tv News RT November 17, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EST
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ah then other which is not the migration gracious. we might respond with all possible tools to allah disposal feller. brooks condemns poland, aggressive tactics against a wave of migrants trying to reach the e u, and with a 1000 stranded and freezing conditions. minns has now set up a border shelter. they have a roof over their heads. this no wind. it is much warmer. here inside france a you plans to build a massive wall on the polish frontier. here on the program, we look at the top line being taken against people crossing from bella roast versus migrants who are crossing freely from out of the mediterranean. also in the program, antique euthanasia activists voice alarm over a surgeon assisted suicide, and canada, claiming the practice is being actively encouraged here on the program,
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we put the issue up for debate. if people individually want to choose to end their life, then if people want to choose to and if their life to the last moment that it's an individual choice, we're talking about euthanasia, which is done by lethal injection by somebody else. and they're approving it and they're doing it. so you're talking about actually a type of a homicide. ah, it is wednesday, november the 17th and just after 8 am here at moscow kicking off the morning program. here we are naughty international, i'm researching. so bell ross has condemned to poland board a crackdown, calling it quote violence against people on another countries territory. a polish border guards have fenced off the frontier, firing water cannon and tear gas to push the migrants back. meanwhile, a top un official claims to be totally unaware of the crock down despite all the
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pictures being broadcast around the world. the reports today say that the polish side used to water cannons against those migrants. how can you comment on this? so we don't have a confirmation on that. obviously if there was any such a treatment that that, that would, that would be wrong. they should not be any use of force in dealing with with these said this population. ah, the ladaja not on my racial graces. we might respond with all possible tools to our disposal. my good as human beings, pick up a plane. several 1000 of kilometers for the way has been converted and weapons and to send to the board, us as a new tools of destabilization ah
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polish actions that absolutely unacceptable tear gas water cannon shots fired over the heads of migrants towards bella roost. this reflects a desire to hide their actions. they cannot understand that they are violating every conceivable gnome of international humanitarian law. i may try migrants and spend another freezing night on the russian side of the frontier where it's now early morning. there is about a 3 point 8 in the morning that now some of them have not been relocate, relocate to this new shelter. it's a re purpose warehouse which holds a 1000 people. of course, you can see there including women and children are. these are eager to donald now reports on the scene. so following today's failed attempt to storm the polish border to take it by force will dozens of migrants have expressed willingness to
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believe all of that behind to leave. all these is behind life in the wilderness behind and to go to a special center that has been set up by the villa. russian authorities, the bell, russian government for them. the ruling, the warehouse is located 500 meters from the border. it was decided to quickly clear some space there so that people won't have to sleep rough for a 2nd night. in the space of 2 hours, goods were moved to one end of the warehouse. this liberated about 40 percent of the space. additionally, medical teams are on their way to the site. they will check temperatures and move those with a high temperature to a separate area. this what you're seeing all around me is a logistics center next to the border. it normally normal life, it, it was used before. the border checkpoint was closed due to the migrant crisis. it was used to sort out cargo goods, you know, that sort of stuff. now the bill of russian government has organized, you know, there are sleeping math here that have been provided by the are but a russian side,
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or are, you know, they have a roof over their heads. there's no wind, it is much warmer here inside. and that for the 1st time here, i can actually see what these people are wearing under their overcoats. because previously, every single day they would put as much things as much clothes on, on them as possible, as many well, you know, overcoats and such. so you can see this is, well, this is, it can be compared to the conditions that they had to survive. and by just yesterday, his a new batch of migrants that you can see arriving to the center. and there's a lot of them. so basically, the main purpose of this place is to provide a proper shelter to the most vulnerable, you know, so that the polls do not shine blinding spotlights in your, in your face as you're trying to go to sleep and so on. you know, no wind, you know, if it rains these people are now safe here. and so what will happen next to the authorities? the bell,
