tv News RT October 22, 2021 10:00pm-10:30pm EDT
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hope it bitter split is exposed that an you summit as leaders demand to poland that obeys european rulings, but warsaw insists that pluralism is respected. moscow says it is not surprised by aggressive rhetoric from nato states after germany calls for nuclear weapons to be deployed near russia is important. a people type, you know, in london, tries alleged to you as crimes and an active support for wiki leaks was the blower juliana sanchez, who washington wants extradited from the okay. the fight editor in chief says allegations of a cia plot to kill us on to prove his case has been politicized. though the recent revelation shows without any adults who the political element total the case who goes to to our songs, we have also human rights and civil liberties,
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organization of any married to teaming up together and highly vulnerable patients are risk and the u. k. as doctors confusion grows over the difference between a 3rd dose. we covered vaccine and a booster along with what is the correct order to administer the people that stephen disinfection. nita sacred, you're not going to take care. you know, the beast, i'm painting, i'm giving you the root. that information is not been given out correctly. ah, broadcasting more direct from studios in moscow. this is our t international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. now you leaders have demanded that poland, obey a european court ruling to restore the independence of the country's judges. but the route at a block of summit has exposed
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a critical divide over the supremacy of european law. more on that next from r t. charlotte pinsky wasn't so messages coming out from that european council meeting. the summit has been taking place in brussels for the last 2 days. you mentioned there were the hot topics is poland, but other things were being discussed to including migration and the energy crisis . but we will start with poland because it is taking up a much of the headlines of newspapers across europe and this week. and even beyond that, following that some, it seemed members that leaders were coming out and singing to the same him are basically saying that poland has to know that the rule of law is central to the heart and foundations of the european union. and what poland must do now is toe the line and also must reinstate the judges. that its act is part of this judicial shake up in its own country. however,
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the polish prime minister having none of that, and basically saying that this is the sort of interference that it won't accept a long road ahead of us. this road is a combination of dialogue, legal response, and concrete action to we store the independence of the judiciary. yeah, not that there is no european country that contains itself. european. if it's judges are not independent, this is at the heart of our fundamental tax. but if i, for my own, some countries have a stronger appetite for you integration, others not only poland, see this issue in the opposite way. some countries constitution say a, you, laura, is supreme other say the opposite. so there's constitutional pluralism. this pluralism has to be respected if the cares about is strong economic and political role and aspiration in the world. another hot topic then that was being discussed was that over migration, something that the e u has been grappling now with for many years at you leaders saying once again,
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the issue right now is coming from bella roofs in saying that the government of president lucas shanker is using migration as an instrumental tool for his politics . the you saying though that it will have a new way of potentially dealing with this image. tottenham belief that we're focused on external migration, especially from belarus to you, member states. this constitutes a hybrid threat. one has to be frank about that mister lucas shanker was using people for his policy, hinders who couldn't go. we are very concerned about the situation at the borders in with bella rose. we consider the behavior of the bellows government as a hybrid attack. we will keep up the pressure on the low cash ankle regime and we are ready to explore options for further sanctions, not only for individuals but also for entities or companies. so possibly new
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sanctions against the bela roof. however, there are some that say that sanctions are not the way food, and in fact, all they're doing is aggravating. this situation rather than making it something that can be improved, they were around 1400 illegal migrants who went in to poland. we boil that down over so many months. it's actually quite a small figure. what isn't a small figure though, is the crisis that energy is creating in europe ahead of this winter, easily just scratching their heads as to how they're going to deal with that crisis in the coming months and potentially as spain is suggested into next winter. and there are some e countries saying that the problem here is the making of the e u, because of it's pushed towards green energy sources, which it doing at the expense of a traditional fossil fuels. and it hasn't quite got there yet to pursue that green
