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tv   News  RT  October 28, 2021 4:00pm-4:31pm EDT

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ah ah, supporters of judah in a son's going, there is no reason to believe washington's promise. he will be allowed to serve any, give a sentence in his homeland australia. the u. k. high court deliberates on whether to hand him over to the americans. throughout the day, i profile figures have spoken out for the mistletoe. he would spend the rest of the july in a super max prison in the united states. what kind of life is that to look for to somebody with no crime? i've been telling the world the truth solution to the energy crisis. this and not a big issue is being discussed that in economic form in a italian city of arona today, a prominent teacher shaping voices from europe and asia all getting together to brainstorm and facebook. no more as mark zuckerberg announces
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mehta is the new name of his company, and the parent bid the distance it from the embattled social media joint. ah, my from moscow, thanks for joining us tonight on our team international. and daniel hawkins, wherever you are this evening, you're very welcome with us on the program. now the fate of the wiki, expound a julian assange is in the hands of the u. k. high court. it's us extradition hearing has just ended the verdict to might take several weeks. the i didn't. sanchez wanted by washington on 17 charges of espionage on one of conspiracy to hacker government computer convicted, you can face a prison sentence of 175 years. we heard from ortiz shot edwards vashti,
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who was outside the court for us and independent journalist. she'd been us who's been watching the whole hearing fly, a special live stream. the judge has just said they will take everything into consideration, but no ruling was handed out immediately yesterday the entire day was devoted to hearing arguments before. busy by the prosecution for the grounds of appeal, why they want to appeal a judge's decision not to extradite us on. and there were 5 grounds of appeal in today. the defense was able to respond to these points and the, to the 2 main topics. or of course, a phone just health and the assurance of the diplomatic assurance is given by the united states. now in terms of health, what. 4 the prosecution have been trying to do is accuse a key medical, extra witness professor compliment of being disingenuous of misleading the court by this, by refusing to disclose by concealing the identity of a sondors partner, selim morris and the 2 children. and today in court, we finally heard the yahoo news story, the investigative journalism that was done
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a few weeks ago where 30 us officials confirmed what we already knew from anonymous testimony, that the c i was discussing, plans to potentially kidnap or poison julian as orange in london and so this was brought up in the context of why couple of men, why professor coleman did not disclose the identity of a son, just partner and their 2 children because he feared for their safety. right. and in fact, one of the export medical witnesses called by the prosecution doctor blackwood also knew a lot of phones as children, but didn't disclose that in his medical report. they didn't seem to care about that . so they've been trying to chip away at his expertise and integrity because of a technicality. when it comes to the assurances that the united states is giving, they say that julian funds can service sentence in australia, but australia has not even indicated if they will take julian forms. this is a process that could take many years, which he would spend either an administrative segregation, which is effectively solitary confinement or special administrative measures sounds . so the question is, who will be in australia by then will they want to take julian songs? and when it comes to
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a sort assurances the united states has previously previously given assurances to homicide to mendoza from spain, people who were extradited to the united states on a promise of being given psychiatric or medical care. and they were, they, they ended up being sent to 8 x florence, whereas, you know, this is essentially a federal super maximum prison where a song will most certainly go. so they've been trying to play this point, that administrative segregation is not the same thing as a sam's. but the truth is the jewel in his arms will most definitely be placed in at least administrative segregation. and if not, he'll be sent to a special housing unit. so there's a wide array of tools that the united states can use to break him once he's on us soil. and then most certainly will ever issue there already. many analysts to who are suspicious of perhaps this will be dragged out weeks, months, even years. and julian assigns will just live perpetually in some sort of a prison, whether it's bell marsh in the u. k. a potentially in america, or even as you say in australia, your life there in vienna, you are watching the hearing through a special live stream. now let's cross over to london outside the u. k. high court
