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tv   News  RT  November 4, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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oh, okay, research for the infamous steel dossier on trump, russia, ties is being arrested in america on false testimony. charges comes amid a probe into the real reasons behind a major investigation into alleged collusion between the 2. with the ex presidents funding it, which also on the way for you the investigation found no violation of law including the law of war. us investigation concludes in august, drunk, striking, cobble that killed 10 african civilians was not schools by misconduct or negligent and businesses across america. braces the white house announces it will impose mandatory covey vaccines for the private sector. as of the new year, we've spoken to an airline pilot affairs adequately to massey job losses out the companies and the government is insane. estimated 15 percent of air traffic control
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in the united states are gonna walk off the job at the end of the month because they're not going to take this vaccine. ah, by the very good evening. great. have you with us here? anata. a russian born analyst. he was a key re sent you for the infamous steel dossier which contained salacious allegations about donald trump and his links to moscow has been arrested in the us has been charged with lying in his testimony to the f. b i. if found guilty, he could face up to 25 years behind bars. a court has also ordered him to surrender his passport within 24 hours. earlier at his daniel hawkins took me through the case. well, this is an investigation into an investigation and that trump russia collusion, saw the really shows no son of a biting, even 5 years on this arrest. we were dancing. there was just
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a new twist in this plot. but let's go back a little wanted to get the conflicts here. those allegations of a trump criminal conspiracy to try to steal the presidential elections really persisted and haunted before president throughout his time and office and beyond little low they were debunked. there was allegations by more than one investigation . those rumors not speculation very much continued. they were fueled in part, at least by documents such as a steel garcia, which was a report written by former british spy, christopher, still filled with simulations and allegation, love as we say, a conspiracy between trump and the criminal to win the election. now the document came in full very heavy criticism. a lot of it was the bunked by the muller pro, but indeed a doubt was cost on much of the information within it, a body with himself. i'm prepared to accept that not everything in the dosier is 100 percent accurate. i've yet to be convinced that that is one of them. of course, i still referring there, of course, to allegations of
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a secret meeting between trumps full of possible attorney michael cohen with russian officials in prague. again, a claim that was debunked by the robot pro by the f b i. but again persisted. now today the saga has turned another page with the rest of the dungeon, cook another rest. this part of this investigation into the or the proven to donald trump with mud slinging. i mean, the thing was really dragged through the dirt for several years as you, as you mentioned, and everybody wants to know why that happened if nothing sort of wrong doing occurred. so where are we with this new probe? well, list is probably was begun by donald trump during his time and office special counsel john durham, was appointed to leave this investigation to see if there was any wrong doing any malicious intent and practice in that original probe into those cations of collusion. we do know dancing go is a russian born analyst living and working in the u. s. has been taken into custody by the federal agents. he has been charged with 5 council,
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making false statements to investigators regarding his sources of information which were later included in that steel door and handed over to the f b i. and it's worth mentioning both the original destination and this one has both been labeled politicized. by critics and supporters of donald trump belie could spend a highly divisive issue. but why is this significant? because if dancing coat is found guilty and he has already been charged, this makes him a 3rd person to have criminal action bought against him. as a result of this problem, we've had one cybersecurity law charged again with lying to the f. b, i as part of this probe, a federal agent last year meeting to offering an email with regards to the prob, so the mortgage on durham digs', the more he finds and certainly for all more arrests and charges it's anyone's guess has to just how deep this pro could go into that original investigation into trump, russia collusion, legal media. unless lionel told us that he has reservations about the legitimacy of the trump thrush dossier. they based all of this surveillance on lie
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after lie after lie down, was stitched together and put into this thing called a da ca. for some reason, a pack of lies is elevated. does i mean, is superior status by giving it the audrey fancy, sch, mancy da, ca. and i've been wondering for the longest time, how is this possible? now when you throw when to fact that mr. dan jango is our russian. well that she no more, but the problem with our corrupt left is shadow government media is that they don't want to say, ah ha, there was cur. oh, wait a minute. maybe there was russian collusion, but not with trump. maybe we colluded were there, russia? so you can see right now as we speak, this corporate media, be very careful not to say to too much about this. john durham is
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a no nonsense prosecutor. most of us forgot about him. well, now he is apparently cranking this out. and let me tell you is, i mean, it's about time the u. s. military is concluded that a botched drones strike carried out in afghanistan in august was not unlawful and showed no sign of negligence. thus, despite the strike killing, 10 civilians including 7 children, another single tourist u. s. air force inspector general announced the probes findings. the investigation found no violation of law including the law of war. did find execution errors confirmed by confirmation, or are combined with confirmation bias and communication. greg, the breakdowns that regrettably lead to civilian casualties. the cobbled during the time was one of the 5 lengths of the earth war in afghanistan, the pentagon. the 1st claimed it had taken out an imminent threat and didn't appear to involve any civilian casualties.
