tv Going Underground RT November 27, 2021 2:30am-3:01am EST
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course, in a way is functional in a way corrupted. you know, way i, jack and the united nation does very good things. i and i plan especially work done by the world health organization and the international labor office and the world intellectual property organization. but of course, those highly political issues are, what does the security council do to preserve the piece that is actually the principal on the united nations daughter commitment to human rights, a commitment to the right to the development in all of those areas, we are limping and we're limping badly and of course human rights and we have the standards. i mean, the norms are there, the mechanisms are there what we don't have is and for the special rock will occur
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for the human rights council. they are like, and the procedure of electing the expert, if anything but perfect is extremely political. and for that reason, usually, most rockwell curves are those people who are going to told a lie in friend is just to interrupt that. we've had very good ones on this program arguably. oh yeah, actually that's a good news. the good news is we have a meals meltzer, good friend of mine. we have a good friend of mine. we have a good friend of mine, but of course they're not all independent like these 3. yes, and when they write their reports, that you obviously value and you and you mentioned that would be able to see our interviews with some of them on our youtube channel. you me, you mentioned them in, in building a just well daughter. and then their letters to governments are ignored. i mean,
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obviously julian assange comes to mind and you, you make it clear that before we, i mean, along with the importance of pace. the right to truth, you say is so crucial in bought. i bought a building a just world order a neal's melts. his letters to the british government were often unanswered. i think i'm not even sure with whether they have been answered about what torture of a journalist in this country certainly is a case of torture. both physical and psychological and a working group on arbitrary detention or rate 2019 declared the detention on the conditions in which i assange was living in the ecuadorian embassy in london. if violation was 9 of the common on say legal rights, i victory detention. i hammered on that several times when i was rock motor on
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international audit. and what the british government say at the time, they thought that we were ridiculous. that's the word they use. we were ridiculous asking this back to you about you say, to quote, perhaps the most scandalous and immoral example of the multinational corruption of the rule of law of our law affair. as regards a, as regards the sanchez case in the context of a, and this is a constant theme in the new book in your new book, the degradation of language. well, it's all really. i mean, if you thought that this isn't all, see i had a bad well, you know, see, i hear everybody was intimidated. what is thank you. we are of our age is that we're being lied to. every day. we are swimming in an ocean of life and we're happy about it. we accept the fact that cnn and fox and the b, b. c on the new york times,
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and the washington post line was every day. and i'm not saying that they are disseminating only thing. news, of course, i read the new york times, i read the work, and of course i must be important. i want to know what you're saying. the problem is that they so correct information. these are correct. sometimes 50 percent of what's really crucial to understand an issue that being the case, you are b like to those media organizations and say for purposes a space and they reply to a criticism like you just made by saying no, the fate can use problem stems from people who, who defend juliana such well, the fact is that if it was only great news generate big history, i were dealing with fake law because b, u. s. department of state of downing street
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burly. they make the law, i think all along and then they a book principles which actually are not hard law as if they were. and that leads of course, to a clash when you have a representative of the european union. hi. who is it with the foreign minister or the president of paula or of congress? they're not speaking the same language. they don't mean the same thing when they're talking about your mock proceed or freedom, or identity or culture. it is a problem when the united states wants to say, come back to the agreement on not iran. well,
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they're not speaking the same language. let's make a phrase, humanitarian intervention. i think people would recognize that i don't know the soviet union liberation of our, which was humanitarian intervention. i think you went to terry and intervention is a pretty established phrase. in the book, you explain how that, that phrase, which is meant to save lives, kills people out of humanitarian intervention. they invented a new term, which actually is pure propaganda responsibility to protect our 2 p. i seldom seen a scam, as we say, as well as that the purpose of our to p, the purpose of humanitarian intervention is not human. a terry, the purpose is regime change. the purpose is to circumvent the
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absolute prohibition of the use of force. lay down an article to a paragraph for of a u y chart. that is hard law and the your in charter. trump's all other agreements as you well know. but with this pro, i can they pick up say a strategy that say we are going to bring your mind a terry and a sister to olivia 2011. if you any kind of resolution? 1973. i mean, that was seen because what was intended was to help the population for libya and not to destroy the country. create total chaos. i not even get
