tv Keiser Report RT October 23, 2021 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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ah, i am ash kaiser. this is the kaiser report. well, i guess looks like after more than 300 years. bank of england is about ready to go bust, stacy? oh right. well certainly you know, in the genesis block of bitcoin was the times headline from 2009, january 3rd, 2009. that's a chance on bank of 2nd belo for banks. so this is funny to come full circle. so, you know, as hyper bitcoin ization, a setting in, as the 1st nation has just made big queen legal tender in their country. that's el salvador. and this is a headline that's happened in the last 2 weeks. we didn't get to get to it until today, but it's, you know, relevant to some of the other have i'm recovering here. it coin could trigger
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financial meltdown. orange bank of england deputy. this was somebody named sir con list. yes. so he's complaining that. oh, you know, just like sub prime bitcoin and might cause the financial systems to collapse. but you know, if bank of england is worried, my theory is that if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear from bitcoin right. if like bad debts, lots of fraud in your financial system, lots of money printing, you have nothing to fear from bank coin. but all the major financial scandals went through the city of london went through the bank of england. even the bank of england was implicated in a precious market rigging, scheme, and allied bar rigging, scheme. it went right through the bank of england, a i g lehman brothers, the sub prime crisis, bernie made up, they all went through the city of london. and by extension, the bank of england, it really is, as i've been saying, for many years, the global sent or the epicenter of financial fraud. and since 1694,
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they've been using money printing to and slave people. and now their day as com. or we can turn the key and throw away the key and shut the bank of england down. thank god, right. but the thing is that big coin is far more heavily regulated than the banks. so the banks are regulated by the central banks by the financial conduct authority, sort of people. and they're, it's a revolving door. they all their friends, their mates, they don't wanna put 3rd me in jail. nobody wants to do that. whereas big coin is regulated by the users and there's millions of them by the nose, by the miners, by all participants. if you're a bit coin or if you have once a toshi, your regulator bitcoin, right? where all is the consensus algorithm is regulation by consensus. so that's already built into that protocol. so let's look at some of the headlines. you know,
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max mentioned, you know, all the scandals that of the pass. bernie made offs. fraud went through their a i g scandal there. defrauding went through their m f global. went through there and i want to call your attention back to repo one o 5. early days of kaiser report, we cover to repo one o 5. and that was lehman brothers. used that sort of m f global bo lehman brothers . did all their a lot of their hidden debts. remember if you have nothing to hide like bad debts, if you use repo one o 5. so reba $1.00 to $5.00 was a type of loophole in accounting for repurchase a repo transactions that the now extinguished. lehman brothers, exploited in an attempt to hide true amounts of leverage during his time to travel during the 20072008 financial crisis in this re purchase agreement since updated to close the loophole, accompany could classify a short term loan as a ill and subsequently used the cash proceeds from the sale to reduce its
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liabilities. so in london, you are allowed to have infinite infinite repo on 5, essentially infinite infinite rehab pacification via repo one o 5 in the united states that was never allowed is only at a 114 percent versus like a 1000 percent, 10000 percent. anything you could do with this repo one to 5 through the bank of england's territory called london. right? as we've been covering for years, countries and companies outsource their financial frog to the city of london and the bank of england. that's their primary source of revenue in that country. and then post brags it doesn't shut off. that's one of the reasons why i said breaks it was so dangerous is that they have shut that down. and the revenues have collapsed from the money laundering in the scandals. at the bank of england and the city of london are involved with luck. bitcoin was created and invented specifically to kill central banks. it says phone and genesis block. they make a reference to the bank of england when the bank of england started squirming and
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they start whining that oh my god, big coin is an existential threat to our existence. everyone who yearns for freedom in the world today should let out a collective her ra, because we're finally getting rid of the worst actor in the financial scene for 300 years. allegedly right. i mean, there are like the bank of england, the, the moms and dads of those guys who run the bank of england. they think they are doing a great job. so to be fair and balanced, you have to say that their moms and dads think they're doing a great job. but speaking of moms and dads, well, here's a, here's a image of the creed. she's on the 20 pound note here. welcome to britain, the bank scam capital of the world. says reuters says reuters writers if it's not as allegedly reuters is saying allegedly that welcome to britain,
