tv News RT November 2, 2021 9:00am-9:31am EDT
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i'll see you then. ah, ah, foreclosure moscow let me take through headlines today, president potent pledging just the last hour to the russia will be carbon neutral. no, later than 2060 in a message. the delegates of the you and climate summit in scotland and an h. s. executive warner at mandatory vaccine for britain's healthcare staff. could spark connects to this of workers and put lives at risk. and now the news france delays, it's retaliatory measures against the u. k. for a while, at least in a dispute of fishing rights off to london, threatens to take legal action. ah, other good afternoon from russia live from ortiz, will des, aged kids kevin o' in here with the latest for you. this november, the 2nd,
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under the big story, the u. n. c. climate summit getting down to business in scotland today with president potent endorsing russia's commitment to becoming in the carbon neutral economy. no later than 2060, as you said in support of global conservation efforts. but this is alicia, having set the task of building a carbon neutral economy here no later than 2060 russia is also relying on the unique resources of our forest ecosystems. in that there are significant potential for absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. what will indeed our country has about 20 percent of all the world's forest areas. it nasha thing in the air one, the world biggest polluters is also set a target for becoming carbon neutral the a year year 2070 though, missing the summits. gold by some 2 decades. indian primary says also us for more money to be dulled out to developing countries for their transition to cleaner energy at he's asking taylor next looks at how complying with the missions goals
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may not be that simple. 4 nations heavily dependent on fossil fuels. oh, $26.00 his hair and it's going to save us from doomsday. i've a 100 wild need as a setting out their goals for the future. and then big ones, stop deforestation switched to renewables. 0 emissions and ohio electric enough teaching nature like a toilet we are digging our own grapes. humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act not client change has already ravaged oral. we only have a referral before us to raise your vision, to raise to me to task sounds great. the question is, who pay the biggest price for all these politicians patches? it's easy for both chad and co to promised to turn off the light when they leave
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a room. but for others half way round the world saying no to fossil fuels is a luxury. they just can't afford. if there is a car we leave. if they reason any call, we don't leave one pass and an eastern india set up. but over 4000000 others all over the country would likely agree. because that's how many people rely on coal to keep a roof over their heads and food on that pates. the issue goes well beyond india, though, the developing ward, a live industrialization stage, then you know what we call one space. our time. we don't that they will not be able to lift their societies out of poverty, coal consumption and coal as a basis for the livelihood will remain a fact. or sometime. in fact, tens of developing countries have come together terrified of what the grand goals of 0 emissions made up by rich nations will mean for them. this new goal,
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which has been advanced, runs counter to the parish agreement, and is until i equity and against climate justice demands for net 0 emissions. for all countries by 2050 will exacerbate further the existing inequities between developed and developing countries. it's not just that developing nations struggle as it is with fossil fuels. it's not just that millions of jobs will be also that millions will be punched into poverty. now, it's also that these nations are asking, why are we paying for greedy gonzalez? far away? the top 10 percent of countries consumed 20 times more energy than the bottom 10 percent. and 1100000000 sub saharan african share the same amount of power generation capacity. as germany's 83000000 people, video gamers and california consume more electricity than entire nations. you won't hear anything about that, a call 20 sex. and remember when times were tough, winter was coming,
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a gas was running low in europe. funny how no one was shouting about being a doughty source of energy when they begged for the taps to be turned back on. but you will hear them say they won't finance fossil fuel projects in developing countries. why? because it's far way and won't affect whether that warm on a chilly december night. though if the budget can stretch, they might lend a helping hand to ease the pay. we want to do more to help countries around the world, especially developing countries, accelerate their crane energy transition, address pollution in the sure, the world we all my share, a cleaner, safer, healthiest plan. and we have an obligation to help make no mistake. this is not a judgment on green energy. the goals of those got that in glasgow are undoubtedly noble. but do the politicians so desperate to be seen as the leaders can save the planet, realize what back p. r. friendly slogans actually mean for millions of people. far away and even if they did what they do, anything differently,