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oh. busy you are safe or suspected general said his report on the strike will remain classified because it contains details of the melodies air strike tactics. the a p news agency reported the pentagon found no mistakes following an independent review. that review also recommended the military improve its procedures to ensure civilians are not present for launching strike. we spoke to former yes, marine corps intelligence officer, scott ritter. he believes that there was no justification for the trans strike in the heavily populated city. there is nothing but negligence here from the beginning when they identified or miss identified the target to the end, when the decision was made to pull the trigger. i can't see
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a single legitimate reason to go forward. and yet everybody did go forward. and if they're not being honest about it and saying that mistakes were made, this is going to happen again. this isn't the 1st time we fired a missile as killed civilians. it isn't the 2nd time, 3rd time board time. it's the hundreds time. and the, the reality is the united states has no for some time now that a procedures it has in place. it carry out counterterrorism strikes in a real world, you know, real time an event or are not sufficient to the task that we kill civilians. and yet we went forward in ways of because there was political pressure being placed on the military to be seen as doing something to very canal with the by the ministration says, will impose mandatory vaccines, full work as in the private sector starting early next year. the emergency measure will apply to all businesses that have more than
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a 100 employees. big funds will be imposed on them. see, don't comply. we spoke to airline pilot jason kenney sh. he says vaccine regulations have already put a major button on the evasion industry. the crews right now are extremely stressed . you add to that the forced vaccines that are coming our way in the transportation industry and the potential here of having to violate one's own conscience in order to get the vaccine or potentially lose your livelihood and lose your career. is, is very, very stressful. in fact, air traffic control in the united states. they're already working by mandate 6 days in a row because of shortages. and now you have estimated 15 percent of air traffic control in the united states are going to walk off the job at the end of the month because they're not going to take this vaccine. the companies and the government isn't saying what the accommodation will be for you if you choose to continue not
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to get vaccinated. and so a lot of people fear, and i think rightly so that they could end up on the street or the us asian sectors already under pressure. last weekend alone, american airlines, that's the country's biggest carrier, cancelled more than 2000 flights in the space just for days. 10 percent of its flights were scrapped and blamed the setbacks on staff shortages and adverse weather conditions. me well over 40 per republican sentences and said that they will try to nullify biden's. thanks the mandate plan. so discard the measures is the single biggest disruptive for the business community. because the vaccination rates in america stalled it around 58 percent as well behind the w h o target of 70 percent. jason, curious again, thinks his sector, at least, is already a safe because it can be the airline ceos and companies themselves have paired
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up with harvard university, showing that there is a point 003 percent chance of getting any kind of coven transmission on an airplane . you know, we flown through the scan demik for the last 18 months. air crews all over the world have done a fantastic job. navigating this, this pandemic, you know, we've flown p p. we found vaccines. we've been there with the 1st responders in showing up for work. despite the risks you see in the united states. we are already under a very ste. i would call a severe shortage of qualified individuals to be mechanics, to be 5 or 10 minutes to be pilots. specifically, the governor of florida has become the latest us politician to embrace the popular let's go brandon, chance the coded dig a president, joe biden was then taken up by the current when you look at the biden,
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the brand in administration, in terms of wow, let's go brandon 1st went viral, pulling in, in b. c reporter, apparently mishearing racing fans who were chanting a foul mouth insulted by them. it quickly went viral, sporting events, and an anti government protest, especially in until finances. politicians now also getting in on the and they want you to help put america back where you found it and leave it the hell alone. let's go. brandon, how you'll back. good. let's go. brandon. from the record levels of inflation to the crisis at our southern border, americans are fed up with biden's dangerous liberal policies. him on this now from political commentator an anti contributor, nika, how students me, good afternoon to nika. and it's,
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i don't know how well this is not outside of america, but i think it's fair to say it's taken the u. s. by storm. but i mean, this is clearly euphemism. it's a, it's a foul mouth phrase. and the euphemism for that is now become acceptably, used by many people. is it appropriate though? do you think for, for senators and governors to be in directly abusing the president? i'm not really keen on the disability politics. actually, one of the reasons that i was actually against the democrats and, and joe biden himself was because while they play civility, civility politics, you have real people who are suffering from real problems or, you know, uncivil actions like what we were, what you all just, just discussing where drones are striking innocent civilian no one be held accountable. i think a lot of people overall, including those of us on the left or carbon facility politics. and i don't see
