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tv   The Big Picture  RT  November 26, 2021 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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a trust the police, we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in with well, i didn't do anything special. i simply baffled for my life. and every person in my situation would have done the same. the 1st words that a rescue a hey, was miraculous they found alive. and if their side barian coal mine off, that being cuz the instead of criminal probe has not been opened into the phase explosion which claims more than 50. like he's trying to cove it is identified in southern africa, made phase, it could prove far more into that she has been previous variance. we speak to the head to face russian investment fund, which is a the seeing the roll out of this could make that see that the new way of course has to be started. and we need to see how the shows existed because in your area. so it shouldn't be about them or they monopoly, which would be about portfolio,
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different technologies i have days off to the migrant trying to be in the english channel. the french president is in send stuff to the british. prime minister took the twitter to lead to power the about the crisis of more details on those stories on plenty more. you can visit our website on t dot com. we'll be back in and out with the latest headlines with more on this week. chill over the turnpike and screw t, i say to grandmothers condominium, we go after last year's holiday, which many of us sat out and many who didn't ended up with coven is what's happening at the airport this week. what to expect again for christmas and hanukkah travel, and when you get there, you may be surprised by what is and isn't under the tree at the end of our grid cheese supply chain. i'm holland cook in wash. this is the big picture on
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r t america. ah, for nearly a year and a half before they sound it all clear here at the washington, the broadcast center in july. i was working at home like you might have been or still are. and when i resumed my weekly back and forth from home in new england, and after the shut down had clobbered air travel demand resumed, supply was to say the least challenged one week i went over to on canceled flights, and i sped an aggregate 17 hours on amtrak will you fair better with your next life? let's ask american airlines captain dennis tay, her who is communications committee chairman for the allied pilots association. captain, welcome aboard. well, thank you. it's
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a gracious welcome and happy to chat with you. a flight attendance. gracious announcements, always think last quote, because we know you have a choice which until recently, many did not, but things seem to be improving. when i connected in orlando last week, southwest had separate flights to dallas from gates one o 6 and one o 7 leaving within minutes of each other. so dennis, how close are airlines to resume in the schedules we knew in 2019? well, they're putting it on paper and as a pilot and the flight attendants, we are ready to roll. we saw during the pandemic, empty airports in the airplanes, and now we have the best best case scenario of recovery. unfortunately, management was not prepared for it. and particularly at american, their scheduling practices only create self inflicted wounds. and we've seen that over the summer and we're hopeful that the holiday season will go well. but it's unfortunate, it's all tied to mother nature when, when the storms hit management create storms after every airline cancels for
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weather. but getting back up and getting operation running is where american management has as failed. and frankly, we haven't seen any change. so the go with your metaphor, management is wrapping the gifts and uncertainty at this point. well, weather is always the wild card and now the help wanted sign is everywhere and that plane won't fly itself, but we're all horrified by these you tube videos of passengers out of control are the airlines having trouble attracting employees are crews now flying, wary, and have you all received any special training to cope with troublemakers? well, we are wary, it still is a rare event, but now it's happening at an exponential rate from where it was. you know, the airplane is not a ballot box. it's not a bar, it's not a crew. ship, we're traveling it near the speed of sound as to several miles above the earth and his cap. and i'm responsible to ensure that you're all safe. if someone decides to
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come on hinge, they are putting 170 other folks on my airplane at risk because i'm distracted and i have to deal with what's going on in the back versus focused on the duties on the flight deck. so yeah, our flight essentials are as part of my team when violence is inflicted upon them or anybody on the aircraft. we take it very seriously. so we've asked the federal government to step up criminal prosecution and send a very strong signal that this is not going to happen on the airplane. shouldn't happen anywhere. but if anything in that very compacted world where i can't just pull over and say, all right, get out. i've got to deal with it and possibly divert the aircraft. so we're trained in this. we're trained in safety and security even before this, but we didn't ever imagine that would be executing some of that training here during, after the pandemic industry recovery. well, not the chance that, but if you personally, had any close calls not during since the pandemic,
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i will tell you everything i've been flying has gone really well. everyone has been kind and patient, but we're ready for it. if it happens, and we're on the lookout for someone who perhaps tries the board already under the influence or try to consume alcohol on board as things we've never had that deal with before in any grade numbers. so we're prepared. but our main focus is to protect everyone else around that person and to contain that will call it's a threat to the vaccine mandates are controversial everywhere. has that tainted labor relations in your industry as maybe a very challenging i'm personally vaccinated. but i have the uncertainty of not knowing whether my, my fellow pilot is going to be here if the mandate is fully run out and there are no exemptions or limited that person at young man or woman sitting actually have been at this for 30 years. has to engage in the duties of safely flying aircraft help me do that. and if they're worried about losing their jobs with young family