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. are these shadow. it was actually still the shadow. you've had a busy day with lots of a saw. your support is where you are now today. tell us about how it was today. i know you were speaking to friends and family of julian assange. people outside the world for her justice has been very vocal for nearly 48 hours now in defense of june is not just the lawyers of the theories with washington. the people here on the street as well, particularly in regards to the fact that the united states was currently just purchasing judas on just like trick evaluation, done assessments. and we can make that change to me earlier today. and he said that they're still living in some homes that just says that will be on the medical ground. common sense and justice seems to be often far away. so i have to retain a certain level of skepticism my senate has been when assessing the possibilities, but we certainly hope that the outcome will be that the high court will simply say
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he cannot be expedited. this is an opportunity for the united kingdom to reassert the ministration of law an john, why? oh, journalist all around the world. well, it's not just campaigners, but in fact, members of parliament here in the united kingdom came out in full today. arguing that all of this evidence presented today is proof that this case is 100 percent. politically motivated, especially considering all that journal. sanchez insured over the last 10 years, really near a decade. all of all given the un adopted as psychological torture over the years. but also in humane treatment, in what's known as a black flight, that was london's ecuador and embassy, all the evidence we've gotten. all the experience to have gotten united states is that they would go just for a max prison on a sense of 175 years. he would spend the rest of his life in a super much prison in the united states. what kind of life is that to look forward
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to? somebody's committed, no crime. i've been telling the world the truth. it is a total injustice. we send this man to america, to the time, to the lot of a stuffs in many of the park. when people have said he should be killed. so they won't treat him as a human being. so they want to make an example of dealing a son by treating him so badly by trying to break him. so that gives a lesson to all the gym with kate and others. that with how do not want to come out, did not want to come out and continue to want to suppress many campaign as a hailing janice on. does it have her own today or they've been incredibly vocal for their 10 hours today? 10 hours yesterday chanting free free junior college, nothing in his trial from last year even to now is it every single instant than any
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other school is blowing anywhere in the world? this would have been for now for, for this to be continuing. is absolutely ridiculous. this harrison, his company embarrassing to be english. i'm involved with the high coach when justice is wise to become a friend in the laws in every way i can just to ensure that it is sizing and to the dice. i thing is the plan, the united states prison system is a form of degradation of humans to be treated worse than any animal to be treated. certainly efforts are made to discourage particular kinds of bravery, courage or some would say the, the insolence, the impedance to stand up to power and support his own campaign to say it's not just hearing the sounds in the dock but say to sit the fundamental principles and tenant of the freedom of press coverage, right? to access that information shouldn't transient, his latest episode of going on the ground discuss the song his case with neil smelt
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. so the un special operator on torture. you can watch the full interview on saturday. i doing this engine, i have to specialize forensic doctors with me in a psychiatrist evaluating him for 4 hours and you know, be all independently from each other candidates conclusions. at that time, his life was in danger, and he sure enough, a few days after we left the prison, he entered the downward spiral. he was, as we all know, isolated in the health care division of prison stabilized with strong medications. and, but the thing is, you know, you can't do this and is not mentally ill. so if he has a mental issue now it's because of use that he has suffer and you cannot you cannot get someone to recover from torture by continuing, she continuing to torture him and that's exactly what they do. they isolate him,
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they keep him in that limbo. busy even if you, even if we assume for the purpose of the argument that yes back extradition proceeding as a did image, we have to somehow secure his presence. it can be in house arrest, green reforms, and the any surprises that some of the big questions looking to be answered. today's you asian economic form. if you day, then got us to get a vacated from business well and beyond and is on the way in northern italy, is the runa, but more details on what's already been set up the forum, his aunty correspondence shouted davinsky a day full of hunches here, eurasian economic forum with state taxes and big businesses, having their say about the state of the world, day one. so trade and energy in focus with many criticisms of the use agenda and of how the west continues to push it, owner gender on to the world. the idea to globalize the western model
