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tv   News  RT  November 26, 2021 10:00am-10:31am EST

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like ourselves, ah, ah, one rescuer was found alive pease, one of our medic, so it was 7 people right then, a small miracle after a her rift tragedy, one rescuer is found alive in a siberian coal mine after being presumed dead. a criminal negligence probe has been opened into thursday's explosion, which claimed over 15 had a new strain of covert as identified in south africa. i made fears, it could prove far more infectious than previous variance. we've spoken to the head of the russian investment found, which is overseeing the roll out of the sputnik vaccine. the new variables of course, has to be started and we need to see how the show exists and mixing site games in your area. so it shouldn't be involved and more of a monopoly, he should be involved portfolio of different extinct acknowledges on just days after the migrant tragedy in the english channel. the french president is in san
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stopped or that british prime minister took to twitter to lecture paris of the crime ah, around the conquered girls, the world. this is our to international. i'm unit o'neil than you're welcome to the news. our let start by bringing you some pictures we received a little earlier from the russian emergency services of a rescuer who has been found alive after thursday deadly mine explosion inside berea. his survival after he was presumed dead has been called miraculous. the death toll has thus been revised from 50 to 251 people. with the recovery operation, i forced to be halted because of fears of another explosion. as rude to proceed, he said, let me share some great news. while the rescue teams were working in the mind
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facing all the risks down there, one rescuer was found alive. he's one of our medics who was saving people right there. this wish him health present boulden has issued an award for the 6 rescuers, including the recovered person. the other 5 will receive pos, humans awards. all this is nothing short of a miracle. one of the rescue workers who was presumed dead as of this morning, has unexpectedly turned up, alive, reported leaving, coming out to the rescuers on his own. he was one of those 6 and missing rescuers who are declared yesterday to of night made it out of the mind when the operations was, were for to a halt. now this is obviously giving hope to the relatives of the victims at as of this point, there are now $51.00 victims. ah, instead of 52, that was initially reported earlier this morning. but unfortunately, the authorities say that there is probably not much chance that they will find any more survivors. this is wanted of a kind miracle. as a matter of fact,
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the arrestor himself is right now in stable condition. however, it's important to know just how unusual to says, especially given the chaos and the devastation that was going on in that mine. a quick breakdown of what happened is basically that almost a full day ago at 9 am on thursday local time. there were reports of an explosion and smoke spreading throughout the mine. at that point, there were 283 people working there and most of them managed to survive. one of the survivors actually spoke to us and describe the chaos of that situation. we pulled out the saw blade, then we heard a loud bang and that was it. we couldn't see anything. there was gus everywhere. those who could drop to the floor and put on their self rescue devices. those who were able to came out, and those who couldn't, didn't. now behind me is the mine where this all, and we've been here all morning and throughout the entire day,
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relatives of the victims have been pouring in who 1st of all received the final word on the fate of their loved ones and pick up some personal belongings things like keys, their cars, us some clothes, and what have you. obviously there were all the family members were all very distraught. these are the wives, the mothers, the daughters, the sons, close relatives of these miners who unfortunately died here. now obviously people want answers at this points and a criminal investigation has been launched into at what led up to this tragic accident. and already there have been some arrests made on namely the head of the mining organization, his deputy, as well as the person in charge of this particular mine. also, there were 2 safety inspectors arrested, who apparently carried out a safety inspection of this particular this exact mine just a week ago, a week before this tragic accident. now while that criminal investigation is still
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ongoing, obviously people want answers and hopefully we'll receive more of them in the near future. however, right now the thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones in this incidence. and hopefully, maybe despite the unlikely and us of it that more survivors could actually turn up by, we'll just have to wait for that. yet another highly infectious cobit strain has been identified this time in south african, the world health organization has convened an emergency meeting to discuss potential risks. one of the latest lines coming in to us as well is up the 1st case of the new variant has been registered in europe in belgium. we have been speaking to the head of the russian direct investment fund, which is overseeing the global distribution of the sputnik vaccine. he says, a range of different jobs is key to fighting the pandemic. i think it's very important to investigate because in your very out
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a so far student has shown to be incredibly effective against all of the different mutations. and we will share some good data, hopefully a little bit later on a greater efficacy against delta very and so the new variant of course, has to be started. and we need to see how bishops as exists and like seems like games in your area. but also we can really quickly about vaccine when you variant, if needed, and we believe that different counties report folio, different like seats. we see that monopoly walls and we're in a machine in europe failed to protect europe. so it shouldn't be about emma in a monopoly. it should be about or to folly of different extent. acknowledges include in russian magazines, chinese vaccines, other magazines from britain, astrazeneca is very good, and all this report folio different vaccines can countries thank themselves. yes, we mentioned the ad variant has been fine now in belgium. before that we know that it was detected in botswana, hong kong since 1st at being fined in south africa. scientists say it has an
