tv News RT October 28, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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find themselves worlds apart. we choose to look so common ground. ah, supporters of julian and songs claim there is no reason to believe washington has promised that he will be allowed to serve any us sentence in his homeland australia, hats as the u. k. high court deliberates on whether to hand him over to the americans throughout the day, high profile figures and spoken out for the whistle law. he would spend the rest of the july in a super max prison in the united states. what kind of life is that look forward to somebody with no crime? i've been telling a world the truth, a solution to the energy crisis. this and not a big issues of being this guy for an economic for many italian. the city of arona today, prominent teacher shaping voices from europe on asia, getting together to brainstorm and facebook no more. as mock,
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zuckerberg announces meta is the new name of his company in an apparent bit distance it from the embattled social media john? ah . although the alarm from oscar, thanks for joining us tonight and auto international. i'm daniel hawkins. web, you are this evening. welcome to the program. now the fate of the wiki likes found at student a san she's in the hands of the u. k. hi court. it's us extradition hearing has just ended though a verdict might take several weeks. the i was using a song she's wanted by washington on 17 charges of espionage and one of conspiracy to hack a government computer convicts that he could face
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a prison sentence of 175 years. we heard from what he shot, it ends with dusty. he was outside the court for us as well as independent journalist richard met us. he's been watching the whole hearing by a special life st. the judge has just said they will take everything into consideration, but no ruling was handed out immediately. yesterday, the entire day was devoted to hearing arguments put forward by the prosecution for the grounds of appeal, why they wanted to appeal a judge's decision not to extra songs. and there were 5 grounds of appeal in today . the defense was able to respond to these points and the, to the 2 main topics, or of course, a phone, just health and the assurance of the diplomatic assurance is given by the united states. now, in terms of health, what the prosecution have been trying to do is accuse a key medical, extra witness professor compliment of being disingenuous of misleading the court by just by refusing to disclose by concealing the identity of a son, just partner stella morris. and the 2 children. busy and today in court, we finally heard the yahoo news story, the investigative journalism that was done
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a few weeks ago where 30 us officials confirmed what we already knew from anonymous testimony, that the c i was discussing, plans to potentially kidnap or poison julie massage in london, and so this was brought up in the context of why couple men, why professor coleman did not disclose the identity of a son, just partner and their 2 children because he feared for their safety. right. and in fact, one of the export medical witnesses called by the prosecution doctor blackwood also knew a lot of phones as children, but didn't disclose that in his medical report. they didn't seem to care about that . so they've been trying to chip away at his expertise and integrity because of a technicality. when it comes to the assurances that the united states is giving, they say that julian funds can service sentence in australia, but australia has not even indicated if they will take julian forms. this is a process that could take many years, which he would spend either an administrative segregation, which is effectively solitary confinement or special administrative measures sounds . so the question is,
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who will be in australia by then will they want to take julian, his aunt and when it comes to a sort of assurances the united states has previously previously given a short and says to homicide to mendoza from spain, people who were extradited to the united states on a promise of being given psychiatric medical care. and then they, they ended up being sent to a d x lawrence where, you know, this is an essentially a federal super maximum prison where assange will most certainly go. so they're been trying to play this point, that administrative segregation is not the same thing as a sam's. but the truth is that you and assange will most definitely be placed in at least administrative segregation. and if not, he'll be sent to a special housing unit. so there's a wide array of tools at the united states can use to break him once he's on us soil and they most certainly will get richer. they're already many analysts to who are suspicious that perhaps this will be dragged out weeks, months, even years. and julian assigns will just live perpetually in some sort of a prison, whether it's bell marsh in the u. k. of potentially in america, or even as you say, in australia, your life there in vienna, you are watching the hearing through
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a special live stream. now let's cross over to london outside the u. k. high court ortiz at shot, it was dashed, he's still there, shout. you've had a busy day with lots of a song, just support his way. you won out today. tell us about how it was today. i know you were speaking to friends and family of julian assange, people outside of the royal court of justice have been very vocal really 48 hours now in defense of the linux is not just the loser. the furious with the people here on the street as well, particularly in regards to the fact that the united states was totally good credit . think i'd units on just psychiatric evaluation. done assessments and we make secretary and he's sent to me earlier today. and he said that they're still living in some high that justice and will be sad on the medical ground. common sense and justice seems to be often far away. so i have to retain a certain level of skepticism, lawrence in the system when the assessing the possibilities. but we certainly hope
