tv Boom Bust RT December 1, 2021 3:30am-4:00am EST
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ah ha said boon boss, the one business show you care the board a met brenda boar and i'm rachel lemons in washington coming after boil prices aren't thinking as the on the crime barrier theory. and in fact, with markets across the globe, straight ahead floor discussed the movement in the back end of the novel strain has been found even more nations as it is spread beyond its south african origin. both bring you the latest figures with an expert in the field and australia cracked out on social media is taking a new turn as the nation has proposed. a lot of combat online for all. got a lot to get to look go and we leave the program with another brutal day for
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markets with the dow dropping as much as 700 points. now, the reverse, from monday's rebound comes as experts assess the latest coven 19 variant. and how to respond to it. while federal reserve chairman j pal and treasury secretary genet, jaelyn also testified before congress on tuesday. paul sparked a sharp reaction from investors after he told the senate banking committee, that there is a chance that bed will speed up its plan to taper bond purchases by more than $15000000000.00 per month in the months to come. but at this point, the economy is very strong and inflationary pressures are high, and it is therefore appropriate in my view to consider wrapping up the paper of our asset purchases, which we actually announced at the november meeting perhaps a few months sooner. and i expect that we will discuss that at our upcoming meeting in a couple of weeks, of course, between now and then we will see another labor market report, another inflation report. and we'll also get a better sense of, of the new uh, the new coven variant. as well before that before we make that decision. now,
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meanwhile, the oil industry has also taken a hit both west texas an immediate and brent crude features saw drop a 4 percent on tuesday that mark there worse monthly decline since march 20. 20 countless questions remain as to how the world will react to the new variance and whether it will lead to major locked down. so we'll have a significant impact on both demand and the ongoing recovery. joining us out and discuss the latest is david towel, president, approaching capital. david, it's great to have you on the show today. now, what is your take on the drop that we're seeing in oil prices? i mean, comparing it to march 2020 raises a lot of concerns, right? certainly, if it's going to mirror the severity of march 2020, and certainly there should be cause for major concern. on the other hand, it seems like the hama kron barion is not going to be as co. and as people may have feared, it may spread widely, and therefore may lead to some,
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i'd say speed bump in, in what has been going on in the economy. and in terms of inflation and let's get back inflation in a minute or 2. but i think that, you know, therefore this, this debt is going to be short lived. i think that there's going to be a little bit of pullback in terms of travel and allowance for that. and you know, it'll have a little bit of an impact on trade because of that. but at the end of that, i think this is just something that we're gonna have to go ahead and get used to that we're going to see variance pop up every once awhile. same way that there are different strings of the flu. every winter, i am not a medical practitioner nor am i a scientist. but at this point, that's what i'd say. you know, the, the reporting has let us to believe. well, had, it seemed like, you know, in the recent months as demand was actually picking up and oil prices were rising, which gave way to rise and gas prices. here in the united states. it seems like people were begging for some sort of reprieve. an oil prices,
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and that is kind of what we got, but this is a theme under the circumstances that they want to correct. oh, absolutely. i think that the, the more important as substantive story that's going to take over very quickly from this, you know, reprieve is going to be the release of the, the petroleum reserves in the united states, which is not going to make a dent at all. biden's continued call for opec nations. go ahead and increase production. they now have actually a great reason to go ahead and not change their production, you know, at all. and we will, we will then quickly shift into what i think is an alarming concern by politicians and by regulators in this country regarding inflationary pressures. right, and i know we've talked a lot about inflation, a lot about those rising prices. and even with the latest concerns about demand,
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there are still predictions out there that oil is headed for $100.00 a barrel. and j. p. morgan is even predicting $150.00 per barrel by 2023. so how much influences opec plus have here and good. we see oil prices getting to that point. i think 150 is a big number. and certainly if you believe that is cost for a retail rebalancing of a portfolio overall. but in terms of, you know, triple digit prices, and there being a real issue between opec and those nations around the world that are very reliant on oil. it is a very, it's going to be an increasingly important issue. it will be increasingly tense. and to echo some words out of some investors that were made a couple weeks ago, you know, the, the, the, the possibility for social unrest that may come from
