tv News RT November 2, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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the census site, ah, ah, present potent pledges that russia will be carbon neutral? no later than 2060 in a message to delegates early this afternoon at the you and climate summit in scotland. as the west pushes for action of the cop 26 climate summit, we look at how they're ambitious plans might her nation's dependent though on fossil fuel and other news at an h. s. executive ones that mandatory vaccines for britain's healthcare stuff could spark an exodus of workers and put lives at risk and france delays. it's retaliatory measures described as the against the u. k. in a dispute over fishing rights of to london. threatened to take legal action. ah,
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oh hi there. good afternoon. my name's kevin o in his art international and i'm here for the next half hour with our latest 1st and the u. n. z climate. some it's got down to business in scotland with president potent endorsing rushes commitment to becoming a carbon neutral economy. no later than 2060 in support of global conservation efforts. but there was a lucia having set the task of building a carbon neutral economy. no later than 2060 russia is also relying on the unit resources of our forest ecosystems. enough for a significant potential for absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen will indeed, our country has about 20 percent of all the world's forest areas. nauseous and india. one of the world's biggest polluters is also set a target of becoming carbon neutral. the 2017, missing the summits, golden by 2 decades, into provenance is also us for more money to be told to developing countries for
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the transition to cleaner energy. tease has could tailor next looks at how complying with emission goals may not be that simple for nations heavily dependent still on fossil fuels. oh, $26.00 his hair and it's going to save us from doomsday. i will $100.00 wild need is a setting out their goals for the future and that big ones, stop deforestation, switch to renewables, 0 emissions an ohio electric nasty thing nature like a toilet we are digging our own grapes. humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. it's one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act. now, client change is already ravaged oral. we only have a brief window left for us to raise or our visions to raised me to task. sounds great. the question is, who pay the biggest price for all these politicians patches?
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it's easy for both chad and co to promise to turn off the light when they leave a room. but for others half way around the world, saying no to fossil fuels is a luxury. they just can't afford. if there is co will live. if there isn't any co would in not live one pass and eastern india that but over 4000000 others all over the country would likely agree. because that's how many people rely on coal to keep a roof over their heads and food on that pates. the issue goes well beyond india, though, the developing large a industrialization stage, then what we call one space, our time. we don't that they will not be able to lift their societies out of poverty called consumption. and all as a basis for the livelihood will remain a fact for some time. in fact, tens of developing countries have come together terrified of what the grand goals
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of 0 emissions made up by rich nations will mean for them. this new goal, which has been advanced, runs counter to the parish agreement, and is until i equity and against climate just demands for net 0 emissions. for all countries by 2050 will exacerbate further the existing inequities between developed and developing countries. it's not just didn't develop nations struggle as it is with fossil fuels. it's not just that millions of jobs will be lost so that millions will be plunged into poverty. now, it's also that these nations are asking, why are we paying for greedy gonzalez? far away? the top 10 percent of countries consume 20 times more energy than the bottom 10 percent. and 1100000000 sub saharan african share the same amount of power generation capacity. as germany's 83000000 people, video gamers and california consume more electricity than entire nations. you won't hear anything about that, a call 20 sex. and remember when times were tough,
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winter was coming, a gas was running low in europe. funny out, no one was shouting about being a doughty source of energy when they begged for the taps to be turned back on. but you will hear them say they won't finance fossil fuel projects in developing countries. why? because it's far away and won't affect whether that warm on a chilly december night. though if the budget can stretch, they might lend a helping hand to ease the pay. we want to do more to help countries around the world, especially developing countries, accelerate their crane energy transition, address pollution. sure. the world we all my share. a cleaner shafer healthiest plan and we have an obligation to help make no mistake. this is not a judgment on green energy. the goals of those guy that in glasgow are undoubtedly noble. but do the politicians so desperate to be seen as the leaders who saved the pan, it realized what that p. r friend,
