tv News RT November 15, 2021 8:00am-8:31am EST
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ah ah, a huge crowd of migrants move from their camp in bella, roost to the border. poland braces for a possible breach with military reinforcements back by water county police in the u. k. declare a taxi explosion. i saw a hospital in liverpool and sunday. a terrorist incident for men are arrested in connection with a blast which left one person dead and another injured. and also coming up on the program on anti locked out in raleigh sweep. you're up with austria becoming the 1st nation to impose a shut down only for the unvaccinated, that to tear decision escalate public opinion. it's been getting an empty when
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hundreds of thousands of people are forced to be vaccinated. i don't even know how many people lose their jobs with the artist. i think it's a step in the right direction. in germany, we are moving in about the same direction. ah, 247 news live from moscow. this is our t. i'm unit only welcome to the program. more than 3000 migrants from a refugee camp and belarus have descended on the border with poland, hoping to cross into the european union war saw a sent soldiers on water cannon to reinforce the frontier or correspond eager shutdown of sent us this report from the scene so we are on the front line of the migrant crisis on the border between barrows and well poland. and you can see here up close to the very, very heavy military presence on the polish side. there's very scary looking guy's
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military police. this special forces this to now to water cannon that they've brought to disperse the crowd if it was too well to make any moves. and as for the crowd, and over here, you can see thousands of migrants. it is escalated as over to thousands of people who have moved from a, from their camp, which was about 800 meters away to here. this is a border control check point, which has been closed for quite a while because of the migrant crisis. and poland and the polish side has been using loudspeakers announcing and in different languages saying that you should go home, that we will not let you in that breaking or touching the infrastructure. the boot infrastructure is an offense. it's forbidden. and that anyone who tries anything like that they will be persecuted and they will face criminal charging their announcing it in different languages with her even and outwards in russian, directed at the bell, russian side. as paul,
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as the polls have been blaming bella rose for letting this many people into their country. i even knowing that they do not want to stay in belarus and want to cross into poland into europe, where they do not want to basically. and they do not want to let the men and sell people here. they have already organized their makeshift camps. if you can just over there, you can see people trying to keep themselves as warm as they can. although you can see hence of smiles on their faces because they do not let their spirits down. and there's plenty of children. there are more than $500.00 kids small kids. there are pregnant women of wall on the 8. i'm not 9 month. like if they do, if they don't do something, those people in here, they're gonna die. as myself. i want to go to the european countries to become doctor, and most of them lay there. some of some of them want or like as the families, they want a better feature for the kids,
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the camp. it stretches all the way, all the way towards, you know, closer to the bell, russian side of the border. and there we have a security detail as well. there's a border guard dispatchers. well, although not nearly as heavily, you know, man as he and what these people here were hoping for. basically they were hoping that since the fences he are not as formidable. they're about, you know, half as half as tool a compared to where the camp was. that maybe they had a chance had crossing the border, but well, the polish side, it came very well prepared again, a lot of military personnel and there's also military vehicles over there. we've seen footage from the polish side provided by the polar side. we have, they've shown a lot of military equipment, a lot of heavy machines and well war machines because they, they came prepared. they are showing no indication of, you know, of a desire to let these people in. also there was a helicopter flying over there. we could, it has been flying over there for, for quite a while, monitoring the situation,
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quite likely the pictures that we've seen from, or the, from the polar side of the border as well. it was shot from that helicopter. so again, the situation, is it a bit of a stale made because i've talked to a number of to a number of people who have said that, well we are here to stay and i asked them what their intentions, what their plan was. and i will like, so if i will just sit here, make a stand if i may say so. and basically, while this is what they're doing, just making a stand just showing that they do not want to go anywhere that they will stay here for as long as they want. but they don't have their tense here which they used to have in the camp. they don't have their fires and they don't have the humanitarian aid that they got from the bell, a russian side from them, from the unions and from the bell, russian red cross. so it is, it is a matter of time. the situation here has to move one way or another. i've prepared a clip i report, i should say from the cam back when it was still populated. have a listen. it's a place stuck in limbo,