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a seizure in these markets is certainly a possibility. i certainly don't think that there is anyone that hoping that we get there. but this is we're at a critical juncture. and rachel, it's important to point out. this problem is not going. busy away, this is another 5 to 10 year problem, right? we're not going to get to the maximum demand for oil for a while now. until really we can go ahead and fully rely on renewables and begin to watch, you know, that peak demand in the rear view mirror. so we as a country of chosen to limit oil production, we're going to be increasingly relying on other nations for their oil. and so therefore, there is going to be cause for concern regarding a prices and therefore inflationary pressures, but also political tension as well. and david, i know, you know,
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obviously we were talking about oil here, but you mentioned it several times about the inflation as a whole here that we are seeing in the united states. obviously, as we talked about there in the intro, jap, how and treasury secretary yell and both were on the hill today, talking about inflation, talking about the response to covert 19 and all of that. i mean, what do you make of, you know, as we look at inflation as a whole, now, you know, how is actually backing up and saying, hey, when i said it was transitory, we kind of have to retire that language. what do you make of that? they're frightened, they, they certainly are. this is a big political issue. we're going into an election cycle and you know, 2 years that is going to be really important that could very well be driven. you know, at the top is the highest of lined by pricing on everything. i mean, there are no workers. we certainly so people are, companies are bidding other companies for their workers. so paying higher and
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higher prices, housing has gone to the moon in some cities, even rentals have gone crazy. and even in cities that you think like new york city where you know, the argument is maybe if there is concern about the variance of cov id, you know, most people are not going to want to be in the city and we're seeing, you know, housing prices are rentals go up 30 percent, you know, and it's just, it's, it's super fine at this point. and i don't think that there's any way to go ahead and slow this down and with the supply chain break down. and you know, who knows when that's going to go ahead and get fully resolved. there's going to be additional pressure because of supply constraints. yeah, certainly a lot of stay care and it's interesting to see power. finally catching up with the rest of us on realizing that inflation isn't transitory david tell approaching capital. thank you so much for your time and insight. thank you. bye. and as the
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alma kron variant has rattled global markets in recent days, the head of the biotech for madonna is now predicting that current cobra vaccines will be less effective at dealing with the new strain of the virus. when you're no ceo, stephan banfield told the financial times, quote, there is no world where the effectiveness is the same level of what we had with the delta variance. adding that while vaccine makers are still waiting for the opportunity to analyze the latest data with the rapid spread of the variant in south africa, scientists are telling him that this is not going to be good. now, in response to the latest very being detected in a number of countries across the globe, the world health organization described the risk level as being very high and urged member states to speed up vaccination and high priority groups. as we have mentioned on this show, some countries including the united states, have enacted international travel restriction, in hopes of stopping the spread of this latest vary. so we wanted to get
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a little more information on, on the crime. and to do so, let's bring in doctor william gesture back to a specialist with vanderbilt university medical center. always a pleasure to have you on doctor shafter i want to start with the very here. what do we know at this point? do help officials really know how bad this could be. of brent, we don't really know. we know that this virus in the laboratory has a whole string of mutations. some of these mutations suggest that this virus is going to be very transmissible, at least as transmissible, as delta, if you can imagine, and maybe even more so, then there are some other mutations that suggest it can evade the protection, at least in part of our current vaccines, that's probably question number one on most people's minds. it will take us a couple of 3 weeks to get fuller answers to those questions. but that's why the w
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h o has labeled it a, a variant of concern, not just a variant of interest. now dr. schaffner, i know that we had this comment for the ceo of modernity. got a very big reaction from the markets. but is it alarming to you considering we really don't have all of the data on this new barian? i don't like to make vaccine policy by press release, but certainly i think we need more data to securely defined the characteristics of this virus. and remember, i haven't heard anybody else say, oh, neither has the has, has the ceo of the madonna say that it will. our vaccines will be completely ineffective. there's going to be some reduction. but partial protection is always better than no protection at all. and let's remember ticket deep breath. what's out there now in every community in the united states is not up.
