tv News RT November 18, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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the ah, the us food and drug administration fights a freedom of information, requesting a call, asking that it be given 55 years to fully release were directed documents for aging, for the approval of 5, his cobit 19 lexi sweet europe as governance club down here to get in response to the rising cobit cases, germany's expected shortly to issue tough me ruth roots, and i think citizen, please teased with animals, but we are not on and i saw happen to the board. i can't say very hard when i saw poland. you see your gas against women and children, and i thought in other european countries would be no different off the days of tensions, the poland better is forward. it begins to clear off demoralized margaret's trees and warm shelter instead of facing t gas and water canada at the hands of polish god. iraq is now sending blames for
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those who want to return home. well, if they don't want to cooperate with us, fine, they don't have to. it isn't something we want to anyway. got to put in, takes us ward that could document some fathers. cobra actually relate to the jobs approval by the f d a and i've been requested by a group of medics on a freedom of information. the f d. a though is resisting for more on this life to all my mind in new york taylors moltin. thanks for joining us. caleb. f. d, a. they're willing to a drink feed, the public, the information only in 55 years. they are all over a span of 55 years. they have been in relation for this need and delay while the us food and drug administration has put forward a timeline for releasing the documents related to their testing and approval of the vaccines. and they are proposing to do $500.00 pages per month for the remaining
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$329000.00 pages. and that would take roughly 55 years. ah, now this is in response to a freedom of information act request that came from a group of scientists and medical professionals who want to know the details about how the vaccines were tested. after all, are there was only a 4 month process to confirm the pfizer vaccine and confirm that it was safe. and so at this point, are these medical professionals and others, they call themselves public health and medical professionals for transparency. they filed the lawsuit and they want to know what went on in those trials. here's some of what they have set. this 108 day period is the same amount of time. it took the f d a to review the responsive documents for the far more intricate task of licensing phases. coven, 19 vaccine is difficult to imagine. a great a need for transparency than immediate disclosure of the documents relied upon by the f. d 8. you license
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a product that is now being mandated to over 100000000 americans. now the group also states, sir that basically not requiring if you didn't require these documents to be released in a timely manner. that would essentially make the freedom of information act in the united states are pretty irrelevant. ah, and if it takes 55 years to get all the information, all that simply simply would prevent the transparency that's necessary from taking place. this is their argument the f d, a knew the intense public interest in that data and information. it should have been preparing to release it simultaneously with the licensure. instead, it is done the opposite. now we did reach out to the us food and drug administration to provide comment about why they are
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proposing to release these documents over the course of half a century. they repeatedly highlighted in their response that they quote that the f d. a quote has full confidence in the data that were used to support the pfizer bio and tech koby 19 vaccine authorization. now it's important to note that one of the companies that was involved with the trials of the pfizer vaccine has basically earlier this month, had problems related to their research brought to light by a whistleblower. there was something published by the british medical journal. now that report from last month, we had a former clinical trial auditor for the visor. cobit vaccine trial come forward and say that you know that some of the safety and data integrity during the process of approving the pfizer vaccine was not sound. however, the vin tavia, the spokeswoman for ven tavia, the corporation came forward and basically discredited the british medical journal article saying that the supposed whistleblower did not contact ben tavia before
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before publishing the report and the despite the accusation and made quite a stir. these are not credible allegations, so there's many people have questions about how these vaccines were approved. many look at that 55. * a month or 55 year timeline and say that simply simply isn't soon enough for all this information. so we expect that legal battles will continue . all right, kayla. more than that with that update set. thanks the thing cross the story. europe's being battered by yet another corona virus. wave with france registering more than $20000.00 daily cases for the 1st time since august in hungary. the infection rate is 5 times higher than at the start of this month. the numbers are also sparking in austria, in response government for rushing up the pressure on people to get shot. and you nation is in reducing partial lock house for the racks unaided or limiting their access to key services and several public. the measures of spunk, public theory,
