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tv   News  RT  October 23, 2021 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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a russian gas exported gas from warns it will stop supplying moldova if the eastern european nation failed to pay off the debts. now totaling some $700000000.00. circuits president orders ambassadors from 10 western allies to be declared persona non grata. that's over a joint statement, demanding the release of a turkish businessman, jailed, awaiting trial on anti government charges in the public mood swings to the right in france ahead of the presidential election. and there is no shortage of candidates to meet the populace agenda. the event of thousands of migrants, breakthrough mexican police lines, with many heading towards america. despite this president bible says that you have no intention of seeing the problems for himself as his southern border, as he doesn't have time ah
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broadcasting my direct mer studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. russian gas provider gas prom says that it will stop supplying moldova if the eastern european states fails to pay off its debt to the company, which is currently about $700000000.00. if the payment for gas supplies is not fully made and accordingly a new contract is not signed as of december, the 1st of this year, gas brom will stop gas supplies. html dover. the run no politics yet. gasp, rome is a join stock company and cannot operate to so loss. it cannot afford to lose tax payments to the budget. there are limits to patients. moldova is the one provoking this crisis. well, previously, moldova had a long running a contract with gas problem where they received gas at a discounted rate for many years. and over that period,
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they didn't make the payments necessary on time. and eventually they have a mass. this the huge debt for $133000000.00. and then you have to count all the fees and funds for for late payments and outstanding debt which runs up to $700000000.00. the contract itself expired some time ago in the last hours before the contract expired. a gas problem holdover agreed to extend that, that contract by a month, but by december 1st, they're gonna have to come up with a new contract. and these talks have been ongoing for a while now. those are there was a lot of a lot of pressure on both sides. the mil dolan's demanded that they get a 50 percent discount according to some reports that have come out of those talks. and now now is basically crunch time because gas, palmers can just come out and said the mill, dover refuses to acknowledge it's. it's huge debt. it wants these new supplies with
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that. paying off it's old debt. and moldova has now declared a state of emergency. they say the gas supplies in their pipelines are running out . so the, those, the pressure, the gas pressure is, is going down. so obviously supplies have been cut off gas from says that no such thing is happening. that it needs a little time at to get those supplies running again, where we will go from here is, is anyone's guess. obviously we have to bear in mind that there is a huge gas crosses all over the world, factories and plants in europe. ha, having to shut down businesses having to shut down. because at this point it is now more expensive to buy gas vent to sell their projects, such of the costs of production now, and this is all over the european continent. not just the european union with britain, britain as well in china, we're seeing the same story. so obviously, the mal, do ones are asking for help the europeans and others, whether they will receive that help remains to be seen. a turkish
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president has ordered the ambassadors of 10 western allies, including the us, france, and germany to be declared persona non grata the 1st step towards expelling them from the country. that's after the envoys called for the release of a turkish businessman and activist, jailed for anti government activity and who is still waiting trial. at the top, i gave the necessary instructions to a minister of foreign affairs. i told him what he had to do, deal with the declaration of these 10 ambassadors as persona non grata as soon as possible. osman corolla has been in custody since late 2017, charged with financing protests and participating in a failed coo, all of which he denies. president air to one has described him as a turkish leg of controversial billionaire investor, george soros, whose activist stances air to one has repeatedly condemned ambassadors issued a statement to denouncing turkey's handling of cavalier case and calling for his release. today mark's full year sincere,
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ongoing detention of postman cavallo begin the continued delays in his trial inclusion by emerging different cases and creates new ones up to a previous acquittal. gus, to shadow over respect for democracy, the rule of law and transparency in the turkish dish or a system. this is a really an extreme reaction, and it shows to me the great attentions that we are having between turkey and the e. u and the other nato countries. what race is some concern is that a cover le indeed was the founding member. busy of the open society foundation of george soros in turkey. so there are certain relationships with those billionaires and philanthropists who often have interfered in other countries in internal government affairs,
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turkey claims to see as its own sovereign right. and to determine how to do the internal affairs and they reject any interference into their traditional re a push to the right seems to be key to success in french elections and these days some major candidates for president and even those who have not yet officially announced their candidacy are talking from way right of center such as eric, is it more a talk show host and new darling of the french right wing? he's even tempting marine the pens voters away and becoming a strong rival of current president. manuel micron. as the hopefuls face off, charlotte davinsky takes us through what's lining up to be something of a bruising political hockey match. the players may know to pull yet be declared, but with less than 6 months before prophecies presidential election, the game is being played in right wing territory with participants trying to school