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russian authorities will go on and try to establish the identity of every single person here. because some of them don't even have their documents on them and well then they will be flown. hopefully they will be able to fly back home, back to we're back to wherever they came from. because this is their main purpose. they came forward and said, we want to go home. we don't wanna, you know, cross into europe anymore. we've given up on this idea. we want to go home. and so people, they will be trying to, you know, the authorities, they will be identifying these people and, well, hopefully facilitating their return. earlier e u foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, announced a new quote strategic compass plan. it's ultimately giving the e u powers to react quickly, including in partnership with nato, to what it deems a threat or the west has been accusing belarus of deliberately pushing migrants from the middle east and to poland. it's a claim, minsky, that denies. and in the meantime, the u. s. and e, you are preparing brand new sanctions. well,
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belarus earlier said sanctions were preventing it from helping poland put a whole to migrant crossings upon from martin dalton who represents germany's left party. and the handbook parliament has blaming mince for the crisis isn't going to solve anything. first we have to say that poland causes a abusing and contradicting international law vision or conventions to protect refugee synthesis and the effects the route. you want to have a solution. you have to think that you have to stop the aggression against the software and it to your people in the middle east and in north africa. and if you do that and give those people the possibility to have countries which savvy lie step by step rules, refugees crisis now to sanction bend on central ruled of lane. that's locally. of course, it will be good to have negotiations in between the european union and bella was
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the book before to european union except the silver in your countries doesn't matter. it's ruth. so they always counting the election results. this is not a way how we can establish international relations, which are fruit fruit. so that has to be changed. well upfront for the meantime is refusing to fund a massive walls stop migraines crossing the poland bella rous border. the plan has so far received the backing of 12 e, you states, but frances, called the idea inhumane. meanwhile, italy is also a question. the refusal to let the middle east for refugees cross from bella ro saying it's against e. you, principles and correspondents charlie dumas can now explains migrants entering europe's southern frontiers and getting a very different type of treatment. what is a furnace a root makes? in the last few days,
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hundreds of migrants crossing the mediterranean sea flimsy fishing boats found themselves rescued and brought to you repeat in land. since the start of this year, more than $50000.00 migrants have used that sea root reach italy that's an 85 percent increase compared to the same period last year and almost 500 percent more compared to 2 years ago. by landing on europe's mediterranean coast, migrants find themselves greeted by agencies there to lend a helping hand fly just under 2000 kilometers to another e u. country. and the reception couldn't be more different around 3000 migrants, desperately trying to survive in no man's land. as winter sets in n g o z and agencies can't even get full access. while the past to freedom is blocked by fear cast by water cannons by barbed wire. in
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a bid to shore up the eastern european borders. poland is going to construct a war, a war that would be partly paid for by the european union, and is designed to stop people from crossing into the block where they can then make claims for asylum. but as this wall has been given, the green light, the use top court has just issued this ruling. the courts of justice finds that hungry has failed to fulfill its obligations by allowing an application for international protection to be rejected as inadmissible. on the grounds that the applicants arrived on his territory by a state in which that person was not exposed to persecution or risk of serious harm, or in which a sufficient degree of protection is guaranteed. that gentleman, laws hungry in the court ice has restricted the right of asylum seekers yet doesn't to war well financed by the eve do exactly that. european union is full of
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contradictions. so massive immigration is right. this is a good. allison brussels has been telling all the member states that they should greet all these are these immigrants coming from the, from all over the world. they sent codes and they went to some political wars with hungary, with sylvania, with poland because they would refuse a quotas. and so the region union wants this message, in addition to the nova cited in one specific country, it is okay to build a wall and that is full and only because we're speaking about belarus and which is an ally of russia. so this shows this, that double standards that the european union is opposing to shows that the european union couldn't care. that's about immigration and that it's using this from induced, depending on the situation around a $115000.00 in legal border crossings. have been made this year at the e use external board is the majority of still coming from the main routes that have been established now over many years. yet while countries like italy and hungry,
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which have been at the coal face of this problem for so many years now, a lot she left to deal with it on their own. poland enjoyed the immediate backing of brussels, which is rally to round with both moral political and now financial support. and while it's easy to say that this is pacing one mistake against another, this is much, much more than that. this is double standards at the highest level, say some, and that level goes all the way to brussels. charlotte, even ski, ot paris and other country that's dealing with a new influx of migrants is that of iran. now people have been fleeing that from neighboring afghanistan ever since the taliban took control. but international aid organizations have actually caught refugee aide to, to ron. it's something the un has condemned a non profit organization. the norwegian refugee council says 4 to 5000 people have been crossing from afghanistan into iran daily. since the taliban take over. it
