tv News RT November 4, 2021 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT
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ah ah, key researcher for the infamous steel dossier on trump, russia ties, has been arrested in the u. s. on false testimony, charges hymns amid a probe into the real reasons beyond a major investigation into alleged collusion between the 2 police. the ex president affronted a which also on the way for you. the investigation found no violation of law including the law of war. a u. s. investigation concludes in august drawing stocking, cobble that killed 10 afghan civilians was not caused by misconduct or negligence. businesses across america, braces the white house announces it'll impose mandatory kobe vaccines for the private sector. starting from the new year. we've spoken to an airline pilot. he
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says that he could lead to massive job losses of the companies. and the government isn't same estimated 15 percent of air traffic control and united states ever walk off with job at the end of the month because they're not gonna take this fact sleep ah hi there. very good evening. appreciate you joining me here on our tea and russian born analyst who's a key researcher for the infamous steel dossier which contains salacious allegations about donald trump and his links to moscow has now been arrested in america. he's been charged with lying and his testimony to the f. b i. he'll appear in court later on thursday earlier. my colleague done, hawkins talk me through the details. well, this is an investigation into an investigation and that trump russia collusion, saw the really shows no son of a biting, even 5 years on this arrest. we were dancing. there was just
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a new twist in this plot. but let's go back a little wanted to get the conflicts here. those allegations of a trump criminal conspiracy to try to steal the presidential elections really persisted and haunted before president throughout his time and office and beyond little low they were debunked. there was allegations by more than one investigation . those rumors not speculation very much continued. they were fueled in part, at least by documents such as a steel dossier, which was a report written by former british spy christopher, still filled with simulations and allegation valve. as we say, a conspiracy between trump and the criminal to win the election. now the document came in full very heavy criticism. a lot of it was debunked by the molar pro, but indeed, a doubt was cost on much of the information within it. a body will to himself, i'm prepared to accept that. not everything in the dossier is 100 percent accurate . i've yet to be convinced that that is one of them. of course i still referring
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there, of course, to allegations of a secret meeting between trump's full possible attorney michael cohen with russian officials in prague. again, a claim that was debunked by the robot pro by the f b i. but again persisted. now, today the saga has turned another page with the rest of the dungeon, cook another rest. it's part of this investigation into the well, the proven to donald trump with mud slinging. i mean, the thing was really dragged through the, the several years as you, as you mentioned, and everybody wants to know why that happened if nothing sort of wrong doing occurred. so where are we with this new probe? well, list is probably was begun by donald trump during his time and office special counsel john durham, was appointed to leave this investigation to see if there was any wrong doing any malicious intent and practice in that original probe into those occasions of collusion. we do know dancing go is a russian born analysts living and working in the u. s. has been taken into custody by the federal agents. and the latest news he has been charged with 5 counts of
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making false statements to investigate his regarding his sources of information, which were later included in that steel dossier and handed over to the f b. i. and it's worth mentioning both the original investigation, and this one has both been labelled with politicized by critics and supporters of donald trump belie could spend a highly divisive issue. but why is this significant? because if dancing cope is found guilty and he has already been charged, this makes him a 3rd person to have criminal action bought against him. as a result of this problem, we've had one cybersecurity law charged again with law to be as part of this probe, a federal agent last year, meeting to offering an email with regards to the probe. so the more john durham digs the more he finds and certainly if there are more risks and charges, it's anyone's guess as to just how deep this probe could go into that original investigation into trump. russia collusion, legal media, analyst line all joins me now. very good afternoon to you line dungeon. good. we've
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just been talking about his role in preparing this dossier researching it. it was known i understand a year ago which suggest that the wheels of justice turn very slowly why we only just now hearing about charges. the wheels of justice are frozen. they're not. there are no wheels. the, the, the vehicle is on blocks. let's bring us up to speed and what this means. there is a statue 18 united states code section 1001. what it means is a futile why to the f b. i lie to a legislative committee, lie to lie to anyone. if you lie, you were subject to arrest incarceration and being charged. now we have in this country, i'm sure you may have heard it, the miranda warning, you of the right to remain silent. anything you say it's on all the police shows. now you know why we have it when people are talking to the f b i on day one,
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and on day 2, you change your story. that's it. but here is the angle. do you think anybody really wants him come, i know he step one, take us to your leader who's paying you who is behind this? what did they promise you in this country under the 4th amendment to get a search warrant to apply for wired tabs and surveillance? the thing that is paramount is you don't lie to a court. when you go before a judge in the special pfizer court. this, these very special court, these judges that hear these types of wire taps. if you'll lie, your head will roll. usually, that's my question. how were all of these lies done for so long without these judges saying anything, but here's the most important part. they're going to go to this person there to say, tell us where you, what you were instructed, who's paying you, what were you doing?
