tv News RT November 2, 2021 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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allies for the next 30 years, sent out the victim say they still live with the consequences today. ah, in the targets net 0 emissions by 2072 decades after most developing nations. but it's the west pushes fraction of the cop 26th climate summit. we look at the difficulties facing countries dependent on fossil fuels, also to come in and a chest executive wounds that mandatory vaccines for britain's health care staff could spark an exodus of workers and put lives at risk and france delays. this retaliatory measures against the u. k. in a row, over fishing rights after london threatens to take legal action. ah. hello there, just call me day here in moscow you without im international. matthew ends corp. 26
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climate summit has got down to business in scotland, but india, one of the wills, biggest polluted, has set, and that 0 target of 2070, missing the summits target by 20 years. the indian prime minister has also asked for more money to be dialed out to developing countries for their transition to clean energy art. he's asking taylor looks now at how complying with emission goals may not be that simple for nations heavily dependent on fossil fuels. oh $26.00 his hair and it's going to save us from doomsday over $100.00 wild need is a setting out their goals for the future and that big ones. stop deforestation switched to renewables. 0 emissions an ohio electric, nasty thing nature like a toilet. we are digging our own grapes. humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and
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we need to act. now client change is already ravaged oral. we only have a brief window up here for us to raise your ambitions and to arrange to meet the task. sounds great. the question is, who pay the biggest price for all these politicians patches? it's easy for both chad and co promised to turn off the light when they leave a room. but for others halfway around the world, saying no to fossil fuels is a luxury. they just can't afford. it varies cause we leave. if there isn't any call, we don't leave one pass and east and india setup, but over 4000000 others all over the country would likely agree. because that's how many people rely on coal to keep a roof over their heads and food on that pace. the issue goes well beyond india, though, the developing large a industrialization stage,
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then what we can call one space, our time. we don't that they will not be able to lift their societies out of poverty, coal consumption and coal as a basis for the livelihood will remain a fact for some time. in fact, tens of developing countries have come together terrified of what the grand goals of 0 emissions made up by rich nations will mean for them. this new goal, which has been advanced, runs counter to the parish agreement, and is until i equity and against climate justice demands for net 0 emissions. for all countries by 2050 will exacerbate further the existing inequities between developed and developing countries. it's not just that developing nations struggle as it is with fossil fuels. it's not just that millions of jobs will be lost so that millions will be punched into poverty. now it's also that these nations are asking, why are we paying for greedy gonzalez? far away? the top 10 percent of countries consumed 20 times more energy than the bottom 10
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percent, and 1100000000 sub saharan african share the same amount of power generation capacity. as germany's 83000000 people, video gamers and california consume more electricity than entire nations. you won't hear anything about that, a called 20 sex. and remember when times were tough, winter was coming, a gas was running low in europe. funny how no one was shouting about being a dirty source of energy when they begged for the tops to be turned back on. but you will hear them say they won't finance fossil fuel projects in developing countries. why? because it's far away and won't affect whether that warm on a chilly december night. though if the budget can stretch, they might lend a helping hand to ease the pay. we want to do more to help countries around the world, especially developing countries, accelerate their crane energy transition, address pollution in the sure the world. we all must share
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a cleaner shafer healthiest plan and we have an obligation to help make no mistake . this is not a judgment on green energy. the goals of those guys that in glasgow are undoubtedly noble. that do the politicians. so desperate to be seen as the leaders who saved the pallet realize what that p. r friend, me slogans actually mean for millions of people far away. and even if they did what they do, anything differently. there are some countries are to actually have small populations, but are consuming a lot of energy, an imaging, a lot of a gap at her car won't let, is the book lucy, all around in most of the rich countries are. it's not clear that they are really going to win themselves away from home. and i don't think that they are very realistic dogs. they have not met the 2015. our bodies are accord targets yet. so i think, oh, there's a lot of bluffing going on here. and i don't read a lot of the, you know, the commitments are v are pledges being made by rich countries. for the arrival of
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over a 100 world leaders to the scottish city of glass gave for the summit triggered climate change protests that side people help man is like enough is enough and we are watching you from the summit itself. the british prime minister warned of a doomsday scenario while referencing a james bond movie. meanwhile, the american president fag that the united states would be leading by example in the fight against climate change. that despite recently though, calling for countries to increase their own production. but also may include opec, major oral explanations of the world that to production coach made during the pandemic should be reversed as a global economic growth. there is a global economy recovers in order to lower prices for consumers. i'm releasing the u. s. long term strategy, which presents a vision of achieving the united states. gore niger,
