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tv   Documentary  RT  November 7, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EST

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right at the heart of alleged exploitation killings and cover ups in the british army. in fact, the very same defense secretary assisting this probe into one jack, whose death officially closed at stores on investigations into more than a 1000 allegations of abuse by british soldiers in iraq. so with no prosecutions that will this mean justice may never be for angus. when jerry, when jack, who and her family, shante edwards dash d r t. london. i, swatch in the weekly on rti international. you can join us again for another round of it. and just about 30 minutes. me ah, join me every thursday. i'm alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world. the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me
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ah ah. we're empowering ourselves to be more efficient or quicker with our transactions. we can make mobile payments from our phones. we can tell alexa to open up our garage door, all those things come with it, a lot of efficiency and a lot of benefits. but with that comes a trade off, which is where there's more cybersecurity risk, an extraordinary amount of paranoia. the truth is that every device is a potential entry point for us.
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a yes, the more chicken, the shortness, georgia you for you late? yep. so let me farm up. so in your office, i didn't say reasonable, you know what? i'm writing global writing, which though you will be by genia, you woke up in your contact with him to silicon. i was forced to, i use mostly and people will chat with everyone and also your formal manual with dealerships under the social world, in the pool chichi of those climate. she'd also, if you speak with g, got a whole thing as national and wishing that users you definitely want to
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do a phone interview with me when you thought it was just send you. busy this in your car, but i'm more than the generically with crime that in a minute thought up in the nation. yes. go to the dean, but when you try to get a form in there, the bus motion with this, and there's like, no one has owned it is out, but that much the pure and that it does your comes but most your but be shipping a bullet on my teeth, what this poison was at the college a but i've eaten with me. i have to go with done this for me. bump prescript. got the course done up, was it got to face boys mcbride home with there are some fundamental rules around password management, making sure that it's claxon often has the right number, right. the length,
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the right number of symbols are special upper lower case. that type of thing, that's stuff that we're all familiar with. why we want to be careful when we're storing it all in one location is because we're, we're granting single points of entry to, to obtain that data. when you share a password, which is very common among users on the same password for 20 different applications . yeah, one, yeah. all of them a call with a question. we call it a washer and dryer example, a material ear wash bar, and i have my, my name wasn't done with steroids. we'll fuck that on average. and that's for last year. that's ms. yetter is here for you to print a report from one of the sports on, on use in west virginia. look for them this year was a georgia spike cloud year might be
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a problem. it was up here just way calling the bus monitor to record your share of a certain little sleep wash one unit, but on we're proud to with our community on the horn or sports or any any burglar fusion grow, it's your mother or she may come find you a couple of tried to sing those her income, but that's not something. what a smoker emma, when she could, she just did a reported contact among the shirts. are 2 different, but chica ways that will change boys. elizabeth, because the whole mission, the session was up last night with the district you put them on. we just have checked on daily thumbs up pretty quick positioning the payment a problem with them. it could be a couple to show, but other than what she had there with all day that boys will, michelle moore's liking. the soil love it in the soft ear on one of industrial,
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cassandra file among those cities. plenty of rooms, browser big with a site, almost a little community approach. my mind to put them in a bit going on for him can be a day with the business today. leticia this of some great for quote, a couple of them, but don't with some, some more incentives don't dilemma of our current age. people have a false sense of security. while nothing happens, we have this sense of security that we're not going to be touched. it's not going to affect us, but at the end of the day it is very prevalent and it is out there. you may not be the, the primary focus right now, but as soon as you become a profile target, then you're going to be the one who's going to be missing some money and you're out and you're really frustrated for leasing questions. you won't get used as a when you all are moisture. so there was some way use of lesson with dozens from me to use, which i'm sorry, julie purpose, let me do it on the power and that is also on the show. like for special to start on the deal, it could, she could use your machine, but don't worry us that she, i mean, of course i'm,