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me slogans actually mean for millions of people far away. and even if they did what they do anything differently. there are some countries are actually have small populations but are consuming a lot of energy and getting a lot of capital. carbon people, chrissy all around, most of the rich countries. it's not clear that they are really going to be themselves of it from coal. and i don't think that they are very realistic targets will not much. the 2015 batteries accord targets. yes. so i think there's a lot of bluffing going on here, and i don't be a lot of the, you know, the commitments are the pledges being made by rich countries with over a 100 world ladies and attendance events also attracted droves of activists underlying the urgency for global conservation efforts, british friendly bars, johnson shipping into, of course, echoing that sentiment warning, in fact, of a possible doomsday scenario. while america's joe biden. again, of course,
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chipping it, admitting it was run, it could despite his environmental agenda recently be calling for the old producing carts, l, opec to increase production on the surface. it seems like an irony, but the truth of the matter is you've all known. everyone knows that the idea we're going to be able to move to renewable energy overnight and not have and from this moment, not use oil or not use gas or not use hydrogen, is just not rational. it is hypocritical, of course, of many of those who are supporting the agenda to have a net 0 policy to then say that we need to have the fossil fuel industry is just the politicians are not being honest with the people in the next 2 weeks as the negotiators remain in glasgow, they will come out with a communique that suggests something positive has been achieved. but my biggest fear is that they won't be a massive move from the paris accord as most people have wanted. and i think
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this will be a time when politicians have failed to achieve those big goals. controversial climate arguments go to tomb burgles. so they're believing is good to stare of anger amongst his supporters before this had to keep them resolute and taking to the streets to protest for a cause. she said that the b, b. c. in a recent interview. as long as no one gets hurt and as long as you know, then i think sometimes you need to anger. some people, like for instance in the school strike movement would never have been. so would never have become so big if, if there wasn't friction, if some people didn't get off while there has been a waiver demonstrations amid the un climate summit in the clouds good this week with drugs of activists blocking roads as they demand world leaders stick to the agenda, in fact, acting on advice by credit to berg. we are people down in london, what they sort of the methods i just think those tactics alienate people won't get
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even thinking it's always a good opportunity to an option to so we really care about the world. but i think you also have to understand the other side of a people as well. things should be a balance within reactions and also which kind of impact does it have to be everyday people you have to use these 3 methods. sometimes i don't think it's a way to solve the problem in a way that's not the way to protest. i agree what they being tried to find a way to solve the problem that could be seen. they could to do to get their support of the liquid costs because i've got more people that making a change. a british national health service executives called on the government to delay it's mandatory cove. it vaccine policy for health care stuff until next year says the delay will help with medical service, therefore get through
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a very difficult winter period coming up. otherwise he says the country risks in exodus of unvaccinated work is a deepening stuff. shortage. we've got a very, very difficult winter coming up and we know the n h s is going to be a full stretch, so it makes sense to set that deadline. once that period has passed, if we lose very large numbers of him, vaccinated staff, particularly over the winter period, then that also constitutes a risk to patient safety and quality of care. it comes as u k. paramedics res, fears of an unprecedented crisis facing the ambulance service with one local department last week, even pleading with the public, a think twice before calling as there is simply not enough people to cover the workload. the u. k. governments also put the countries troops on stand by to help may be with the n h s coat through that winter season. they could be carrying out task like driving ambulances assisting with vaccines or any other number of general hospital tasks that need to be done. meantime,
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britton's health secretary of stress the safety and effectiveness of inoculation, urging anyone eligible to get their boost a job before winter on dr. telling us though, that the vaccine issue is just one and a chess staffing problem. there are reasons why people may choose not to get vaccine, not necessarily because they don't believe in the vaccine book that may do the personal religious reasons or the may beulah and personal health reasons. now we should allow individuals to have the flexibility to exercise their rights. it's a tricky one, isn't because as a health care professional, i want everybody to have the vaccine. but i understand this decision. yeah. personally working in the area just at the moment, ease and exhausting. you get up early in the morning and you stay late until evening and you're not quite sure whether or not you're going to manage to work and continue to be safe. certainly by the middle of the day you're exhausted. so fatigue is difficult to make decisions and you worry that by afternoon patients