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a recently functioning mammography afterwards. so here you have the emblematic case of correcting language. and you said that in itself is something that you and i both agree and we do want to help individuals. we do want to how you saw that. you saw that at the time, but russia and china can easily be blamed to for abstaining on that. they have to say to you and not security council. you know, when i spoke in the general assembly, i presented my report. that must have been 2014. and i was pushing for the idea of reforming the security council and doing away with the legal power. i actually explained that by that how you can graduate not from now the tomorrow, but gradually move away from this legal power. and the russian delegate took the
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floor and took me to task and say, look, you know, we were full by the french and the bricks and the americans. and we went along and only put in our ah, at station, ah, to resolution 970 great. they're not gonna lie to us again and they're not going to for us again. we just had i 3, if you have them though that was under president med with it. and of course, then we saw syria and we saw air strikes on the biden administration, launched as strikes on syria within the 1st 6 months of his inauguration. all illegal all illegal and our sank and normal price winner. barack obama. they came off the ground. no one has killed more people with groans and back obama, but he still are said, this is of course the kind of indoctrination that we get day in day out
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in the new york times. i mean, the washington post. this is that per section on reality, that the narrative managers are trying to impose on the rest of us. i have to get to another theme me in the book here. you talk about investors state dispute settlement systems. there was a, so of course, as honju revealed the power of corporations to subvert me in the convention. i suppose. it's particularly timely your chapters on that, given what has happened to a lawyer defending indigenous communities in ecuador, i must ask you in the, in the context right in this book. what happened with steven dawns ago, why is he in jail right though? this is again, law fair. this is a corruption of law. this is how we say a collusion between our corporate power and the judiciary. and that is not uncommon in the united states. and it's,
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it's really a matter of concern how the administration of justice and the administration of criminal justice has been hijacked by the billionaires by power and the military industrial complex. and everybody remembers it was on the 17th of january, $961.00 that my president, dwight d eisenhower warrant off america. the wear off the military industrial complex is the greatest, correct? to our democracy. nobody listen. the military industrial complex today is the greatest, shall we say, destroyer, all democracy in the united states. it's either one that fuels war all over the world. the one that while takes the money away from health care
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from education, from maintenance of bridges, you know, breakers fall into the mississippi for lack of maintenance. and why is that? because we spend more than 40 percent of the budget in the military in procurement and more nuclear submarines and more grounds versus disaster. i'll stop you there more from the author of building a just world order after this break to what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on offense, bearing dramatic development only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult. time. time to sit down and talk to you as dollars. reserve turned in the days are numbered. now they're those even the
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big line community that held up hope that somehow the u. s. dollar well remain on the world stage. but as hillary clinton, her sound points out, the coin is essentially undermining or destroying the u. s. dollar because the u. s . dollar can hold its purchasing power because it's fee of money and no fee of money over the past 300 years has ever escaped trading to 0. ah sure don't seem inefficient, mister fisher from mind that the, from the check hockey with some dinner washed them with it. and once you see that they've
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gone yet, the makisia posted in the flesh to follow them every year besides exile. i me at the, what the now there she can usually said almost i also what i'm going to put and she will continue to test once and she lives right? yes. the key moment sich, she's leeway and she shared with welcome back. i'm still here with professor alfred a zayus, the former you an independent expert on the promotion of a democratic inequitable international order and the author of building a just well do you make a recommendation that essential services should be kept in government hands? which obviously i'm talking to you from britain where everything's been privatized when you really think water, energy internet, the u. n. should, should make a global back to the essential services should be in government adds,
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as you recommend in this book. i think back if you read the comment on economics or from cultural rights, ah, you will see that stage already have an obligation to guarantee those essential services. and of course, there's no one towards mechanism. so all state's body school, the covenant on economic social cultural rights, can violate with unity. the united states systematically ignores what the human rights committee set in concluding observations, including what with regard to indigenous. i mean, you realize that the indigenous of the united states, which we call indians, although they have nothing to do with the indian sub continent, but they creased on the c u and the novels and the charities. i mean, these people not only did with massacre,