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there are some countries that actually have small populations but are consuming a lot of energy and imaging. a lot of our gap at a carbon. there is people chrissy all around in most of the rich countries. it's not clear that they are really going to lean themselves away from corn and i don't think that they are very realistic targets. they have not met the 2015 accord targets yet. so i think so there's a lot of bluffing going on here, and i don't be a lot of the, you know, the commitments, audi apologise being made by rich countries with over a 100 world leaders and attendance events. so, so attracted to rows of activists and along the urgency for global conservation efforts, british li, devoris johnson shipping in echoing the to sentiment warning of a possible doomsday scenario. he said, well, americans, joe biden admitted, it was ironic the despite the environmental agenda, he had recently called for opaque to increase. so production on the surface,
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it seems like an irony, but the truth of the matter is you've all known. everyone knows that the idea we're going to be able to move to renewable energy overnight and not have been from this moment on. not used oil or not use gas or not use hydrogen. it's just not rational . hey, pointed out his own corner didn't a there. let's go live to staple of the director of the u. k. center for migration and economic prosperity taking time to chat to us. you know, awkward, just a week or 2 ago, he's talking for a oil production to be increased and we've heard all about the energy dilemmas and in europe. and then of course, he's got to deal with all this isn't a, it's comp $26.00. it points out the hypocrisy, kevin, of the leaders in the western countries. so you're going to have to try and balance the demands of the green movement that he's saying they've got to move faster and quicker to 0 emissions on the reality that most people have to live in. and what we
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seen over the past few months here in the u. k and across europe. and now we're facing in the united states is huge, rises in prices for gas, electricity, and all the manufacturing of food products that are related to the energy increased costs. so he's not going to have to see the reality of what being net 0 energy cost and agree and environment means the real people, not just any countries, but also look across the rest of the world who is suffering to me because of these demands of the green movement, and america is the world laser, it says it wants to lead the way on this. but most people looking on, in fact, a lot of people looking on a lot of leaders around the world saying this is again another talking shop. these deadlines have been put back and put back in these noticing in 20 years time. the thought is that not enough is going to be done. and depending on who you listen to, it has to be done extremely quickly. now. well,
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the scientists for generations and said we've had to deal with things extremely quickly. now, of course, there is a need for us to be able to change the way that we use our energy be better in looking after our environments. but why many people are skeptical about the scientists? because when i was a child, i was told that would be no no ice left on the polar caps when i was 10 and i was 40 years ago. so the reality is that scientists have to work with the politicians and be reasonable and reactive to people who have to face the changes. millions of people are going to be unemployed, and industries and millions of people are going to see increases in crisis. and then across the globe in the poor countries, they're going to suffer more. is that going to be climate justice for them because we want to save as your previous report said. those people playing internet games
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or doing movies in the us? i don't think they will. i think there's going to be huge inequities because of what they got to tell you. we're hearing low lying countries like the old days, etc. they're going to disappear beneath the waves. so report the other day, even in britain, if you look at just 3040 years ahead, a lot of the places low lying places are going to disappear and learn the doped. they're going to be problems and subsidence, etc, etc. is the water tables rise? what is it going to take for worldly does all to really speak with one effective voice and get things done, or is the cost of all of us doing? not simply too much to take on. if you say job losses changing a way of life. i think it could be tremendously difficult for them actually, and what we'll end up doing is a major crisis. and in the major crisis, governments will come together. and the only way that they can succeed in trying to get to net 0, particularly in the west, will be a reduction in civil liberties for individuals as we impose more draconian rules on
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people and what they can or can't do. and we also have to bear in mind that we don't have enough infrastructure. there are 2 key facets that the world energy organization is as, as recognized that we have yet to factor in. the 1st is that the population of the world is going to increase by another 2500000000 in by 2050. what will it is literally a 60 the size of shown guy every 4 months. and the 2nd aspect is by 2040. we will probably have double the amounts of energy that we need in the world, and we just don't, if we're going green, no carbon, then we need more electricity and we just don't have it. a final one, judging by job buttons performance very did appear to be a mother, a resting his eyes, whatever it was for a few brief seconds yesterday. what would you give him out of 10 as a, as an approval rating for the ways leading the leading nation and leading the world in this charge against climate change. when you give him out of time,