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anything wrong. problem little fun. it's somebody who probably shouldn't be sitting in the office to begin with, to be honest. now this, this chance, it's clear what it is, isn't few to the president of the united states, but he's using the polite language. now the question is, do the people who are saying this, let's go brandon, did they really feel that way or always seeing politicians seeing, hey, this is kind of country on, is popular. i want to get on this bandwagon. i think we are in generation to take action is to grab his social media, so i'm sure it is catching fire, but it can only be catching fire if people do genuinely feel that way. and like there was just an image of the report that came out. i think that nbc brought a pole that shows joe biden has about a 46 percent approval rating, which would be significantly less than what he's had taught is presidency. and once again, it has only been a year or less than a year, really. and so the fact that this chair becomes popularized, that has the fact that that coincides with his taking pull numbers. i think it's
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fair to say that people do really feel like that. i mean, you're from, from our perspective, there's not a single promise that joe biden to put out there that he is kept. i mean, for me, whether whether you wanna talk about before the campaign even finished for a week to week basis. every he, he throws carrots and never actually does what he says he's going to do. and at that point, a lot of people just feel like, you know, let's go brandon until branding gets up office. now i know that the major u. s. news networks were claimed to be independent, but nobody watches and will pass through. there is part of the political parties. how would they dealing with the coverage of this story? well, you know, foxes michelle, by using it cnn, and the democrats who have been, you know, using them and vehicles, personal campaign marketers. they don't really like it, they consider it to be vulgar. i feel like once again,
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the problem i guess is that it's kind of the mainstream media, lisa neal, liberal mainstream media fault is it's became a thing. and i feel like i'm very representative of emblematic and emblematic of what we thought during the election every time joe biden would do something bad. they would try to whitewash whatever he did and were like, you never happen. in fact, sometimes were to like it with a good day, right? like they didn't deliver during the cold pandemic for small businesses in the working class and were about to be homeless instead of just admitting that and reconciling it. they set up here and said, hey, no, we gave it 2000 try. gave you 1400 and we gave you 600 or we cut child poverty in half. while we know 1000000 of children are about to go homeless. it's dileskimo brandon, being starting specifically because of our mainstream media. mis heard what was really being said by the people is just representative of everything we've been experiencing with the, by the ministration or for they took offers. and just finally nika. there was an analyst and see and then who the individual was,
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but the report to can pad anyone saying let's go brandon to to member vice this or to not see now the genuinely seems to me like a very dangerous way of trying to shut down any kind of criticism of the government, i just wanted what you will take on it was yeah me is, is just the same old same all over last year you see meal liberals attempt to label any one who does not want a line with their ideology. and then to does not vehemently criticize the other side, or if they do some or if, even if they support the other side, they are labeled domestic terrace. jason johnson, a m s m b. c argued that he wanted prisoners of january 6, riots to be treated how bush treated terrace. and he wants him to be called terrorists in because of how bush treated terrace quote unquote in the middle east . and i'm like, you want to bomb them indiscriminately, put them in guantanamo bay, tortured them, remove their rights,
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like over over somebody going on to the capital. me trespassing. i'm most. that's insane. that the notion that people expressing their political opinion because at the end of the day, that's really what it is. it's just, they're expressing their political opinion. people have say, all new liberal, the said much, much worse about donald trump. i think we all remember that we were here last 4 years up even going out of their way, mainstream figured or wishing death upon donald trump. and someone has a playful, a saying to express how they feel about joe biden, and that makes them a terrorist. that's absolutely ridiculous unfinished, but it's not new is what we've been seeing over the last 4 years for 5 years now. which is blaine hypocrisy in its ability. politics only seems to extend so far as to the caddies that they prefer the politics that they like rather than all of us. nick, i appreciate your opinions that auntie contributed nika. house my guess. thank you . no problem. thank you. can you as we opened
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a criminal probe into the horrific murder of a woman, allegedly by a british soldier, the single mother was beaten, stamped and dumped. and a septic tank in 2012. a family believe that the details of the case were hushed up league. you the hello johnny. we recently learned that is the british army vote because there were a lot of cover ups. but we are glad that now think of been brought to light my wishes, the culprit to face law because i had to bear burden that wasn't mine. i had my own children to take care of. though i was not employed, it has been a real struggle. the family of agnes when terror, when jacko. a canyon woman allegedly killed by a british soldier, is crying foul as they are yet to receive justice. almost 10 years after her death . when jack, who was a 21 year old sex walker, any money to feed her newborn baby when she was reported missing in march of 2012, 2 months later her body was found in
