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tv   News  RT  November 17, 2021 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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ah, ah, turning off the tabs, fellow roost and brody shops, an oil pipeline which runs from russia to poland on into the e. u on scheduled maintenance is the 2nd reason for the holt, but comes at a time of intentions between minsk and brussel. a sharp divide images of opponent tactics with fraud, slamming plans for a massive rules who built on the border political, the tough line being taken against people crossing from belarus, while migrant books of free crossing the mediterranean. when every minute matters in england, people's lives having put in danger of delays and delivering emergency health here from a man whose mother passed away often, ambulance failed to arrive on time potentially. he knows this death could be, should be saved if the ambulance arrived sooner than that doctor attended as soon
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as possible. ah, a loan from moscow. thanks for joining us. and i was on auto international on daniel wilkins wherever you are this hour. welcome to the program. the battery has shut down a major oil pipeline which runs from russia to poland and on to other countries means sites on scheduled maintenance. adding that the stoppage would last 3 days. it's led the claims from europe that the move is no coincidence considering the situation that's currently unfolding all the countries border. i'm a colleague, you know, neil heard all from ortiz, the la petrocca. this is actually the number one intrigue, whether there are any links between the closure of the operations in this throws more friendship pipeline. what i want to make clear though is that we're talking about an oil pipeline and also earlier warnings by the ball,
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a russian president, alexander lucas ankle about the potential shut down of a gas pipeline. well, technically there aren't because immense curb is saying that's the reason for this is just that something needs to be fixed. and this is something that's only going to last for 3 days. more importantly, we're talking about completely different transit routes, completely different pipelines and a different kind of commodities being supplied all in the one hand and gas on the other. so on paper it looks like this doesn't have anything to do with politics, but again, we do remember how last week, alexander lucas shan't go. his rhetoric was very aggressive. he pretty much said that if the leaders don't behave themselves, he is ready to cut off gas supplies from the europe, the amal pipeline. this is something very important because we do remember that
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we're hot on the heels of an energy crisis in europe. that mostly had to do with gas, skyrocketing and gas prices is something that we were seeing throughout september and october, and this was very serious. and it could be that mister lucas ankle could be sending a signal to europe that i'm ready to pull the strings. maybe do something with this wall pipeline and let the leaders think at what may happen next. so is this a signal or this is not, not a signal. we don't know, but this could be the way he's thinking at this point. an important point though, we perhaps should touch on the energy so flies that baller is transits through its territory don't belong to minsk, has russia responded to developments? well, 1st of all, if we're talking about the dubois oil pipeline, which is used for all deliveries from the oil fields and central russia to
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countries such as poland, hungary, the czech republic, germany, the russian side for now is rather call because they're saying that if it's only for 3 days, that is not going to affect the total quantity of supplies in a month. so with that there. okay. but actually latimer potent who often supports alexander lucas sango. and we know that bruce and russia are close allies, when mister putin heard about this threat from the ball, russian president of a potential closures of the gas pipeline. he was rather critical about it. here's what exactly. he said. we'll move to joe theoretically, alexander lucas, chicago can shut down the gas pipeline as the president of a transit country. he can probably give an order to cut off our supplies to europe, although this would be a violation of our transit contract. i hope it doesn't come to this. if it happens, it will cause great damage to the european energy sector. the one contribute to the
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development of our relations with bella roofs in life. so mister potent remarks were rather calm and very diplomatic. i should say this though isn't, does something that we're supposed to expect from europe because they're very aggressive when it comes to alexander lucas angle. they're aggressively reacting to anything. he says they are blaming him for waging a hybrid war are against the european union. so just wait till the european leaders say something about this latest decision to temporarily closed rouge bar or friendship. the oil pop on that we've just been talking about. a professor at savannah says any escalation of the dispute could be dangerous for all parties involved. i think if an increased tension and increase confrontation, that, of course, increases the stakes and makes the whole thing more dangerous. i think for everyone
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in ball, the fact is what seems to be happening now. the, the ruse is not really unprecedented because maybe america with its involvement and ukraine, set the precedents and maybe bill a roost is taking the view that, well, maybe this is the american standard of how one has to negotiate. so you know, so in other words, i think it's a good moment for everyone to reconsider. and that's good everyone else benefit of the doubt and just trying to say, well, look, ok, there's a number of issues out here. we could all gain a lot if we can talk to each other, we could lose a lot of escalates, it's a nobody interest to escalate. let's, let's sit at the table and just trying to discuss with each other how we can help each other but always has condemned patterns, ball to crack sound pulling at volumes against people on another countries territory spool to go out. so front off the frontier following the water kind of