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our mission economy wide by no later than 2050. the national health service executive is called on the e. k government delay it's mandatory k with vaccine policy for health care staff until next year and says it will help the medical service get through the difficult when winter period. otherwise he says the country risks and exists of and vaccinated workers, and a worsening staff shortage. we've got a very, very difficult winter coming up and we know the n h s is going to be a full stretch, so it makes sense to set that deadline. once that period has passed, if we lose very large numbers of them vaccinated stuff particularly over the winter period than that also constitutes a risk to patient safety and quality of care. while this does come as u. k, paramedics res, fears of an unprecedented crisis facing the ambulance service with one local department last week, even pleading with the public to think twice before calling is there are simply not
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enough people to cover the workload. you can. government is also put the countries troops on standby to help the n h. s. cope with the winter season, and that could see them driving the ambulances assisting with vaccines and providing other general support in hospitals. me mar the u. k. hell, secretary on friday did emphasize the safety and effectiveness of inoculation urging anybody who is eligible to get their booster jab before winter. a doctor told us, however, that the vaccine is she was just the tip of the iceberg. when it comes to the staffing crisis affecting the n h. yes. there are reasons why people may choose not to get to vaccine. not necessarily because they don't believe in the vaccine book that may do the personal religious reasons or maybe other and personal health reasons. now we should allow individuals to have the flexibility to exercise their rights. it's a tricky one, isn't because it's a healthcare professional. i want everybody to have that. but i understand this
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decision is personally working in the just the moment. he's an exhausting you get up early in the morning and he stay late until evening and you're not quite sure whether or not you're going to manage to work and continue to be safe. certainly by the middle of the day you're exhausted. so fatigued is difficult to make decisions and you worry that by the afternoon patients will get high quality care. we simply don't have the workforce anymore to provide a safe service. and we have had a huge number of people easy. and i just especially of the last year i have thought about lenient. i think anybody tells you whether to just wonder percent is probably lighting research by the health care workers foundation has shown to that almost 75 percent of n h s staff have considered leaving within the past 12 months with nearly every 3rd health worker saying to there was a strong likelihood that they would quit within the next year. the doctor once again says that the an a chest does need the government to take real action,
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like never the full i believe the government thinks they're doing and also to help the n h. s. i believe the government think the and i just is blanket that we take too much funding that we complain too much and then we can probably give them all that is absolutely categorically wrong. then a chess is crumbling around us. we are all broken. we are all tired and we need the government to do all over the last 10 years. if we had made a decent, sustained, and the key power point harry sustained investment in work. this could have been averted, but it's difficult to actually invest in keeping p when you're not sure if the money is going to come the following year and year after. you can only buy short packets or can short term. if you're not sure that the money is going to come in the future, so the real problem that we have a lack of sustained promised investment that present macaroni france is delayed retaliatory measures against the u. k. triggered by the latest escalation
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in a long standing right. over fishing rights, the issue has become a stumbling block off to break it with london. my warning, it is ready to take legal action against france if they do not follow the trade agreements that were reached last year with more his charlotte davinsky. this issue is something that's going to be discussed by many of the people who live here. many people who survive on their jobs from the fishing industry more time on the clock. i read one british m p saying that's a mac corns blinked 1st as the sanctions that were due to bite on tuesday have now been pushed to later in the week. that's because there is more time being put on the clock for talks between the u. k. and the french over this issue of fishing licenses. there have been this threat of sanctions though, and they've been coming for weeks now. suggestions that france may do things like put extra custom checks on the goods coming in from the u. k. ban at the ability
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of catching fish in its waters in even it has gone as far as threatening to turn off the electricity. that's how serious things have come, but of course those sanctions now delayed for a few days to see what will come of these talks. but for the fishermen in the north of france, whose likelihood depend on this industry depend on those licenses. they say they are truly fed up that there is now yet another delay. and only we have been in limbo regarding the issue of access to british waters, new jersey, in guernsey for 11 months now. i know very well the tactical maneuvers by both sides. everyone immediately beginning to flex their muscles. fishermen, however, do not want to live on benefits. they want to earn their own money. this was been surging now for many months. it's been a pushing towards a war on the high seas that might be avoided for the moment. but the accusations
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had been slung from both sides and the feud has already seen its 1st victim. a british trawler was detained last week by the french authorities, with the skipper of that troll are being accused of not having the correct licenses to fish bas scallops in french water at that is now detained in the port of love, which is just down the coast from where we are and the skipper due to face those charges in court next year, with the maximum fine of up to $75000.00 euros. if he's found guilty of that, now france is accusing u. k of not giving enough licenses or licenses to all of the french vessels that are applied to be able to fish in the british waters post breaks it for the u. k. part though, the foreign secretary lives process that we have made all of our commitments under that breaks it agreement. and now is the time to end these threats. stop threatening u. k. a fishing vessels stop threatening the channel,