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a hotel septic tank near to where british soldiers had been stationed till now, no soldier has been question though, it's been revealed that a british soldier named only a soldier ex confessed to killing her. what would i feel so sad as those positions to help us that took so long recently when the me distorted air in the story top and old. once it's like agnes has just died. it has it been affected? her daughter, but we had to let her know what is going on. i pray that god crossed the british government the wisdom to handle this case. well, when i think of alkalis, i remember how happy she was. she loved to sing it. she taught my youngest daughter how to sing with the person who killed agnes should face the law because the child was orphaned has suffered a lot. bearing in mind, she was just 5 months old. even feeding at the time was difficult. according to the u. k. defense ministry, it will continue offering the support to the canyon investigation. the u. k. stands ready to support all requests says we have done since day one. as with other investigations,
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we always work in partnership with the kenyan police and subject to international and judicial processes. our help will always be forthcoming will activists in kenya, a calling for the extradition of the alleged killer to be held accountable. while the labor party here in the united kingdom say the 9 year deal without an investigation even being considered, has denied the family justice. there's been no minister defense lead investigation of the sold is involved, or no inquiring to why the minister the funds failed to respond. when kenyan detectives asked for help, 9 years on justice must now be done for agnes and her family. revelations of the tragic death of one jacko continued to become more sinister. it's been reported that a group of 9 british soldiers joked about, had death on social media several years later. the family now hope this fresh investigation will give them the answers they so desperately need to her. i feel a lot of pain when i remember agnes. we brought her up well, and just as she was settling down her life was taken away,
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leaving us to fend for her young child. it's my hope that this child will get justice. it's been 10 years, but we hope to finally get justice this case strikes right at the heart of alleged exploitation killings and cover ups in the british army. in fact, the very same defense secretary assisting this probe into one jack, whose death officially closed at stores on investigations and to more than a 1000 allegations of abuse by british soldiers in iraq. so with no prosecutions there, will this mean justice may never be solved for anger. when jerry, when jack, who and her family chateau edward's dusty r t london. bitter dispute is broken up between iran and america over the seizure. an oil tanker the see of a bon, thus weak washington claims to rank captured the vessel around says it was repelling a u. s. attempt to seize the boat and is now released. video says, proves just thought of at least correspondent policy as well. well, what the thing now is
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a new round of explanation between iran and the united states. this particular incident happened to wilson end of last month, although now has un, we'll use the video. and you can look at that video. what you can see is raining forces, despite being dwarfed by american vessels hearing to meet the part of and marry can wash it as the tank at sales away. now there are multiple shots. in this video we use the waiting revolutionary gods forces aiming and training. they went to meet at the us, they so now the iranian government has said that the operation was a success, despite the fact that the united states was able to turn. so oil to another tanka as to the whereabouts of that tank. well, at the moment that is on kit. earlier we did hear from the pentagon who refuse the rain in claims. i've seen the iranian claims, they are absolutely totally false and untrue. there was no such effort by us naval
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assets to seize anything with this refers to is back on the 24th of october and i would add that iran's actions, the ones that are true of them illegally boarding and seizing a merchant vessel, constitute a blatant violation of international law, these events are not the 1st time that we see the united states intercepting vessels that'll carrying iranian oil. ever since the form, the american president donald time withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal that will, how was signed with iran grant has been facing crippling sanctions. and that is part of the constraints that are being put on a rand. 2 limits is nikia ambitions. any country that is seen to purchase iranian oil also pays to sanction. the timing of this particular incident is significant to beat people of events. 1000 have taken to the streets to celebrate government,
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denies demonstrations and celebration. commemorating the 979 waiting feature of the american embassy info and public shaming of the unvaccinated. this how a student group is discuss being or a leading european business school called as fast lane for the inoculated student sue, who had the covey jap can get this yellow watermark on their pass to enter any building and take exams at the vienna university of economics. and business they so haven't had a shot miss white in line and have their documents and negative pci tests checked his reaction. we got to the mix. he feels a little bit like ah, they're pushing her stool to get vaccinated them. i really don't like this because i even other way i will be the vaccinate authority. but right now i, i don't like these fresh. i don't like salsa. everything's no easier to get back.