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a tig asked to prevent moderates from breaking through. ah, you know, new sanctions against accusing it of engineering process by flying in moderate some at least and sending them to the post. i mean, the noise i turn around is heating up with russia also in from the slamming the inhumane way with his ease of being treated the little she's not a migration gracious or we might respond with all possible tools to our disposal. smiled as human beings has been converted and weapons shortly. there are not only
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border guards on the policy border, but the military is well up to $20000.00 personnel with aircraft and armored vehicles are deployed there. the e wants to protect itself from an invasion of refugees that come from countries bombed by the us led western coalition. polish actions are absolutely unacceptable . tear gas water, cannon shots, fired over the heads of migrants towards belarus. this reflects a desire to hide their actions. they cannot understand that they are violating every conceivable norm of international humanitarian law. was 3000000 in france or both questioning, putting severe strategy for dealing with migrant strong to enter the you via banners. paris is refusing to fund the new wall war, so wants to build along the frontier though european council chief has given it his blessing. it's legally possible based on the truant legal framework at the upper level. 2 fighters interest torture history. but we're not just 40 hamilton, i am in favor of a year of which protects his borders, but not
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a europe which bristles with barbed wire or covers itself with walls will be this contract and the canto what is happening in several places on the borders of the union is disconcerting. the gap between the great principles proclaimed and the neglect of the hunger and coal to which human beings are exposed at the borders of the union is surprising, cheaply or the polish border is one of several immigration arts. what so last weekend alone, more than 600 refugees arrived on italy shores after traveling from north africa. and thought he saw levinsky explains their being treated very differently to those attempting to cross via barrows. what a difference a route makes. in the last few days, hundreds of migrants crossing the mediterranean sea flimsy fishing boats found themselves rescued and brought to you repeat land. since the start of this year, more than $50000.00 migrants have used that sea root reach italy that's an 85 percent increase compared to the same period last year and almost 500
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percent more compared to 2 years ago by landing on europe's mediterranean coast. my grants find themselves greeted by agencies there to lend a helping hand fly just under 2000 kilometers to another e u country. and the reception couldn't be more different around 3000 migrants, desperately trying to survive in no man's land as winter sets in n g o z. and agencies can't even get full access while the past to freedom is blocked by fear cast by water, cannons by barbed wire. in a bid to shore up the eastern european borders. poland is going to construct a war war that would be partly paid for by the european union, and is designed to stop people from crossing into the block where they can then make claims for asylum. but as this war has been given, the green light,
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the use top court issued this ruling. the courts of justice finds that hungry has failed to fulfill its obligations by allowing an application for international protection to be rejected as inadmissible. on the grounds of the applicants arrived on his territory by a state in which that person was not exposed to persecution or risk of serious harm, or in which a sufficient degree of protection is guaranteed. that judgment laws hungry in the court ice has restricted the right of asylum seekers yet doesn't to war. finance by the eve do exactly that if the european union is full of contradictions. so massive immigration is right. this is that the good allison brussels has been telling all the member states that they should greet all these are the immigrants coming from the, from all over the world. they said co toes and they went to some political wars with hungary, with serena with poland because they would refuse of quotas. and so the region
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union wants this message, integration to the know of a sudden in one specific country. it is okay to build a wall and that's polish only because we're speaking about belarus and which is an ally of russia. so this shows this bit that double standards that the european union is imposing. this shows that the european union couldn't care less about immigration and that it's using these tremendous, depending on the situation around a $150000.00 in legal border crossings, have been made this year at the e use external board is the majority of still coming from the main routes that have been established now over many years. yet while countries like italy and hungry, which have been at the coal face of this problem for so many years now, a lot she left to deal with it on their own. poland enjoyed the immediate backing of brussels, which is rally durand with both moral political and now financial support. and
