tv News RT November 21, 2021 3:00am-3:31am EST
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as you can convert into cash quite easily. but keep in mind, no as a financial equation, better watch prize report ah ah, protest range for a 2nd night in the netherlands, april lockdown intended to reduce k with cases. several, each states have also toughened restrictions on the weekly this hour. we discussed the issue with the panel of guests. my response to the politicians is where well, you, why in your case numbers was slightly hi. hi. hi, i still just as we get one set of new rules, a new policy, something else comes out there is a lot of let the politicians do what they want. they didn't follow some of the mandates they weren't wearing mask. ah,
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and in the us rights are up to is car rittenhouse is found not guilty of homicide in the killing of 2 people that a race from justice protest last year is dividing. american society is politicians and the media rush to take sides and migrant. start played valerie, she's bored with poland after more than a week of camping on completing conditions in a desperate bid to reach the ye, ye and violet clashes with polish horses. we are witnessing so far. the largest scale attempt at crossing the border by grants. here they aren't backing down. now we can hear the approach of a military helicopter. oh, we've just been purpose sprayed. ah, hello, there you watching. are the international this sunday morning in our review. so
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last 7 days it's just gone, 11 o'clock a moscow. my rallies against new cables restrictions have turned violent in a number of european cities this weekend. some of the most turbulent protests were in the netherlands as the country does struggle with locked m as is imposed to we could go in the hay cry, it is 3 rocks and fireworks police. and 7 people were arrested or shoes. capital so or clash is to, is the country heads to a full national lockdown starting from monday. ah, ah,
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what was more then on those protests in vienna? his are europe correspondent, peter oliver. as you can see as demonstrations here, as they come into the final stages, lighting the flags behind these demonstrations coming out to say, go to the austrian government policies. when it comes to coven 19000000 climpson edge coming through the gay thea as we had to the historic historic policy here in the center, they all seen capital quite your money that they come through that with the n. as they come through that to try and get away from the crowd of it as they come with that flu going, for the most part, this demonstration was incredibly peaceful. however, there was some flash points between demonstrate as in place, things were thrown from the demonstrators towards law enforcement, who responded by dragging people out and taking them away into custody. there was
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also some incidences where i saw some teenagers starting bottles towards the place in order to try and get them to give them a chase. the reason that all of this has started is because of the actions that the austrian government is taken to try and calm down the coven, 19 problem that the country has. that was starting last monday. what was called a lockdown of the on vaccinated of 3000000 people fell in to that particular group . those that haven't either got a vaccination and can prove it, or they can prove that they've recovered from coven 19. that then escalated further on friday of this week when we well, when alexander schellenberg, the austrian chancellor, announced that from the homing monday, a national lock down will be going on. he also said that from the 1st of february, that will be well, a mandatory vaccination policy in place across austria, all should be coming the 1st country in europe to do so. that really upset
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a lot of people. lot of those that we spoke to a lot of people that come out here just behind me flaring those hollands very upset that all should be on the 1st european nation. it is put in place this type of mandatory vaccine policy. i sing, it's not the question from the government. i think it's a question for the people. if i want it, i can hear for it. but what's with the 1000000 people's? they don't like this. what's with this? we have a problem with the austrian government. ah, we, we afraid to lose all a democrat the, i am not happy with this sir, solution because sir, it's against them. the wish of people and the, and human rights are being found on, on, on the ground already or beneath, under the ground. now, alexander schellenberg, c r c,
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and johnson says the reason he did that was because his hand was forced because to many people in his country as he sees it, a fallen foul of what he calls anti vax propaganda. and that's one of the reasons he said that a vaccine uptake in austria was so low. these people low say they just don't want the government to have so much say in what happens to them, why they take vaccines. the real statistics, though are not austria is in the grip of a real biting situation. when it comes to this fault, wave of coven 90, particularly in the west of the country, hospitals are at creaking point. when it comes to taking severely ill people in intensive care units, they are just don't have the capacity to be able to cope and asi as vaccine rate is below the average when it comes to the rest of the european union. however, these people here say that they just don't agree with the policies and the way that alexander shalon bos gorman's is handled, they say you're in austria, peter, all of their indiana there will. meanwhile,