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that you all come from be that the high court will simply say he cannot be expedited. this is an opportunity for the, you know, them to reassert administration or lee a all around the world. well, it's not just campaign is, but in fact, members of parliament here in the united kingdom came out in full today. arguing that all of this evidence presented today is prove that this case is 100 percent. politically motivated, specially considering all that junior scientists insured over the last 10 years, really and there a decade, all of all given the un adopted as psychological torture over the years, but also in humane treatment in what's known as a black flight that was london's ecuador. and embassy, all the evidence we've gotten, all the experience they've gotten united states is that they would go just for a max prison on a sentence 475 years. he would spend the rest of his life in
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a super max prison in the united states. what kind of life is that to look forward to somebody with no crime. i've been telling the world the truth. it is a total injustice. we send this man to america, to the time, to the lot of assess in many of the park when people have said he should be killed . so they won't treat him as a human being. so they want to make an example of giving the son by treating him so badly by trying to break him. so that gives a lesson to all the gym with . how do not want to come out, did not want to come out and continue. didn't want to suppress many campaign is a hailing janice onto the hay round today. they've been incredibly vocal for their 10 hours today. 10 hours yesterday chilling thing, free free junior college. nothing in his trial from last year even to now is it
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every single instant than any other who is blowing anywhere in the world? this would have been for, for, for this to be continuing is absolutely ridiculous. not a prison system is an a form of degradation of humans to be treated worse than any animals to be treated. certainly efforts are made to discourage particular kinds of bravery, courage or some would say the, the insolence, the impedance to the stand up to power and he seemed. barrison is good to hear. barrison to be english, involved with the high coach of injustice is wise to become a friend in the laws. in every wide i can just to ensure to judy size in until he die. something is the plan. actually more times in his latest episode of going underground, discussed the sanchez case with mills meltzer, the un special rapids her on torture and watch the full interview on saturday. i
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janessa and i have to specialize forensic doctors with me in a psychiatrist evaluating him for hours and you know, all independently from each other kendra's conclusions. at that time his life was in danger, and he sure enough, a few days after we left the prison, she entered the downward spiral. she was, as we all know, isolated in the health care division of family, prison, and stabilized with strong medication. and, but the thing is, you know, you can't do it in the sand is not mentally ill. so if he has a mental issue now it's because of use that he has suffer and you cannot you cannot get someone to recover from torture by continuing, continuing to torture him. and that's exactly what they do. they isolate him, they keep him in that limbo, even if you, even if we assume for the purpose of the argument that yes back extradition
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proceeding is the did image, we have to somehow secure his presence. it can be in house arrest, green energy reforms, and the supply process as some of the big questions looking to be answered it. that is your asian economic form. the today then got to get a big it is from the business wealth and beyond, and is underway, northern italy's, verona, with more details on what somebody been said at the forum, his aunt, he shot davinsky a day full of hunches. here, eurasian economic forum with state taxes and big businesses having their say about the state of the world, day one. so trade and energy in focus with many criticisms of the use agenda and of how the west continues to push it own agenda on to the world. the idea to globalize the western model is, what is now the mainstream doing it is to believe that we have to spread our
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western model of running countries and running the road to make it a global standard. but it still is from history of essence senate. and when everyone is stick to it, then there will be peace and everyone who is not willing to stick to it, but to remain. and their own regional tradition is tiana lee. he went on to say that a, you ration block was essential to balance the power of china. and the us and relations between the e. u in russia were being hampered by washington. they'll have to super powers the united states on the one hand and, and china on the other hand. so if you create a block in the middle, and if you ration block could be strong enough to balance it out, it could have exit distance to boost to united states on the one hand. and china, on the other hand to china is in support. is supporting our plans to have a closer integration between russia and its allies under europe in union,
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by the united states do quite critical to watered because they want to maintain western europe in their cold war state. an s s a strong ally, that helps them in their competition, which china and there was a competition, not primarily on, on economics, but it is primarily on power and on politics. warnings about how important trade was globally and the dire consequences of not working together. also came in the form of a reference to shakespeare or through verona, is where romeo and juliet was based digital, where now in the seat of your honor, which is the setting for the renown tale of feud between the montague and capitol at clan. well know how that ended here is a serious lesson. we should take from that story. when the missions of some people begin to prevail over common sense tragedy may occur. we need to ask ourselves, are the ambitions that we are fighting over to day worth?
