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tv   Boom Bust  RT  October 26, 2021 5:30am-5:51am EDT

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bridget, more in washington coming up, supply chain issues continue to hamstring the global coven. 19 recovery of the european union has now weighed in on china's shortage of metal material. straight ahead, we discussed the latest turn as the energy crunch effects to supply chain. and that we only fall from the recovery process as inflation has drifted, many parts of the world will discuss with bike and whether hyperinflation could be on the horizon. then the bracket was rate on for the u. k. as the island nation remains at odds with the you or take a look at the latest trade talks and whether a fishing more is on the horizon, we have a pasco today. so let's get started. and we leave strained global supply chain or the just bring in boom bus. co hosted investigative journal has been swan. and john quotes the dean of the miami permit business school. thank you both for being here . d quotes. i want to start with you. how big of an issue is this magnesium issue and what impact could it have on the recovery in the u. s. actually in the blocks
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largest academy in germany, which is so manufacturing, industrial reliant. yes, thank you. it's a symptomatic of a very substantial issue. i would say that we are now in a global supply chain pandemic that has every risk of being as severe an impact on the global economy as the coven pandemic. the fact of the matter is supply chains off in a great state of disruption, starting with commodity pricing and commodity availability at the front end of a supply chain. it's rather like as soon army way you hear about the sou nami, but it takes certain number of days to actually hit or hours to hit sure. and we have not had it hit our shores yet, but it will hit and it's not just a matter of the automobile industry in germany. it's a matter of manufacturing more broadly on a worldwide basis,
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being disrupted by the mismatches of supply and demand throughout the world economy chain issue. now, with these additional issues regarding magnesium production, how much is the energy current affecting supply chains all around? and how does it stand to have an exact, as we go into the holiday? yeah, well, i think what we have is the convergence of different issues, right? so one, yes, it is true. there is a u. s. supply chain issue specifically at the ports as we talked about in california long beach, in the portable off angeles and getting goods out into the rest of the country as well as getting, you know, 2000000 shipping containers floating in the ocean into port. that is one issue, but the energy issue with a separate issue, right. and that is also creating problems with creating problems on the production side. the magnesium issue is a separate issue. and so i think with the court with mentioned you, i think it's absolutely correct is that we have a kind of a convergence of these issues which are all contributing to a bigger problem. that doesn't mean though, that you can't resolve some of these issues rather quickly,
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rather than allowing everything to continue to cascade upon itself. so for instance, we talked about this last week. i still don't have an answer to what i've been looking for one, why the u. s. does not begin moving some of those cargo ships away from california and to other ports instead of continuing to wait for the port of long beach and the port. los angeles to be able to take in the 2000000 shipping containers, send them to other ports and get them into the rest of the country quickly. that is still not happening. the magnesium issue, the energy issue in china with some factory shut down for a few weeks. those are separate issues that have to be dealt with separately. doesn't mean you have to stand and sit on your hands essentially, while. busy while these ports are clogged down, right. and it has been interesting to see the binding ministrations response to this even though they're saying yes, we're going to open these ports up for 24 hours. it seems like at least we're hearing over and over that there's a lot more that could and should be done. now dean quality, we also heard from the ceo of wells fargo, sudden a recent interview that he believes,
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many of the supply chain issues will not be solved for at least 6 to 12 months. so we're not just talking about the holidays we're talking about. well, in 2022, he commodity with multiple suppliers and the all in the hope of one of them coming through. and so the demand forecast and the supply forecasting that is essential to a smooth running supply chain worldwide is being totally disrupted by, by a behavior and seller behavior that is opportune, mystic in nature. and this is not going to go away and don't know is how the energy price movements a going to affect the overall situation where there are energy shortages. obviously energy prices go up and that is immediately passed through. now, part of the problem has been also that due to comp 26, there's been
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a lot of pressure this past year for energy to go greener in europe and even in china and india and china and india of had to back off of shutting down coal fired plants, simply because they're worried about now it's back on stream that should help in the short run. alleviate some of the supply shortages coming out of china plants. excellent insight, boom by spend swan and dean john called to my me or business school. thank you. so much thank you. and if you've followed any news coverage in the last year, you've likely heard the term inflation more times than you can count. probably started a couple times in the last time, but in the united states and for the other investors and economists has just kind of called it inflation. but dorsey isn't just any investor. he's also the see of twitter and square. so he has a different perspective and a different timeline. he don't become the ceo of
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a revolutionary social media company and of this rapid fin tech company by following the heard. so he has a different mindset for thinking mindset of how the landscape will look and change 5 years from now, 10 years from now. and he builds towards that. so he has a much longer time horizon, envision than the average investor, or even those like cuban, because cuban doesn't actually build products. and now peter, when we talk about inflation, we've heard the fad. say it would be transitory. then they said it would cool off this year. now they're saying maybe it won't be until the middle of next year. it just feels like they keep moving, the goal posts, so to say, over and over and over. so how can we really trust the prediction of actually yelling it or the fact for that matter? well, you can, you have to remember that when you listen to any of these fed guys talking or gals, it's really just propaganda. look back to the sub prime days when banburg actor was saying that the sub prime problems were contained, of course they weren't contained,
