tv News RT November 3, 2021 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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with the consequences today ah, an unprecedented new low relations between france and astray, take a plunge after a leak of a text message from president micron on the console submarine dale surfaces. also this, our whistle blow report and the british medical journal claim through a serious flaws in fire is co with vaccine testing procedures and indifference by the us officials and the legal victory for big pharma and potentially a disaster for the millions, addicted to opioids, a california court rules, the drug companies did not contribute to the epidemic prescription medicine. in this state, we speak to one of the victims. here we are years later knowing what we know. and we're still unable in courts, ah, to provide these families with, with some kind of justice for loved ones that they've lost or loved ones that are
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still struggling. it's a, it's, it's, it's a travesty. ah, oh i good morning. you what she auntie international, where she's gone 10 o'clock here in moscow. now relations have taken a further down turn between australia and france with paris saying their counterparts are using in elegant methods. i. this comes after m. s. m. s. messages discussing the french australia submarine agreement and attributed to president micron were leaked to the press france. now it says that the whole thing is a stab in the back to the seat was intentional. and because there was far more at stake and providing submarines because it was a common agreement on sovereignty. sealed was a transmission of highly classified debtors. the way it was ended was plainly as
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tab in the back. okay, well let's had see where paris nag at the latest on this with our correspondent that charlotte bids in charlotte. iraq is not going away. is it under france? clearly angry at this latest development? well, this situation has gone from bad to well, a nuclear. this has been unraveling now. this relationship between france nostrils . ever since we found out that australia was pulling the plug on a deal at paris had once described as being the deal of the century, the sale of the century to build a fleet of supper. rene's now paris at the time said that when australia announced that that deal, it had the plug pulled from it, and instead it was going to, i had already signed a deal with the united states, the u. k. and canada, paris said it didn't know anything about that. even a few days ago,
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president mack on was pretty clear that the him, the australian, a prime minister scott morrison had lied about the whole situation. i do see when, when we have recent, you have to be, do you have to behave in mine and consistently with i don't think i know the statements that were my questioning, astride his integrity and the slurs that had been placed on australia. i'm not going to call that on behalf of the strident i can deal with whatever people throw at me. but australia has a proud record or when it comes to our defense capability. now there's a saying that people in glass houses shouldn't throw rocks and australia is clearly fuming over those comments by president mack on so much so that power is the government is leaked in alleged exchange or text that mack consent to morrison a few days before that a deal had been appalled and now that tax suggesting that present micron,
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the eliza in there for the french government actually did have an inkling that this a deal this submarine deal was about to go under, which is very different from what we have heard from paris over the last month or so in regards to this. and if you thought that things couldn't get any worse, well, you would be wrong. in this instance. that leak has seen paris push the red button with a french ambassador, really naught. mincing his words over his views of australia's prime minister. so it is an unprecedented new law in terms of how to proceed. and also in terms of truce and trust you dont be able exists on
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personal exchanges. of leaders were lice. but babies gesture confirmation that we were never seen as an ally. france is clearly augusta idea that the government of australia or officials would leak messages at between 2 heads of state. i an idea that just as completely baffled, shocked at disgusted. the officials here in france now this dispute could set to cause even further problems or in the future. as we know, australian, the european union are due to have talks over tre. they've already been postponed. as a result of this issue over that as submarine fleet. and the plug being pulled on that french contract, and i guarantee if those trade talks go ahead that they'll be a new rift. and this time it will be between paris and brussels. okay, thanks. i charlotte, charlotte pinsky. there are from pars now the british medical journal has published
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a whistleblower report claim. there were series flores and phases cobit vaccine trials last year. the research behind the claim says that she was fired the same day. she raised her concerns and also says that u. s. authorities refusing to investigate artesia because you donna has more details. so all these revelations they have been published at the british medical journal, a very respected science paper. not some tabloid, that has a history or well is known for publishing some unverified information. and so that article it details the allegations of a whistle blow of a woman who used to be part used to be with a contractor with a company called ventana. so what does this vin tarver your firm has anything to do with the pfizer and it's vaccine you might ask? so it all goes back to the 3rd phase of clinical trials on the vaccine. some might
