tv News. Views. Hughes RT December 1, 2021 2:30am-3:00am EST
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the, the obama will union in the western continue as president by to appoint a former obama official to be the top arms buyer for the pentagon. we will discuss if a bill the plan it should be viewed as experience or just another military contractor crony. this by the pentagon is ordering a new inquiry into an air strike which killed dozens of syria. is this a target investigation into an event from 2019, while the pentagon dismisses the latest one just a few months ago and i can stand. and do you remember when a major hollywood actors that he was attacked by trump supporters, which later was disclosed, he staged at the entire event quarters. now in session on this hate host and our 360 panel will discuss in strides and a i continue to be made this time living robots being able to reproduce. we will tell you about this breakthrough science and why some believe this could lead to care for cancer. i'm sorry. i know hughes and this story more on today's news via
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hughes right here on our america. ah, thanks for joining us. it's been almost one year into the job, and president biden is still making appointment. however, why is it taking so long as many of those who are serving in the current administration are from the past when joe biden served as vice president. now the slightest bill a plant as the next under secretary of acquisition and sustainment at the department offense, simply put, he is the chief weapons buyer, which is curious, considering in his last role when he was in the obama administration. well planned over saw the acquisition of the f, 35 fighter, the casey, 46 tanker and the be 21 south palmer. now 2 of the 3 of those weapons have actually been highly criticized as highly trouble purchases. now our plant was not present
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biden's 1st choice for the position as michael brown withdrew his name from the position in july of this year. this was all following a civil service. finally, a complaint charging that brown had paid college higher than normal salaries just to attract them to his unit. this was a violation of regulation and the investigation could actually take up to a year. so discuss his latest appointment we bring in john jordan commentator and former navy intelligence officer and ed martin, publisher of pro america report. john, i want to start with you and it's ideal of why michael brown actually basically pulled his name all because inspector general was looking into another issue regarding brown wood here in brownwood, disprove of brown running the pentagon's acquisition department. while there was an ongoing investigation, my question all, this is the power i believe these independent investigator generals and federal offices. and do you feel like they're being weaponized to actually derail people's careers and cross all administration and trump himself got rid of 4 i jeez. because
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he felt like they were doing this we are inspector general's across the executive branch and federal government exists in pretty much every department they're independent. as a result, they have a lot of power and they have a lot of credibility and this type of power and credibility can be weaponized. on the flip side, you do need sometimes an independent watch dog who is independent, the normal chain of command these departments to enforce the rules and to gather evidence and sometimes forwarded on to the justice department for prosecution. so it's a good and a bad, but i think it's the most important thing here is when you hire a president appointed id or an id is hired. that would be a person of the utmost integrity. because if you don't have one or you have one that's vulnerable to the shifting of political wins, you can have political problems, can undermine the integrity of the entire process. and that was a part of the problem, the trump administration. he might appoint somebody to him, but obviously getting them through the process. took months,
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took years and in fact, probably didn't even half it happened in the 4 years. the president trump was an office. but ed, considering all of the issues with the purchases made in the past, why is the plan even being considered? i mean, should be his fault, us invested millions, actually probably billions and to problematic equipments, or should he be held accountable? well look, i think there should be accountability. that's the most important thing. but i, you know, there's a famous conservative strategist named richard vagaries scotty. you probably know him over the years. john may, he used the phrase early on, i think in the late seventy's personnel is policy. who you pick for these positions says what's gonna happen in the larger point. scotty, as you open up this conversation, was that this is an obama part 3. and we're seeing the same people remember in the white house, the number one aid on all of domestic policy is susan rice. susan rice had vetted and were hired all these people, the secretary of state, the current one, the head of the cia right now. this guy le plant,
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so we have the obama team and what do they do? they only politicize things, whether it's been ghazi, whether it's now assyria investigation, as you pointed out, they kill the family of 9 innocent civilians and just one about their day. what are we expect from miss administration? we can expect lots of payouts to the people they like. and i think you'll see that they'll use these weapons and move them around the world because that's what the obama people did. well, i don't know. how do you feel about that? i mean, do we, don't we want experience to be in these key positions or in this case, is this cronyism, considering how tight he already was with a lot of these defense contractors that get billions of dollars and back at the majority of taxpayer dollars. every budget yeah, i mean i grew a lot of what, as the saying, just to amplify out some of what you have here is one of the big problems of government, of been government and the beltway. in particular. you have these people in the difference form and develop expertise in the procurement process. and whether or
