tv News RT October 23, 2021 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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in daycare ah, his hours hope that lives here one r t, the public mood swings to the right in france, just ahead to presidential elections. and there's no shortage of candidates to meet the popular agenda. america's leading a medical research agency admits funding controversial research into that corona viruses in china's we'll hand something previously repeatedly denied by the white house is top infectious disease export. the u. k. prime minister was accused of selling out working people for failing to ban the practice of fire and re hire. that allows employers to give workers less favorable terms and conditions. ah . all right, it is a saturday afternoon here at moscow and
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a very warm welcome to you. i will resume, show an audience, and it's a push to the right. it certainly seems to be key to success in french presidential elections these days. some major candidates and even those who haven't yet officially announced that candidacy are all talking way right of center. for example, such as l e m o, a talk show host, a new darling of the french right wing. he's even tempting marine la penn's voters away and becoming a strong rival of a manual macro owen. as ortiz shawna do, whisky now reports from paris. the play is may know to all, yet be declared, but with less than 6 months before, for all the seas presidential election, the game is being played in right wing territory with participants trying to school on topics such as immigration, identity and security for emanuel mac, korn,
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has slash the number of these it deliveries to countries such as to new z, algeria and morocco. marine pan proposes a referendum on immigration, headaches in more says france must stop both illegal and legal immigration, women, legal and legal immigration. that's exactly what i'm saying today. today, a lot of french people are just sick and tired, really, that there is no politician in power. these testers has tackled the issue of immigration. nobody is doing anything. and you kind of feel that in trask that the situation is that it's very laxed and that nobody is doing anything and is treating problems. and these problems are not being tackled by the government. has no policy real policy concerning immigration, these past decides say these past 20 years and this is starting to become a huge problem. ready in france, ah, vania sticks to that messenger on immigration saying it's weakening,
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frances sense of identity. my colon has set up a think tank to combat wookey ideology that he believes is infecting the country. meanwhile, the more wants to buy new french names. valerie p classy, says french laws must have precedence over european jurisdiction, must be watching with interest as poland bottles brussels on the same issue. that if i for my own some countries have a stronger appetite for integration. others not only poland, see this issue in the opposite way. in some countries, constitutions, the e, u. laura supreme other say the opposite. so this constitutional pluralism, this pluralism, has to be respected. if the cares about is strong economic and political role and aspiration in the world, there are a lot of celebrities between the re, ringer movements, which are getting popularity here in france and what truck did in the u. s. i think
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that trump senior part and also to progress the identity problems that the americans were facing. and these issues are coming in france. parties on the right in trance and walk. want to build borders. they want to check was coming into the country to run a privilege, the french workers ahead of the immigrant or foreign workers. so yes, of course, this is very close. busy to what donald trump was promoting in the red during his campaign. and what he tried to do once he was elected, ah, false is still worried about potential terror attacks. pretty much all the candidates know security is a key issue for vote is already to be only defensive. they're not met cause part. he's introduced controversial bills. one issue such as global security and in defense of the french republic, la palm has style to a party as one of justice and buddha is albia. but tony says he's priorities include the protection of the french, the end of impunity,
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all the while supporting the police. is it more has said that security is the very 1st of freedoms. there's an ongoing problem with insecurity code, you know, crime of various kinds of petty crime and most serious crime in the what a called label and you of the suburbs, particularly paris and the other big cities. then of course, that's the ongoing issue of terrorism, which has hit france. probably i think more than any other european country, all of this plays out as the potential candidate. so seni seeking both from the same pool to why have frances would be captain shifted to the rights in 2017, the socialist party collapsed in france. and michael, who of course came from phelps wow. loans team. he basically took over the, so lists the old socialist electorate. but of course, he is not himself,
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particularly socialist. so he has, he has occupied that particular space. and the socialist party has not found a candidate yet. who has the ability to challenge him on the left. as an army poll suggest the countries overwhelmingly disappointed with mackerel and all of the others who are offering to take charge. but in a pinch, most people tend to vote with what they know. meaning that the park is still at least, but now in not going to rank shall and even sky hocksey, paris, america's leading medical were so tr agency has now admitted funding risky studies into bats. and corona viruses in china's woo hand province. despite earlier denials from america's top infectious disease expos, doctor anthony found she the u. s. money had gone into the circled gain of function
