tv Keiser Report RT November 13, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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a something's going to happen with russia, they've been migrant. prices on the east and border is the result of the block. the military campaigns in the middle east. thousands remains transit opponent deliveries 20 no visible, but we must not forget where the micro crisis originated from. is better is really the 1st country to deal with these problems. no peace of reasons that were created by western countries themselves, including european ones. us appeals court was again rejects, jo fine is national vaccine mandate for companies to get off job. i service personnel on the government work has joined the flash and we look at how west and military though struggling to find culture was among their ranks as the us marine
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corps attempts to hire a diversity, equity, and inclusion. advise them on those stories on plenty more. you can look on our website and we'll be back at the top of the oh i am ash kaiser. this is the kaiser report. well, there is an over to windmill somewhere and we're going to throw the dollar out of it. how about that, stacy? yes. well, you know, here in kaiser, where we've been basically been covering the story for over a decade of the overton window, shifting 1st in terms of how much deficit was allowed back after the 20082009 financial crisis. we were shocked to see when the deficit 1st hit a trillion dollars. remember that the 1st ever trillion dollar deficit. now it's
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like 3 trillion and you know, the shifting of what is accepted within the population on policy. so we're now allowed to have $3000000.00 deficit because the overton window shifted to allow for these sort of ideas to happen. so here we have something that happened up at cop 26 in the past week, and that was janet ellen, our treasury secretary of the united states. she of course, had been previously the chair woman of the fed federal reserve. she said janet yell, it admits the net 0 grand reset. price tag will be a $150.00 trillion dollars, which was how 0 hedge tweeted about it. they covered at the exact quote janet ellen said was quote, it's a global transition for which we have an estimated price tag. some have put the global figure between a 100 and a 150 trillion over the next 3 decades. 0 hedge then
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a few days later, max, they quoted, they have a piece from eric peters who is a c i o of one river asset management. he's a hedge fund manager. so hedge funds, c i o, once you say a $150.00 trillion dollars a few time, james, it honestly doesn't seem so big, says she at 1st said her statement said a 100 to a 150 trillion her following paragraph. this is how you shift the overton window. these programs are exciting, she said. but as big as the public sector effort is across all our countries, the 100 trillion dollar plus price tag to address climate change globally is far bigger. and you see the cost already appeared rather smaller. so 1st she said a 100, a 150 trillion. then the next sentence, the next paragraph, she shifted to a 100 trillion plus. so this is how you train the overton window. this is how you
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shift it to where you want it to go. right, well i mean this, the numbers that makes sense because remember, 5 or 6 years ago there was a g 20 meeting where it was speculated that the cost of rolling up all the central bank, bad debt to the i, m f. would be about a 100 trillion and the leader of russia at the time was making that statement publicly. and they were talking about the need for a $100000000.00 credit facility. okay, let me, let me continue. so because people now know that central bank money printing is causing inflation, they needed to come up with a narrative to get people more scared. so they're now, they're just saying, this isn't a bailout. this is about climate change. but the numbers the same, we all knew that they needed a 100150 trillion to bail out. those central banks are calling a climate change. ok, that's called the overton window. or you can call marketing. this is just marketing . so yeah, that 100 trillion dollar number we did discuss here in class report,
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it was announced, of course, at the same place where the great reset is in that is at the daven form in 2011. it was by dabbling man. it wasn't by the russian leader, but it was davis man and we covered that. you could just google it. $100000000.00 credit for melody needed to bail out the globe. and of course we got there pretty fast, but that's where they floated the idea. that's where they shifted the overton window is that if you give the bankers a 100 and trillion dollars, they'll mail out and rescue the system in your house. prices will go up again. everything was up and price again. right? so the numbers in it up, it's 100 trillion balance. we know that that's, that's what they needed to bail out the central bank to bail that wall street and the banks in 2008. they need another bail on 2021. it's about $100000000.00 on 50 trillion dollars. they needed bail out money. they need all the central banks to print all this money. they need to increase in inflation rapidly, but they can call it that because people are now starving to death. so they're going to call climate change and we're worried about climate change,