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the allegedly, the bank scam capital of the world, allegedly right. they go in to how a most of the financial skel degree around the world 1st appears in england, you know, and then it kind of migrates to other territories and other countries. they are the greatest innovator in the world of financial fraud. that's the innovation that they bring to the global marketplace is how to rip people off using our banking tricks that thank you queen elizabeth for harboring all of these folks on your fine island. allegedly though, yeah, allegedly ah, exactly, allegedly, a finite. right. so, you know, according to this data, so you mentioned that there, that there, you know, they, they leave the world and innovation and fraud allegedly allege, according to the, the lit is so warriors alleges, i have to say, right. and then the thing is they, they mentioned that there was
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a record of $754000000.00 pounds or $1000000000.00 stolen in the 1st 6 months of this year, which is up 30 percent from the same period and 2020. so it's certainly going parabolic, there's of course, a lot more money being printed to steal. well, it's a direct result of breaks it because you've removed some of the regulations now. so the people on plague island, the bank stores on play island, are free to engage in toxic banking tricks on it. at a record levels. i warned, i warned you against this. i saw because i love you is because i know what goes on in the city of london. nevertheless, it is increased by 30 percent, which is about the amount of money printing that has happened as well over the past $30.00 at 30 years, the past year. right, so here's the quote again, allegedly it is a real quote, not allegedly, but they're alleging this,
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this is from iowa. it's bigger levin. she's the vice president of product strategy at u. s. based cyber security from bio catch, which provides anti fraud technologies to banks. and this person says, quote, the most sophisticated fraud tends to start in the united kingdom and then move 2 years later to the u. s. and then around the world, one thing in particular that they're showing in the united kingdom is that these fraudsters, there will set up a website that kind of mimics a well known entity and keep it running for years and communicate with some of the people they're gonna steal from defraud for months and months on end. and the a, they seem legitimate because you have an ongoing relationship with but with them by that they don't contact you with an email saying hi, i'm a prince. can you send me, you know, a $100000.00? they have a long standing relationship that they then say ok, how about this bond?
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you know, it's secure, the queen invest in this sort of thing like that sort of scam and that, but it takes months or years for them to even get to that point where they're going to ask you for that. so this is one of the things that they highlight in this article, right? it's all up and down the fraud spectrum from petty fraud credit card scams all the way up to major derivatives, trading insider trading market manipulations for ex manipulation, live bar manipulation, all with the bank of england thumb prints all over it all the time. 247 eventually . well, yeah, i mean, it was pretty convincing the prime, the precious metals manipulation going on in the, you know, in london, you know, that was a pretty much an ironclad case. well, live or is gone, right? library is gone because the united states took it away from the u. k because it was so fraudulent there, right. it was so riggs it got to rigged even for the americans. so in a cases where you don't need to say allegedly with pat mike true,
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you have to be careful because then they'll come back and say while you're engaging and hate speech, because you're talking about the truth and the truth is, is hurting us. so we have to be also careful that because they're very, very fragile over there in england, about hearing anything that would be considered anywhere else. truthful because it's all, it hurts. oh, well no. you have to be fair and balanced and to be fair and balanced. the people who are plundering like that got the $1000000000.00 in the 1st 6 months. they love it. they think it's a great system. so just to be fair, they do love it. and there are people that like it now cutting to back to big coin because we said big coin is, has millions of regulators. all of the users of the platform are the regulators. there's no shenanigans that do not escape the block chain. we could all, we could all see the on chain analysis and we know what's going on, right? well, there is an in el salvador, as we said, they've now got big coin as legal tender. so here's to some information. i book kelly, the president of the country. he's