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even are more senior pilots who are struggling with the choice and awaiting the exemption. this is all a distraction. fortunately, the white house fit to delay the overlay of the deadline, which is right on top of the holiday period, which is difficult enough. so we're pleased with that and we're also hopeful that they look at it and actually look at perhaps the osha way of going about it and testing. so we think we'll get there. we've got some time now, but it's another level of stress and distraction on the flight deck and in on our cabins. i fly every weekend. i recently experienced the max 800. i'm told you fly the 3 7th, have flown max. i have trained on him extensively in the simulator a we only have a handful and none of them and i had one, but it was before the the 2nd crash and we had an engine malfunction at the gate, so we never left. so no, i haven't had the experience, but you know, obviously we were very vocal about what boeing did by putting something on the
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airplane that could kill you and they didn't tell us about it. now they've got that fixed. we're trained, we're prepared. the system doesn't operate the same way. it's a completely different system. so that's why we feel comfortable offline that aircraft and it's, it's, it's shown us since it's on grounding that it's, it's been good. it's a handsome ship, seems to be the air to the 57 captain dennis tay, her thank you from that i in the sky on the supply side of air travel and as for the demand side of the equation, let's welcome back charlie lee, yoko president of travelers united a washington base nonprofit that represents all of us getting from here to there to travel regulators, charlie long time, no see based on what you're hearing from passengers grain, the airlines recovery from what was for them, a crippling shut down. well, it really depends on what routes you travelling on. sometimes the passengers say
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that everything went just perfectly and they've never been on a better flight. and other times they come back screaming and yelling and being very upset. so it really depends on the situation. the big problems that we have right now was at the airlines just don't quite have enough airplanes or crew. and this is which leading to a lot of problems for americans and for travelers, especially because they are finding flights delayed. they are finding flights cancel. now they haven't had any large cancellations since that to ah, the recent problems with southwest and with american airlines. however, we never know. and the reason is is that normally for every one person in the sky we have, we're every, a one person in the sky. we've got one and a half people back behind backing them up. and so if they don't have that kind of back up and then we'll have those kind of reserves, it will create a problem if there's any kind of delay. you know, i'm glad you mentioned that because we take
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a lot for granted. we go to the airport, we expect the plains gonna be there. they've gotta make sure it's there. they have to have a crew that is checked out on that type and that's had enough arrest, et cetera. so there's a lot that goes on behind the scenes. not all of us are flying obviously, and aaa estimates that nearly $53.00 and a half 1000000 americans are going to be traveling over the thanksgiving holiday, up 13 percent from a year ago. nearly back to those 2019 numbers. and as usual, most of us are driving. it's the transportation mode. that wobbled least during the shut down and nearly twice as many than last year are flying and bus, train and crews numbers are up nearly fivefold since last year. a charlie in your blog at travelers. united dot org. you write that stations near cations and such just aren't satisfying for many traveled junk. he's more than 50 percent of those, so you pulled the travelers. united said
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a vacation to me is going far away. and charlie, you had me day dreaming when you wrote that travel makes us human because we're connecting in person. and for how many true vacation involves international travel . now, obviously coven protocols for the long pole in the tent? where do you predict it will be easiest to visit in summer 2022. well right now i have to say that flying domestically is the way to go. because we really don't have an international, a uniform international standard yet. it's, we're closer to that. or even if we look at all the airlines, i think it's only 2 airlines that have similar sam october protocols and that's american airlines and jet blue. but otherwise everybody has something a little bit different and that makes it uncertain. and it makes it more difficult for passengers and internationally. i was just in spain. i'm scheduled to go to
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ireland in 2 weeks just after thanksgiving and everywhere has a different rule. they've got a different set of standards. and right now i'm scrambling to find out exactly what i have to do in order to get into the country. then what do i have to do to get out of the country and get back home and went, do i have to do if i want to go to a pub? or if i want to go to a restaurant, do i need some sort of a special um, a q r code or something. and so a lot of these questions are up in the air. and i think that right now, if you're planning on traveling planning on traveling domestically on vacation next year, i think that even though we've got a lot of international travel coming back, it really is not gonna be up to speed like it used to be. yeah, i think you're right and in the mean time for those of us who will be traveling, what are your tips for coping with the protocols that are still in place?