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unusually high number of mutations and they have described this quote, the worst so far. british microbiologist, doctor simon clark outline waltz, got experts. so concert one is accumulated quite a few mutations in interesting parts of it. spike protein, the spite payday of course is so let, the virus is key on its surface. on its cut itself. a new key, essentially this version of the virus and the antibodies that are raised against the vaccines and 11 has a new section, might not work against this new version of the key. similarly, this new key might be bit more active and allow for better transmission of the virus between persons person. just because the transmit more readily does not mean the course that people are going to be sick. but if you know people, even if that sick potentially then the burden on your health service,
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your health system could be greater discussions about faxing mixing much approach as a way to maximize the effectiveness of shots is circulating in the medical community with separate clinical trials on different shut combinations currently being held in packets down the u. k. and answer by john the head of the russian direct investment fund. again, things partnerships between vaccine manufacturers is going to prove vital moving forward. we provide a longer term solution. we believe the partnership between emma and they haven't seen, and i don't know, i don't like seeing no, just put nick. so i chose, johnson and johnson astrazeneca provides a long be immune response that would allow to avoid spikes have been seen right now in europe in the u. s. because emma and they and other no vital partnership will provide full loan in unity than just them or. and they'd acknowledge we, for example, in columbus trials in argent jima showed that it's nick life like seeing increases
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into borders into cell responses. funeral, foreign magazine and times and today we had the great meeting was our chinese colleagues on the investments to think about joint water on different maybe combination of maxine, so we open to partnerships and we believe that different restrictions are based on vaccines. ah, approvals are on a different function certificate should be interchangeable and acceptable. so i think the world needs to comp understanding that it's not so much about 2 axiom brands. it's about the level of antibodies is it really matters, is sometimes very individual response of people. how quickly declines for different people. so, but really when you will decide political and broken, tearing more to a site and the war to much better a global community, you know, immunity for global community, different function manufacturers together to solve it as a big problem of the world. and on the story we're across to day,
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a war of words has interrupted between france and the u. k. falling whedon stays tragedy in the english channel, in which $27.00 migrants tried. the french president lashed out at bars, johnson for resorting to social media in to demand paris. take back those who make they dangerous crossing artie. charlotte davinsky has more history. president michael now we are having that blistering attack directly at the u. k. prime minister boris johnson. this follows i just a fuel was after we found out that the french interior minister had essentially barred his u. k counterpart from coming to a meeting over the weekend where the current migrant crisis was due to be discussed . that means pretty patel will not be there. to represent you, k as france meets other countries such as belgium and the netherlands to find out how they can stop this crisis from continuing this. all of course results following a tragedy earlier this week in which 27 people lost their lives. when they dingey
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capsized as they were trying to cross over the english channel. now, boris johnson published this letter on twitter, which was talking about cooperation in what could be done between the 2 countries that has really irked france at president mac korn, saying that, you know, this is absolutely unacceptable. this is what else he had to say. just be secreted . i'm surprised by these methods says they're not serious. one leader does not communicate with another on these questions via twitter or an open letter. well, that letter from boris johnson, the u. k. says okay, doesn't regret publishing it on a social media site and it says that it was published in the spirit of cooperation . so what did the latter say that really irked france? well, one of the things that boris joseph suggested is that british police could patrol with french police here, own french soil in a bid to eliminate this problem. and even worse, which really has put people's backs up, is partials,
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and suggested that any migrants that reached the u. k from france should be sent back. i propose that we put in place of bilateral re admissions agreement to allow all illegal migrants who crossed the channel to be returned in the situation between the 2 countries as being pretty. for now, for some time, they have been arguing over several issues. but this really mocks, a serious decline in the relations france for its part is made lots of accusations against the u. k. it says the you case bar to attractive for migrant. that's why people are risking their lives to cross the english channel. it says cache. and it for hand jobs are which are on the black market, are much easier to get hold of. and while people make asylum applications and waiting for the results that they are often given shelter, they given access to medical care and they given money such as around 40 pounds a week. this it says is part of the problem. now the u. k. for its part says look,
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we're in the middle of titling our rules at the moment. this is a law we're trying to pass at the moment. which would mean that if you're an asylum seeker and you put in a claim, but you entered the u. k. illegally that will be looked at on favorably on your application. however, there are some that said that doesn't go far enough and they called for a repeal of the human rights act. the reader of the house has already mentioned the board as will, but i fear that we won't be able to gain back full control of our immigration asylum policy unless we scrub the human rights act. now the u. k says, look, what frances trying to do is essentially, it puts in a bad situation as a result of all of these arguments that the 2 countries are having. in this post breaks period, it says prompt is going slow and not doing enough to stop but migrants from leaving . it shows on these terribly and ended treacherous conditions. it says that it seen record high asylum seekers as they haven't been at this level for around 20 years.
