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tv   News  RT  November 11, 2021 12:00am-12:30am EST

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everything becomes transparent, but what we're thinking this is not a migration crisis. the european union announces a new way the sanctions against by the race calling the chaos of the blocks eastern border. an attempt to d stabilized d rather than a migration crisis. meanwhile, hungry suffering among thousands of migrants, the batteries, poland border does continue for a 3rd consecutive night. for access to supplies and medical aid is severely limited . reverently this girl, i live a with a branch. now she's bleeding in. she needs help. but a problem is that there are no medics around, there are no doctors around and i am really, nobody knows. well how to deal with this. and also this are the developer of the medina cody jabs at loggerheads from the us government over. do hate credit for inventing a crucial component of the vaccine. ah
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. hello, good morning. just gone 8 o'clock in the russian capital. you're watching arty international. now the european union has paced new sanctions on battery. so with the migrant crisis on its border with poland, it does come as thousands of asylum seekers camp for 3rd night along the frontier in the hope of gaining entry to the you. european commission president made the announcement after meeting with the u. s. leader joe biden. and kind that the situation had been orchestrated by beller roost to try and de stabilize the block. this is not a migration crisis. this is the attempt of and also we terry and regime to try to destabilize its democratic neighbors. we are dealing with which we have to state clearly is a manifestation of state terrorism. alexander, look, sion,
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cose goal is to be stabilized the whole of europe. therefore, i am glad that today a little differently than in the case of previous migration crises. the whole of the european union speaks with one voice. meanwhile, the batteries foreign ministry said on wednesday that the you is utilizing the border crisis to punish rebellious country that has a different point to view. adding that the west is abusing the human rights of people at the border to pulling $15000.00 troops against women and children who are enduring freezing, temperature, and also a lack of basic supplies. now, while there is still no access to the border area for humanitarian assistance from the use side, several tons of aid including food, water, warm clothes have been provided by the russian branch of the red cross with a number of local officials in civil activists. also taking part and delivering supplies to the migrants with more now on how people are coping with life in the camp. his artes konstantin, gross, gulf. one of the 3rd thing that you noticed when he entered the camp is just the
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smoke thick smoke from the campfires. and when you spend just a couple of hours in this thick smoke, you feel dizzy in your ice or but these people have to take it in 247 non stop to stay warm. these migrants need lots of firewood, but even cut the trees to live is a problem. if you don't have the skills or proper tools, having something as simple as an ax almost becomes a matter of survival here. where did you get the x? this? those are the for the soldiers give you. i just gave you just gave you for help. go for help and it's an all hands on deck approach. even children are being sent out into the forest to collect dry sticks and branches for bonfires. wow, good job. but wandering around in the woods can be dangerous. these girls just come
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back from the forest with blood all over her face. evidently this girl, sadly, with a branch. now she's bleeding and she needs help. but the problem is that there are no metrics around. there are no doctors around and really nobody knows how to deal with this proper medical help is in high demand, as people suffer from the cold and lack of food in the morning we came across a boy who was barely responding and a worried mother had thought her son was not going to make it later the day was stopped by again to check on the family. the boy had improved but still feeling sick. according to his friend who speaks english and yet everybody is determined to stay. but you guys, you have no food, it's really cold and you think it's ok it is worth it to hear instead of data home at sources. why sources have you ever been to rog?