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not they have 35 or casey 46 was this guy's probably appliance, probably fault or not as kind of open debates, a murky area. but you have these inside, they are in government, then they're in a think tank or then they're on a corporate board. and then they're back inside of government again. and the democrats, they've been doing this. this goes on to the democrats and it goes on and the republicans, i do. but this is what happens when you have a governing ruling class that just lives inside of dc. that is, that is making rules for american spending their tax dollars, but it's otherwise unaccountable. and this is part of the problem. this is just a big one of the, the tentacles of the deep state is you will. and people feathering their own nest and nobody's. nobody's accountable, but it's just a in and out of government making money. well, john is like having you're out of california. i mean, you're at least you're not in the belt way now and you move a little closer town, but that's okay. we give your password once a while, but you brought a really interesting point about serious. so i want to talk about the us defense secretary lloyd austin. stay with me gentlemen, because he just ordered a new investigation into a 2019 air strike in syria,
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which actually killed dozens of women and children. now the inquiry comes after new allegations by the new york times the top american officials tried to actually conceal that carnage or alcohol which investigates the story. it happened near this fierce battleground in syria, and it's known as one of the largest episodes of civilian casualties in the international fight against isis. on march, 18th, 2019, near the syrian town of bibles, a u. s. military girl searching for isis militants like these spotted women and children along the river bank. soon after an american f 15 e fighter jet dropped the 500 pounds on the crowd, followed by another us jet which dropped a 2000 pound bomb killing most to survive. the 1st blast, according to one officer who was said to have been at a basic guitar where the live drove footage of the carnage was on his way.
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uniformed personnel were stunned by what they saw. just days after the incident, russia called out the u. s. coalitions actions in the area at the united nations study modulus. you know, by the way i spoke with, many of you today expressed your concern over escalation of pensions and id live having completely forgotten the fact that at the same time of the civilian population is dying. as a result of the coalition strikes the wickenburg, hulu as a model in the resort a new york times investigative report revealed the death toll on the ground. according to journalist state philips and eric schmidt, who were behind the investigation, the death toll 80 people was almost immediately apparent to military officials, a legal officer, flag the bombing as a possible war crime that required an investigation. the defense department's independent inspector general began in inquiry, but the report containing its findings was stalled and stripped of any mention of the strike. ah,
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us led coalition forces ended up bulldozing the blacklight and top leaders were not notified. there was an attempt to bury the incident in the civilian casualties that went with it, literally and figuratively. however, over 2 and a half years later, us defense secretary lloyd austin has ordered a new investigation entity here strike. the inquiry will include an assessment of the following things. the civilian casualties that resulted from the incident, compliance with the law of war, record keeping and reporting procedures, whether mitigation measures identified in previous investigations into the incident were in fact implemented effectively. whether accountability measures would be appropriate, and finally, whether authorities, procedures, or processes should be altered. the investigation will be conducted by general michael garrett, the commander of u. s. army forces command. he will have 90 days to complete the review of the deadly bombing, which was carried out by a secret of commando unit called task force 9. in addition to this, investigate,
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austin is looking at plans submitted by talk from interest on how to mitigate civilian casualties. in military operations worldwide. for news. let's my kevin to bring back in our panel, john joran commentator and former navy intelligence officer and ed martin publisher pro america report. john was this to inquire into the 2019 air strikes justified perhaps, you know, certainly the new york times in the investigative piece on it and. and if nothing else showing a spotlight on or whether or not the people that authorize this air strike wasn't a drug strike airstrike really complied with. all of the rules, record keeping and the protocol remains to be seen. you can comply with all of the rules. do your best work and do the best you can and still have a bad outcome. and so that's what they're really trying to figure out as compliance with the associated procedures. now the problem with this in this is one of the
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status parts of wars, collateral damage and innocence being killed, which has happened since man 1st picked up sticks and stones. but what you have, but the oftentimes you have is the, in this case the syrians are the, the targeted bad guys. oftentimes using civilians a shields because they want to have some sort of god awful story like this. because a, it makes america look bad. but most importantly, it would slow down or make less likely future strikes in the process. that would be militarily significant for them. so that so that, so we need to, to better understand what decisions were made and why they were maybe bear in mind that civilians are use the shields. and they are used as passive weapons of sorts by adversaries, such as this was interesting to bring that up because you're right about this john, that it's not always about actually what happened on the grounded the injustice. they're more about what happened in the government. that's what the new york times focused on what was going on the government, but we still have no solution, no more knowledge in that article of what we found on their investigation. what actually happened on the ground that led up and justified those questions,
