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tv   News  RT  October 29, 2021 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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ah, ah ah, this alice top headlines who will not see no job, no paid, new york city workers protest outside the city, mayor's official residence, in opposition to a looming deadline for vaccine mandates. the program we speak to a man who says that's how he lost his job during the health crisis. how matter of them? facebook's parent company undergoes a name change with the internet exploding into a barrage of mocking both the re brandon mob soccer bug himself. julian, a challenge of supporters, including rock legend, roger waters demanding justice. it's following an extradition appeal. hearing that the u. k. is high court, which has yet to deliver. it's voted. i'm so angry and i'm so bad and i'm sure
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dish cash did with the non cheap kingdom and write a correction. russia test, the military might have it stated, the r s 400 air defense system in the countries far east without correspondent getting in on the action. ah, i'm coming to live mac grey and rainy moscow. this is auntie international, but it is the friday program. so there's a bit of a silver lining to the cloud today. it's good to have you with us. 18 months into the pandemic, and the u. s. continues to be the global cove it hotspot, and so currently averaging around $70000.00 new cases every day. and that's, but the issue of vaccine mandates front and center with protests. continuing against them. a critics have labeled to measure unfair and extreme in new york, hundreds of 1st responders and city workers gathered in front of the rep. the
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cities may i to demonstrate against mandatory vaccinations, it comes off the bill de blasio earlier ordered all public workers to have at least one shot of a job by 5 pm local time. this friday. those who failed to show proof of a vaccination will be put on unpaid leave starting from next week. 5 i to say they just haven't been given enough time to make a serious decision. on wednesday, october 20th, the mayor extended that the mandate to hall public employees eliminating health options. now days is not enough time for people who have more. could you west family who have big children to make a little light? she did it only 9 day. oh, you can add to that reports of mass resignations as well. and as a result the city could see 20 percent of its fire house as close as well as 20 percent fewer ambulances on the roads will need. while the country's health authorities are still loading people to get their vaccine. so we
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spoke to david huggins, the publisher of the great recession blog, and contributed to more than 50 financial news websites. he says he was fired from his local government job for refusing to get a job, despite already having get this natural immunity from a recent covert infection. my colleague, daniel hawkins picks up the story. well, i have the underlying health condition that makes it so live, it would be risky for me to take that. and i explained that to my employer love the nation school trying to get an exemption based on the cdc's medical exemptions. but i wasn't successful in getting that my feeling is that the person with chronic fatigue syndrome, many people without illness and had a serious repercussions from taking the vaccine. so i didn't want to take the back seat. i already have coded, so i don't see any need to take just tell us a bit more about your daughter in law because when it's and she also didn't want to
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get the vaccine, what was her exact reason for, for that decision which also obviously put the risk of losing her job. yeah, she works at our hospital at saint josephs and bellingham, and she was terminated because she refused the vaccine because she is pregnant. now the irony here is that she works in the static ward of the hospital and they won't give any leeway to somebody who's pregnant even though the drug has not been tested . pregnant women, reminder the health organization is recommend. people do get a sharp saying only mass vaccination can bring it into the crisis. vaccine, save millions of lives each year. vaccines work by training and preparing the body's natural defenses, the immune system to recognise and fight off the viruses. meanwhile, the state of florida is suing the biden administration over its vaccine mandate. so federal contractors, the president is not relenting, saying compulsory vaccination for state workers is
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a must. a david hug again. says it just leaves people with 0 options. yeah, it's a choice, but it's already forced on me. now the bible mandate doesn't kick it. i understand sometime in december. but many state governments, as well as the case of my state government, are anticipating that i have imposed their own mandates with florida deadlines and my case, i work for a private school and that they're not under the, the state mandate. but they put on their own private mandate based on what's coming from the, by the ministration and the state that you know is sympathetic to that point of view that also requires people to be fascinated in order to work there. they supposedly allow exceptions for medical reasons and religious reasons, but mine wasn't granted a major re brand as seen facebook changes corporate name to matter. it's part of
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a drive to broaden the reach of the social media. john's portfolio, which includes of course, instagram and what's up the internet has fully embraced the rebranding, although perhaps not in the way facebook may have hoped. mountain means have already popped up or ridiculing the new name. log zach bugs famous faces found herself a victim of many a mocking photoshop. the facebook ceo, however, is optimistic. the company's new direction is the way to go. facebook is one of the most used technology products in the history of the world. it's an iconic social media brand over time. i hope we are seen as a met diverse company. and i want to anchor our work and identity on what we're building towards. facebook changed his name to mets. it is so exciting. i've already forgotten that we just learned, they knew women were being sex topics on the platform and did nothing. facebook is now meta, our new logo is a rubber band because our morals are elastic. oh,