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on topics such as immigration identity and security. a manual mat corn has slashed the number of these it deliveries to countries such as to new z, algeria and morocco. marina pan propose is a referendum on immigration and makes it more, says france must stop both illegal and legal immigration when the legal and legal immigration. that's exactly what i'm saying today. today, a lot of french people are just sick and tired really, that there is no politician in our dispatchers has tackle the issue of i'm aggression. nobody is doing anything and you kind of feel that in trask that the situation is that it's very last and that nobody is doing anything and is treating problems. and these problems are not being tackled by the government. grants has no policy to real policy concerning immigration,
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these past decide cities as 20 years. and this is starting to become a huge problem. ready in france, ah, vania sticks to that message on immigration saying it's weakening, frances sense of identity. my colon has set up a think tank to combat wookey st. ideology that he believes is infecting the country. meanwhile, the more wants to buy new french names. valerie p. c. says french laws must have precedence over european jurisdiction, must be watching with interest as poland bottles, brussels on the same issue with my own. some countries have a stronger appetite for integration. others not only put nancy this issue in the opposite way in some countries constitution say you lower a supreme other say the opposite. so there's constitutional pluralism. this pluralism has to be respected. if the kids about
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a strong economic and political role and aspiration in the world, there are a lot of similar to celebrities between the re when movements which are getting a popularity here in france and what trump did in the us. i think that trump fingerprinted also to progress the identity problems that the americans were facing . and these issues are coming in france. parties on the right. entranced, want to do borders, they want to shake was coming into the country to run a privilege. the french workers ahead of the immigrant or foreign workers. so yes, of course this is very close. busy to what donald trump was promoting in the red during his campaign. and what he tried to do once he was elected, ah, false is still worried about potential terror attacks. pretty much all the candidates know security is a key issue for vote is already to be only defensive. they're not mac once part. he's introduced controversial bills. one issue such as global security and in
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defense of the french republic, the pen has style to party as one of justice and buddha is albia. but tony says he's priorities include the protection of the french, the owner of impunity, all the while supporting the police. is it more has said that security is the very 1st freedom. there's an ongoing problem with insecurity code, you know, crime of various kinds of petty crime and most serious crime in the what are called label and you of the suburbs, particular paris and the other big cities. then of course, that's the ongoing issue of terrorism, which has hit france. probably, i think more than any other european country, all of this claim out as the potential candidate. so see move seeking votes on the same pool. so why have frances would be kept in shifted to the rights in 2017.
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the socialist party collapsed in france. and macklin, who of course, came from francois loans team. he basically took over the socialists, the old socialist electorate. but of course, he is not himself particularly socialists, so he has, he has occupied that particular space and the socialist party has not found a candidate yet. who has the ability to challenge him on the left? as only poll suggests, the country is overwhelmingly disappointed with macro and all of the others who are offering to take charge. but in a pinch, most people tend to vote with what they know. meaning the pocky still at least, but now in macro answering. charlotte, even sky artsy, paris, a caravan of around 2000 migrants have walked out of a city in southern mexico,
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where they'd been stuck and many are now heading towards the u. s. border. there were some scuffles as police struggled to contain the group ah, the migrants are mainly from honduras el salvador and haiti, and had been waiting in the top of trula in southern mexico for papers that might allow them to travel. but they had grown tired of lengthy processing delays. they are ultimately trying to reach the united states some 1600 kilometers away. at least they're, the number trying to gain entry is hitting new heights. earlier this week, president biden recognize he should visit the united states border in the south,
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but said that he didn't have time. do you have went to visit the southern board? i've been there before and i haven't, i mean, i know it well, i guess i should go down, but the above on the whole point of it is i haven't had a whole have a lot of time to get down. it is the federal government's job to secure our border, but the bottom ministration has failed to do his job. the months long such an illegal crossings has instigated an international humanitarian crisis, spurred spike and international criminal activity, an open the floodgates to human traffic is in drug smugglers endangering public health and safety in our state's pol dobson journalist for independent news site venice well analysis dot com says a major factor in the current crisis is the u. s. role in keeping the migrants home countries economically handicapped stripe is really a natural consequence of the prolong structure, economic situation and central and latin america. in the case of venezuela,
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we really have to look at the role of the united states in keeping these countries handicapped, impoverished to some extent and, and in our case, the unilateral quest measures against the country, the road at washington is not innocent when it comes to the, the economic crisis, generalized economic crisis in many of these countries in honduras and height. the question of migration for the united states is very uncomfortable there. all the sectors which we prefer not to migrate into the country, but there are also strong sectors, especially in the upper classes of the united states, which recognized the u. s. economy. and to some extent, mean this cheap labor force in the country who are willing to work for lower wages in more precarious conditions without collective contracts, without trade union rights, and due to the need to the volume. eventually, i need to maintain that family and to eat. america's leading medical
