tv News RT October 27, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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ah, ah, breaking news this out here on archie international as we bring you live pictures right now from the american capital. it's a bomb scare in washington, dc. the us health and human services department building these a live pictures of the capital police now locking down the road or the investigation is on the way. it's just now turning noon on wednesday in washington . a 1000000 euros a day. that is the price. poland will have to pay for daring to defy the e u. it comes off to the countries. constitutional court stated that polish law. trump's european rule isn't freedom or a possible 175 year prison sentence. julian cassandra's fate rests in the hands of the u. k high court as an extradition appeal hearing to the u. s. for the whistleblower gets off today in london.
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ah, so just moment up to 7 pm on wednesday here at moscow, this is aki international. great to have you with us for the evening program 1st. now we go straight to breaking news as we understand a bomb scare in washington. d. c is currently in effect where it's now just a minutes after 12 o'clock noon on wednesday. these a live pictures for you right now. of the u. s. capital police at the department of health and human services. now if just to give you an idea, if you're remotely familiar with the layout of washington dc, the u. s. department of health and human services. it's right at the intersection of independence avenue southeast in washington avenue. southwest is right alongside what's called the mole in washington dc where you have the smithsonian museums, the air and space of the national art gallery. and then of course, it's very, very close to the u. s. capital, the library of congress will. let's get more details now on this and cross live
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audio. caleb martin. now joining us here live on the program. can you bring us up to speed? what do we know so far from dc while the u. s. department of health and human services has been evacuated in this bomb threat is being taken very seriously and there are a number of roads closed in the capital. now this is important, as you noted before, this is the area in which the us capital building is located in which the white house is. this is the downtown washington d. c. area. roads are closed on independence avenue. you have a section closed off, the street is closed off a 2nd avenue and d street 2nd street and the street, the building of voice of america. u. s. government news agency is also been evacuated because it's very close to the department of health and human services. quite a serious situation. now, there been a lot of threats and concerns lately. you know, we know about the frequency of mass shootings, united states. this is
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a bomb threat. we understand there is a bomb threat that is being taken seriously. the buildings have been evacuated. people are watching the situation closely to see what will happen next. i'm sure the bomb squads and security agencies are on seen to make sure the buildings are safe. but at this moment, this is certainly going to cause some difficulty in dc caused some traffic concerns . also, many people are worried about their own safety. i live during your report, we've been showing a live pictures from washington dc, as you say, very close to the white house in the us state capital as well. it's all in a lockdown. you can see the roads with a police, with no traffic passing along independence avenue right along that a kill him up and we'll be in touch soon. thank you. for now on the program, poland is crying blackmail. after the e, you ordered its member state to pay a 1000000 euros a day until it scraps along, wrangled over judicial reform, and back in july, the european court of justice rule that poland supreme court must abolish
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a disciplinary chamber of judges. arguing that it put the independence of the country's judiciary at risk, potent has simply ignored the order and relations soured. further this month or when i was taught court ruled polish laws had priority over europe's vice president recalls that a member state cannot played provisions, practices or situations prevailing in its domestic legal order to justify failure to observe obligations arising under you law. it appears necessary to strengthen the effectiveness of the interim measures by providing for the imposition of a periodic penalty payment on poland in order to deter that member state from delaying bringing its conduct into line with that order. the independence of their judiciary and media freedoms have been a thorn in the side of e. you polish relations for years. now the polish pie minister has warned the country will defend its rights and will not be intimidated. what will happen if the
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european commission starts a 3rd world war by going to defend our rights with any weapons which are at our disposal? we heard more on the dispute from former labor mp kate hurry and our port, not all a former member of the european parliament erecting. just like, i'm afraid you always act in a very overpowering bullying way. i mean, the amount of money is, is huge, but you know, it's the principal really that matters. and i'm imagining that that's what the police government would be interested in. and not necessarily the actual details, even if, if we find that very, very more line. it's the question of who actually relevant to their country. and, you know, we're finding this even in, in my own pocket, united kingdom, northern whether you're trying to interfere and run on and even though it's probably not. so this is, this is nothing new from you. i just hope that they publish government i don't