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no, no. that's why you do not about them. but it's hard to stay resilient when your stomach cmt lacking proper food, this man takes vitamin. see? he says it helps him to keep some energy and make up for his poor. died of canned food. so we have 3 cans of 2 or 3 men. and that's one can, is day one can for 3 men. so we eat one count for 3 men and a little a little bit bread with the free food handed out by the russian volunteers and the red cross is live saving. but despite all the problems, these migrants act as if they're here to state. some of them have hits shudder out of the wind at night. others dismantle parts of the metal fence right in front of the polish armed forces, wire and iron pillars. from the border wall are now used to make bigger and more
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solid shelters. so what started as a camp now might very well develop into a small village. and the population of the village is growing by the day as new migrants arrived. now there are $3000.00 of them at the border with poland. where did you come from? me to stand them for the school camp from company we just don't try to connect to support to france. so they're not going to take. they'll stay with us. all of us stay together till till what will i will do for you just waiting for a hearing stories from their friends and relatives who made it to europe. these people believe that countries like germany, france, would love to welcome them and give them money and support. and with this in mind, there are ready to stay and struggle at the polish border. will not in those la,
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from the german left part. he does say that the root cause of this migrant crisis of the walls that have involved nato. we have to look at the reason why other people fleeing from the middle east. because the nato countries are destroying serially vi rex and tens of years. and now we have a refugee crisis, the 1st way will be to avoid war and to stop the law which done on the shoulders of these people. mostly no, and the 2nd will be to find a solution. now bring this people into safe homes that they can stay the renter that they can find the prospect. this politics have to stop this politic sanction and the politics. throwing the blame on others was situation which is called caused by natal states by destroying the areas you can't afterwards hear all the
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blame. you have to get into dialogue and change like you turn in a different direction. otherwise the situation to come again and again. now we're billions of dollars and future profits at stake. the american company behind the modern k vaccine and the u. s. government, a locked in a bit, a dispute. the firm claims it's the sol inventor. the crucial component in a painting claim. while leaving out several government scientists who contributed to its development, causing a wave of indignation. modernity is cheating us. taxpayers. modern is being scientifically dishonest. modern is trying to cheat and age scientists. modern refuses to share. it's roxanne recipe and manufacturing know how even if it's making billions of dollars in profits. payton saw development monopolies and then a panoramic. it is a terrible idea to have a private corporation have a monopoly on part of
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a life saving technology. the vaccine itself would not exist without the massive contribution of the federal government at every step of the way. benjamin franklin, one said, an investment in knowledge pays the best interest and the race to create cobra. 900 vaccines is certainly required some pretty big investment from federal authorities in the us. medina, shap, the company received more than a little help from various government agencies from bottom to the and billions and funding was granted to madana to expedite the creation of spike back the investment paid off. the vaccine is one of many saving lives in the us and abroad. what about that interest? mister franklin mentioned. the devil is in the details and tens of billions are at stake. madana is now at loggerheads with the u. s. government over the question of patenting. he's the thing, aside from access to government coffers, the company also had help from some of the best brains in the land. working closely
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with federal scientists to create the vaccine that even gives them a notifying thing one of it's for patients, applications acknowledging their role and designing some components. but that's where the thanks stopped. the company had all along recognized the substantial role that the n i h has played in developing. madame a covered 19 vaccine, but only my, they're an assigned to design the vaccine. why exclude and federal scientists for most documents, they're also excluding them from a share of the profits madana claims. so creator of the technology, it alone should read the rewards. and on surprisingly, federal authorities on a happy and what their cut of the profits off truly work together for 4 years or other corona viruses. but also a year of discussions with my data resolution is no closer there. and i h disagree with my darnell inventor. she determination,