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a very open on twitter and he's always tweeting all sorts of stuff and i, you know, trolling the i a math and england and stuff like that. but here's one thing he said about to new cheapo facts and cheapo is there a state run, a wallet there bitcoin wallet, he said one, people are inserting way more us dollars to buy bitcoin than what they are withdrawn from the chiva atm. any media outlet can independently confirm this by visiting the tans and to today we received 24076. remittances adding up to 3 over $3000000.00 and $1.00 day. so $3000000.00 and remittances and one day via bit coin. and that saving an enormous amount of money, millions of dollars for the country in one here, a big percentage of their actual gdp will be saved through the mit cutting out the middleman. the middle men, the butler's,
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that the financial middle men who are do the repo one o 5, do the money, remittances stealing 10 percent from the ports, people on earth, top hat and tail stealing and people's one, you know, that scares the jesus out of the bank of england, when i see a small country like bad doing something that is gonna, i mean like i said, the banker bank loans days are now here with insight to being finished 300 years in existence. goodbye. we all miss you audio, go away, and we're going to take a break when we come back much more coming your way. ah, over they putting additional money today, household and that the additional money goes to the children's education and welfare of the household. and then thirdly goes to savings, and if a country as a savings, it can improve itself and produce growth. i think didn't say that,
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but the most us for this moment to be included in the whole household so that the household income will be higher. and the countries in count that will be higher, which is g d p. mm ah, if you want something done, right, do it yourself. the acronym d i y, i e, do it yourself has now become the name fred, use younger of online videos. and you do to produce more than a year away. any so i mean, the up school, the deal is no one you can have the was more than any northrop with a deal if people use grad materials and won't is at hand to rig up all kinds of stuff from household items to pump action. squid guns church company from i got you a long list of must be out a fellow like more pool with the best part is people want to watch. millions of
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viewers spend url is seeing how a person they've never met. and who's halfway round the world assembles of contraption. no one else needs me to arrange to fill her in which could just wanted my teeth when you minute city. he's like user g looking at the glutton lou future pushing. which perfectly still could you ah ah ah
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ah, welcome back to the kaiser report on macs, kaiser time now to turn to rodolfo on janice. he is of the law it com, the earliest bitcoin conference in latin america. rodolfo welcome. thank you. most though, are you doing? great, great to see you now. love it. com for setting to el salvador i in 2 weeks. but before we get into that event, tell us about the history of law bit comp when, why, where did it all start? actually is the longest running conference or the is between conferences with our team and it started to when we're an emergency. now everyone,
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we have these concerns, no disciplines dis, restrictions about getting money into our scene to the country are buying daughters . so when we did the 1st conference, it is on the 13 most of the people in the world were watching and aiming towards it . do you not a big place? were the school girls we had a huge inflation re, currency contrast to stuff like that. and we achieved to ring the biggest about speakers, a dot com a and see that we get being the most relevant conference in the region. a with an addition i concept which is has to do with the experience itself. yes. which is beyond the com. that is also a mixing the culture of the place so, so it's a very good experience us, us and i've been, it says and, but i always was very high quality speakers and you being in our tougher think twice already. so thank you for as you point out, that in the region. argentina, of course is an example of a country where they've had to. i've had several currency collapses and bailouts
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and it's an obvious place for big coin. but the country that really was the 1st mover to make big coin legal tender was el salvador. that's were the big comp, is this this year in el salvador. and you know, tell us why your, your thoughts are they are, they're the 1st movie. they're already reaping huge benefits for data. yes, actually one thing i keep listening is people going back to some other and doing business, you know, they're, they're like very, a open to do stuff. everyone goes and, and meets the government and, and, and banks and, and businesses. yes. and everybody is very open to do stuff with them. so i think is a very good excuse to take the opportunity of going these meet weeks that he's being hosted and getting from the 15th to the 20th of november and, and be able to connect to do stuff there. and to leave the experience of talking