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so you know, the elaborate the bars, you know, so i think that made me do it. now. do we record this is the student id, yellow sticker, and with it you can get faster through university controls. we have 2.5, g control measures here. but in reality, there is not much difference. it just helps you get him faster, but the fast lane was brought in to speed up entry after the austrian capital introduce strict to pandemic rules. 20 public places people in vienna must show either proof of inoculation recovery from current divorce or a negative pcl test for that of a student group says that the university's creating an unacceptable walk of shame for the unvaccinated absolutes. it is absolutely discriminatory and humane and a very clear move towards a 2 class society. we could assign the fact that people are excluded from society simply because they exercise their free choice not to be vaccinated. a step further
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as the labeling of people who have made a free decision not to be vaccinated. it doesn't matter whether this is done with ribbons as we have seen in the past. or we've wristbands which is currently being done in germany and in some cases already in austria or with vaccination stickers. as is currently the case at the university of economics and business administration . we can only condemn it and call it a hostile and inhuman policy when people are marked based on their health condition or their vaccination status, those who have decided not to be vaccinated will not be persuaded by an increase in pressure, but through education and vaccinated people should be treated at universities just like they were treated before the pandemic access to higher education should be open and free without any restrictions. the university told us since more than 90 percent of students have had the shot, the naval benefit, the majority had also said it was wrong to call the new system labeling. the president of the austrian medical chamber says it's about from providing an efficient and safe environment for study. think it makes life easier for the
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students. in auster more than 80 percent of the university students have been vaccinated and they can enter the leg just faster. if they have this because you only have to check their identity, one has to ensure a safe environment in the lecture halls. and in order to do so, it is necessary to vaccinate or test that the students are free in austria, so they don't have to pay for the best, but they wouldn't have to pay for the vaccination, but so i would recommend to be vaccinated. that's the safest way out to meet the extra holes. just before we go, somebody can use coming from mexico, where it's supported up to 8 armed men. have stormed a luxury resort in can coon, that's according to multiple social media reports. witnesses claim,
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the government arrived on the beach and forced hotel guests and employees to seat cover. according to a local meter outlet, one person was killed before the attack is escaped by boat, but this information is not being confirmed by the authorities. it's not yet clear who the people are. all the possible motive behind the attack is always will bring you any information coming in on this developing story. and that brings you right up to date. thanks. she company, this is all t more in half an hour. mm. wound which we love as adults is always built on a structure that was created 1st and childhood. so without understanding childhood relationships, it becomes very hard to understand adult relationships. and that's why it's incredibly important to be able to have a basic understanding of what motivates you as an emotional,
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being edge of state, aspire to use, luxury cars produced in their home countries. it's an unspoken rule for all official events. and everyone's abided by for a very long time. the head of states car isn't only a symbol if the nation's prosperity. it's a matter of national prestige. ah, joe biden uses the so called cadillac one limousine, nicknamed the beast. it is an arm and bony and weighs 10 tons. boris johnson gets driven about in a jakya. queen elizabeth rides in a bentley. angela merkle was car choices and audi. while a french anita emmanuel macro uses a converted citron diaz, 7.


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