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tv   News  RT  October 30, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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ah, ah ah, protest is called on to the streets of rome, demanding the worldly does take action to stop climate change as the italian capital hosts the g. 20 summit resulted in france warmed the budget cuts leading to staff shortages as top scientists claim the national health care systems on the brink of collapse with a pandemic taking hold. once again, that's key cause it's the government that is to blame. the shortage of medical personnel, france is the only country in the world has been cutting funding during the pandemic. medical staff are outraged by this and ready to quit over employ. ah and rubbish piles up in new york is sanitation work as protest against the cove inoculation mandate with unvaccinated
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city employees to be placed on unpaid leave from this coming monday? ah . oh good to have you with us this last weekend of october. i'm calling bright all th key with you will use this our 1st for you then this she has g 20 summit opened in rome and has already been met by climate change protested thousands of people among them. climate activists union members and local communist party members. a demanding, the world leaders take action to tackle climate change as well as social inequality does a heavy police presence throughout the city, especially at the rallying point. so far, the demonstrations have remained peaceful. for the g. 20 leaders sits the 1st in person gathering since the pandemic, which, as you might imagine, is high on their agenda. sodium a potent is attending via video lincoln has already stressed the urgent need to
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speed up the mutual recognition of vaccines. i told her, but i did send you money. i would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite the decision of the g 20, still not all countries in need have access to vaccines and other vital resources. this is also due to, i believe, unfair competition protectionism due to the unwillingness of a number of states including g, 20 states to mutually recognize vaccines and vaccine certificates. yet vladimir ford. net talking about vaccines and the importance of them being made available to everyone around the world in order that we can fight cove it as one around the planet. the oh, the main focus though of letting me put in speech to this year's g 20 here in rome was on energy in particular, when it came to gas prices. if you've been following the media across europe for the last couple of weeks, gas prices have pretty much beaned everywhere, wherever you look, in fact, a lot of fingers as being pointing directly at russia with some flaming the kremlin
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directly for limiting supplies of gas to europe and driving up the gas price, this is something that's vehemently denied by russia run by there. the russian president vladimir putin, who said that the only way that the current situation can be sorted out is if suppliers and consumers act responsibly, which is global the sustainability of global energy markets directly depends on responsible actions of all of their participants. both producers and consumers based on long term interests of all sides, rushes calling for a thorough discussion of this topic and a pragmatic manner guided solely by economic considerations. the harshest critics of russia's gas policy has been really the, the european media if you listen to. so news outlet, so i watched or read some things that are in print. you think that vladimir put not a little tap on his desk that he could turn and immediately shows off the gas to some parts of europe. that's of course not the case. and in fact, vladimir putin, his slam, a criticism that has been headed russia's way,
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is absolutely baseless. he's also it out that russia has actually increased the supply of gas that is being sent to europe. what is interesting though, is, while there's a lot of criticism in the media from you repay and leaders in european politicians, very different message is coming across one that says that russia isn't responsible for the current rises in gas prices, the latest european leader to add his name to the core is saying not as being a french president of manually micron. who said that market forces are behind the current situation we're facing in europe when it comes to gas. i have no evidence that has be manipulation of prices and i'm not accusing anybody. these are trading relations. they shouldn't be used for geo political reasons. plenty more to come from this year's g 20 in rome and it later on saturday. that would be a meeting between us president joe biden, and the british prime minister forest johnson, russian foreign minister said gala rove is also in town. he'll be hosting
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a round of bilateral meetings any use comes out of any of those meetings or any of the others that will be taking place. and of course, i'll bring it to you right here on our t international o rush. alice mater mccaulhey told us that western companies refusal to share vaccine know how with poor states's fuel profiteering, june the 3rd world. if you never go, ah, or latin america, you say no, no, this is profit dealing. they should in fact, relax the plate and go and allow us to have these axioms and help us to develop our own the world needed now. and shortly, which is the russian vaccine has a very high reputation, wouldn't agree as they eventually will be connected. ah, but by the time that is accepted, then the market will be taken over by western vaccines. special yeah, aster, very good. and the american john, and want to dominate the world supply doctors in france at
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warning that budget cuts leading to severe staffing shortages. top scientists, there also fear the health care system could be pushed to the brink of collapse. with coven cases rising over the past 2 weeks. one nursing union representative talked to our tea about just how bad it go. i see it's the government that is to blame for the shortage of medical personnel. france is the only country in the world that's been cutting funding during the pandemic. medical staff are outraged by this and ready to quit over it because they want no parts of it. since june. there's been a wave of doctors and nurses quitting it. they're exhausted. fighting the pandemic while also looking after those with chronic diseases. it's a vicious circle. the great to the work close the great to the pressure and the more doctors quit crating even more work for those left that they comes as french health workers have been voicing their concerns over hospital staff shortages. the latest studies suggesting one im 5 free beds can actually be taken up by patients. but the health care minister challenges that claim. i would challenge that 20