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energy agenda to make up for that shortfall. however, the commission president ursula vaughan delane saying that that is a determined path for the e. u. for the future. it's obvious that we need more renewable and clean energy. if you look at the production price of renewables, it has considerably decreased for solar. alongside this we need a stable source, nuclear and during the transition of course, natural gas. now there's also suggestion coming out from that council meeting that the e was going to be looking at, ju, political issues impacting the energy crisis between you and i, that is code for russia. however, the russian president, vladimir putin, has settled several occasions now that russia is ready to step up to the plate and to help you out in the gas supplies it needs to mitigate this crisis that is due to hit in the next few months. in fact is already biting,
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but the key issue here is that the e u has to ask germany, says nato should be ready to deploy nuclear weapons to deter russia near its maritime borders in the baltic and black sea. but the defense minister was challenged to explain her all fell remarks, flu the right was reported this morning, the plaintiff contemplating the turn scenarios for the baltic and blacks, the regions, possibly evolving air, deployed nuclear weapons. is this the best native prepared to take? this is, that's a part of the terran miss and we must make it very clear to russia that in the end we're ready. and that is also the deterrents doctrine to deploy. such means is to deter in advance and so that nobody comes to the idea of attacking nato partners in the bull taken black c regions. and this is her comment to coincide with him. nato unveiling. it's a new master plan to defend the block against what it calls a potential russian attack on multiple fronts. the west military alliance held a 2 day meeting of defense ministers that wrapped up on friday. here's how nato
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secretary general describes the current state of relations between the block and russia. approach shown to russia remains the same as before, meaning and credible the turns on the fence, combined with the efforts to have a meaningful dialogue with russia. the relationship between nato on russia is now at a low point. it has not been more difficult since to handle the cold war. now they don't have been jittery over, i suppose, the russian threat over a few times this past year. in april when russia conducted drills near its border with ukraine. and last month when russia and bellows held a joint military exercise, russia has insisted there was no hidden agenda behind those drills on monday, russia announced it is suspending the nato military liaison mission in moscow. after the alliance expelled 8 russian diplomats, the kremlin spokesperson says nato's new strategy proves moscow was right to sever
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ties. there is no need for dialogue under these conditions and nato's new concept just goes to prove it. russia hasn't been under any illusions regarding nato. we know what to raise on to hatcher of this alliances. this alliance was not created for peace, who was created for confrontation, or at austria's former foreign minister warns that nato hostility is making europe and even more dangerous place than at the height of the cold war. up the f hurts from 2000 back and the german defense minister it's, it's the recollect rhetoric. it's the regular last sentence that you after statement. and of course we're open for dialogue. but that jen, i'm dialogue hasn't been down for years. and in particular with regards to and why ting edition, i conscious insulin made. so this of was gifts which was sort of for the russian side. i won't be much more food. and if i were a natal issue or a german at defense minister in, in,
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in making these sort of statements. because we are definitely in a situation where a certain things on the need to a dental step in order to, to, to walked the wrong direction. and we have seen about decades out what can be built up in terms of confidence, building measures, allotment, and much more, the tooth in the 19 seventy's eighty's with the den c. c, process mistakes, change of, of military observation, post. so in much worse times, it will maybe a better korea from an education done today. and this is most from week to the fact that we missed this talents of, of being able to talk to each other and to listen. and this is definitely to be observed on, on, on, they decided it's, it's, it's, it's much more a kind of reading out lessons. supporters of join assange
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held a people's tribunal and london on friday on the alleged u. s. war crimes revealed by the wiki weeks founder, which reportedly led to a c. i plot to kill him. it was intended to strengthen public backing for the whistleblower ahead of his extradition herrick. it is a disgrace for europe that the trauma lists and found off. we can leaks. julianna's sauce has been locked up. we need to be absolutely clear. his crime is telling the truth, a different society. julian, a song would now be hailed by every aspect to the british media for being a hero. b. u. k. government's conduct in relation to a sancha has revealed to such gross hypocrisy, or when it comes to any professed commitment to human rights. so if the british judges decide either to expedite the sans to the us or to keep him in the british when panama, they will basically condemn him to death is about p pull power versus state power. you can go to the united states and you will find plenty of them. for criminals who
