tv Documentary RT December 1, 2021 12:30am-1:00am EST
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france sweden, with no results. my personal opinions, there are political motives behind this case. western countries are driven by a desire to marginalize russia politically through the o. p. c, w. they are not concerned about the health of the russian blogger. aside just on half past 8 is wednesday morning here in moscow that brings you up to date will have murphy at the top. mm hm. and there is no chemical of evolution. everything's flat bacteria is the product to 4000000000 years of evolution in a specific environment. so we,
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so in that sense where we are the lucky survivors with indigo along along gross s u . so as in savannah springs, yellowstone, we will not do very well. bacteria will do much better. now since the simple story is that the decline of the us postal service coincides with the rise of the internet, an e mail. and that story is just too simplistic. first, class mail volumes have declined and that has created financial pressure. but if you look at mail volume as a whole, particularly if you look at the parcel segment, they have grown substantially. looking at internet use, people with more use of the internet or more access to the internet tend to get more mail. ah, the role and influence of private corporations is tremendous. and their ability to shape the legal environment than really reflects their desire to limit competition
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. if the postal service lives out of the way that you think your fedex and you could charge more for what they do, if the postal service was out of the way that you think the vampires and congress could sell off all the property and all the assets the postal service has and steal that money are all across the united states. we're losing very distinguished buildings and public art that they contain major buildings at the post service owned, iconic, beautiful buildings in the centers of town. have been sold to real estate developers for not that much money. oh oh, they were designed to be among the best buildings in town, architecturally distinguished, but also the craftsmanship. oh,
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a commission for the 1st time, for small towns where people had generally never seen before, let alone public art the depicted themselves and the work that they do and their legends and their history and their landscapes. oh, it was to a noble americans who do common work so that they would know that this is part of what constitutes a civilization of all of us working together. doing our bit, i ah, the real estate portfolio which the public owns and paid for is early estimated to be worth $50.00 to $100000000000.00. so anybody who can get their hands on that is going to make out very nicely. like a bandit, perhaps in the postal service, gave an exclusive contract to the world largest commercial real estate company. cb
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ari to not only sell our property, but also to advise them on what to sell and also to meet mac property, which the postal service does on to it. so this is a very nice cushy deal now where it really gets interesting is that the chair of the board and largely the owner of c, b r e is none other than richard c bluhm, a billionaire private equity capitalist who just happens to be the husband of senator dianne feinstein, perhaps the most powerful senator in congress or by any measure. this is a rather startling conflict of interest the nobody seems to have looked into when the press is scarcely mentioned. mm.
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oh, in my own city of santa monica, i was involved in reforms that transformed that city. so that the downtown of santa monica became if not the most one of the most vibrant retail centers in all of california. and there's a beautiful post office in that set of blocks and the post service sold it to some guy who's making it to a movie studio. whereas they could have shared that space expanded the opportunity so that they would have ongoing revenue and maintain this beautiful location in the middle of town where everybody could go to it. they've moved the post office to some place on the other side of the freeway where the bus depot is it's, it's really a crime. that's an area where they postal service has not followed my suggestions at all. and i'm quite frustration about ah
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ah, in washington dc, you can go to the old post office and pay the president of the united states $24.00 for a cheeseburger i married burkhart. pacific branch, president of the national association of postal supervisors. every 4 years delegates gather to elect the officers who will represent them in washington. you need to be a service, you need to be even a little aggressive. and he has to be unafraid. that was always my expectation. 3 officers that we elected and were paying almost a $150.00 pounds. so you think those are the best. they're fighting their
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247. and so it was always a little disappointing to see that they leave right at 5 and did carry cell phones . and didn't even know a lot of the basic rules we have not elected the right people. when i 1st ran, one of the national office has told me, why are you doing this? because it was already the election happened 4 years ago. he said, all votes were promised to other people and you don't have anything to run but your skills. if our whole convention is that correct? why even have it just dial it it and promise it in the office of national secretary treasurer john, 1200, a brighter. what about a 135
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and that's why one day i want one member, one vote because that's the ultimate way to break this up. every time i mention it, so like we can't have one member ones out, we can't do that. and i said, why not legal? well, because they don't know what they're doing and i go but isn't that what the elisa said, you know the england and is that why we form this nation? and isn't that what people said in the 1800s. and is that why women couldn't vote is that white black people can vote. and so what we're doing is we're disenfranchising everybody for a few good old boy power brokers. nothing happens. and this is the tired organization with a lot of travel expenses. ah,
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a in november 2013, the postal service begins opening many post offices in staples, stores nationwide. a sign on the door closed. go to the parent who does not speak. you know, there was a contract. i like know what they get now. the contract had been so with that and if you could hardly read, ah, we took an old we were hired to protect their meal. i'm a customer to us. i'm going to say protect our mail. after 3 years of pressure, the postal service was found in violation of its contract with employees and staples close to their postal counters about big business and money. it's not about