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and we stretch the truth. it doesn't matter what you call it. there are still selling our data. the new name was unveiled alongside plans to build a so called met of us and online virtual world where people can game work and communicate often using v r headsets. or the announcement pushed facebook share price up by $1.00 and a half percent. and pondering how this new cyberspace universe might be implemented, not one, but 2 poly voices. within a matter of years in facebook gets its way. a lot of us could be spending much of our lives looking something like this. hiring 10000 people in europe to create a matter of us for the non nods out there. i'll let the actual poly explain. the matter of us is basically the matrix you create digital avatars of yourself like me,
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and then you put on your v r had set and away you go. you can walk around a virtual world and interact with people in real time. so doing things like shopping and dancing and studying together in a virtual space, the real world may struggle to compete. facebook founder and ceo mark stuck a bug, says that the met of us is just the natural progression from the 2 d internet to the 3 d one talk about it's not buying to monopolize the matter of us . it is far too late for that. the idea is that users will slip seamlessly from one virtual world into another. so instead of flying from paris to new york, for example, you digitally teleport yourself from facebook match of us to google's or apple's one. i'm throwing you boomers quaking in your boots at the thought of this mess of us. the future is already here, back in 2020 rock and travis scott played a virtual concept within the fortnight world,
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which attracted over 12000000 viewers, which was a record at the time not to re brand, to have cottoned on to the fact that there's bags of money to be made in the mess of us who he's already unveiled a virtual collection on the roadblock platform. while valencia olga is creating a bunch of clothes or skins as they're known for court nights. there's even companies flipping virtual real estate in the matter of us. if you're trying to understand how this works, you're not alone. there is a building, boom, breaking out, but it's not happening in your backyard. it is happening in a fake world. so there are many, many verses or isn't just one, but the, the oldest one, the, the oldest crypto biggest one is called the central and whether you're ready for life in the cloud or not facebook's announcement that it's hiring an army of developers to build this message has been a raging success by one measure, at least i just spent 3 minutes talking about facebook virtual plans instead of the
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company's real world problems such as the whistleblower that's just come out and said that the company puts profits over use is safety shot leave master's duck, a bug alone, the a big bully. the fatal whistleblower julian sans remains in limbo following a 2 day extradition appeal hearing at london high court. it still could be weeks before any vote it in the case is actually delivered. the i the judges just said they will take everything into consideration, but no ruling was handed out immediately. the entire day was devoted to hearing arguments before by the prosecution for the grounds of appeal. why they want to appeal to judge's decision not to extra by the phone. and there were 5 grounds of appealing to the 2 main topic. so of course, found his health and the assurance is
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a diplomatic assurance is given by the united states in terms of health. what the prosecution have been trying to do is accuse a key medical, extra witness professor compliment of being disingenuous of misleading the court. y concealing the identity of a son, just partner stella morris and the 2 children. and today in court, we finally heard the yahoo news story, the investigative journalism that was done a few weeks ago where 30 us officials confirmed what we already knew from anonymous testimony, that the c i was discussing, plans to potentially kidnap or poison julianna's orange in london. and so this was brought up in the context of why couple men, why professor coleman did not disclose the identity of a song just partner and their 2 children, because he feared for their safety. when it comes to the assurances that the united states is giving. they say that julian, a songs can service sentence in australia, but australia has not even indicated if they will take drilling farms. this is a process that could take many years. the truth is the jewel and the songs will
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most definitely be place in at least administrative segregation. and if not, he'll be sent to a special housing unit. so there's a wide array of tools that not a can use to break him once he's on us soil. and then most certainly will steering the both days of the hearing assigned to support his rally outside the court building. and they want his immediate release. and john to journalism is not a crime. are those express growing concern over the whistleblowers help? and pink floyd co founder and long time sun support of roger waters told us that he believes the whole case is a huge miscarriage of justice. this is an absolute nonsense that this man has been locked up for a single day. whether it's in the ecuadorian embassy or in el marsh. this is, this is one of the most valuable human beings that we the human race have. amongst us. he is deeply, deeply important to the potential for this race to survive on this planet. in my
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view, that is why julianna's son, she's in prison because he's interfering with the accounting plan to steal the planet, sort of rape it to death and then destroy. it is a disgusting miscarriage of justice. look at guantanamo bay, asked shaka, alma, my friend, ask anybody who has been in the hands of the u. s. judiciary. and at any point, possibly since the 2nd world war with a did not agree. and you will find that there's no justice to be found in the united states. i'm so angry and i'm so bad. i'm so disgusted with the united kingdom. oh, i did a radio program last night. john ship, tim was on it and he was extremely eloquent. and i asked him how he, how he manages his grief and, and he was absolutely,