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with anyone in the streets and being able to the whole big is like wherever you go, you can ask and awareness is 100 percent. beyond the fact that you have 4 points. i don't know, medium people are already using the chill, what you really get like a sensation of beacon east. the thing here just to talk about and to and, and to see how it goes. it's going to go to our retail store angela. i don't know, doc story isn't you good. eventually get bathing beef. i know. right. right. it's like a giant but kind conference. the entire country and now it says everyone's gone. bitcoin crazy in it. the impact is, is remarkable. now it's interesting because president who cali about salvador, he is gifted his country on confiscated ball, immutable, perfect money, given his people individual sovereignty. and yet there are those who are calling
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him a dictator at the same time, which seems mutually exclusive. either you give your population freedom or you're a dictator, you can't be both. how do you said to be true? this is one of the reasons i liked to by do you, i'm say suited to the end, because because he's sponsoring old to be the community just and and even though i think that will get, i think the southern think i know is very aware of what they think talking yes and up and about what beacon rings to the people she knows about freedom. he knows about empowerment of the people. yes. and, and from the people next to him, just i realize that he, he is willing to go through this process. yes. and he, i think he believes in, in these later, too far for taking as hello somewhere as yes he is really, you need to see the plans he is, he is working on. it would be plain cds. it's it's, it's
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a full scope of ideas behind these monkeys, mary. i mean, yes, he has these, these authorities very am i to do. yes i, i don't say it's not it, but he has like a full blank. no, it's not only because it's not only remittances it's, it's like a full concept moving forward so, so i think it's like sometimes when you think decisions, yes, you need to the decisions of things that you plan that we'd be getting to long term . no, no, no. okay, is government changes and then everything changes. he, he really is fleming in a long time. we've been so doing stuff on investing in the seller. i think yes. could be like a good long term approach. right. i think back to america revolution, and when they declared independence from being the colony of england, and i think a book kelly as the george washington of the region. really, you know,
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if you go back to the american revolution, only a 3rd other colonialists wanted freedom. another 3rd were ambivalent and another 3rd didn't want. it didn't want to be free at all. so, you know, this is what happens or freedom fighters are not always seen as a, in a positive light. people don't appreciate them until after the revolution. but nevertheless, re surprised about our salvador as being the 1st country in the region to, to do this. why, why with the 1st that actually it's not so hard to understand why and and, and it would have been them could be a little differently like these countries because they don't have their own currency. if as in tina takes this move, because we'll fight against their back currency, we wish the country needs to create that. yes. but in the case of this have only
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done they have already. there are, there are courtesy being dollars. yes. which is not much best in action anyway, but but so old, the only way of getting more money is either getting an eta, long's yes, from, from governments on something or making smarter things and, and creating more value. yes from, from scratch. so i really do like the best country to take this is aisha big. they're not talking against their own parents. yes, this is not that they, it's very hard for a country where they already have a car. is that the means? yes. to stop having the power of bending and creating that from, from the meaning. i'm from taking a commitment so they can stay and they, that just means to pay them a lot. douglas,
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another situation. so i think it's one of the best countries to work on, on this concept. they're not fighting against their own coverage. the fit folks who i got the cheever wallet with $30.00 of the big coin. they're already up approximately a 100 percent since that day. country also bought big coin for its reserves at the central bank, and that is now positive. he was young. if you be seen, i think we are. and when you say but cali on twitter trolling the i a mouth and a sack play mocking them and sticking his finger up to them and saying hey i m f, you know, go to hell. doesn't that give people the region some confidence that the days of being colonized by the i m f in america or over, you know, one of my approaches, one of that he said would like to discuss the conference. the conference is very like, big time carrie cast no topics bud. and one of the things i, i think is that the only recipes, yes,
