tv News RT November 1, 2021 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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ah ah, i don't think i know as world ladies move on from the g. 20 it isn't all smiles. as the french president claims his trailing came to part was lying about that trouble deal for submarines. now while world ladies gather in scotland at the moment for the you ends climate, some it would cause to have emissions. they are there are cries. if a poke were sees around $400.00 private jets will reportedly be flying in v. i pays for the green talks and relatives of an elderly french woman who died when place fired a tig ash grenade at her home to keep the government of concealing evidence, we speak to her sub perfect, you're not french state hasn't taken responsibility for my mother's case it seems
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to me that the state wants to protect the police, the judges and the marci police are in collusion. ah, hi there, good morning. just gone 10 o'clock here in the russian capital. you're watching artie international. now europe's energy crisis cove id and an agreement on global corporate taxation. these just some of the issues world leaders got to grips with at the g. 20 summit in italy over the weekend. he was the groups 1st him person gathering since the start of the pandemic. but it didn't pass without some controversy. with the french president accusing his australian counterpart of lying her back that controversial deal for submarines. i do say when, when you have reached this can be, do you have to behave in mine and consistently with
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i don't think i know you feel at all. i feel awful tag. it was a contract. before the summit got underway, there was an important meeting between us president joe biden and french president emanuel micron. the intention of that get together had been to extinguish the awkwardness over the orchestra defense fact that signing of a deal between australia, the united kingdom in the united states, had essentially cut france out of a 66000000000 us dollar deal to sell australia. so marines on friday, the mood was very much one of reconciliation with the u. s. in france publicly burying the hatchet. joe biden saying the whole misunderstanding was down to miscommunication. i was under the impression that phrase, form long before that you are not going to. i am not
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the idea that the u. s. wasn't aware that signing the orchestra packed word could france out of that submarine deal with australia. doesn't really sac hope. when you listen to aught australian prime minister scott morrison, hot to say in response to that biden statement, could be pretty much summed up as hang on there. joe, we let you know exactly what was going to happen. it was always a difficult decision force trailer. it was the right decision force trailer and worked closely with the united states and united kingdom and we kept them up to date the u. s. administration with well, we're at and i'll various discussions with france while that su remains an issue. president biden does get to celebrate. the g 20 leaders approving his proposal for a global minimum rate of corporation. tax bows supporting the u. s. president unco by megan himself of hale. this is a big success here. the g. 20 leaders representing 80 percent of the world's g. d.
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p. allies and competitors alike made clear their support for strong global minimum tax. this is more than just a tax deal. it's diplomacy reshaping our global economy and delivering for our people. what the tax plan is designed to do is set a global minimum rates of corporation tax at 50 percent with the idea being that those countries that will have to raise their tax rate use that extra money that's generated in order to phone social programs to help the poorest in society, skeptics say that this is only really going to benefit already rich countries like the united states, who will also be the ones to enforce it. the u. s. is set to raise its current 21 percent corporation tax to 28 percent charities that work to help those in poverty . her voice, serious concerns over this plan. this deal is a shameful and dangerous capitulation to the low tax model of nations. it is a mockery of fairness that robs pandemic ravaged, developing countries. the world is experiencing the largest increase in poverty and
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decades and a massive explosion in inequality. but this deal will do little or nothing to halt either. instead, it is already being seen by some wealthy nations, is an excuse to cut domestic corporate tax rates, risking a new race to the bottom. that's it for the g. 20 leaders summit 2021 next year. the event moves to indonesia with the leaders meeting in bali, peter, all of a r t. rowe will many of those her worldly dis now in scotland for the u. n's cop 26 climate summit. him while they plan on which path we should take the participants themselves being accused of hypocrisy for doing little to actually reduce their own carbon footprint within $400.00 private jets, reportedly be used to flying guess for the climate talks a with
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oh are 000-0000, i see here, blah blah blah, and where has bed led us? well ahead of those climate talks, britain's prime minister has called for robust measures to have emissions adding that if glasgow files the whole thing files are t shandey edwards dashed, he looks now at where the previous screen promises have been kept on paper. the u.