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percent figure the latest data i have says 5 percent of beds, a temporarily unavailable. i've ordered a comprehensive study of the situation. however, the nursing union rep, again says the shortage is the government's fault because it can't health care funding to some north east. for the 1st time in our history, we didn't manage to free enough beds to allow staff to go on holiday in july and august. the government doesn't fun, hospital sufficiently in cuts, jobs to save money. the number of hospital beds is decreasing. people are already tired and cannot see how the state does not give them the means to do that job properly. we are in a very difficult situation and we're concerned about the approach and wind besides . cobit basil said the usual epidemics such as influenza and bronchitis, pulse of rubbish are growing in some new york district south to work as skip that collection rounds to protest mandatory cobit vaccination. from monday, all city workers who haven't received at least one vaccine shot will have to stay
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at home without pay, but that stoked phase that they'll be an acute shortage of key personnel. with many, a central work is already shunning the initiative as kind of open reports next. ah, with hundreds of city workers are outraged and gathered to protest outside of the mayor's residence. some of them even through garbage on to the mayor's lawn. ah, garbage isn't only piling up on the mayor's lawn, it's everywhere. sanitation workers across the city had a slow down on thursday. residents of taken to social media to complain about what appears to be an act of protest by sanitation workers against the pending vaccine
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mandate. new york city man, better rethink his mandate, real quick. my garbage wasn't picked up to day and we'll get worse when new york city sanitation workers don't show up for pickups and snow ploughing, medical staff, shortages, burning fires not put out, city will be crippled. if we don't have employed d as in why workers, we will have outbreaks of disease like cholera in new york city. the mandate needs to be relaxed to prevent mounds of garbage on our streets. if your garbage hasn't been picked up. thank the new york city vaccine mandate build, blasio has been in touch with the sanitation department as well as the union that represents sanitation employees. he says this slow down is unacceptable and that there will be consequences. anyone who is not doing their job, you're harming your fellow sanitation workers, and you're harming your neighbors and you're harming your city. and it's time to
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stop. now the station workers association, fear that the flow down may simply be foreshadowing a loss of workers coming on monday. they are moving to snow shift 12 hours instead of 8 and anticipation of workers shortages. and it appears that as a result of this mandate, new york city could soon be losing one in 5 that's 20 percent of its fire departments due to firefighters. not getting the jab for the mayor to turn around and say, we can run this apartment with 25 to 35 percent less members is ignoring the fact that we cant even keep our houses open today. right now. their livelihood is on the line, and their paycheck is on the line. if that doesn't motivate them, the need to get back later does not help them. there's a lot of people to lot of stress. they don't have to feed their families. and they have to make the decision on an artificial timeline, despite thousands of people refusing to get vaccinated in protests against the mandate. the world health organization is pretty firms. they say mass vaccinations
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are necessary to stop the pandemic and protect public health. vaccines save millions of lives each year. vaccines work by training and preparing the body's natural defenses, the immune system to recognize and fight off the viruses. but there are thousands of new york city's essential workers, police officers, firefighters, sanitation workers, teachers, and others. unhappy about this mandate. we spoke to a us police officer who thinks that essential worker should not be forced to choose between paying the bills and getting vaccinated. i think doing this vaccine should be a personal decision. it should be a decision you make with, you know, medical professional. i don't think of mandy vaccine where the government is, is ordering you to choose between your personal freedom and liberty and providing living for yourself and keeping your food, keeping food on your tables, keeping a roof over your head should come into conflict. i think it's a huge,
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over each i think is extremely unfair. we can still keep the city safe and go about our business with medical freedom and medical choice. at the same time. you know, people are that depend on the police force to keep us safe, whether it's in new york, chicago, or any place else they have these mandates going on. are going to feel different in their communities and crime goes up and looking for a police officer and they can find, well, you can see exactly where the slope is taking us. they started with the military, they moved on to nurses, now they're moving on. so 1st responders and it's only going to get worse from there. they are villains who need to be taken out. those words about white people came from a black female professor at an american university in new jersey or interview, which contains plenty more harsh. allegedly anti white statement says on youtube, and it seems that such apparently opened hatred is going unchecked on the video platform. his ard, he contributes an orange and recently dr. britney cooper,