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are not working anymore or recipes. i had a move that's are out of banks. yes. and, and financial by organizations they are not creating, devalued to people as much as having beaten ender holdings. yes. is creating if, if you give money to the country, then the country decides where it goes. if you can be sent to the people. yes. then the money goes to the people, the money goes straight to the people for me because east is also one of the topics for me with an east them universal income concept in a good way. nothing. i bring the money for giving people for not doing nothing this you need and i for to day. yes. and what value dance you will when, when the asset that you get yes, fall from different of the day gets more valuable then you will get distribution of income. and so, so i, these other things are looking good. yes,
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we know because most and on. but for all the be by nurse is hard to, to not agree with what is happening there. even though you can have your concerns about the president given legal, talking about some of the similar i'd, these barking beacons for beast situations. it does other 30 and i can be more happy about these happening. i think this is needing that he said, so the secular thing, the other young people, the opportunity of being m o, hadn't even put the best currency to work it for the future. there is, and there are so many people and el salvador without bank accounts is not because they don't want bank account just because the fee of starting a bank account is prohibitively expensive because the banks don't care about people . the banks are draconian, predatory monsters. but now it big coin, everyone can have their own bank, they can be their own bank, and they're happily getting their own bank more than half the country is that got
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that big coin wallet, and that's growing at an incredible rate every week. and this is the attitude in the country is completely changed to being one of relentlessly optimistic as a stacy likes to say. and that as a huge impact on the country as well, they're going to start mining bitcoin. they're going to be of $1000000000.00 worth of revenue from their volcano mines coming in, which helps this country as well. now are argentina and other countries that we're slow to, to move are they now going to be forced to jump in here and change? are they going to be left behind? i see the liver, ms. gunderson, with the really one to decide us know, must a keep being in the dorm, eh, but i think the, the biggest concern for other countries east using that meaning, power of that. no. so, so i think this is like i, it's easy for,
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it's not easy just from deficient. yes, but it's easy for her toddler, for hours. i think know that this is, that example was you have the example center i'll will follow, but not mainly in latin america. everywhere, anywhere into watch. i, even though you good night more recency, latin america for diesel carvings, we have more inflation and inflation is useful for the country. i mean, they got the mean and they, because they create it that yes, with providers and leave me by the debate. so it changing. we need these, but we need this. no, because government will do it. everybody does dantes were deceased officially. so do you need people to decide to go into this? you've got expected garmen to do it so, so i think that revolution revolution, the way i like it, which i mean that in america adoption in the way we expect,
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like, following day, day, the leading of a lot of good m r anywhere. all right, we've got about 10 seconds work and people got tickets still up at consol salvador, w, w, w dot, dot com. fair enough, rudolfo andriana. thanks for being on the kaiser report. thank you. it was a person. all right, that's going to verify this dish on the kaiser par with may max kaiser and stays there. but while i think, i guess rodolfo from the law it comp until next on bio ah ah ah, he died. i cried and i just had
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a slot. the whole time i was there. no one really thought anything differently. just all thought i just didn't feel good on the way for the surgery. his lungs failed. 30 seconds, but i killed him. i had gotten stuck with so many needles that day in 2019 doctor started talking about a new widespread does he use that caused severe lung damage? there's a few points that were really the turning pole if the patients were diagnosed with a lung injury associated with using electronic cigarettes or facing products. he pulled this out. he really felt holy crap, he's gonna die. oh no, he's the better it was. i wouldn't want my worst enemy to ever go through that. it was out of breath
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with you. it's a brick wall. it's attempt to whip poland into submission only aggravating the ro over the rule of law. pasco says it's not surprised by nato's aggressive rhetoric of the germany. now, the cult for nuclear weapons to be deployed near russia's borders. america's leading medical research agency admits funding controversial research into but corona viruses in china's will have something previously repeatedly denied by the white house is top infectious disease x play and the u. k. prime minister is accused of selling out working people, failing to plan the practice of fire and re hire that allows employees to give workers less favorable terms and conditions.
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