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k. is paving the way so clean a green, a renewable energy for human on the small print and it tells a totally different story report is found proposal. so 40 potential new fossil fuel extraction projects that are nearly triple the u. k. annual greenhouse gas emissions. hardly a good start ahead of 26 and delivering on these pledges. the solution to climate change is clear. it lies in consigning dirty fossil fuels like coal, to history in ditching, gas guzzling modes of transport. we've decided to put coal behind us, seen who, if you want to reach the subject, we all need to move to carbon neutrality. by 2015, the wheels of the net 0 bandwagon, wobbling as green energy alternatives like wind and solar home toys reliable on that to the fuel crisis. and there's only one way to go backwards. europe, resorting to old school power resolves is like colon gas long shun for it's carbon
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emissions, which hasn't gone down to while at all the things we're the point, i think $25.00 previous cox. and everyone's wondering why you know, how to success so far. busy you know, emissions are arise and there's just, you know, unprecedented will change that hasn't been necessarily previous calls, i think so on the 6th day of action, climate, justice, 100 people marching through glasgow and i think possible for a decision makers to ignore and with a power crisis and low winter ahead of calls, politicians are stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to keep homes heated without going on their way. so does that
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mean it's a lose lose situation? we're gonna have to look at the immediate problem which is electric, which is an energy shorter jerk in the u. k. huge amounts of come money and companies that are pretty much during boston tonight. so you have the short term solution, which is how we get to the winter and the long term solution, which is finding out exactly how we are to renewables and in a sustainable way, in a way that's cost effective. russia is happy to step in, but the e u is giving moscow the red light. we can't allow ourselves to be blackmailed by russia. the common ty, gas prices are 1st and foremost, the result of high demand and low supply. russia is playing a game of poker. peyton says europe's gas crisis was largely its own fault, and denies is using energy as a political weapon. receive option. the schools didn't brushes not using any weapons. where are we using weapons in what conflicts are we taking part? this is what i call a politically motivated talk with there's nothing to support it. we are actually
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increasing our supplies to europe. shouts prom increases supplies by 10 percent. we are increasing, though not decreasing. our gas supply to europe, they inhabit. what's another issue, muddied by politics. in the meantime, winter is coming. energy prices are skyrocketing and households employees to freeze . but none of that is deterring cop 26 from its mission of saving the planet. and don't forget, of course there's a big carbon footprint being left by all those planes carrying world leaders and the delegations to and from the cop 26 summit. shaqia edwards, ashley r t. relatives of an elderly french woman who died when police through a tig ash grenade into her home or accusing the government of a cover up, isn't it? but i do. on a was reported to closing her apartment shutters when she was hit, with the canister during yellow vest protests in ma say her back in 2018. she died
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the next day from her injuries. please, do you say it was a tragic accident and a combination of circumstances? we spoke to her some. mamma is you know, that is one of the problems is that my mother is algerian. can you imagine how the french government would have reacted if an algerian man had treated a french woman in the same way? the police were standing right in front of the building where my mother lived and they were aiming upwards. they weren't shooting in an ark shaped trajectory. they were aiming straight at my mother's apartment. my mother was hit by a g l i a 40 guest grenade, which they were using against the protesters, in my opinion or france is doing is wrong. instead of solving the problem of french people through peaceful negotiations, the police resort to grenades and the use of force. i don't think it's justified. this is not the way we should solve problems on the explosive tear gas grenades the police. he's were banned in 2020 and have cause severe injuries among french protesters. they were replaced with a t and t free alternative. although right groups do say it's unclear if the new
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ones are actually any safer, while the case is in ebay, but i do on a is not the only one when bystanders and protests is have died or have been left seriously injured. and french police have repeatedly been accused of abuse of power during the suppression of mass protest. her son shared his thoughts on the issue, not buffy in. ha, the french state hasn't taken responsibility for my mother's case form. interior minister castaneda expressed his opinion about the incident even before he had all the details necessary for the investigation of. it seems to me that the state wants to protect the police. the judges and the marcia police are in collusion. in fact, the general inspector of the national police actually did its job as it conducted an investigation showing special police forces were responsible for this. but the investigation was concealed in order not to make public the discovered flags. however,
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we have conducted our own investigation and we have the evidence. it was not yellow vests who were responsible for the grenade accidentally, but the state security police force. you're watching arthur this monday morning, still had for you at this era court in canada rules that a comedian didn't cross the line when he made jokes about a disabled child singer. we'll have a look at the details on that. please. the stories take you started with ah, ah ah ah ah
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ah, ah oh, when i was sure seemed wrong when all 3, just don't hold a sheep out to see because the answer to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground. oh again, that judges have rule that a comedian who marked a disabled child singer did not breach the youngsters rights to dignity mike ward
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hale. the decision by canada supreme court is part of a growing backlash against cancelled culture. as both sides reacted to the really i'm like o j. i one. this is a vest, i'm so happy. i think this is a good sign for comedy. i think this means the pendulum is about to swing the other way. medians are going to be able to keep on doing jokes. i would want to tell him about how i felt when i 1st heard the job as a 13 years old to just think about gang because a 40 year old men say so that you should guy forcing asked jeremy gabriel, there was who's now 24 was born with head deformities and he found fame in 2006 and even performed for pope benedict the 16th. but from 2010 ward began making jokes about his disability. gabriel was 13 at the time and says it made him suicidal and