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research. a correspondent daniel armstrong, looks at these implications. a game of fat and mouse in the u. s. over corona virus research findings and public funds. quite literally, a top national institutes of health official has admitted us taxpayer money, finance, testing, mice in china with backbone of irish, genetically altered to make it more transmissible to humans. now the danger, as such, research has always been that the virus could escape the lab and spark a public health disaster. limited experiment described in the final progress report was testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring. but corona viruses, circulating and china were capable of binding to the human ac to receptor in a mouse model laboratory mice and fretted with a s h c 014, w i v one bat corona virus to come sicker than those infected with the w. i v one bat corona virus. eco hell fell to report this find in right away as was required
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by the terms of the grant. and yet for months the biden administration's big cheese on the disease. doctor anthony found, she denied any claims that the u. s. funded such projects, it comes as vindication for republican senator ran paul, who's quest for transparency on the investigation, was beginning to look like a rat race? no one saying that you are, it is ours to it. also, malachi, lives virus cause the pandemic. what were alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and, and i h funded it that is an ide away from it. it meets your definition and you are up to skating the truth. anybody have lying here, senator? it is, you, some experts say found she knowingly misled the country, the national institutes of health, se acknowledgements of the facts is new, but the facts themselves and not new. the national institutes of health was informed about the gain of function research in wu and in 2018 and again in 2020
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collins and found she lied to congress light to the press and light to the public. now although the bat is out of the bag according to tobacco, let's say it seems that the us is tried to cover up anything indicating any links to such research in we won the u. s. based ico health alliance, president pizza dash jack was even chosen as part of a w h o team of experts to investigate the origins of cove it. but it seems that much of us top level efforts in the pandemic, not least, their insistence on blaming and investigating china have only exposed us official cover ups and lies with a disturbing question being why our cover ups and lies needed these most recent revelations show that they found she and national institute of health director collins either outright wide or. busy have absolutely no idea what's going on with their agencies either way they have no business writing these organizations. and frankly, i think there needs to be a forward open investigation or whether or not they did know directly no. and if so,
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they should be held to the, to the fullest extent of punishment, or that if history is a judge of how it's going to go, we're going to see little to no accountability. but i hope i'm wrong. well, it gets more interesting. it's a merge 3rd, a fall. she has been the top paid federal employee for years in 2004. he was granted a permanent pay adjustment for bio defense research in our earns more than the u. s . president spike cohen. so the regulations about gain of function research is what we have come to expect from people like this. i think it is the height of 9 a to believe that what we know the u. s. government to have done from the 9 13949596070899202010 has suddenly magically stopped in the 2020 that you know a decade a century plus on a subterfuge and clean destined operations and, you know,
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and cover ups and scandals in life suddenly ended, even though no one ever was held accountable for the old lives and clandestine operations and so forth. so i hate to say that, you know, i don't think this is a one off this car for the course for largest word carrying government standing out, working people. that's the accusation laid on britain's prime minister, boris johnson and meadow rise in so called fire and re hire practices. the notorious scheme of dropping then re employing workers on was terms as intensified during the pandemic. according to unions, the opposition harshly criticized the practice. this week government has allowed bad bosses to force brutal changes to contracts and take thousands in wages from families. there is agreement across the political spectrum that fire and re hire is unfair, unjust and unacceptable. but once again, we have only warm wars and bluster from bars. johnson who's ordering his m piece to
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vote down the bill selling out work and people in the process. it's coercive. it's bullying it. and i can tell you from experience it's, it's very, it's a, it's a very unpleasant situation, almost feels like being in an abusive relationship. because the workplace is a relationship which is, you know, it is built on trust and confidence. and what fire rehired does is it breaches trust and confidence on that's why i shall i have no other option but to allow myself in my experience to be sat on the file and re hire because i could not continue in that relationship anymore. am because because of its abuse of nature, raising willy latest figures show nearly a quarter of all you. k workers say they're working term such as pay or hours have been downgraded during the pandemic. many say they faced the fire and re hire practice themselves having to reapply for their old jobs on worse terms and
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conditions or faced the sack of washington himself has called the whole policy unacceptable. however, fire and re hire remains legal provider. the due process of followed like formerly consulting workers and observing set notice periods and kevin burn the former u. k. gas industry worker. you heard from before? believe the laws are actually protecting exactly the wrong people. so force that because you know, i'm a law abiding citizen, like most people, and you know, i'm led to believe that the laws of basset to protect it. citizens, i think and with best experience to realize the laws are actually there to protect corporations on the, on the money class. what makes it where it is? yeah, it is the final insult that because when i embark on my disputes, my in sanction and the intention of my colleagues and com rates was so when are the