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the world health organization does continue to stress that vaccines are the most effective way to prevent the spread of cag it. early this week, my colleague kevin o, in discuss europe's toughening restrictions for the panel of medical and social science experts. the impression i get is these are serious panic measures by the politicians and i not belittling the shop rise in case numbers in austria, but my, my response to the politicians is where were you when your case numbers was slightly hi. hi. hi. i still am going up the time to i always is early and extensively. i need to stop being. i react cheap and acting on impulse because that's the worst time to make decisions. and i think that's the problem that we've got since pandemic and began we're heck is valid. titian is better. i mean, if i look at how politicians have operated throughout europe, and here in the u. k, there was a lot of let the politicians do what they want. they didn't follow some of the
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mandates. they weren't wearing masks when they were supposed to peer masks. and then they bowed to the pressures of business and capitalism and lifted restrictions very early in coalition. already real pressure because life has to go on, people have to earn a living the economy also keep taken on at some point a suppose the politicians cuz they've got their reputations on the line as well. i'm gonna say, well we, when we tried to ease up, we're trying to move forward the car. when can i? this is a failure of governance. this is a failure of the right processes. so the scientists was saying, i early act extensively and you will controlling then the economy is trashed and they say you how people are trashing the economy. what they do not want to accept is the economy is trashed because you messed up how you can to persuade the and persuaded so far that haven't been vaccinated, that it's the only way forward, it's easier than repaying. so 1st thing you got to do is advise, inform, educate, reassure. second thing you have to get that message out and that message is very
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clear to manage with cove it, it has to be a multi land operation. it was never a one silver bullet solution. it does not work with just the vaccines. i promise you times will occur. good times will come. but what we've got to do is learn the 1st law, though that's the problem. that's why the politicians of flowed right now. well, i know, but they messed it up. if they had acted a lot earlier, the world would have been in a better place. so many things to worry about gas prices going up cove, it seems to be coming back for a 5th time and it still getting mixed messages from the politician post going to happen is we head into a new year, maybe go into a 6th or 7th wave of this, well, i think there are 2 things i really want us to think about here. and as we try to push back to normal, 1st off normal wasn't that great for everybody. and so i know that all of these things we're talking about are important. we want to get on with our lives, but normal wasn't great for people to experiencing homelessness homeless. it wasn't
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great for people experiencing racism. these are things that are continuing to exist . so if we go back to normal we, we need to be careful not to go back to, to what were some sort of nostalgia. and i also think we need employers at universities. big, big places there bring in lots of people into city centers to remember that there's going to be a social return here that people are going to have some anxieties. now americans and rage, by the quickly of pilot, written eyes on homicide charges have taken to the streets in protest. a teenager had brought a rifle to a racial justice rally last year in wisconsin, and then shot dead to people. and we did a 3rd actions say that this lawyer said we're in self defense, but the wriggling has sparked unrest across the country. we the jury find the defendant mikhail avery, kyle each rate of health not guilty with
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now that the jury and handed down the verdict. it's done. the trials over written house, not guilty on all counts. we weren't sure where this was going. we being of course, the media and everybody else. it was day for deliberations. the journey from what we heard was ordered food. there was talk about maybe if there was in vernon handed down, got possibly the deliberations were going to extend into the weekend next week is thanksgiving holiday here in the united states. so in an even the chief defender that the main mark richard who has written house his lawyer, he said that they were betting that tuesday $430.00 they, they're there more than likely would be a decision whether it was on jury, whether
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a verdict was handed down that the jury would wrap up by then rest assured, this is not the end of the debate having to do with this case. it will continue to be debated both in the media, the politics surrounding it and those who support con rittenhouse and those who are, who are opposed to the ruling today. but my stunning turn of events, absolutely dramatic. and it overall trial that's been dramatic and fall nationally and internationally. he's john, he outside the court hash, then i, mainstream media have been quick to take sides and even got some facts badly wrong with the newspaper, the independent claim that written how short 3 black men, one in fact, all 3 were white. ne aski taylor looks now the trial that's divided society not guilty towards that of sparked a firestorm in the us, white nationalist and domestic terrorist across this country are high fiving had
