tv News RT October 29, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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ah ah, the headlines here, what are you an international russel's accuses moscow, open weaponized energy supplies off the russia, and moldova failed to secure a new gas contract. the rushers main gas supply says it's still open to further negotiation, as well as gather and rhone for the 1st inpatient g 20 summit. since the pandemic hit joe biden, braces for his 1st face to face with the manual back, ron off the spot over a submarine deal with australia with no jobs, no pay. new york city workers protest outside the city mayors official residents in opposition to a looming deadline for vaccine mandates. we speak to a man who says that's how we lost his job during the crisis, despite having natural immunity. on facebook, parent company undergoes a name change with the internet exploding into
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a barrel of mocking both the re brandon zach book himself. ah . are just off to 4 pm here at moscow. welcome to the friday program. this is auntie into the european union has laid the blame at moscow's doorstep for what is shaping up to be a major energy crisis in moldova, that's off to the country, fail to secure a contract with russia's gas problem. hold over, insists on a bigger discount, while owing over $700000000.00 to russia already. in the meantime, gas problem says it's still open to negotiations. will life now to ortiz or charlotte do whiskey who standing by frost in verona now charlotte the winter was approaching and the situation only seems to be getting worse. how is moldova coping with it? and how can it account now on your an allies for help?
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well, the energy crisis is something that's been discussed and picked and solutions suggested here at the ration economic forum in verona. particularly looking at the crisis in europe with many panelists saying, what needs to happen here is that you need to look for relations with other countries. rather than making accusations, now this comes at a time. as you mentioned, that a future hopeful member of the block is asking for assistance in its own energy croix says, talking here about more over more over the state of emergency. and it seems to be being cold shouldered by the e. u as it faces this crisis of its own so much so that the situation has led to the mass of the capital city. suggesting that what needs to happen now is for the parliamentary buildings, presidential buildings and all government building should look at tuning. but he still gets an idea of making sure that any heat that is available goes to the local
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residents and also a show of solidarity producing. maybe we should turn up the hitting in the government parliament, the presidential office ministries and civil servants officers in order to free up gas to heat people's homes. this is not down to everyone who works that, but lead us to make the decisions. it depends on the what the people will be able to heat their homes. well, the state of emergency have been declared and molded but over its gas crisis, but what's led to where it stands at the moment? well, the country did have a contract with russian supply a gas from, but that run out at the end of september. since then we'll do, has refused to sign a new contract with the company. it says that the prices that the company want are simply too high gas. prom says so that there has been a sky. you walk in crease in demand for gas at the moment. and that has led to the
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increase in prices. it also says that mil dover is pretty much to blame for the situation that it finds itself in the country is as you mentioned, there are more than $700000000.00 in debt at the moment to gas prom. and while all of this is happening, the e once again is suggesting that russia is playing a bullying game here and is exerting political pressure on moldova. we see a thames away, gosh brom to put political pressure in return to lower the gas prices. and we agreed with a prime minister on the importance of strengthening resilience gains and potential efforts by 3rd parties to use. and notice he has your political weapon. now about being out right denied by russia. they say gas from doesn't have the
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capability of making political overtures like that. he can only make commercial overtures. now in the meantime, all over is looking to solve its crisis in the short term by buying gas from poland instead. but it suggested that the month it's paying for that gas from poland is actually fall higher than the amount that's on the table and being offered by gas from which molding has rejected. and then when it comes to the you, the e was asked about whether it would be looking to help them all over out with paying the difference in the price from the previous contract to the new $1.00 that's on the table. and it suggested, no, it won't do that so, so much for helping out its neighbors and individuals. countries that it has said that wants to be close our eyes with in the future. now the e u is clearly watching what's going on in more over at the moment. it's energy crisis is spiraling out of control. and what we know now is that gas problem. it's