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while it's easy to say that this is picking one men mistake against another, this is much, much more than that bases double standards at the highest level, se sum. and that level goes all the way to brussels. charlotte, even ski ot paris in the us, the jury in the high profile and bitterly divisive trial of call, written out and does it. secondary deliberations, last year at the ben, 17 year old faith that he shot 2 people during a protest against police brutality on ethan site of wisconsin. prosecution and says he's guilty of home sides. which analysis they won't use. he acted in self defense . oh, for moral the story recalls life to auntie america's john hardy. he's reporting from outside at a very cool house in kenosha. john, what's the latest here? just take us through the case. what's been going on today? right, sure. so the deliver, the jury is in day 2, as you mentioned, of deliberations. very start right around 9 am local time here. ah,
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here at the commercial county courthouse in kenosha, wisconsin, in the homicide trial in the homicide case of a 2 year old kyle written house, who was 17 at the time when he opened fire, shooting and killing 2 men, and badly wounding a 3rd. during riding a protest here in kenosha in august of 2020 really the crux of the case. what the jury has to weigh is whether or not written house acted in self defense. when he opened fire at these 3 man who his, the defense team, his lawyer say we're attacking rittenhouse. the prosecution however, intends that rittenhouse acted recklessly that he should have never been here in kenosha at that time. it was already a volatile situation with riots and protesting, standing from the police, shooting of a black man, a black resident here of kaneesha that rittenhouse was here with a rifle. he added to the overall volatility and ultimately 2 people lost their lives and a 3rd was maimed for light. so the jury is weighing 5 felony counts against
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rittenhouse and $23.00 homicide reckless homicide towns and also to reckless endangerment and possession of a dangerous weapon. so basically these council would be murder charges, and other states. and if convicted, he faces anywhere from 25 years to life in prison. now this is a case that's really divided many americans, those who are in support of rent. how saying that he was a hero, that he was here defending the community where his father led went. house lands on south about 70 miles south in the state of illinois became here during his protest, i who as to defend some of the businesses that were being ransacked that were being loaded some burned down by the rioters and protesters. and also also to offer medical aid to some of the people here, prosecutor's content. however, and those who are against him, that he should have never been here. and he was acting recklessly that he was acting as a vigilante. so this case is really divided. many americans, both for and against written house and here at the court house today, outside,
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as we've seen throughout the proceedings, there's basically i'll step out of the way real quick so you can get a better luck and we're not blocked by a car, but there's basically people a smattering protesters anywhere from $2.00 to $3.00 does an mostly against written how saying that he should be found guilty. others that like i said, are in support of kyle written house. we haven't seen any, any serious escalation of violence. there's been some arguments. but when there is police react pretty quick, they step in pretty quickly. honestly, there's really more media at this point than there are any demonstrators or protesters. but that said, as i step back into the shop, there is concerned at it for when a verse of verdict is handed down by the jury, that could stem more unrest in the city. so in order to prepare for that or basically a stop, any violence, the governor of wisconsin, tony evers, has called to duty, $500.00 national guard troops to remain on scanned by to be activated in the event
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that unrest or violence arrived here in the city. but from now the city of kent, osha and wisconsin remains calm as we await a verdict, in this case. indeed, whatever that verdict is, obviously lost portion of american society will be disappointed. now i would expect that sir john will get back to you as any updates coming back still not now the shooting call, which now is on trial full to place during black gloves matter on rest in the us. some media accommodate is a adamant race is central to the case despite the fact that a man shot barbara and house were also white. and then he wanted to, he wanted to do it because he was cool. a black kid that killed 2 people and injured another person. how would america feel about that? i think it would be a completely different feeling if you want to know why critical race there exists. the actual loss will theory that emphasizes that supposedly colorblind laws in america often still have racially discriminatory outcomes. they look no further than the trial of col. rittenhouse. this is white privilege on steroids. as far as
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politics are concerned, what i'm focused on as a trial lawyer observing this is what the potential political orientation of each of the jurors is going to be. meanwhile, what analysis mother has accused joe barton, of defaming her son that's in response to a tweet from last year containing his image in which the then presidential nominee condemned white supremacists. you? she was right you that a recent white house briefing. why did president find suggest that kyle rittenhouse, bon trial in canada is a white supremacist. so peter, at what i am not going to speak to right now is anything about an ongoing trial. we're waiting a verdicts beyond that, i'm not going to speak to any individuals or this case with the president has spoken to it already. and his mom now conference house, his mom came out saying that the president veined her son and claims that she claims that when the president suggested herself, why supremacist,