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and in the last 11 months, more than 25000 people have crossed successfully over the channels. it says france just simply isn't doing enough. now the friendship reacted to that and said, look, it's pretty impossible to monitor every meter of coastline in northern france. it's something like 300 miles long. they say, you know, people hide behind some deans, it says it's doing whatever it can. now they were full cause for cooperation between the 2 nations as a result of that tragedy earlier this week. but what we are now seeing instead is what is turning out to be a serious diplomatic weft. ok, let's returned to our helps to read out of the mind blasts where at least 50 people have been killed in an explosion in the central russian region of camera view, which happened on thursday at let's cross lie to chris kitchen. chris general,
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secretary of the you case, national union of mine workers. you're very welcome. miners are a tight brotherhoods, every country across the world. i would imagine this news hits. it's hard, chris, and from the outside, 50 people dead signs like there's a major failure in the emergency response. but is it a clear cut has that? i don't think it's a split coaches on it's little bit early to sure to be able to sustain exactly what's happened. i mean, obviously to the tragedy and our condolences, the family and friends, those of the tragedy lost their lives. i know mine is it is it's an inherently dangerous occupation, as, as many of them are washing, you know, every effort should be made to try and mitigate the, the dangers and ensure that that minus written whole safe at the end of the shift to the families unfortunately trudges like this do happen. and you know, we need to ascertain what happened,
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why it happened to make sure it be kept. and again, there's an agonizing wait right now for families. they've been told it could be 72 hours, 3 days before rescue teams are alive, back in. it had to be postpone due to the risk of another explosion, perhaps, and deadly fumes as well. coming from that dozens of people, chris though still trapped there, is there really nothing that can be done in such instances today? if you got to right way of the risks, descending rescue workers into a house environment, again, won't benefit. it will be to try and get people out. obviously depends on the layout of the mind the may well be safe pockets with you know, with, with people it's trapped can, can survive until the rescued and, but we have, you know, we have our history before of mine explosions where the rescue teams were sent into early and subsequently died in, in 2nd and 3rd explosions. you know it's, it's
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a house to seem vitamin and here i'm gonna fire on the ground is the last thing that you want to have just the touch on, on your answer in it before chris, we've been speaking to a lot of experts in the industry giving us some technical know how about what happens, what happens next, etc. but in terms of the human picture here, how does it feel working underground? when you know there is such a risk? is it always at the back of a miner's mind that something like this can occur? yes, you've always night at the back of your mind, yet always conscious that your safety depends on the actions of your workmates that you're working with. and their safety depends on your actions and anatomy earlier i'm so you know, you, you do your best to mitigate the risk and make sure that everybody gets home safe at the end of the shift back to the families. but unfortunately, things can go wrong. and, and thought, you know, this is one of those instances, which is a tragedy for those that seem bolden, the families in the industry,
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you know, best is of course, a british one how, how has the u. k been tackling in terms of safety? the issues around that, what have been the key lessons learned over the years and making sure atrocities that don't happen? i think that, you know, a good, a good safety culture. and unfortunately, some resistance to watch precious to, to increase production and, and reduce costs. because sometimes you can reduce cost, you can't compromise on, on safety standards in the ground environment. you have to accept the if you, if you want the coal that he's a, a minimum price the after pay for that to ensure that minus could work safely on the ground to mind the coal. that's one of the major things that said that the u. k . call industry lunt, although we'll partially, we haven't to, not that much of a calling to she left now. yeah, of course, when it is a dreadful, dreadful incident on one which we will be keeping our viewers very closely informed