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speech and so when so convincingly bass, no company would, would use fire and re hire before sleep but that knocking it all, it's to paraphrase, hop a late and is booked to kill a mockingbird. the definition of cottage is when you know you left from the beginning, you begin anyway. and that's what we did. and because we were up against that with, with the corporation, such as british gas, are heading into the 2nd half of the program here in our to you still to come here going green and germany has ignited more than a public debate. as electric bosses apparently keep bursting into flames, while charging astoria mo, we're back in just a moment. a and i dream shaped ban centers, and those with in
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ah, could you to join us here on this saturday afternoon? now? one of germany's lodgers public transport companies has pulled 8 electric buses out of service in munich. it comes as a precautionary measure after a charging station that was well destroyed by fire light last month. the company blames a tactical defect for the fly, which appears to be a wide spread issue with electric vehicles across the country. nazis, peter oliver, investigate the story. as berlin embraces electric transportation, these battery powered buses have been traveling along the route $200.00 for just over a year now, taking passengers to such sites as the german capitals loo. however, 3 fires across the country. a depos with electric buses, the most recent in september, ang stuttgart,
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has raised questions about safety. not just of buses, but all electric vehicles. yeah. absolute. yes is the risk of these fires? gluten in other locations such as the bicycle basements, or large apartment blocks, is completely unaddressed. also, insurance companies are not yet tackling the issue. today. it's not regulated, in my opinion, it's not possible to regulate fires in general. so it is likely that dep post for electric bosses and the deepest for other buses will be separated and that fire barriers will be built between the individual bosses to reduce the risk of europe is experiencing a boom in sales of electric vehicles with manufacturers of them doing a roaring trade between april and june of this year, one and every 12 calls sold was 100 percent electric. when you put hybrid into the mix, you're looking at a 3rd of all sales across europe. it's been a meteoric rise as well back in 2018,
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less than 200000 electric vehicles were sold here in year of this year though, we're expecting that figure to be well over $1000000.00. in fact, when you look at these numbers globally, over the next 4 years, we're expecting to see 10000000 electric vehicles sold. with that figure soaring to 30000000 by 2032 years ago we as an electricity consumer protection organization decided to also address the issue of electron mobility. electricity consumption will increase by 25 percent as a result. although that is not the real problem washing the main problem is that you need very high power to charge the batteries within a reasonable time. in the long run, this will lead to charging in private households. the development of an infrastructure to charge a larger number of cars is completely undeveloped. people have been too naive about
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this. a naive isn't incredible. on the statement one. despite those concerns, electric vehicles, including buses like these do seem like they are going to be the future. in fact, manufacturer is a so confident that they're saying that if competitors don't stop producing electric models, well, they're not going to be competitors for very long. like moving from the horse to the car, it's that seismic it changes everything. and to such an extent that any players that don't pivot fast enough that don't invest are unlikely to survive in the future. here in germany, a poll earlier this year showed that almost 60 percent of the population was skeptical when it came to these electric bosses. people saying that they were unsure of the environmental compatibility when it comes to electric mobility out into that concerns over
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a potential safety worries. and not everybody is willing to hop on one of these bosses just now. peter oliver, aussie pearl and supporters of julian sanchez held a people's tribunal in london on alleged us war crimes revealed by the weaklings founder which reportedly led to r c. i a plot to kill him. tribunal was intended to be well strength and public backing of the whistleblower head of his u. s. extra vision hearing and we had a chance to speak with some of its members the point i was making in a democratic society, security service and the military and the special forces have to be accountable. my whole point is that junior is in a different country in a different place. we seems a hero. but because you've been exposing what the us and britain in particular were doing, he's seen as of the pain committee, is somebody that when the history books are written with the 21st century, julian,
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this sounds his name movie right up with somebody that told the truth there is an irony in the fact that shooting so basically things extradition order and they appeal against against the verdict to say that he should've been taught that the rule that you've been used to move in the following day for the following week. when it's a cornerstone of the legislation and i think it's already in the fact that those that are being used now to extra to the us and when it comes to the issue of genius and it's very significant enough union journalists and older janice organizations around the world spoken up so clearly about the situation that during the found as, as faced because it is intended in my view,
