tv News RT November 10, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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a who you want to be when you grow old hunger and suffering at the border between belarus and poland with thousands of migrants including children, remain stranded while trying to enter that you. a group of nobel prize winners is demanding human rights organizations are allowed, immediate access to the area the display of arrogance and impunity. the russian foreign minister, black news approach to the unfolding migrant crisis. and another news. a world renowned lawyer says a recent guantanamo trial described as a stain on the moral fiber of america, could hopefully set a precedent for other victims of abuse at the hands of us agents. this is the 1st time that everyone got a cheer in anywhere. what these horrible things were done to them now,
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i believe it will be more and more difficult for the government of the united states to keep secret what happened to be other people with not doesn't live direct from our studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. right now, the migrant crisis shows no sign of abating at the border between poland and bella . luce, where thousands have been camping in harsh conditions for the last 2 nights. but as the political situation heats up and the weather is only getting colder, and among those sacrificing basic comforts in their efforts to find a better life, our families with children. now these are some of the pictures from the border camp, adding to the migrants plight, food and water supplies are said to be running low, while many are trying to keep warm in damp sleeping bags. people including children,
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have spent the day collecting wood for fires. we spoke to some of those in the camp, including a disabled boy who was hoping to get treatment in the you who you want to be when you grow old. the day he was born with the disease and his legs. we tried very hard to get treatment abroad, but we didn't get the nation to leave the country. we received an offer for treatment from germany, but we were not allowed to leave could the, some, after several years of not being allowed to leave, the doctor told us that his legs had to be amputated. since then he has been using the prosthesis. these are his legs. he's walking with those legs. they're getting too small for him. every 6 to 8 months, they get to small because he's growing up money and we don't have the money to change them. life until the stone is too hard. he can't go to school play in the playground, all the children insult him because he has a disability. what's your favorite game to play? most?
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of course, you would like to go and play football side with with these prosthesis legs. he can't. meanwhile, poland has deployed additional police and troops, as well as military hardware at the border where it has declared a state of emergency. it's after maintenance tried to storm the frontier on monday, cutting through the razor wire fence and using treat trucks to flatten it. clashes broke out with border guards who used to tear gas and the sound of gunfire was also heard. according to polish estimates, as many as 4000 people remain at the border around 10000 more are believed to be elsewhere in bella, luce, and heading towards the frontier to try and enter the u. many refugees at the camp, save that. they are now liking the most basic supplies. on tuesday evening, humanitarian organizations did manage to deliver some aid, including food, water, warm clothes, and blankets, and more arrived wednesday. our correspondent conference from rosco is there for us . hundreds of migrants have gathered to get free food delivered by val,
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russian volunteers and the local red cross. this is much needed help for these refugees, a stuck here at the polar show bella rues border. now we can see that kids, they are served a 1st to get milk and some cookies. this is much needed help for these. a poor migrant says they're running extremely low on supplies. you know, for the past few days, these people have been on a poor, died made up of junk food or potatoes, cooked on camp fires. but even these can stocks are almost gone. now. cold is another problem for these migrants, most of which came from the middle east temperatures now drop below 0 degrees celsius at night. and these people have to sleep right on the freezing ground, not just man, but also women and children campfires. let's have a look at the scene here, and you can see a lot of campfires, they are now never stopped burning because david cam crucial for these people's survival, of course,
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cold and food deprivation is an extremely dangerous mix. recently we came across a boy who was barely responsive, his mother told us he couldn't get absence this morning and refused to eat. she's worried sick. that her son my die at this camp. and i, you know, the problem is that there are no medics on side. unfortunately, these refugees are at the end of their robes. they don't want to stain barrios but all and doesn't let them into the european union refusing to consider their asylum applications. at some point, almost everyone at the scamp lined up along the barbed wire fence over there, and people chanted open the border in a desperate attempt to bring attention to their plight. and i didn't take any immediate effect though, as the polish security forces stood still and just i looked at these people through the layers of barbed wire. a number of below russian politicians and civil activists also took part and delivering supplies to the migrants of constantine