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will not get high quality care. we simply don't have the workforce anymore to provide a safe service. and we have had a huge number of people who dna just especially of the last year. i have thought about lenient chest. i think anybody tells you that when did the unit just 100 percent is probably lighting. well that doctor's thoughts and i could buy this research by the health care workers foundation showing over 75 percent of and i chose stuff have considered leaving within the past 12 months with nearly every 3rd health worker saying there was a strong likelihood they quit in the next year, dr. d negate, again, ab saying that the n a chest needs the government right now to take real action as never before. elisa goodman thinks they're doing and also to help the n h. s. i believe the government think the and i just is blanket that we take too much funding that we complain too much and then we can probably give them all that is absolutely categorically wrong. then
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a chess is crumbling around us. we are all broken. we are all tired and we need the government to do all over the last 10 years. if we had made a decent, sustained, and the key higher point carry sustained investment in were folks, this could have been averted, but it's difficult to actually invest in keeping p when you're not sure if the money is going to come the following year and year after you can only buy short packets of can short term if you're not sure that the money is going to come in the future. so the real problem that we have lack of sustain promised investment in other needs today, francis presidents, delayed retaliatory measures against the u. k. over the latest escalation in a long standing row on fishing rights, the strike in the channel islands to the issues become a stumbling point, self to breaks it with london. now warning is ready to take legal action against paris. if it does not follow trade agreements reached last year, shall do ben ski reports. i'm not sure that a solution is inside,
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but what we've seen for the moment is that the sanctions that have been threatened now by the french 4 weeks have at least been put on ice, is more talks will take place at later this week. but i want to talk about the sanctions that have been threatened by france. they've talked about increasing the checks on vans and laurie's coming in to france. so customs checks they talked about banding. british boats from offloading their catchy and from fishing in french waters. this even being talk about either increasing the price of electricity to the channel islands ought to be cutting that electricity supply off altogether. so these are very serious threats as both sides are accusing each other of being in the wrong here. but for the u. k. foreign secretary list trust, these accusations, these threats have to stop, stop threatening a u. k. a fishing vessels stop threatening the channel ports and accept the we are
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entirely within our rights to allocate the fishing licenses in line with the trade agreement as we have done. now there has already been one person who has fallen foul of this fue, a casualty, that was a british trula that was detained by the french authorities last week. the french accusing the skipper of that trula of not having the right licenses to fish in french water for scallops. now was the result. the boat was detained and we understand that the skipper whose facing those charges will appear in court next year, if found guilty, could face a fine of up to $75000.00 euro. so, you know, that's new small beer when you're looking at what the results could be of this escalation of any tensions between the french and the brit over fishing licenses. now, france, once more license is, it says that the u. k. must provide these licenses under the withdrawal agreement for the briggs. it chord, the u. k says look,
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we're abiding by everything that we committed to. so neither side wanting to particularly stand down in this situation. those talks ongoing. but for fishermen who rely on being able to go to british waters to land their catch, that's french fitch men here they are just fed up with all of these delays. and only we have been in limbo regarding the issue of access to british waters, new jersey, in guernsey for 11 months. now. i know very well the tactical maneuvers by both sides. everyone immediately beginning to flex their muscles. fishermen, however, do not want to live on benefits. they want to earn their own money. now here in billings to mayor, which is frances largest fishing port fishing is a huge industry. it's not just about the fishermen who go out and want to fish in those british waters is also about the vendors and the knock on effect that that has on the economy of a port town like this. and we've been speaking to locals here. you said that they
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not only fully support the idea of sanctions, but they ready to blockade the port and of us to see that we should use it. i think it's very good to france and pose a sanctions and forbid the english to come here. because we have no rights and we don't even have anything to sell. i think our boats are ready to blog to port. it's necessary that the british give licenses to the french. i know they protect their own interests, but they need to stick to their commitments as fish mongers were unhappy because the british fish is always sell the most. it's around 80 percent overall. there's also an accusation from the british that this is a bit more than just about the fishing licenses. that this is about politics, particularly as ad there is a presidential election here in france in the next 6 months. although our president, my con, hasn't officially declared yet, it is expected that he will be seeking re election. and this is seen by many in the u. k as being his way of shoring up some support ahead of those it difficult election months. and that this is an issue that spin used as
