tv Documentary RT November 28, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm EST
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only 40 percent of the world's rail right now the us postal service is in the fight of its life. and that is reduction bad, financial shape. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put into a federal budget. there was a mandate that you're bringing a $100000.00, new revenue every month. the nature of privatization in the us postal service is very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out, a big business in money. it's not about the public and given them a service that they deserve. it's not about quality train workers. it's about with
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i want you to look in very good. look, i need smoke taking it down with big green b, y. i did chicken savage. all right. i didn't know for today. and now my property is called sleep or something. the acronym, me share often you the prayer. so others might eat a pin in clearly and the need about. so in a pace michael, they like a b, o creative, o creative and pretty good about today. oh, really expect a lot of resistance from the fast just today. i hope we're still taking a holiday. yeah. i need you to grab
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a couple of scout cards, but we got our plan. you know, we did all our, our sweeps our patrols. we got our perimeter post up. we decided to 3 people today . i take the family bank. i don't know. it's just some sketchy people are. we keep saying over and over driving by figuring probably scouts. downside is window down and everything. why? guy? white beard, real big. very good. oh yeah he back. be back with this is the flag of the warsaw ghetto fighters from 1942. i want to get a message across to the other side. a job. i don't like with
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i don't know what they think they're going to achieve. kids were current to the feet over here and you know, they want to around, they can find out i think this year has really gone more to me and millison say, we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves. i remember on a just day 3 of the protests over george, florida here in atlanta cops, a shot rubber bullets into your guys after just one water bottle. 2 toilet paper rolls were thrown. i came out there and all i wore was a t shirt over my head, and i've been made sure gas multiple times. i don't even care about your gas any more and have a permanent scar from a rubber bullet. i seen people sat on the sidewalk and beaten up, they were just still vindictive about people wanting to stand up for themselves. they turned us into this basically. and they wonder,
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she is malicious or chilling out. they didn't do anything with them. we'll see what the rest of this week for a for next week with practice on the 6th, it will be safe comment in that appreciate your efforts, man, and say so what is your protest gonna consist of? can i turn? i a lot of individuals we're talking about, i saw there and he would finish it because the jacob blake decision to not charge the officers who shot him and nearly killed him. it was released today. yeah. in front of his kid. so we're, we're planning a solidarity march tomorrow at 8, but yeah, we had talked about stop the steel if they don't show up, they show up saturday, they're not a threat to anybody from let him cry to. probably it would be the only concern,
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but they should all be in d. c. i don't like republicans, but i don't feel the need to stand up and say no to them. they can have their conspiracy theories with i do not want to see our election big 3 stolen by. i'm bold and radical democrats, which is what they're doing and stolen by the fake news media as what they've done and what they're doing. we will never give up. we will never again see, it doesn't happen. you don't do. well, i don't know. we will not take it any more. that's what this is all about. and after this, we're going to walk down and i'll be there with you. we're going to walk down anyone you want, but i think right here we're going to walk down to the capitol hill
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. you'll never take back our country with weight. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. we love you. you're very special. i know how you feel a good watch in the event of the day i have. it is wild. i know it was never going to be us. i knew it was gonna be somebody i didn't expect for trucks in florida and everything to really show out that it was all performative for back the blue. could we all know what the performative act
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that they really have never been on their side. and i do know that bed does that. yeah, he's not a bad though. it is currently 5 minutes until people are supposed to show. and i don't see anyone. mm. mm . justice matters to me and it still matters to some people in this world, even though it doesn't look like it matters to a lot of people in the united states right now. take a break, who is shot in the back and try to children and he's now paralyzed
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here. we're out here tonight. a really unhappy about that in black lives matter. really come out. we're going to have a candlelight vigil receive shows up and see what happens when you are definitely not going to storm eating capital. i just know that if i had been a part of that group that group in us, we would all of you did generate flag with the iron draw that nodded. ever capable of doing that. you according to some videos are partially went in by cops. they were betted by thomas thompson, really take itself if somebody's trying to do it, all this done, they're not treating us to say, ah, i mean, they did it because they lost a fair election on march.