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he was all moving to listen to. he says, well, he puts it to one side as it goes through his life. and his life is entirely devoted to the freeing of his son, so he can go to his wife and children. and john says that late at night he may retreat into his melancholy. and i felt my heart lurch in my chest. as i listened to this man saying, and i felt his melancholy, me like a hammer blow on my chest, we are not going on anywhere at all. and our voice is going to get louder and louder and louder to julian, some free promise. you that journalist taylor who dhaka believes washington's prosecution of assange actually in dangerous press freedoms. the world over the world is watching and the united states government cannot seriously say that its
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respects press freedom in the 1st amendment. if it continues to prosecute. julian assigns this will set a very serious and very dangerous global precedent. the outcome of this case is certainly will impact journalists and activists. but i think more importantly, people should realize that this case impacts every one because it impacts the public's right. to know juliana sonjee published information that was in the public interest. people have a right to know about war crimes being committed in their name. people have a right to know that the u. s. intelligence agencies are spying on them without any legal basis for doing this. i said i had few here on the friday program on odds. he read with caution. the u. k. 's at university of cambridge slaps trigger. warnings on classic children's votes involving slavery on colonialism. we debate the controversial move in just a moment. a
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ah ah . herman by dreamer shaped by thinkers and of those with ah
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ah, dares thinks we dare to ask oh, it is good to have you with us to day. so the university of cambridge seems to be trying to get its own degree in woken us. an online library has begun slapping trigger warnings on text sander flagging words deems racist, or potentially offensive all with the help of a sizable taxpayer funded grant. at the world, famous british university says the move will help protect the feelings of a new generation of students. some of the materials a hundreds of years old, so they inevitably contained out of date views that many young readers would find
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hurtful and defensive. some $10000.00 books and magazines being uploaded to cambridge as a digital archive could now be flagged. they include numerous children's books such as a house on the prairie, which was accused of stereotypical depictions of native americans, also affected the beloved doctor. zeus books are due to the alleged cultural insensitivity of critics of slammed. the idea is unnecessary and straight forward censorship. useless. university stuffing millions of pounds on anything but education. it's money our children have got to pay back. they are awful people. this is very confusing. doesn't most literature become politically incorrect outside of its place in history? in my opinion, the important piece isn't shearing. history is truthfully taught. so literature can be put in perspective. cambridge university wants to be the parent. they do not believe you have the ability to take care of your child's outlook on the world. soft censorship is still censorship. we discussed the issues arose by cambridge
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university is a trigger warnings. the panel of guess is 80000 pounds. and i think it's a mis spend all the money. i think there's no need for it. i think it's like the statues evidence to be put into context, but i think students are intelligent or novel. they should be done to realize that that is not the language now. minorities a taxpayer to tech, tech space as well. so why not? i have to wait frame like it's taxpayers money like we don't contribute in any kind of way. and it's wasted on asked to, you know, i just don't like that there was a framing of it. we've just been talking about how much this is gonna cost, but actually i think that's a bit of a red herring in as much as the, the cost to education values to the whole purpose of what an elite universities such as cambridge is,
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is all about you know that that far outweighs the sort of financial cost of what the university is doing. nobody's telling them what to think. they don't even understand this line of argument. he's saying about putting it into context and they should be able to appreciate that. that's not the language used today, but isn't that whole point of attribute warning that people are saying, hey, this contains a faint language that is in context by saying this is got offensive language and maybe racist and racist stereotypes. that is the context, isn't it? when i went to university, the idea was you are going to be challenge, you are going to find new ideas, some ideas that you would agree with, some that you wouldn't agree with. that's what universities about expanding your mind if you cannot cope with difficult ideas that may challenge your own views or make you feel slightly uncomfortable if you can't cope with that. you do not belong at cambridge university. racism is not a challenge. it's not something that you have to entertain, or it's not
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a necessity. if somebody puts a triggered warning on something or you don't like it is not for you to skip over it. is this not a big deal? one step away from burning books and we know that leads to lesson literatures. there you can read a book, decide you like after a few pages decide you don't like it after read now, but whatever you want, but it should all be there were written as it was written. when nobody censoring it, we don't need that. it's one of the best air defense systems in the world, if not the best and has been showing exactly what it's capable of and rushes far east. and the s 400 triumph missile defense system has been put through its paces in training drills. are these wines designed to replicate an attack on a fleet of nuclear arms submarines? art is causative ross. gov got rather up close to the act a a