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argue that it's the most important phase. so pfizer to do the these trials, it hired a number of firms and a number of contractors. and so these contracted companies, they were responsible for the, for the trials in total phases, vaccine was tested on more than $40000.00 subjects. in fact, the numbers closer to 44000 and this vin ta via firm was responsible to conducting trials on about a 1000 of people. and so this whistleblower, she claims that she has observed some negligence. some are well, some violations during those trials. for example, according to the allegations, participants were placed in a hallway after that receiving the job. so instead of getting proper medical attention, they were somewhere in the hallway on top of that, she's accused batavia of a lack of timely follow up on patients who showed some severe symptoms which could be interpreted as well. side effects of the vaccine that they're using. the word or
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the british medical journal is using the word adverse events in relation to the symptoms to these will potential side effects also protocol deviations. we're not being reported according to the allegations. the vaccines were apparently not stored at proper temperatures, and this is crucial for 5 for the 5 the vaccine because, well, it has to be stored it a very particular temperature, very low temperature. and this is something that makes the transportation of this vaccine, particularly challenging. also on the whistleblower reported mislabeled laboratory specimens and apparently vent avia targeted those members of staff who will try to blow the whistle and try to bring to light these are, these discrepancies are these instances and the. 2 whistleblower is saying that she was victim over such targeting that she was fired after she tried to bring to light these allegations. so when, according to her,
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the company or when these allegations 1st fell on deaf ears within the company, she assembled them. she put them together and sent them all to the da, the u. s. agency, a governmental body responsible for giving the approval for the emergency use of a vaccine. and this is the response she got. have a list. within hours, jackson received an e mail from the if da, thanking her for her concerns, and notifying her that the f. d. a could not comment on any investigation that might result. a few days later, jackson received a call from an f da inspector to discuss her report, but was told that no further information could be provided. she heard nothing further in relation to her report. well, given what we've just heard, it could have been world seen as an optimistic sign for this whistleblower. you know, company, the old brother, the abdi a getting back to her the very same day. and obviously she comes across as a very concerned person. and on top of that, all of this happened in september last year, which is important because that's before 5,
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the phases vaccine got the approval of the of the a so well. so the only logical assumption that would be is that the of the i will look into these claims address them and well make a decision whether or not they were important are bud, are in december, same year with the price of vaccine god. oh god, the well it, it was recognized, it was recommended for emergency use by the, of the 8 and the of the a did not address any of the allegations have listened to the or to, apart from the article in the british medical journal. been phases, briefing documents submitted to an f da advisory committee meeting held on the 10th of december 2020, to discuss visors application for emergency youth authorization of its cove at night in vaccine. the company made no mention of problems at the vent, obvious site. the next day, the fda issued the authorization of the vaccine. we have of course reached out to pfizer entire via our, the as the opposed to well,
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to find out their opinion on this as to may be why they believe that these claims should be, should they should be taken into account that there are unimportant, but we're still to hear back from then or from them and are well, i guess the only are the only logical outtake from the story would be listened to your doctor before. well, you know, putting anything in your body. when we spoke to reading, he university. my tray biologist, doctor simon clark about this, and he is concerned that the allegations could actually lower the public's trust in the vaccine. the biggest problem, the potential problem with, with this article, the bridge medical journal would affects or could affect public confidence in the vaccines when really should a mistake to happen. but it's important to, to, to acknowledge that when you know mistaken happens, you recall to new, acknowledge it and deal with it. this could happen with any bad said no, just actually people should remember that many,
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many millions of people around the world, this axis. and it's effective and it's yes, america's reputation on the world stage suffering apparently with widespread negative views of its democratic processes as well as its health care system. that's according to a recent survey conducted in 17 countries. it does say that almost 50 percent do believe the us health care system is below average, while 18 percent. consider it the worst among developed nations and almost 40 percent believe the u. s. government didn't handle the k with crisis. well enough, when we talk to ex congressman from paul, who believes that the problem with the us health care system is that it's under the influence of big corporations. been made much, much worse with a pandemic. because i think all the policy is essentially we're sensually wrong. on this walk down business and spending all this money and interfering with the practice of medicine, punishing people who wanted to have