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when you have an anarchist criticizing your acceptance of the election results, i mean something's going on, i've barely any respect for the authority of the state. but i do respect the democratic process because it's something that we've all agreed upon. here is something that is part of our social contract. it's residence in this country. you blatantly ignore the results from a fair election. i don't really think that anything you do is valid whether it's storming capital or standing on a street corner in protesting piece. you're a fascist at that point and if you allow them to thrive in a country, then that is nancy medical to free speech. it's medical you true freedom? i'm jewish. i have been learning about the holocaust since i was about 6 years old . my synagogue would have the 12 year olds with our presentations about the holocaust program every year. so i think i know some things that are recognizing and i haven't been surprised to 2015. the only thing that you can do right now is
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to show them that no one's going out of my league and still stuck with it as it takes a lot of. there we go. there you go. as like, mad as i am, some supporters. i'm even more mad at every single liberal. who's out there sitting on the couch right now, you know what i'm saying? like while fascist run a month. for months we've been telling people that today is becoming fascist. one. today they want we've been a d. c, before and the dc. com. soon as we walk down the street, we're all super aggressive trying to fight us, given our faces to us. you know, then their buddies come and large and all of a sudden we're out of your gas router. oh no. they pushed past present to the capital, not my fault, but you don't have to figure out who the real enemies are. so who's the jurors out? yeah, i haven't burst. absolutely hypocrisy that we have a white supremacist which absolutely are domestic terrorist,
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stormy in the capital building and they have to be running from them. but then at the advisor you have to protect it. but i don't want to pay people for assessors because yes are peaceful, but when people say that they usually and that they're not destroyed, property and destruction of property and not violence, destruction of life violence. i don't know how white americans do like, look at what happened today and i see that the them that we have and not it's not something new. it didn't happen when george boyd was murder. you know what this country was founded on with howard. i just want to support black lives matter. i got i am a
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and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successfully, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk for driven by dreamer shapes occur. some of those with there's sinks, we dare to ask, ah, oh, i saw a message from an unknown account. it had a self who with my pulse board as its profile page o, o pages of my documents, it will say also send
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a credit contract. or if i had just 3 days comply with their demands. if the, if i didn't send money i, they sent up an online hate campaign that i was supposed to be very dangerous man. or you work with you work with a white supremacist a cuz i don't remember seeing go back like a person in the capital. build it. no hands in your guys sent off bonds in nashville . no hes, are you guys a people in the streets right here in atlanta? they'll have a walk on the
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a white supremacist or above the breaker? the capital building. ah. c c c c c well, the compressor, so read somebody doing all the, the country, y'all minister arrest somebody all around black lives matter people. black. i've had people on the sidewalk, gall reginald, a premises. you're going to walk around the car in a black live matter, all of a sudden, the whole army ah,
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a in the city of atlanta, if you get arrested, your property does not stay with you in whatever building that you go to. it gets taken to a separate location. so basically we have our phones and all of our other personal belongings that we need to survive in. i'm on medication central and i won't be. and so they put my medicine in evidence of property. and when i called the arresting officer to try and get it switched over from evidence of property, he said no. so i asked him what happens if i die? he said, then you will need the medicine any more. i
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advised all of our team not to wear any of our brother here, not to bring out any of our weaponry. we just, we wanted to dress down as much as possible, make it as non threatening as possible. but they, they got what they wanted, which is master us. what happened? just a, go get a job there. you can see it. you got you got, you know, you got to got you. i got to again, got you. i came across a texas . well, do i have to guy? like yeah, yeah, i think with,
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you know, with a boring day with you guys now there's always something we're doing now. you're going to bring it to place to the events, community and events even if it's situation like that. or she was like, if you're like it was like you're just a by. she was already out of luck with her. and then he started a oh, mom i was and i like to know like what i was like, a future is off of her for
