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tv   News. Views. Hughes  RT  November 2, 2021 7:30am-8:00am EDT

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this time ceo of what is most powerful banks resigned. we will meet you at the latest and if this could trigger more unmasking in the future for those tide with the deceased pedophile, world leaders are gathering glasgow to talk about how to combat climate change. but there's one problem, they themselves are, are grotesque, spectacle of decadence and hypocrisy. we will bring you all the details from their meeting as well as why the optics of the, of the 26th quietly summit have already given a very sour impression. and there are a lot of positives to traveling to space, but astronaut are learning that it can be a real pain in the neck and their back. literally, we will bring you one wo, which might make you think twice about space travel in the future. i'm going to use and we're going to give you the 360 view on these stories and more need use use right here on our t america. ah,
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starting this week, 8 height of virginia governor's race is putting republicans and democrats strategy all to the chest. and erase which should have been hugely dominated by the former governor terry mcauliffe during president buying and actually won the state by almost 10 percent more than trump and 2020 election issues like education as well as the effects of the bottom ministrations, policies on main street are really causing the race to be neck and neck. they're both sides have claimed momentum over the weekend. have a republican nominee, glenn young and has given their public and hope for not only the mid terms, but also reclaiming the white house in 2024. now regard, if you, when democrats have had a gut punch, knowing what they are doing or not doing is obviously not causing them to be the most popular party with the people, at least in virginia. so give us their take on how they see tuesday is going to race is going to be attorney and former new york,
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the council candidates korean burke and larry were a ward president of constitutional rights packed. thanks for joining me. ok, so let's start with the new carrion is terry mcauliffe not why leading by this huge standard because of him are more about the bigger picture of what is going on in the country today. i think the combination of the junior governor. great. so very michel a lot of his speeches and also some of his policy. for instance, he made him back with regard to education choice, saying that parents don't need to have a say in their children's education. so that really didn't motor in virginia. and i said that is partly why his numbers are not so huge a marginal difference from the republican candidate. right. and also i think
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that very bad. no, that's pretty finish. okay. i do think also the republican candidate, you know, he is more for the people a talk about issues that people understand and wants to hear about. so that is partly why we need some hold back. so me, that was really interesting, is cation, i think, is the one topic that kind of can cross party lines that people are willing to vote over, especially because they can see it every day in their children's day to day lives. how important education is and the agenda that goes with it. but larry, you know, one thing that it's been interesting, the republicans are either they're coming straight towards the middle or they're getting as far away from is trump. so how tied do you think to former president trump? is our voters for young? can you get it in trump? i've nothing to do each other. young kid is probably more aligned with larry hogan than with donald trump. quite frankly, i just kinda prefer if he was more aligned with trump personally. but you know the,
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the races about young can versus mccall of course and make it about trumpet has nothing to do with trump. mcauliffe is so desperate and you could tell by the ad that he's running, you know, if you're running to try and get the center, then like, like young is doing now. he's trying to take some more of the democratic base by saying you're going to get them before, but democratic support, you know, that's kind of stuff you would see from someone who is leading. but you see someone who is panicking is running ads aimed at their base, which they should have short up. and you see a lot of abortion at abortion, after abortion, after abortion, at that call up and running, trying to scare women into abortion. and why is that? it's because they've lost the suburban mom speak due to this due to the school situation due. the fact that he tells parents doesn't have a right into their to discuss their schools,
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their children's education. so because he's lost the argument there, now he's trying to scare women into, you can, you know, you can have an abortion that good young, it's going to, going to go back on that. you know where it's really interesting that you bring that young kid is actually as far away from trauma as you can be as ever in public more like larry ward or more like larry hogan. i think that's a very interesting take right there. and that's and then the republicans, the last 23 years that he can, the ran away from trump was not very successful. so i'm going to ask you in a minute. but more importantly, right now, kerry had, do you think democrats are going to look at their strategy on wednesday and adjust no matter who wins, going ok. this was kind of a wake up call. let's say that mccaul, it's able to pull this through. it's still a wake up call to the party going. what do we need to change? going into the next 2 years. i definitely think there's a whole no matter what i believe the strategy you've been from is probably beating a dead horse at this point. i think want to hear about their local issues