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a wider political reason. we know that as shown cast acts, the french prime minister. he had written to the european union calling for the union to act more strongly against the british. and also suggesting that this was a way of perhaps showing other would be briggs, etc, a type countries in the u. if they're thinking of doing the same that leaving the block is incredibly difficult. the talks though, on these fishing licensees, due to take place later this week, we'll wait for the results of that. but i would just say, given what we've heard over the last few months, neither is going to be likely to let the other off the hook very easily. sharla davinsky, they watching out international coming out when we're back, we're on to this one, a top cybersecurity firm point, so the growing online black market for counterfeit vaccination certificates. stay with us. you'll find out more ah
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wow. you know, things are, of course, playing honestly been protecting they would, we've got the very central banks putting on their kabuki costumes and getting ready to go out on stage and perform their ritualistic nod to the need to raise rates, followed by their ritualistic denial that they are able to raise rates, followed by massive quantitative easing. money printing and hyperinflation. once again. oh boy, it gets so entertaining. driven by a dreamer shaped by those in me dares
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thing. we dare to ask me o. moscow based subscription from cas burskey lab says there's been a sharp rise in the supply of counterfeit coven vaccination certificates on the web with the being offered for and $300.00 apiece. the choice of the country and manufacturer astrazeneca 5 johnson and johnson mcdonough. we've seen this market developed a lot during the spring and the same time when we have in different criminals trying to sell vaccines and licks and certificates as well. so for now, we just the, the new, a fucking of all the cameras who are just people who have nothing and they're just
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going online in some underground firms market something i will sell you anything you want, including certificates included in vaccination, those us, whatever. and there are just trying to convince people to give them money and there was like, not a lot of ways to track them physically because they're accept payments and carmen to some they're using private transfer communications. well yeah, we're reiterating what he said the, the amount of met sellers continues to rise across the globe and it can be difficult to track them because they're often paid encrypted currency. sperski lab telling us more scholars are always on the look at. they say for an easy target, main thing that we are highlighting and least research. she there is no way to check whether they said criminals or just cameras, horror trying to take money from,
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from the victims and given nothing back. or they're actually having a way to found these kind of certificates doing users on the risk. we should remember that these kind of commerce and some criminals, whatever they're always trying to take advantage of the current situation in the world. and they're always trying to steal or to get money from victims. so that's our for, let's say new tea just to view hands up for the general public and say, hey, there is something going on wrong. please be aware will be secure. more than 20 people reported killed and schools more wounded up to gum, foreign explosions and a major hospital in the africa and capitol earlier the last time that the entrance to hospital in a group of islamist milton's party stormed the facility. and then there was a shooter with security forces for the militants were reportedly killed. one captured, no one's officially come forward yet to say that behind it particular organization
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. one local journalist for this, for us. a few moments ago there were 2 major bomb explosions and the sorry of cabal. eye witnesses say, one blast was just outside the hospital. while the 2nd one was inside the hospital . at this moment we do not have a confirm number of casualties. but these eye witnesses say they saw dead bodies and a large number of injured civilians and interior ministry spokesperson is confirmed . the 2 bombs went off. this treat has been closed by the taliban authorities and no one is allowed to the crime scene. other eye witnesses said there was an exchange of fire after the bloss and we have seen military helicopters flying over the area. joe biden is declining popularity. ratings has done to hurt his party with the democrats now struggling in a governor election race for the state of virginia, where biden had one in a landslide just a year ago. corresponding caleb caleb opens, got the latest on it. as the us state of virginia moves to elect its next governor,
