tv News RT November 9, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EST
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ah, bill deadlines and arthur you caches here, gaston chaos at the border between poland and bela, raised the migrant crisis deepens with refugees trying to force their way into polish territory. meanwhile, france who d k. trade flows directly with number of illegal migrants make it across the channel into england. we hear from locals on the french side. boston they are under the impression that when they arrive, everything will be easy. in reality, it's not at all like that. the story is about those who help in cross because it's not migrant to buy the boat. it's always the traffic is on the climate of fear inside the baby see surrounding stories on trans gender and race. former journalist
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describes the environment that the corporation called for the withdrawal song to speak with drug counselor culture. ah, the morning just gone 10 o'clock in moscow. you watching artie international. now. poland has accused battery so deliberately escalating the migrant crisis on its border and says that several 100 people have arrived at the frontier under the full control of bello russian authorities. this is for crossing the polish border a border will. these are the latest pictures from the bellow, russian polish border where migrants have gathered in the hope of getting into europe. and as you can see, there are a lot of children, too,
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at the site. some of them very young indeed. and they're all saved disabled people too, among the refugees. while monday clashes broke out with border guards and gunfire was heard when cried. try to force their way into poland. ah, i believe it was thought you were doing it. okay, well let's go live now to the bell, russian side of the border and speak to our correspondent that constantine raj. gov . good morning, kasha. we saw a lot of tension. didn't we? yesterday? what's the situation like there that the mind? ah, as good morning, andrew. so right now, we're in belarus,
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a few meters away from the polish border where thousands of migrants from the middle east are stuck trying to cross into the e. u. after failing to breach the border fans yesterday they set up tents and campfires spanning last night out in the woods. now let me give you a quick look at the scene and so that you have a clear picture of what's going on here. ah, so people are gathered around cam fire, some of them bring in more fire woods to warm up. ah, you know, we were managed to speak with some of the people here and we made a few takeaways. and one of them is that they are in dire situation. they are running low on food and supplies. are they running low on a warm clothes? and i literally saw one man who was weren't wearing a trash bag on top of his down code simply to have this extra layer of air. and another takeaways that these people have this really bizarre, a picture of how things gonna work out for them. so they clearly that they don't want to stain polls. they want to just pass this country to germany and their plan
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hear it from what they told us is that to talk to the media, to bring the world's attention to bring the attention of the german government to the situation so that they can somehow influence the polish government so that they would let them on to their territory and further afield. but as a, as that this news came out that the interior minister of germany, he said that he's country and poland simply cannot cope with this influx of migrant . so, ah, clearly what this people think, and the situation on the ground is, is, is a far cry. now, despite their failed to across the border, are these migrants are, they are determined to try again today. most of them come from a war torn nations like iraq, afghanistan, and now they want a new life in europe's wealthiest countries, like germany, but also france to get there. of course they 1st need to pass through poland. now
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the number of migrants trying to reach to you through them. poland are bowers border, has been on the rise over the last month. but the situation dramatically escalated yesterday when thousands of refugees are formed in column and march towards the polish border. some of them i try to get through the barbed wire fence using tree trunks and space. others attempted to cut in with that wire cutters. polish security forces responded with tear gas and pepper spray even gone. fire was heard at one point of poland to has already called a state of emergency and brought around 12000 troops through the border, according to a polish officials who said that this is so far, the biggest attempt to enter poland by force. now it's hard to predict how the current situation is going to develop none of the migrants. so we spoke to are willing to stay in belarus or go back home and almost certainly they don't even have the money to afford the trib, some of the, myron some. i tried to enter
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a poland at another point along the border. and so far of the polish border guard has managed to fend off most of the illegal crossings, but now they're up against a much larger crowd. so i guess what's clear is that these people just can't stay here in the woods forever. for one is getting colder by the dane. secondly, as i mentioned, they go in to run out of food and supply sooner rather than later. okay, thank set that cost that was constantino rush cove on the border that between batteries and poland, where the few did intensify last month or more so via to expel migrants across the border, illegally passing a law that allow them to be pushed back. critics. they slammed that move, calling it an abusive, v. u and international law. meanwhile, poland just accusing the better russian presidents of conducting a hybrid all at the border. while the youth says that men skis using people for political purposes, this is