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who teaches women's gender and sexuality. studies at records university sat down for an interview with the route, despite what white people think of themselves. busy they do not defy the laws of eternity, right? their projects are not so sophisticated clips from that interview are now going viral. as the professor seems to display an intense hatred and resentment for white people whom she seems to describe as inherently violent. i think that why people are committed to being villains in the aggregate and perhaps most worryingly in the same interview. the professor also describes a desire to take white people out, though she later clarifies that she of course, does not mean violently. the thing i want to say to you is we got to take these out, but i know like we can't say that, right? we can't say like, i don't believe in a project of mine. instead, she refers to the declining birth rate among white people as a good thing and something that they deserve. so why people's birth rates are going down. they only grow whose birth rates are going down in the country. we literally
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live in a system where even white people cannot sustain the cost of their own lives, right? by that i mean the elevated cost of their own lives. it's super perverse. and also they kind of deserve it. at this point, it should come as no surprise to any of us that professors at american institutions are increasingly also doubling as far left activists. but i think would still shock people about dr. cooper's words or the intense animosity she carries toward white people in the world obsessed with c, r t, and dismantling white privilege. it seems that on american campuses, at least, it has become acceptable to display outright racial prejudice against white people and blatant racism aside. what makes this whole situation even more shocking is the fact that rucker's is a public institution. meaning that dr. britney cooper salary of around $114000.00 per year is essentially paid for in part by tax payers. what american taxpayers,
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especially occasion, taxpayers really be happy to know that their money is going to fund a professor who is outright teaching her students to be prejudiced against them. this professor and all the woke alike of the problem. this generation not responsible for the behavior of their ancestor teaching history to point previous generation full to mass compensation from current generation. that is ridiculous. rutgers she should not be teaching this kind of hate to students do better. rutgers, this is the kind of professors you have teaching at your school. just took you off my students application list. this is appalling. and if you're a parent with a child in university right now, or who will be in university soon, this is also something to keep in mind. frankly, a college education simply isn't what it used to be. and unless you screen potential colleges for your child carefully, you could end up paying between $15000.00 to $30000.00 per year in the case of rucker's university for your child to be indoctrinated in the art of racial division. and i know it's a cliche to even mentioned this at this point,
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but imagine for one second, the outraged that would happen if a white professor had been caught on camera saying the same things that dr. cooper has said about black people, why people showed up being raggedy and violent and terrible, and trying to take everything from everybody that professor would be fired immediately and with good reason. but as of yet rucker's has remained silent on what consequences if any. dr. cooper will face me well for some diversity comes with a hefty price tag. a man gets a $10000000.00 reverse discrimination pay out from the hospital. he worked full often. he was replaced by 2 women, will hear from his lawyer among us stories off to the break lamp. ah. oh, driven by dream shapes banks concur. some of those with
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dares sinks. we dare to ask for what we got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race is on offense. very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very difficult time, time to sit down and talk with
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hello again. there's been further violence in the gulf nation of yemen, where a car bomb has reportedly killed 10 people. the blast occurred outside aden. international app horse, a more security forces to say with an attack. targeting a checkpoint narrow hotel, the major port cities of the center of a war between the rebels santa saudi led coalition, but will bring you more details when we're done on this developing story this weekend and american companies feeling the effects of pushing for diversity. a former employee has been awarded to $10000000.00 compensation after he was fired, then replaced by 2 women, allegedly part of the company's diversity and inclusion program. they tried to say a trial that they fired him because 2 years before he had gotten sick during his
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speech and had to sit down and it was embarrassing to the c. e. o any. and he never recovered from it instead and standing in that he was not adequately engaged in his work. although all the documentation showed that he was more than engaged and that he was delegating. ah, it is appearances before the board to his subordinates, but he was deliberately doing that for their development as employees. and so they really had the jury found that they had nothing to justify the termination, and it was only the only thing that made sense was their firing. and because of this very explicit diversity goal that they had sat for that year for 2018 hospital executive david duval was fired by nevada health off to working that for 5 years. the company released a statement saying that it will appeal the court decision. we extremely disappointed with the verdict, as we believe it is not supported by the evidence presented the trial, which includes our reason for mr. devolves termination. it's important for all
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current and future team members to know that this verdict will not change nova and help steadfast commitment to diversity inclusion and equity for all. what they've developed, lewis says the diversity initiative itself was not at fault, although its implementation went too far. know that you, you can have a diversity plan. in fact, as i said in the note to you mom, he was a champion of the plan. he thought it was wonderful and heaved it hired a black woman to be want a director in his marketing program, a promoter to vice president. and he just was completely behind the initiative. the limitation is you can't fire people just for the purpose of increasing your diversity numbers to replace somebody. and that's, i think we convinced the jury that that's exactly what happened here. and that's why they kind of hit them with such a large verdict into demonstrators were reportedly killed in sudan on saturday, mid escalating protests against the recent in statements of martial law or in the