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mentioned several tons of humanitarian aid have been provided so far from the local branch of the red cross. most has been donated by bell, russian producers and companies. ambulance crews are at the camp as well. and while that humanitarian assistance is being handed out, a group of nobel prize winners has appealed to institutions to take action. in an open letter published on tuesday, they said that europe has no right to take their eyes off the tragedy. they demanded that polish authorities allowed journalists and human human rights organizations to enter the border area from the e u side or to charlotte pinsky. with more on that part of the story, as this humanitarian crisis plays out as desperate people wait to try and enter into the e u. they are being treated like they are political ping pong that has been humanitarian assistance. able to get through, but it's not very much, and that's why these poor noble prize winners have written this open,
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let it now demanding that humanitarian organizations have regular access to help out. the polish government imposed the state of emergency under buddhist trip. but when perlin and baller bruce on the basis of which to refuse the excess of sick and dying in the border area to doctors and paramedics, and prevented the media from accessing the tragedy that was going on, there were call on the aid organizations that can provide medical and legal assistance to be allowed to enter the border area. poland has been securing its board or for some time it's been putting up barbed wire fences. it's been installing more surveillance cameras to see what's going on and it sent more than 10000 troops. and police officers to try and shore it's frontiers. and now it appears that the e u, which at the moment, is currently finding poland, 1000000 euros every day for its refusal to back down on the it's you dish reforms
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and is withholding billions of euros in covert recovery funds appears that it's ready to open me write a new blank check for poland in a bid to shore that barrier that infrastructure on the border there to security. easton, frontiers just a month ago that you said that was out of the question. now it seems that that is very much back on the table in the mean time. the other thing that's being discussed is, sanctions, more sanctions are due to be announced next week. that's what we're hearing from diplomatic sources, not just against bella roost, but also we understand that this could be extended to russian and turkish airline carriers that operate from middle eastern countries and fly in 2 minutes. this situation really seems like it's rapidly deteriorating. of course, the ro, peon permission and the central european government interested
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to keep the refugees away from central europe. so they will have poland onto that. and after that of cross the confrontation, again, call it 6, which is done in a moment, is contradictory because on paper we have international law on paper. the european union claims for itself to cling to the human rights and all the qualities. florida . this is pure political will of the all europe in union, not to have the people so that mall will come. it's a political decision to shock the people so that they tell the relatives who are maybe still at home. don't come here if syndic, but it's a reality you, is it revealing its sense of superiority and its approach to the migrant crisis on the polish bella russian border. so says russia foreign minister, making that accusation as he met his fellow russian counterpart here in moscow to
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come when you're going to shoot the polish unless lenient, didn't come to us asking for help. they enjoy their own sense of independence. making loud claims and blaming belarus. and russia, they didn't ask anybody for help. this is a display of their arrogance and impunity to belittle the foreign minister as representing allies. men skin moscow have spoken out against how the european union member states have been treating bowers in the wake of the border crisis that is refusing to deal with the bell. russian government directly to at least try and work out solutions for what's happening at the border. we also heard from the top diplomats that all the proposals that were coming from minsk for a talks have been completely ignored by european countries. instead, according to the allies minced, continues to receive threats of further isolation and more punishment in the form
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of sanctions. now i asked the, the foreign ministers what they make of the way some senior polish officials and commentators began drawing parallels between what's happening at the border right now with the beginning of world war 2. that was back in 1939. some of the darkest days in polish history, and this was the response by circular rob virginia street. in political discussions, the west is increasingly reverting to historical examples in parallels. but they always cherry pick the information if poland says the situation resembles 1939, then why did they not remember? 1938 when czechoslovakia was torn apart. for example, such perilous are absolutely inappropriate william and reflect and inadequacy. and the logic of the people saying them this, it only means that the so called young europeans continue to pull europe towards escalating confrontations with both belarus and russia. i hope that responsible
