tv News RT October 27, 2021 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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hosting, which cause the headlines here with our to international and a 1000000 bureaus a day. that is the price. poland will have to pay if a daring to defy the e u. it comes off to the countries. constitutional court stated that polish law. trump's european rules freedom or a possible 175 year prison sentence. julianna's sanchez, fate rests in the hands of the u. k. high court as an extradition appeal hearing to america for the whistleblower kicks off in london to day. also a chilling warning from the united nations which says the situation that afghan us on is so dire that a half of the countries entire population could face acute malnutrition. this winds up in the program we hear from the organization already paid for. busy deep,
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terrifying trinitarian crisis. even today we talk to 19 people who are, as we say, it can be secured. that means the experiencing hunger on a daily basis. ah, good of you to join us. so your wednesday program here on our t international getting increasingly active as we dropping on some breaking news for you right now. at the french capitals, garden, or railway station has now been evacuated. rattle authorities confirm it's because of a bomb threat. a police say they're investigating a suspicious item of unattended or unclaimed luggage. as we understand traffic to and from the station has now been stopped. will bring you more information on this developing situation as it come to us here at odds. he international and yet another breaking news story for you here. now state side where as we
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understand us, capitol police report investigating a bomb threat that the department of health and human services. dotson d. c. washington, dc, or the rose near the building. i said to have him blocked off again here or naughty will get more on this and we'll give you the details as it all becomes a bit clara. the meantime, poland is crying blackmail. after the e, you ordered its member state to pay a 1000000 euros. a day until its scrap, so long, wrangled over judicial reform of relations had already soured. earlier this month when warsaw top court ruled polish laws had priority over europe's or his correspondent peter oliver with mo. it's a major escalation in not ongoing dispute over rule of law between brussels and war saw it comes after poland, top court ruled that the polish constitution supersedes e you law. now the european court of justice is said until that ruling is
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overturned. poland is going to face a 1000000 euro fine every single day. the vice president recalls that he members state cannot played provisions, practices or situations prevailing in its domestic legal order to justify failure to observe obligations arising under you law. it appears necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of the interim measures by providing for the imposition of a periodic penalty payment on poland in order to deter that member state from delaying bringing its conduct into line with that order. the reason that the a c, j has gone in so hard on poland is what the ruling from the constitutional tribunal in warsaw at risk to basically they're concerned. it puts the, the whole nature of the european union's unified rule of law at risk. now that everything from. busy extradition treaties to cross border disputes ranging from
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divorce to multi $1000000000.00 deals. all of that put at risk if one member state is allowed to say, actually our rules are more important than the blocks rules. if you thought that the threat of a 1000000 euro a day, fine would chased an a recalcitrant poland. well, we're mateusz, motivate ski. the polish prime minister has been bullish in his response. what will happen if the european commission starts a 3rd world war by going to defend our rights with any weapons which are at our disposal. there is a chance that this ruling by the european court of justice and a decision to impose these fines could cause real splits within the european union block because senior figures major voices within the a you had been saying, let's not push poland to hard among most voices, german chancellor angler merkel who warned against putting in place to stiff
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financial penalties on poland. leicester turned into the fact that they would ab double down and create a bunker mentality in war. saw it seem though that those voices like those of angler, myrtle hasn't been listened to the european court of justice has gone ahead with these fines. we waiting to see what this ultimately ends up in an ongoing dispute between warsaw and brussels. we heard more on the dispute from former labour mp kate hoa. and a pole nuttall, the former member of the european parliament erecting. just like, i'm afraid you always act in a very overpowering bullying way. i mean, the amount of money is, is huge, but you know, it's, the principal really matters. and i imagine that that's what the police government would be interested in, and not necessarily the actual details that we find very, very more my question of who actually wrong to their country. and we're finding this even in, in my own pocket, united kingdom,
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more than you trying to interfere and run on. and even though it's so this is, this is nothing new to you. i just hope that the polish government i don't actually take own isn't very, very significant issue of i who actually runs the country and who controls the laws while it's invested. michael doesn't says, especially considering that the polar prime ministers argued the german coal, the spanish, the french, they will pass in the rulings regarding the primacy of the you law. yet nothing seems to happen. so in the european union, it seems that one rule for the central european countries like poland, i don't know for the rich west of european countries. and i think it's wholly on the whole polish disputes as play split the ought to be in union. in many ways, who does a split that amongst the capitals, but also there's a split amongst the institutions. so whereas the european commission wants to sit