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you can just look in your stay for on this often by question what other 30 eastern was because frank via shoshua, catherine a school of mushroom soup, she exemptions please press 4. if this has reached for immediate gaze, curse them to provide you with a different reason. more smoke you tube they did reschedule. oh, it's a shipment. it's alisha series say telephone. and i'm like with one kid, just repeating what you owe restore. it was like one sentence for relations to was the most reported it. think you'd be surprised nowadays, the amount of information that exists about individuals on their phones, through their emails, through their corporate systems is generated at a scale that was like, while there before,
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from location data on your phone to all your personal information that you have. whether it's your banking information at whether it's your at personal location and information about where you live, where your kids go to school, all of that information is available and it's on your either social media pages or on your phone, visit the big an impact and risk on individuals from a database leak is identity theft. if someone has your name, your address, your date of birth, your email address potentially also the password that you use to access that specific website. they have digital footprints, they have your digital footprints, and they also have your physical footprint, as they know a lot more about you. at basal nothing, they can use that information to add, provide ortiz start to create an identity theft type of exercise. they can maybe go to a bank pretending to be you take loans in your name,
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take credit in your name when they access your email through fishing attacks. they can then reuse your identity within the organization to reach out to other systems within the organization that might store either personal information of customers or maybe some secret intellectual property that only your organization hass. for example, the design for the next car. if you're a car manufacturer or the design for the next i phone, if you're apple or some other organisation that's creating innovative products, those exist assistance. and hackers and attackers are always trying to gain the upper hand and competitive advantage by reaching those systems and maybe selling it or providing it to competitors. ready right, so there has been a lot of progress from the hacker side, a lot more progress actually on the hacking side, using ai and using other advanced technologies that there has been on the defensive side. the defenders have always been one step behind the attackers in some of those
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and technology developments because there's more collaboration and more sharing of information in the hacking and ecosystem. if you like. ah, do you need to be aware that it could happen to you? it could happen to you and for us from a cyber security industry, we say it's not a matter of if it happens, it's a matter of when, if you start changing your culture to become more aware of that, then you'll start applying some security into your day to day, for example, you have stronger passports, you will do to factor authentication when you try to access all of those website. you might not leave your laptop on and unlocked when you're in a coffee shop. if you go to the toilets or you go to order something, all of those things you need to start putting into your life as part of that secure lifestyle with
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shift giving crystal, mr. production shorter to show us my little more special story here as a meter into america. utilize generous or, or where to what you are finding out from you. can i me, scram on. then there's there if any authors services from them sent him now clause with almost lost, their secret of blog said you were to crystal chris, john, them up there. new enough for which english amounts were with the strong, high character parkway. charlie, a quite car battery, but i'm worried about our course and started here. see the rooster childhood? is it only a recruitment shorter than what could i new showing of empirical shows that your doctoral machine can you do to with we do more course on them or thought us, but if you're on the group are still to pitcher predominant program and i was returning a call to renew my ebt support. you can have him go to renew my. it's a room junior group. you're off your salmon on are asking about
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a high to come pioneer. a doctor's personal slowly, the order to pursue a resolution come under our green is always a little grip. you're provided to talk to you security insurance. got to read in i guess commute a equation group of shock. i'm using my 2nd shamika gosh article with way and they with no problem, i can go any better because the minds a lot about the him doing. and yet the cool response, we still to bank you somewhere like here with the easiest and i got a quote on the bill of car. is this the jim stein you at the cover? but i pitched in system e should i?
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it means lan with rotation with almost a 1000000 amps, which then you deal with. i had to store a sub there, but it is so hot or showplace, oklahoma. my god tv is there. she has nice hear. good afternoon. my sound menu. so doesn't go to your office just to meet with me. do you have a chance to virginia? got it, but it's not sure how to ship a sofa hold. yes, it's a mission. i think we should a great kid comes i calling on behalf of us. comply with our grain should with revolution the chanel was me, is the easiest to show the puddle and not sharing military some national puddle in a puddle. i'm a polka so saying in the part that somebody fun with close to when you leave it with blue is your media reflection of reality.