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but he later admitted in an interview that he really didn't believe that himself, that he was just saying what needed to be said in order to calm the mar markets and kind of support the incumbent administration. so anything that comes out of the fed is really meant to placate the markets. they're never going to admit that inflation is a problem because it's a problem they can't solve. so instead they're going to pretend that there's nothing to worry about. but as far as dorsey's comments, hyperinflation is certainly a worst case scenario. but it is no means a guarantee. i mean, we're certainly going to have very high inflation. some people may consider it hyper inflation, but textbook, you know, it probably won't be, but it is a real risk. i mean, it's not that there is no chance of hyper inflation. there is a chance, a chances above 0, but hopefully the central banks will do something to avoid that outcome, but they're not going to do anything to avoid the worst inflation we've ever experienced in this country. far worse than anything that we went through during
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the 1970. now peter saying with you, i mean we know that concerns over the stability of the dollar. typically we need to increase interest in inflation hedges, especially when we're talking about inflation, hyperinflation, whatever it may be. and of course, a lot of times people are talking about inflation hedges. they think of gold. now we saw the goal of hit $2000.00 and out back in august 2020. now their predictions we could see $3000.00 and now it's do you think of those possible? well, i think we're going to go a lot higher than that. and not just gold, but lots of metals and commodities in real assets are going to see price appreciation with inflation. of course, if there's hyper inflation, the price of all these assets goes to infinity, right? because if the money is worthless, then it doesn't matter how much money you have, you can't buy anything. also, all prices are going to be going up. but i think as a historic or traditional form of a hedge, where you don't want to be in an asset like a stock or a real estate,
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you want more liquidity, you want more stability, and you want to own a commodity that's easy to store. i think a lot of people will be looking to golden silver as a way to store their dry powder when they know they can't hold off the currencies, especially the us dollar. all right, chris said, i know when we talk about inflation hedges and we talk about gold. we got of of course give you your say because when it comes to inflation hedges, j. p. morgan said some institutional investors are turning to bitcoin over gold and billionaire investor, paul, tutor, joe says crypto is winning the race against gold right now. what's your thought on that? i mean, it really is. i agree with him in the market, apparently also agrees. gold is as an investment that hedged against inflation would generally rise along with the rapid growth and consumer prices. but instead, goal actually last 8 percent over the past 12 months compared with big points, 437 percent one year again. so in this later know, by j. p. morgan institutions are not allocating more towards big point than gold,
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with investors like having o'leary saying that his crypto holy long. how did it as a hedge against inflation. and that topic is now more relevant than ever as enormous stimulus packages have kind of increased the global money supply. so again, unlike the dollar, bitcoin and other criptos cannot be valued by a government or any central bank distributing too much of that. and that's why big coin is the only currency that's not controlled by any central authority and the supply is limited so that they can only be ever 21000000 bit coins in exist. peter fight. where did the problem with thinking that bitcoin is a store value or inflation hedges? because big quite has absolutely no value to store. it has no relative price in relation to real commodities or other assets. yes, big quiet has gone up for the goal. but so a lot of other speculative assets in this mania big point is not going up as a store value or an inflation head is going up purely as a speculative token. just like the other 13000 crypt occurrences are all caught up
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in this mania. but once the world really is worried and looking for a safe haven or store value, they're going to dump bitcoin and other criptos as quickly as they want to get out of their currencies. because none of them have any value. and in fact, bitcoin may re, when the race to the bottom over the dollar or any other fee out of currency. so if you're really worried about inflation and you want to store value, forget about any crypto currencies including bitcoin, and just look to real assets with real value in particular, golden silver. all right, unfortunately, we wrong. what is the value in gold? if not jewelry, we barely use any golden and electron even valuable because you can't make any big jewelry out a big one, but gold isn't metal. you may not understand this, but it's an actual metal. regulations continues, as frank fishermen threatened to take action against the u. k, we'll discuss next and as we go to break,
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here are the numbers that the quote me me this picture tells a 1000 words a 1000 episodes, a kaiser where i can tell you this is rosetta stone. i mean, at the e, you northern ireland border, the checks have disrupted the transport of meat, dairy and medical products into the nation, but the so called sausage wars are not the only post breakfast issue causing trauma . frances sector decide this week,
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whether to take action against the u. k. over access to fisheries. the dispute stems from a limited number of licenses being given for you fishermen to fish british waters. territory measures would come into effect sometime in november if the situation is not resolved by the end of this month. joining us now to discuss this important topic of hillary forward or member with the british american business association. now, hillary, when we start with the fisheries here, what exactly is this central issue here? how long do you have? yeah, but with the fisheries, i'm, this goes, i mean, a big picture goes back to 1972 or so when to join the e. u. the u. k gave up so much sovereignty, sovereignty and tons of ocean the fishing right for the waters. so some of these fishermen, these french fishermen have been fishing in these waters for decades and for generations of their family. so given the agreement, the agreement, the proxy agreement, it was that those fishing whites would be phased out to 2026. in fact, less licenses given to french fisheries,