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the record, i got we charge them off your station as you'd ask or someone else, you know, we say we want to find the police, it's because they're not using the resources that they're given adequately. they're using the resources that they're given. you know, when we say black lives matter, walk down the street, 50 cops, 50 cop cars, master s. when a black one was getting beaten up on the streets of atlanta in front of the court house in front of the jail. all of a sudden can't find a cop. imagine that ever since the police were started. that's more it's ever been is i'm coming down with a hammer on the nail, had as hard as they can because they're going to beat people into submission. do what we say, or do you put your cells where you can write and think about what you did because the so that i wouldn't say i feel vindicated, that the right wing is out of the public guy because that's all they are. they're
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out of the public eye, the police are looking for them. and i don't celebrate that personally because the surveillance say is bad even went against are going to be because we know in the long run, we are still hated by the police were so hated by the government, the police law becoming after as the same way that they are the right wing people that took the terrorist actions. you know, we haven't done anything wrong. we want them to let them write a little, right? absolutely. these we just need to get an extension for this could be either putting out way more did camp go, which is now just warming my hand a piece, the sweetest thing i've seen in years, i think they're doing what they say. where is it that they're more action than just talking? and i think if all americans were more action than just talk this talk to review, struggle country and everyone in this country would be better for
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you with me. like, you know, what's happened this week? i feel most at home standing on this corner right here, cuz i use my people like the old lady at all with my 4. again, this is all. teach is 10 years old. they're sad, 7 years old, just me people. everybody's got a story and they're interesting is all about like modern community and sharing with honestly a, this is solidarity is going on. i'm dal would die. so we just got word banana on the charges were all $23.00 of us have arrested wednesday night are being drawn. ah,
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if there are active bomb threats, there is threats of arm groups coming in and here with the homeless populations or the church has reached out and asked us to go ahead and start moving them on saturday and then finishing up sunday. but somebody told you about the warning center tonight, atlanta, black lives matter, has secured a hotel for 90 people for the entire week. so the members of our group are going to be running security for that all week. you want to write to want to center. we have no confidence whatsoever in the ability of lawn forestman and the government of georgia. frank camp, the government of atlanta, keshawn, bottoms. you have no confidence in our ability to protect these people, protect the city. so we've kind of had to take it upon ourselves to try to do whatever we can to prevent loss of life over here with
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the past few weeks, the people color involved in our group had expressed a concern with black lock and the long guns and continually saying that they are uncovered, whether they don't like it. so even though it took a while to make the adjustments, all the adjustments have been made were much more comfortable now. i believe, and long guns are no longer making an appearance. i think it's very positive change that's been made with this little corner and we made it into the world that we want to see. so you can say whatever you want to say about, just come down here to my face and bring some soup with you when you call a white supremacist terrorist violent more days ago. i went into a massage parlor and gone down 8 people i believe. and his actions, he justified them as a moral justice. no one has a right to take the life. a community has been
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ah ah, with ah, an old hungarian proverb says you can't put everything under one hand. it means that the same rules can't be applied to every one. and yet this is what view to pass, signed up to when it entered the european union in 2004. today hungry is accused of all possible sins against democracy. now does the or bank government feel about its future and place in the european family? you were told it was bad for your eyes and your posture that it would stop you from
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having real friends and finding a girlfriend. but what they fail to mention is that you can make thousands of dollars over a weekend by simply playing video games with a dentist. they should been a couple of them, but as always, wanted to push in a while. so it's a little under coffee facilities originally with net, okay, much what reduce up is known soon, of course, to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick witted, hang on to open up with bites, surgical installation and fitness to live near bottom. in this santa webpage, bentley from young booth bart even started yet gala. boy, when you mouse told me my video it out or you me, i was at kneels few guy of the order without a vehicle it will still be se odd the do i also use a
6:00 pm
ah, israel becomes the 1st country to close it. borders to all foreign nationals due to a new cobit strain. the a chronic variant is already spreading globally with australia and elite among the latest to detect the case is also ahead. my son is down here in the mine as his mother. i feel that he is alive among the stories that shaped the weekly scenes of heartbreak as families more in the loss of 51 people and a siberian coal mine explosion. several managers and officials have been arrested over 30 days. disaster to protesters are killed and over a dozen injured by the french military in these year according to local authorities after an army convoy on the way to molly was.
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