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things are more interesting than usual. the democrats are looking to secure their position in a state that is not solidly in their camp. republicans are looking to swing a victory, hoping to set the stage for retaken congress in the mid term elections. not even a year ago, joe biden won the state by over 10 points. but now or republican is the front runner in the race for governor. a lot can change in just a few months, left liberal progressive agenda that's been trying to take over our day shouldn't take over the commonwealth of virginia is absolutely being rejected by virginia. it is joe by that has the democrats on the defensive is afghan, pull out and vaccine mandates have not been a big hit with the virginia public. lot republicans are split over the benefit of having donald trump indoors their candidate. we get along very well together and strongly believe in many of the same policies, especially when it comes to the important subject of education. biden certainly
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thinks a trump connection is a vote loser. i ran against donald trump. terry is really good on that kind of don't from the virginia election is turning into a battle field of ideas and proxy war between 2 american political super powers. republicans are wrapping up the outrage about critical race theory in schools. vaccine mandates and an assault on america's traditional values. democrats are pushing stability reforms and financial support. they are emphasizing that their guy has more experience and they say populism is very dangerous. there have been a few cheap tricks on anti trump. roop staged a mock white supremacy rallying republicans are being accused of distorting the conversation around critical race theory pandering to racism. whoever ends up in
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governor the lesson will be just as much about how us political discourse is changing. and where are these heated words and big divisions will ultimately lead if the democrats lose this election, they may take it as a harbinger of some very bad things to happen during the mid term elections next year. there are certainly many a democratic candidates for office next year who are going to be looking very nervously at the impact that the president's ratings are having. the president biden has not proved to be a particularly popular president. he was never going to be popular with republicans, but even among democrats, i think many of them are looking at him as not a particularly effective leader. that many of his public policies are not nearly as popular as he might have anticipated. now, many people, the united states tend to both party as opposed to individual at what might have been much more focus on the local aspects of elections for the united states. house
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of representatives more and more, i think people are starting to look at these as basically elections that are essentially national elections. finally pictures all, nothing. no, that's not nothing. what is, well that is the russian capital this morning. looming in the gloom, the autumn. well, and truly landing, we just want to show these pictures pretty. they do come out. you see it's something called radiation fall, none of the nucleotide but tech to see ground fog, in other words, and it was really sick today. most divides were told to drive carefully where break close affected blocks of air travel as well. we thought we'd leave you that. that's where we're speaking for moscow. thank you for watching our channel, our to international mux and co a. here after the break, the latest cars report color breath to that, kevin. oh, in a great evening, me.
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ah. with it's been 30 years since the soviet union collapsed in miss couple other literature . well, the want to what the annual talk, so shown where you also trust them with all of them. ukraine was one of the independent states that emerge from the ruins of the super bowl. i'm doing awesome . good. would you also get on the ball greens? come a little more surely confusing. some of the i can last new lucian, west india, better one more law, a finish for a new company who watch at the past 3 decades. been likely ukraine. eye witnesses recall the events. this will be more or less of judiciary
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with what i knew to know if that order. i'm not sure but it be about 4 months with no idea what else, what other forces were at play? you have to do so to whom you show engine mushy. in you put in the kid what it would occur when you did the shows up in the version only. take a look at ukraine. 30 years out the gaining independence organism, your phone with us. unless you mean like unity recorded live, but a will. it could be issue, you must or no problem. ah, patty, this is max kaiser. this is the casa report. wow. you know, things are,
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of course, playing out as we've been protecting. they would. we've got the very central banks putting on their kabuki costumes and getting ready to go out on stage and perform their ritualistic nod to the need to raise rates, followed by their ritualistic denial that they are able to raise rates, followed by massive quantitative easing. money printing ann hyperinflation. once again. oh boy, it gets so entertaining. yes, ma'am. that sounds very spooky. and it's probably because everybody spooked perhaps because of halloween, perhaps because of the data coming out that even that that, that data, the signals can't be hidden. suddenly hawkish, bank of canada and q e moves rate hikes forward, one year in 2 year yields spike spooked by inflation not being temporary. also spoofed is that the fed because g d p growth is only up 2 percent. and the 3rd.
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