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but that's nothing to do with it. it's about just another bail out for banks again . exactly. and shifting that overton window, the guy this a c i o of a hedge fund goes on to say, that's how the overton window works because 100 trillion plus somehow feels quite a bit less than a 150 trillion. and once you say a $150.00 trillion dollars a few times, it honestly doesn't seem so big. after all, when you think about it, the cost is spread over about $3.00 decades, which leaves it just 5 trillion per year. and that number used to feel utterly out of reach until 2009 when the global financial crisis sparked the 1st 3 trillion dollar u. s. federal government budget. so there's a shifting overton window and we will have to get up to a quite jillian by the way, because that's the size of the derivative bubble. and that's where we have to go. so they're shifting us up there by the time we get there. of course, with the number after quite julian, that's where bankers will be. yeah, of course,
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because the globes on a hyper inflationary collapse against bitcoin. and that applies to all feel money, including the dollar. and they need to, they needed or exponential continue to be exponential in the money print thing. and i'm just that the story to me is that they're hiding behind the climate. you. the route when the climate change became incredibly beyond the reach of fixing. they felt comfortable talking about it in terms of fed policy, just like the white population and america feels comfortable. we're talking about black lives matter now because it's beyond the point of fixing it. they, they're, they're concerned about the native american indians because it's beyond the point of fixing them, concerned about climate change. because beyond the point of fixing that mean, this is a standard trope of charlatans and crux. and they just need another $100000000.00 because their drug addled desperate, you know, disgusting people and they need for middle class taxpayers to pony it up. so they're gonna scare everybody beyond the point where it can be fixed were beyond
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the point of fixing climate change because of the money printing. so they don't want to say we're printing money and you're dead. they want to say give us more money. it's us shameless, it's shocking, right, of course. and all of that money printing all the q e that janet ellen herself oversaw while she was at the fed and now the stimulus checks untold amounts of it and all the fraud around p, p, p. and all those hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of loans that weren't actually needed forgivable loans. i never to be paid back. all of that, of course, cost more climate change than she could possibly stop by printing another $150.00 trillion or 100 trillion or 100 trillion plus or whatever. she's deciding that there's no, there's no risk of them stop in climate change. that's why they want to throw money at it. there's no risk of america exiting afghanistan without a catastrophic actor strategy leaving billions behind and war toys. that's why they spend another trillion dollars on that boom dog. will it just look at what's beyond
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the ability to repair and that's what american policy makers will claim as a justification for more money printing? because if climate change, if it were possible to fix climate change, it would shrink the entire global economy down to the point where these bankers would stop getting bailouts and they can't ever stop the bodies game. so that's, that's the rhetoric behind that, that's the methodology behind it. that's the psychosis behind it. and i might, as we still have yet to be able to even make a face mask. the thought that we could stop a complex system of feedback loops and positive and negative feedback loops, like it's just an absurdity with simple, you know, digital dollars created on a, on a balance sheet. but you know, the same article, the guy who is on to talk about another thing that's kind of in the news, and that is that the president's working group, you know, they recently issued a report on stable coins. so this is an interesting take on it. this is this guys
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take on what he sees from what the president's working group on, on financial markets at out of the us treasury, by the way, under janet ellen's auspices. so they looked at stable coins and this is what they're saying. their guidance on the future stable coin was published, it was a philosophical leap that makes the n came crystal clear. a pathway led by u. s. policy that invite private innovation into the existing financial regulatory architecture. wildcat, banking issues will not exist under the p. w. g. guidelines they suggest us dollars, table coin will reside inside the insert banking system under the purview of the federal reserve. the central bank can play the role as lender of last resort against the collateral held by stable coin liabilities, financial stability, risk vanish, the private sector, not a central bank,
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is going to lead the evolution to a digitalized us dollar. american government system deserves a standing ovation. he says, well, because compared to china, china doing it a centralized, stable claim that they only the peoples bank, china, and the chinese government are going to issue their on. they control it. whereas the u. s. has decided not to do central controlled digital currency, but have a private sector digital currencies, which by the way, this table point is kinda similar to what we have now because it's banks print most dollars, you know, from issuing loans for mortgages and stuff like that. so it's kind of a replication of that. so i don't tickle. yeah, it's a carbon copy what they already have. yes. but apparently more now they can plead ignorance. we know we don't know what's going on. we don't know how much money there is, is not big coin. these are, you know,