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states that amounts to 300000 refugees on top of a large number of displaced people that were already in the country. the group recently visited migrant crimes that through a monitor the conditions people are living in layla. my thought was among the delegation. she says iran is an urgent need of international aid al i was there. we spoke to several families who have been on the ground for a very long time in iran. and they all say that every family member, they speak with back in afghanistan and cobble and elsewhere in the country. all tell them the same thing that they're on the way to the border. they're trying to find a way out there trying to get into iran because it's become absolutely hopeless to live in afghanistan and much due to the economic collapse in the country. and those families be spoke to say that, you know, they have so little already to share among so many. and they worry that unless the international community 1000 give more support to neighboring countries of,
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of gas down there will simply not be enough to just port every one with their basic needs. this is in a context where iran itself has economic challenges as a result of sanctions and, and co at 19 general. there has not been adequate attention to the situation in the neighboring countries of afghan has done. it is always the neighboring countries that shoulder, that major responsibility when there's a massive reggie flown. it's remarkable that iran is able to absorb 40025000 refugees coming from has gone on every day. and yet, europe is not able to deal with the 4000 or a few 1000 refugees at the polish border. but it's also equally unfortunate and outrageous that the beller is, authorities are using refugees as a tactic to win an international geopolitical game. germany is considering a new covey restrictions for the an max unaided the rules would apply to at least 14000000 adults mirroring, ultimately
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a controversial system now in place in austria, with germany preparing for a power transition. opinions are rather split over how to deal with the latest covert wave. as peter, all of us now explains. alarm bells ringing in germany. the country's covert numbers caused the grave concerns so much. in fact, that those that are looking to form the next government in germany, well, they say more restrictions on needed. i listen, a small is a so 1st of all the situation we're in is dramatic and therefore consistent measures the urgently needed within the framework of the current legal situation. but also beyond that from december, about we're currently discussing the rules that will apply over the winter. from december onwards, i would have been this week has seen a continuation of high coven infection numbers across germany. while the 7 day average of that is reached, never before seen levels. from monday, this week, berlin saw new restrictions come into play coal. the 2 g approach which bothers
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that are vaccinated or cannot show that they have recovered from covered from restaurants, theaters, jim's and nightclubs defendants. at mosquitos, i'm a little bit critical of it. i'm actually here for my 3rd vaccine short, but i think it will deepen the divisions in society as we'll say, sorry, i think it's a good idea. i vaccinated and i'd feel much safer if only other vaccinated people were allowed indoors. my money to even when someone is vaccinated, they can still get infected with this virus and get sick. so i don't really know if it makes sense at all. hope listen and i'm with her taking into account the rising numbers. i think it's reasonable, but i can also understand people who are not vaccinated, but we're in the middle of a pandemic. i think everybody needs to make a sacrifice for the greater good of society in bavaria, which is one of the hardest hit areas by the 4th wave. the state leader market zone is wanting. things could get very bought. if 10 is the apocalypse,
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we're at 9 there. is a very simple way to solve the problem and that is vaccination. the basses where germany is faltering vaccination rates have plateaued it around 67 percent. and protest is against covert restrictions. a still vocal among blows looking to lead. the next government of germany, there is a mind that there has to be a discussion on mandatory vaccination, the people in certain professions like health care. i think it is right that we have now started to discussion about whether this should be done in italy. we're vaccine uptake is currently 10 percent higher than germany. they're seeing less cases in this 4th wave in austria, which is 5 percent lower than germany. they've just brought in the new lockdown for
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the vaccinated. while the austrian chancellor insists this is necessary. it still draws pushback from the public as boone this again, this is our task as a federal government is to protect the people of austria and that is what we are doing. i must stress, we are not taking this step with the light heart, but unfortunately it is necessary. it's an old 20 in i like it where i roll against the car and garden and which is leading us into disaster leading us into konami's cas cleanings. he saw the overall, i find the whole development extremely alarming. there are lines outside of this vaccination center here in berlin is the feeling is the sooner rather than later, germany will follow austria's lead and impose national restrictions on post that have not been jobs. not combs, as politicians, and health officials are concerned that unchecked this 4th wave of cove. it could be the worst yet. peter, all of a hearty berlin. anti euthanasia activists in canada have voiced alarm