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been pretty clear to me all over that if by december 1st. so just over a month away, if mulder hasn't signed a new contract with it, it will be turning the gas supplies off. all right, thanks for that job biden is a bracing himself for a tough meeting with its french counterpart in italy later on friday. it's their 1st meeting since washington outraged paris by going behind its back over a nuclear submarine deal with australia as i talked, come ahead of the larger g 20 gathering in rome tomorrow. of correspondent peter oliver has more. well we'll be having to see if there's any awkwardness hanging over from orcus that all casteel. of course that was a defense packed made between australia, the united kingdom and the united states. and ultimately what it did is, is it torpedoed a deal that would have seen french submarines sold to australia. well worth around
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55, a 1000000000 euro for france. the messaging coming out of paris ahead of this meeting as being one of saying, we want to reignite our relationship and work together with the u. s. on key issues . however, the language that was coming out of france towards the us previously and just recently as well, was pretty spicy. today we're take another historic step to deepen and formalize cooperation among all 3 of our nations. the u. k. australia and the u. s. will be joined even more closely together, reflecting the measure of trust between us pitching in um the hip you. it's a huge disappointment, especially since 5 years of hard work went into that city to ensure the proper implementation and smith running of this major contract. the contract was to fulfill australia's request for a 12 conventional attack submarines to reiterate that it was their request. so st railey has gone back on his word and changed his needs. do the thought to now jo
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ann alliance means transparency. it means predictability. it means clarification. it means talking to each other, not hiding, especially on a central issues. so all this has not been forthcoming and we will have to talk about it. why wasn't it forthcoming? both a manual micron and joe biden, head into this meeting in rome, later on friday, having hot well, the things on their plate beforehand for the french president, he'll of been trying to keep abreast of news coming out of front on friday the published in the, the big newspaper that the policy on a right wing qu, attempt against my cons. government had been thwarted by security services. now from that reporting in the french media, it's understood that disgraced right wing politician remy. there was behind this. now mr. day is been under arrest and he's been investigated on the suspicion that he had tried to organize a tax on vaccine centers. these reports suggest he was also trying to orchestrate
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a coup against a minute. my cons. governments involving current and former offices from the, the police force the john tom lee and the french military as well under the name of operation as you are waiting to find out any more reaction to that and use as a comma, jo, bike and how to a bit more of a sedate, say than finding out that type of news, but it his, they didn't go to plan either. he met with the pope in the vatican earlier on friday. it had been expected to be a really big affair job by nice. on the 2nd roman catholic us presidents and getting us an audience with the pope, it was supposed to be telephone. i live in bro and journalists from all over expected to have access to it at the last minute. both the holy see said there's going to be no live broadcast, and journalists have to remain outside of the move from the vatican. did cut. everybody pretty much off guard his the reaction from the news wire. a p. the
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vatican on thursday abruptly cancelled the planned live broadcast of us president joe biden meeting po process. the live broadcast of biden's friday visit was trimmed to cover just the arrival of the president's motorcade in the courtyard of the apostolate palace. while i'll be keeping an eye out for any news coming from that meeting between us president joe biden and french president a manion micron ahead of what should be a particularly interesting g. 20 summit here in rome? 18 months into the pandemic, and the u. s. continues to be the global cobit hotspot. it's currently averaging around $70000.00 new cases a day. and that's for the issue of vaccine mandates front and center with protests continuing against them. a critics have labeled measures unfair and extreme in new york, hundreds of 1st responders on city was gathered in front of the residence to fit his mayor to demonstrate again, mandatory vaccination. and comes off the bill. de blasio earlier ordered all public
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workers at least one shot by 5 pm local time. this friday. those who failed to show proof of vaccination will be put on a unpaid leave starting next week. off i to say they have not been given enough time to make an educated decision on wednesday, october 20th them bayer extended vaccine mandate. so all public employees eliminating out option 9 days is not enough time for people who have mortgage youth with family who have big children to make a life changing decision. it only 9 day after that report of master resignations as well. and as a result, the city could see 20 percent of its fire houses close, as well as 20 percent fewer ambulances on the road. meanwhile, the country's health authorities are still urging people to get injected. or we spoke to david huggins, the publisher of the great recession block, and contributed to more than 50 for natural use. websites. he says he was fired