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i think i think we've got to give him one for just turning up and, and to for not falling asleep completely. he isn't leaving the world on the environments and the green agenda. it's clear that he is just biting his time before he moves on. there is many in the us now recognize he's failing. he's failings in popularity. and actually his inability to be able to concentrate meetings now is really being recognized within his own camp. i think there are moves, particularly if tonight's gubernatorial virginia election goes to the republicans that people will seek to try moving on and allow the vice president to come in power next year before the november elections on the line from london. stay. well 1st said that migration economic prosperity, thank you for your thoughts. gloomy. i look is unable as hope. the sun will continue to shine for a while longer anyway, try and say, well, they're going to do doing now in 20506070. have a good day. thank you and you too. all right,
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no truck in this store is big one in the u. k. m, for the channel islands, for from, from, says president has delayed retaliatory measures against the u. k. for now, over the latest escalation in the long standing robot fishing rights, the issues become a stumbling point. after breakfast with london, that warning gets ready to take legal action against paris if it does not follow trade agreements that were reached last year. later on the twists and turns on this one then from sharla dubin ski. i'm not sure that a solution is in sight, but what we've seen for the moment is that the sanctions that have been threatened now by the french 4 weeks have at least been put on ice as more talks will take place at later this week. but i want to talk about the sanctions that have been threatened by france. they've talked about increasing the checks on vans and laurie's coming in to france. so customers checks. they talked about banding, british boats from offloading their catch here and from fishing in french waters. this even being talk about either increasing the price of electricity to the
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channel islands ought to be cutting that electricity supply off altogether. so these are very serious threats as both sides are accusing each other of being in the wrong here. but the u. k. foreign secretary list trust, these accusations, these threats have to stop, stop threatening a u. k. a fishing vessels stop threatening the channel ports and accept the we are entirely within our rights to allocate the fishing licenses in line with the trade agreement as we have done. now there has already been one person who has fallen foul of this fue, a casualty, that was a british trula that was detained by the french authorities last week. the french accusing the skipper of that trula of not having the right licenses to fish in french water for scallops. now, as a result, the boat was detained and we understand that the skipper, the spacing,
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those charges will appear in court next year if found guilty, could face a fine of up to $75000.00 euro. so, you know, that's no small beer when you're looking at what the results could be of this escalation of any tensions between the french and the brit over fishing licenses. now, france, once more license is, it says that the u. k. must provide these licenses under the withdrawal agreement for the briggs. it chord, the u. k says look, we're abiding by everything that we committed to. so neither side wanting to particularly stand down in this situation. those talks ongoing, but the fishermen who rely on being able to go to british waters to land their catch. that's french fitch men here they are just fed up with all of these delays. and only we have been in limbo regarding the issue of access to british waters, new jersey, in guernsey for 11 months now. i know very well the tactical maneuvers by both
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sides. everyone immediately beginning to flex their muscles. fishermen, however, do not want to live on benefits. they want to earn their own money. now, here in billings to mayor, which is frances largest fishing port fishing is a huge industry. it's not just about the fishermen who go out and want to fish in those british waters is also about the vendors and the knock on effect that that has on the economy of a port town like this. and we've been speaking to locals here. you said that they not only fully support the idea of sanctions, but they ready to blockade the port and of us because she that we should use it. i think it's very go to france and pose a sanctions and forbid the english to come here. because we have no rights and we don't even have anything to sell. i think our boats are ready to blog to port. it's necessary that the british give licenses to the french. i know they protect their own interests, but they need to stick to their commitments as fish mongers were unhappy because the british fish is always sell the most. it's around 80 percent overall. there's
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also an accusation from the british that this is a bit more than just about the fishing licenses. that this is about politics, particularly as ad there is a presidential election here in france in the next 6 months. although our president, my con, hasn't officially declared yet, it is expected that he will be seeking re election. and this is seen by many in the u. k as being his way of shoring up some support ahead of those it difficult election months. and that this is an issue, it's been used as a white, a political reason. we know that as shown cast acts, the french prime minister. he had written to the european union calling for the union to act more strongly against british. and also suggesting that this was a way of perhaps showing there would be briggs, etc, a type countries in the u. if they're thinking of doing the same that leaving the block is incredibly difficult. the talks though, on these fishing licensees, due to take place later this week, we'll wait for the results of that. but i would just say, given what we've heard over the last few months,