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over a surge and medically assisted deaths saying the practice has now become normalized . euthanasia became legal canada. i should say it was actually in 2016. and in that year, more than a 1000 people underwent assisted suicide. that's according to health canada. the figure reached 7500 last year and according to one psychiatrist, people are now asking for the procedure even when they are physically healthy. a few days ago 30 will patient with very treatable, mental illness asked me to and her life. her distraught parents came to the appointment with her because they were afraid that i might support her request and that they would be helpless to do anything about it. it's heretic, they have to worry that by going to psychiatry his daughter might be killed by the very psychiatrist. back in 2016, the canadian government legalized euthanasia. for adults who are terminally ill, the rules will relax further and 2021. now people who have diseases but could
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potentially live for many years can easily undergo assisted suicide. and from 2023 canadians who's suffering as cause solely by mental illness will be allowed to opt for euthanasia. or we discussed the story with the alex shaunberger, the executive director of the euthanasia. prevention coalition. and kate, alas, an offer and a charity found a day sales a is very, very important. there is people individually wants to choose and their life. and if people want to choose to and live their life to the last moment, that's an individual choice. i am, i'm really quite sick of hearing about that potential for families who don't want to care for somebody. i found the argument really hard to deal with the look at the law, whether it be the netherlands law, the katie, and law, belgium lights all about the role of the physician or the nurse in approving these
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deaths. so, you know, when we talk about theory, all we want about oh saw, wants to die with the question then becomes, but why do they want a dime, a people with disabilities off to react by saying, hey, in the culture we live and we feel already denigrated we feel like our lives are last value, and now you're telling us that maybe it's better off that we be dead. and this is what you're getting a lot of pressure on. we're talking about euthanasia, which is done by lethal injection by somebody else. and they're approving it and, and they're doing it. so you're talking about actually a type of a homicide. yeah. okay, so hang about as though someone wakes up in the morning guys, you know what? i'm absolutely, she's off with a constant pain. the totaling vacancy that, that the cott white may in boston. i'm the fat. oh, but i talk speak only tell, but i talk to a lot of people. they who are depressed, who are going through emotional emotional inks to the nth degree, and they're wanting to die. so they're going to suicidal ideation in a normal culture. you would treat suicidal ideation by trying to deal with what's
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causing that suicidal feelings. people have intense values, people think what they're like now healthy individuals, if that happens, may wonder, but we have to have better protocols in place because they are living with. so it's danger huddled, talking about theory, and i'm talking about the reality of what's actually happening in canada. so you're saying, oh, it should be only for this term leo who really want to die in this sort of thing. i'm thinking, wait a 2nd in canada we're, we're now allowing this for mental illness. we've taken away the waiting periods. i think this is something you can actually go to the doctor now in canada and die the same day. the pentagon is at loggerheads with the oklahoma national guard over marg, mandatory vaccines. it's a threatening disciplinary action if guards when skip their cobra shot. it's after their commander openly flouted the order. it is a lawful order for national guardsmen to receive the cove at vaccine. it is a lawful order refusing to do that. absent of an approved exemption,
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puts them in the same potential as active duty members who refused the vaccine. in mid september, us defense secretary lloyd austin, announced to all uniformed personnel would have to get vaccinated against covert. however, the newly appointed commander of oklahoma's national guard said he would turn a blind eye to noncompliance among his troops. i hear by order that no oklahoma guardsmen be required to take the cove at 19 vaccine. notwithstanding any other federal requirement. additionally, no negative administration or legal action will be taken against guardsman, who refused the vaccine. spike cohen, who was, they are libertarian, vice presidential candidate and 20. 20 says the measures only widen the rift between states and the federal government. i think we're seeing the beginnings of an increasing standoff between the biden administration and state governments, whether you're talking about the governments themselves or the state national guards, or even some of the city governments. not just on this, but on quite
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a few things. we're seeing an increasing fighting between different levels of government, between the buyers administration, largely on political lines, between republicans and democrats, but also on disagreements over how to move forward. when it comes to coven, it's likely to spread to other states, especially now with the us. with the federal courts holding up one of the vaccine mandates and many state governments already suing the by the ministration that we're seeing in some police departments. as many as 40 percent of police and other 1st responders are refusing to take the vaccine. i suspect the numbers are lower among the troops, but it's probably not that much lower. and these are the kinds of things you know, that the, by the ministration needs to think about when they're deciding to try to shove the vaccines down the throats of people who don't want them. well, a war of words has broken out between russia and the u. s over military activity in space. it comes off to washington accused. moscow of putting the international