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they based all of this surveillance on lie after lie after lie down, was stitched together and put into this thing called at darcy. for some reason, a pack of lies is elevated to something is superior status by giving it the audrey fancy, sch, mancy da, ca. and i've been warning for the longest time. how is this possible? now when you throw when the fact that mr. dan jango is our russian. well, that say no more. but the problem with our corrupt left is shadow government media is that they don't want to say, ah ha, there was girl. oh, wait a minute. maybe there was russian collusion, but not with trump. maybe we colluded were there, russia, so you can see right now as we speak, this corporate media being very careful not to say to too much about this,
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where they're going to do is they're going to make him a deal. they're going to say, we don't want you, we don't care about you, you're nothing. take us to your leader, give us mr. big. remember, the other arrest was a similar case where a lawyer claimed to be going to the f. b, i out of the goodness of his heart as a good citizen. and he was alleged to have lied as well. so now we've got to, and let me tell you something. when you find yourself all by yourself alone, and you're facing prison and nobody is coming to help you and nobody is coming to your aid and you realize you are being set up as the fall guy. watch what happened? because john durham is a no nonsense prosecutor. most of us forgot about him. we heard about him. he was almost mythical and mysterious. we never saw it. we saw one picture we saw over while now he is apparently cranking this out. and let me tell you something, it's about time because we got this case as you said. so astutely,
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we thought it just vanished. what line of if you all one of those people who funded this piece of work, let's call it this dossier and you approved it. you funded it? would you be sweating now? oh bro. few actually i would be a not the prince andrew version, but the opposite of that. i would be soaked in perspiration. but here's the thing. here is my question. did you ever know that this story, mr. dan? jungle was a lie, you heard, and i know that had a family show. i'm not going to go into details about what mr. trump apparently solicited. some a court is in is to do a soiling the pur calles of a, of a russian bed, which i don't understand why, but anyway, did you at any time? no, this was false. did you at any time know that this was not true? did anybody ask you whether this was true? because remember, the most intrusive surveillance was based on these lies,
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which were package handed over to the judges who signed an executive signed a search warrant. all of it based on lies. and normally judges usually take the word of prosecutors and lawyers as officers of the court, which we are sworn to uphold or to maintain as officers of the court protecting and defending the constitution. i mean, the, the, the implications if this was a real fair, honest to god investigation. not only would heads roll, but he would rule it. i wouldn't know. hillary clinton did, you know about this. did perkins, who we know about this diffusion, abs, norma, this who knew all of these lawyers who went after him claim that drop was colluding with russia and it was all based on light. you mean to tell me nobody knew that nobody ever listened to the stories. it said this is ridiculous, this is, this is preposterous. know,
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they went with it because they felt as though nobody's going to stop us. we have impunity. and so get, trump went away care because a bad time. anything about trump when and if you, through in russia, oh my god, it was, it just intrigued us while now you may have, again, russia collusion, but in the opposite direction. a russian car loading with hillary clinton, the democrat, and others now they are presumed innocent. this remains to be seen. these are merely accusations. they deserve a day in court, and that's what they're going to get. but this is fascinating. fascinating thing is an understatement and it gets more interesting as you followed the, the chain of evidence. i'm an in these, the steel who composes dosier. he was hired to conduct his research through a law firm that was acting on the behalf of several people. and organizations including the, the campaign of hillary clinton and that's when, you know, obviously the implications become a very serious is this,
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the modus operandi. is this, how are political, big figures in the world of politics? try to solve the reputation of their opponents by hiring people to dig up the dirt and the distance themselves just far enough so that the evidence can't implicate them. well it, it, it may be implicating them. now, neil, in the old days, you would hire an investigator let say to follow you to investigate jo. and if we found something on you and have evidence of it, that's one thing. what this is you're hiring, let's say me to make up a story about you and some espionage women and eliza the cavities. and i go and either i pay somebody to tell me that i may get out of there . i don't know, but i put it in on the call. i'd ga ca and i hand it over to the next party. the