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down and have more conversations with poland regarding this issue, the european parliament wants to see poland punished right now. and therefore the p and parliament has threatened to, to suit your opinion commission unless the actor before november the 2nd. so there's problems all round on this is got the, this is going to play out now for quite a long time. but it will be interesting to see how also responds in prison with you leaks found a julia's message finds himself back in court today. it's a 2 day extradition, a hearing gets underway in london. a high court is considering an appeal by washing to an over a previous ruling to block the whistle blowers, extradition. he's wanted by the us to face 17 charges of espionage on to one of conspiracy to hack a government computer. it's convicted joining us orange phase. there's a possibility of a 175 years behind bonds. a
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hearing forward, you know, that the united states is now a british charge. back in january, i decided to the united states. so that was a decision phase of primarily on the risk. a wanted to try and argue with not the place and a maximum security prison in the united states. and even 2nd sentence, a law hearing the sound of mental and physical health isn't as bad as has been made out in the united states with actually prevent, hadn't committing suicide,
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is extradited. interesting in a song today. is it a noise acting? united states say, i suppose it is a 2 day hearing and they do well they, they'll put unit c a already. there are plenty of process i saw it. and just before the herring, i guess, a few hours a day that you will not be free. julia ross will not be here in person today. he was denied that opportunity, which i think i'll grade july. the can be only one district student here. that is no extradition. us has abused the laws,
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the agreements with this country. it's abusing the expedition agreements with this country in order to have this hearing today. it has to come to an end. julian has to be free representing a thing completely, this area to the log of the month of april years now. and that has been a nation that they already with. i'd say how one of them kind of more. it's a field say even mentioning had to that i was going to see know that she was taken by getting healthy. he was many medical professionals saying that a taking his i life could really be the most my been really, i problems in the call that investigation people that you as intelligent a in the nation that revealed the cia actually
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the kidnapped the sergeant. even estimate advantage while he was hold up in london, ecuadorian embassy. now it's all just annoyed. say that it shouldn't be. i'm pulling up evidence for the case entirely out of a case. i get it today, joan get from the father of june. it's on he was, hey, latrice, i'm just thanking protested, embracing them, saying that this campaign will not be over until june. this honorable prelate. oh, a doing what the condition of the base with his change. so this
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raises his willingness to follow up with really is going to be a crucial for the face of june, a song to put it on like 8 to reach any concrete decision really. because if the united states is successful in the next 2 days, the case will be sent back to another cool that then can make a decision in many appeals to happen so that even to read think how the c frame cord as well. in the meantime, however, with the main and within the prison or is it, it's not a complexity that he will be taught to fail any time soon. i really all he that unit should be walking free a real. it just, it is the mileage, but he briefly went to an op here. i mean, generally, if you've committed
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a very serious offensive brain, you've got job. what to an op here. you, but he's not convicted of anything. you know, reporting the truth out is to pull that with the us up now with a pretty good decision. they did january, the should not be extra like the fact that the united states can reach their long term out into the world. and often journal, in that it is not even an american who has never work the united states and charge or try to charge him with. basically they say, well, you know, with the us help we trusted anything. they say they talk about the fees, expedited conditions, what re, sophia, but if he's expedited, they will kill him effectively. the hearing comes after
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a number of potentially game changing developments that could influence the long running battle over julian. a sondors fight right now though it remains to be seen whether the court will take them into consideration as a correspondent to any up a trunk or not reports. when last month's journalists revealed an alleged cia plot to kidnap or even kill julian assange. many of those who read it must have thought, wow, if the mightiest of spy agencies was so keen to get rid of the whistleblower, it's really a miracle he's still alive. if the claims from september report are true, it just shows how much he's loathed by anyone in charge in d. c. for his partner though, and other prominent activists, it served as another chance to convince the rest of the world. what washington's real intentions are when it comes to assange. this is a game changer going into the appeal because it shows the true nature,
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the true origins that show criminality of the u. s. actions against g o n. now reports that the ca considered kidnapping or killing a sounds have cost even more down on the reliability of us promises and further expose the political motivation behind this case. a quick reminder of what was revealed in september interviews with an entire team of former trump officials suggested senior members of the administration supposedly requested options for killing assigns. one of these alleged options included engaging in a shoot out in the streets of london. if you read all the gory details, you'll be amazed by how hollywood it all is. that was back in 2017 when we can lease published a damning investigation. and to see i hacking tools. this is just how embarrassing things glotts war, the us system. it's the point at which you'd expect the people and organizations involved to react or rather fail to react by saying no comment. but my compare