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actually take own isn't very, very significant issue of i who actually runs the country and who controls the goals. well, it seems. astronaut, michael doesn't sense, especially considering that the polish prime ministers argued the german coal at the spanish, the french, they will pass in the rulings regarding the privacy of the you law. yet nothing seems to happen. so in the european union, it seems that because one rule for the east, central european countries like poland, i don't know for the rich west of european countries. and i think it's wholly on the whole polish dispute as split the europe ian union. in many ways hold is a split it amongst the capitals, but also there's a split amongst the ins petitions. so whereas the european commission wants to sit down and have more conversations with poland regarding this issue, the european parliament wants to see poland punished right now. and therefore the p
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in parliament was threatened to, to suit your opinion commission unless i acted before november the 2nd. so there's problems all rounds on this is got the, this is going to play out now for quite a long time. but it will be interesting to see how also responds more than half of the entire population of afghanistan and could face acute malnutrition, this winter with many deaths in the forecast. and it's a dire warning from the un which is demanding immediate action. its latest report says, are recalled. 22000000 afghans will suffer from food insecurity. while almost $3000000.00 children under 5 are at risk of dying. that's in that precarious state of the economy, which has been heavily dependent on foreign funds for years. in fact, around 40 percent of its gross domestic product has been entirely international aid . while the crisis follows their cale to us withdrawal offer a 20 year military presence that the taliban class by much of the world to terror organization and rapidly retook the country and the capital cobble. and since then,
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western countries, along with international financial bodies have stopped their aid payments and the un food and agriculture organization has warned that the worst is yet to come. ah, 1st and foremost, the situation today in afghanistan and looking forward is really, really alarming. let's remember 70 percent of afghans people live in rural areas. involved in agriculture said the drought has had had a massive effect already. that's why early on this year we were already sounding the alarm for this or this bit discouragement, hearing crisis children all the worst hit a few days, a few weeks of deep hunger can lead to standing. it can lead to wasting. these are secondly, look at the short term. we're talking about the country in which agriculture, as i said it's, it's, it's 80 percent of livelihoods that's, you know, it was, it's the most important sector in terms of people's lives in this collapse is now done with looking at massive displaced. there are thousands of health clinics that
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are struggling at a time when because of the, the crisis, the needs are going up. we're starting to see more and more children suffering from severe acute malnutrition. the clinics need need money for the doctors of the salaries of equipment, et cetera. a really big, broad, deep, terrifying trinitarian crisis. well, even today we're talking about 19000000 people who are, as we say, acutely food insecure, that means they're experiencing hunger on a daily basis. and as you said, we haven't seen the worst yet. the projections are the by the end of the year and next year, 23000000. that's more, that's 55 percent more. busy than one out of every to ask gunman, women and children will be in that situation. in september, a high level meeting in geneva took place a $1000000000.00 was placed below that about $275000000.00 has arrived in the hands of human, terence fm. i and organization w, p. unicef. so one of the money that was pledged has yet to arrive,
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but who quite honest, it's only to be dropping the ocean. the situation is, is deteriorating so quickly, so dramatically the scale and the speed at which the humanitarian catastrophe, which military processes unfolding, heading towards catastrophe, means that unfortunately fall far more money is required. in prison, wikileaks found a julian assange find himself back in court today as a to day extradition hearing gets under way in the u. k. the high court is considering an appeal by the us over a previous ruling to block the whistle, blowers extradition. he's wanted by washington to face 17 charges of espionage and one of conspiracy to hack a government computer. if convicted julianna's orange could get a 175 years behind bars a way or now to our correspondence. shoddy. it was dusty who was outside the high court in
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london who you've been monitoring this all day now shot in hopefully in the very near future, we'll get one of our correspondents to give us a review of what's been happening inside the court house. but this afternoon, you've been on the outside that speaking to a song, just supporters. what is the general mood? well of course now day one of the to day extradition hearing right here in central onto the world, courts of justice has now come to an end today with the one about washington presenting that case to try and overturn that decision made back in january by the british judge not to expedite during this on to the united states, so u. s. law is put forward a whole series of arguments, including the offer of an unprecedented reassurance package on the basis that you're an assigned to will not be put into the most maximum security prison in the united states on that any person he is put into. he will be absolutely safe, even those people at high risk of suicide all kept save according to these us noise