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have never been put on trial, you're criminals, and we're going to pursue you to the end of the earth and back for the crimes. you're committing all over the world against humanity, while also murdering slowly drilling assange and other whistleblowers. while the bell marsh tribunal, named after the jail where assange is being held, had no legal bearing it aimed to elicit public attention. it followed in the footsteps of a smaller event conducted half a century ago condemning us actions in vietnam. next week, assange faces a hearing into his possible extradition to the west on espionage charges. it could be jail for up to 175 years. rally is planned in the british capital on saturday ahead of the proceedings. supporters told us why they think the case must be thrown out. there is the possibility that it can go to the supreme, the supreme court. i'm hoping very, very much that the united states does both. this appeal hearing angels conclusions
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from why did political events after all, we've never seen the key witness say that he lied. we've seen the sa, attempting to support the entire security organization in ecuador and embassy. i'm . we've seen now that they were plotting to either kidnapped or possibly even a fast me during the times my, to be honest. most cases would have absolutely collapsed up this point on this case, certainly should. the recent revelation shows so without any doubt. so the political elements of the case we've has to be on sounds. now we have oh, so human rights and civil liberties, organization of any married serv. teaming up together. i have to talk to this to be a just how come just as for julian and justice for journalism because that's what the stake here. you've been punished for telling the truth. when the united states administration on the british government were like, if you want journalism like that real journalism, investigative journalism,
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then you're gonna have to pop with the fact that june assigned to people like him. all the people who are giving it to you, volleyball patients in the u. k. could be missing out on life saving covered, shot over doctors, confusion on the difference between the 3rd dose of the vaccine and a booster. these inoculations must be given in the correct order, but the 2 terms are often used interchangeably leading to a mix up even among medics. i'm going to to richie, please give me a call. it is not fair jap, chris sherman. there's no fear. great fish is different to a booster. it is past the primary course of the vaccine. right. but price of that, do my research and my research, what i found whilst that is a dose, gosh, the booster router value as winter looms and rumors of returning to lockdown,
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circulate the government is upping the ante on the vaccination top rollouts. but those that need it, the most struggling to get the 3rd dose they so desperately need you to confusion over the differences between the 3rd jab and the booster by the very people administering them, leasing my ticket with everything the way i did it differently than faxing. has gotten different to be a it certainly as confusing people. the recommendation is that those who are immunosuppressed, meaning they have a weekend immune system at the time of their 1st. and 2nd cove at vaccines should now receive a 3rd dose as part of the primary vaccination routine. the booster program is totally separate to the 3rd dose and is being offered to the over fifty's, those with underlying health conditions and those living with the amino suppressed as well. not only are they entirely different jobs,
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but thousands of extremely vulnerable people are struggling to book into their life, saving vaccines with experts saying that this huge error could cost lives. reduction it be the potency of the job for the boosters. so there's a lot of a conflation of these 2 terms, b to compromise. people don't have full effective immediately against a cave in my teeth. if you don't have your immunity top top to the, the optimum level for you, then your greater risk. you need to bait, presumably some people will end up passing away because of julie's husband, brian suffers multiple myeloma, a rare type of blood cancer, meaning he is amino compromised and entitled to his 3rd and the last 8 weeks. so julie has 40 tanks, at least a dozen healthcare professionals, including gps chemists and even staff vaccination centers. they told her there is
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no such thing as a 3rd dose. oh, use the time interchangeably with booster. the people that giving this injection. dr. sacred no. nothing about the dead joke. you know about the booster. i'm fuming, i'm giving it to go room to be honest because did not go right to commission in my i so lots of people about the booster thinking to get in, but the big not because i'm speaking on behalf of brian because he is magwell all the people out there, there's not necessarily got my loaner got leukemia lymphoma, but it's got any thing that give them a compromised immune system. so my husband is one person. i just think about them other people, but not got a jewelry beander avenue, more of the, in the contract. that this information is not being given out correctly. as you can, infections hit almost 50000 in a single day, the highest since july. in order to avoid a return to kind of restrictions, the government is urging the public to do their bit and take the coven vaccine and