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all coins. these are the currency system we have, but a digital form of it, right? they always played ignorance. well, there's no accountability. they all pretend, i don't know what they're doing. they always pretend that those federal reserve has no idea what they're doing. the treasurer is what they're doing. the president clearly has no idea. they're doing a known as any accountability or responsibility whatsoever. they're all they do is cash checks. that's all the thing that i had to do. steal money. that's it. so this entire paragraph of the words out of gobbledygook means absolutely nothing. they just going to recreate the exact same system they already have in place. and they say that they're going to separate the corporate private initiative from government is a laughable there in, in a fascist state. like america, there is no difference between the corporate state and the government. there's this, the state media, nbc is the state media. i mean, this is just deplorable. this is disgusting. this is sickening. but it's also stupid. it's also, i bitcoin is going a w5w1xw now because people want to be free from this claptrap of
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level of. so let's look at another headline about what the biggest of the fee at corporate bank system of the u. s. dollar reserve system. this j. p. morgan, j. p. morgan, big point actually more like digital gold than ever. and predicts $146000.00. i mean, we've covered this and that's within this story essentially, is that you have bitcoin and then you have all these other stable points and stable points are kind of like, mean coins in there. i guess they're hoping that all these young millennials and generation z, the zoom wears, who are like into mean stocks and mean lives, an avatar world and, and live in a virtual reality. maybe that might drive the value of, of the dollar is a mean stable coin up higher. right. ok, well, going to take a break and when we come back much mark coming your way with
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ah, those here to preach and the 10 percent isn't true. believers usually highly committed to this well, few songs and i would call scientific fundamentalists, they're not very interested in the evidence about psychic phenomena or about the values spiritual practices because it goes against our world view. but the evidence is very strong, spiritual practices and religious practices make people happier, healthier and live longer. ah, welcome back to the kind of report i max kaiser time now to go to the image of all
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karl damage or our market. that sticker dot or in coll, welcome back. thank you very much mixed. all right, called energy supply chains, have almost entirely collapsed. how did all this happen? and is there a way out of this disaster karl solve the world's supply chain crisis furnish? well, this happened because we have spent the last 20 years building a interconnected in the highly complex supply chain that relies on things coming from other countries being containerized and palletized as such and shipped across the oceans. and then of course, once they get here, they have to travel through the interior of the united states to wherever the destination is, get unloaded, and then and then surprise, surprise, those empties have to go back to the source because you can't wave a magic wand and make them appear again. so since we don't have star trek style transporters, if you have a bottleneck anywhere in that process,
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it breaks down. and that's what we have going on. so we have ship sitting off the coast of california. they're not being unloaded, but it is not because california is a bunch of pigs and won't let people with more than 3 year old trucks into their terminals. that certainly is a contributing factor. but the fact of the matter is that if the warehouse operator in the middle of america somewhere doesn't want to pay people what they want to unload the container when it gets to the warehouse and say, arkansas, then the empty never goes back to california. never goes back to china to get filled up again. so anywhere that, so anywhere you have this break down in the process for you basically break the entire system. and we've done this largely through our policies that we took in response to the pandemic. and these policies have not only been maintained over the last 18 months they've expanded. and so as we continue to do this,
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we continue to create a bigger and bigger squeeze. so you're missing also the problem of labor and the labor shortages, labor problems all over the country and all ends of the infrastructure and the logistics of moving stuff around on trucks. truck drivers are, are looking for more money or they're being on this, this incentivized to join them for different reasons. well, let me ask you this. so, you know, we've been talking for a long time. we've been covering markets for a long time. there's always a historically kind of a given take between the finance, the finance market and the labor market. and starting in the 1980s. you know, he had a period of finance taking over from labour. labour had a great decade in the seventy's. and then reagan came around, he fired the air traffic controllers and we have this huge financial ization wave derivatives wave and has been really 4045 years of bond market rallies and the financial ice world our we had a, a point now where that,