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united states with over in america there won't be live fire these time as it's too close to a nearby city and the military don't want to scare civilians. but everything else has been done as if in a real compet situation, at least a small grenades that went off right next to us. felt very real that the smoke screen is absolutely necessary. it makes up at $400.00. 0 my god, it makes it for hundreds that's visible for enemy asian. while the car is still moving, i don't even the batter, dependent in our youth was never taken out before it can be properly deployed and ready to fire. of course, the sophisticated air defense systems were deployed in the contract peninsula for a good reason. the scenic region in russia's far east, famous for active volcanoes and earthquakes, plays an important role in maintaining the country's food hold in the pacific. so
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right now we're about to see the home of russia sadly, as subs in the pacific. here is one of them up close. and this is also the close this russian naval base d the united states has nuclear capable vessels with, with got rare access to one of the most secret and well guarded military facilities in the country. in case of a full scale nuclear war, which of course no one wants, this would be one of russia's most important defences. oh, it's a funny feeling because we're actually standing on top of a vessel that has actual nuclear warheads. and by the way, at least one of these submarines is always on a silent patrol mission some were in deep waters off the pacific. oh shit. and if russia comes out of nuclear attack, these subs can emerge safe off the coast of california and strike back with all its
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nuclear fire power, the military call it strategic deterrence. ah, look on, i'm with nice of up cuz i'm ordering, as i mentioned it, me as a has ever at enough what i've done almost by the way and i won't get it even though so. so took a bullet soon as i visit as a possible, probably a come check, this weird, squeaking sound. have a look. each submarine has this rubber coating that helps it to stay under the radar. the naval base is protected by an elite marine unit that puts a skill on displays. they intercepted anatomy ship that, according to the dress scenario, snaked into the bay to destroy nuclear subs. well, this didn't work out with
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the pacific region has become an increasingly volatile part of the world, especially in the wake of a fear standoff between china and the us. the russian military says, these are routine exercises that have nothing to do with occurring geopolitical tensions causing a rush of reporting for rti from the cum shatka peninsula. a court has delivered its vote in the trial over a shopping center fire in russia that was 3 years ago, but it left the whole country in a total state of shaka artes donald quota has moved that tragic saga that began over 3 years ago with an enormous fire at the camera of a shopping mall has finally led to some criminal convictions. 8 people have been found guilty of crimes that ultimately led to the deaths of 60 people. most of them being children. among the convicts are top management personnel. some of them have been charged with negligence. others with breaking fire safety codes,
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and the rest of them being charged with offering services that do not meet the legal safety requirements. now, the largest happiest sentence was given to the owner of the mall, who was now facing 14 years and a penal colony because of what happened now. as for the terrible events that took place that day, let's take a look at how they unfolded. mm. for. ah, dennis papa on your report in quasi, but you said ah, yes or no vigilance convention like a good solution. him was i maybe mold chicken. you got what was on a 2nd of his actionable. mm hm. renewal with,
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you know, ah, if you do so with oh, yeah, there's more on that story that tragedy online right now at audrey dot com if you're interested. well, this might help us you in the afternoon now friday here in moscow. thanks for joining us. so far, we're busy program for you today. when we return at the top of the hour. ah ah russia, this class of car was discontinued more than 20 years ago. even lost a more than a in the world is the model, the more sort of can you sell it to propose
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a better deal with them for the practice. it took 5 years to close the gap on the world car industry from the drawing board to the 1st finished model. to skip sister will over certify, excellent totals kia, deal with my food ocean. it's much lawful example we'll shoot for a shift of commercial video. luca crockett, the customer with us or a wrong one. i just don't hold any world. yes to shape out because the answer to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds
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apart, we choose to look for common ground. the the news? hey folks. next up on dennis miller plus one, the great comedian. now, great director bobcat golf way. he has a documentary i called joy ride. sort of tell me, louise with he and the great dana gold from the simpsons writing room as the road trippers. it sounds like a blast. we'll also talk about robin williams, who was his best. he and how we all miss bobcat girls way right after this. dennis miller plus one, the folks welcome to dennis miller plus one. we are joined by
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a great comedian and i'm telling you he, he set a template back, then serve an existential angst thing that i've seen derivative as of sense. but the 1st time i saw bobcat, it was like edvard monks, the scream had grabbed the mike and got up on stage. bob's bobcat is a comedian actor, director, producer. and he 1st appeared on late night with david letterman, like it was like a bill. hicks in thing is 20 years old. and you remember you said oh there's a great comics since then. he's gone on to star multiple hbo and showtime specials, as well as directing, and he direct stand up specials for other comedians to bob catch. new film is a road trip documentary. i think the brilliant data golden vault called joy ride and it will be released in theaters and video on demand on october 29th. that is a long way around to say, please welcome bob, catch all the way, bob, how are you.


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