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next party doesn't question. it doesn't go through the veracity doesn't challenge the adulation. no. takes it because it's a dossier. it's that just um, some rag, some scandal sheet, it's a dusty a and then you then turn it over to another agency and eventually this makes its way to judges who base search warrant. and we have criminal investigations and congressional trying to, to reverse and to charge a city president all based on this evidence that keeps snowballing. i handed to the next party, they hand it to the next party and then through, i guess this process of handing it on. it takes on this dis, gravity, dis, wait. i mean, it's unheard of. i've never it, they just make this up whole cloth. and we're not talking by some 2 bit organizations, these are some of the most prestigious individuals and law firms and lawyers in the nation. and thank goodness line over your the, the big media organizations of that
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a challenge, the veracity of all the evidence. why do you talking about, what are you drinking back here? media organizations, they're a part of this. they are the apparatus. they are the, the, the public relations firms for this they take o'clock. notice how careful though they're, they're being very, very, this, this case. well, we, we don't know yet before we had donald trump, who was involved in hiring prostitute to soil linens where i, it was the movie and it just was taken on faith. because after all is donald trump and that you know that to this day to this day, i have yet to hear. in their wildest examination, what exactly is the basis of the alleged or suspected a collusion watch. i think last time they said it was something about buying facebook address. i mean, i don't even know. we don't even know they tried to take down
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a president and i still kid, i understood watergate understood that implicitly was very clear. i don't even know what this was about and the molar commission and everything else. so this is going to be fascinating. this, i hope. and they got ready for independent investigators. and let's see what merrick garland the attorney general does because he is separate. he is theoretically apart from that, but let's see how zealous they are. the bided administration is in finding one of this ends up pointing the finger that hillary clinton. can you imagine? you talk about a zealous sir? i jerked journalistic investigation. oh my god. i mean i'm, i've got to contain myself because i'm just, you know, they say neil, if a man could dream just to see if the system of justice works, forgot who these people are. if what they did was 10 percent of what they say,
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this is one of the worst crimes ever. this goes to the very heart of the bio long enough to interrupt you. and i can see that you're getting, you're getting very excited and you're that, that they may come. and we will watch with great interests just to see what happens with mr. dunn shanker and what he might unveiling. it could be a red letter day for everyone to watch. appreciate on media legal analyst along with a pleasure. thank you sir. the u. s. military has concluded a bought stone strike. you remember this in afghanistan in august was not unlawful and showed no sign of negligence. that despite the strike killing 10 civilians including 7 children, not a single terrorist, the u. s. air force inspector general announced the probes findings. the investigation found no violation of law including the law of war. did find execution errors confirmed by confir may or are combined with confirmation bias and communication. greg, the breakdowns that regrettably lead to a civilian casualties that turns tactless. one of the final acts of the us war in
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afghanistan, the pentagon 1st claim did a taken out an imminent threat and that it didn't appear to involve any civilian casualties. blue. busy ah, the samples inspector general said his report on the strike will remain classified because it contains details of the military is asked strike tactics. but the associated press news agency reported the pentagon found no mistakes following an independent review. the review also recommended the military improve its procedures winchell civilians and not presents for going to strike. it's going to call that u. s. marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter, who believes there was no justification for the drone strike in
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a heavily populated city. there is nothing but negligence here from the beginning when they identified or miss identified the target to the in when the decision was made to pull the trigger. i can't see a single legitimate reason to go forward. and yet everybody did go forward. and if they're not being honest about it and saying that mistakes are made, this is going to happen again. this isn't the 1st time we fired a missile as killed civilians. it isn't the 2nd time, 3rd time board time. it's the hundreds time. and the, the reality is the united states, as known for some time now the procedures, it has in place it cerio counterterrorism strikes in a real world, you know, real time a event or are not sufficient to the task that we kill civilians. and yet we went forward in ways of because there was political pressure being placed on the military to be seen as doing something the, by the ministration says he will impose mandatory vaccines for workers in the