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the migrant camp on the border of bella ross and literally a few meters away already. is poland is the e u. the dream of every single person has come here, but well, the line of military police and a very impressive barbed wire fence, they sent a very unequivocal message. the situation here is an absolute stalemate. as weather keeps getting worse, the air here is wet with drizzle. even overcoats eventually end up soaked. thousands of people around us lie on bare ground as the witness slowly but surely turns it into mud. well some people they try to prepare for the posh conditions, every one is facing here right now. they brought tense like these, which to protect them from the forces of nature. but these up summer tents. they are good enough for freezing temperatures and most here, they don't even have that. they have to live in makeshift huts like these made of pine branches or like these. yes people here are resting right now and the weather is going to get even worse. it's going to start to snow. it will be very muddy. so
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it's unclear as to how long this will they will be able to survive out here in the cold cigarettes are the main currency here. whoever has a pack is a rich man. whoever has a cotton is in the one percent. many refused to talk to us unless bribed, but some offer hospitality for free. we say sorry to all year we are in union. yeah, we want to save the kids life to go now. we are here is there is no protection. if the rent straight down comes to us, nothing just of the snow, nothing to stop the rain. they said kids sleeping on the wood. he's here, it was sitting next to the via and he was feel of sleep ah, ah, well right now the main challenge of who is, is to stay warm. so you can see the amount of commotion,
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anything that can be shopped into firewood is causing people. here are borderline scuffling for it. but they know that if anybody doesn't want to play by the rules that want to play fair, if any fight was to break out, the bell, russian border patrol will be very quick to intervene. caravans of humanitarian trucks, to deliver supplies to the camp every day. in total, more than 18 tons of aid have been provided by the been a russian government on top of that, the local branch of the red cross and unions have also been sizable chipping in. i don't know how long this situation will last, but no matter how long people end up staying here, even if they're only a few of them, we will provide them with the essentials for life. we set up tense, large heated tense where people can eat, especially women and children, and pregnant women. we are certain, all the women and children have been fed. additionally, we've provided grocery sets for the families and bottled water is brought in daily . we've also brought warm clothes and blankets,
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plus personal hygiene products like nappies and powdered milk for the children. all this is making migrants life easier for sure, but it fails to solve the weather issue. yet whoever i talk to, no one considers turning around and heading back home an option. yes ma'am. badge never met in iraq. my husband couldn't get a job and we had no income. now we have to wait, but we don't know how long for i worry not for myself, but for my children. if it gets too cold, we'll need to make a decision. but i'd rather die here than go back to rock. how many days will have to pass for people to well say we've had enough, we're going in. if to be honest, maybe one day to day 3 days at you know, i got a gun exec lead time it because f denied snow. people will go to morrow handed to any sin. if we know we lose you now alive, we will go,
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doesn't matter lead. they jealous it out. that's the end of it. you know, if we die and gall, oh we die. sure, again. what's that different? there's still a lot of hope here. the germany will agree to take these people in and that poland will provide safe passage. but as politicians big iran time is against them. i'm a gosh, darn a reporting from the beller roast border ot c. on shortly before we got the news of the renewed, pushed towards the border, a journalist than cameraman from her sister. gentle r t fronts were arrested by polish authorities. police say that they have been taken to a court. the correspond, managed to make a phone call to the channel just before his detention. he told the upgrade, showing up on the bid of what the police are writing up a report on us that behavior is very tense. we tried to get to the polish bordeaux when we were about a 100 meters, from that the police told us not to film to hand over all cameras and get in that car. so for the moment it doesn't look like we're being arrested,
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but we have to give an explanation to the polish police. the situation is extremely tense. there are military police, very books all along the border and constant chat. but we can welcome live on the program now a political analyst, chris bombay. chris, thanks for giving us your take this our as we're looking at there are a large build up of polish forces back by water cannon on the frontier. do you fear where this is all headed? i think this is the polling here in crisis. the numbers in both, in the same scale, across the mediterranean to the canoes are in english channel, but the condition was conditions that they face as that said, your package means this is a calling. i'm really worried about these people. it has to be said that many of them are from iraq, us in your package. they are fleeing the chaos caused by the united states and european allies. they are trying to escape that chaos by coming to the one corner