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a little bit more because that's their day to day light. i think that they have to bring their candidate as someone that can bring port key be the change agent, provide policies that can help people day to day on economic education, and maybe even a little emigration if that is something that is a concern for those particular i think the days of saying, oh yeah, the fan the, the nation i get from doing it a little way in the midst of them. and so i definitely think strategy have to change and it will say going into the make because fighting great. even in brigade, fairly low and national race, all in about 40 to change it. sure that the democratic party is viable to the mid term election. while i have you both here, i actually want to talk about a claim that the former president has actually may claim that nearly 12000000 immigrants have come to us illegally over the year. i think everyone with their
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eyes can see that there has been a large influx of illegal immigrants who come over. however, $12000000.00 might be over doing it. estimates you know, look to be about under 2000000 might be a little bit more, might be a little less, but definitely not the 12 larry, the former president mortgage exaggerations only heard himself and the parties credibility. no, i don't think so. look at president issue. he is, and he says, what he says, i'd like to actually go back to the, to the, to the other point about what will the democrats change strategy and there's a, there's an interesting caveat here i think young can, should run away with it. i also think that the, the new jersey race should be very competitive, a lot more competitive that people think based on the actual what we're seeing on the ground. but here's, here's the interesting thing. fairfax is already cheating. fairfax county is already violating the law and ignoring the social security number on the social security number on the check on the mail in ballot. it's violating virginia state
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law and you know, they, the cheating has happened. so why, why am i bringing this up? because there's 5 trillion dollars at stake, $1.00 and that $3.00 trillion that the democrats want to pass. well, if they lose a selection badly that it definitely pushes that agenda way back. and they'll have to really reconsider their, their, their strategy. but if they, if they cheat and when will they make it say, well, we would, the people spoke and they will shove the 5 trillion dollars. so there's a lot of money at stake. and i think that they'll do anything they can do when the electron including t and carry. and i've got to get a response to x. i want to make sure that's fair. but once again, i said you're already hearing both sides saying, watching interference for interference. does that help any of these conversations, especially on the day there is going to be someone who wins this race in the end? well, i don't know if they're actually heating going on in this particular less than as
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of right now. that is something where the court to decide that i do not want to be there is a go to florida are going on in the races that were there were border protection rules and regulations that virginia and they are a little bit easier for people to vote in elections, i think that is good because a lot of times in the past one enfranchisement in virginia, they were under federal watch for some of the discriminatory actions that they did in their prior election prior to the so ask for this election we would have to wait, see if there's actual voter fraud. i don't like to throw that out. we want space or water in ready? i think the party should be focused on border integrity and i think that they are. so let's wait a while, is great talking about your i think all eyes will be on virginia to are in new jersey or him. i think we're genius kind of the one that people are looking to see and you know, what if either party one her on
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a claim fraud on the other side depending on when it's on them. if you know that could be a possibility going into it, then have your people in your attorneys ready to watch. we needed to really put back into our elections. and the only way we're going to do that is by paying attention. barclay's chief jest dailey, has a step down from his position as ceo, find the latest round of investigations into his relationship. with jeffrey jeffrey i've seen was a key client of j. p. morgan to private bank. barclays. shaylee was obviously surprised by the result of the investigation as well as the reaction by the board of directors. as he was said to travel to the sea of the 26 climate torturing glasgow happening just this week. instead daily found himself resigning from his position. following the results of the probe, which was done by the financial conduct authority and prudential regulation authority that the investigation made. no finding staley saw or was aware of mister abstains legit crimes. however,