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. all of us, the hours and days at go on and unfold trace thanks for your time today. chris kitchen from the u. k based national union of mine workers, president joe biden has delivered his thanksgiving speech with the message america's back. but it was far from a typical national holiday with an ongoing pandemic and inflation at a 3 decade high looking at how soaring prices have affected the celebrations. here saskatoon. this thanksgiving. it wasn't the tuck he hoping for a pardon, but the president, because at this point, the only thing that's not been hit by a patient us. i'll biden's ratings, but don't worry because his right hand woman has a slight grasp of the issue. prices have gonna yes, they have probably why come and i decided to take advantage of a walk ship to paris to drop a cool $400.00 on a single cooking pot. so much better than over paying back home. now the average
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american though decided to reuse lost his pot for this year's turkey to keep the price of the thanksgiving meal down. but it still ended up costing 20 percent more than in 2020. so maybe if they'd listen to the mainstream media's top tips, they could've saved a dollar or 2, perhaps forgo the turkey. bear with me, i know that is the staple of the thanksgiving meal. however, some people think turkey is overrated. and so it's tends to be the most expensive thing on the table. maybe you do an italian feast instead. now, if you'll shorten ideas where to buy things, your cheap italian se i recommend puppy into your local branch of the dollar tree, where every item costs you guessed at a dollar for 35 years, that is then inflation popped along. and it's now the $1.25 tree which might sound unprecedented and very, very bad. but actually, you know, inflation is nothing more than biden's enemies spreading rumors. a lot of talk about inflation. i'm nothing from you. but in general, out there has been of,
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it's become a political huddle. and while spending all your savings on a holiday meal might seem a big deal, you're really losing sight of the big picture here. they didn't really appreciate that. within a year, the bite administration has passed 2 major pieces of legislation through both of the house and the senate. now i wonder if the truck has have just been mandated vaccination amid a supply chain quizzes, an historic shortage of drivers. appreciate biden. all those who this went to were probably see their energy bills jump by up to 50 percent, or those who might have not just a cold christmas, but a don't want to people who are monitoring the electric grid are incredibly concerned about brown, out or black out and wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, in the future or now. now and yes by did, did release some next oil barrels to fight rising energy prices,
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but some think he's just covering up the real problem. his own energy policy. that's why 14 states suit biden for stopping oil and gas leases. lawmakers want him to reopen the keystone pipeline, and unions that backed him in the elections. now site, you regret it. generally, there are too many fans of his all that green thing president by whose energy policy is both weak and dom, but just is carmella has got a handle on inflation. the energy secretary knows has stopped. so don't worry. how many barrels of oil did you consume per day? i don't have it given how well things are going. it's really missile. wonder that biden's pannier 2024. we run. if you wanted to celebrate thanksgiving this year with only foods that had risen of price the last year, you could have hotdogs, she's lettuce and cookies. so even beyond the economic and financial effects of inflation. in places, roy, in the visual style,
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taxman has tremendous social pictures, role is devastating. the by the administration is far more worried about making sure the blame is cast on the previous administration as opposed to addressing the actual causes. a better thing right now would be for the government to are to observe some sort of his goal. busy and monitor sobriety and let prices or go back to where they were before the pandora. but it seems like, as has been said many years by democratic politicians are, they're not going to let a good crisis go to waste and they're going to take every opportunity they can to get the sorts of policies. busy and the sorts of platforms passed while they still can. and a side note to that story, a warning and make you a little hungry. the white high says reveal what joe biden himself, aid for thanksgiving on the menu was time roasted turkey grand mom jacob save re stuffing on an impressive array of 4 deserts, including pumpkin by chocolate chip ice cream. so no low cost turkey substitutes for the commander in chief. you'll be pleased to hear the russian
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republic of shelter stem has become the country's 1st region to require coven immunity, passes on public transport. the moods been met by some local resistance. dozens of people gathered in the regional capital chasm last night, urging the authorities to scrap the new restrictions. locals. i'll have to present a q r code showing vaccination or covered recovery before boarding a bus or train so far in russia. this only applies to counter stuff on the it's up to each region to decide on its own rules. igor shit down off reports from casa. we're in a region that has some of the strictest anti coven measures in place. and all of russia, categories and bars, have to shut down at 11 p. m. that's as visitors, to get in and to show a special q r code showing that they're immune to coven 19. without this q r code,