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that trend is going to reverse, are going to see a shift of the pendulum back toward favoring labor. is that a good way to look at it? am i right? am i off base? what do you think? is part of it? i mean, it's so, you know, part of what we did during the, the 1st to 6 to 12 months of this thing was essentially told people that certain people were central. they had to go to work there to stock their store, show so that you didn't start to go. and other people got to sit home and smoke beer drinker and smoke bongs edge. so now that person that was on the, the, you know, i have to go to work side of the, of the table. saw that he wasn't really value. he was seen as a call going to machine and not really anything else. and so when you impose constraints on people, they increase their price. and that's, i mean, it's just like anything else. if you have very few tolliver's and the price of television goes up, if you have few cars, the price of cars goes up. well, if you have very little hours of labor available and you impose constraints on the
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people that would provide it, what they insist on in ordering to, to go to work goes up. and that pendulum did swing far to the other side over the last 30 or 40 years. and usually when things go too far, they tend to come back rather violently. and so i, yeah, i think a lot of what we're seeing is that people who are exploited and abused for a long period of time they've had enough. and now there are enough of them, but they can impose pain on those who say no. yeah. structurally speaking, you know, it's interesting and again, we've been talking for a long time about the ins and outs of the, the structure of finance markets and bond markets in the government bond markets in the miss reporting able to play session. and also how when the after prices are going up because of all the money printing, labor costs did not go up. and i positive that that has a lot to do with almost financially engineering labor out of the picture. certainly all the jobs, what the china, the factories went to china. so looking structurally at these markets,
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let's look at interest rates for a 2nd. because once again, the central banks are threatening to raise rates, say no to fight, and they inflation that only 6 months ago, they were calling it deflation another more accurately calling it inflation. but it seems a, the question is a, do they have room to raise rates b? wouldn't, wouldn't this be a net game for any but for, for the non finite july sector of the economy? cow. i know that it is, i mean, you look at what's, you know, what's going on like with john deer right now. ok. they, they've gone out on strike and the company has said, well, you know, we'll offer you a 5 percent increase of 5 percent. doesn't even cover the cost of living increase for this year in terms of consumer price index. ok, and we know that's under stated, we know that you know, the cost of fuel, for example, supposed to doubled over the last year of your a trucker and you,
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being paid by the mile was the largest input cost in running a truck. it's the cost of the diesel fuel costs in the tank. ok. so this is, this is throughout the economy. and part of what happened in the 1970 s is that labor got behind that ball. then they pushed very, very hard to catch up. and by the time that the vulgar did what he did and continued on for a while, everybody seems to forget that there's a 12 to 18 months time lag between when you do something, when it shows up in the price level. generally, that's always been the case. so by the time that labor, you know, got what they wanted and kept getting what they wanted. they went another year and a half beyond that point, it ended up bankrupting a bunch of companies. because the, the cost inflation at that point was gone yet the labor side of it continued to prosper from it. so that went too far, then it snapped back. now we've gone too far the other direction, and we're probably going to see the same sort of thing happen again,
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because that's just the nature of humans, is that we, we don't look at things. you know, we said, well, we have to do all of this monetary stimulus because of the pan demik. while the fact of the matter is whether you think you had to do something because of the panoramic or not 18 months later, here we are. here's the inflation, what trump caused it by putting all of that credit into the economy originally. was it a price that we had to pay? that's a different debate, but look on the finance side. now, there's something going on there. terror because a speculative attack seems to be launched by the finance. here's the george soros is and the headphones of the world realize, you know, as long as the fed keeps right there 0, they're going to borrow and keep piling in an asset similar to what we saw y m r germany. you know, part of the reason why m r germany got out of control was the speculative attacks. and so is it too late for a vulgar style intervention to start raising rates? no, but i don't think that that's where it's going to come from. i think it's going to
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come from the fact that congress is going to have an out and out revolt on their hands in the mid term elections. if they're not careful, were you know, if, if you learned anything from the results of virginia, is that you can push things too far. you can think that you have a mandate when you really don't. and then you step over a line that doesn't appear to be all that important. i mean, you know, everyone is what this probably turned on. was this whole situation with the schools there in loudon county? but that was again, somebody stepped one inch to far over the line and there was a political earthquake that came as a result of it. so i think we're going to see the same sort of thing. but remember that the federal reserve is to a large degree beholden to what congress does. so everybody likes to talk about paul volcker raise the rates. but the fact of the matter is that if, if congress, during that time had been printing up huge deficits in the hundreds of billions of dollars or could have never gotten away with that never would have happened. and so