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a debate on the care like we have for ever. so it's that it has made it much, much worse, and it's going to get much worse to if we don't release the freedom that the doctors need, but you can't let the corporations run most. now, most doctors work for corporation, they're not independent. i was totally independent. my patients and i made all the decision, but that's not the case. now what we have now is a corporate state. corporations are very, very powerful of they influence it. so it's not the people really voting. it's really the corporations that run things, so the corporations run medicine. they run the military industrial complex, they run all our schools now. so we're a long way off from what people think is democracy. know we're a long way off from freedom. we have now a reflection of democracy because the people with a lot of money and control the monetary system. so no, we deserve a lot of that criticism. but it's, it's, it's, unfortunately
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a whole philosophy of government that has come out of our universities teaching this corporatism. the more in a victory for drug companies, a california judge has rule that for manufacturers can't be held responsible for the states opioid crisis. he says there's no evidence that the rise in prescriptions was down to misleading marketing and it's thought the ruling could set a precedent for similar cases. in other states, we got the thoughts of j bradshaw who became addicted to the pills he was prescribed. it sets a very dangerous precedent and more importantly, as it sat, this is, this is becoming in america. very common knowledge that companies like for do pharma. sat around a board room table and made a decision to target blue collar areas in america. areas like southern ohio, eastern kentucky, west virginia because they knew that their new powerful prescription opioid would
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flourish. their well, the case was the 1st drug company has one in over 3000 draw suits. and it was filed over a crisis, which had claimed the lives of half a 1000000 people in the us in 20 years. the previous administration, in fact, declared a nationwide emergency after the number of deaths from an opioid overdose rose 6 times in the united states. and 2020 alone, more than $9000000.00 paperwork, victims of pure misuse, including teenagers and adults, majority of which were prescribed medicine, mostly pain relievers. jake branch who are again says the court ruling leaves the vulnerable with no justice. i can remember being 1718 years old and having a very minor injury and you know, being prescribed 40 milligrams of oxy cotton for injuries like that there's and i don't think there is a government or a doctor or any medical professional who would call that reasonable we've got
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millions of people whose lives have been affected by this. here we are years later knowing what we know. and we're still unable in courts to provide these families with, with some kind of justice for loved ones that they've lost or loved ones that are still struggling. it's a, it's, it's, it's a travesty washing out international nice still to come this out. the vote serene and the republic convict tree in the us state of virginia does look increasingly likely that is seen to as a marker for the midterm elections next year. we'll break it down from just after the break blue. ah ah, is you'll media a reflection of reality
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? isolation, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being that somewhere? direct. what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. in
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the hello again now promises to protect the earth's forests. ambitious goals of met 0 by 2050 and giving cash to south africa to help prevent its reliance on coal. the un climate summit in scotland, right? she the same to save the planet with britain's prime minister to boris johnson taking the lead. although that said the u. k. hasn't held back on fossil fuel projects because a recent report does reveal that around 40 plans are seeking approval in the u. k. in the next 4 years, which if approved are said to nearly triple the countries yearly greenhouse gas emissions, and there's not going to speak to over. i propose new coal mine in northwest england was. boris johnson says he doesn't support but insists it's not up to him. to do with it, he's rally has more tons of being explored for the 1st coal mine to be opened in
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the u. k. in 30 years here in the coastal town of white haven in northwest england . just a 140 miles north from here, the cop 26 summit in glasgow is in full swing. the u. k is of course, hosting that summit. the critic say it sends out the completely wrong message for the hosts to be giving the green light to this coal mine. while at the same time preaching the green message to the rest of the world, the u. k. government has decided not to intervene with the plans of opening and brand new english coal mine. this really shows the true meaning of so called net 0 . 2050. these leg insufficient targets long into the future basically mean nothing to day. but contrary to what some make spect given phase or the potential air pollution, the locals are quite happy to have it. many of them think it could spark a much needed economic revival to step forward, really for technology and everything else. the mind should go ahead. it will be mind in the safest, cleanest grayness where it can possibly be done the same as it is. use your money,
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nadia. and i know for many, many years now it's all gone. we journey jobs, indiana. notice a line until it's here, the prototypes that are coming in as well to assist and also educate to the kids in a very deprived area of the okay. and that's what's needed to drive the future to drive education and support the kids. a local campaign is in support of the mind, say that coaching coal, which is used to manufacture steel rather than generate energy, is being unfairly maligned by green activists. this is just another piece to the puzzle is green, greenly we. we are an environmental area. we understand what the problems are. well, there's no denial. if there's an issue that is a problem. we've got nuclear, we've got winds, we've got a high job that will be common to someplace in the future. and thankfully, if we get this my going as a will be say him a coca cola from over there. is that transport it from america?