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the board and mister shirley agreed to still part ways. so to give us more insight and if this means the investigation, however slow is still progressing. and bringing justice, we bring in legal journalists, a contributor with americans lawyer. molly barbara, thank you so much. enjoy your molly again. hi, scotty. okay, so i just have to ask how involved the was staley with abstain compared to others who are in the network who have not even been brought really to any sort of of prosecution or justice yet. well that's a great question and it does seem like there's a big name that's associated with epstein every time you open up the paper or check out online with the way this news is. so he appears to be the latest person that's associated with epstein. now the nature of his relationship with the failure that has been strictly professional, but this particular investigation started after an employee of daily's release to cash of emails to regulators between staley and abstain. now,
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according to regulators, there were content in those emails and implied that it was more personal than professional or at least was not as professional as daily would have the board admit. so to pursue it appears that this was more, a matter of perception that there was some in can grew these inconsistencies between the nature of what staley said his relationship with epstein was and what was indicated in these emails. and stanley apparently said he was going to fight their findings. and when they realized that was the case, they decided that it was better just, you know, to give them the 2 and a half $1000000.00 payout in pounds, as opposed to keeping him on as c o. they didn't want the black guy if you will, or the public site. so as far as the nature of his relationship being different from others, it's hard to know because there's a he said he said, situation going on right now. but according to sailors professional, according to the regulators, they have information that would indicate it was not as professional as perhaps that staley would have indicated, well, i'm always savvy. one of those, he says,
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can't say anything anymore. so we can even ask questions on that part, you know, but i have to start thinking about what would be the basis to actually part ways with your ceo. if stanley was not a part of or witness me, i've seen this crime, is there more which has not been released the public? do you feel like, do you just say just because your name was associated with guess what? there are thousands including a lot of people up on capitol hill right now, whose name has appeared very close to it. they still have their job. so why now, staley, is he being released? you know, it's a, it's a great question and i sure would like to get my hands on those emails. but here's a little tidbit that we do know. staley said he and his wife actually went to lunch on that virgin island. the u. s. virgin islands that epstein had that was nicknamed by local, called pedophile island. so he did have lunch there. that's not to say anything inappropriate happened. and that happened before he became ceo barclays. he was still working for jp morgan, when epstein was there where he was an important client. so it's not unusual. they
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say when you have high rolling clients, like i've seen billionaires for their relationship to be a little more personal, if you will, with your bank or it's not unusual for bankers to visit a client like that at their home, for example. so him visiting this island isn't necessarily an indictment of him, but it is one more thing that makes you go ha, what was the nature of their relationship? and obviously obscene is not someone that people associate with good things. and he has certainly a black eye when it comes to p, r in any circle. so maybe barclay's decision was, hey, the fact that you were associated with him at all. there has been some inconsistency in what you're saying was the nature of your relationship. and what we're hearing from regulators, we're just going to take the approach of let's go ahead and cut ties. now you perhaps they just thought it would look better for them as opposed to anything actually being bad between them. well, let's hope this. well, i know our teams gonna stay on this, even though it's moving. so it's been 2 years since i've seen himself apparently committed suicide. at least the shows they're still trying to follow up on the investigations are coming in from around the world to talk about how to combat
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climate change. we'll discuss this in the multiple other hypocrisies happening this week. at the c o p 26. it's been 30 years since the soviet union collapsed. um disco logo literature. well, the one to work with social williams for trust. 11 poor little ukraine was one of the independent states that emerged from the ruins of the super bon. i'm doing awesome with greens come a little, i'm sure they're going to see some of the english nutrition with what is a, as a resource for you. the venus resumes with water the past 3 decades. we'd like for ukraine. eye witnesses recall the events. this would be more or less to do to shoot with run you a, i'm not sure,
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but it be a bunch for months with no idea what else? what other forces were at play? you have to do so to whom you show, inch, emotionalism, new. what obama care, what it records when it shows us in the oceans rosalie's program, take a look at ukraine. 30 years out, the gaining independence dog via phone. we're hoping for theater. farmers from us, unless you mean like unity retorted, mostly we'll move, but a will. it meant to provision lush, will hold it for a lot. we're empowering ourselves to be more efficient or quicker with our transactions. we can make mobile payments from our stands. this truth is that every