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i mentioned an age in renters from their principal patent application deprives, and they each of a corner ship interest instead application and the patent that will eventually issue from it. at the thought of the panoramic, it seemed all hands were on deck to save lives. no cost would be spared money. no object. as the world face is wave after wave of infections. it seems money is the object. and this goes beyond us borders, activists and organizations of cooled on madana to share the full vaccine formula and transfer. acknowledge you to manufacturers who would produce it cheaply for poor nations. but this seems little a government can do at home or abroad. we actually absolutely want that to happen, but my understanding is also that the u. s. government does not have the ability to compel maturing to take certain actions. meanwhile, the treasury seems to be losing the battle for a share of the walls, having invested billions. madana is founders and investors are lawful all the way
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to the bank and so forbes richness. and there's more to come. the company's lined up supply deals worth up to 35000000000 by the end of next year. among all a call for global unity across borders as one between governments and corporations . to finally be to pandemic, su, heading into its 3rd year. it's not only politics, but also profit that continues to cause the vision and stumbling blocks through a truly unified and fat response. so relaxing to see any sort of control over the patent or discovery because they want to obviously make as much money as possible. generally just want all the credit for themselves, but also because if they credit anybody else with the discovery as the delivery system for the vaccine or the vaccine in general, they then have to see the right to the national institute of health or the u. s. federal government, when it comes to the patent, when it comes to the delivery system for the vaccines during size,
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they're all pharmaceutical companies, really, in the united states. it's not about hearing people, it's not about having the least amount of side effects, et cetera, cetera. it's about having customers making lots of money. so i think at the end of the day it's a question of what system we have. we have a system that's what people and help 1st or do we have a system that puts money in profits 1st. i think most people would agree that we have system that puts profits of money. first, major pushes underway to convince you, nations that they urgently need a block quite military strategy and an armed forces is ready for action. member states will not consider a draft plan from foreign policy. chief, joseph burrell, who claims that europe is in danger. we have a strategic responsibility. citizens want to be protected, soft power is not enough. all the threats we face are intensifying and the capacity
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of individual member states to cope is insufficient and declining. well, the drug plan is called strategic campus, and it highlights russia and china is major threats. morales idea is to get use $27.00 nations to back a $5000.00 strong reaction force and to allow will flexibility in deciding on action, which currently has to be a unanimous decision. just morale doesn't says to his military strength. she won't undermine nato on the lines that most the you nations are part of. among the biggest cheerleaders is the french president among macros, who labeled nato brain dead just 2 years ago. we spoke to the former ha, stream, foreign minister about this car, and i saw and share her thoughts on the idea. i didn't doubt manifolds reasons why they wanted to come up with this. now. reason number one is the commission. what it was established or to have 3 years ago, it came into office with the desire to be
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a tier political of commissions or the language of power language. a forest is of a couple a rated for and he himself has been employing all those years. but the big thought is that the european integration process over the last 70 years has never been considered as being a to political one. it was always about trade, commas operation, the famous peace project. and we simply do not have the basic talent for january to political action, for genuine strategic thinking, so that you meet people who really understand geography history. and i don't want to offend anybody who is from political scientists, but the ext all actual service. the departments that supports mr. burrell, his immediate office, and it's so it's all about political science. you have many people who graduated from international relations for scientists. but what i myself have been missing
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over the years when listening there and taking the floor is genuine geopolitical thinking. that's knowledge. those skills you might still find in trance you have in the united kingdom. which latch for the all the other countries are not really into your politics. now, despite the fact that a key source behind the discredited from russia steal d'orsay is no charge with lying to the f. b, i seems to be little remorse among those who promoted it. this report from 2016 alleged that then presidential candidate donald trump had close ties with russia, which in turn helped him win the election. 2 years later, the f b i, they released heavily redacted documents related to his conte contacts with british by chris, the steel, the author of the dossier showing that they had actually paid him the source claim
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that still misstated to or exaggerated certain information. something he later admitted artie's murdered gas has more for the democrats, the steel d'orsay came very close in power to the bible. you needed to have a lot of faith to believe in it. but if you believe that the, the claims the false hoods, the sexual perversions of the steel doughty, you believed blindly. that is until the f b. i came along and spoiled the party. you defend and promote. and you even ran into the congressional record, the still dossier. do you have any reflections on your role and promoting this to the american people? it's one thing to say allegations should be investigated and they were, it's another to say that we should have foreseen in advance that some people were lying to christopher steel, which is impossible course to do. hold on their shifty. you're telling us all the fallacies, the inaccuracies, the half truths,