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i think are very important to answered. but add the other part that i find curious is that this administration is scrutinizing an event from 21000 before they were even an office. more than they've actually scrutinized the drone strike, which we just recently saw in afghanistan, which kills 10 civilians, including children, the pentagon, dependent on found there was no laws violated. that was then when they're investigating themselves. what say you? yeah. well, listen, i mean, at this point in our history, if this was done a vacuum, maybe be differ at this point in our history. what we know is the government used allies to initiate the russia hoax which debilitated government. it was a coo and then the government, the same people that are in power now in the congress, had they had impeachment, they made up impeachment that ukrainian peacher was a joke. there were 1st impeach. i was a joke, they have a january 6 commission. that's a jo and i in other words, my point is what they're using it, they use government and media to weaponized against the american people. so the
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people should have no competence. by the way, for guy like me, i want it to be clear when you fight wars all over the world and bomb people, this is going to happen. that's why you can't fight wars all over the world because it's going to happen and it's terrible. you need to be very careful, but right now we're watching this administration weaponized their government against the people. now we're gonna have an investigation, i guarantee you they're going to come out and they're going to say so. and so, and so, and so, and so, and so did something wrong as john will tell you, he's a, he's a veteran, i'm not, you know, in war a lot of things happen. some of that's right. and some of it's wrong, you have to deal with it, but we're watching something that this administration a track record. they'll democrats or track record, the obama people is to drag the country down. one last point, the new york times didn't do an article on their investigation. they were fed a story by the defense secretary. i'm going to open an investigation right about it . if the new york times wanted to, they could have done their job for 3 months, 6 months, 10 months, where's the new york times on the drone strike in afghanistan?
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they could be doing that. and they're not because not in their interests politically. and america feels that and sees it. that's why biden's administration of popularity so low, no one, trust the media. and we're going to have to break up big tech because they're in the tank to. well and, and john, that's why it's always one thing here. real fast. yeah, the one, the one constant in this is no, find a way to blame dropped no matter what i started like what we said about blame bush playing obama now we're blaming at trump, but unfortunately, i think that's gonna be a continuous for everything. thanks for joining me, gentlemen. the jesse small, the trial is underway, but many wondering if the trial is not now being a hose for more, rather about a bigger scamp. we will discuss with
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a worn drugs, noted as a way to combat a grave problem. what's the warrant? it's part of the attitude of the nation, not just of north dakota, and it's got to be something that you could get elected. this time, the fight against drugs still good to try and shake. tom told us that andrew was competent, short foreman. this is way too dangerous for him to be doing. clearly they put him in harm's way. a rural college student doesn't interest get shot in the head and
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found in the river like that. something else had to be happening from supporters and conservative media, spare no energy. dell was democrats. are going to bar there to the left. is that really true? majority of all voters say they support universal pre kc free community college and low drug prices. so is going to far left really about the culture wars. mm hm. so any of continuing for day 2 and a chicago courtroom or actor a jesse swollen is being accused of a 6 felony counts of disorder conduct and allegedly filing a false police report, claiming he was victim of a hate crime in 2019 and more than 3000 hours been devoted to the case of 24 to 26 officers assigned. but what we now know was the attack was stage by small at as he
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hired 2 brothers. and to hate him and staging an attack. now while it told police he was attacked by 2 white men wearing trump make america great again, hats yelling, racial and homophobic slurs, including this is maga country. and they put a noose around his neck in the early morning, hours of january 29th, 2019. to discuss this case to bring in we are joined by conservative commentator mic abdul and robert patello attorney and talk radio host. earlier i think we are all we were on a, i mean that's it wasn't that long ago. and when it all happened, we had those questions from there. so let's 1st talk with you, robert. is there any justification to why small it committed this crime and made this accusation? i think it's important that we've now brought to justice to criminal mastermind, justice malay, you know, the biggest issue faced in chicago right now, not crime on the south side. and are they the other issues? but it just is just a small and i think should settle this out of court prior is happening. so payback big city from the time the officer spent on the case, i should've immediately made
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a public apology. i think this is what happens when pop culture goes too far. he wanted to have a moment in the culture as a site where he could be the victim. he could be a new spokes person for both l g b t q writes african american rights. and being the anti mag, because he saw many of their deliveries were doing at the time. and it's come back to bite him in the, in the tale. because the story was ridiculous from the beginning. the idea of a multi millionaire walking on the street to am during your polar vote for tips on chicago to get a subway sandwich. and then being attacked by 2 mags, who happened to watch empire and fox every week and knew exactly who he was and that he was a member of the l g b t community and happen to have a news with him at the time. everyone knew that i was alive from the beginning, so i think it's important that he's brought, that he was held accountable for everybody but jesse, but i think there's a bigger picture that i think was a problem with all of us. and it was the time that we were all ready at such and such turmoil as a country dealing with race issues out in the open, black, conservative. how did you view this story when it happened?