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he was doing that to win both. is that what happened? i just have nothing more to speak to an ongoing case where the closing argument purchase may go ahead de, professional at all at there is no court decision. if there is no, you know, declarative, he is a murderer. he is guilty, vendor should be in the declaration from the media. they pretty much when it be the propaganda arm of a democratic party. the propaganda arm of the far left. anything that could be seen as a way to prove their narrative to prove their point. there are going to hop coin it doesn't matter if. 8 what the hop on is true, it doesn't matter if it's false. all that matters is able to put out a narrative and get the public opinion on their side. there is no evidence of racism. nobody got hurt. that was anything else other than why i think on the reason why the media claimed racism ears because of the black last matter protests that was in the background. there are only claim that they have to try and prove to racism allegation almost certainly joe biden has not done any favors. he commented
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over the cow rittenhouse case and a very inappropriate way. as he said from the beginning, he wants to have healy, he wants to be the unifier president, but he's been anything other than nay. he can even unify his all party on the left, let alone the entire country of the u. s. a. v as feared, lives are being put at risk in england over increasing, waiting times for evidence. it's not fulls of having a knock on effect on the national emergency phone line, which is being inundated with extra cools from people asking where the evidence is . reportedly the average weight for cool to be answered last month was 56 seconds converted just 7 seconds at the same time. last year, he thought he shot it and was asking, well, crim statistics and shock reports aren't exactly something the united kingdom is particularly alien to when it comes to the n. 8 chess, the pandemic on the government's handling of it. but these findings are definitely alarming as, according to a report, people are now dying in the back of ambulance is at
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a stuck outside of hospitals simply because they can't get in and up to 160000 patients every single year or coming to severe harm as a result of these delays. plus there's nearly $300000.00 more emergency calls a month the normal at because of the ambulance shortages. we think that about 3 quarters if the extra phone calls that are coming in on 999, i'll repeat dialers trying to find out what's happened to the ambulance. they are having to wait for too long for. so this is essentially a cycle of crisis because ultimately patients can't get admitted into hospital, they're waiting outside or even being treated in ambulances. but that means those ambulances can't get back on to the roads, to respond to further emergency service calls. in fact, many people are now waiting, including the most serious of categories like suspected heart attacks or even strokes. and some of these categories are even waiting up to an hour or for an
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ambulance to arrive. and of course is, is having a detrimental impact on patient safety. the ambulance service is simply not providing the levels of service they should patients for waiting too long, and that is pregnant, that much risk. well, this report doesn't exactly go into the amount of people that are dying, but does confirm that have been deaths in ambulances waiting outside emergency departments, or shortly after being admitted, following a long way to also consider that other people as still in their homes, are not able to be saved because paramedics of stock, or the, any un unable to answer these calls. now, all of this, all of the findings in this report is particularly reminisce to just this time last year at the heights of the pandemic. where people, again were being treated outside hospitals as the hospitals was simply running out of beds due to the demands of the cave at 19 pandemic. now back then and h has bosses described are the services as being on its knees. and now that
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describing it as simply at breaking point, as the demand is increasing, as also, as the cobit cases are back to skyrocket levels. and all of this really basically says, if you're sick in the united kingdom, it's a very bad time to be a one transit case. it strikes the situation is that of been a patel. the 56 year old mother of 2 died off to waiting nearly an hour for an ambulance. a son called for want 7 times as her condition deteriorated. she died from suspected claudia caressed her son, not show battelle says the u. k. so secretary must through everything possible to prevent similar situations in future. i feel angry that, that he come on time and you know, i need to do something about law and grief that i've lost my mother. you know, my father passed away 3 years ago. so i own really had my mother left and the last 27 years. i've lived with my mother and knowing that potentially,
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you know this, her desk could be, she could be saved if the ambulance arrived sooner. the doctor attended as soon as possible. the health secretary of the u. k. should, should reach out to me and, and see what he's going to do to you know, to prevent this happening in future. not for my sake before the people say, because the last thing i want to do is heather. so when else has passed away due to an ambulance not arriving in time, we do have a system failure in the ambulance service, all the n h s as a whole, you know, he's failing, not just me is found a lot of people. this loads of current news affairs on this, on the ambulance delays and you know, something needs to be done. parents being treated like terrorists, that's the fear being raised by us. republicans on news that the f b i is apparently tracking threats, directed at tinctures of a more honest florida format in new york. caleb moore, pin. caleb, thanks for joining us. sam. how's an anti terror initiative?