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device is a potential entry point for security attack. i think you can, but i don't want the generic lee with living but only eventually there's malware on thousands, maybe sometimes millions each day. they use the cyber. they use the technology as an extension of traditional artificial intelligence has not many main threat. this is due to the 3 laws of robotics. one of the things that's happening at the many cyber implants right now, i'd be really, really worried about it. most people would really be you can put a chip in my brain. so there has been a lot of progress from the hacker side using ai and using other advanced technologies. there has been on the defensive slayton with aside from economy. cobit and climate change
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actually took up much of the agenda at this year's g. 20 summit in rome, and while the pandemic continued to be at the top of mind, the state of the planet eclipse to all of their issues are held, which has the story. it was the perfect opportunity for a few photos and getting down to business. the g 20 summit in rome saw the leaders of the world biggest economies come together in hopes of building a united front to tackle issues which concern us all. at the top of the agenda this year was climate change. one country which has already suffering from global warming, is russia addressing the sun it through a video link. russian president vladimir putin emphasize the urgency of the matter . the average annual temperature in russia is rising more than $2.00 times faster than the global average. in 10 years, it has increased by almost half a degree. russia has pledged to become carbon neutral by 2016, according to president putin over the past 20 years. the countries carbon footprint
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has decreased by 2.7 percent annually. as for the rest of the g 20, some leaders have criticized group members for not doing enough. just 12. g 20 members are committed to reach knit 0 by 2050. already a barely half of us have submitted improve plans. the how we will cover emissions since the parish summit in 2015, according to the final communicate from the summit. the group of 20 leaders agreed to end public finance for coal fired power generation abroad, but no target for facing out coal domestically. on the subject of the cobra, 1900 pandemic. there was a call for gee, 20 nations to distribute existing vaccines in a more equitable way to poor countries, canada prime minister justin trio. so his government would be stepping up to the plate course. the big issue that we continued to address 1st was the recovery from coven 1900. we know that to be covered anywhere. we have to beat it everywhere.
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which is why we announce a canada, we'll donate 200000000 doses to kovacs by the end of 2022 callbacks pools funds from wealthier nations to help buy vaccines for themselves and low income countries . when it comes to the economy. d 20 leaders formerly endorsed the global minimum tax on corporations of 15 percent. the new international tax rolls target, fiscal paradise's, and its skyrocketing profits of the multinational corporations. although some have said that the summit wasn't success. many fear that the commitments regarding climate change where week at best, and that they could set a precedent that will negatively affect the momentum for the larger climate change focused comp 26 conference in glasgow where countries from around the world are represented for r t and alex mileage i un climate change conferences underway in scotland and wanted to plan on which course we should take to say the planet leaders are actually showing up are being accused of hypocrisy for not reducing
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their own carbon footprint on the way to c o. p 26. more than 400 private jets have actually been used to fly and guest for all those talks. are g dash g looks at this year's events and how well promises of past events are holding up. on paper the u. k. is paving the way for cleaner greener renewable energy, but zoom in on the small print and it tells a totally different story. report is found proposal. so 40 potential new fossil fuel extraction projects that are nearly triple the u. k. annual greenhouse gas emissions. hardly a good start ahead of 26 and delivering on these pledges. the solution to climate change is clear. it lies in consigning dirty fossil fuels like co to history in ditching gas guzzling modes of transport. we've decided to put coal behind us. if we want to reach the subjects, if we all need to move to carbon neutrality by 2015,
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the wheels of the net 0 bandwagon, wobbling as green energy alternatives like wind and solar home toys reliable on that to the fuel crisis. and there's only one way to go backwards europe, resorting to old school power resources like colon gas. no shun for it's carbon emissions, which hasn't gone down to while at all the worthy point. they've been 25 previous cops and everyone's wondering. busy why, you know, hasn't been a success so far. busy you know, emissions are arise and there's just, you know, unprecedented will for a change that hasn't been necessarily previous cops, i think so. on november, the 6th day of action for climate justice 100 people marching through glasgow. and
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i think it's impossible for a decision makers to ignore and with a power crisis and low winter ahead. of course, politicians are stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to keep homes heated without going back on there. what so does that mean it's a lose lose situation. we're going to have to look at the immediate problem, which is, i'm not sure which an energy shortage are and you can change them out. come money and companies that are pretty much doing buster tonight. so you have the short term solution, which is how do we get through the winter and the long term solution, which is finding out exactly how we moved to renewables and a sustainable way in a way this cost effective. russia is happy to step in, but the you is giving most of the red lights. we come to now a sounds to be blackmailed by russia. the current, i guess, prices are 1st and foremost, the result of high demand and low supply. russia is playing a game of poker. hey,