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a continuation of the desperate attempt by the cash encouraging to use people as pawns to destabilize the european union. and of course, the values that we stand for, and we have repeatedly, firmly rejected attempts to instrumental ice people for political purposes came. i'm and i was, we are dealing with another element of the hybrid will on the polish bell, the russian border. as you know, several 100 people are approaching the board and now haven't been taken through the territory about a risk by people associated with the beller russian services. this is an organized auction that we knew about due to the information our services received at the present, the shank of batteries to say that those claims a hypocritical and the keys is poland. miscellaneous of exporting migrants to germany and france for sure. it was in the pro, poland unless you ania a deliberately accusing, beller us, of artificially creating a migration crisis. at the same time, a special operations are being carried out to create roots for migrant to depart
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from their places, detention to the territory of germany and france massively. and shamelessly violating human rights that meanwhile, that has been a record number of asylum c, because attempting to cross the channel to england in small boats. but while paris and london put the blame on each other, what's happening the problem remains unsold, shall been ski reports. now, from the french port of keller, a cross head is what many dream of the white cliffs of dover and a new life goes. we have a problem in our county organ deserved for every damned if you will. there's mary yesterday. yeah. more density if you will, of what we would did. that is a problem we knew to jen our situation because now we are you, we're, we're, we're, we're we, are you unwilling to know how we gun gen our low. we knew dead v a
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ruler. god, people in the world. what, where are you from? come from suzanne. it's that nur that has angered the mare of cali. she blames a fresh influx of migrants here on the u. k. government saying these see the country as an el dorado. we know that a migrant who arrives in england is taken care of their house to the heaven income for them. england remains an el dorado, but the british government does not have the courage to review its legislation in the field. her view is shared by a many people here. i know how much a boss, i think there's a desire to go to england because it's easier to get a job there here where migrants can't walk at all. and i think some migrants also already have family in the u. k. and it makes them believe it's a kind of el dorado because life is better in england and france, at least for them in england, they are looked after. they get a house and the regular income dropped altogether. they are under the impression
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that when they arrive, everything will be easy. in reality, it is not at all like that. the tensions between the u. k. in france, have been rising of late with to speak over several issues, including this one over my grants. the u. k. government has promised more money to pay for checks. a france holds up its end of the bargain, ensuring that migrants don't succeed in crossing into british waters. both choose the other side of failing. in the meantime, the number of successful crossings has hit record highs and what the dangers of crossing the english channel. all too apparent for locals, hair the only people profiting all the people smugglers calli. residents want the u . k. government to do more use of if you could you know how many have died? how many people have left on very fragile boats, especially the story is about those who helped them cross here because it's not migrant to by the boat said it's always the traffickers home. they put them in the
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boats and after that they said don't figure it out. play by their burglar keats necessary that the british government closes its borders and bar is johnson hasn't done anything to improve the situation for me, excuse the expression, but he, the clown, he care. but there's, i'm a good as a french person from kelly, i would prefer that those migrants go to england because we don't want them here for keep, they must pay the money they promised on. they must change the laws to make it less easy for migrants in england for migrants like mohammed staying in france just isn't an option. if it done me to go school, i need the school and the leg is the leg normally do still here, but never of technical the language because i think the pharmacy is different. different and. and then while many people we have spoken to in cali say that they just simply can't take any more. they may have to. as the french government opens
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a new migrant shelter in the town, the mare is warning that this signals another. a jungle disaster. it is out of the question that this shelter should go ahead. it's total madness. the opening of the shelter will become a rallying post and you come in, you jungle. at 1st there will be $300.00 migrants. then 600, then 1500 and so on. the u. k is in the process of creating a new law that he believes will deal with the situation. if passed, it would mean illegally entering the u. k. could. and someone in prison for up to 4 years, the offense would also be something that would be noted on any asylum application, but that still possibly a long way off until then this slid. the oversea is all for many that stands in the way of all of their dreams coming. true. charlotte, even ski
