here way who are not really specialist? no, no everyone is concerned. everybody is worried about the a gender, the fluid now the climate agenda ocean, which julie this detained some very difficult and sir eugene horrific. having prospects, if we don't, sir. achiever lo word, sir. children that i am his name, increase a lowering pace. so a lower pace of increase in temperature globally. when know that there's a critical line that which you shouldn't primarily say we shouldn't that this threshold to it. we shouldn't pass it the place with implants. okay. oh, we should to heed to the science. but we should not act just because of political
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slogans. and in europe, sama doing exactly that. they are limiting other opportunities and sir, doing the worse for all because of politics you will stay on that. you literacy, chicago. mr. putting you always talk about her brush. international law was on the promise she international law. occlusal is another ballasa only, yes, law it or there. it's just her product of the balance of power seat. you do need to adjust the past. so that's always been corrected and valid. stout's chesnut machine image neural net, it's a national relations human relations are developing hughley at a faster pace than and at national law develops. that's an axiom. yeah. the relations are always changing. they need sir to be regulated. and those who writes international norms are usually cannot keep up the pace with the change. mama
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is not necessarily select international law off the totality of international law, and those are not and not just rules that, that were written up by someone hon sitting on a blanket. so no, those are actually public international laws that's not missouri regulates, there's the relations between the states. these are a result of agreements between multiple states. so if you're going to do something that well, you should respect your obligations that took the children to. so those are called parts of having a sovereignty. if you don't have sovereignty, oh, it is, you can leave is that you cannot be posed by others to do something. jim was dream we knew politically, the him as soon as we,
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he made of wood evades, are having such practices imposed on the international arena, the safer and the better it will be for everyone center. have another american, a colleague from the state of public interest. so could you have him? yes, jen farrell. christian please. the floor is yours. hello theodore. great, thank you so much for calling me and thank you for a val die for organizing this important conference. president putin, i really appreciate your important comments, which i don't think we've heard from any other world leader about culture and its importance. one person here in the united states that that might be interested in supportive of what you said is former president donald trump, but not, not certain about that, but he's spoken of similar things. my question for you is that there is a lot of speculation that former president trump may again run for office in 2024. and you spoken about hunger merkel. for example. what do you think about the idea
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of a 2nd? donald trump presidency? was annual but it also it would you vote for him? and his mission was this is the last thing and i think it's not mine. he didn't go so well. what would you would you vote for donald trump as the next candidate? as the next president of the united states. oh yes, i'm sorry that you're asking president. yes, if it was my view and i worked in the trump administration at the state department early in his administration. i, you know, i think it's remarkable. he's redefined conservatism or perhaps and on the some of those similar lines the president and talked about healthy conservatism. however, you know, in our system, if you begin a 2nd term, you're essentially a lame duck in that you cannot run again. so people start discounting. you also,
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i like what donald trump does in challenging the my, the vocal minority that is infected our culture. but on the other hand, his administration had a lot of inefficiencies if you will, staff and very senior levels that did not agree with his agenda. sometimes it seemed like the authority of his presidency didn't extend beyond the white house to the rest of the very large u. s. government. so my preference is that other conservatives step up like brian de santis, the governor of florida. step up and run for president. but if it is a choice between donald trump and a democrat, i would vote for donald trump. yes. oh, it was a metallica plaza. mm hm. yeah. and it was cuz its switch cars allow me to not exit, press my apathy noon regarding us that are not common. so in any way what you have said, because otherwise you will be are actually treated as
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a foreign agent in your own country. no. what so my ear got tuition for what the idea you just formulated is clear to me is understandable to me as well as your wishes, which thank you. thank you very much for participating or freshly petro 30 lucretia. please listen. listen to me. thank you. i mean, only this is mr. pic, you've mentioned this set of water and food. i started to copy cold challenger for sierra and what is her media url? russia, the value of the country with the 2nd volume of water and by karl, he also oh, work in russia to to help her the walls and not on the help itself. oh wait, julian, at one inches we are doing a lot to see right now and be sure we are expanding our reference as of which let me explain the woodson. okay, well, the concerns regarding foods, you know,
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fatal security or food scarcity like on water. recently, at my meeting with the governments shuttle com, i spoke about some make some default rises in plastic that had to do with the deficits with inflation williamson, which on the global economy. the shane's all the deliveries of products are being disrupted. and so just about the suez canal crisis, or the, the recent crisis, but about or about the u. k. driver is delivering it, are petrol. do not krishnan, fortunately, an important factor. so damaging factor has been the global pandemic ability. but what, what does it all amount to, what does it all lead to? we spoke about the growth in lebanon prices of energy shows you that you do, that in turn leads to growth in the prices of electricity and lower chest,
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or in russia. he's 20 euro sir per kilowatt per hour, or in some european countries has $300.00 heroes for the same thing that you see, the difference is huge. a little more. there's some government too much of the international traditions. tell them to do, make him want to stop associated with that. they are thinking about subsidizing dealer with a ross in man, increase in electric, the price area of school to the citizens. and it's seen to be the correct thing to do that. the government, the state should help the people, but that's just the short term franky decision. you would look because when the next step happens, but the most, in just a few years, you, the citizens in that would suffer. because the amount to the all follow the energy resource that it's used to produce electric produce electricity is not increasing.