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i've got to read your ones as they have a good sense of humor and be patient and what everybody knows those but. but still what you have to do is right now. i suggest you bring your own snacks with you. because the are just as the air planes are, don't have enough staffing. the airports don't have enough staffing. we have people who are out there trying to bomb runs, stores and sell coffee and so on. there's just not enough of them. and so you find long lines, sometimes 20 to a half an hour, long lines waiting to get out of of the airport. and then other than that, you want to get there early. and even t as a right now, i think only about 60 to 70 percent of the t. s. a peer personnel have been vaccinated. and so that's going to take up more time. so you have to be ready for delays. you have to have your patience and then go through it and the problems that we have right now in terms of unruly passengers. all comes after a long day of having everything go wrong. finally, the last straw seems to be,
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they hit somebody or they get grumpy. now that is not good, and i don't, i don't suggest it any way to do it. however, i do suggest that the airlines and the asian systems should examine their systems out. and instead of just yelling at people telling a move faster, they've got to come up with some solutions. yeah, a man about sense of humor in the zen of travel. charlie ok travelers united dot org, thanks and safe travels over the holidays and thereafter fell coming up. it's beginning to look a lot like christmas every worry ago, but like everything else, supply chain, snap foods are changing. holiday shopping, what won't be under the tree? misses the big picture on our t america ah, [000:00:00;00]
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ah, with supposed to swim. so form the double membranes structures which are like sax, which capture, pushed through the cytoplasm and then deliver them to water, the incinerator of the cell, the licenses for degradation. so that's what we'll talk with. mm.
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with oh, i most years bargain hunters wait for last minute deals, but this year, with a help wanted sign everywhere from shipping ports to shopping malls. seth a better shake all leg. been for accounting and financial advisory from deloitte predicts that as vaccination rates rise and consumers are more comfortable being outside of the home, we are likely to see increase spending on services,
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including restaurants and travel. while spending on goods will continue to hold steady, a steady decline in the savings rate to pre pandemic levels. will support consumer spending and keep retail sales elevated this season? deloitte is forecasting november to january retail sales will end up up as much as 9 percent year over year. some trillion that a quarter dollars. and the e commerce we got so accustomed to during the shut down, will be up as much as 15 percent. well over to be $1000000000.00, the delta variant and uncertainty may drive more spending goods overall. and this year, despite ship shortage is tech will be under the tree. according to research by the consumer technology association, some 3 quarters of usa adults, 186000000 of us will give over 97000000000 in tech gifts this year. and when i say tech, don't just think gadgets as we are in what c t s. leslie,
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we're about calls the golden age of content. 71 percent of holiday shoppers are planning to give video games and subscriptions to services like netflix or hulu. but santa's sleigh will be loaded with what. let's ask radios, top tech talk or dave greg line, who's been bringing us into tomorrow on hundreds of stations for 25 years. dave supply chain, snap foods have interrupted, day to day life in dozens of ways. what sorts of tech gifts are stalled and then short supply the worst? well, there are a few of course that are stalled and that's kind of the nature of the tech industry . we talk about chip shortages and all that. but remember, i've always said things like, just because it has a piece of fruit on, it doesn't make it a good tech product. you know, it may or may not be that case. oddly enough, we've talked on our show
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a lot about how cars these days are considered tech products. they've probably been most impacted by the shortage. i interviewed the president and ceo afford a few years back. remember asking him if he considers ford to be a car company that makes tech, or now a tech company that makes cars. he thought about it for a 2nd. it said, when other, you mentioned a dave, i guess i'd have to consider us a tech company that makes cars. but back to your chip question a particular several tech companies have been affected, including apple, who had to lower their manufacturing goal for the i phone. and nintendo has said that they aren't going to be able to make as many switch consoles as they originally planned. any device you buy is home to a lot of chips and any of those could be delayed these days. but for the most part, you can get most anything you want in tech right now. but as we get closer to the end of december, that probably won't be the case. so things like kid smart watches,