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and the fact that the dossier was paid for by trump's opponents. and we have known all of this for years, wasn't enough of a warning for you bet again. this is adam shift, the apostle of the steel dossier he does have, i think, is certainly very relevant information that would assist our investigation as some of the public information is very much in line with what is reported that darcy, christopher, still, no matter who is paying for his services, i may have discovered before our own intelligence agencies that the russians were going to interfere in our election. everyone knew that the doughty was trash, which is more likely that christopher steel unearthed more about trumps ties to russia than the cia the f. b, i or any intelligence agency, or alternatively, that it was nonsense choice from a fraud, demonstrably full of holes and lies and is embarrassing. watching them all twitched
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and squirm now that they're trying to weasel their way out away from any responsibility for what they did. which is misinform millions, unmistakable impression is that this indictment is designed to smear or christopher steals intelligence reports. rachel, by the way, insisted that steel source was a deep cover source inside russia. he turned out to be an alleged fraud deep inside america, which, incidentally the russians, had said, all along this dossiers and total hoax, absolute fabrication and utter nonsense. the kremlin does not collect compromise and information. much of the mainstream media seized upon the darcy with abandoned, with almost religious ferocity. they preached steals word or more british intelligence after behind the darcy that contained explosive allegations. and i'm present donald trump. he also addressed the dossier of alleged dirt on donald trump
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in russia. the report included unsubstantiated claims that russian intelligence compiled a dossier on mister trump during visits to moscow. abc, cbs and nbc, a loan dedicated an estimated 2634 minutes of air time, which is, which is mind boggling to peddling. the steel dossier on the other had up until the 8th of november. they spent the grand total of 0 minutes talking about the fact that the f b, i arrested steel saws for making false statements. think about they spent days, literally on air poaching propaganda dressed up as a doughty and wouldn't even mention that it all turned out to be false. read ghastly of then i, we spoke to max adams of public care policy professor at northeastern university in
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boston about this. he explains why the u. s. mainstream media doesn't want to, doesn't want the facts to be known to the white of public mainstream media guards not want the latest information to be known by the american public. because what the information shows is that rather than any objective nefarious ties between trump improved got the entire impetus for russia was hatched from the hilary clinton campaign vendor has been very, very little accountability and the media really just wants to move on. because of course, the actual content very much implicate the media and make the democrats look absolutely ridiculous. in germany prices, the basic goods have seen
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a steep rise in europe. biggest economy faces his high slab live inflation. in decades earlier, the use finance municipal gathered to find solutions to the surge which is being felt across europe with more his piece of from covered to an energy price rise just went. germans are thinking things can't get much worse. food prices globally. it's a 10 year high and it's being felt at the supermarket here, yadda zag. he has the prices for brad, flower buttering acts, have gone up significantly. it means that there will be less money left in the purse and people who don't have much money will have to restrict their intake yanna . actually, of course we can feel it every day. we have 2 kids. we can feel that was pan more money. but by less for it, why it is happening and not sure exactly meg of the process of living, in terms of getting an apartment at a decent place near your workplace. all these things have already become quite expensive and people notice already and it is a big deal already. food prices have gone up 4.8 percent in germany ahead of
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inflation, which stands at 4 point one percent at 28 year high. and it's all being felt at the checkout. eggs have gone up by over 10 percent with fruits and vegetables. not too far behind. it's not just a german issue, and a lot of attention is falling on the european central bank as to what they will do about it. don't panic is the message from the e. c. big. this period of inflation is very unusual and temporary and not a sign of a chronic situation. the situation we are in now is very different from the 19 seventies and 19 eighties. this week's meeting of the finance ministers from the nations, the use, the euro, single currency elicited just to mentions of inflation in the official remarks. however, some of those finance ministers are increasingly concerned how this will play out with voters should inflation continue to be all neil. the middle class is facing