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neither is going to be likely to let the other off the hook very easily concurrent explosions reported a major hospital in the afghan capital kabul more than 20 people are said to been killed. 50 wounded in the attack as class happened at the hospital and transparently then a group of islamist militants, reportedly stormed into the facility. engaging in a shootout with security forces. no organization yet has come forward to say they were particularly behind the attack, but will keep you posted how to bring him on that in fact, in the next hour, back to the present. so it's coming out for the break. well this, we touched on it yesterday, we got some more in it. the holocaust memorial in berlin is meant to be a some reminder of the atrocities that happened decades ago. but apparently not for some members of the city police. they use it as an exercise bench will tell you about that and reaction to it. whether that
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ah to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race, his on offense, very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very political time. time to sit down and talk. blue, blue, blue. ah, ah, blue. with
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blue i o berlin's police chiefs apologize. then our for officers were photographed exercising on the cities holocaust memorial. these images, supposedly taken by said offices themselves show men in uniform doing pushups on the blocks of the memorial. their boss issued a strong response. this behavior by colleagues is a disregard for what dis, memorial stands for and does not correspond to the respect that must be shown to it . this undermines the remembrance of those who were matted. we talk to a holocaust researcher, he thinks education is the only way to prevent this kind of thing happening and
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that we have to teach at school. so when you burn a catch tails it's, you know, everybody gets horrified, but when you stand on something which is very sacrifice to another person, it's not and sanctified is imbedded in various ways. now they knew what they're doing. and the fact is that we are playing with fire radio. we are, you know, because if we're not doing the proper education to understand what is morality and was good and evil, the morality of us. 8 is stands for the fact that that evil show that when we are crossing a more a line in our classes and we know that we are doing, you know, story, a better reporter for us me. did john then be seized on ridicule for asking the
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secret service whether or not the let's go brandon phrase is a threat to president joe biden safety the journalist face to backup for some commentators. so as an attend to demonize, the anti biden slogan. i call to ask the secret service whether they consider joe biden emblazoned on an assault rifle to represent a security threat to the president, which i think is a reasonable question. the fact that a journalist and nbc doesn't understand how the 1st amendment works is a far greater threat than this engraving. can you provide any examples of times you contacted secret service during the trump administration? for similar threats? did you call the secret service? when de niro said that same thing about trump on national tv, which had exposure to tens of millions of people? this is the equivalence of calling 911 over, hurt feelings? absolutely. embarrassing. well, just in case you needed a reminder, the phrase let's go. brandon originates from a car right now, bama a reporter into viewing driver, brand and brand mistakenly,
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partly thought the crowd was chanting his name. oh, and in fact, there were shouting insults against joe biden. if he listenin, it kind of is obvious, but anyway, it's now widely used by the republicans to demonstrate that dissatisfaction with the president recently in american pilot to came on to scrutiny from his airline for signing off to passengers with a very catch phrase that led to a storm, a condemnation for the democrats and the mainstream media with calls for the pilot to be sacked. some said and analysts even compared the instant to his lam extremist making a statement in support of isis. as an experiment, i'd love for a south west air pilot to say, long live i says before taking off, my guess is that the plane would be immediately grounded, the pilot side, and a statement issued by the airline within a matter of hours. if someone said, i had to choose one tweet as a museum exhibit to illustrate the right of modern day corporate media, i actually might choose this one an x f b i agent. now, needless to say,
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employed by cnn equating a mildly crude anti biden's slogan with a loyalty pledge to isis the mainstream major apparently now try to shut down there . let's go. brandon mimi, and chugs, put previously a course when president donald trump was in office. similar language was frequently used in the media. jonas chadwick war believes those outlets, replying double standards, therefore, very jumps presidency. how many death threats did he get publicly from, from celebrities and from politicians start to violence. crickets, nothing. it's not that bad. conservatives are just over reacting to the line. they give somebody says, let's go branded other ph system and it's like all hell break. the double standards are not going away anytime soon. this is just the robi live and it's perfectly fine if you were to say black live matter or anything like that. that was supporting a leftist cause and also equally likely charged. but as soon as you expose yourself