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private sector. this will be starting early next year. the emergency measure will apply to all businesses with more than 100 employees. big fines will be imposed on those who don't comply. we spoke to airline pilot, jason cooney. she says faxing regulations have already put a major burden on the ation industry. the cruise right now are extremely stressed. you add to that the forest vaccines that are coming our way in the transportation industry and the potential here having to file a one's own conscience in order to get the vaccine or potentially lose your livelihood and lose your career. is, is very, very stressful. in fact, air traffic control in the united states, they're already working by mandate 6 days in a row because of shortages. and now you have estimated 15 percent of air traffic control in the united states. they're gonna walk off the job at the end of that
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month. because they're not going to take this vaccine, the companies and the government isn't saying what the accommodation will be for you if you choose to continue not to get vaccinated. and so a lot of people fear, and i think rightly so, they could end up on the street or the usa, the asian sect is already under pressure last week. and a lone american airline, since the country's biggest carrier counseled in 2000 flights. and this message is for days 10 percent to flights with scraps the airline, blaine, the setbacks on staff shortages. and, and those whether meanwhile, more than 40 republican senators has said that they will try to nullify biden's vaccine mandate flattens. they describe the measures as being the single biggest, disruptive for the business community. because the vaccination rates in america has stoled, it's around 58 percent of the moment of the population, but that's well behind the w. h. chose target of 70 percent. jason punish again,
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thinks his sector at least, is already as safe as it can be. the airlines seos and companies themselves have paired up with harvard university, showing that there is a point 003 percent chance of getting any kind of cobra transmission on an airplane . you know, we flowing through the scan demik for the last 18 months. air crews all over the world have done a fantastic job. navigating this, this pandemic, you know, we flown p p, we find vaccines. we've been there with the 1st responders in showing up for work. despite the risks you see in the united states. we are already under a very st. i would call a severe shortage of qualified individuals to be mechanics, to be fine. tenants to be pilot specifically a bitter dispute has broken out between around an america, over the seizure of an oil tanker. this is in the sea of
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a man last week. washington claims that tara captured the vessel they ran says it was repelling the us attempt to seize the boat. and it's not released video me to prove just that i'm at least correspond loosely or explains well, one thing now is a new round of installation between iran and the united states. this particular incident happened towards the end of last month, although only now has when, when used to video. and you can look at that video, what you can see is uranian forces, despite being dwarfed by american vessels, appearing to success the meet block, the path of american worship as the tank at sales away. now there are multiple shots. in this video, we use the remaining revolutionary gods forces aiming and training. they went to the u. s. vessel. now, the iranian government has said that the operation was a success. despite the fact that the united states was able to turn. so oil to
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another tanker as to the whereabouts of that tank well at the moment that is unclear. earlier we did hear from the pentagon who refused the uranium claims. i've seen the iranian claims, they are absolutely totally false and untrue. there was no such effort by us naval assets to seize anything. so what this refers to is back on the 24th of october, and i would add that iran's actions, the ones that are true of them illegally boarding and seizing a merchant vessel, constitute a blatant violation of international law. these events are not the 1st time that we see the united states intercepting vessels that are carrying iranian oil. ever since the former american president donald time withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal, that will how was signed, what iran grant has been facing, crippling sanction. and that is part of the constraints that are being put on the ran to limit is nikia ambitions. any country that is seen to purchase iranian oil
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also pays to sanction. the timing of this particular incident is significant to be people of events. thousands have taken to the streets to celebrate government, denies demonstrations and celebrations. commemorating the 979 waiting and seizure of the american embassy insulin. so mom in randy, political and listed the university to run says that the incident demonstrates washington needs to change. his attitude towards around this particular event is very significant, and it shows that the iranians are much more powerful today. they're in a very, they're in a commanding position to defend their sovereignty. and their interests. and the very fact that the united states had to back down is reflective of something much bigger. i think it's, it has to do with us internal divisions. if the united states chooses to change his