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and so households will not increase consumption despite all the horrific, as you can see on the german ot. but the volume often energy is not going up from machines than some one will have to increase the use of energy. it has to be industry to put in metallurgy and other industries and then this machine will continue. everything that happens that is used to live where metal is used, will be affected, including cars that he for all the way to cars, to, to, to, to i don't know, pins serv used to for your thigh or something for his would turn, doubling next. ah, let us know. oh, let sir talk about luncheon east as no one you followed extra wood. he thought eliza is yes. so there are reasons to believe that there will be not enough fertilizer used to or for the soils in europe, a little a game on a metal or an e,
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or what would it lead to and decrease in production of food. yeah. and an increase in pricing, and the citizens would have to pay more. and once again, it will come back to the citizens. they seem to help them now, but it will a go buy them in the leg later. wisdom not nearly what you need to think about is locked, should you right now? you really should. you limit the production of energy in the arctic should you limit the use of neil of energy routes such as the north stream to these other fundamental things which should be concerned about. let us know she'll do me really happy. gillian, need to considering all the risks that are increasing, should we concentrate everything on those ports, earliest like in your operations on the market who go through it or do it even need to think about long term investment consciously and it just didn't look at and
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trust long term contracts. what i shall know that that is what we should focus on with. that is, when we will be able to avoid he will usually crisis that if you come out of the blue sheet for there will be the positives, the russia is making its own contribution to food security. we are stepping up our deliveries of food to the global markets. we have over $25000000000.00 worth of import of experts of russian for the food 1000000. over $25.00, lilian garcia, dollars shoot us holidays. and i'd spoke about that and i would like to once again thank our agricultural companies. that's the model, that's their achievement. we can even dream of that and thanks to it was thanks to the european sanctions. it was thanks to them that will be able to develop these sectors of our economy yet. yet nemea, actually we did have fer value measures that we will use to respond to the
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sanctions cisco here and do we have the machine? yeah. it we, we invested in import substitution in industry, in other sectors and that the, the, the result has been overwhelmingly well and good. i and a market. let me be frank. i was worried that it wouldn't work, but it did. no, we plea made new developments. we invested into high tech technologies not use wouldn't that i should and i think that an agriculture has had a lot of progress. and thanks to the climate change, actually we've had some changes in agriculture, not one of them. what am i talking about where we have the most with ro, tile soils, the see that these parts are limited, the, the, basically the territorial old name or distribution of the soil is changing its coming farther and farther north because the climate is becoming warmer. and we adapt to that cecilia, we can provide that only for our own people, but for our essential partners in the,
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in the markets. and we can provide these food limits very reasonable prices. at the same time, i just said that our fertilizer companies and closing down our cash is and it began at that fertilizer store as in many way affects the sizes and the of the yield and the quality of the yield equity might be older. we do provide the, the, the quantity and quality of our product in the fucker market, and we're happy to increase sir, are both the quality and the quantity. but by the way, actually, our products are already some of the best in the world. our competitors don't like to hear that and maybe, but many media in the world, maybe in russia, we'll show what i'm talking about as for water resources for the summer, saying lamps of water is going to cost more than oil hyped. and i'd dylan junior
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things. so yet we're not going to engage in your projects yet to a change of the flow a rivers. i think that's a very him dangerous things to do with places to be considered very careful him. but russia is one of those countries in which water balance is, has been stable and will be stable for a very long time now. but lo, those we must think about you, sir. the annual greenness of our lives, with waters, especially in the far east. we should look at our interest 3 affects the water. we shall be concerned when by coll, ah, the grave lake of bye call and skill the saloon. and we have many issues identified that way we'll address and we have plans developed to address those dulcie snoring . and as we are facing your challenges, we will try to overcome them as well. here again, there gave a please. nobody did yet. i good day. my name is sarah gave out from st. petersburg
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. i am professor the high school of economic senior. and i would like to talk about the russian soft power line and will discuss this a little. and i would like to continue. okay, how much had over the recent years? oh, you had a lot of work done. able to strengthen the russian and you had me a soft power in culture in exchange. but not all noodles are chilled, especially in them. so for russian image broke me dell. okay, in terms of facilitating dialogue with foreign audience about mutual understanding . and my question is, what can we do to make her russians of power really effective? thank you. you should respect yourself. that's the most important thing that you shouldn't go out of your weight soon. grove to everyone that you are good or
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tubes that you are the best. we should just respect yourself, your own culture and your own history. if you do that, people will be naturally drawn to each of circle. richard tucker, please. a university of kent. now you mentioned at the beginning of your speech, the climate change issue, the floods fires, not just in russia, but elsewhere. and as you know, at the end of this month for the 1st of october cop $26.00, we're meeting in glasgow. so i wanted to ask you a few things in particular. first is how your own personal views of climate emergency have evolved. because this isn't the 1st time we mentioned it at about our club. and of course, your comments today have evolved and over time and clearly the emergency has got worse. second, or the way in which russia can take a lead in their scope discussions and other discussions are we. you've mentioned
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the gusher energy week last week in which she announced that the, the goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 26 to which i think is a huge change in development. but i wonder, in other ways in which russia could show leadership on the climate emergency. and the 3rd thing is so many countries the united states is talked about again, new dale, european union, occurring, dale, i wonder whether, how russia can actually make the climate emergency. not just a question of tech, nor chris say, and policies, but a, a form of changing people's behavior to make the quality of life better in cities and, and use more sustainable and more balanced. and indeed, using the experience of the pandemic about work life balance and so on. so another if to, to make, if you want to change the, the balance between work and life and the state in society in this better progressive way. thank you. research just because it,
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you just talked about the night about russia taking a leading role there thing as a claim, which i'll certainly we should all strive to, ah, min them to, to, to, to contribute to some, to tackling nelson's some huge goals and by 2060 we do aspire to rich carbon neutrality and we're doing a lot of do that. but gloria will come in like a certain many times like enough in that a global, our energy balance. so you can balance is more green is greener than in many other developers. countries, 86 percent of our energy balance is atom, the unit, nuclear energy. so this would shoot has basically almost literally no e o l m a c o 2 emissions. we have renewable energy when we get natural gas. 86 percent.
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