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is, what is now the mainstream doing it is to believe that we have to spread our west of model of running countries and running the road to make it a global standard. but it still is from history of essence on it. and when every one is stick to it, then there will be peace and every one who is not willing to stick to it, but to remain. and the own regional tradition is the enemy. he went on to say that a you raisin block was essential to balance the power of china. and the us and relations between the e. u in russia were being hampered by washington. you'll have 2 superpowers. the united states on the one hand and, and china on the other hand. so if you create a block in the middle than this, you ration block could be strong enough to balance it out. it could have exit distance to boost to united states on the one hand. and china, on the other hand to china is in support. is supporting our plans to have
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a closer integration between russia and its allies. under european union bias, united states do quite critical to wanted because they want to maintain western europe in their cold war state. a s s a strong ally that helps them in their competition with china. and there was a competition not primarily on, on economics, but it is primarily on power and on politics. warnings about how important trade was globally. and the dire consequences of not working together. also came in the form of a reference to shakespeare off to rule. verona is where romeo and juliet was based digital, where now in the seat of your honor, which is the setting for the renown tale of feud between the mon, to go and calculate klan well know how that ended here is a serious lesson. we should take from that story when them missions of some people
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begin to prevail over common sense tragedy may occur. we need to ask ourselves, are the ambitions that we are fighting over to day worth? what happens after forums like this help us to rethink the things we can lose if well, the quarrel, we should have dialogue and bill mutually beneficial relationships that you use. energy crisis was oh, so pulled apart with panelists, saying that the block itself was to blame energy demand in all european markets, increase sick effects, sickening financially in the 1st half of 2020 bond at the same time gas storage facilities. there your was longer than your the last winter. you took cor temperatures that persisted into the spring. as a result, the re injection into gas storage did not begin until at 8 approval. now nearly
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months later than the average in previous years, these factors let go higher prices and stronger demand. during the summer months, the transition to green energy is necessary. they said, but that transition had been badly planned out and poorly managed. the main theme from the 2nd all mc forum was dialogue and b improvements over relationships on needed, particularly with russia. many suggesting that both russia and the new would benefit from this day to we'll see further discussions that we'll be looking at the digital economy and how to overcome the neo liberal, socio economic system. charlotte, even ski r t verona. facebook's parent company is changing its thing to meta. it's part of a drive to expand the firm's portfolio of apps,
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which company also includes instagram and what's up. let's get more honor. this metamorphosis from kayla bly from new york to give us the latest updates at caleb. or i guess the question is, what's in a name house is significant for facebook or i should say meta sure. well, we had the long awaited pre recorded announcement from c e o. mark zuckerberg. and when he spoke, he did announce, among other things that they are changing the name of the corporation, the apps will remain the same. facebook will still be facebook, et cetera. but at this point, the corporation will call itself net, which is short for meta verse, and he laid out plans to expand social media to many different aspects of life. virtual reality. holograms i talked about exercise plans, etc, is quite, quite an interesting presentation. now it's important to note facebook has been
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under quite a bit of criticism over the past few months. there's been some rather heated hearings on capitol hill, members of congress have criticized facebook for concealing its effect on the mental health of young people trying to channel young people into instagram. despite the noted difficulties of that program, marketing themselves to children under 12, it's been some quite extreme grilling. we've seen facebook execs facing also there have been concerns about security breaches. and people's personal information are being handed over or somehow acquired by 3rd parties. and that's something people are very, very concerned about. but amid all of this, facebook stock seems to be doing pretty well. we've seen a 17 percent increase compared to around this time last year. and when the announcement was made today about the name change, among other things, we saw a slight increase in facebook's stock. they went up by roughly between 4 and 5 percent. we saw an increase. so things seem to be going well for facebook despite
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all the criticism, despite the recent whistleblowers and the call for more censorship site. besides the castigation that they're getting, facebook seems to be doing pretty well. but despite the name change, it's pretty unlikely the controversy is going to go away. indeed, i guess set time will tell thanks for that updates i caleb open that lot from to you. well that set the headlines for now join us again in just a few moments time for more headlines here in auto international. ah to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race move is often very dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very critical time time to sit down and talk with no one else showed seemed wrong when i just don't know. i mean you will. yes. to sheep out disdain, to come to the african and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground. oh,