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the public and given them a service that need desired. it's not about quality train workers, it's about the money with one of the things the postal system did was to create the expectation that a job can have reasonable hours, can have a good pension. what used to be called a middle class american dream lifestyle. right? if you destroy those jobs, what you're doing is you're ratcheting down the standard of living. you're allowing all the other employers in an area to offer less and less so that the only comparison everybody has is the poor job. the 1st largest business, but employ the most people is wal mart and the wages there are so low. but many of the wal mart employees have to go on welfare. that is, they are subsidized by the taxpayer. and what you end up having is the postal
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service, retail clerk subsidizing wal mart, in order to pay those workers so much lower wages. so it really changes the direction of who is subsidizing owned traditional 9 to 5 doesn't work in our current economy. as people are working multiple part time jobs, you may work a 4 hour day at the post office and dr. uber for 4 hours. they've tried to bring in an hourly wage people for part time, part time, hours at $15.00 an hour with no benefits, no health insurance, even though they have a ton of employment opportunities. it's hard for them to find people to comment on the spot. and then the people we do get sometimes they're, they just don't get it. they take the job is easy and it's not very physically enduring. you know, noon this past winter, it was the polar vortex. it was absolutely horrendous. we were working,
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forced over time. we're working 60 weeks, we're working 12 and 13 hour days. feel like this all 5. 0 really. con anymore. i was working with them for a plan. just wants to know. you know, well what are you still staying here until you're oh yeah. they're not by choice. but like i said, we need family needs me so i can tell myself my family needs with my wife 3 kids. oh, this is america's job. this is for the people. this is existed since the beginning of this country. there's no reason to stop with like big weather carriers. well, the most widely appreciated worker in the country. apostle workers know
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our people on the route. they take pride in being able to make sure that they're okay. we said quite a few lives all through the years. well i, i did a few more disagree. the openings here we are. i didn't do anything more than by else will. yes, she did. hero. i believe. just make sure i've been likely to the right time in emergencies and national security situations, or you're gonna deliver medicine. you're gonna deliver some anti dough. are you gonna deliver some equipment? the post office is the last hope of this country because it doesn't say well, you know, that's not very profitable. i'm not going to do it. it has a civic obligation, as well as a legal obligation to perform on behalf of the american people disappear. and if you all know that,
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but they just didn't valuable that happening my middle now i own my hit up my lap and i didn't thought it's not going to happen in echo my loan, but you didn't thought no along up there to be a well i mean i have to be licensed with sonya natal. i'm not in a conservative media spare. no energy. dallas democrats are going to bar there to the left. he was like really true. let majority of all voters say the supports universal, pre k free community college and low drug prices. so is going to far left really about the culture wars. mm. i
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think you have powers in this country that are trying to choke off the postal service and take everything it has that's worth any money. and then you have a group of people that are trying to fulfill the mission and to deliver to every address every day. the one philosophy flies in the face of the other. the way to do it is not to eliminate the delivery. the way to do it is not to eliminate door to door service is something that we provide the people all these years. if you wanna take it like foreign to people, you want to put a box up at the corner and have your mother have a walkable together mail every day. i don't think i want that. i would love to see us go the direction of the self directed more team self managed team because we're capable of making the decisions off so we could put rear fresh already, jo, forum desire commitment. that's what we want. you only
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get it when you make people part of the process so we can definitely run it in my face in for example, to come from when we ran out. they said invoice 3 and i'm facing, you know, what your thumb and every day we can do it on most of most of the oversight and the paperwork that people deal with now is just, you know, did, did mail get their own time. did you know, did that box get there? did amazon get all scanned properly? mm hm. but there's a lot of people in here that are justifying their job, which is a useless job. we have one guy that comes down just to make sure the mail gets here in time. we could check that out. ridiculous, let the post office be a pioneer again in the days of the pony express in the way that it was, but now not about reaching into the far reaches of our country, but rather into the way we organized business. every post office should
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a local workers cooperative, a group of workers whose job it is to make that institution as useful as helpful to the local community, as it knows how to be free to do that in any way it sees fit at one time they are able to offer copying services in post office lobbies and kinko's got that shut down. they lobbied congress and also, and there's a law that you can have copy machines and your local post on the postal service has its hands died by congress. for example, up until 968, you had postal savings system as part of the post office. and the banks didn't like it. even though people used it. it was convenient, it was reliable, a banks pressured congress. they closed it down in all people who said, well, let the post office go into banking. well, you know, that's not why we created the postal service. we got plenty of private banks
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that'll do bank and i think it might defuse our mission. it might open us up to a lot of criticism. ah, yeah, the postal service didn't crash the economy and steel people's pension. the postal services there provide service for that. unless the banking community has completely abandoned a certain area and there are some areas that are under backed, there are only 30000000 on bank people in this country. and they could be the source of wonderful service and communities all over the country because of most offices there is have to be built and they will produce revenue for the post. i think there's a lot of other adaptations that we could be leading the way and such as a high speed internet kiosk access to a secure online bill payment center. there's camille all across the country that