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there is, it's nice to point in one direction, but it's not that simple. it comes out of the confluence of both political and monetary policy because the tour intertwined. and there's no way to disconnect them . but hasn't there been a slew of derivatives and pro derivatives laws passed and vulgar, that really handed the keys over to the financial sector in a way that, as you point out, the 2 are joined at the hip. but it seems that legally and pragmatically it's, there's no room for to do a bulk or at this point because you've just given all, all of the leverage the financial sector. carl, well, it's true accepted when you can't make people work. ok. i mean, at the end of the day, day the people have all the leverage. that's been the lesson of every communist, every socialist government that has been attempted to be operated forever. they've always collapsed and they collapse. for the same reason. you go too far down that
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road, you promise people, things you can't deliver. and at the end of the day, what you end up with this people that pretend to go to work in the government pretends to pay you and productivity goes to the toilet. and ultimately, you end up with the kind of problems that we're seeing now, the government at that point has 2 choices. it can try to put the accelerator down and continue power through this thing. and what will happen is, what has happened in all of those cases. the soviet union collapsed the same way, or they can come to their senses and say, there has to be a balance. and that balance has to be restored. we've gone too far down this road. we have to stop. and yes, history is not full of examples of the politicians realizing that they have to stop . but, you know, hope springs eternal. it takes the conversation and you know, you move toward the what, you know, the political economy and the 2 are overlap. the 2 are, can go to, you know,
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you can't separate the 2 really at the end of the day. so you're, you're building the case here that the united states has effectively become a socialist style economy. you know, during the crash, people said, hey, you know, we, we have capitalism, one for the gains when, when people make money, they keep the games. but when they lose money, they socialize the losses. you know, that's the 1st time socialism really enter the, the lexicon, talking about how we, the economy is working. but now it seems to us full blown out socialism slash communism in a nice day. they're not even paying lip service to anything capitalists at this point, karl will as true. and remember that osha, for example, was put into law on the 1970, actually signed by president nixon. and the reason was that we are not a communist country. you own yourself, your boss cannot tell you to run a punch press without guards on it, which has the risk of cutting off your hands in order to have a job. ok, that's why osha exists. you were hard had to protect yourself where seat belt to
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protect your so all of a sudden, ah, now we're going to change rules. now you have to do these things to protect us. well, if you have to do things to protect others, what is the others? because isn't that really the same thing as saying? your boss has the right to make you use a punch press without guards because it will make him an extra $5.00 because the switches to have the guards to their cost money. ok, so now all of a sudden were saying your, your body, your person belongs to someone else, that's what commune. some really it's, and when you go too far down that road, you get a backlash. and one way or another, it stops. it either stops because people are intelligent about it and stop it, or it stops because the governmental form in the societal form that is enabled to collapse i. we're going to carry this over to a 2nd 2nd, but for now, thanks for bearing on cars report. carl denisha, nice to be your max. thank you very much. okay, and i was going to go for this edition of the guys report with may max kaiser and
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms. race is often very dramatic, that development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very critical. i'm time to sit down and talk with me only welcome to was a part of this we psychologist on one side. the most important question one can ask
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is, what am i living and of course, in our enlightened age, it's the rationalist for how it makes you manage it and break free from the misconceptions and the superstitions of the past. illuminating the future with the help of the scientific method. but what you've got to you is a med and a perilous one. to discuss that i'm now joined by rubric shelldrick, author of the science delusion and science and spiritual practices. dr. shelldrick, it's a great on a great privilege for me to talk to you. thank you very much for your time. good to be with you. speaking about timely, handsome, says 7 years ago in late september i had a chance to interview my intellectual world. the time professor richard dawkins, author of the god delusion and one of the world's most renowned atheists who also happened to inspire a whole lot of books, read the war, delusion in their titles in meeting by the way yours. we have to give professor.
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