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a real good tech item these days. they're a good bet this year. you know, you're right about the car mine as much smarter than i am now. but a, when we hear, tak, we think innovation, but i was struck because yet again, this year that the research from the consumer technology association puts t. v's, laptops and smartphones at the top of the wish list. don't we already have all those things or is demand for these items a function of, of what's available given supply chain and ship shortage? well, holland interesting that you should say that because yeah, i think for the most part we do already have all of these things. and something to remember is that if you're thinking about some of those categories, they get outdated, the fastest. and the new versions are not really worth getting many times because they're new. they're typically just last year's models with some slight improvements that you won't even notice after day one. laptops are waning in
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popularity in general because of the last item on your list. smartphones. just look at apple strategy of saying this i pad, which is basically a large screen i phone, can totally replace your laptop as a way to keep selling something extra to users. the tech behind smartphones and laptops, especially, it's certainly evolving. it's evolving so fast at the latest and greatest to day is old news to morrow. so the biggest problem with things like smart phones, the price for the high end flight ship models from the major manufacturers tend to be over $1000.00. so many people are waiting longer between upgrades these days even you holland of taking advantage of my. ready advice now with a lot more for k streaming content available, many folks have been holding on holding out, i should say on upgrading their non 4 k tvs, they're finally at a point where they can see the benefit and they're not so expensive. so demand for new 5 g smartphones,
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other consumer electronics is expected to be strong throughout the holiday season. appleton samsung are expanding their brick and motor mortar presents to reach shopper so you can expect to see a lot more of that. one of the best tips you ever gave me was when the brand new i phone comes out quick, go get the last one. they've marked it down. we're talking with the dave grave line from into tomorrow. dot com. millions of smart speakers have been under the tree in recent years. and a 3rd of those surveyed say, get this their gift shopping via alexa and google home, which seems to risk privacy concerns. dave do's and don'ts for holiday shopping via smart speaker. well, and mainly i don't recommend buying gifts using a smart speaker, i mean would you trust your speaker to get it right? if you said something like buy a samsung galaxy know 20 when half the time you ask them to set a timer and they come back with yes,
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it's raining in istanbul or i'm calling holland for you. the biggest drawback to voice shopping, which is the term actually used for shopping using a smart speaker, is the lack of a screen on most devices, which is why smartphone based assistance are the dominant usage for shopping. however, there are a couple of the big smart speaker players that have versions with screens. and that can really help most people still want to see the products they're buying. this is why i never buy shoes online. i want to put them on a walk around the store a little, hey, of back to something you said a minute ago. i'm seeing rave reviews for that macbook air, 13 incher. but it's an apple planning yet another new laptop and coming months and a wider angle shot. are there any other products just over the horizon that you think are worth waiting for? well, they are, of course, coming out. remember how we talked about doesn't matter, doesn't necessarily mean you've got to run out and buy it. but keep in mind that there is talk about
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a new macbook air that's expected some time in mid 2022. rumors are that it'll have a mag safe charging and u. s. b c port finally. but that it will not have an h d m i port or sd card slot. 2 things we've seen had laptops for years, but according to apple, that's becoming apparently less necessary. well, a santa is getting busy, dave. do you have any stocking stuffers suggestions? i do have some stocking stuffer suggestions because when it comes to tack it can get a little expensive sometimes. but you gotta keep in mind that there are so many cool things that you can then use as stocking stuffers for those folks in your life that are a tech enthusiasts. it certainly get a depend on the people in your life that are interested in that. but the cheapest kind of stocking stuff is not necessarily always tech. anyone who enjoys music and may be asking questions would probably get something some good use out of