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this person been african american all at a lead a latino. he will be behind bars tonight. we've got a pattern now. we're white. men feel that they have the right to enforce the law themselves. the child of kyle rittenhouse had america on the edge of it seat. it set up an epic clash for some, he's a bloor in order. a hero, a real american, taking on out of control, riotous for others peace. everything that's wrong with the country, a racist white vigilante. you can cute to kill no questions asked. and while the judge might think his courtroom showed the very best of american justice to attentiveness and the cooperation that you gave to us, this justifies the confidence that the founders of our country placed the many divide. it proves the opposite. that justice system is rotten to its very cool. we just witnessed a system built on white supremacy validate the terroristic acts of
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a white supremacist. this only further validates the need to abolish our current system. white supremacy cannot be reformed. a system that legitimizes vigilante murder is deeply broken. today's verdict speaks for itself. i've spent the majority of my career working to make our criminal justice system more equitable. it's clear there's still a lot more work to do. if you needed any more proof of how polarizing the rittenhouse case was, look no farther than twitter. minutes off to the verdict was delivered to hashtags that started trending. so you either with him or against him, that was no in between, especially true if he were mainstream media, they might have been short on the fact, but they shall fanned the flames of division. many outlets continued to co. rittenhouse, a white supremacist, to fight tanning up no evidence. and despite the fact that the 2 people he killed
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with both white and well, everyone expected reporting around the trial to be frenetic, desperation for the ultimate scoop per some to cross the line. i have instructed that no one from emission b c. news will be permitted in this building, someone who is following those in the jury bus. it is a very, extremely serious matter. as for the president on who's what this all happened. well, biden's a bit confused about how he feels, having initially backed the jury. i say, why would the jury, as with your system work, you have to provide one on his way home. he clearly had a change of heart and decided he wasn't pleased at all. so he put out a statement expressing his anger, but at the same time, he didn't want things spiraling out of control. after all, he's already got enough rating bashing bottles on his hands. i urge everyone to express their views peacefully consistent with the rule of law,
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violence and destruction of property have no place in our democracy. not a surprise, right? we know biden's all about healing a process. he started back during his election campaign when he posted a video about white supremacists include sing a photo of written house, but the case was too divisive, and the anger too much to stem people, took to the streets. ah, i am with 500 national guards and stand by that's clearly no expectation the coms on the horizon. we all knew the rittenhouse trial would expose deep seated divisions. but the intensity of the emotions it's triggered shows, how volatile the situation really is and how well it takes in today's america is one small strike of a match for everything to explode. saskatoon, they will,
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we discussed the case further with spite cohen he's from the u. s. libertarian party. this is actually going to stoke racial divides. and the reason it's going to stoke racial divides is because politicians and media figures are using it to stoke racial, divides kyle is white, and he shot 3 white people and killed 2 white filling 2 of them. so this on its face should not be racial, but it became racial because media heads and politicians who wanted to make it racial, have turned it into a racial incident and, and it shouldn't be. but unfortunately that's the reality we live in. is that everything on any incident that happens like this? you're going to have politicians sometimes on both sides of the argument and, and incorporate your figures who are going to do everything they tend to stokely, treat intention to keep people divided, to keep them watching, and clicking and the key people distracted from the real swindle. that's happening at the top now after a week, long standoff with polish authorities,
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many migrant leaving the feathery sea border with some already getting flights back home to iraq. but despite the parish governance tough stance, 100 to protest to sit, marched in warsaw, a supportive migrants on their border and hound at venice, t, according to the authorities to welcome them into poland. in the meantime, ne, go, she donna was at the porter this week where tensions were running hot. we are witnessing so far, the largest scale attempt at crossing the board. what the migrants are doing, they are throwing whatever rubbish they can find, as well as rocks at the police. and they are responding in turn by the use of by the use of purpose break. we are trying to stay at safe distance. i look over there, they are throwing rocks and they're trying to dismantle that part of the barbed wire. it's not clear what they're going to do if they breach the barbed wire fence because there's another one a much more solid. well, a people have been growing increasingly desperate here and are, we could see that the disenchantment that the, that there very,