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a fish fishermen each year. so what is the issue right now to bring you up to speed it is that french fishermen have applied for these licenses? well, according to lord frost, i'm, he's the british. brick said minister, he has said that 98 percent of all those applications have been fulfilled and they've been licenses issued the french so want to fish them more. and the french fishermen have actually threatened that they will block calais. don cook the ports of dollar, calais, done cook, and the child, if they don't get more fishing lights, but those waters are sovereign to the u. k. the u. k. has all of agreement so far an 8th issue, those licenses 98 percent of them. wow. and i know when it comes to these threats, we're also hearing that france might go the sanctions route with one possible action being to prevent you. k fishermen from offloading in french, harvard, and at one point threatening to increase prices to export french energy to the u. k, although officials said they wouldn't just cut off power altogether. so what is
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this likelihood of french retaliation at this point? yes, you're totally right on all those points. rachel, and in particular the electricity issue is with regard to the island of a jersey which is right off the french coast. they've actually somewhat intimated that they might cut off the electricity to josie and leave them stranded without any heat over the winter. of course, which would be an absolutely ghastly thing to do. i think you're less likely to see state action because my crone, of course, he has to like blow his big horn because he's going to be elected next year. and the french fishermen are getting frustrated that there isn't any action you're far more likely. i think to see french fishermen take it upon themselves, which they threatened to do, and block calais, don cook and the child. however, of course, don't forget what the u. k. could do the u. k. could then rescind or the licenses licenses that have been granted. and all those fishermen have their licenses, they might go and stop the other frenchman that are protesting a blocking the ports. so i think what you're going to see eventually is the french backing down and living by the agreement and sorry, but that is what was agreed to,
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which is that the u. k. waters would remain sovereign to the u. k. except for those fishermen give. i am given licenses and going back to the northern ireland protocol, which we started this whole conversation, this whole segment with, to say, you know, we're getting deeper into this. it doesn't seem like there's necessarily an agreement being made. other they said that, you know, conversations were fruitful if you will. yeah. i mean, is it looking more like we're going to have this problem go into the holiday season and actually affect the, the thanksgiving with no turkey or the house with her. so thanks have a good i got i got to get you about. yeah, yeah, i know, but there was a very big holiday season, a holiday season. the christmas season avenue. okay. couple of things you write on this, the article 16 has been threatened. i think what has happened is that the e u has come back and they have dropped about 80 percent of the regulations in terms of the checks on goods. that was what was causing a bottleneck. what has happened is you've had a bottleneck. we talked about the sausage was, which was the sort of the symbolism for all of the cold meats, from the u. k being checked, going into northern ireland,
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but also medicines. this has been really a terrible situation where the medicines were held up, going in to northern ireland hospitals, et cetera. you know, a long time ago i said this whole issue should have been caught exit, not breaks it because northern ireland is part of the u. k. and lord ross has said, we are one united kingdom, we're going to remain one united kingdom, the law sticking issue. is this european court? what law process said, quite rightly is that why should the european court, a court from one side preside over an issue that both parties have what he is advocating, what the u. k is advocating is an independent court to modified to moderate in terms of any disputes or issues that sort of the line in the sand. the red line for the u. k was not having the european court of justice intervene in a u. k. issue deadly. something will continue follow your report to the british american best associated. thank you so much as always, leisure, as always. and finally, if you're looking to buy some bitcoin, there are dozens of different options to choose from, right?
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well, that may now include your local wal mart, if you live here in the us. that's right. the coin start kiosk, re typically go to exchange your share, your spare corner in rather is now letting you put your cash toward a big coin purchase at 200 stores across the country. it's part of a new partnership with the crypto, while company, coin me, users with coin me, accounts will be given a voucher from the coin star key ask for the crypto they purchased with cash. as for what it'll cost. well, there's a 4 percent transaction fee which wal mart takes cut from, as well as a 7 percent cash exchange fee. now that seems like it'd be a little bit more work, right? you're going an extra step rather than just getting the app and buying it. but it definitely, you know, for those who are having trouble figure out how to buy it, maybe it's the easy way. but i don't know that crypto enthusiasts will go that route and that's it for this time you can catch boom bus on demand on the portable tv app available at portable dot tv will see you next time. mm hm. and these people don't
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with patients already forced to cure for hours to get into hospitals in the u. k. paramedics warren, of an utterly unprecedented crisis facing the ambulance service. that's of the army he's put on stand by to help cope with the winter rush. we ask a doctor to diagnose the government plans for the health service. around 5700000 people on white techniques within me in a chest at present, which it se, probably going to get worse before it gets. several protesters are reportedly shelf dead and more than a 100 injured as violence or ropes on the streets of suits and on rafter and military takeover reduces the country to chaos.


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