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our coven mutant here, but is actually delta the virus against which our vaccines do work. and we have such a large proportion of our population still on vaccinated adults, children, and many who need the booster. so as we think about all micron, let's protect ourselves against delta now. and we think those high levels of anybody achieved through vaccination actually will help us get protected against oma crump and it out after i know, i feel like every time we have you on i, i apologize for having to do that. those every single time it feels like it's this, this is going to be the new normal. we're going to be in this position where we're going to be wearing masks every where we go. we're going to have to social distance . we're always going to have to get boosters. i mean, when the we have a new variate that seems to cause so much alarm. i mean, is there any light at the end of the tunnel?
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will the light at the end of the tunnel? i think is somewhat distant, you know, every variant that's come here has started over there. it started somewhere else in the world and is only a plane right away. so as we think about controlling the pandemic, it's not just in the united states, it's around the world. we have 2 reasons for that. our humanitarian reason, of course, we want of spare as many deaths around the world as possible, but also self interest. we want to suppress this virus around the world, so that new variance don't arise and then come here. we're going to have to live with cove it. henceforth, we live with flu. we can live with cove, it there likely will be periodic boosters. and yes, from time to time, the masks will go on and social distancing will occur, particularly among the older persons, and anybody with underlying illness, who's fragile more susceptible to severe disease. now,
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when it comes to really the broad handling of the sand and mc overall, it was pointed out last week that according to johns hopkins university, death from coven 18 in the us. this year had actually surpassed the number of deaths in 2020, even with the vaccination push. how do they see that as, as happened? well, it happened because of one word, delta. all of a sudden delta came up on the scene in the middle of the summer and out ran all of those other variants that were out there. and because of it's contagious, it's simply reached more people got down to young adults down into children also. and so it actually had a very comprehensive effect. now how serious this over cron variant is that remains to be determined, but we have protection against delta,
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and we have not optimally utilized it. 60000000 adults still haven't received dose one. i don't get it, but i'm just the country doctor. it escapes me if it escaped doctor william shafter that must escape me as well. doctor shafter of the vanderbilt medical center. thank you so much for your insight. as always, the kind of talking it's off of the clip if you can. thanks so much. and i'm now for a quick break only come back australia saga with social media could soon see another turn as trolls are now in this spotlight. and as we go to break, here are the numbers at the clothes with
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you a tool that was bent your eyes and your post, yet that it would stop you from having real friends and finding a girlfriend. but what they fail to mention is that you can make thousands of dollars every weekend by simply playing video games. and you know, stacy been a couple of them for the we phone stuff. lucian, wesley, a ga, wasn't with neither can much, much reduce up is no longer going of course to make video games a high paying job. you have to be gifted and quick with it. hang on to a spike. so typical lithium thickness to live near bottom. and miss thompson, webpage bentley up in the booth but even started yet. glove boy. well you mo, storm you my video it out or you me? yeah. was it neil's feel like you guy of the owner? but i would that be cool with, with the se odd to do i also use
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better my as a survival guide, which is like, whoa, is stored safely at the federal reserve. so there you go, get it back, active. oh no, it's a recreation came where we get the rest, the 7 years a year. i've tried to report ah, is it a no no, no, no, but they did not valuable. have not been happening by middle. no, no, you wanna hit up money, not bad. i didn't thought stuff going on, luck knuckle. but i love bob. you can go along up, it'll be a well, i mean a relationship with sonya. it's
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not in that and i welcome back. australia is taking on online trolls with new legislation that will soon be introduced. that legislation will also take a look at the extent of responsibility for big tech platforms such as twitter and facebook for defamatory material published on their site. now you may remember that australia's highest court has already ruled that publishers can be held liable for public comments on online forums. a ruling that is caused some news companies like cnn to deny australians access to their facebook pages. know about these proposed new laws. prime minister scott morrison has stated, quote, the online world should not be a wild west where box and big it's in trolls and others are anonymously going