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with thousands protesting, and prong central square. lucky is also taught in the screws on the and jabbed borrowing them from large events and requiring testing in workplaces. as you can see, that hasn't gone down very well in, but his lover. i mean, when he, bailey infections have had a record high and, but it is expected to impose new restrictions at some stage to day. are you correspondent peter of a can take us through what set change it looks like. we are going to see new measures nall change in germany when it comes to covered restrictions that would allow the 60 states in the individual governance in those states to strengthen, to tighten those restrictions. should they feel that they are necessary? what that bare minimum, that national bare minimum could look like is being called the to g plus method. now to g was the way in which only the vaccinated. and those that can prove that
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they've recovered from cove at 19 would have access to certain public spaces to g plus means you wouldn't get into. and things like restaurants, bars, cafes, theaters or cinemas without a both having your vaccine certificate or your proof that you've recovered and a recent negative test. now this has proved pretty popular with the population suggesting 60 percent of those would back such a moose among them seems to be the outgoing chancellor angle of merkel who has highlighted the real risk that germany is facing from this 4th wave of covert lighting digging. val, ticket planning me log a and we can't and m excitation in germany is dramatic. i can't say any other way on. the 4th wave is here in our country with full force on we're urgently new to make progress on vaccinations. and so i would also like to take this opportunity to promote vaccines. it's also not too late at all to decide to get vaccinated for the
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1st time. the action certainly needed spurred. it's not just because of the high coven numbers that something needs to be done. the current government has seem to have been inadequate when it comes to its response, particularly to this 4th wave of coven. 19 around 60 percent of those polled by news magazine dash beagle said. current government hadn't been cutting it hadn't been doing enough for what we are facing is a real problem when it comes to those in need of serious health. in germany, there is a shortage of intensive care beds in some regions. meaning that those that are a who are really, really sick with cove at 19, are going to struggle to find the care that they need. and what we are seeing is the interim health minister yen spawn, saying that he wants to see boost the vaccine jobs given out to all of those over the age of 18. be keeping an eye on what comes out of the bond, the stag all day on thursday,
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and professor of molecular oncology lawrence young. so the tightening of restrictions is all about trying to ease the burden on hospital vaccination. doesn't completely stop you spreading the virus. it does stop, you getting sick, and it does take pressure off the health care system. so what we're seeing here, essentially, with the searches across europe is a combination of insufficient vaccine uptake. and the premise sure, ease ingo restriction measures. this is a, was a combination human behavior and the need to get high levels of immunity in the population to prevent hospitalization. vaccines work in reducing the spread of infection. they're not perfect in doing that, but they do work in damping down spread and that's what we're seeing. and that's what we're experiencing because a lot of this is about the fact that we have a very, very infectious virus, that spreads from person to person very easily. that we're in a situation where a lot of europe is starting to experience cold weather,
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driving people inside into pull the ventilated spaces where the virus spreads. so simple measures on top of explanation of very effective the 1st claim taking margaret back to iraq from but a ruth has learned that in baghdad got into an iraq, a diplomat more than $400.00 people of officially registered to fly home voluntarily. this comes off, the crowds of people spent several freezing nights out in the open on the batteries potent board hoping to get into the you at the moment only a few doesn't remain out in the cold. after most of the monuments warehouse and a converted warehouse, a cobra vaccination point has been set up at the camp as well as senior correspondent moore. i guess you have sent us a reports from the see. this jets was announced just yesterday, plans for it. things have been expedited, obviously moving along very quickly. there has been an abrupt de escalation here, the migrant have been moved back away from the polish or from the polish food on
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the bell russian side. so even those who, who wanted to remain, who wanted to take their chances and try to run the border even they have been moved. further back here to woods. this logistics had to, which has been handed over for the needs of the migrants, more than a 1000 people are now housed here. they're receiving a medical attention, for example, which a number of them have needed, especially after the, the incident where puller secure it post, sprayed them with, with water canada laced with a tear gas like substance. so they're receiving medical attention, this hot food here, there's electricity. there's, there's warmth that the weather recently hasn't been. cons to any one. it is been wetted, has been frightfully cold, very windy and it's going to get worse. it's going to a snow. so even those hardy migrants who want to take their chances and the border