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ports and accept the we are entirely within our rights to allocate the fishing licenses in line with the trade agreement. as we have done now, live trust went on to say that there was perhaps a little bit more to this than meets the eye. and what she was talking about there is the fact that france is in an election cycle in less than 6 months. people will go to the polls to vote for a president, michael, we think he's going to be standing for a 2nd term and hoping to assure up some boats by perhaps being more aggressive to the brits. that's the view from the u. k side, but there is also a suggestion that that is not the only politicking that's going on right now. it is essential to clearly show european public opinion that respect for subscribed engagement is non negotiable and that there is more damage in leaving the union than staying in. well, that letter that was leaked as really infuriated many individuals,
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and it suggests the chunk aspects, the french prime minister, is using this ra, was an opportunity to let any would be you, members that are thinking about doing their own breaks. it will not to you, not a good idea because when you're outside the block, we will be well mean to you, i suppose is the best way of summing that up. and she is also urged the you to take stronger action against the u. k. when it comes to issues like this over fishing, now those fresh talks will be held later this week between french and u. k. authorities. but although one m p said but macro to play 1st. believe me, neither is likely to let the other off the hook very easily. jonathan uminski, then i still had few over the next few minutes, the holocaust memorial in berlin is meant to be a somber reminder of the atrocity, but apparently not for some members of the berlin police will explain why just after the break
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it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. ah ah, hello again you with arte international sna, berlin's chief of police is apologized after officers were photographed exercising on the cities holocaust memorial. these images reportedly taken by the police themselves, the showing men in uniform doing pushups on the blocks of the memorial. the police chief, though, had these strong words after the incident. this behavior by colleagues is a disregard for what dis memorial stands for and does not correspond to the respect
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that must be shown to it. this undermines the remembrance of those who were murdered or we talk to a holocaust literature research about this. and she does think that education is the only way to prevent this sort of thing from happening and that we have to teach at school. there when you burn a cat's tail, it's, you know, everybody gets horrified. but when you stand on something, which is a very sacrifice certified to another person, it's not and satisfied it in a very, in various ways. now they knew what they're doing. and the fact is that we are playing with fire radio. we are, you know, because if we're not doing the proper education to understand what is morality and was good and evil them, morality of us is stands for the fact that,
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that even shows that when we are crossing and more align in our classes. and we know that we are doing it our reporter for the u. s. media giant nbc is drawn ridicule for asking the secret service if the, let's go brandon phrase, a threat to president joe biden safety the journalist face to backlash though for some commentators. so as an attempt to demonize the anti biden me, i call to ask the secret service whether they consider joe biden emblazoned on an assault rifle to represent a security threat to the president, which i think is a reasonable question. the fact that a journalist at nbc doesn't understand how the 1st amendment works is a far greater threat than this engraving. can you provide any examples of times you contacted secret service during the trump administration? for similar threats? did you call the secret service? when de niro said that same thing about tromp on national tv,
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which had exposure to tens of millions of people, this is the equivalence of calling 911 over, hurt feelings. absolutely embarrassing. that in case she didn't know the phrase, let's go brandon does originate from a car race in alabama, because the reporter, interviewing dr. her brandon brown, mistakenly thought the crowd was chanting his name. when in fact, they were shouting insults at joe biden. it's now widely used by republicans to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with the president. recently in american pilots, he came under scrutiny from his air line for signing off to passengers with the catch phrase. it led to a storm of condemnation, from democrats and the mainstream media to, with calls for the pilot to be sacked. some c in analysis compared the incident to an exam mc extremist making a statement in support of isis. as an experiment, i'd love for a southwest air pilot to say, long live i says before taking off,
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my guess is that the plane would be immediately grounded, the pilot fide, and a statement issued by the airline within a matter of hours. if someone said, i had to choose one tweet as a museum exhibit to illustrate the rod of modern day corporate media, i actually might choose this one an x f b i agent. now, needless to say, employed by cnn equating a mildly crude anti biden's slogan with a loyalty pledge to isis southern summit. the yet mainstream media are apparently trying to shut than that. let's go, brandon means and jags, but previously, when president donald trump was in office, similar language was frequently used in the media. janice chadwick mule beneath the outlet. surprising double standards during trumps presidency. how many death threats did he get publicly from? from celebrities and from politicians, that's a violence of death. crickets, nothing. it's not that bad. a conservatives are just so overreacting. you know, this is a line. they give. somebody says, let's go grand and on the system and it's like all hell breaks loose. the double
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standards are not going away any time soon. this is just the world we live in. it's perfectly fine if he were to say black lives matter. anything like that, that we're supporting a leftist cause, and also equally blakely charged. but as soon as you expose yourself is not on that side, well, they're going to come for you, especially the media, and they're probably going to call you a terrors they, we should have seen this coming, of course, as soon as the media got rid of donald trump, course they're all against him. the last election. the next step was to start coming after every day. people like this pilot, like anyone who voted for him, like anyone who supported him. and i think we're only going to be seeing more of this as a media sort of scrambles for these villains that they need to continually hunton down and destroy their lives. the more this more evidence that the president's popularity is on the side, the state of virginia in the united states is holding an election for new governor