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ah, in the world transformed what will make you feel safer? high selection, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being led somewhere? direct. what his true war, his faith in the world corrupted you need to descend a join us in the depth will remain in the shallows. as a korea professional sport is much tougher on some than others. with the euro, mired by everybody. so why would somebody believe me, i was just a little girl. the price of a to, to, to achieve really was,
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was approaching a read on the paper this morning. usa swimming coach, arrested literally had sex with a 12 year old girl. this happens almost every way we get calls at the office. i get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone is going to start leaking all this together. is going to be a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming, is that documentary? see it on our t ah, essentially there's malware thousands, maybe sometimes millions each day. this pandemic gave again another push for cyber criminals to adapt to the situation. they start targeting the sim cards and the telecom industry. why? because they want to achieve or work out what we call sim swapping. so they will
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try to get the clone of your sim card to clone your mobile number and then use that on a different phone and then convince the bank or convince whoever is attached to that mobile number in transferring money and conducting a lot of scam bites and major organized crime, they adapted to the situation they use cyber. they use the technology as an extension of traditional crime. but we can't ignore how it's evolved over the. and in order to discuss how it's evolved, leave to discuss how us as people using digital technologies have evolved as well. everybody is online. we are all sharing information through social media, through messaging apps to all sorts of devices as well. because everyone is digitized, everyone is moving to online banking out online, retail and so on. there's a smartphone, there's a smart tv, smart cars,
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smart homes, you can't live without your smartphone. you can play without technology and internet with it. so even sometimes you would see some impact, the privacy impact secured the impact from certain tools and technology that they use, but people eventually use them because they can't live without them with islam. old old law. yeah, put them up on the board near the way, looking back wasn't so silent. you do a little darker seats, no one gigabyte label for them on being all speed on my system while dark
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a guy and i was just and they said, so come through. got i'm mm problem. well, i mean, i saw a gun. i wish i knew recently what the one me, there's traffic more not possible should more mozilla, docile bark or more up on me needs. are those stories for more more, more like to build the world stories for the sports or to see knowledge of beautiful facilities miss the following up ordering vehicles partners with watching over marble shows for us to put it on the schedule. motion that video, nelson nickel, and mr. fall, i knew the what the article article studies off. so mused yes. good company. me articles. law morley in my media. somebody. me on the juice. lucas log. emotionally . both mission control. no. i see a funny what cushion looks at the input on that, on the sport with sharesa. wardweb share 2 more la maya. mm
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mm. connected systems and connected cars, connected buses, even the connected trains and metros they can be had. some of those cases have happened to us cities, so we had a san francisco not too long ago, get hit hard by a ransomware, where their entire public transportation system was completely useless. they could not recover from it. a lot of people trying to use the metro trying to use the trains, but they couldn't buy a ticket. those situations happen. they happened in a different types of cities. they haven't happened in dubai, thankfully yet. but it's definitely something that we see a lot of to be honest, i've always been impressed by what tesla was doing, not just from a car perspective, but how they were picking up on the data. so then i,
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they have so much data and intelligence about autonomous dr. ink. and i think for me, it's part of being in this new world, you know, being into an early adopter of electric vehicles. i wanted to try it. i want to experience with online sales humanoid robots. right. was generate that full size even though i grade was we make ones that look like robots, a plastic metal. but we also make
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a range that's all human. okay, so the lifeline silicon skin and they look but they want to move like the human, the drone behind you. yes. this drone in the future will be used using artificial intelligence. it is a taxi service that i think streaming useful thing. do you think my friends are? what are the main threats of what the visual with artificial intelligence has not many main threat? this is due to the 3 laws of robotics. a robot may not india, a human being through inaction allow a human being to come to hom, a robot monster, bay orders getting to it by human beings. ex, that with are told is, would conflict with the bus know listening to lift the couch. and i'd also like jack a boys from yup. want to put him? yeah. a couple blogs with some the was a law just briefly. yes ma'am. can you play