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europeans do not allow themselves be drawn into this dangerous spiral. the message from some of the most senior year of p and union officials has been the same since the very outbreak of the crisis. that is, that means is trying to wage hybrid war against the blog. but what i heard from the bell russian top, the woman was that he's actually amazed how he's never seen the same kind of attitude towards the european union's neighbors in the mediterranean or in the balkans. given the scale of the influx of refugees that the block has seen for years from the south and from the southeast. here is what else? the bell russian top level mad said about that problem. the problem is not beller roost, but the european union. what exactly is their strategy? it is to punish a rebellious country that has taken a different point of view and has taken in their opinion, some unacceptable steps. it is an absolutely intolerable approach. there must be
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dialogue, but they have driven themselves so far into a corner that they cannot get out of it. and then it happened that they did not even recognize the legitimacy of the bell russian government. so now they do not know how to get out of this situation. this is clearly nothing but a complete diplomatic deadlock, and the situation on the border isn't likely to improve any time soon. but at least mens has been reassured once again during wednesday's meeting that it's got the backing of its eastern ally in other news this our all frontline national health service staff in england will have to be fully vaccinated against covet or face losing their jobs. the plans have been outlined by the government, although estimates suggest more than 120000 health and social care workers could now quit over the issue artes shutting. edwards dusty have story. you say that's usually concerning. the 2nd that's already so short staffed an impact assessment is
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already coming through warning that this will of course, lead to a reduction in the services and lead to delays in the services as well as i to target. the health secretary insist weighing up the pros and cons. the pros of keeping people say, actually tip the balance. they carry a unique responsibility. they have this responsibility because they are in close contact with some of the most vulnerable people in our society, particularly an issue of being under stop when the increase of demands are happening in health services like one directly behind me. and if you put that all into the context, all the pressures of the pandemic many and h. f professionals are really disappointed with the government. they feel demoralized and they don't want to be pressured into if they feel po was threatened and ultimately forced into this policy. now trade union speaking on behalf of many of the and h as professional say this move using the law will actually do more harm than good
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. the government hasn't listened to what many people told them that during that consultation, which is that potentially the fact that they're reaching press sledgehammer on this using the law. and even the chief executive of n h, a provider says that the government actually needs to try and win the argument through the powers of persuasion not just using and imposing at the law to do so. and in any case, is there really a need for this and the 1st place, considering already 90 percent of any just off already double vacillated was it's only pulls around $50000.00 unvaccinated people when they come fully vaccinated. and is that really enough to push through a policy like this? then if we take that example of those in social care now the deadline for all of those members, a staff. 7 in social care to be double vaccinated, it actually later this week on thursday and still that policy with an out of because we've actually seen a gradual increase of people becoming backdated. but
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a huge amount of people have again, entirely left to the sector. so it seems like there is a face of the government trying to protect those most vulnerable. of course, that is fair enough, but what we do know here is there isn't really a public opinion. there isn't really much of an appetite to make the vaccinations compulsory, whatever the profession is. so it is a very risky move. indeed, we are likely to see a mass exodus of an a chest of professionals from a health service already on it me, the government said it wants to keep people say i. 2 want it to me and they end up doing the opposite. meanwhile, the head of any test england has faced the accusations of trying to scare people into getting vaccinated. that was after she claimed current covered hospital admissions. we're searching 14 times the number of people in the hospital with it that we saw this time last year. and we've also had a record number of 800 says the outdated figures she was referring to were actually