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very angry and irritated at the, you know, at basically their predicament at the conditions that they have been left in. there was a dangerous, dangerous throw over there, there the group of military of polish military police who are defending the border . they just moved closer. so it looks like they're maneuvering. now they have brought a water cannon. i think they, they're bringing to water. okay. we have to move out. now this was, this was the tear gas. it looks like they're adamant to use water cannon and in a weather like this, this could be very, very serious for the health of anybody who gets sprayed ah, as for the indiscriminate use of pepper spray, i mean, they are going all out. this is true because right now i can hook skews because right now i can up usually we need to move out of it. yeah. i do apologize. it is. it is some, it is nasty. ah,
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this is the sound and you can see more tear gas more tear gas canisters being used against the migrants here. oh, it is making them more angry. it is making them more desperate. oh, looks like this, of that there is a off the aunt backing down my grants here, the on backing down. and now we can hear the approach of a military helicopter. it is a polish military helicopter. this has been used a as surveillance on behalf of the polish side. so, you know, getting a birds eye view on the, you know, and the location of all the migrants and also it, it is used as a scare tactics. indeed. part of a fence, part of a sense is almost down so. so the polish, the polish border patrol, the polish military police, they have been they have been manning that section of the fence more extensively
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than other and there's also another water cannon. now helping out from over there, people are now pelting rocks. i can see that the arno pelting rocks at the, at the security forces guarding the shack point. so now the entirety of this section of the border is a war zone. it's migrants, v, the military police. we are right now as close as we can get to the border checkpoint where the majority of the action is going on. right now you can see a group of most active people pelting the military police, the polish military police, with rocks. this is what they're doing, and we've just been purpose sprayed. i'm afraid. oh, good attentions and tempers. here they fly. very high, the migrants here they have, they have a dismantled a part of the fence and road they are going in. it looks like they're cheering. 6 1 of their rhone, that is mabel about the fence,
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so they are covering it with some plastic, probably to put to use it as a shield to protect themselves from tear gas. just look at that. oh my oh, that was brutal. they did not work at all, they're being sprayed relentlessly. right now, it seems that the polish that the polish side has, well enough, has enough people, as enough, are personnel, military personnel here to, for now, keep the migrants at bay. well, as you can see from you, go to report their conditions, have been freezing and thousands of migrants have been camping out in them along the border, hoping to get in to the ye will though. right now, only a few dozen de, remain after most of them were relocated to a nearby warehouse. okay, the vaccination point is also been set up, but despite slightly improved conditions, some migrants have been left feeling desperate to say that they just want to go back. hack, blubbered away, leave them each, and i don't have any more hope for the european union. we were sleeping in the
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forest for 10 days and they were children with us. it's very dangerous, and none of the you countries are ready to speak about this big problem. nobody accepts us in poland is using tear gas against women and children. and the you keep silence about this. poland is telling the media that we are dangerous. they seize as animals are, but we are not animals. oliver, i have failed to reach germany. and i want to go home. we've tried to get to europe 3 times and we didn't succeed. i'm upset. i saw happened at the border. i can't stay here very hard. id number. let me know the vassar. i am very tired. i don't want to try again. my family in iraq, her saying please come back when i saw poland, you steer gas against the women and children. oh, i thought other european countries would be no different men. oh good. will you, ender? say that ponens response. the crisis does break. humanitarian law am writes to asylum, while some me ye state to the accused, been a russian authorities have actually engineering events in
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a hybrid war against the block. although that has been denied by the better russian president who in turn the keys the ye with violating border laws. now we discussed the crisis this week with a number of guests who do say that brussels needs to do more to resolve the situation. do ill at ease with this thing y'all. they can only impose sanctions, but there isn't much or, or there are more many, anyway, sanctions, it's just the word. it's totally inefficient. they're really annoyed by this problem. because as you here in germany now declare that these people should not come in. it's the exact opposite of what mrs. oracle setting 2015 are v shot from best. they can go. they are fleeing the chaos caused by the united states and its european allies. they are trying to escape that chaos by coming to the one corner of stability in the world. the european union, which is greeted with a notarized fence and police and units. it really says something about the state,