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a man's cut up as well as similar to what you call us semester on them? will watch movies more underwarner schwartzenegger micron. yeah. that was put on that one more look was when you to us i see it's great news. we'll switch this the show. believe if you put all of them. yeah. yes. a 0 my come score. i am, it's a robot to cut a near future. my ciocca thought suits you had to reboot. do it is it comes to me. it says that, you know, were for more reason most of the hallways and we saw the gym or chill, america, and switching you were with at reach out in the chem, put on the war storms deal, and there's metallica keep isn't just committed. alice is some would actually come to port options, placement would kill to crush watson with the beaumont leech. and i have a group of people long, right. want to say they love to the tasks are able to do is to convey messages to talk to you. and the best for them to talk to a person is another person. so instead of just walking in to maybe a reception or, or an app or wherever, if there's a humanoid figure or humanoid presence that,
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then you're going to think i can talk to that with a switch or fietta where i can die school until, you know which it's the might so then there was a crew chin if that. oh, but on this, on the watched on which outside bills were cheated on some smaller group of suicide . 50 to do you much more at the preview law and what they know about hackers are you speaking about ethical hackers on ethical hackers? unethical factors, unethical hackers are indeed a threat. any machine and being act by a technology at the sigma bulk of kentucky, listed on that will not come for the adults to request that a new one. i city speak a photo pretty nice that the world is becoming more digital bit. people aren't going to become completely recursive and only stay in. and i only use digital item even over the past, say, 10 years and see how for something simple like small back
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in 10 years ago, maybe 15 years ago. if you tell yourself or anyone that you have a device that can track you out and see where you've gone, see you've been with see what you thought everyone would go. we can't do that. you know, that's really against everyone's liberty. we don't do that. but now everyone's got device in that book. it, it does exactly that. people have accepted it because our lives are inherently carry with them. the more we allow our lives to be taken over. if you can use that term with digital aspects, with io t, the more open we are to security threats. so it's a bit of a trade off, but it is, i think one that's worth while we continue to battle cybersecurity as best we can.
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and it's one of those things that i think that trade off pays for itself over and over again. we can't deny that the digital transformation is happening and it's a good thing for humanity. we just have to be careful what technology will come out on. we will and then one of the things is happening as a mini cyber implants. right now i'd be where you're really worried about it. most people would really be you can't put a chip in like right. bob, this is where i'm saying actually that will be accepted in the future. or maybe we will have implants in the brain that will directly today. yeah, i was like, well, to the bush, nikki, daniel roy system more sort of a more, an expert in the machine on a booth at the deal. but also we need to deal on that would be what id supported. i mean, wish the one i knew what a lot ma, sheila used to print a question, your clue, psychiatrist, or to i? yes. those are some of the machine and one really nearly enough,
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almost so blacklist that you're more than i just, i said the problem shaelyn. it's a problem with which i could go to the folder and absolutely in the future, the cyber criminals can use artificial intelligence. use machine learning, so actually find vulnerabilities in all the bits of software on the network. so the, the information could definitely be active if there are vulnerabilities in the software. in the same way. right now, your computer to be hijacked and your search engine to be re directed to a different website, which gives you incorrect information. ah, cities can be had connected cars can be had all the different devices now that are connected to the internet can be hack.
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ah, we have many calling again and it's still going linked with me. we are using only do analyze any major accident or anything to reach you with a degree to generate a very often foundation for security and happiness with me. ah
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ah ah bought a
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aah. iraqi prime minister survives a drone bombing on his residence, which the interior ministry describes as a terrorist attack. the reported assassination attempt comes after brutal riots in bagdad apropos over last month contested election. also in the week's top stories, a whistleblower report and the british medical journal points to serious flaws in the testing of visors cobra vaccine. although so far us authorities have been reluctant to investigate them. and canada's top court facts, a comedian who made a series of controversial jokes about a disabled singer stating that it did not amount to discrimination. we put the issue up for debate. the must be a stop between hatred and comedy between violence and free speech. no one saying there shouldn't be consequences. what are you.


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