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they're there, they're being forced to think twice before doing so. but again, that iraq has said to jet ease, one thing, but there are many nationalities here. there are afghans. there are syrian sara iraq is obviously, but there are also even people from tibet that have been spotted here all coming here to belarus, trying to get across into europe, most of them into germany getting across poland into germany over the last several days. many people by may have changed their minds at the is what they imagined. the strip would be like is very different from what it was like, which is when they faced her flashbanc grenade, said g, a gas water jet, fired by polish security force. many of them are now saying that they would rather return to where they came from, rather than risk running the border liberty. we let them each and i don't have any more hope for the european union. we were sleeping in the forest for 10 days and
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they were children with us. it's very dangerous, and none of that new countries are ready to speak about the speak problem. and nobody accepts us in poland is using take us against women and children. and the you keep silence about this. only poland is telling the media that we are dangerous if they c as, as animals are. but we are not animals. oliver, i have failed to reach germany. and i want to go home that we've tried to get to europe 3 times and we didn't succeed. i'm upset. i saw happen to the border. i can't stay here very hard. his envelope man, the vasta. i am very tired. i don't want to try again. my family in iraq are saying, please come back. when i saw poland use tear gas against women and children, i thought other european countries would be no different. there have been many questions asked of poland response to these might with attempting to cross the border of women, children among them, the violent often responds that there are very few people who have made it across
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the boarded among those even fewer scanner. individuals have made it all the way to germany. they're being caught across poland and driven back to the border with bellows and forced back across the border. so again, many of become disenchanted with what they imagined europe would be like. and what they have found reality to be like again, we expect many more repatriation floods from iraq from ah, from other countries perhaps. but the, the situation is that there has been a di escalation on the political level. there was also been contact between belarus and. 3 the european union president lucas, chicago, or his administration just couldn't just coming out saying there, i know about 7000 migrants currently and bellows, about 2000 of them here near the border with near the checkpoint. the border with, with poland. and many of them are going to be driven back to mins click capital,
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and they're going to seek those flights, carrying them out of the country. a quick warning now that you might find this following video, distressing with routes from better route into pony, largely sealed off. margaret said trying to look further north at the lithuanian border when a russian border services released this on verified video, allegedly showing lithuanian police with dogs forcing margaret at sun back on tuesday night. on the way near which is in the e. u has offered a different version of events, it sang, but a russian gods pushed 30 migrants over them with the lady inside and prevented them from returning to buttress. alternately, with an odd entry. 6 let me put on his brand that is provocative for the military actions of the u. s. in the black sea, along with the expansion of nato near to russia's borders reporting next, he is out heath me through power. this address by president burton came with it during his meeting with foreign policy officials here in moscow. during this meeting, he basically discussed the political and economic landscape in which russia finds
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itself to day. and of course, the most pressing topic is relations between russia and the west nato, and the u. s. and frankly, these relations are at an all time low right now. who's and mentioned how this didn't usually always be the case. he mentioned that it used to be that relation between, for example, rush and he, wes, were go operative. however, over the past several decades, they have basically disintegrated and somehow even continue to get worse. right now . communications between russian nato have essentially been saburd, tatting to all of that is now the provocations from nato put and talked about how 1st of all, nato broke all its promises and continued expanding towards the east, how countries like poland and romania now how's air defense systems which, as putin says, could be alarmingly quickly converted into a cell systems. and he mentioned the recent incident where the several nato strategic bombers were cited just 20 kilometers away from russia's borders. he
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basically said that all these actions combine are essentially crossing all red lines and they are iron, utter disregard for rushes, safety and interests ah, sort of issue regarding the black sea, the latest absolutely goes beyond certain limits. we've seen strategic boomers fly 20 kilometers from us state border, and these bombers carry very serious weapons, as you would know. yes, we constantly express our concerns about this massa. we talk about red lines, but of course we understand that our partner is the very peculiar and to put it mildly, they have a superficial attitude toward all of our warnings and talks about red lines. put in did say that a russian, nevertheless, still would like to have better relations with the west and nato, but only on terms of you. so respect our at this point, it seems that the other side is not particularly interested in that lightfoot and said that if they don't want to build back relations, well basically they don't have to zillow like will. and mr. bay spell the diplomats