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a smart speaker. so even the cheaper ones that only cost you about $20.00 or $30.00, like some of google, smaller ones are going for sometimes you'll find them on sale. smart watches are still popular and some are less expensive than they used to be. so if your budget allows that will fit into a stocking, it's just the price tags may not always fit. subscriptions are an option, something that you might not have thought about, a year's worth of even some months worth of some streaming service or some gaming network can be had relatively cheap. so someone in your life is likely paying a monthly fee for something, tv music, a v p n, you to without ads that sorta stuff. you can probably cover some of that cost for them as a great gift. and the same goes for credits like services for uber and lyft. it's possible to prepay some of those, keep a balance in those accounts, and certainly your gift receiver will appreciate that if you have any tankers in your life,
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the raspberry pi crew just release and improve 0 version many computer with more processing power, the same footprint and a $15.00 price tag or says just the board. oh case no power, no letters, no sd card, no adapters. it wireless chargers, another good stocking stuffer for your tech lovers. you've given me a good idea about gift cards because everything's on sale in january, so they'll appreciate you all the more dave great line. thank you again for bringing us in to tomorrow. and thank you for watching the big picture. we're going to be back. same time next week if you'll watch in real time and if you don't set your tv our to direct tv channel 321, go on the dish dish. we're channel 280. our live stream isn't youtube, dot com slash r t. america. and for plus years of my humble work as archive, did you tube dot com slash the big picture r t. all of the above and an awful lot more with all of my amigos here at
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r t america is on the free, portable tv app in the app store or on google play, or go to a portable dot tv on any connected device. i'm holland cook in washington and at holland cook on twitter. where if you follow me, i'll follow you. question more and gobble, gobble ah ah, you a tool that was bent your eyes and your post yet that it would stop you from having real friends and finding a girlfriend. but what they fail to mention is that you can make thousands of
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dollars every weekend by simply playing video getting a stacy been a couple of them for the telephone stuff with them to have a facility. georgia resume with my produce up is no longer going of course to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick with it. hang on to open up with bites the chickens to nickname, fitness to listen you bottom in this sounds of webpage, but you have to meet the booth, but even the static yet glove boy, when you mouse told me, i will do it. i don't, you mean i was at kneels, feel like you guy of the order. but i would that be cool with odd to do i was in the you is in the process of finalizing what is being called the strategic compass for security and defense. this is a shorthand for what may become an e u army. this is not a new idea,
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and there is no guarantee that will ever come about. is europe capable of defending itself in this competitive world? it really is so thing they can't ride on police reports in all caps in december 2020 a group of anti finishes. sell out a film crew access for 3 months. so like if people are organization, if an idea that you must be opposed, channel out the gate while they may kill that but he says, but they can say what they believe in. we believe in helping our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states has gotten reuben, this is a chance to see who and t for a really are in order for me, for my 1st amendment right. and say that my life matter have to be on to the teeth that, that, that's all american. we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we
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can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in with a can to so for visionaries me sophie shepherd, nonsense when human body is wise and knows how to regulate itself. but like every mechanism, even though the most perfect one, it needs a recent buddy. well, today i talked to david rubenstein, professor of molecular, all newer genetics that cameras university, and we're talking about the mysterious phenomena of the tougher g. did it so great. have you on our program today?


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