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from august, while in fact, the very latest data shows that the current number of coven patients in the hospital is actually lower than a year ago. the health chiefs claims provoked a storm of criticism online. if n h s. c o, amanda prichard is so far out on her own data. she is either utterly incompetent or deliberately trying to mislead and scare the population. either way, shocking and unacceptable. not surprising. the n h s is in a mess and needs reform today and a chest chief executive, amanda pritchett talked complete and utter nonsense about cove. fergus, either she deliberately lied or she has no idea what's going on in hospitals. it is reprehensible that someone in such a powerful position should get it so wrong. they lied to suit the fact that she was warning people that there was a building problem for the n h. s. was lost in this debate and excitement about the
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numbers which were frankly, just the mistake. there are certain people who will exploit what are mistakes for their own ends to generate bad publicity for treatment. for caving for vaccines. making mistakes means that false numbers get out into the public domain and they will be or can be seized upon by people with alteri motives, to generate bad publicity creat doubting people's mind when really all it is is just a mistake. rushes 2nd city st. petersburg is making vaccinations, compulsory for workers aged over 60 employers are being advised to dismiss anyone refusing a job if it threatens other people's health. the move comes, as russia clocked up the highest daily cove death toll in the world on wednesday. for the 1st time since the start of the pandemic ortiz, daniel hawkins, takes a closer look. let's just put this news into context. russia, as seen a week long,
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non working we compose last week, according to authorities. those measures have broken the very warring trajectory. the numbers of infections of death from colbert have stabilize apparently over the last few days as a result of those measures. nevertheless, numbers remain very high and measures remain in place on a case by case basis across regions in cities, federal authorities leading up to discretion of regional governors and parliament to bring in measures they see fit to st. peter's book, the city we're talking about russia's so called northern capital, has seen the 2nd highest number of cases off the moscow. and that's why the, as much as all brought in any workers aisd over 60, we'll have to get a covert vaccination or face the possibility of dismissal, or simply being put on leave without pay. of course dick's indicate that the elderly over 60, are the most vulnerable to the syllabus. and this is why authorities have brought in what seems to be quite
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a radical measure. but the health authorities and see if there is employers that are responsible for the health and safety and well being of their employees. if a citizen is unemployed, the issue of vaccination is that their own discretion and the keys of working citizens. it is the employer who is responsible for the vaccination of the workforce. as we say though, the trajectory, the very rapid rise in one has been stopped according to authority. the numbers remain high. the numbers remain worrying just a few days ago on the 600 russia set a new record for the number of infections across the country. 41000 though, before which 1005 and today russian set the grim record. as we said, audio for the highest number of deaths over 1200, nearly a 100 of them that here in the capital in moscow. and although he's really trying to get the vaccination drive back on track and experience has shown that these sorts of measure is in the long run. do encourage people to go and get back said that we've seen queues forming it vaccinations centers in moscow across the country
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. as well, with over 50 percent, 53 percent to be precise. all russians having now got at least one component of the job and of course the district showed that of course the vaccine is 100 percent effective. no vaccine is those who have been double job, the significantly less likely to suffer a serious illness and death. only 4 percent of those who've had the vaccine are affecting the hospitals at this stage. so authority is very much still trying to get those numbers down and indeed try to get the numbers vaccinated up to bring this under control. after harrowing revelations of torture in the guantanamo detention facility, we have heard from international recognized lawyer, nancy hollander. she described the importance of a recent trial which saw a former c i. a detainee give the 1st public testimony of abuse at the hands of american agents hollander hopes the case described as
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a stain on the moral fiber of america will set a precedent for other victims held in us secret jails around the world. nancy hollander is a high powered american criminal defense lawyer, best known for representing to guantanamo bay detainees. she also acted for whistleblower chelsea. manning charged in the u. s. with leaking classified data and whose release she won. nancy was portrayed by actress jodie foster and the movie, the mortician about the guantanamo detaining held without charge. now in today's going underground here on our team, she expands on the case of my g con, a former prisoner of the cia who claims to have been brutally treated. this is the 1st time that everyone got to hear, ah, in anywhere what these horrible things were done. did them go back and look at the 16th century england and you'll know what happened to him basically just horrific.