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out of the blue without giving any reason. and then they got offended that we shut down their mission in russia. why get offended? this was their initiative. they did it with their own hands and they look for someone else to blame should. well, if they don't want to cooperate with us, fine, they don't have to. it isn't something we want anyway. i think they'll want to die . like if they're already giving us signs that they do. so white spell diplomats out of the blue for no reason just like that. but of course, nato says that it's russia, that's the bad guy and size rush to the ledger involvement in eastern ukraine as well as other stories where rushes jane, it's really bad guy. but with all these allegations, head for tat san provocations, it seems that relations between russia and the west, nato and the u. s. won't be building back better any time soon. will as go live now to the fun of jonah stewart, morton summers for more on this thanks for joining us at martin goods are going to program today and of lauder booth,
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and they're talking over deteriorating relations with night. so during today's a speech on diplomacy and things just don't seem to be getting any better, do they? no, i mean it's a continuation of the situation that's been, you know, pretty much stuck in the mud for a long time. no. oh, the real worry is such was no communications. the may be mistakes laid only the side because of misreading of signals that are being sent. and i think the russians are much more aware of the danger of accidental. the confrontations, though, in the west legends they seem to be so oblivious to the danger this represents. and the russian leader that might send weston unless provocative behavior in the black sea and how most of his concerns are essentially being ignored on that matter. and do you think as his reason is a sensitive area for the country,
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do you think that could be more escalation here? well, there's been course a tense situation for a long time, as we know since 2014 and the violent qu, against the elected governments in ukraine, on the, on a war which tens of thousands of civilians died in. i'm so the incense, the situation has been tense all along but it seems that the dialogue necessary to try and diffuse tensions is being sabotaged. a niche it. ringback seems from the russian side, i presume that it's very hard to know who to talk to on the western side. so putin met with boyden biden's prompting and then immediately carried out ferris hostile alex subsequent to meeting. and so you've got a situation where from the russian point of view, we're trying to have a dialogue with you. we have a discussion with you, even in person,
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and then you immediately carry out provocative actions which suggest that, you know, it's not clear who's in charge on the western side. and there are factions, certainly, you know, more war, white fractions was sabotaging any possibility of dialogue. just look at the one picture here and these strain relations between moscow and washington, you think they're affecting the global arena? what's going on? or is this something entirely between the alliance on russia? well, i mean, this is probably the key. i mean, obviously the china, russia, china, russia, and us relations relations between those 3 countries, or the most important in international politics. so the russian us relation is probably more important in some ways in terms of the threats of war. done the, the china, us relationship. but you know, how to change of, of government in the us. but no real change of attitude. and you know,
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people in brush russia and showing are obviously drawing the conclusion that was not launch point trying to talk is very dangerous for everybody on the top of the plan that we live on. ok, independent. janice martin, someone thanks so much for your time. you're naughty, good sadie with us into winter on its way. europe's and he's across his shows. no sign of letting go. a gas prices have shut up even higher, reaching nearly a 1000 euros per 1000 cubic meters on tuesday. that 17 percent increase came right off the germany suspended certification of the north stream to pipeline the countries energy regulate to insist that the operator of the pipeline has registered as a german entity. while the old stream to company is based in switzerland, we discussed the situation klauser as a member of the german parliament. he says that those he will suffer the most from the gas supply that i are ordinary citizens does is ship it the only
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her lives in to the of the which this is unfortunate because the german as well as european customers, would eventually pay for such delays into it is necessary indeed that the pipeline opening is expedited as soon as possible for the gas to start flowing and fill out the storage facilities after. so i've asked the federal government if the current gas price increase has something to do with russia not fulfilling its contractual obligations. i have received confirmation. the russia has fulfilled all its contracts, and there is no information proving otherwise me. this notion rather shows that here we have politically biased people who blame russia for anything that goes wrong. vague, we do have other pipelines that operationalize, we still have north stream one and several other pipelines that allow us to obtain russian gas. however, because the netherlands, norway are planning to cope gas production, i see that nodes trained to will be vital to increase the gases supply, but i can only worn not to further politicize. the issue of europe's energy supply