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of stability in the world. a european union, which is great in militarized spain, and police and units, it really says something about the state as well. we are today and we go around the world creating chaos and havoc. and yet we want to live in 34000 people met him highway educating those architects and so on. we could do your opinion on the u. k . can absorb those numbers, no difficulty. instead, we have a language been used to describe the weapon invasion as if they are weapons being used to damage the european union. the way they talked about is an invasion and so on, so forth. rather than saying these are people trying to get a better way for a chaos queen. danger seeking refuge in the european union? i think i'm really a whole by the way, the way this language being portrayed in the militarization. we've seen this elsewhere and the european union in terms of the refugee crisis. this is an, this takes on an unprecedented level. and incidentally,
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the camera crew has been arrested. the polls are not allowing journalists to go to their site to the board, which is raising a indignation many human rights organizations might not agree with everything is going on, but they want to know what is their conditions, which they are on that border. and they want to witness because there are stories that will treatment and each one a weak one refugee has died. so what there is, again, a placement breach of free speech by the general to the polish side of the border the migrants chris seemed determined to get into the you while poland seems equally determined to keep them out. horace is likely to play out. i think just occasionally, if these people are stuck in that board or for anyone to sign clearly the weather was getting worse. clear this noise going to come. they haven't got the facilities either. they have to withdraw from the board on. as you said, it seems the time to get across. i think this is playing please. i'm heading towards something really bad and we have to remember the polish government itself
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has got a history of the racism. it has been within this up against my parents, particularly my group. i'm pleased that many polls actually responded by deciding with offering help to those who got to i managed to get across. i'm pleased by that, but i'm very worried about the government and security policies and what the response will be with this build up the militarization as i say of the border. so there is an appalling situation and i think you are being commissioned. the german government needs to do something to de escalate. this need to do something to help say why, what is a very wiring situation? because we do need a polish govern the selves. would refute allegations about the races, but i understand your point about previous administrations. chris primary political analyst life on r t. thank you. police in the u. k. have declared sundays explosion in the city of liverpool. a terrorist incident that taxi blew off by side
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a hospital killing one person believe to be the bomber and injuring another for men . have so far been arrested. well, let's find out more about what has gone down there. what is known and speak to our corresponding shabby edwards in the british capital. shaggy. hello. indeed. take us through. what's been confirmed? well, police investigation, a taxi exploding just yesterday on sunday. morning have now declared it a terrorist incident. that's off to this taxi. when top inflamed, outside liverpool, women's hospital, just yesterday in an apparent suicide, bomb being detonated. now the passenger and sign to allegedly detonated this bomb was declared dead at the scene. while the cap dr. a remarkably managed to escape the call that was up in flames. managing to survive him was only being treated for injuries in hospital and now is recovering at home. now the mayor of liverpool on
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the prime minister, both of praises kept driver for acting in quite a heroic way for diverting. what could have been a much worse situation is the comp drive a locked the passenger in the back of the tack says he felt he was acting suspicious suspiciously and just shortly later, of course the call then exploded. now the prime minister holds a cobra meeting. that's an emergency meeting with the cabinet today. quite possibly about the various questions that as of course, this is an ongoing investigation, but it also interestingly, the united kingdom's terror threat level is now at substantial meaning an attack is unlikely that remained at that level since february of 2021. as for the motivations of this particular incident, the police say they yet to be understood. though the police say the identity of the man now dead is known, but they're unable to share that information. now the inquiry lead the police though to go and visit 2 addresses and 4 people with then arrested in connection
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with this incident under section $4.00 to $1.00 of the terrorism act. they will be interviewed throughout the day to day by counter terrorism, please. but at this point, it's not yet known whether they were known to the counter terrorism police department. as for the device, they believe it was a home made device and they believe that it was made by the passenger. but the timing of all of this could be wrong. crushed, indeed, yesterday mocking remembrance sunday here in the united kingdom. the incident happened just before 11 o'clock in the morning and thought is exactly the time. 1 where a minute's silence a hair on just a mile away. that was actually a remembrance sunday service. so please say they cannot make a connection a to this right now, but it's certainly a line of inquiry that they are pursuing. why outside the women's hospital, not as yet unknown, but the peaceful, competent enough to now declare this a terrorist incident based on the information they do know. taken us through exactly what is known and what is confirmed ortiz shutting edwards dusty,