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that he was bullied at school goals, family fall, the human rights complaint, but candidates highest court has said that the singer was targeted not because of his disability, but because of his fame. they acknowledged to that some of the comedians comments were nasty and disgraceful, but they did not inside the audience to treat gabriel a sub human. while mister ward received support from the comedy world, some people still believe that such jokes must have consequences. we put the issue for direct you know, i, i agree with the court's conclusion. i mean that they acknowledge said that this was a nasty thing that was said. but you know, it doesn't go as far as to, you know, have a legal financial consequences for this person. when mister ward comes to your town, you have the option to not buy a ticket. you can ignore his podcast. you have the right to do all those things, but should he be prosecuted in a court of law that takes it
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a bridge way too far. in my opinion, we have to sink about. he was a child, he was 13 years old. and i truly believe we should safeguard our children more because especially in this case he was not only a child, but he was and he still is disable. so, you know, the must be a stall between hatred and comedy between violence, you know, and free speech. got to charge in and find a guy, tens of thousands of dollars for a joke, comedy and joking. and freedom of speech is a human right. when did this change? this is nuts to me and, you know, i have to disagree with the, the woman who spoke before. but this, he was not making fun of his disability. he was primarily making fun of people who thought the kid was so weak. that you couldn't comment and make fun of his singing is still alive. he the only thing that from what is it was
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a little different. and he, you know, he has to wear a hearing aid. we shouldn't be treating people like so differently. i mean, have some respect for the guy, he's not some weakling that you need to defend like this. first of all, he was violence. verbal violence towards a child that was 13 years old and disabled child. i don't care if he wasn't addressing his disability. he was suicidal after that and you can be free to say whatever you want him be buying renting every way you want in that and you know in your job, i'm going to ship a nurse. if tomorrow i treat my disable, you know, employee like that. i would go to court to because doubt consequences for every one of us, though what we do in our life, okay, it's not only speech is an action, no one saying there should be consequences. but the argument is, the consequence should not be you being by tens of thousands of dollars and not be a lot of centrally not allowed to criticize someone. well, i just want to say this in response to that. i'm a lot of comedians and,
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and i would like to think i'm one of them. it is possible for us to have 2 thoughts in our head at the same time. thought number one, that's a joke that a lot of us would never make. i personally would never make a joke like that. that's me. ah, but another thought that i am also able to have in my head at the same time is i can see the dangerous slippery slope of having legal consequences for someone who chooses to make such a joke. even if i find it incredibly poor taste. and you know, free speech is just her virtue that i think is very important, and without it, i certainly wouldn't have a job. i, late groups are accusing the biden administration of abandoning their former allies and citizens in afghanistan. we heard from one interpreter, he worked for coalition forces. there he faced for his life and asked for his identity to be disguised. they should make priority for bills, interpreters who are working alongside with use army unused government. why do not
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look in why the department of defense is not look and how many, how many interpreters remind enough janice on they should be given the list for the used department of states that these interpreters, the minor left in afghanistan, we need to make navy great at 1st, not like look, local people, not like anybody can says to. we'll take a 22000 people is like our local people. they don't have documents, they don't have any things. i have a lot of opportunities. i have a documents, i have a letter recommendation letter from my supervisor my at the company which i was working with them. so we call them mason is in shell, and me be making his in shell personal how their charlotte are and also recommendation. i have a lot of documents by the still remind here, nothing was received. i don't know why is that? still the problem is what's the problem with the u. s. actually of state anthony blink. and does say that they are working on fulfilling their commitments and that
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all american citizens and for my afghan allies will be rescued as soon as possible . but it's not just the us this facing criticism over this group of 30 britons have slammed the u. k. government for not getting them on flights and prioritizing to evacuation of american citizens. either them chaos and gulf could bullet portion late august when hundreds of thousands of desperate afghans and foreigners scramble to pull the final evacuation flights. anxious to come straight after the taliban to power. 2 times 2 jarvis received a direct warning from taliban from the intelligence recalled, a set of r r. i just twice changed my house vacations to tall. honest. don't find my houses because i just wrote and this email to that some of the association which so i find it from the social media sir. my live is extremely in danger. we need help. we need the help to how to move from ive denison safely to not here to hurt my
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family not to get hurt myself our my related, i'm not sure about my so i am concerned by my family because i all truly are twice we change our location because talent intelligence looking for lee in the middle trying to find me because of that. how. how funny ways dina has kept me mixed strongly. so just from the used department of states or mr. defense, you the department of defense, to support me to help me get out safely from afghanistan with my family. that residence of san francisco, turning to private security firms is police fail to cope with an alarming rise in crime in the us city. a car break ins and home robberies have become the biggest problem for the area. and amid the surgeon crime business is booming for private security firms. we heard from allen by odd an officer with one of those companies.