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. germany alone has made plenty of mistakes and it will be very wrong to drive to the extreme. it is not that russia does not want to supply, rather it's a problem with those countries of transit that can abuse these circumstances in july. so i would like to warn you not to mix politics and not to take advantage of this situation around by law bruce, as it may, once again, eventually lead to a discussion about the fight of this pipeline was who configured inflation is breaking records worldwide in the u k, it surged though a 10 year high with a figure far greater than any economist had predicted. is now more than double the target set by the bank of england, which had health interest rates study earlier this month. that's october. inflation of climbed 4 percent in just 12 months. it's expected to climb further up to 5 percent in the upcoming year. similar picture in the euro's own where the figures hit a 13 year record in the us. meanwhile,
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it's even higher reaching a 3 decade record of 6.2 percent. now, the raising inflation analysts have warned doing nothing about the countries. huge debt will only make matters worse. nevertheless, house demographic proposed lifting attack production cap, that critic say would have been as a $25000.00 per year tax winful. peter, from the american shoot for economic research, believes there has to be the political will from everyone to be what's necessary to qual, inflationary pressures. it's serious, it certainly is. there are 2 forces at work right now, raising general price levels around the world. part of the reason has to do a supply chain of the bottlenecks. there were caused by pen, different policies, but the other part has to do with the effects of the expansion policies that a bunch of barrows that a bunch of central bags in the federal reserve bank of england and others put in place of the last 20 months inflation is a hit backs, invest shabby one,
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but it actually, it hits the poor and people on fixed incomes, worst of all. and additionally, inflation makes it difficult for businesses to efficiently and properly offer goods and services to people. it's very serious. it's perfectly predictable unless you're a politician, that if you treat the global economy like light switch and attempt to turn an offer on it, well, even in the face or pandemic, some businesses, some industries will take much longer to recover and others. and also it's logical that if the supply of money is increased by a huge amount is small amount of time, that extra money is going to change the same number of goods and services over the economy originally drive prices up. and all of this is essentially economics, 11, there's the headlines for this our stage units when use use shoes coming away in a few moments time. we're back in often. now, with the latest join us again, a
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technologist fits perfectly well into the future, but we can't change our way of thinking in a way that we can visualize how we will things and how we will feel and how our needs will be in 50 years. so our own do our own technological devonne, things always further on than our ability to feel. it really is no thing. they cost right on police reports and all caps in december 2020 a group of anti finishes. fill out a film crew access for 3 months. so like if people, organization, if an idea that you must be opposed, channel out the gate while they may kill their faces. but they can say what they believe in. we believe in helping our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states has gotten reuben, this is
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a chance to see who and teeth are really are in order for me to exercise my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter, i have to be on to the teacher that that's how america we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in the faith as albriton half is in the hands of the jury. we're going to bring you the latest, as well as how the public outside the court room is reacting and speaking of public reaction pash, the parents have played a very key role these past few months at school board meeting. but did their display of anger actually warrant them being labeled domestic terrorist officially, or the white house in the department of justice? we will discuss with our panel as well as why it's just for the teacher. is folk out against transgender policies is back in the classroom. and president biden has acute gas and oil companies of anti consumer behavior,
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and gas prices continue to rise despite the cost of unfinished gasoline actually decreasing. but will there be actions to actually back up the president's words? well guess what will ask our expert. and we talk often on this show about the problems real americans outside of the major cities are facing and how often they are ignored. while our very own group are, is not ignoring and joined does to talk about his new series, forgotten america. i'm starting to use and we're going to give you the 360 view of these stories on today's news views use right here on our to america. ah, it's read weekend, thanks for joining us because we're going to start once again in wisconsin where it is day 2 of the deliberations in the homicide trial of kyle written house. now the jury of 5 men and 7 women will need to answer the question. did his legal team make
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the case of self defense or to john how he is alive and can show was content with the latest? john, it has been somewhat a bit of info. it looks like there's a lot more people today than there was even yesterday. bring us up to speed as to what exactly is going on there outside the courthouse? well it's definitely heated up in terms of the overall vibe in the.
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