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a massive challenges. people are seeing rising energy prices at the pump. so we have to ask ourselves how we can keep the middle class with us, and that's wherein lies the robe with this inflation su in year a 5th, prices for fuel and gas for heating normalize. this may well, just go down as a blip. but if they continue to rise, then expensive eggs may be the least of everyone's problems. peter oliver r t. berlin, or banking and finance. professor richard vernon has blamed the european central bank for this crisis and policies that disproportionately benefit germany's reach the central banks, including b. b. m, have been dismissive of installation by saying that, well, if anything, it's only trends a tree and we shouldn't worry about it. we also have to ask the question, what is the cause, what is the origin of this inflation? and as it turns out,
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central bank policies are in frank because i think we will find that the richer strong to of society would have been in good position to benefit from the asset inflation that we've experienced the general public, the poorer ones they will. of course, be suffering most as things get more expensive, we mustn't forget that inflation is the result of policies. but at the moment my bet is that, you know, based on their performance, we're likely to see continued and possibly accelerating inflation. some world news embrace now and the rest of 2 opposition figures have sparked protests in the senegalese capital decor. police attempt to disperse the crowds with tear gas early at one of the opposition figures, the key to authorities of crossing to sabotage his run, the city mer elsewhere. protesters have gathered into his ear, her hu, reopening of a regional landfill site like was in the city of grab, say,
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that toxic waste dump there. one demonstrate to die from allegedly in hiding tear gas. 5 by police at a rally there a day earlier. and a low mosque space. x has launched astronaut city international space station. it says companies manned mission for nasa. as part of the agencies commercial crew program. the crew dragon capture will work up to the skies above kennedy space center activities in 3045 on the russian is royal military says it's using face recognition cameras and smartphone technologies to expand its real time monitoring of the palestinian population in the occupied west bank while the army says is to prevent terrorism, people there say it is a gross violation of their privacy reporting from hebron his poorest slave. imagine if there was a camera. so nino, every move, well here in the palestinian city of hebron, people don't have to imagine. it's not bad enough that every time they approach
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a checkpoint they have to show their id. now the israeli army has installed cameras across the city. so that soldiers that these checkpoints know who's approaching long before they even get her hip. ron has now been dubbed hebron smart city because over the past 2 years, soldiers have been using facial recognition through a network of surveillance cameras and smartphones. the soldiers have downloaded an app called blue woof that allows them to take an upload photos from they phone. the app then flashes different colors and alerts the soldiers, whether a person approaching needs to be arrested, detained, or left alone. former soldiers have mockingly called this these wally armies secret facebook for palestinians. but palestinians who live here are not laughing jada rodge. when you feel you're being watched all the time, it affects you psychologically. you don't feel free. we want to live peacefully and
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not feel we're being watched the whole time. that the house is. this is a brutal violation of privacy. everyone should have their own private personal space. if this happened in western countries, nobody would stay silent about such a thing. the use of this is an indescribable feeling. yvonne is personal space, especially since the commerce not only cover public areas, but can also record what's happening inside our houses. therefore, there must be an end to this and there must be a public revolt against these practices. this is the main check point in hebron, and for the last 26 years has closed off shore dest street. we approach these really ami for comment and all they could say was that the surveillance cameras, a part of they were, teen security operations is part of the fight against terrorism. and the efforts to improve the quality of life for the palestinian population in judy and samaria. d id f conducts routine security operations in the area. naturally, we cannot comment on the idea of operational capabilities in this context. in order
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to build the database, the competition was held between different units of these ray. the army soldiers were encouraged to take photos of palestinians including women and children, and upload them. the final count runs in to thousands. now inside is all, there's a lot of opposition against surveillance cameras in public spaces. but it seems when it comes to the palestinian territories, a different standard applies. policy r r t, hip on disconnect our pasta in the morning here. moscow. good to have a company. so that's how things are looking so far today more from us at the top of it. ah ah ah ah
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ah ah oh the wrong one, i'll just don't hold any world to shape out disdain because the attitude and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look.


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