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what happens after forums like this help us to rethink the things we can lose? if we're on the quarrel, we should have dialogue and bill mutually beneficial relationships. the e use energy crisis was all so pulled apart with panelists, saying that the block itself was to blame energy demand in all europe in markets increase sick effect significantly in the 1st half of 2020 born at the same time gas storage facilities that you was longer than your the last winter, you were to cold temperatures that persistent into the spring. as a result to re injection into gas storage did not begin until at 8 a brute. now nearly months later than the average in previous years, these factors let go higher prices and stronger demand. during the summer
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months, the transition to green energy is necessary. they said that transition had been badly planned out and poorly managed. the main theme from this economic forum was dialogue and b improvements over relationships are needed, particularly with russia. many suggesting that both russia and the new would benefit from this day to we'll see further discussions that we'll be looking at the digital economy and how to overcome the new liberal, socio economic system. charlotte, even ski r t verona. facebook's parent company is changing its name to meta spot of a drive to expand the firms portfolio of apps, which currently also includes instagram and what's up. facebook is one of the most
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used technology products in the history of the world. it's an iconic social media brand. right now, our brand is so tightly linked to one product that it can't possibly represent everything we're doing today, let alone in the future. over time i hope we are seen as a met averse company. and i want to anchor our work and our identity on what we're building towards. the new name unveils plans to build a matter of us an online world in a virtual environment where people can gain work and communicates often using v r headsets at is fully worked out a glimpse of what it might look like and how it's being implemented within a matter of years if facebook gets its way, a lot of us could be spending much of all. i'm looking something like this. hiring $10000.00 people to create a match of us for the low nods out there. i'll let the actual poly
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explain. the make of us is basically the make tricks. you create digital avatars of yourself like me and then you put on your v r headset and away you go. you can walk around a virtual world and interact with people in real time. they're doing things like shopping and dancing and studying together in a virtual space. the real world may struggle to compete. facebook founder and ceo mock sucker bug says that the met of us is just not kill progression from the 2 d internet to the 3. the one you can kind of think about the meta verse as an embodied internet, where instead of just viewing content, you're in it and you feel present with other people as if you're in other places having different experiences that you, you couldn't necessarily do. judy or webpage like dancing and talk about not buying to monopolize the matter of us. it is far too late for that. the idea is that uses
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will flip seamlessly from one virtual world into another. so instead of flying from paris to new york, for example, you'd digital e teleport yourself from facebook's massive us to google's or apple's one. i'm from you boomers quaking in your booth at the thought of this matter of us. the future is already here. back in 2020 rock and travis scott played a virtual concert within the full night wold which attracted over 12000000 viewers . which was a record at the time. not harry, bronze hawkins on to the fact that there's bags of money to be made. he's in the midst of us, he's already unveiled a virtual collection on the robot platform. while valencia olga is creating a bunch of clothes or skins as they're known for 4 nights. there's even companies flipping virtual real estate in the met us. if you're struggling to understand how
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this works, you're not alone. there is a building, boom, breaking out, but it's not happening in your backyard. it is happening in a fake world. so there are many met versus there isn't just one. but the, the oldest one, the, the oldest crypto waste, one is called a central and land into central land, was selling for about $500.00 a parcel in 2019 today. those same parcels are trading for about $7800.00. whether you're ready for life in the cloud or not facebook announcement that it's hiring an army of developers to build. this met us, has been a rating success by one measure. at least i just spent 3 minutes talking about facebook virtual plans instead of the company's real world problems such as the whistleblower that's just come out and said that the company puts profits, the uses safety show can lead mazda zak, a bug alone. yeah. big bully. well that's gross love now to spot current us 2020 vice presidential candidate from