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and insights in prison. inmates can communicate with each other and in some cases can even meet too. but there were other legal aspects that they went through today down playing the defense, that he would spend a lifetime in prison. they also desperately try to discredit the psychiatric assessments and evaluations made by doctors on june. a saw to pull out something that many people outside to court have severely gone against. and they also said that said in a song would not commit suicide based on the very fact that he has 2 very young children as well. but of course commentaries coming from within the court room today have said that what they score of students saw is when he was going in and out of the court room via video link is that he appeared to be clearly very distress. indeed, he was seen to be coughing and when thing he was given a high dose of medication, but he was clearly struggling with his mental health. and of course, it's no surprise, really considering the united states want him as
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a lead role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the united states. what they want to see is him face trial in the united states and have brought him an indicted under 18 counts of the espionage. 1 publishing these classified documents all related to the war in iraq, afghanistan, plus one of conspiracy to hack the government computers as well. so that's really what has happened at throughout both the morning session and the afternoon session today. but of course, this is a 2 day hearing and tomorrow will be the opportunity for june, a scientist, noise to put forward the defense. but here on the outside of the court protective, have already been very vocal in defending 2 in a sergeant today. we've heard from you or if people including the wiki leaks editor in chief and, and did sell in march to partner abdulla sorry to say that they will not stop campaigning until june. assange is free. oh,
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wait a bit of a u . s. has abused the laws, the agreements with this country. it's abusing the extradition agreement with this country in order to have this hearing today. this has to come to an end. julian has to be free. well, many protesters here today. ok. there's been huge developments in reese months. i could potentially be game changes within this case. we just heard that from seller morris, the partner and mother of junior sanchez to very young children, and she went on today to explain how taken aback. she's been in recent days,
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seeing just how thin he has become. she became very teary and one of her exchanges here to protest is, will she really said that he's in a terrible state not just physically but mentally as well. and that it would be tantamount to a killing if he was expedited to the united states. but a mammoth revelation in recent times will. 2 be presented to the court room tomorrow by junior, for the sergeant defense lawyers. and that's the very fact that thank to an investigation. they found that around 30 intelligent former intelligence offices, i, for the cia, found that there was actually planned to kidnap and even assassinate during his lunch when he was in london, ecuadorian embassy. that is something though, that the united states has actually repeatedly denied, but protested here, say that this should be enough to throw out the court case entirely and is a 100 percent proving and confirming that this is a politically motivated case. and well, some st. powers, like the united states may call you in assigned to terrorist here outside the court
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room. they hail him as a hero. a real with the mom has been referred to in our here. i'll be generally if you committed a very serious a bank to bring you good job to rob yours, but he's been all coming through the only thing you know a to pull it with now with now with waited january should not be extra the back then the united states can read their long term out into the world and that journal in that i has never worked in the united states and charged or tried to charge him with basically they say, well, you know what
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a you, it's called trust ticket. they think they say they talk about the fees, the extra died should work pretty severe. but if he's actually regard did, they will kill him effectively. so it was a jam packed day today. no doubt will be very similar tomorrow, but it's unlikely that it will reach any concrete decision by the end of play tomorrow. because if the united states is successful in the case, will then be sent to a lower court where a decision could be made. but still, many appeals process is could then ensue finally reaching potentially the supreme court. in the meantime, it is indeed expected the tyrann assigned to will remain within the prison. vazo felt much as it is not expected, he will be granted bail any time soon. it really does feel like this legal labyrinth richard and his sons just is getting more and more complicated. but
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protesters have stood here for around 10 hours today and they're going to do that tomorrow. they have been standing actually with doing this on for the last decade and they say that actually it shouldn't be due to the song. 7 in the doctor today, but those very people that committed these so called war crimes, that during this aren't simply exposed. i, one of the sad moments today for me though, was from a cell in morris, the partner of june, sergeant, she said, his rights are our rights. and if he loses a we all a lose. so it very much seems to be that the crux of all of this is not just the story of one man, not just about a june assange, but for many it's about the fundamental tenants and principles of journalistic freedoms. and essentially the right to tell the truth. all right, i'll teach a dash the just outside the high court in london. thank you. we can run a bit more here in our international across life to ortiz or richard met her. hi richard, it's good to see you. as i understand you are following what's been happening today in the court house. can you give us an update? how did it go?