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ne african country demonstrate as have been calling full. the restoration of sedans, transitional government, which was dissolved last week by a military coup. the power grab during which key politicians were detained, evoked widespread international condemnation. with the u. s. suspending financial aid un his urging sedans top generals to refrain from using violence against the protest as the reports of gunfire. alliston in protest as clashed with israeli police just outside jerusalem's old city. those tensions rise over reported plans to exam graves from a century old muslim cemetery is ready. officials claimed the burials had not been authorize and were therefore illegal. ah,
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we can to b o city of jerusalem with a lot of chaos and kind of moaning over the establishment of a new pop. the hang of it is very high with thing that is with a in an area where essentially the old with is beyond the pale and sammy saying like to the day and look at the scene and we are from jerusalem in virus trying to make the city jewish by any means they started with the smaller territory. i went to expand to the rest of the cemetery. the same happened to the aroma cemetery of the what is happening at the al you sophia cemetery is a desecration of graves caused by the ignorance of the international community. we saw the dead, the bones of the dead. this cemetery is historically renowned for the muslims buried israel,
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considers itself above the law and attacks that palestinians from jerusalem, visionary of their violence and problem. because it is very, holly slammed to place a horrible stm 4 out of forms for me. because we have the whole of that field on why they, they want to use this way to make us nervous letters of all just say behavior. and as we can hear these a lot of traffic, they the huge commotion here as people do. what do i have been calling stones a chain and others yet? is a comp which they have sit and life has been a pain. say, 2nd half does not in any way with a muslim, similar to the municipality has said that all flies great. no remain intact. they one, it should be emphasized that no 2 was damaged during the books,
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and there is no intention to displace any grave even of bill to legally. the development vogue has been carried out with maxim sensitivity, with a desire to improve the quality of life of the muslim residence. earlier when they were starting to construct with the bulldozer they wasn't human, the main question is with grades that on to ride, the city is an issue that is flaming teams is really i try to bring the situation to control policy a r t to listen to me he was lawyer and indigenous rights campaigner steven gonzales, who spent decades in legal battles against chevron has been jailed for criminal contempt off the oil giant counter suit with
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the sentence was imposed earlier this month. that of ruling the dancing as denounced as an embarrassment for the country accusing the state of intentionally locking up a human rights campaigner. he also describes prison conditions as deplorable. i am one of 54 men living in one logs, concrete room, in double bunks. there are virtually no mosques or social distance thing. it's extremely difficult to communicate to the outside. almost all a shock to see me here on a misdemeanor, conviction which further on the schools, the irregular nature of my situation on campus. greg will put things the case
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appears as though it's meant to silence opponents of the oil giant has been prosecuted to the maximum by a very unfair system that has been trying to silence. and basically the if you look at the details of the case, there's a number of irregularities such as the bias of the judge used to be a chevron judge and not only danziger, but everybody was involved in the case in one way or another had been persecuted really by chevron including a filmmaker, joe berlin, joe, for example, we made a documentary about it. i think that's what the case was really ultimately all about was to provide for a chilling effect to prevent people from going after a corporation such as chevron. because with the idea that chevron would ruin their lives essentially, and that's basically what has happened. and so of course, this makes it much more than much less likely in the future. that is the case
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against dungeon or dancer jer makes it must be much less likely that in the future other people will be willing to take on a corporation. and so it's going to be very difficult. i think the reports are suggesting that the partnership, which one the us presidential election is falling apart as jo biden's ratings hit record lows. there's a rumor that the vice president can la harris has been trying to distance herself from the widely criticized president. ah ah ah,
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that is for the best interest of all americans with our mead, cruel, unfair life can be sometimes. okay, those are the stories that we're across for you in the eighty's and so far this saturday, thanks for watching. i'll be back to you in around 32 minutes. see that? ah, with
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he died. i cried and i just kind of slept the whole time. i was there. no one really thought anything different. you just all thought i just didn't feel good on the ways for the surgery. his lungs failed. 30 seconds when i killed him. i had gotten stuck with so many needles that day in 2019 don't to started talking about a new wide spread disease that caused severe lung damage. there's a few points that were really the turning whole of the patients were diagnosed with a lung injury associated with using electronic cigarettes or facing products. he pulled this out. he really felt holy crap, he's gonna die. oh no, he's be better. it was, i wouldn't want my worst enemy to ever go through that. it was
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out of breath with there been bus one visitor you can't afford to miss. i'm ready to love it. and i'm ready for in washington. coming up, members of the world's most powerful nations are convening in rome for the annual d. 20 meetings. whereas the flu of key economic topics will be on the table. we'll discuss blog as we have seen, a whole host of economic data relief this week. we take a look at how global markets fared then changing port in mid life crisis. well, that seems to be basic plan as it has re branded itself. i.


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