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space station in danger by conducting an anti satellite weapons test. will russia hit back pointing out that washington has also carried out similar tests. and nasa chief bill and ellison spoke to the head of russia space agency, ross cosmos, to express his concerns about the threat of deborah from a destroyed satellite to those on board the i assess ross cosmos, chief dmitri rosen said that both agencies were working closely to ensure the safety of their crews, according to a russian defense ministry simulation of the space station was never in any danger of being hit by deborah from the now defunct satellite. that she said i didn't stop however, the us state department from ultimately condemning this test. brushes, dangerous and irresponsible behavior jeopardizes the long term sustainability of our outer space. and clearly demonstrates that russia's claims of opposing the weapons and weapon ization of space are disingenuous and hypocritical. according to
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the state department of russian weapons test created more than 1500 pieces of space junk debris created by the missile, which now threatens the crew. aboard the international space station, forcing them to seek shelter in their docked capsules disrupting their work. this is something that before the test, we had raised repeatedly with senior officials in moscow to underscore the irresponsibility that such a maneuver would entail for the international community. meantime, russia has stated the u. s. has had its own types of weapon tests in outer space. in ton, the pentagon post before these official steps and even more so after, is actively developing and testing the latest strike combat weapons of various types in orbit without any notification. now the u. s. space command says that it's tracking a field of orbiting to bring the apparent result of a satellite break up, but at this time the i assess, appears to be functioning normally. and all 7 crew members on board are safe. meantime, the russian space agency has acknowledged that something has happened, but not specifically what,
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but it told me that ensuring crew safety has always been and remains its top priority and continues to monitor the situation to prevent and counter all possible threats to the safety of the international space station and its crew just about wraps up the news cost with this our here on our team and afterwards nearly half past 8 on wednesday morning here at moscow with just getting warmed up here. we'll be back in half an hour with more of your worldwide years or so, we're empowering ourselves a flicker with our transactions. but with that comes a trade off. every device is a potential entry point for security attack. any machine can be
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hacked. it's an extension of traditional time. the defenders have always been one step behind the attacker's performative with just one comes option in your saying, it's not a matter of. if it happens, it's a matter of went oh my 2 sons. i know my oldest one. he definitely was a wow, you can run this, wrap up the booth and like to see him go to college and take a trade so we can add something to fall back on because of the way this is look and i just don't know what is going to be here for future down the road, it's getting to a point now where it's becoming way more dangerous because the canadian government will come out here in the fisheries will stop grabbing, hold the balloon, just dot yank, and on the rope, yank, and on your stop we, i lost hundreds of traps of the ones we'll call them up and it's kind of, you know,
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the hands are tied well, you know what's in, you got to be careful what we say. be careful what you do know. you don't, you know, this is america. that's american grounds. another story that happened one of my friends, they will haul and inside the line ways. and here come the d a whole boat was being built, come hold up beside them, all the guns out and said, you know, don't move, you're an arrest efficient in canadian waters. this is what operation canadian, one of these 2 guys scan that they had that they had the guns out harassment wouldn't be bad with canadian government. awful. yeah. in the grey zone where it's very congested, it's much more challenging. it's a lot more time consuming, very much, you know, a lot slower by time you have to tell you, right. and make sure you don't get on top of the next person. that's going to get on top of that and there is more, more, more, more over in 5th grade zone. obviously the more traps you put it into
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a small area like we have, the more tangled the more chances for somebody to get in november 2007. and i got a call on the radio. one of the canadians, especially beside me. it said that in another canadian they had to draw that together. hang on is not good. it is very, very dangerous. that's one of the complex that you have when you have 2 different cell history, especially with each other. they don't test the same way. you know, fish the same direction, you know, that kind of stuff going to happen when i got a slide grab my draws on it up. wrong. came up with that heavy naval fence. hang it was, i'm deal. i wasn't really famous sent from how i was more, you know, trying to make sure that nobody got hurt, telling the guys what to do, grab this travel, cut it off and it keeps getting lighter. and.
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