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a libertarian policy. thanks for joining us. a good 2nd to program today. what are your thoughts on this for branding? do you think it's just the may well, i think, yeah, i think the branding part is the name google did this rebranding as alphabet a couple years ago. and i do think that it speaks to their desire to, to start shifting away from just being facebook centric and creating this metal versus they put it, i'm a lot less concerned about that. i'm a lot more concerned about how they are essentially wagging the dog with the whole . facebook is the bad guy narrative that they are helping push forward in order to get him to be grudgingly agreed to controls on section 230 and on big tech, which will inevitably ensure that day and the other big tech players are the only ones who exist in the social media space and basically crowd out all of their smaller competition by legislating them out of existence that my bigger fear. but i think the branding part is more of a named thing and a shift towards a future of
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a more, i guess virtual life 3 d, future in the short to medium time. i mean, do you think this will make a difference of the average use of the average person? i mean, google is parent company is alphabet, for example. i think anyone really, really knows about that really let alone about it. i don't think people are going to necessarily know about the it's interesting when out when google did it with alphabet. very few people talked about it. i think the reason people are talking about it with facebook is because facebook has successfully gotten everyone to talk about facebook all the time. and they're using the there's no such thing as bad publicity to get everyone talking about facebook all the time. and i think that that's why that's happening, but short term to medium term. i think that the bigger concern again, is that facebook is using this narrative of big tech is the bad guy. but why are they saying they're the bad guy? because they're letting too much freedom happen on their social media, they're not keeping people safe by controlling what it is you can or can't say. and
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so again, you know, they will, they will be cordially accept these controls on big tech, which only they will be able to afford the cost of complying with ensuring that there won't be any new disruptive players in social media and ensuring that you have to go along with whatever controls facebook and twitter, and the rest of them put on you. it's only one school of thought, isn't it? that no problem is bad publicity, but some are saying this is an attempt to draw attention away from the series of scandals that have hit facebook and been in the ground recently. do you think that's partly what's going on here? very possibly, i think that they were going to announce this anyway. i think that there is also, and again, this might be my tinfoil hat moment, but i think in order to make it not as a parent, that they are more than happy to have the so called whistleblower the teams and hired security and the hide and they're in fear for their safety, they don't usually have, you know, pre p r teams and hired security and,
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and you know, they're not being treated like celebrities and have instant verified accounts on all social media platforms including facebook. but i do think that there is at least an attempt to try to draw away or give the impression that they want to draw the attention away. and i think it was also convenient cuz they were hoping to re brand anyway that there was, remember a lot of hype around virtual reality just a couple of years back. it never really seemed 2nd shown really beyond me, should people did it. so do you think you should, does lie in this local matter of us as mark, but certainly seems to believe. yeah, i think the only thing that has been holding virtual reality back has been the technological limitations we saw with like poker mind go. it just how much people were ready to do, you know, virtual lives in real life types of environments. but at that point, it was limited to what you could look at on your phone once you have it where, you know, you can have a regular parent looking pair of glasses like this and walk around and be experiencing this almost layer over version of reality altered augmented reality,
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that's based on virtual reality. i think that's going to have. it's going to have a lot of uses. i think it is going to become addicted, addictive for people and you know, i do think we have, you know, the chinese wish people interesting times. i think we definitely have some interesting guns that iraq spot cohen us 2020 vice presidential candidate from the libertarian party. thanks for your time here today. thank you. still to come off the bright, the threat of mass starvation looms over afghanistan with the u. s. amazing. i but 3000000 children on the fiber at risk of dying from malnutrition or not story off the break with join me every thursday on the alex salmon. sure. but i'll be speaking to guess will