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get obviously in 1st, immediately when, after the trump support, you're a transport at that point talking about how horrible they were and where, you know, when did you feel any figured out? this is a hoax in the rest of the world. knew it. how did you feel at that point? well, the beauty of this all is that robert and i can always agree or disagree. many things . and i disagree with the robert here because the narrative was, is it just the small? it was an actual, vic? i was one of the very few of course i got a tag for, for questioning the same thing that robert said wait a minute. so he was going out at 2 o'clock in the morning to grammar way. yeah. he was then hungry. it didn't make sense from the beginning, and particularly the area in chicago where this apparently happened, this is it mag country. so the notion that he had some mag of beef cakes who were out in, during the polar vortex, you know, alpha after him, it was already ridiculous from the start, but you had not just his cast members. you have the current vice president of the united states who actually said that this was an attempted,
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modern day lynching. this was the narrative. people didn't believe just the smallest because they are all perpetuating what i like to now call the for profit race hustling industry. comalla harris did that with joe binding with her. i'm that girl when she went after him for the segregation and what we're seeing now with just the small that we're seeing, it were written house. we're seeing it all over the place and it's disgusting, but it's profitable. but it doesn't have the conversations where i get it back. i think believe it takes us farther away from actually getting a solution for both sides for the problem. that being said, what she received, you can be a lawyer in this, or you can actually look at this as a, as a citizen. why should small receive as a punishment. i'm. i'm hoping that he will come to his senses because she shouldn't have gone this far in the 1st place, that his lawyer to find a nice plea deal for him, where he can avoid jail time, pay restitution to the city, make a public apology. do community service, all sorts of things, worst case scenario, he could spend a couple of years in prison if he wants to take this all the way to the,
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to the map on this issue. and as you were saying, i don't think which will allow them to distract from the larger issues. because what we've seen the last few years is the black lives matter movement. be taken over by all these outside issues and outside group people trying to make money, make a name for themselves. and it's taking intentional way from the actual movement which has been won't be most effective in successful social justice. move most of the anti apartheid movement. and the early eighty's, but we're talking about jesus malay instead. well, there seem bring that outside you and ask what damage it is due to the conversation of african americans being conservative to at that time because you got you. okay. you got the double hatred thrown at you. well, the thing is, is that, that never in so that was back in 2019. we just had recently senator tim scott. it was trending on twitter. uncle tim, because he said that a rate america is not a racist country. he was attacked all over the black media apparatus. no one came to tim. it's him. senator scott's defense, just like they don't come to the defense of any conservative. all of these things are actually allowable if you are a conservative. so whether that's
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a condo lease arise, whether that's a tim scott, whether that's of me, whether that's or herman case, we get the, the, the, the majority of the angst. and we don't have people in media out there to actually defending us. the attacks on tim scott have been horrendous, but they're going to continue. so if it's not tim scott is going to be another melita, do lower johnson or your wrench and your inch. and people like you, but you mentioned tim scott is and elected center. you're meant you're mentioning candice or and i can't is that kind of lisa who is very well established obviously . but then you do have people that are on here and they are talking and people go kimberly classic. candice and others that have no background but are given a platform because they're conservative. they're going to see, look yours and they call it a visual again. those people actually trained and that's what it is and they, and they create it for the real people that are legitimately they are. and, and i believe me, this is also of the problem with the conversation around politics. because on the one hand, we have people like leak made the lift of the conservative luminaries. tim scott
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connelly's rights, malick or herman came apparently those, those are the leaders of the republican movement, but then you have the entertainment wink of the party. and those entertainers tend to put a negative perspective out there for the black community. so these are lumping everybody else with diamond and silk and some of these other entertainers. oh, you can't say that names. i'm you know, your friends. i can hear what you said to me. i think probably in the, in the drive in the room back there was, we were getting was, were gonna make up done. yes. you're getting a make of done. yeah. i have to admit that you made your way. governments beautiful was that you actually had to go out and actually knock on doors and be a part of what was going on in georgia. it wasn't just coming on and being a pretty face on tv and actually speaking it, you had to have actions about it. that's the difference. and i'm afraid that that was the conversation that was hurt. i've seen you out and doing stuff with in the grassroots, it's not just being a pretty face on tv. that conversation gets taken away when issues like this come up because it's like when you say, and that's what, that's what i think just the small that was trying to do at the time that he saw you know, chrissy teegan and john led to be invited to the white house,