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which is couldn't we? what was it on to think that john cutty seldom is that we shouldn't open him. i went by in all the coal of it. it's a bit of political west cumbria mining. the company in charge argues that the project will be the world's 1st net 0 metallurgical coal mine in the world. ministers of argued in favor of the project from an economic perspective, as well as an environmental one to a very small, as i understand quite specialist for form of coal that's being that would be produced there on we'll have a negligible impact ons of the global coal usage, we need to transition our existent oil and gas sector to a d carbon ice platform. what others want to see is a complete eclipse and shutting down of oil and gas with 250000 jobs vanishing overnight. the u. k. government on the pressure from climate groups intervened and ordered an inquiry by a planning inspector local may refutes any objections. however, saying coaching call from the mind would drive forward green energy project. he
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also insists that the projects will revive the local economy off the curve. it, ma'am, i think you could look at the united kingdom as a whole family responsible for just all the one percent of the entire world, carbon emissions on this. mine will british sponsible from north point one percent of that one percent. the mine will have a huge positive economic impact on the, on the area. eci, i chuckle, meant investment issues. private money coming in. are you talking 160000000 pound into to what's a relatively small community that will create 500 direct jobs that are with the spin off of 1500 supply chain jobs that will transform people's lives in this area to inquire results the jew at the end of the year, well after the climate debate has moved elsewhere, bars, johnson said at cop $26.00 that he didn't support the opening of the mind. but that he would leave it to the planning committee to decide an indication, perhaps,
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of his own desire to not get dragged into a route with a local community desperate for the area once again to see if he could make regeneration these early all tea in white haven cumbria, where we spoke and environmental journalist and whether the british government is sticking to its green initiatives and pledges to drop fossil fuels. u. k. president of copies seriously undermined by the government phone actions in the united kingdom. government has agreed that it will not fund new fossil fuels by itself. however, as deem united kingdom, financial industry. and the financial industry globally will be able to continue to invest in sulfur chills, investment by the united kingdom in global fossil fuels amongst to 15 percent of global investments. and that's where the united kingdom record is really terrible. in that it's center for global finance for fossil fuels. so this is after for our credibility of president of the comp time, it's
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a fear that the chilling description of life inside the u. k. national broadcast the b b. c. from the latest investigation by the daily mail, the newspaper spoke to several employees including a former senior bbc manager. they say that doing journalism is a challenge where you have to look over your shoulder. we're fighting our own culture wall in the corporation. you live with the realization that if i put a foot wrong, the mob will descend. that is a huge level of fear within the organization with people thinking that the going to be the next to get monster. when a sort of calm, the forecasting regulatory body, they're afraid of. but internal soft networks, he filled the holden to the climate of what it is. i'm getting the p c. valid rights. not only a story is being changed or adapted, but sama partly even being dropped. but why does it leave the state forecast as journalism? hern free presses a whole?