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research agency has admitted funding risky studies into bats and corona viruses in china's wong province. despite earlier denials from america's top infectious disease expert, dr. anthony found that us money had gone into so called gain of function research correspondence, daniel armstrong looks at the implications a game of fat and mouse in the u. s. over corona virus research findings and public funds. quite literally, a top national institutes of health official has admitted us taxpayer money, finance, testing, mice in china with backbone of irish, genetically altered to make it more transmissible to humans. now the danger, as such, research has always been that the virus could escape the lab and spark a public health disaster. limited experiment described in the final progress report was testing if spike proteins from naturally occurring. but corona viruses circulating and china were capable of binding to the human ac 2 receptor in a mouse model. laboratory mice infected with a s h c 014,
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w i v one bat corona virus to come sicker than those infected with the w i. v one bat corona virus. eco hell fell to report this finding right away as was required by the terms of the grant. and yet for months the biden administration's big cheese on the disease thought to anthony found, she denied any claims that the u. s. funded such projects, it comes as vindication for republican senator ran paul, who's quest for transparency on the investigation, was beginning to look like a rat race? no one saying that you are, it is ours to it. also, malachi, lives virus cause the pandemic. what were alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab, and an i h funded it that is not away from it. it meets your definition, and you are obvious gating the truth. anybody have lying here, senator? it is, you, some experts say found she knowingly misled the country,
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the national institutes of health, se acknowledgements of the facts is new, but the facts themselves and not new. the national institutes of health was informed about the gain of function research in wu and in 2018 and again in 2020 collins and found she lied to congress light to the press and light to the public. now although the bat is out of the bag according to tobacco, let's say it seems that the u. s. has tried to cover up anything indicating any links to such research in we won the u. s. space eco health alliance. president pizza, dash jack was even chosen as part of a w h o team of experts to investigate the origins of cove it. but it seems that much of us top level f. it's in the pandemic, not least, their insistence on blaming and investigating china, of only exposed to u. s. official cover ups and lies with a disturbing question being, why are cover ups and lies needed? these most recent revelations show that they thought she and national institute of
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health director collins either outright wide or. busy have absolutely no idea what's going on with their agency either way they have no business writing these organizations. and frankly, i think there needs to be a full it open investigation that whether or not they did know directly, no. and if so, they should be held to the, to the fullest extent of punishment, or that if history is a judge of how it's going to go, we're going to see little to no accountability. but i hope i'm wrong. meanwhile, it is a merge that anthony found, she has been the top paid federal employee for years in 2004. he was granted a permanent pay adjustment for bio defense research, you know, earns more than the u. s. president spike cohen says that the revelations about gain of function research really come as no surprise. i think it is the height of 9 a to believe that what we know, the u. s. government to have done from the 9 13949596970899202010
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as suddenly magically stopped in the 2020. that you know, a decade a century plus on a subterfuge in clean destin operations and you know, and cover up some scandals in life suddenly ended even though no one ever was held accountable for the old lives and not for asians and so forth. so i hate to say that, you know, i don't think this is a one off this car for the course for largest or carrion government. congress has other questions for dr. fallacy over revelations that his institute funded experiments on legal puppies, including testing drugs and surgery to stop them barking. $1500000.00 taxpayer dollars were apparently spent on what lawmakers called costly, cruel, and unnecessary experiments. got the full story online right now. it r t dot com. moscow has warned berlin and its nato allies not to tempt fate by deploying military hardware, including nuclear weapons close to russia. borders against the backdrop of calls to contain russia,
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nato was amassing his forces along russia's borders. the german defense minister should know very well what consequences such moves have led to the past, both for germany and europe. that a stern remark came shortly after germany, a defense minister called on nato, to be ready to deploy nuclear weapons, to quote, deter russia near its maritime borders in the baltic and black sieve. the berlin official was then challenged to explain her hostile comments. the bright rays reported this morning, the plaintiff contemplating the turn scenarios for the baltic and blacks, the regions, possibly evolving air, deployed nuclear weapons. is this the best native prepared to take? this is not the path of karen miss, and we must make it very clear to russia that in the end were ready. and that is also the deterrent doctrine to deploy. such means is to deter in advance and so that nobody comes to the idea of attacking nato partners in the bull taken flax, the regions. and this is her comments coincided with narrow unveiling. it's new
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master plan to defend the block against what it calls a potential russian attack on multiple fronts. western military alliance held a 2 day meeting of defense ministers that wrapped up on friday. here's how nato's secretary general described. the current state of relations between the block and russia. it'll soon approach sharon to russia a remains the same as before, meaning earn credible the turns on the fence, combined with efforts to her have a meaningful dialogue with russia. the relationship between nato and russia is now at the low point. it has not been more difficult since to handle the cold war and sanitary expansion into the former soviet goes against promises was given to mikhail gorbachev. back in 1989, 1991. the soviet union was current and what was collapse that leads to wouldn't expand into the zones as interesting as well. is that germany has a traditional, recently been quite calmer in regards to russia, washing once germany to increased his military spending in order to comply with