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booster office. i think we've been really clear that we've all got a role to play. if people, if not enough people, that booster jobs, it's gonna hit us all. or when those administering the jobs don't know which is which leaves those most vulnerable even more. so chateau edwards dashti, arte london, united states leading medical research agency has admitted funding risky studies into bats and chronic viruses in china's will on province. despite earlier denials from america's top infectious disease expert doctor anthony foundry. here is our correspondent, daniel armstrong. a game of fat and mouse in the u. s. over corona virus research findings and public funds. quite literally, a top national institutes of health official has admitted us taxpayer money, finance testing mice in china with back corona, virus genetically altered to make it more transmissible to humans. now the danger
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of such research has always been that the virus could escape the lab and spark a public health disaster. the limited experiment described in the final progress report was testing as spike brought since from naturally occurring bad corona viruses. circulating in china were capable of binding to the human a, c, e 2 receptor, and the mouse model. laboratory mice infected with the see age c o 14 w i v one bad corona virus became sicker than those infected with w i. v one that corona virus ego health failed to report this finding right away as was required by the terms of the grant. and yet for months the biden administration's big cheese on the disease. doctor anthony found, she denied any claims that the u. s. funded such projects, it comes as vindication for republican senator run. paul, whose quest for transparency on the investigation was beginning to look like a rat race. no one saying those are, it is ours, didn't malachi,
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lives virus cause the pandemic? what were alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and, and i age funded it that is an ide away from it. it meets your definition and you are obvious getting the truth. anybody would have lying here, senator, it is you. some experts say found she knowingly misled the country, the national institutes of health, se acknowledgements of the facts is new, but the facts themselves and not new. the national institutes of health was informed about the gain of function research in wootton. in 2018 and again in 2020 collins and found she lied to congress light to the press and light to the public. now although the bat is out of the bag according to tay backs, let's say it seems that the u. s. has tried to cover up anything indicating any links to such research in we won the u. s. space eco health alliance. president pizza. dash jack was even chosen as part of a w h o team of experts to investigate the origins of cove it. but it seems that
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much of us top level f. it's in the pandemic, not least. their insistence on blaming and investigating china have only exposed to u. s. official cover ups and lies with a disturbing question being why cover ups and lies needed these most recent revelations show that the found she and national institute of health director collins either outright wide or. busy have absolutely no idea what's going on with their agencies either way they have no business writing these organizations. and frankly, i think there needs to be a full and open investigation of whether or not they did know directly no. and if so, they should be held to the, to the fullest extent of punishment, or that if history is a judge of how it's going to go, we're going to see little to no accountability. but i hope i'm wrong. i think it is the height of night to say to believes that what we know the u. s. government to have done from the 193-949-5900. 69798990
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2, thousands and 2010 has suddenly magically stopped in the 20 twenty's that you know, a decade century plus of subterfuge in clandestine operations. and you know, and cover ups and scandals and lies suddenly ended. even though no one ever was held accountable for the old lies and clandestine operations and so forth. so i hate to say that, you know, i don't think this is a one off. this is car for the course for large authoritarian governments. facebook whistleblower francis hagen is seeking more government regulation of social media to tackle supposedly dangerous content. but she is not above suspicion with compromising links to the u. s. establishment. putting her in the spotlight as a potential government stooge are to use for me to poke, dig a little deeper. whistleblowers are generally seen by many to be sort of brave heroes. they put their careers freedom, were even lives on the line to reveal the dirtiest seeker itself corrupts
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organizations and governments. but when a whistleblower like francis hogan comes along and becomes an overnight mainstream media darling with an odd background and a full team of top tier lawyers with close ties to the establishment. that sort of raises some questions to say the least. i mean, come on. how many whistleblowers get these kinds of high production, promo reales? these look has the resources and potentially the motivation to run my life. this is my virtual badge today i actually i was recruiting for cynic misinformation, pm. i was extremely excited to be able to make a difference, a whistleblower blowing the lid on the social media giant that's constantly accused of pushing agenda, censoring dissent and violating privacy, etc. well, let's just say halligan's revelations turned out to be a bit more in line with establishment talking points than you would expect. apparently the whole point of her leaks was that she just wanted to promote more