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around and can harm people. so what will this new set of laws attempt to actually accomplish? let's bring it back. so it's an investigative journalist, ben swan well to try to explain at least ben, how are these new laws going to impact online comedy, which we know so many people really rely on to get all their frustration up. well, they do rely on it. listen, it's kind of interesting because this law, which obviously we don't know the text of it because it hasn't been officially released yet. seems so far to be extremely vague. we're not exactly sure what this consists of. so here's how it would work. if someone posts something online, especially in a common section that is deemed to be defamatory in some way, right? the person about whom it's written has a right to approach that social media company, whether it be facebook, twitter, and then request that that content be removed. under this law, facebook, twitter would have to comply because someone feels their being to paint. it doesn't
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require necessarily or explain, i should say what the level of proof of defamation is. instead, if someone just feels this way it appears in the social media company would have to take it down. what's also interesting about this is that if the company does not take it down, then there's a legal court process under which the person who feels are being defamed, would be able to have the identity of whoever wrote this information revealed. and that's another thing we don't know about how much data is released with that. what kind of information goes into that? none of that's been spelled out so far. and so because of that, the whole thing, things kind of a work in progress would be a nice way of saying it. yeah, definitely more questions and answers there. and also of course questions about what is defined as a troll. i mean, they use kind of broad term, but at the same time, it also makes you wonder, could that just be someone who is being critical of what you posted. and then there's also a question of the fact that when it comes to this new proposed law, how does this impact the high court ruling we just mentioned? we're a new publisher is also considered the publisher of defamatory comments on their
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post. yeah, well that's, that's one of the big questions, right? because of the fact that the high court in australia has already ruled and said, look, if you post on cnn's story and post the comment that defend someone in very see and is responsible for that, right? because they allowed you to post it and they are now publishing your comments, as you mentioned in the lead up here. so cnn now says we just don't allow australians to post on the comments on here because we're not going to take the fall for what somebody else says, that's the natural business response to this kind of a law. what's interesting about this new one though is we don't really know how this would play out other than to say that social media companies. it kind of kills their business. if people can't talk about other people, it is a me to fame them, right? but, but defamation is a very specific legal term. the way defamation works is it requires that you are making a statement, no, really false about someone else. that's the 1st part. and that you have the power
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to actually cause harm to them. so just the average person saying something about someone else does not necessarily have the power to change anything or to, to affect them. and that was the last thing i'd say about that is, what's interesting is this law doesn't seem to necessarily include those who do have power. so for instance, facebook fact checkers when they say that a journalist or somebody is not telling the truth, is that considered defamation, where they have to unmask who those fact checkers are, or is this only apply to the average person who's posting? again, don't know the answer to that question. say, because you have to wonder how far this goes. because if i go and post on a ben swan post and i say, you know, he's not as handsome as he thinks he is. i just have to wonder, is that maybe if that defaming been or is it just alive? yes, boom bus beds. why? right? and the question is, are you harming me in some way? it's interesting to scott morrison. the prime minister use the term that he can't me the wild west where people are, you know, going around these, he called them bigots and bots going around and harming people. the question is,
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what is deemed as harm? and that's again, a legal term. what is the harm that's done when bridge of war says, i know i'm better looking than been swimming and the internet agrees with you that doesn't necessarily harm you, maybe my ego, but is it actually hard my life? no, it doesn't actually harm. i know a little bit it would boom bus benson. thank you so much. i think that and finally, long before i'm a crown was the latest variant of coping 19. it was just another letter in the greek alphabet, and it was also the name of the crypto currency and has it right. all of the publicity sent the token on quite the roller coaster this week. it was worth just $65.00 on thursday, then shot up to $688.00 on monday morning before then falling 75 percent. so joining us now to discuss the latest coast, christy i. now, christy, what do we know about this crypto currency? yeah, we know it's just the fact that it was a complete flute that the crypto 1st had the name on the crown was the rather