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and what could you tell also about julianna's sanchez health condition? i worry thanks for having me on. well today we had the beginning of the appeals process. so august 11th, the last time we were in the, in the high court was to determine the grounds of appeal. and that was a major victory for the us because they were granted all 5 grounds to it, mainly focused on on the fund, his health. and so the entire extradition case has now become about a sanchez, mental health here. nothing to do with journalism anymore. nothing to do with the war crimes exposed. and so today, you know, i'll get into the arguments as details i can in a moment. but you know, regarding his sons where we only saw him for a few few minutes. you know, he, he looked quite tired and i think it was really easy moment. so something that stood out to me was when the prosecution, because today was largely focused on what the prosecution is going to say tomorrow, be the defense out. while the prosecution, while louis was, was arguing about his assumptions, mental health, you could hear the audio from the court room in the background. while looking at julian as on she was, you know, via video link, he's tune, he's beaming in v v. v,
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reeling from bell marsh from belmont prison. and you know, he looks so tired and worn out, which is natural, you know, any one of us and we've been thrown in jail arbitrarily detain for, for 7 years for in bell watch. for, for 2 years, we'd all look like that. it's, it's terrific what they're doing to him and the treating and like a terrorist, you know, so that was, that was a really erie moment for me seeing him know, worn out like that. and at the same time in the background, can you the lawyers talking about? i'm like, no, he's not. there's nothing wrong with him. he's perfectly fine. let's extradite him . nothing bad is going to happen. this is all made up. he's on the linger. that's what was happening today. you know, it's an unbelievable site. all right, independent journalist, richard meadows. they're giving us a live info on the latest as what you saw happening with the courtroom today. thanks for that, richard. well, it was earlier in the day, there was a bomb scare and an evacuation of powers, his garden, nor railway station. fortunately, it was merely an attended luggage. we can show you in these pictures. many people were evacuated from the railway station and forced to stand outside traffic to and
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fro. the station was also brought to a standstill. authorities have set the traffic will return to normal in just a couple of hours. for the u. k is home, secretary is under pressure to explain the deal between amazon and new case spy agencies among the leading voices slamming the deal if the labor party who wants security concerns on said since top secret information is being held by a u. s. private company. these reports are deeply concerning and re serious questions about the why the security safeguards in place when it comes to the potential risks of out sourcing critical elements of u. k. national security infrastructure to non u. k based companies. so amazon that landed a lucrative contract with the government communications headquarters. am i 5 and my 6 for the use of it's cloud system? according to report, the deal is for easier spy communications and making greater use of a i in room response for the tech amazon gets well,
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1000000000 pounds over the next 10 years. now the u. k. government, the intelligence agencies on amazon, yet to comment on this contract? well, let's try to learn a little bit more about this now and cross live to professor prem pico, who is a member of the house of lords and the labor party. thanks for coming on with us this evening at ot international. do you think this public private partnership is wiring at all in terms of security repercussions? well, i think it should be a warning because firstly, this would mean that the security services are not in control is a private for profit seeking organization. and it, and it will have a basically all the intelligence material. and suppose the servers are down. suppose the servers are hacked, then what will the security services even be told that the amazon servers have been hack? so there is a huge, a loophole here. and the additional problem is that the u. k. government already
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decided her last year, or that it wasn't going to have chinese companies enrolled at building nuclear reactors because that was considered to be a security risk where it is, is awarding contracts to amazon, another foreign company. and though without really any explanation in parliament, there's been no discussion about it. we can see the government contract with them know the terms. we don't even know the full amount. we only have some leak to report to the press. so it is a very serious and i do hope the various parliamentary committees will make further inquiries. now as we understand that labor has slammed a pretty protell via home secretary over a lack of transparency. did you think patel will provide the reinsurance that is so needed in this? i doubted, says she doesn't really have that good reco than providing reassurance on anything . and i think obviously she will struggle and the only way
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a parliament could be reassured is one. let us do the contract or if she doesn't want to show it publicly because of security concerns, we do have security committees in both houses of parliament. and they can be shown documents on a confidential basis or that they can then at least reassure other members of parliament. but there is also question about, are we getting value for money? did the government really invite any competitive bids? that doesn't, doesn't appear to be the case. and i wonder, as has been the case with many other government contracts, other, some contracts have been given to friends or ministers, friends or political parties. and the, if that is the case, it really stinks. so we really need far more information about a potential or corruption or nepotism going on. they will have to see how that turns out. what about the other worries about the deal circulating on the opposition benches in westminster?