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from his local government job for refusing to get a job, despite already having natural immunity from a recent cove infection. my colleague, daniel hawkins, heard his story. well, i have the underlying health condition that makes it so that it would be risky for me to take that. and i explained that to my employer love the nation school trying to get an exempt from based on the cdc's medical exemptions. but i wasn't successful at getting that my feeling is that as a person with chronic fatigue syndrome, many people without illness and had a serious repercussions from taking the vaccine. so i didn't want to take the back seat. i already had it. so i don't see any need to take it, just tell us a bit more about your daughter and all because when it's and she also didn't want to get the vaccine, what was her exact reason for, for that decision which also obviously put the risk of losing her job. yeah,
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she works at a piece. hospital st. joseph's in bellingham, and she was terminated because she refused the vaccine because she is pregnant. now the irony here is that she works in the stafford ward of the hospital and they won't give any leeway to somebody who's pregnant even though the drug has not been tested. pregnant women were just a reminder of the world health organization is recommending people to get a shot saying only math, fascination, or natural immunity can bring the pandemic to an vaccines save millions of lives each year. vaccines work by training and preparing the body's natural defenses. the immune system to recognize and fight off the viruses. in while the state of florida is sewing, the biden administration over to vaccines mandates for federal contractors for the president, the president isn't relenting a thing. compulsory vaccinations for state workers is a must a favorite haggard again. so that leaves people in a challenging position. yeah,
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it's a choice, but it's already forced on me. now the biden mandate doesn't kick in, i understand sometime in december, but many state governments, as well as the case of my state government, are anticipating that and have imposed their own mandates with florida deadlines. in my case, i work for a private school and they're not under the, the state mandate, but them on their own private mandate based on what's coming from the, by the administration in the state that, you know, is sympathetic to that point of view that also requires people to be back to needed in order to work there. they supposedly allow exceptions for medical reasons and religious reasons. but mine wasn't granted. let's go ahead see here on the friday program on our t read with court, and then you can use the university of cambridge slaps trigger warnings on proctor children's books because apparently it wants to be one. we debate the move after the break. oh,
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ah ah. good of you to join us with a friday program here on our t. a major rebrand who seen facebook changes corporate name to meta. it's part of a drive to broaden the reach of the social media. john's portfolio, which includes instagram and of course, what's up the internet has fully embraced the rebranding, although perhaps not in the way facebook may have hoped. a mountain of mimi have already popped up ridiculing the new name. while mcg soccer bugs famous face has
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found itself a victim of many, a mocking photoshop. the facebook c. e. o, however, is optimistic, the company's new direction is the way to go. facebook is one of the most used technology products in the history of the world. it's an iconic social media brand . every time i hope we are seen as a mess of us company, and i want to anchor our work and our identity on what we're building towards. facebook changed his name to method is so exciting. i've already forgotten that we just learned, they knew women were being sex topics on the platform and didn't know thing. facebook is now meta, our new logo is a rubber band because our morals are elastic. oh, and we stretch the truth. it doesn't matter what you call it. there are still 7 are data. the new name was unveiled alongside plans to build a so called met of us, an online virtual world where people can game work and communicate often using v r headsets. the announcement pushed facebook share price off by $1.00 and
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a half percent. and pondering how this new cyberspace universe might be implemented, not one but 2 poly boykin's. within a matter of years, if facebook gets its way, a lot of us could be spending might have online looking something like this is hiring $10000.00 people to create a met us for the low nods out there. all let virtual poly explain. the max of us is basically the make tricks. you create digital avatars of yourself like me, and then you put on your v i had set and away you go, you can walk around a virtual world and interact with people in real time. so doing things like shopping and dancing and studying together in a virtual space, the real world may struggle to compete. facebook founder and ceo, mark sucka,