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well, we are to day that we go around the world creating chaos and havoc. and yet we won't allow in 34000 people met him highway educating thought those architects and so on . we could the european union and the u. k. can absorb those numbers no difficulty . now, american sewing inflation is expected to spike further on the back of the 2 trillion dollars spending plan proved by president biden price is arising at the highest rate in 31 years and it's hitting people hard in their pockets. although not everybody is worried, much of the us mediators. thing did every think is under control. when a recent deleted tweet from m. s m b c, even kind that soaring price is not all, not such a bad thing. provoking plenty of reaction on social media. people not being able to afford groceries is a good, fair, well, and takes all of you more, more on selling us more money coming out of our pocket is a good thing. no reason will ever make a reasonable personal, say, inflation is
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a good thing. amazon this see believes inflation is a good thing, but i will wallace and curses disagree with m s m b c. followed up with another tweet saying that the deleted one misrepresented the article, it was actually linking to. but the idea that soaring coughs are a good thing, at least under joe biden, as gain traction in the media. kind of morphine got opinion on the streets of new york. whether it's mel for gasoline, the prices of every day commodities are rising. american families are being squeezed now more than ever. some voices in mainstream media say the solution is pretty simple. stop complaining and deal with it. and the dirty little secret here, willi, well, nobody likes to pay more. on average, we have the money to do so. whole household savings had a record high over the pandemic. we didn't really have anywhere to go out and spend according to m. s. n, b c. host stephanie rule, household savings hit a record high. during the pandemic,
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we didn't have anywhere to go out and spend. we decided to put that theory to the test. people savers have gone. i'm now. now i don't think so because things are more expensive and we have to buy food and do things like different ways. i don't think you save money, especially way transportation and everything. i definitely philly and facia and have more so on food. you noticed a difference like in proteins and just in general, softly wording. i don't know too much, not a great financial guy, but extern says the economy is a little bit worried. so me, us, i think a lot of people are out of work or spending their savings just to stay alive honestly. yeah. what about all the people lost their job? a lot of those people are definitely spending their savings, myself included. what rules theory ignores, is that sense the pandemic? many americans have lost their jobs or seen a significant decrease in their incomes. the federal reserve is warning that inflation won't be stopping any time soon and that we should be expecting rising prices for at least the next few months. food banks across the country have never been busier. hit with demand from desperate americans who are hit by the double
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whammy of rising prices amid a supply chain crisis. i would say that in our county specifically, we've seen a dramatic increase in food insecurity. we've had to make a lot of really tough choices. and so one of the things that we're always trying to reiterates is that we're still in the midst of a disaster. meanwhile, the specter of rising taxes hangs over many americans biden promises that he will only raise taxes on the altar while say, however, the tax policy center says that many middle class households could be effective. republicans say that biden's build back better plan for increasing spending will make things worse, joe biden, and comma harris and the rest of the administration. they don't care, they want you not to be able to fulfill up gas in your car. they want your electricity bill to be higher, they want your heating bill to be higher. of course it doesn't impact them. according to a recent poll, 70 percent of americans are dismayed by the current economic situation,
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while 50 percent blame biden for soaring inflation. not surprisingly, biden's, popularity has taken a knock. now 51 percent of voters say they favor the g o. p. giving republicans the highest lead facing the mid term in decades. biden promised to rescue the country from a crisis that he blamed on donald trump. however, over the past few months, things don't really seem to have improved with the country financially squeezed. this could mean a big turn around when it comes to the mid terms. caleb martin, r t. new york. pretty much the weekly here. now i see international thanks for company this sunday. we'll have more stories in the headlines about half. mm. join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess of the world politics school business. i'm show business. i'll see you then.
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mm. a a with i think what we find is hackers are playing the human emotions. they're trying to find the way people operate online through social media, different types of technologies, and they're using that human emotion. think about what they're trying to do today. they're trying to send emails to individual.
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