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but we stole praise of dollars all their natural resources. and these indigenous are completely, can we say this in franchise? but you say the w t o should be incorporated into the united nation system, presuming it would have to be if, if those native americans were going to get the land back. obviously the dummy deal is something britain is particularly interested in because of bricks and how could the w t o ever be incorporated into the united nation system? well, they already has an association agreement, but it is not for the secretary general of the united nations. i'm going to go back to tell the director general of appeal what to do. the same thing happens with the bretton woods organizations, media international monetary fund. and the world bank are they have a very loose relationship with the united nations. and essentially they
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work. i dance the interest again. the purpose is on principles over united nations . rather than advancing the right to development. what they often do is that they can was a male country is a little bit of money. well then you have to privatize every day. and then you have to cut the civil service and then you have to cut the investment in education and in health care. and that actually is at the source off the pass for free in so many african countries that have not been able to come to grips with it, or for that matter would allow, with that matter, with all these and demick that break out in africa regularly. because the money has been taken away from the hospital,
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you read all about it in the lancet. it's not like you have no access to information. i clearly internet is a fantastic source of information to prove that the i a mass. if i didn't, the purposes and principle of the united nations and the i m f and the dominant, you know, i was, he denied they claim that they are for the benefit of mankind to their public. private partnerships is again, pro and nothing. but let me give you a quote by, by scott la, meet the old former, the director general. if you know, he said, tracy is human rights in practice, quote, unquote, i say, oh, wow. human rights in practice. well, how about help me?
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you know, the christian men in bangladesh or the fisherman and wherever overcome the i oversee that you have by the commercial enormous fleet that just sweep up everything. the main, we say sickness of the system of human rights protection today is what i call the red herring, the wrong priority. the money is being spent for issues of gender. not that gender is not important. what is not the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd priority? the 1st priority is peace. make a and in order to have peace, you have to control arm straight the arms race. you have to make sure, because if there is so much trade in arms,
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you want to force so that they blow up the drone from a blow up there and they need new. i'm going, i've got to say that, i mean, obviously when, when countries do say they want to evade that new liberal model and not have the public private partnerships to an extent. although lately that's not quite true . arguably it's venezuela and the human rights industry. as it's cool comes down hard on them. you finish the book talking about venezuela. you probably know the president maduro believes that gold has been stolen by the bank of england here for us, john to consider the door and not even to be president. some of the put it up. so i mean, it's like a craft my lation of international law and international order international. the wrong place. daughter, they call it was that was completely within my room mate,
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an independent expert on international order. and when i, as the very 1st you and rob with her, went to venezuela, to be on the ground, to talk to everybody. i talked to the opposition to the national assembly through the chamber of commerce, who professor school students. i went on the street, i spoke with people real people. well, my report because it was not singing this song they expected me to sing was essentially ignore. and he was thanks to a colleague of yours, michael selby. green, who interviewed me many months after the report had come out because the report what he need. barrett, i eat, been a long interview with me for the independent which was then followed by interviews in your news and pass on pass, i guess your etc. but the problem is i had very concrete rec matic
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recommendations. the thing is we're gonna implemented them release 80 prisoners that i had requested right away. entered into a new corporation agreement with the f, a o with a w h o with you and hcr, etc. i brought all of the one agency, i guess, the veteran said look, you know, there are too many a lot of there and meet up roy, what do need a 2nd graphic? please help them in is when people, not the government is when i'm people. but anyway, my message was that the humanitarian crisis, if you call that a humanitarian crisis in 2007 being that this economic crisis, what i think that this economic crisis was a direct result of 20 years, all economic war waste by washington as well. and then of course, aggravated with these asphyxiating sanctions since 2015,