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he told us that the police simply lacked the manpower to cover everything effectively. not too many people want to become a police officer anymore. we have a couple of people that were working for us that were with s f p d but no longer we're still. ready looking for officers, it's, we're having the same problem, getting people that san francisco police have authority say the numbers have increased since cause to the fund. the police took effect. the figures show that over $400.00 cases of violent crime in may compared to just over $300.00 at the same time last year. there's also been a spike in the number of tests from cars and buy it again says people are losing patience with the situation. one of the things i've noticed, especially when the pandemic started, was very, very large, increasing cry or grease auto, burglaries, assaults,
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robberies. everything went up the beginning of the pandemic, the citizens here, they do pay taxes, lots of taxes. they would like to see more police. unfortunately, that's not in the budget right now. there is a lot of people with our district attorney. they feel that a lot. ready of this is his fault, it's the citizens that are going to finally get fed up enough and you know, they're going to let the board of supervisors know that this will no longer be tolerated. and the board of supervisors puts pressure on the mayor and it's up to them to, you know, get more money to the police. and that is how things are looking so far this monday morning. hey, we're not international. could have a company, don't forget that. we've got a website full of stories take you can find that out with
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ah, it's been 30 years since the soviet union collapsed. mom miss called a little chill on to what the palm yet nuclear you talk. so show where you also trust them. one coil or tom ukraine was one of the independent states that emerge from the ruins of a super bowl or somebody would you also get on google greens? come on board, surely confusing some of the i can last new lucian with lung or law a for apple. watch the past 3 decades, green light for ukraine. eye witnesses recall the events. this would be more or
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less of a deficiency of chipotle with our new admit order. sure. i'm not sure. but i've been in touch for months with no idea what else? what other forces were at play? you have to do the room show in sure, mushy. in those them, you problem the kid. what it i'm going to constitute when you this is frozen, then was a little versions. rosalie's brother, take a look at ukraine, 30 years out, the gaining independence. if talk with you, unless you mean like it was late, but a will. it could be issue. lush will know what i was more oh, is your media a reflection of reality in
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the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community, are you going the right way or are you being led somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows or empowering ourselves to be more efficient or quicker with our transactions. we can make mobile payments from our phones. the truth is that every device is a potential entry point for security attack. i think a lot of going to change anything,
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but only eventually there's malware on thousands, maybe sometimes millions each day. they use the cyber. they use the think biology as an extension of traditional artificial intelligence has not many main threat. this is due to the 3 laws of robotics. one of the things that's happening at the many cyber implants right now, i'd be where they're really worried about it. most people with equally b, you can put a chip in my brain. so there has been a lot of progress from the hacker side using ai and using other advanced technologies. there has been on the defensive slaton a with
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i'm african return senior watching going underground. coming over the show is a cop 26 summit hosted by you k prime minister mars johnson, a sham. we asked the tories for me, you case, state minister for energy and climate change. why greenhouse gas levels hit record highs in 2020. despite a current of ours, pandemic, and as nature nation sanctions exacerbate the global corona, virus, pandemic and central banks attempt to avert and other western economic crisis. is crypto currency, the key to breaking the cycle of corrosive capitalism. all this more coming up in today's going underground, but 1st you keep here morris johnson, and some world leaders have been up in scotland for the cop 26 environmental summit . this is the un warned humanity is way off track to reach paris climate goals. after report by the world meteorological organisation revealed greenhouse gas levels reached record highs in 2020, despite global crone of our loc downs. joining me now from london is britain's
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former minister of state for energy and climate change in the executive chairman of the end plus group. thank you so much back of her. her coming on. i don't want to sound like doom and gloom, but this is a, this seems quite horrifying. the did. we had a 5.6 percent decline and emissions because of cobra and so on. and yet there's a record year for c o 2 methane and nitro dioxide, or is it too late? this comp $26.00 summit? it's not too late by any means, but it does underline the huge scale of the challenge that we have before us and why it's absolutely vital that well leaders meeting at glasgow under the presidency of boris johnson. do you actually step up to the plate and come with pledges that are commensurate to the scale of this huge challenge. okay, but i understand that you're on something called the world banks, carbon pricing leadership, coalition, carbon pricing of a free market way of trying to combat climate change. we know big companies or.
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