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ah welcome back. it's been almost 2 months to tell about and returns of power. i've got to start following meteoric us withdrawal and the challenge is a pining up. and economic crisis is now being compounded with the threats of mass starvation. for many children, the brutal reality of life is clear to say, oh my god, my name is my, i'm 7 years old. i'm here to collect bread people. sometimes people help us. sometimes they don't, i don't have a father. i take care of myself, there is no one else to feed us. there are 6 people in our family and i'm the eldest boy at home. so i have to support them. i can't work because one of my hands is paralyzed. a doctor told me that my hand will not work. i dream of continue my studies at school and becoming a doctor. one day. people turn us down some times and they say there is no work,
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no money, and so they can't give us bread. my name is nancy, i collect plastic race and sell it. am here at the baker to collect a few non bread. i have 3 and will now go home. my father died there is no one at home to earn money. i have my mom, a younger brother and sister, and the only one who takes bread home till a family. i want to be a doctor, but there is no one to help us. it was better before. at least we could find bread easily, but things are in good to day. now we don't have any one to support us if there was, i wouldn't be here. no, no, my name is nadia. i'm collecting non bread. were helpless at home. we have no work . few people help us. we're often left hungry. i don't want to be here begging i want to stay at home. well, the un and now estimates over $3000000.00 children under 5 are at risk of dying from malnutrition. that's i mean the precarious fate of the economy, which has been heavily dependent on foreign fund for years. around 40 percent of
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its gross domestic products has been international a well the taliban, however, in our control of the country, a food crisis is not the only problem that grappling with islamic state taliban a long time enemy has repeatedly stage the tax on the new government and rigorous minorities of engines express concern the terror groups based in the country have intentions to attack the us within a year. so a far cry from the supposed success of the withdraw that president biden haled at the time. 7 i think the intelligence community currently assess that both isis k and i'll call you to have the intent to conduct external operations including against the united states, but neither currently has the capability to do so. we could see isis k generate that capability somewhere between 612 months. i think the current assessments by the intelligence community is the al qaeda would take a year or 2, permission to degrade the terrorist threat about cod in afghanistan and kilo some
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of been lied and was a success. i believed that our presence in that gas dance should be focused on the reason we went in the 1st place to ensure afghanistan would not be used as a base from which to attack our homeland. again. we did that. we accomplish that objective, former pentagon, secure unless marco maloof told us the u. s. withdrawal is might have even harder to remove is not state from going to stop. isis is now imbedded in a highly remote mountainous region. would make it much more difficult to try to extract them. and isis k has as demonstrated to tell a bomb, which is what sir. against that while they may think that they run canis them, they actually control events. and they've demonstrated that with their suicide bombings, the united states is unable to get any basis in the region. the over the horizon concept really doesn't work. all that well. and,
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and the ordinance is flowing against isis or all kinds of targets. now has to come from the gulf, it was biting who wanted to get out and the and bite and also. busy what against the best advice of his, of his national security team to, to, to stay there until certain conditions could be met from serious dispute with britain over fishing, right, size escalated off her british troops received off its coast and other u. k. bustles, been slapped with a fine. this comes out to france, announced that attends the sanction burton and a bid to gain greater access to british waters access at paris. so there's unfairly been curved post bricks it but however remains defensive. it took the most now we have to speak the language of force because unfortunately this british government only understands that it is very disappointed to see the comment that
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came from from yesterday. we believe is disappointing. a disproportionate and not what we'd expect from a close ally and partner. i've heard the british see that we acted disproportionately to them now. we are descending our rights. we are defending our fishermen. we are defending the french coast in its economy. me when you sign an agreement, you must respect it on the plans, but his vessels and goods will be effected from november the 2nd, unless france fishermen receive more licenses, the fishing u. k. waters. the measures include barring the fishing vessels from bison, balking at french ports, and beefed up board of checks on u. k. goods and congo. well, the dispute dates back to 2016 when britain voted to leave the e u. in the years that followed the block and u. k. struck a deal where bush off is that the french fishes who can prove they previously fish . there are only half a french vessels eligible for a british fishing license, having given what london.
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