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bug says that the max of us is just send that kill progression from the, to the internet to the 3. the one to talk about not buying, to monopolize the matter of us. it is far too late for that. the idea is that uses will flip seamlessly from one virtual world into another. so instead of flying from paris to new york, for example, you'd digitally teleport yourself from facebook's massive us to google's or apple's one. i'm from you, boomers quaking in your booth at the thought of this matter of us. the future is already here. back in 2020 rock, travis scott played a virtual concert within the full night wold which attracted over 12000000 viewers, which was a record at the time. not carrie bronze. hawkins on to the fact that there's bags of money to be made in the max of us. he's. he's already unveiled a virtual collection on the roadblock platform. while valencia created
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a bunch of clothes, or as known football nights, there's even companies flipping virtual real estate in the matter of us. if you're struggling to understand how this works, you're not alone. there is a building boom, breaking out, but it's not happening in your backyard. it is happening in a fake world. so there are many met a vs or isn't just one. but the, the oldest one, the, the oldest crypto biggest one is called the central and whether you're ready for life in the cloud or not facebook announcement that it's hiring an army of developers to build this message has been a raging success by one measure, at least i just spent 3 minutes talking about facebook virtual plans instead of the company's real world problems such as the whistleblower that's just come out and said that the company puts profits over use is safety shot. leave master's duck, a bug alone. the a big bully. the fail whistleblower julian us on remains in
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limbo following a 2 day extradition appeal hearing and london's high court. though it could still be weeks before a voted, in the cases even delivered me i the judges just said they will take everything into consideration, but no ruling was handed out immediately. the entire day was devoted to hearing arguments before by the prosecution for the grounds of appeal, why they want to appeal to judge's decision not to extra by the phone. and there were 5 grounds of appealing to the 2 main topics are, of course, found his health. and the assurance is a diplomatic assurance is given by the united states in terms of health. what the prosecution have been trying to do is accuse a key medical, extra witness professor compliment of being disingenuous of misleading the court by concealing the identity of a son, just partner stella morris and the 2 children. and today in court,
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we finally heard the yahoo news story, the investigative journalism that was done a few weeks ago where 30 us officials confirmed what we already knew from anonymous testimony, that the c i was discussing, plans to potentially kidnap or poison julianna's orange in london. and so this was brought up in the context of why couple of men, why professor coleman did not disclose the identity of a son, just partner and their 2 children, because he feared for their safety. when it comes to the assurances that the united states is giving, they say that julian funds can service sentence in australia, but australia has not even indicated if they will take drilling farms. this is a process that could take many years. the truth is the jewel and the songs will most definitely be place in at least administrative segregation. and if not, he'll be sent to a special housing unit. so there's a wide array of tools that united states can use to break him once he's on us soil and then most certainly will. during both days of the hearing aside, your supporters rallied outside the court building. they want his immediate release in childhood. journalism is not a crime, others expressed
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a growing concern over the with the blow with health and pink floyd co founder and long time of song support or roger waters told us that he believes the whole case is a huge miscarriage of justice. this is an absolute nonsense that this man has been locked up for a single day. whether it's in the ecuadorian embassy or in bell marsh. this is, this is one of the most valuable human beings that we the human race have. amongst us. he is deeply, deeply important to the potential for this race to survive on this planet in my view, that is why julianna's son should some person, because he's interfering with their coming plant, are still the planet sort of rape it to death and then destroy. it is a disgusting miscarriage of justice. look at guantanamo bay, asked shaka, alma, my friend,
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ask anybody who has been in the hands of the u. s. judiciary. and at any point, possibly since the 2nd world war with a did not agree. and you will find that there's no justice to be found in the united states. i'm so angry and i'm so bad. i'm so disgusted with the united kingdom. oh, i did a radio program last night. john ship, tim was on it and he was extremely eloquent. and i asked him how he, how he manages his grief. and he was absolutely, he was all moving to listen to. he says, well, he puts it to one side as it goes through his life. and his life is entirely devoted to the freeing of his son, so he can go to his wife and children. and john says that late at night he may retreat into his melancholy. and i felt my heart lurch in my