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is not on that side. well, they're going to come per year, especially the media, and they're probably going to call you a terrors they, we should've seen this coming, of course, as soon as the media got rid of donald trump, course they're all against in the last election. the next step was to start coming after every day, people like this pilot, like anyone who voted for him, like anyone who supported him. and i think we're only going to be seeing more of this as a media sort of scramble for these billions that they need to continually down and destroy their lives. a national health service executives called on the u. k. government to delay its mandatory cobit vaccine policy for health care stuff till next year and says doing that will help the medical service get through the difficult winter period coming up. otherwise, he says the country risks in exodus of unvaccinated work is on a worsening stuff. shortage, we've got a very, very difficult winter coming up and we know the n h s is going to be a full stretch,
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so it makes sense to set that deadline. once that period has passed, if we lose very large numbers of m vaccinated staff, particularly over the winter period, then that also constitutes a risk to patient safety and quality of care. a comes as you keep her emetics raised fears of an unprecedented crisis facing the ambulance service with one local departments last week, even pleaded with the public to think twice before calling as there are simply not enough people to cover the workload. the u. k. governments also put the country troops on stand by to help if needed to, with the us with the n h s. and that could see them driving ambulances assisting vaccines and providing other general support to n h. s. hospitals. meantime, the u. k. health secretary on friday emphasize the safety and effectiveness of inoculation urging anyone who's eligible to get a boost, a job before winter. one doctor telling us though, that the vaccine issues just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to staff crisis affecting the national health service. there are reasons why people may choose not
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to get to vaccine. not necessarily because they don't believe in the vaccine book that may do the personal religious reasons or maybe other and personal health reasons. now, we should allow individuals to have the flexibility to exercise their rights. it's a tricky one, isn't because as a healthcare professional, i want everybody to have the vaccine, but i understand this decision is personally working in the area. just a moment. ease and exhausting. you get up early in the morning and you stay late until evening and you're not quite sure whether or not you're going to manage to work and continue to be safe. certainly by the middle of the day you're exhausted. so fatigued is difficult to make decisions and you worry that by the afternoon patients will not get high quality care. we simply don't have the workforce anymore to provide a safe service. and we have had a huge number of people, the dna chest, especially of the last year. i have thought about lenient chest. i think anybody tells you that when did the unit test,
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100 percent is probably lighting well researched by the health care workers foundation should almost 75 percent of and i chose staff have considered leaving within the past 12 months with nearly every 3rd health work is saying there was a strong likelihood they'd quit in the next year. dr. we heard from there once again sang the and i just needs the government to take real action as never before these government thinks they're doing and also help the n h s. i believe the government think the energy blanket that we take too much funding that we complain too much and we can probably give them all that was absolutely categorically wrong . the n h s is crumbling around us. we are all broken. we are all tired and we need the government to do all over the last 10 years if we had made a decent sustained. and the key part on carry, sustained investment in works is, could have been averted. but it's difficult to actually invest in keeping when
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you're not sure if the money is going to come the following year and year after. you can only buy short packets or can shorten. if you're not sure when he's going to come in the future. so the real problem that we have, lack of sustained promised investment, right? i know, leave you with this. nothing will, it's not nothing. it's a picture of the russian capital look closer through the gloom, autumn as well and truly landed today. look at that fog. i'm not, you can pick the see what's going on. we'll walk up to this in moscow, fog dense 12, blanketing the city, the a c declaring a yellow hazard level because of the poor visibility that effect on flight some of the rescheduled cancelled or sent elsewhere. driver's ross to be extra attentive for the best bit, was pedestrians revised to wear bright clothes. i shall leave you without murk. my name is kevin. oh, it. but with more in just over half an hour. thank you for watching our tea today. mm. mm
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hm. ah russia, this class of car was discontinued more than 20 years ago. even though say more than welcome in the world, the model will sort of if lucas with them for the purchase, it took 5 years to close the gap on the will car industry from the drawing board to the 1st finished model. skip sister will over my exit polls, key of dealing with my food ocean from a small school. well we'll shoot for almost a couple of cookie, the coastal where the pretty much it was to deal with commercial with.
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