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what's being voiced as far as you know, sorry, which other deal with the excuse of the worries about best deal. what concerns are circulating on the opposition benches? what have you heard? well, i think the real concern is about security. we obviously do live in a sensitive times, not only in domestic firms, but also in international terms. and these security concerns are not just about military matters. they are also about economic matters because government, a government survived by economic policies. so so, so you know, there are widespread concerns of the government has so far not come forward has not promised any statement to parliament. no minister has actually made a statement and we are still awaiting. and it is really a pretty shabby treatment of parliament by the government. but i wanted to ask you, or, you know, in this context me, to what extent is the u. k. government compromising his sovereignty by using america's amazon services in this way?
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i suppose you could argue that british government use horn companies, whole kind of thing, for example, they use american companies to buy oh, air craft ships, missiles and so on. but what we have here is something entirely different. it is about real time information, real time exchange of information, or the either within the u. k or with allies. and therefore, it is an entirely different issue because anything that is online can be hacked. therefore, it is a security risk and those security security risks are increased when you hand the control to private entities. and that, is that a big issue here. so i think really the government has to come clean, it will be reluctant, but suddenly we'll have to reprise out of it. i wanted to ask you, but wanted to ask you about this, because ultimately you do, you really think the u. k. secret services can trust amazon to store it's top
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classified information there, because there is also the chance at the end of the day that amazon could potentially end up trying to use the u. k. data in its own interests. absolutely. right. not only that, any company is also a liable to a take over merger breakup. bits, hiv doff, so all kind of fir sensitivities and insecurities that exist. but i think also bear in mind private companies of entirely different objectives which are related to profits. whereas intelligence services and governments are concerned with stability, security perhaps are pursuing their foreign interests, saw the domestic and policy interests so. so there are, there are divergent interests of that is why, really the government needs to come clean and form of parliament. and i am pretty sure that fairly soon, the defense committees and both houses security committees and both houses of
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parliament will be asking serious questions. especially as so far the ministers have not really been forthcoming with any anything worth while ray was pretty disturbing. if the ministers are not being entirely transponder, even 4th, come as you say. now the c i a is also reported to spend billions in cooperation with amazon. i amazon's of online market place, isn't it? how is amazon suddenly now going to be the single, single biggest holder of classified information, like, i don't get it? well, just goes to show you. those are that are, you know, what it indicates is of nexus between corporations and the state. and the people talk about corporate capture of the state here that you are and messed it in such a way that it is very, very difficult to distinguish between the 2. and that is really another good reason to probe this relationship. because this relationship is essentially caruso, because they do have divergent interests. and i'm sure many people out there who
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are concerned about corporate power will refer to these kind of details, these kind of transactions and say, look, corporations are on the inside track. now you can imagine executives of corporations meeting top government officials or as a sort of nudges on wings and elbows her. the to, to promote particular kind of policies which may be advantageous, the call to a corporation or perhaps at the expense of others. so there are all kinds of issues which really need to be explored here. lord, at prem seeker, you k house of lords and labor party member joining us life aeronautics international, a pretty disturbing conversation, but thank you very much. oh i just get back to wall breaking you story here when naughty international now a bomb scare in washington dc where it's now just about half past 12 in the early afternoon life pictures for you right now of a u. s. capital police at the department of health and human services building.
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this is downtown d. c. this is really, really close to the white house, the u. s. capital, but also the mold with the washington monument, the smithsonian museums, and the national aunt gallery as well. so it's right smack dab in the middle of the u. s. capital was showing you right now is currently unclear though what's raised the alarm to be honest with you can see the roads have been blocked off the building has been evacuated. it is a reported bomb threat. will keep you posted here one asi international already shifting. ha ha, 7 in the evening. now on a wednesday here at moscow, it's been a busy program. i appreciate your time and your patience with us here at moscow. my colleague, daniel hawkins here at the desk in half an hour's time, i do hope you can join him that ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality.
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