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he saw the 2000000 people at the raised 50, like i want to be the forefront of that. and so he went too far. he sort of had better people around him and hopefully he's willing to take a plea bill this point, because otherwise you're not gonna be filming any tv shows from the cook county jail. he law, right. i just held the true them might use georgian o donald trump, right? well, how about this? if you're going to lie, have a better life, a mega turn to polar vortex getting a so boy, a more form from a condom been with them. and thank you for a delightful conversation. like y'all, scientists have developed zeno bonds. they walk, they swim, and now they reproduce. now the best part about these so called living robots is that they're actually able to reproduce scary. but researchers actually say it's a breakthrough. they can bring up massive improvements to medicine. already
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corresponding natasha suite has it more on these findings? regenerate of medicine might see a boost in technology including advanced cancer treatment. it's all thanks to frog stem cell shaped by artificial intelligence. living robots been able to reproduce might sound scary, but the thought of them being able to kill cancer cells could be a game changer. these is in a box were designed on a super computer at the universe here, vermont and in biologists at tufts university brought them to life. researchers from both uvm and tufts university were able to obtain a living cells from frog embryos, repurpose them and assemble them into new forms of life. scientists behind a creation say they were not considered a robot, nor a species of animal, for a new class of artifacts. they call it a living programmable organism. these in a bots moved toward a target and had the capability to actually heal themselves. after being cut, the findings were published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences, said he touches on how application has evolved into many forms,
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while some involve growth within the body or organism like humans. self replication is able to assemble material in their environment and turn it into functional, self copies. then a bots are able to do the ladder. once he's in a bots, find the cells they are able to build copies of themselves. joshua bon guard, a computer scientists part of the study says with the right design, they will spontaneously self replicate. so far, scientists envisioned several uses for the self replicating organisms. they believe it could be useful for searching not radioactive contamination gathering plastic pollution from oceans. and in the world of medicine traveling through arteries to scrape out plaque. but that's not all. some researchers believe these dental bots could also be programmed to kill cancer cells and make headway in anti aging medicine. will scientists part of the study believe the ai behind as an a bots might be the solution in creating a more effective vaccine for the crone of virus reporting for news news. hughes, atocha suites r t o. in the meantime, volley on twitter at scottie,
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and he has used the hash tag team and be a for the show and more download the portal that to be at for your apple or android device. they selecting have a great evening. ah ah, you were told it was that your eyes and your posture that it would stop you from having real friends and finding a girlfriend. but what they fail to mention is that you could make thousands of dollars every weekend by simply playing video, getting a couple of them for the go with georgia was me with okay, much, much reduce up is no longer gonna cause to make video games a high paying job, you have to be gifted and quick with it. i'm going to open up with life so to
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close to listening business to listen your bottom and this sounds good webpage but yep, i'm young's to do with but even started yet. glove boy, when you mouse told me in my video it i don't you mean that was it neil's feel like you guy of the owner without that vehicle it will still be se odd to do. i also use there is no pinnacle of evolution. everything's a bacteria, isn't product to 4000000000 years of evolution in a specific environment. so a week. so in that sense we have, we are lucky survivors at the end of a long, long process you. so as in sugar springs at yellowstone, we will not do very well. bacteria will do much better since the postal service deliver is a $155000000000.00 pieces of mail every year. approximately 40 percent of the world's mail right now the us postal service is in the flight of its life facility
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and that is really bad financial shade. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow, and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put into the federal budget. there was a mandate that you're bringing a $100000.00, new revenue every month. the nature of privatization in the us postal service is very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out a about big business in money. it's not about the public and given them the service that they deserve. it's not about quality train workers. it's about with a
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japan and brazil are among the latest to report on the current cases, making a total of 20 countries so far hit by the rapidly spreading code which strikes also this out with other do you guys got? is that a all sub work either for if yes, they do irritate the eyes of the throat with a little bit of tens of thousands march against military rule following last month's qu in sedan. we report from the same and the high school shooting in michigan leaves 3 students dead and 8 people injured. a 15 year old is under arrest porter. this our twitter gets a new boss who believes the online giant shouldn't be too preoccupied by freedom of speech. ah.
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