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it's inconceivable that up there is when i was unable to transfer funds anywhere because no back would take a look when there was a year there as well. embassy or been as well on our mission somewhere and they had to transfer money. the bank would refuse it. and with regard here in switzerland, you know, i'm both an american citizen and it's we citizen and i'm very proud to be slaves and i very much believe in our system of semi direct or 6. but even that this week, even they, you'll be yes. even, you know, the big a banks are afraid of the american sanctions, so they will not even transfer money to venezuela. we just donated in the context
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of call the 19 when with regard to cuba, for instance, an association here in switzerland collected money for cuba. i wanted to purchase then 2 layers against the 19th and ship them to give the company here in switzerland refused to sell me a story, told time and time again with sags very briefly at the end, i got to ask you, then if you are a world leader who doesn't want to appease washington and brussels. what do you do in the face of those sanctions? do you have to organize within other countries of the global south, away from the united nations, away from the un security council? i made, i made specific a recommendations with regard to a shall we say good movement. all saw countries that are
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suffering under sanctions that they should know, all of them refused to cooperate with the united states. you can bring down many a lease sanctions if there is like in the case of my gun, the and civil disobedience. if you have a mass movement that says, we will not put up with what the problem is that the european union has betrayed his own business. people as the greatest own citizens by allowing the extra territorial application of united states legislation in europe, including the helms burton act of $996.00 by the way, also adopted under a democrat, our friend bill clinton. everybody price is obama. barack obama. everybody prices bill clinton, but actually they're not much different from the republicans. they just,
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i mean they are lighter and they sell the product that prevents designs. thank you and that's for the show will be back on monday, the international. they have solidarity with the palestinian people observed as u. s. u. k armed is ready killing about athenians continues until then keep in touch, viola, social media and let us know if you think the united nation still has relevance on the global stage. ah, it really is nothing the cause right and police report is in december 2020 a group of anti finishes allowed a film crew access for 3 months. so if people organization, if an idea that is a must be of how the channel out the gate while they may come with their faces. but they can say what they believe in. we believe in helping our community. we believe
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that our fascism is one of the major threats to the united states as gotten reuben, this is a chance to see who and teeth are really are. in order for me to extract my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter have to be on to the teeth that are all american. we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in your tool. that was that your eyes and your post. yeah. that it would stop you from having real friends and funding and go friend. but what they fail to mention is that you can make thousands of dollars every weekend by simply playing video game. a little bit ago, we formed the solution that was showing a little under property with georgia resume. if i miss christina, pretty much what we do stuff is no phone of course to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick witted. i'm going to open up
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with life. so typical significant business to live near bottom. and miss thompson with webpage bentley up amongst the booth but even started yet glove voice. when you most told me i was do it out or you mean yeah. was it neil's feel like a guy of the owner without that vehicle it will still be stuck with these odd to do . i also use the postal service delivers a 155000000000 pieces of mail every year. presently 40 percent of the world's mail . right now the us postal service is in the flight of its life, and that is really bad financial shape. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put into a federal budget. there was a mandate that you're bringing $100000.00, new avenue every month. the nature of privatization in the us postal service is
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very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out a about big business in money. it's not about the public giving them the service that they deserve. it's not about quality train workers. it's about with a financial survival guide. stacy, let's learn about be allowed. let's say i'm a true i can and your great grief on banks of the site. wall street prod, thank you for helping with enjoy. 6 that's right, fill out her desk slavery with,
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with headlines here, we're not even international. a new cobit strain in southern africa, sparking global panic, prompting nations to shut down air travel without region. cases are already spreading, though the latest detected in both israel and belgium. the developers of subordinate re prepared to test the russian shot against the new mutation in the program. we hear from the hungarian foreign minister about his own country's vaccine policy and the need to put lives a above politics. there are too many countries, but considering the issues of vaccination as if it had a political order or ideology, pull nature, you know, it's about the lives of the people. yeah. well, i didn't do anything special. i said big battle for my life. every person in my
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