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thank you. austria has become the 1st country in the world to impose a nation wide lockton for those unvaccinated against cove. it, it comes amid a spike of infections across europe, accompanied by a wave of social unrest. the austrian chancellor announced a drastic measures the speedometers. the restrictions will apply to everyone over the age of 12. the unvaccinated will only be allowed to leave their homes in exceptional circumstances, and they will no longer be allowed to visit shops that provide non basic items. 100, for example, to clothes, sports and furniture stores. cradles could shift, and the reason that austria has gone ahead and said that if you're not vaccinated or can't prove that, you've recovered from covert that you are essentially on lockdown. is that 35 percent of the population out there, or thereabouts? haven't had a full vaccination dose, they are taking this very seriously. now if you are over the age of 12,
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if you can't prove that you've had the vaccine, all that you've recovered from covert and you're caught out in about not either going to a food shop doing some exercise in your local area or going or going back from receiving medical treatment, then the police could well stop you, you could well receive a huge fine. some of the funds have been talked about as high as 30000 euro. it's highly unlikely. a $30000.00 euro fine would be imposed, but it's, it's there as a threat now for the next 10 days. this is going to be the case. at least it will be reviewed after that. but it's caused serious upset and insults book over the weekend. there were people angry and out on the streets to tell the government that they're not happy with this, and it's a man, people are against it, and it's discrimination against the unvaccinated patriots a country. it will be hard to control. so perhaps a full locked down is simpler. i think it's really important. we end the pond on it and then it's been king and i am think i am against mandatory vaccination and to healthy for that. when hundreds of thousands of people are forced to be vaccinated,
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i don't even know how many people will, is there chops as me and the out us. i think it's a step in the right direction. in germany, we are moving in about the same direction as well. here in germany, they'll be keeping an eye on how things go with that policy in austria because the silk about trying to introduce it here as well. some german states, bavaria, saxony, and the city state of berlin have already introduced similar measures already. they'll be looking on thursday during a meeting of health ministers to decide if they want to try to impose this nationally at the moment, 65 percent of german saying the federal government in berlin isn't doing enough to tackle this 4th wave of coven 19. it's a similar story in the netherlands where restrictions have been put in place on those who haven't been vaccinated and in level, and in the city of the hague. that resulted in violence over the weekend with clashes between police and anti lockdown demonstrators, resulting in the place ending up using water cannon.
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ah. one of the reasons that governments are taking the measures that they are taking is vaccine uptake has plateaued across these countries. the problem is, is that those who haven't received the vaccine haven't come forward for the vaccine, do seem highly unlikely to do so. on their own accord. the u. s. has defended anne's legitimate an err strike in syria back in 2019 which killed scores of people. the incident was exposed by the media meeting to claims the
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military had tried to cover it up. around 80. people were killed, mostly women and children who washington had described as likely combatant. likely majority of those cute were also competence at the time of the strike. these 2 strikes were legitimate, self defense strikes. no disciplinary actions were warranted and joy live now in the studio by our t senior correspondent, murat, gas day of to and from shallow but more light on, on this story. what do we know about the instant run? well, a little back story is, is warranted about what happened on that day in baku. so this was at a time and when i since had been severely degraded when they were there, they were the last days of her eyes as they were on the run. from many of their last remaining strongholds, they were trying to flee into her into a rock, into turkey, into the desert even. and the group, a group of isis stragglers, was detected right next to jam together next to
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a river back. and they were being watched at the time u. s. air force command. and cather had a drool in the air and it was watching this group of people huddled together. and what happened next, the could into the new york times, according to evidence that they've gleaned from various sources people involved in the incident is as the air full central command was watching the scene. and at 15 jet roared bye and dropped a 500 pound bomb right into this crowd. as the dust settled and survivors were stumbling about trying to come to their senses, more bombs came in 2000 pounds. bombs dropped again and again and again on the shield until no one was left alive. we would later learn according to the new york times, that there was shocked at the u. s. air for central command. air force commanded cat are so they route they route for example, who dropped that in insecure chats. this was an officer and other officer responded