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and that's what happened to the others in the black sites also. i mean it's so nothing has happened. i mean, this is just in the past few days, nothing has happened. that senate ripple, which is the cia of legal torture in 2014. and he says, when he says clearly, the more he cooperated, the more he was tortured. that's what he says. yes, the whole thing is, so is so too horrible. the senate report makes public some of what happened to our clients, but not everything. and now more is coming out and now i believe it will be more and more difficult for the government of the united states to keep secret what happened to the other people, the $911.00 people and my client. and of course, there are $26.00 men in guantanamo who never been charged with any crime who have not pleaded guilty. they're just there as if some kind of permanent detention
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which is totally anathema to the united states based on what his plea was. and what he was charged with their obligation was to sentence him to at least 25 years 25 to i don't remember the top and 40. they sentenced him to 26 years. but then at the request of his defense counsel, ah, who asked that they asked for clemency. they did. and 7 of the 8 wrote a hand written magnificent letter. saying this was a stain on america. he came, they didn't quite say he was tortured, but they said he, what high his treatment came close to the torture in other countries that we don't permit. ah, this is horrible and he should have clemency. is quite an astounding letter.
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also, he has a he, his plea deal is secret. so we don't really know what it is and, but he could be released soon. the google has lost an appeal against a more than 2000000000 euro fine and posed by the european commission in 2017 for anti trust practices. the tech giant had been found guilty of favoring its own shopping services. the terror court finds that by favor in its own comparison shopping service on its general results pages through more favorable display and positioning, while variegated result from competing paris and services. in those pages by means of rank and algorithms. google departed from competition on the merits. the huge fine was imposed 4 years ago following several complaints by european and the u. s . competitors. google slammed the decision at the time as quote wrong on the law,
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the facts, and the economics. however, it complied with the ruling and changed the way it's shopping services work. the find was one of the 3 anti trust penalties, totaling more than 8000000000 euros against google. although today's ruling can still be appealed at the european court of justice, the blocks highest court. meanwhile, the you is working on toughening its legislation to ensure a fair competition on its territory. the digital markets act, if approved, would restrict self preferences and to targeting advertising in an effort to bring more privacy to users, internet law expert and social media lawyer cohen believes google will now face further legal action. following this you ruling, google is been investing huge amount of money in law, being in d u r n bid. that could be a situation where the decision is being woven down on the basis of google law being . but my belief here is that this is h for google,
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and from now on that it opens the flood gate to other type of legal action or no just wouldn't be you, but also in the us. in also it will support those companies that had been damaged and on by google's on the competitive b. ever or that does it for me, this era i will be back in just under 33 minutes with another full and fresh look to news. this is our to international aah! join me every thursday on the alex salmon show, but i'll be speaking to guess in the world of politics. sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm. ah.
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which of course is just going to exacerbate inflation. there, this is a recipe for more inflation, so it's financial a literacy mixed with state sponsored propaganda over there at the major american networks lawyer john little is well acquainted with the federation's history. his made it his mission to fight for justice for the victims of sexual abuse in sport. he has worked on countless cases in sports such as gymnastics, diving, fencing and field hockey. but there have been more lawsuits against usa swimming than against any other federation. well these are, these are the stuff in swimming. this stuff is pretty old. this is 8292. which guys i cannot keep track of all the swimmers that have called me over the years.
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there's too many, john has all kinds of documents in his files such as this confession from 1986 signed by a coach. i read curl, do declare of my own free will and volition that i have had sexual intercourse with minor kelly m davies. rick caroll was one of the top american coaches. his victim was 15. despite the lawsuit. 8 years later he was appointed coach of the year, and he worked for another 26 years before finally being sentenced to 7 years in prison. littles files also include a dispatch for mr. seated press reporting, the exclusion of mich ivy. a former olympic champion turned coach from his club for having intimate relations with several under age athletes. one of them later became his wife. usa swimming only excluded him and 23rd.
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