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did, they should all be prosecuted for speaking about classified activity inside the central intelligence agency. maybe they didn't, maybe as a cop, just made it up. but you should, i take seriously my responsibilities to protect that information. this can be seen as pump out the confirmation of the songs kid, not all kill story. what else? what do you want to prosecute those sources? speaking about classified activity only a few months ago and i slammed the news outlet reported on some eye, opening testimonies by key witness in the u. s. indictment against the weekly founder. very embarrassing for the us justice system to the if true, the iceland national admitted that almost all of what he said while being questioned by the f. b, i consisted of lies proffered in exchange for immunity, from american prosecution. me
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ah, this activity was said include attempts to hack into the computers of members of parliament and recalled that conversations. in fact, florida said, now mister stunt in that astonished never asked to hack or access phone recordings of him. he's more deceptive language emerges in the aforementioned judgments where he states a songs use the unauthorized access given to him by a source. it's access a government websites of iceland youth track police vehicles. mm hm. and reaction to that, edward snowden said that it was, i'm quoting the end of the case against julian sanchez. wishful thinking, edward, if only for once, someone in the obama trump or the biden administration, gave a damn about what you've been saying,
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or what the leading press freedom activists have been. sounding the alarm about hypocrisy. first and foremost, it is a damning indictment that nearly 20 years on virtually no one responsible for alleged us war crimes committed in the course of the afghanistan and iraq was, has been held accountable, let alone prosecuted. and yet the publisher who exposed such crimes is potentially facing a lifetime in jail, right? by the looks of it be a new faces in the white house and the administration or not so new or outright old . forget even thinking about the idea of any of them showing mercy for julian songs for than half of the entire population of afghan asked on could face acute malnutrition this winter with many deaths expected. that is the warning from the un, which is demanding immediate urgent action. its latest report says,
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a record 22000000 scans will suffer from food and security, while almost 3000000 children under 5 are at risk of dying. not submit the precarious state of the economy, which of course has been heavily dependent on foreign funding for years. in fact, around 40 percent of its gross domestic product has been entirely international aid . now the crisis follows the chaotic us withdrawal offer a 20 year military presence that the taliban classed by much of the world as a terror organization. rapidly retook the country and his capital cobble since then western countries along with major international financial bodies of stop their aid payments and the u ends. food and agriculture organization has worn the worst is yet to come. ah, 1st and foremost situation today in afghanistan and looking forward is really, really alarming. let's remember 70 percent of afghans people live in rural areas involved in agriculture. so the drought has had had a massive effect already. that's why early on this year we were already sounding
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the alarm for this or, you know, the describing tearing crisis children are the worst hit a few days, a few weeks of deep hunger can lead to stunting. it can lead to wasting these a. secondly, look at the short term, we're talking about the country in which agriculture, as i said, it's, it's, it's 80 percent of livelihoods that's, you know, it was, it's the most important sector in terms of people's lives in this collapse is now done with, we're looking at massive displace, there are thousands of health clinics that are struggling at a time when because of the, the crisis, the need to going up. we're starting to see more and more children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. the clinics need need money for the doctors of the salaries of equipment, et cetera, a really big, broad, deep, terrifying, maintaining crisis. well, even today we're talking about 19000000 people who are, as we say, acutely food insecure, that means they're experiencing hunger on
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a daily basis. and as you said, we haven't seen the worst yet. the projections are the by the end of the year and next year, 23000000. that's more, that's 55 percent more. busy than one out of every 2 afghan men, women and children will be in that situation. in september, a high level meeting in geneva took place a $1000000000.00 was pledged, but all that about $275000000.00 has arrived in the hands of human terrans. fm. i an organization w, p, unicef. so one of the money that was pledged has yet to arrive, but who quite honest, it's only gonna be a drop in the ocean. the situation is, is deteriorating so quickly, so dramatically the scale and the speed of which the humanitarian catastrophe, which military crisis unfolding heading towards catastrophe, means it unfortunately far more money is required. you are watching ortiz and i feel good to have you with us today. it's still ahead in the program, a prominent supporter of did funding the police in america now claims dysfunctional policing is to blame for sky rocketing crime in minnesota. that story animal off
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the bank a join me every thursday on the alex salmon show. and i'll be speaking to guess of the world of politics, sport business, i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm. oh. so he say this to says, take that 90 percent of the well, the cell by 10 percent of the population and they added trillions of dollars to their net worth since the pandemic. one would look out on to the american landscape and look at all the wonderful innovation. these folks have brought people to their lives. oh wait, hold on. life expectancy is down, infant mortality is up. wilson, income gap is widening the genie coefficient looks terrible. death of despair are