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r t. kelly. we spoke to stephen wolf about this. he is the director of the center for migration and economic prosperity, and he explained how human trafficking has become a big issue for the k. while there is a growing problem in the united kingdom of an underground market that jobs which is creating a lack economy that is growing ever more so, illegal migrants who are basically economic migrants of paying millions of pounds each year to people. traffic is to avoid the legal routes and, and avoid any lawful way of living in the united kingdom. very few people, traffic has have been caught even fewer have been prosecuted and imprisoned. and as a consequence of that, part of the growing black economy in the united kingdom is basically what's called debt financing. and the legal migrant will pay a people trafficker
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a sum of money. and if you can't afford it, the people trafficker will lend him the money. and when he gets to the united kingdom, that person has to pay the people traffic back really high rates of interest. so the people traffic is, have them almost like slaves. perkins, national broadcaster, has been accused of breathing, a climate of fear inside the corporation when it comes to stories on race and transgender. one former bbc employee who's even written a book on the ledge by the organization is highlighting the difficulty for staff to speak out on certain issues. gross, a very strong, cohesive and in some ways coercive internal culture within the organization. it's quite difficult for individual sometimes to speak as and say things which run counter to the culture. if we're talking about l g b t methods within the b c,
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i would think that it would be quite difficult if you were a b, b, c person to say something which was critical of the current of liberal people on l g b t method. i would say that you would be very well advised to keep that opinion to yourself because way to voice it openly in an edits or meeting or something. it wouldn't get down very well. what would be the consequences of doing that if you were bbc person? i think you might blight your opportunities for promotional, you might actually get some severe criticism from other people in the b, b. c. what, in a recent article published in the u. k. several bbc employees did speak of
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a sensitive environment and phase of being rated over undesirable v points. they also spoke to the demands to change or drop stories. meanwhile, the bbc chief tin davey has praised the broadcast, his devotion to make all voices heard. and his commitment to balanced reporting. however, robin can again to say that when the media is largely dominated by a liberal agenda, who here is you've got a media culture in brick. but this extends into all the into other western countries as well. where there is an acceptable and polite view or world event, which is dominated by media liberal. so foreign in the matter of donald trump, there was unanimity in the british mainstream media that donald trump was a bad thing and a bad man. or take another matter. there is
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a general anti russian atmosphere in the british media. and so these things color, the reporting that we absorb are exposed to her. and these are serious matters because they affect relations between nations. and they don't give a fair picture always. so what's happening here was you not a come to this? i, russian, developers come up with a brand new invention to block the legal trade in fake vaccination classes. we'll have a look at how they do it just after the break. ah ah ah, is your media a reflection of reality in
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the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation or community? are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in a world corrupted, you need to descend. why join us in the depths or remain in the shallows? join me every 1st day on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in
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the hello again, now offer a surgeon karone of ours cases. many russians do need to use vaccine passports at the moment to get entry into some public places. however, there's also seen an increase to the number of fate pass is being sold on the black market. although that could soon be a thing of the past. things to new technology is really portraying care has been finding. this is a q r code that i got from russian authorities to prove that i've got anti bodies from a vaccine. i can use it to go to a theater for example, but for now someone can steal it from me and use it instead of me. soon though, that won't be possible because of an invention by one russian startup, which have come up with q r codes that cannot be copied whatsoever. at 1st glance, the cure codes that stanislaus invented. don't look too different from the classic
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ones we've known for a while already. but if you take a closer look, you'll see that they include a sophisticated additional element in the middle, a rectangle with a smaller and less traceable pattern of shapes. that's what makes a difference with books. so are you saying that your q r codes cannot be copied in any way at all? yes, there is no way. it's absolutely impossible to prove it. we can go over the printer, make copies of all coach. i'll show you how it works, then we can also take a picture of the q all codes on the phone until it's read them, and the copies can be read. you'll see for yourself. with glass curio here is one of our q all codes. we can read it using a phone camera window. we take it read what is encoded inside and get the result. if you now, let's try to print a copy, click, where do we put elk, your code here? let's put it up. now let's try to read it again with our mobile up.