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obscure. and it could currency when the twitter feed had a little more than a 1000 active followers. now the cut the currency, which is picker o m, i see that the be centralized treasury back crypto currency protocol. and according to coin market cap, it started trading on november 8th without a traditional ikea or idea or any sort of pre sale. and the point of this crypto is to eventually function as a global unit of account, a medium of exchange currency. and it was actually a for off of the olympics on the arbitrage network. and the team is primarily anonymous, like most dowser decentralized atomic bodies these days. and obviously, christie, the google searches for the word out of crime. we're skyrocketing over the last few days as this all this news broke. so how does it actually translate into interest into a crypto currency? well, the same thing actually happened with ave, a few months back that we talked about all day is one of the top 50 criptos. but interesting sort of very suddenly,
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one day because the hash tag was trending on twitter. and because the crypto markets are now like the equity markets in that there are a lot of bonds in august, i pick up on these key words and hashtags on twitter and google read it. but unfortunately, these bots are not that smart and cannot differentiate the context of these hash tags. so in always case, that hash i was trying to on twitter because it stood for african american vernacular, english, and people were talking about that. but the boss interpreted ave decline, and then went and started buying spree and pumping the coin up, thinking that there was high interest and bullish sentiment behind that name. and now the very thing things seem to have happened to o m i c. and i'm very sure some savvy traders jumped onto the mean as soon as they fall, a lot of the bots mistakenly pick up on that name. so usually the owners of these are their quick to realize their mistake and they reversed that trade. but in, on my case, retail mean traders started adding fuel to the fire and the rally lasted more than a few days before eventually crushing back down. so interest really died because
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literally no one knew what they were trading. they didn't know what, oh me call the crypto does and what its function is, who built it. there's actually no literature even published about it. so it was literally a mean that flew up because the boss picked it up by accident. chris, the, i'm sorry to yes or no you hear because i know you're very savvy crypto enthusiast and analysts. the question is, did you know about this before today? unfortunately, know what you learned about it with all of the areas i visit the most alert thing ever like with coin and truly is we will keep falling this when to see where it goes. the i thank you so much for your time. thank you, and that's it for the time you get school bus on demand on the portable tv app available at smartphones, tablets or google play the apple app store by searching portable tv. portable tv can also be downloaded on samsung, smart tv, and roku devices, or simply check out affordable dot tv. we'll see you next time
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. blue a worn drugs noted as a way to combat a grave problem. what's the warrant? it's part of the attitude of the nation and not just of north dakota and it got to be something that you could get elected. this time the fight against drugs still good to try. and jake told us that andrew was competent short form is way too dangerous for him to be doing. clearly they put him in harm's way. a rural college student does interest get shot in the head and found in the river like that something else had to be happening.
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i look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence at the point, obviously is to rate trust rather than fear i would like to take on various jobs with artificial intelligence. real summoning with a robot must protect its own existence with the postal service delivers a 155000000000 pieces of mail every year. presently 40 percent of the world's mail
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right now the us postal service is in the fight of its life history. that is really bad financial shape. now facing default, the postal service is a cash cow and there was a way to pull money out of the postal service to put in the federal budget. there was a mandate that you're bringing $100000.00, new revenue every month. the nature of privatization and the us postal service is very much hidden from public view. it's privatization from the inside out a about big business in money. it's not about the public and given them the service that they deserve. it's not about quality trade work there. it's about with
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the headlines, naughty japan in brazil, or among the latest to report or maternal case is making a tight to 20 countries say fall hit by the rapidly spreading code. which stripe is another. dia, god, god, has the they are somewhat to see the effect of yes they, they do irritate the eyes and the little bit also the south tens of thousands march against military rule following last month's co in sedan. we report from the scene and the high school shooting in michigan leaves 3 seats instead, and people injured. a 15 year old is under arrest plus and put up get some info. so you believe that the online giant shouldn't be too preoccupied by freedom of speech .
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