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exploding. so i think it's natural to conclude that all this money fronting is not feeding. meritocracy is back it's feeding at tack a stock receipt rule by the least qualify with ah. ok. good to have you with us for this program here. we're not c t o to sweeter now with sweden has gone for having one of the lowest gun crime rates in europe to now having one of the highest over the past 20 years. and following the reason, the high profile killing of a 19 year old raffo called in on several politicians and out demanding action, we are in the national crisis. and now the political leadership needs to take back
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control over the situation. the limits of what can be accepted in a civilized country were supposed a very long time ago. we need action not words to turn the tide and get sweden in order. now more than anger and despair are a quiet action is needed. where many who mourn who have had enough of this senseless mileage and want to see gain crime fought, or sweden's gun violence rate has been on the rise since 2013. the majority of fatal shootings has been linked to organized crime. and the countries annual gun homicide rate has much higher in relation to other european countries. now, a group of politicians have submitted a $34.00 point plan to the government aimed at combating gang crime at the heart of the program lays efforts to bolster security. and one measure being taken is to recruit an extra 10000 policeman by 2024. but former m p a can to echo roth believes sweden still needs major changes to reverse. the figures are lawyers are
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too weak against organized crime punishment, sorry to lean. and so there's a lot of things you need to do in the area of a criminal law that is not being done, not by the current government, not by the former government, because they don't realize what's needed to be done. and we need the major changes in sweden. to fix this problem, we need to real life sentences. we need much more surveillance. when it comes to criminal games, we need a special penal code to fight criminal gangs that i propose 10 years ago. but no one listened back them and the government current and the former government, they are doing minor changes, but those changes doesn't matter. the crime rates are skyrocketing in the u. s. city of minneapolis and the states, democratic representative has pointed a finger directly at the police, accusing them of not fulfilling their duties. and despite ill hand omar being among
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the most vocal advocates of de funding, the police force policeman t a i. e. c o to the citizens. the i meant is wow, woo lean t o. so far this year there have been $75.00 homicides in that city. now that is up a 114 percent compared to the same period in 2019. and it comes as the minneapolis police department has lost more than $200.00 offices due to funding cuts and bad morale. but activists claim to funding the force is not enough. they want it entirely replaced with a so called department of public safety. well,
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minneapolis was the centre of a massive wave of protest last year following the death of george floyd in an altercation with a police officer. a violent riots erupted nationwide and led to a vocal de fun. the police protest movement. we call to thoughts overtime. policemen are dominic izzo about all this. the number one thing that people wind up doing for political purpose when it comes to defining the police as it's a gut ral gut wrench, a reaction that they're looking at. because you have your constituents, if they're trying to get their votes from, i'll look at it as they're going to get rid of police. let's blame police. let's to fund them. whatever she wants to put into place, the department of mental health to take over this. you're just, you're asking for problems. this comes from not allowing law enforcement to do their job and not being backed properly. and you're going to see such a disaster unfold in my personal opinion and experience with law enforcement. one of the main reasons that great crime rates keep growing up is lack of prosecution. the states attorney would always try to lessen a charge to,
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to win more prosecute prosecutions, which would put them at about a better position for reelection. but you just, you see a lot of stuff like that, which puts people criminals back on the street. and it perpetuates the cycle. you need to go back to the constitution. you need to have let police officers do their job. you know that discussion continues right now. online at r t dot com. thanks for sharing a time with us here at moscow. nearly half past 6, wednesday evening, here in the russian capital, we were ton of the top of the hour with more of your headlines. ah, what a piece of varies is emerge. we don't have a therapy. we don't have a vaccine. the whole world needs to take action to be ready. people are just, you know, come with,
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we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is great. the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are in it together with ah, one of the worst ever mass shootings in america was in las vegas in 2017. the tragedy exploded a little of the real las vegas, where many se elected officials are controlled by casino owners. these dank, has shooting, revealed wet deal vm, pd really is. and now it's part of the stand machine. most of the american public barely remembers that it happens that just shows you the power of money in las
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vegas. the powerful showed that true colors when the pandemic heard the most contagious contagion. there we've seen in decades and then you have a mayor who doesn't care. so here's care on goodman, offering the lives of the vegas residence to be the control group. to the shiny facades conceal a deep indifference to the people. wives could have been saved if they were to take an action. absolutely keep the registering and keep the slot machines. dinging vegas is a money machine is a huge cash register that is ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost to maximize their profits. hospitals resort to overcharging patience when you go to the house.
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