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this is a night man will and very, very bodily for the bbc. literally there are people who think we should stop bunning words, they don't like him biling viewpoints. they don't like. there are lots of things we hear in journalism that we don't agree with that that's the whole bloody point, isn't it? while the baby see says it's editors have a responsibility to st. diversity of opinion. it's a slippery site for some janice, who fear this so called mob rule if they got it wrong. take last month example where it publish an article, suggesting a handful of lesbians felt pressured into sex by some trans women. well, 20000 people signed an open letter calling on the bdc to apologize dubbing it transposed big and poorly evidenced was to be received most or was that b, b, c, misrepresenting the facts. well, the v b c journalist behind the very story apparently had to fight like hell against internal opposition to get it published. so surely they must have seen something coming, but have editorial lines to come from black. now that the beat may ends up like the
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new york times, with some even quitting the channel for goods. stories had chosen and tall in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences. rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world. and then draw their own conclusions. my own forays into wrong thing have made me the subject of constant bowling by colleagues who disagree with my views. they have called me and as he and arrest janice, of course, have a duty to be impartial, sensitive and respectful. but when it comes to identity politics, the cultural war means whatever journalists say or do they all think, can't get it right. as they will always offend someone somewhere. but we're discuss the situation with u. k. journalist and broadcast nil clark. he says that the purpose of journalism is always been to show all sides of the story, not just the pleasing one. my job as a reporter is to basically park away to one side, my political views, my views,
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social hues, whatever and report what is happening and report the story. and in that case, large of it, you get your wide range of opinions. when you put the film together, all your or your documentary together and i think that distinctions been lost and that's the problem with this ultra woke goodness is that there are these issues where there is no consensus. a lot of the time, it's almost like it's a case now. well, no, you can't have that opinion. that's outside the parameters. things of train. britton's changed and you shouldn't have to reflect that, that we really need to have put, you know, the, the widest possible opinions out there, and not seek to, to, to restrict our coverage, basically only taking only taking the 1. 1. accounting is almost finished in the u . s state of virginia where a vote for governor could indicate have democrats school fair in next year's midterm elections. and with 99 percent of the results were ready in it does look like the republican candidate, glenn young kin, will claim victory with more. his caliber copy,
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that seems to be how media is projecting at this point. it looks pretty clear that glen young can is going to be the winner of the race in virginia. now we're still waiting for the final tally the votes and it has certainly tightened in the last several hours. but at this point, it would be nothing short of a miracle that would have the republican candidate lose to the democrat terry mcauliffe. it looks like glen young can is the winner, and this is quite an upset on the state of virginia where they are voting on the governor. this is considered to be somewhat in the democratic camp. it's a not completely solidly in the democratic camp of lot northern virginia and other areas are strongholds of democratic party support. however, that starting to change this year, largely because of the biden administration, as biden has been an office. so we've seen inflation, we've seen very unpopular coven vaccine mandates. we've seen the unpopular
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withdrawal and the chaos that resulted from pulling out of afghanistan. and all of this has impacted jo biden's approval ratings. at this point a joe biden only has 42 percent of the u. s. public that say he's doing. ready a good job. meanwhile, 71 percent of americans say that the country is not moving in a good direction. and a new poll among democrats as them saying they're more likely to take the white house in 2024. if they drop joe biden from the ticket and select a new candidate rather than having him run for reelection. now, there have been other close races around the country in new jersey. the republican is doing very well and a state that is generally considered to be a stronghold for the democrats in this all seems to point to the biden administration's failures, the biden administration is crashing and burning. it seems. and it's only another year until we have
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a mid term elections that will deter and the faith on capitol hill and the house and the senate. so people are wondering what this night will mean for the biden administration, as it's a pretty poor showing for the candidates who are aligned with a good night for the g o. p. i've been reporting that so that brings you up to date with all the nice i thought, hey, we're not a yeah, this wednesday. don't forget that we've got a website for the storage to and is a ways he can find that article ah ah, a .
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