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lennox, which of the americans basically said, which once germany to join britain, fran isn't taking a much more bellicose stance towards a towards russia, so i suspect is a game going on in conway and german politics. as that era of angel narco comes to an end selling out working people is what british prime minister boars johnson is being accused of that mid a rise in so called fire and re hire practices. the notorious scheme of dropping then re employing workers on worse terms has intensified during the pandemic, according to unions, and has the political opposition really. this week government has allowed bad bosses to force brutal changes to contracts and take thousands in wages from families. there is agreement across the political spectrum that fire and re hire is unfair, unjust, and unacceptable. but once again, we have only warm wars and bluster from bars. johnson who's ordering his m piece to
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vote down the bill, selling out work and people in the process. it's coercive, it's bullying. it. i can tell you from experience it's, it's very, it's a, it's a very unpleasant situation. almost feels like being in an abusive relationship wrong because the workplace is the relationship which is, you know, it is built on trust and confidence. i'm what fire rehired, those is it breach you so much trust and confidence on. that's why i felt i have no other option but to allow myself in my experience to be sat on the fiery high because i could not continue in that relationship any more. am because because of its abuse of nature, raise it while figures show nearly a quarter of all u. k. workers say that they have had their conditions such as pay or hours, downgraded during the pandemic. and many said that they have endured fire and re hire practices having to reapply for their jobs on worse terms and conditions or
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face the sac forest. johnson himself is called the practice unacceptable. however, fire and re hire remains legal, provided that do processes are followed like formerly consulting workers and observing set noticed periods. but kevin burn the former u. k. gas industry worker. you heard from before. believe the laws are protecting the wrong people. so force that because you know, i'm a law abiding citizen, like most people and you know, i'm led to believe that the laws are there to protect it. citizens, for, i think, and with this experience to realize the laws are actually bad to protect corporations and them and the money class. what makes it where it is? yes, it is the final insult. because when i embark on my disputes, my intention and the intention of my colleagues and com rates was so when are the speech and to women? so convincingly bass, no company would, would use fire and re hire before sleep. but they're not, you know,
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it's to paraphrase, harper late is bought to kill a mockingbird. the definition of courage is when you know you left from the beginning, you begin anyway. and that's what we did. because we were up against that with, with the corporation. so just it's just that there's a from this or i will be back with more news and let's say 35 minutes. you're watching our traditional ah oh, driven by dreamer shapes bankers, those with
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dares sinks we dare to ask ah, with ah,
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he died. i cried, and i just had a slut the whole time. i was there. no one really thought anything different. this all thought, i just don't feel good. on the way for the surgery, his lungs failed. 30 seconds for the killed him. i got stuck with so many needles that day in 2019 doctor started talking about a new wide spread disease that caused severe lung damage. there's a few points that were really the attorney. all of the patients were diagnosed with
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a lung injury associated with using electronic cigarettes or facing products that he pulled this out. he really felt holy crap, his him died. oh no, he's the better it was. i wouldn't want my worst enemy every. don't see that smell of breath. well come during dagger denied. it's good to see you and you and you not, you so much. this is the shower americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents. many across the country are calling right now. strike tober, tens of thousands of us workers are either on strike or planning to go on strike soon. that's. that's so interesting in a you, you, you treat workers like for a long time while the wrench get richer and richer and richer and richer and richer
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and richer, and richer, and apparently a dumb hole in the work of go. you can imagine a ball we'd be more dues doors are and a main ring to see that common. can the ring tell you what kind of mood the countries workers are right now? it jolly is it jolly kellogg. nabisco, john dear, parts of hollywood and more hospitals in california are bracing for strike as workers. protests, staff, shortages as weary health care workers enter the 19th month of the pandemic. thousands walking off the job and onto the picket line, demanding more staffing. even m b. c. news says many low wage workers have had enough, they're demanding increased wages, meal and rest breaks, better benefits and shorter shift they want male bribes. one of they just get their
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nutrients the way. my hard working grand pappy did tube up the but that's the manly way. or maybe there was a tube down the throat and something else up there doesn't matter. camera doesn't matter. pulling it meal breaks for news or wimps and some mafia. king parents that if or maybe just maybe american workers have been crushed long enough. maybe the strikes are a sign of a grave illness in the system. a sign that the workers aren't willing to put up with being treated like property any more. and behind every strike, we can all feel the potential for a much larger revolution because every strike helps define the 2 sides, the workers, versus the capital. it's owners a strike even if it doesn't achieve everything. it's set up for remind everyone who are the exploit in it and who already exploiters. any explain cur.


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