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come back. now it's been was 2 months. the santibanez were trying to power and i've got a storm following me chaotic. u. s. who drool. the challenge is a pining up fast and economic crisis is now being compounded with a threat of mass starvation. many children, the brutal reality of life is all too clear to see. my name is mike, i'm 7 years old. i'm here to collect bread. sometimes people help us, sometimes they don't, i don't have a father. i take care of myself, there is no one else to be done. there are 6 people in our family and i'm the eldest boy at home. so i have to support them. i can't work because one of my hands is paralyzed. adults told me that my hand will not work. i dream of continue my studies at school and becoming a doctor one day. people 10 down some times and they say there is no work, no money. so they can't give us bread. my name is nancy, i collect plastic race and sell it. i am here at the baker to collect a few non bread. i have 3 and will now go home. my father died there is no one at home to earn money. i have my mom, a younger brother and sister,
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and the only one who takes bread home till a family. i want to be a doctor, but there is no one to help us. it was better before, at least we could find bread easily, but things are in good today. now we don't have anyone to support us if there was, i wouldn't be here. no, not my name is nadia. i'm collection non brand were helpless at home. we have no work. people help us, we're often left hungry. i don't want to be here back and i want to stay home. well, the un now estimates over $3000000.00 children under 5 are at risk of dying from malnutrition. some of the precarious state of the economy, which has been heavily dependent on foreign phone for years, around 40 percent of the gross domestic product has been international aid. however, for the ton about another control of the country, a food crisis is not the only problem that grappling with islamic states. it's not about a long time anyway, as repeatedly stays the tax on the new government and religious minorities. now the funds are going to express concern that tara groups spaced in the country have
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intention to attack the us mainland within a year full of far cry from the supposed success of the withdrawal president bought and hailed at the time. i think the intelligence community currently assess that both isis k and i'll call you to have the intent to conduct external operations including against the united states, but neither currently has the capability to do so. we could see isis k generate that capability somewhere between 612 months. i think the current assessments by the intelligence community is the al qaeda would take a year or 2. i mentioned to degrade the terrorist threat of al qaeda in afghanistan and kilo some of been lied and was a success. i believed that our presence in that gas dance should be focused on. the reason we went in the 1st place to ensure afghanistan would not be used as a base from which to attack our homeland again. we did that. we accomplish that objective form, punitive security,
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unless somebody maloof po left the u. s. draw has, might have even harder to remove a lot of states from going to thought isis is now imbedded in a highly remote mountainous region would make it much more difficult to try to extract them. and ice of k has as demonstrated to taliban, which is what sir. against that while they may think that they run canis them, they actually control events. and they've demonstrated that with the suicide bombings, the united states is unable to get any basis in the region. the over the horizon concept really doesn't work. all that well and, and the ordinance is flowing against isis or all kinds of targets now has to come from the gulf. it was bite and who wanted to get out. and the, and by and also went against the best advice of his, of his national security team to, to,
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to stay there until certain conditions could be met. this month history was made in all bits with the 1st ever movie film and space. as he spoke with a creative force behind the stunner project director clim ship and go. you can watch the full interview here on our tea throughout the day. in the meantime, his a previous at the end of this tour week, we flew into the don't. the cooper and i remember, you know, i was just like frozen out there, then we stopped flying because it was and we were just looking. we just, we were just mesmerized by. and so i guess that was the 1st moment that we realize, oh my god, we are up in the space and we are here. we're here finally, i mean something. i mean, of course people will train for years, but for us, the training was long to sit, filming, and space also have its advantages. be able to give you thought needs to direct to