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exactly, and as you can see, the system can't read any more. yeah. the same thing happened when we took a picture of stanish loves code with a smartphone, the system wouldn't react to the one of the photo, even though it was a high quality one. only the original cure image triggered the act. if i don't know what my form left go, what do i understand correctly that your cure code can be used by the any factors on items that they don't want to be counter? feed it yes, that's right. much situation where you were ordering a product, an incident on some online store, but you get a fake part of the cost, a lot of money without any q r code to transfer. this is eliminated because the manufacturer applies our q r code production site and uses ordinary people, can scan it to make sure that this product comes come off a legitimate assembly line. it wasn't replaced anywhere. but here's
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a simple example ago buys cosmetics from a favorite brand, though she is not sure that these are original products. and if she use it, she could have a reaction to its original product and she can check it to make sure afterwards, she can apply on the body or face and not worry about it was before cold. how long did it take you to develop this cure? code which border it took us more than 6 months to create the initial prototype and it took another 3 months to go into mass production. and how did you come up with the idea? you won't believe it. in fact, when we think about something a lot sooner or later it comes to mind, it just came to me in a dream. no one in this world has thought of it yet. we monitor the market on a weekly basis, and there is nothing like this a cut us. of course, if you were looking for ways to cheat with to our codes this invention would probably disappoint you. but when someone tries to fool you, or your children with fakes that you paid money for,
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that really isn't something that's going to make you happy. this new invention, the brand new, all my teen q. r code will really make life of those who want to caching on fakes much more difficult. joe biden claims the presidential elections in the car, argues the weekend for a pantomime and a sham. but despite those allegations, daniel ortega was re elected after securing over 75 percent of the vote. according to initial results pantomime election that was neither free nor fair. and most certainly not democratic. the ortega and maria family narrow nicaragua, as autocrats. no different from the somoza family that ortega and the sandinista is fought for decades ago. well, the u. s. president has pointed out to you that dozens of nicaragua and opposition figures had been arrested before the elections and were a keys to being traces. america threatened to impose sanctions and these
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restrictions on the country. while ortega has denied all of these allegations and his point, the finger back at the united states that morton, the assistant editor of independent east wet website. the gray zone told us that washington wants to demolish the government and privatize all of nicaragua, state assets. it's not about democracy, it's not about human rights. washington wants to overthrow the sun, the nice to government, and install a puppet regime, which will privatize all of nicaragua, state assets. will privatized the socialized health system. the socialized education system was sell off all of nicaragua assets to us corporations and will serve u. s. foreign policy interests by leaving the alba the bowl very in alliance. he talking point that nicaragua supposedly arrested, all of the opposition leaders is a simply false. it's extremely misleading. there were 6 different opposition parties that participated in the november 7th elections. those opposition figures
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who are extreme as to who planned a crew attempt and 2018. they were not actual candidates. they were not legal candidates, they never registered to be candidates. they're in prison right now. being investigated for crimes that are illegal in all of the world, every country of the and the world, including united states, has laws against conspiring with a foreign power has laws against treason has laws against cru plotting and has laws against money laundering. that's why these nicaraguan extremists were imprison. it's not because they were candidates because they weren't candidates nationalities . that brings you up tonight the when he's at safest tuesday morning, just gone 25 past 10 in moscow. don't forget that. we've got a website for 2 stories too. and as usual, you can find that at r t dot com ah
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long mo, well, it shows the wrong one. i just don't know any world that you have to shape out disdain, because the african and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves world warren, we choose to look for common ground. as a korea professional sport is much tougher on some than others with the euro. he'd been marked by everybody. so why would somebody believe me? i was just a little girl to price upgrade to to, to achieve really was was a read on the paper this morning usa swimming coach, arrested, allegedly had sex with a 12 year old girl. this happens almost every week. we get calls at the office. i
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get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone's gonna start linking all this together is going to be a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming, is that documentary? i see it on r t for driven by dreamer shaped banks. concur some of those with who dares sinks, we dare to ask ah,
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long lines at the border as america opened back up to vaccinate travelers. we will discuss the possible double standard as more caravans, of those seeking to a legally entity united states advanced. and there's a new round of tina the trump allies. they focus on the events happening at the willard command center. on january 5th. we will bring you the details of the story which only democrats seem to actually care about. and biden daughter diary drop by now getting involved and showing up at one well known conservative investors house with a search warrant. it will bring you the details. and a gesture popular thanks to to top is actually used to help rescue a missing teenager from her abuser. could this help improve the social media is a very negative reputation. i'm sorry, no huge. we're going to give you 360 view of the source and more on today's news news news here on our to america.
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ah . we start this week with clashes. continuing at the border between bella, ruth and poland, all met a migrant crisis between the 2 countries. now in recent months, poland is actually tempted to close its borders, saying that bello roof has opened its borders for african and other refugees just to flow on through. and now those clashes are becoming much more violent, or des. peter oliver has the latest urgency meeting being called as things escalated on that border with fellow roofs. throughout monday we saw tree trunks being used as battering rams to try and get through the border fence. there, there were people with ply is and wire cutters of some kind, trying to cut through the barbed wire as they were being sprayed with pepper sprayed almost point blank range from border guards. just over the other side,
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one guy using a spade to try and beat down barb wire as well right and frontal flows and those border defense troops. now extra troops had been sent by poland to that frontier. $12000.00 extra troops called up a state of emergencies. currently in play in poland because of the flow of people trying to get from ballot for try to get from belarus into poland. that state of emergency a last for 3 months. now the bellow rush in ab border guards have actually put out a statement in which they've said that the polish side are attempting to inflame the situation. taking into account statements by polish officials on the concentration of armed forces and equipment near the border, we do not exclude the possibility of provocative actions by the polish side and justifying the use of physical force and special equipment against refugees. or this by that statement, it's hard to see what poland would stand to gain from.
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