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all of the public transport except for taxis is off limits for you as well. and this latest restriction, well, it did not sit well with the locals. oh, i don't work with walker, but you will not have to keep opening. so complete dentures in, you know, with the winter. wonderful. so on average, across russia, some 50 percent of its population has been immunized against coven 19. but this republic, the republic of toughest on, is lagging behind with his 44 percent. so this is cited as the reason as to why the authorities have decided to go, well, quite nuclear, with measures. all included with no fellowship isn't well, it's become very hard. the pressure on the conduct has, has doubled. the 1st i conduct to must check the q r code and only then give a ticket, of course, arouse and scandals because of this,
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and there are cases of physical assault school buses. and ams have been turned into health pass only zones. the unvaccinated have been left in a state of ultimate uncertainty. so among those people who did not get the vaccine in time, all who do not intend to get one altogether. among those people, there's plenty who simply do not have a car. so commuting to word for them has become a huge problem, but apparently they have been organizing on line with the drivers who have been eager to help and give them daily lifts to work. and right now we're on our way to leave one of them. the 1st person we're about to meet is only one of almost $10000.00 members of the telegram chat drivers. and one of the passengers used to find each other. oh, well, it's not hard for me to give someone a lift because many people got into a situation where they don't have a q r code and they can't get to work and taken a taxi's extremely pricey. i picked up a woman the other day. she had to pay a $1000.00 roubles to get to work. this is
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a very high price focus. i have you received a job yourself? well, yes and vaccinated. we do usually give a lift to the same people. no. each time there is a different person. i feel sad for them some trying to say they're able to take the elderly to hospital. and sometimes there are people who can't take their kids to hospital because they have no cure code. far from every one left without a q r code are hard line anti faxes. some have medical conditions preventing them from getting vaccinated. some have received only the 1st jav of the to required and are still waiting for the due date of their next shot. others though, have more inventive reasons. yes, there thought philip, i think this should be a universal covert vaccine for the whole world. it doesn't matter what it's called . the idea is i'd be able to tell to washington or new york with his vaccine and the corresponding q r code. good. now if i get vaccinated hearing cousin, i'll receive a q r cuz it's only valid in russia and i won't be able to go abroad with it. if the w h o registers the sputnik the jap, would you agree to get it? well, why not?
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so if the certificates i guess is valid worldwide, i usually go to work on public transport. but on monday i left home and couldn't go anywhere. i had to take a taxi and the prices were really high. my car wasn't really being used. so i decided if there are people struggling, why not help someone who really needs it? but not everyone is excited about the idea of this makeshift anti vax taxi service . here with all these anti vaccination groups, only make things worse than you. it is sad that we still have covet for it to it. these are people who have nothing else to do other than to join in the groups. you have them getting a job is a personal choice. so googling baranski vox groups are just wrong. we've got local authorities have already loosened the lock down clamps a bit. people with an official medical discharge of those in between jobs will be eligible for a q r code. a change to the rule said introduced initially. when the berlin new i seen a decrease in the passenger traffic on public transport on monday traffic nosedive
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as much as 30 percent on tuesday, we had a 5 percent decrease of russia's president. vladimir putin has been repeatedly stressing that vaccination must remain voluntary. but at the cost of a very unpopular measure, local authorities here have attempted to make it economically crippling to keep a vax in free lifestyle. i'm a guest done of reporting for ot see on that is how the news is shipping up. as we approached the last weekend of november, cast the latest updates with me in just over 30 after another great program which starts in moment. ah ah, no forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings,
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except where such orders at conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. and the point obviously, is to create trust rather than fear a job. i mean with artificial intelligence, real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with ah i.


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