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the can't do. well, of course, that's why we went up there because i, i spend a lot of time imitating the 0 gravity and space station. so i know the limitations of what you can do. even with a huge budget. even with $200000000.00 budget, there are limitations. and up there, which you're trying to imitate for months there is just given, you know everyone's is, is natural for them. when you are directing a space film on earth, it's really, really, i mean, it's hard to twist your brain and assert in this, in the 4 dimensions some scenes i shot the way i, i realized that i wouldn't be able to invent on earth because i'm just your mind doesn't twist that way. oh, frances dispute with britain over fishing, right side escalated after
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a british trula with seas off it's code. another u. k. vessel has been slapped with a fine. it comes off the france and if it intends to sanction within a bid to gain greater access to british waters. and just a para says has been fairly curved post breaks it. the u. k. however remains defensive. me say 10 months now we have to speak the language of force because unfortunately, this british government only understands that it is very disappointing to see the comments that came from france yesterday. we believe these are disappointing and disproportionate and not what we'd expect from a close ally and partner. i've heard the british see that we acted disproportionately. now, we are defending our rights. we are defending our fishermen. we are defending the french coast in its economy. me when you sign an agreement, you must respect it under the plans british vessels and goods will be affected from november, the seconds unless france, fishermen receive more licenses, sufficiently waters. the measures include barring k fishing metals from different
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barking at french ports, and the board of checks on goods and congo. that is few days, back for 2016 when bush and voted to leave the you in the give, follow the block, and you have struck a deal off as access the french fisheries. you can prove they previously fish. their paras says only half of french vessels eligible for british fishing license, have been given. one london intern is born in france's ultimate and won a u. k. trade agreements and wider international law. we heard earlier from you kept a former spokesman for fisheries, my cooking and mark delay, who's the head of norman div committee on fisheries for their opposing views on the issue. i think it's a president that says that's got an election coming up on the horizon and he's, he's trying to be year of the bit of the statesman there and bit of a bully. boy, we can see that marin la pan is doing very well and along that no french cost. and
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he's looking, he's desperate to get those brought back again. or we have to be very, very strong would never ever while down to a bullying. and we shouldn't, don't now we shouldn't allow this man to polier's answer the french to bowler this country. we need to get control of all war to which way with promise in the brakes . it were promised control my waters. i don't believe we've got that yet on at all . so we've been waiting to get access to those waters for more than 11 months. now, it's time to do something about it. after all, we are aware of what the other party is trying to project. everyone is trying to flex their muscles, but i don't think it will end in a navy battle between the french and the british. this is not so much of an economic issue as a symbolic one. the way we resolve this problem will determine how bricks it is settled in other sectors of the economy. ok, next thought he'll come and fix flaw with challenges facing the us health care system. we were turning off now with the latest headlines to join us again that ah,
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the british and american governments have often been accused of destroying lives in their own interests. what you see in this, these techniques is the state devising methods to end, essentially destroy the personality of an individual. by scientific means. this is how one doctors, theories were allegedly used in psychological warfare against prisoners deemed a danger to the state. that was the foundation for the method of psychological interrogation, psychological torture, the ca, disseminated within the u. s. intelligence community and worldwide among allies for the next 30 years. and out of the victim say they still live with the consequences today. oh is your media a reflection of reality?
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ah in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high selection. holcomb unity. are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to descend. ah, so join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, to maximize their profits, hospitals resort to overcharging patients. when you go to the hospital, the services that you receive could be operating room time or,
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or physician services or drugs. whatever. will be 1st of all charged at what's called the chargemaster price, which is usually a very high price that is far in excess of what the hospital needs to pay to deliver the service. the charge master is a list of items, hospital services, billable to a patient. every hospital maintains its own chargemaster and sets its own prices or each item medical procedures, drugs, diagnostic evaluations, and so on. in the chargemaster is assigned a unique code and a set price, which is not related to the patient. so it's impossible for them to know exactly what they've been billed for. ah, the hospital systems employ all kinds of people to work in as coders as their job is to provide, protect.


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