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lead to parents for fear that parents might be targeted? well the f, b, i allegedly activated counter terrorism and criminal divisions to deal with the threats made against school board members by angry parents. now this is according to an e mail that was provided to republican lawmakers from an f b i whistleblower. and it says that essentially we had the attorney general of the united states are urging, urging for these threats and the anger of parents to be taken more seriously. and many republicans fear that this could be used to target parents who are concerned and going to school board meetings concerned about the curriculum. their children are being taught the counter terrorism and criminal divisions, created a threat, sag edu officials to track instances of related threats. we ask that your offices
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apply the threat tag to investigations and assessments of threats, specifically directed against the school board administrators, board members, teachers, and stuff. now the link to e mail is dated october 20th, which is the day before u. s. attorney general garland america merit garland either the day before he appeared on capitol hill. busy and denied that any such things were happening. the justice department of support and defense, the 1st amendment right of parents to complain as vociferously as they wish. i can't imagine any circumstance in which the patriot act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can i imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism. now the attorney general defended the memo, saying that this came after the f. b. i was approached by the national association
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of school boards who said that they were concerned and they felt that what was going on at school board meetings across the country was similar. and could escalate to terrorism. now republicans have stepped up and asked about the api i's priority. why is the f b i targeting parents who are complaining at school board meetings? i had some harsh responses from conservatives in an agree, just abuse of power with the potential to unfairly track americans activities. prison biden's department of justice is using f. b. i criminal and counter terrorism resources to target parents. when multiple u. s. gymnast were sexually assaulted by their team doctor the f. b. i ignored them . when too many concerned parents spoke hard at school board meetings. the f. b, i launched its entire con to terrorist division against them. record spike in murder, overdose deaths and illegal immigration. the biden administration does nothing but parents protesting at school board meetings. mary girl incense in the f,
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b i's counter terrorism division. now the f b, i rejects the claim that it targeted parents. however, many are looking on and seeing the potential deployment of anti terrorism vehicles . and tools by the federal law enforcement agency as potentially moving to stifle debate ross, united states. there have been many parents going to school board meetings. and they have been raising concerns about critical race theory about kobe restrictions and schools among other issues. and many fear that this moved by the f b, i could potentially be suppressing such debate and trying to intimidate parents from taking such moves or kind of open no max for that up that kayla more put life for meal. well let those are the lines for this out, return in 30 minutes with all the latest to join us again, then i
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o is your media reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation for community. are you going the right way, or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows.
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a whole eyes or i can no choice content, not only for the jury verdict on the car, written house trial, but also the public reaction. we will have our, a law enforcement panel discussed, and i don't know of the nickname, sleepy joe can be applied to president biden. after his late even conversation, the president chief, which lasted 3 and a half hours. while there were lots of talk of more cooperation between the 2 world super powers, there was no breakthroughs on key issues like taiwan, trade and human rights. making. some ask are the 2 countries in the midst of a cold war? and we have all had that moment when we've been in conversation with others in person and magically the next time we checked our phone and ad popped up a.


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