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chest. as i listened to this man saying, and i felt his melancholy, me like a hammer blow on my chest. we are not going on anywhere at all. and our voice is going to get louder and louder and louder into julian, sunset free. i can promise you that no journalist or taylor who does believe that washington's prosecution of a sergeant dangerous press freedoms. the world over the world is watching and the united states government can not seriously say that its respects press freedom in the 1st amendment. if it continues to prosecute, julian assigns this will set a very serious and very dangerous global precedent. the outcome of this case is certainly it will impact journalists and activists. but i think more importantly, people should realize that this case impacts every one because it impacts the
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public's right. to know jolaine assange publish information that was in the public interest. people have a right to know about war crimes being committed in their name. people have a right to know that the u. s. intelligence agencies are spying on them without any legal basis for doing this. the university of cambridge seems to be trying to get its own degree in woke nurse, an online library has begun slapping trigger warnings on texts and flagging words it deems racist or offensive, or the help of a sizable taxpayer funded ground of the world famous british institution. says the move will help protect the feelings of a new generation of students. some of the materials a hundreds of years old. so the negatively contained out of date views that many young readers would find hurtful and defensive. some $10000.00 books and magazines being uploaded there came produced,
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digital archive could be flagged. they include books like the house on the prairie, which was accused of stereotypical depictions of native americans. also affected the beloved dr. seuss books due to the alleged cultural insensitivity. and critics have slammed the idea is unnecessary and straight up censorship. useless. university. stuffing millions of pounds on anything but education. it's money our children have got to pay back. they are awful people. this is very confusing. doesn't most literature become politically incorrect outside of its place? in history, in my opinion, the important piece is ensuring history is truthfully taught. so literature can be put in perspective. cambridge university wants to be the parent. they do not believe you have the ability to take care of your child's outlook on the world. soft censorship is still censorship. we discussed the issues raised by cambridge university trigger warnings with a panel of guess is 80000 pound, and i think it's
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a mis spend all the money. i think there's no need for it. i think it's like the statues. everything has to be put into context, but i think students are intelligent or novel. they should be done to realize that that isn't the language now, minorities are taxpayers to taxpayers as well. so why not? i have to wait frame like it's taxpayers money like we don't contribute in any kind of way. and it's wasted on asked, you know, i just don't like that. there was a framing of it. we've just been talking about how much this is gonna cost, but actually i think that's a bit of a red herring in as much as the, the cost to education values to the whole purpose of what an elite universities such as cambridge is, is all about you know that that far outweighs the sort of financial cost of what the university is doing. nobody's telling them what to think. they don't even
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understand this line of argument. he's saying about putting it into context and they should be able to appreciate that. that's not the language use today, but isn't that the whole point of the trigger warning that people are saying, hey, this contains a french language that is in context by saying this is got offensive language and it may be racist times racist stereotypes. that is, the context, isn't it? when i went to university, the idea was you were going to be challenge. you are going to find new ideas, some ideas that you would agree with, some that you wouldn't agree with. that's what universities about expanding your mind. if you cannot cope with difficult ideas, that may challenge your own views or make you feel slightly uncomfortable if you can't cope with that, do not belong at cambridge university. racism is not a challenge. it's not something that you have to entertain, or it's not a necessity. if somebody puts a trigger, warning on something, you don't like it. it's not for you to skip over it is it's not
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a big deal. one step away from burning books and we know what that leads to lesson literature is there, you can read a book, decide you like after a few pages to so you don't like it after reading the whole, but whatever you want. but it should all be there written as it was written with nobody censoring it. we don't need that. and we are back soon with more. ah, ah, is your media a reflection of reality? in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation for community are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere.
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