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. we just dropped a bomb on 50 women. they sent a team to investigate and the death toll was revised up and up. but the officers immediately flag this as a potential warcraft for, for investigation up top. so they went up top to their senior commanders. they said, this may have been a war crime. we have to investigate. and this was going to be big, right? except it wasn't. it all ended there. seni ranking u. s. military officials intentionally and systematically circumvented the deliberate strike process. clearly seeking to cover up the incidents at nearly every step, the new york times reports, the pentagon, attempted to stall to hinder any potential investigation to the death toll was, was downplayed. any official report on the matter was, was watered down and was delayed by the pentagon. and every mention of the strike in any official report was stricken ultimately no independent investigation or got
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off the ground. and in this case, woman, almost all of the evidence was basically censored redacted. and that wasn't made available to the public. but you had us commanders, he sank a tar there, knowing that civilians were being targeted. women and children were killed. how did the u. s. a lawyer to happen? did they not know that that's who would be killed in the dark? but the thing here is the people who, who ordered this strike were, were troops on the ground. and this was a special secret of task force. the new york times as identified, the task force 9. they have a lot of leeway. they can sidestep all or circumvent almost any, you know, the normal process by which ash rugs are approved. so they could order an air strike from the ground, cutting out the chain of command, and the people they said to investigate the scene of this bombing were the same. people had ordered it and they came in and they reported that it was all awful by
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rules of the law because most of those who would be killed had been competence. and that only a small number of civilians had died. they bulldozed the site, they bulldoze the site, all evidence is, is gone. there was no official reprimand. those nobody was, are held accountable for this. it was basically ended there. and what they argued laser death told by the way, was revised from the 50 that the initial shocked officer reported to 60, to 70 to 80. now we're hearing from the pentagon respond in response to the new york times am. and what they're saying is that this was self defense. so bombing a crowd, a crowd of mostly women and children huddled by a river bank. they report is self defense because isis, women, and kids, teenagers have a habit of picking up weapons adjoining the fight. so they argue these 60 people that was surely women and kids that they could have been and me competence. and so
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it was self defense. sh, incredible details that you're going through, but it is not the 1st time the u. s. stands accused of mistakenly killing civilians in conflicts like that. no, there has been that there has been a history of this and he sees didn't either. it's almost every conflict. so no rocks area of got us on recently. we have seen an incidence like this in a you have to wonder because the technology is that these aren't over the horizon stripes as may have been in the dull fool or in the past century in the previous century. these are precise as stripes with drones and the yeah, they're watching the scene. they're watching the tug there. they can see very clearly military grade cameras who they are bombing, what is in the vicinity, where the kids there. whether there were of women that and yet these ash drives keep happening, to someone must be able to see what is on the ground and still give the go ahead
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the green light to continue on with this strike and the lead latest incident we saw of this going very wrong, terribly wrong, was in afghanistan, the last drone track of the afghan war. at the end of august, kareka gothic of this. we can't go to our house because we are scared like the u. s . as a superpower. they should have observed that the children were playing around the targeted car. they say they can detect even a needle and how could they not see the children? my nephew facade was sitting in the car. if they should have been watching more carefully, they are a superpower. that they promised to punish the people who carried out the attack. on this 3 adults killed 7 kids who were playing around and inside the guy who evidently must have been seen by the drone operators when they decided to proceed with a stroke. but this is, this is just the latest incident you had in most of the city. more than a 1000000 people almost leveled. $200.00 civilians killed one air strike huddled
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together in a, in a basement. you had the the, the several years ago with the strike and striking of ghana thought on a hospital carried out by the united states. and these, these, her strikes, gone wrong. keep happening and day, you know, judging by what we're seeing still and the reports that are emerging from a previous atrocities. the lessons are being learned here. thank you very much. or a senior correspond emerett guest if that's how monday's new stories are shipping out. for now, i'll keep the updates coming again at the top after another gray program getting it start in moments with ah, i mean,
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ah, i'm african returns here. we're going underground, amid tore sleeves, allegations predicted stagflation and the new cold war. you'd be forgiven for thinking politics had gone back to the 20th century. well, just in time, to remind us how little has changed. the british film institute new season featuring the complete works of oscar nominated palm door and back to winning director mike lee. along with ken loach, he's one of the great chroniclers of the working class experience in britain, his films, which explore issues from gentrification to fetch, right? alienation to the p to lu masika resonate as much now as they did when they were made. his retrospective runs until the 30th of november and he joins me now from london. mike, welcome to going underground to the british film institute.
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