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to intimidate june elsewhere and in the future from exposing more crimes from exposing human rights abuses. and of course, an incredibly important part of the role of june is which is to hold the capital to accounts, which is to expose in just to face. non important parts about democratic society must be defended. and while the belmont tribunal named after the jail, where a san just being held, had no legal bearing, it aimed to elicit public attention following the foot of a similar event conducted half a century ago, condemning us actions in vietnam next week. assange fate. as a hearing into its possible extradition to america on espionage charges, he could be imprisoned for a 175 years. a wick helix editor in chief christian crampton told us a sanchez case is just politically motivated. recent revelation shows so without any doubt through the political elements of the case because you feel sounds well
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we have all the human rights and civil liberties, organization of any married to teaming up together. i have to respect to this to be at your so come just as for julian, just as for journalism because that's what the stake here. we also spoke with a documentary filmmaker and investigative journalist, john pilcher, who believed the whole case against assange is a demonstration of power. this is a ca operation. any one who knows the united states well knows the power overseer, the extra judicial power of the cia, the extra talking mental power. yeah, that's what this is. this is, this is what you probably say. 2008 point of wiki lease. first major lakes in march, the 18th, 2008 is from b u. s. army counter intelligence assessment branch,
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department of defense. you read through this document. it lays out everything that's happened. i from 2010, but we will get a song by smearing him. i had to spread, observing him by destroying trust and will be late ah, and good from here. wrong investigative journalism. all this times are not the words serious and best journalism is our number. well this is a show trial i. i've actually sat in on shorter char and this is a short trial. i to some of the headlines for your embry, her one on t violent classes in pakistan between security forces and is limited protesters of lead to the deaths of 2 policemen. under injured several demonstrators, thousands gathered in the eastern city of the whole demanding the release of the leader of that outlawed party. around 2000,
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the polish coal miners have travelled across europe to look some bug to rally at the european court of justice over the proposed closure of a major mine. a demonstrators who carried banners and flesh were met with a heavy police pressies either to it off mind as part of an unsolved dispute between poland and the czech republic, which says it drains waters reserves from nearby villages. a poland is being fined 500000 euros. for each day it stays open, but is refusing to pay and worship was finally returned to friday. prayers into iran after almost a 2 year break now caused by the old cove at pandemic. organized isn't the iranian capital, say old health protocols are being followed? iran remains one of the worst cove. it had countries with over a $120000.00 deaths. that because of the virus i finally for you here in the program on odd t, there's a new god on patrol outside
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a russian spaceport, others power packed, unmanned combat rowboat as well bristling with the latest gadget tree that, that it worked with minimal human input and is flexible enough to be used almost any way. ah, today controlling a robot is as easy as ordering a taxi. you need to create a routes, confirm it, and create tasks which the robot will complete on the route. with . today the robust work is to complete technical structures. this will cease work
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without enough research to complete just set through voice mode and tablet or anything else with minimum participation from man. with technologies can be adjusted to the level of border security to deliver goose products or pipelines to how to reach regions or to patrol pipelines, power lines, et cetera. with picture of all of those videos right now, what audio youtube channel though it is a saturday afternoon anyway. hop off to thanks for sharing some of your time with us here at auto. went back to the top of the hour with more of your weld headline.
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mm hm. hello. it's been decades since the fall of spain's fascist regime, but old wounds still have entailed your interest in going into dunlab with us because on the phone with nickel freedom. okay. give me a bowl said cutting me on the percent thus as me notice that i understand, i think with thousands of newborn babies were torn from their mothers and given away and forced adoption that only bought about are you just young fiesta? bitter my own robot is a fairly well meant to this day mothers still search for grown children, while adults look in hope for their birth parents.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy, even foundation, let it be an arms race is offensive. very dramatic development. only nationally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk with good match kaiser. this is the kaiser report. well, i guess it looks like after more than 300 years,
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bank of england is about ready to go bust. stacy? right, well certainly, you know, in the genesis block of bitcoin was the times headline from 2009, january 3rd, 2009. as a chance on bank of 2nd belo for banks. so this is funny to come full circle. so you know, as hyper bitcoin ization, a setting in, as the 1st nation has just made big coin legal tender in their country. that's el salvador. and this is a headline that's happened in the last 2 weeks. we didn't get to get to it until today, but it's, you know, relevant to some of the other have, i'm recovering here. it coin could trigger financial meltdown wards, bank of england deputy. this was somebody named cert.
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