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tim says europe's gas crisis was largely its own folder, and denies is using energy as a political weapon. russia is not using any weapons. where are we using weapons and what conflicts are we taking part? this is what i call a politically motivated talk. there is nothing to support it. we are actually increasing our supplies to europe, gas price increase supplies by 10 percent. we are increasing not decreasing our gas supply to europe. there you have it yet. another issue, muddied by politics. in the meantime, winter is coming. energy prices are skyrocketing and households employees to freeze, but none of that is deterring cop $26.00 from its mission of saving the planet. don't forget, of course, there's a big carbon footprint being left by all those planes carrying world leaders and the delegation to and from the cop 26 summit charge, such as the road gets ready to launch into commercial space. travel
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back pain, maybe something astronaut in space. taurus, like we'll have to worry about our diverse planning to get ahead of it and brings us more about the findings of a new study linking the to a new study reveals that a lot of gravity may in fact come back pain. it's something that scientists are looking into as commercial space travel takes off. it's the commercial world in which advance capabilities get normalized and become part of every day life. a technology advances the space race isn't just happening among various countries, but between some of the wealthiest entrepreneurs, most notably elan mosque, jeff bezos and richard branson. their goal is to get their space flight companies to operate almost like airlines, allowing people to travel to speed their been dreams for a very long time of world buff commercial activities in space with growing population and so forth. now we have access to systems that off
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left to launch, and lamb long going to space would be a dream come true. for many, there is one little problem scientists are hoping to solve in the near future back pain, according to a study published in the journal. anesthesiology 52 percent at astronauts have reported some type of back pain within 2 to 5 days of space. travel, or 86 percent of the cases were reportedly mild. the pain still impeded an astronaut. the ability to function during their tasks in orbit is that he looked into specialized suits and exercises to help prevent and treat back paint from the lack of gravity. a study from the university of ins, brooke, in austria, found that half of military helicopter pilots reported low back pain. these pilots and crew members flew in different gravitational forces. researchers said they were 3 times more likely to develop lombard disc herniation. a 2010 study revealed that astronauts are 4 times more likely to develop a herniated disk scientist to say the spines s shape bend enables that she resist gravity while absorbing weight and impact. researchers found some astronauts spine
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grew 3 inches from straightening out. specialists say this could be dangerous, causing not only pain, but also affect their stability of their spine after returning to earth. so this new study is proposing specialized suits in time as commercial space travel is skyrocketing along with regular resistance training, something that we should all be practicing for healthy bones to begin with, reporting for news views. hughes and passion suites r t. and that's all we have to show in the meantime for me on for at scottie and hughes, that like, always thanks for watching the later. ah ah, ah, russia, this class of car was discontinued more than 20 years ago. even though say more
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than a sort of, can you sell it to propose rubbish dealing with them for the practice. it took 5 years to close the gap on the will car industry from the drawing board to the 1st finished model to skip sessa will on over show the excellent tools can you deal with my food ocean? it's ms. law school well would for shift up on monday and lucas crockett. the quizlet live with us or oh, well, it shows the wrong one. all right? just don't hold any world. we have to shape out this thing because the answer to an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds
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apart, we choose to look so common ground. wow . you know, things are of course, playing out as we been protecting they would. we've got the very central banks putting on their kabuki costumes and getting ready to go out on stage and perform their ritualistic nod to the need to raise rates, followed by their ritual was thick denial that they are able to raise rates, followed by massive quantitative easing money printing an hyperinflation once again . oh boy, it's good so entertaining. ah, you in president potent pledges that russia will be carbon neutral? no. later than 2016. a message to delegates at the ongoing, you and cop 26 climate summit in scotland also today in an h. s
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executive warning that mandatory vaccine for britain's healthcare stuff could spark annex of this of workers and put lives at risk and france delays. it's retaliatory measures against the u. k. for now anyway, in a row of fishing, right up to london threatens to take legal action. ah .


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