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seconds and neck and neck. kelly mopping his mil as the us state of virginia moves to elect its next governor, things are more interesting than usual. the democrats are looking to secure their position in a state that is not solidly in their camp. republicans are looking to swing a victory, hoping to set the stage for retaken congress in the mid term elections. not even a year ago, joe biden won the state by over 10 points. but now or republican is the front runner in the race for governor. a lot can change in just a few months, left liberal progressive agenda. it's been trying to take over our day. shouldn't take over the commonwealth of virginia is absolutely being rejected by virginia. it is joe by that has the democrats on the defensive is afghan, pull out and vaccine mandates have not been a big hit with the virginia public. lot republicans are split over the benefit of having donald trump indoors their candidate. we get along very well together and
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strongly believe in many of the same policies, especially when it comes to the important subject of education. biden certainly thinks a trump connection is a vote loser. i ran against donald trump. terry is really good on that kind of don't from the virginia election is turning into a battle field of ideas and proxy war between 2 american political super powers. republicans wrapping up the outrage about critical race theory in schools, vaccine mandates and an assault on america's traditional values. democrats are pushing stability reforms and financial support. they are emphasizing that their guy has more experience and they say populism is very dangerous. there have been a few tricks on anti trump roop staged a mock white supremacy rallying republicans are being accused of distorting the conversation around critical race theory pandering to racism. whoever ends up in
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governor the lesson will be just as much about how us political discourse is changing. and where are these heated words and big divisions will ultimately lead. and if the democrats lose a selection, they may take it as a harbinger of some very bad things to happen during the mid term elections next year. there are certainly many a democratic candidates for office next year who are going to be looking very nervously at the impact that the presidents ratings are having the president biden has not proved to be a particularly popular president. he was never going to be popular with republicans, but even among democrats, i think many of them are looking at him as not a particularly effective leader. that many of his public policies are not nearly as popular as he might have anticipated. now, many people, the united states tend to both party as opposed to individual. what might have been
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much more focus on the local aspects of elections for the united states. house of representatives. more and more i think people are starting to look at these as basically elections that are essentially national elections. ok, before we go, let's just bring you some breaking news and from the afghan capital of couple because at least 2 powerful explosions proportionately happened. a military hospital followed by the sound of gunfire, is not yet clear if there have been any casualties or what caused the explosion. but of course, we'll be following the situation. they're very closely just coming up to help us 12 the afternoon here. moscow. good to have the company will be back with more stories in about 30 me the
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ah ah, in russia this class of car was discontinued more than 20 years ago. even lost a more than a sort of can you sell it to proposal better dealing with produce them for the purchase. it took 5 years to close the gap on the world car industry from the drawing board to the 1st finished model escapes us. so we'll go over on the show to find excellent roles key of dealing with my funeral worship commission law school. well, we'll shoot for shift. almost a 1000000 luca, correct? yep. of course with pretty much it was the deal. if marshall joined me every 1st day on the alex simon, sure,
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but i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics, sport, business, i'm show business. i'll see you then or empowering ourselves to be more efficient or quicker with our transactions. we can make mobile payments from our starnes. the truth is that every device is a potential entry point for security attack mitigation, i think, okay, but i don't want to mention, there's a clear with it, but only eventually there's malware of that thousands made sometimes millions each day. they use the cyber, they use the technology as an extension of traditional by artificial intelligence has not many main threat. this is due to the 3 laws of robotics. one of the things that's happening as a mini cyber implants. right now i'd be where is it really worried about it? most people with equally bait, you can't put a chip in my brain. so there has been
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a lot of progress from the hacker side using ai and using other advanced technologies. there has been on the defensive site with can you talk a little bit more about your authentic experience as a finance chair and economy? so having being the head of national bank, i live on serving the country as a prime minister. which if you thought looking little below grima, chipotle, gong, chicago to north, chicago to chicago, curseth murder noodle, william shoot, shoot, the charisma 15 love full show on the thought of most of them over bordeaux in the book. sure, we're from we're schema. where's mostly windshield the little pom you'll need garcia. so usually it is probably key one that shar libby. chinese
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shame may live where i, when they miss to gabriela, what can you put is a florida to delineate juniors like still lower december, 5th of willis and worked here were more in miss regina and turn them in bunk and me, boucher said, his hulu as night shift by melissa gum level 9 flats of c, a genuinely as beijing in a garage of done, let copeland layers of sea award. the soviets go say it was a they were had till is when the miasma didn't law. oh does it? the kid was with his fabricate co crane, a bully brochure name book, well enough company bid mission equally official wellness and only one. lesson close cibola. they said this is a school vision.
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