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government regulation. and censorship of co, dangerous contents hate speech and misinformation. when you're a, a real whistleblower, you are targeted by the government. you are silenced, you are prosecuted and sent to prison. but if you are celebrated on capitol hill and financed by independent companies, i'm sorry, but you're not a whistleblower. you're a political tool. she's being treated well by democrats on capitol hill by the white house, by the mainstream media, because she supports their narrative. you know, there's talk on capitol hill about breaking up facebook and breaking up some of the other big tech companies because they're monopolies so far. no one has had the guts to pursue something like that. this may be the hook that they need to at least start looking into anti monopoly actions against facebook and against some of the other big companies. so the question now is,
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who exactly is this woman and who is supporting her? well, according to political, how getting allegedly has quite a few big name backers, there's larry lessig, a former democratic presidential candidate who is now managing her legal team. there's been scott, former tech adviser to hillary clinton and then there's her tapia representative mill burden, who runs public affairs at a little non profit called the center for humane technology. which brings us to the guy behind all of them. e bay founder and millionaire media mogul, peer media, who's luminated foundation, apparently funds all these people and their organizations. but if you think of media is supporting halligan out of a sense of justice or disgust at the way social media giants operator, something like that. well, that may be a little naive ever since he started growing his media empire, his main clients have been done. done, done the state department. apparently he helped them supplement regime change in
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foreign countries, which they don't even actually hide. they literally posted online as their strategic plan well with these kind of ties allegations that halligan is backed by us. intelligence insiders doesn't even seem like that far of a stretch, any more fear or media or through his limit. a foundation has sponsored whistleblower aid. o, many are put up the money for this very suspicious our organization which claims that it's sort of an anti wiki leagues. and it encourages whistleblowers to collaborate with the government and with their employer as they blow the whistle. it's pretty clear that they coached frances halligan, inserted her script about taking on official enemies through facebook's threat intelligence division from ethiopia to me and mar to china, to iran and omit ours role was never reported until weeks after huggins high profile testimony. but it makes perfect sense,
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considering that facebook is the bad cop of the big tech world. and mark zuckerberg is a whipping boy for virtually every one in washington right now. so long comes o media are sponsoring this group. this whistleblower who want to speak out about how toxic facebook has become. and he appears like the good cop, the good big tech guy who wants to work with the democrats and actually help sensor what goes on in social media, which is a key imperative of the democratic party right now. whistleblower aid doesn't exactly have a good reputation among whistleblowers to put it mildly the founder mark zaid literally read it out. his client geoffrey sterling, an actual whistleblower to his buddies at langley. but then had no issues representing the ukrainian whistleblower in trumps impeachment trial. and andrew, because another key figure at the firm which, judging by its name,
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is supposed to aid whistleblowers, literally called for ju innocence to face the full wrath of the law. it was an honor to support francis hogan today, as she testified before the senate. i am privileged to work with a talented team of co counsels. thank you. out front sin n for having me on this evening. i'm proud to represent francis, a courageous whistleblower alongside my colleagues and whistleblower aid with francis halligan's unusual success story. many whistleblowers now probably wish they also had the kind of support that she does. but unfortunately, it seems, there revelations just weren't as convenient for the establishment. so all they got was prosecution and a cold shoulder at best. does a for me in about 31 minutes, i'll be back with a look at your headlines. this is our international so with ah, the coin was created and invented specifically to kill central banks. it says
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selling a genesis block and they make a reference to the bank of england when the bank of england started squirming. and i start whining that, oh my god, big coin is an exit a ship. let out a collective raw. because we're finally getting rid of the worst actor on the financial seem for 300 years. ah all of them to so if you go visionaries, me sophia schubert, not sam. the earth is population is growing and so is to demand for food.
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will be able to sustain the planet when there will be twice as many of us and not completely destroy the environment. well, today i talk to a man who has presented the 1st lab grow hamburger to the world, professor of last killer physiology of last chiefs university. mark past professor bus is really great her in our program today. welcome. thank you. so a lot of questions regarding meet some se, artificial meet some say it's really anyways, let's start for from where we said last. yeah. okay. so let's start with the simplest question i guess, for the dummies. how does making or growing meat in a lab work? you take a cell sample from the cow you bring into a lab putting in by a reactor feet necessary.
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