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don't even have access to high speed internet period. and there's also many people that can't afford to have these services in their home. the postal service doesn't have to pay tax on their building. so if we're going to do that, we've got to find a way to level the playing field. so they don't put the mom and pop internet cafe, a couple of blocks down out of business. this would be the government competing with the private sector. you betcha. and that's a good thing. let the private sector have a competitor to exclude the government means the private sector can do to us the customers what it wishes. there's no one else who benefits from that, not to public, not the country as a whole, but for the private alternative profit makers. that's with
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american paper. i want to be able to bring back pride and be in a postal worker. i'm proud to be opposed to work. i'm proud to be able to serve the american people. that means something that me something to me. i definitely want to see a lot of graph food to activism. people getting out there and protecting united states postal service. the letter is so parson, all the emails and the taxing and all ladies are impersonal and you know how much time and effort to take to sit down in pen something. so it means a lot more. my mom was clean out some files and gave me that picture. so i love it . i've been born to do this kind of stuff. doing his way back. been my mom a show. i was ready. i guess you plan for me to be somebody and i got the envelope printed inside is a letter for me. i want to contain you to do big things for the membership as your
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chief spoke person. and that's what i am a t spokesperson. that's what the union representatives off when that law makers. so hopefully people don't look at us like some politicians, a different kind of election so sent out way more than a 1000 of them have one more year to go with the union. and as i said, i think i'll be able to smile asleep a little better and not have nightmares about, you know, who lost the job today or who's getting written up for silly stuff or things like that. if you take it personally, which i do is say with you in a very negative type away really it wears on you get this allergic when you come here without a doubt, i say is 30 years. hey, for my life i time is going to want to drink. i'm here in our,
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in my fondest memories are coming here as a kid. and you let me sit at the counter and, you know, sell a book, a stamps, and count some change out for the customer right. i wanted, i wanted to show you that you want to treat people like you want to be treated. you treat people like you want to be treated. and i honestly have firmly believed that even though these people were doing business with the postal service, they were doing business with me. and after time they were not customers. they were family and friends. i wish fire because i was accused of falsifying a federal document misappropriation funds from the postal service which total $579.56 over 10 year period, $0.13 a day. the postal service was able to keep me out of work for $364.00 days without benefit of hey,
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or hospitalization. very trying time in my life. i know it took a big toll on him and i was about to go to college. and so he had a mortgage and you know, i know he had all his stresses on him and, and it just, it seem right. mm. and i was so happy that i how, how was exonerated the day before we were supposed to go to court because management knew they did not have a case against me. any reasonable subsistence expense that you incur as a result of official travel will be approved somehow some way from my family. my family was at the forefront, my wife, my son, and the place we lived was at the forefront. and they gave me all of my strength. i felt like a boxer who was on the campus is at 12. and somehow,
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god gave me strength to swing by arms. had i hit him and i want and i should be a man or even if at the end of the day management has to put that worker back to work with full back pay. they will have achieved something in terms of imposing discipline and control on the workforce. i can't make a statement cuz then they're gonna treat me like they treat you on hold. i did my job or he please thing, right? you should get me soon. you keep contacting me when i am talking to you, but workplace change never came from the postmaster general. whether megan brennan, or ben franklin, her justice,
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safety respect. they only ever came in small victories by employees who know their rights and fight for them. lose this thing, i lose everything. there's big price to pay. fighting the system, but you have to, you have to make a decision that you're going to do it. and it was my, my reputation, my, my livelihood. i now i have my job back after 3 very long years of struggle. i've spent almost $20000.00 on a lawyer that something i might not even get even really was his. anyone i got to be honest. i'm a boy. he had to be honest man did to because it turned out to be a better witness for me than it ever. liam tracy won her lawsuit
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management. mm. ever, how have they expect you to give up? they want you to give them the way things have been run, has stopped people from standing up because they, they would feel that they would be standing alone. and i hope to spread the message that you're, you're not alone that so. so go ahead and stand up. and let's, let's, let's, let's take this on friday with,
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a couple of them for the we formed definition of wesley with property facilities. georgia wasn't me with okay, much with his normal sooner course to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick with it. hang on to open up with the sliced chicken installation and fitness to listen. your bottom in this santa webpage bentley up in youngs, produce park even established. yeah. gala boy, will you most stormy. i'm up is deal with r o q me. i was at niels, florida guy of the owner. but i would that be cool with, with the se odd to do i also use there is no pinnacle of evolution. everything's flat about terry is the product to 4000000000 years of evolution in a specific environment. so a week. so in that sense where we are the last few survivors again to vote along
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a long process you. so as in susanne springs at yellowstone, we will not do very well. bacteria will do much better in that sense. join me every thursday on the alex simon. sure. i'll be speaking to guess what the world politics sport business, i'm show business. i'll see you then. oh, when i was just seemed wrong when old rules just don't hold any new world. yes, to shape out disdain because the advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves world warren, we choose to look for common ground.
1:00 am
ah, the headlines in our see japan and brazil report omicron infection case is making a total of 20 countries already hit by the rapidly spreading code with stripe also to come a high school shoot michigan leaves 3 students dead and 8 people injured. 15 year old is under arrest and face grow over towards a future. half of the online giant gets in the boss who's pos, comments on freedom of speech and have raised concerns. and bob adolf stitches the british monarchy to become the world's newest independent republic. we discuss which other countries could fall ah
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