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behavior towards iran and relations will improve. but if the united states wants to intimidate iran and try to get more confessions from iran beyond that deal that was already struck in 2015, they're not going to get anything. and they'll have more problems. and future with iran rakes, and religion could play a pivotal role in the french presidential election next year. that's judging by new nationwide pope it found 2 thirds of respondents billy why christians are under threat from muslim immigration. so the dubious kit has the story with an election around the corner, hearing france questions about the country's identity, and whether it's losing age are being raised. the campaign is shifted to the fringes of the right even before it's even really begun and fears that francis traditional values are being replaced or rife. one poll showed 27
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percent of respondents were certain that christine populations were being threatened by extinction. 34 percent thought that it was probable. the fear is that muslim immigration is de, posing traditional white communities. while these ideas are certainly being peddled by read, you write politicians, they're not the only ones with even nicholas and you said right? joining in you have people of foreign origin who are driving out little by little what in demography we call the natives. eric seymour, a french pundits and the presidential hopeful, has been far stronger than that. in his latest book, he says, the suburbs of paris are being colonized by muslims, and that the whole of france will soon be overrun. he has also added to warnings from some of frances retired military talk bras that a civil war is brewing. this fear that frances, losing her identity,
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her traditional values, is one that there is general public concern about it. she is not, in my opinion, there are populations from africa who come up because they really wants to be in france and to integrate because because they don't have a choice of salad. palermo for the religious aspect doesn't worry me much more. the values like freedom and that security oil, but i'm afraid that all values by false will be diluted in time. values are what make the foundations of a society. we must not forget the immigration is the number one problem in francis, on. we deal with it with kids. however, while subjects like this me peak interest for many the issue dominates the upcoming election. we the politicians busily trying to show that they are the one who will uphold friendship values. and that voters may be looking for someone who is a little bit different to deal. i think these types of subjects are being used by politicians
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to get votes, which are making extremist parties happy, the day on the right or the language. so yes, it makes it scary. after all, we must not forget that there are just 6 months to go before the election day. but i'll do that. here's a new debate that's come because very close to the elections because there has been an enormous amount of immigration, with everything that's happened in the middle east. normally, france was always have malcolm and country. it was constructed by foreigners in a fashion after colonization for la metro's, we as m o. in the end, he has a very intelligent person, very cultured that's for sure wanted he's not part of any manual. my con, this time around the vote is know a little bit more about what he can all he can't offer. so that new and shiny label has worn off. the poll show that someone like zoom more, could lap up votes, maybe even enough to be one of the 2 candidates who get into this 2nd round of
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voting. his tough talking, his not showing away from subjects that many have found unpalatable in the past, is at least for now resonating with the public. and if he ends up going head to head against macklin, the more a man who's been described as the intellectual, donald trump, is ready to make some pretty unpredictable waves. charlotte, even ski r t. paris i was thinking of too much of a good thing. so we're gonna take a half hour break the back fresh with our latest headlines. see the top. mm hm. which we love as adults, is always built on a structure that was created 1st and childhood. so without understanding of child
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relationships, it becomes very hard to understand your adult relationships. and that's why it's incredibly important to be able to have a basic understanding of what motivates you as an emotional being why edge of state aspire to use luxury cars produced in their home countries. it's an unspoken rule for all official events. and everyone's abided by for a very long time. the head of states car isn't only a symbol of the nation's prosperity. it's a matter of national prestige. ah, joe biden uses the so called cadillac one limousine, nicknamed the beast. it is an arm and bony and weighs 10 tons bar. as johnson gets driven about in a jakya. queen elizabeth.
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